CSI Response.1
CSI Response.1
CSI Response.1
AP Literature
November 15, 2013
In the play, Hamlet, Shakespeare presents King Claudius as a condescending man worried about
threats to his newfound position of power as he accepts the throne of the late King Hamlet. Indications as to
this pretentious nature are evident in the first interaction between Claudius and his nephew, and now son,
Hamlet. When Hamlet appears in the chamber, clothed in mourning colors, Claudius greets him in an almost
patronizing manner as is highlighted by the quick transition in the tone of Claudius’s words which are used to
address Hamlet. Although Claudius initially refers to Hamlet’s mourning as “sweet and commendable,” his
words quickly adopt an undercurrent of insults. This transition is indicated by the word “but” which signifies
Claudius’s intent to expound upon the nature of Hamlet’s grief. Claudius assails Hamlet with a barrage of
insults, the words and phrases he uses all having a clear condescending connotation. Insulting phrases such as
“impious stubbornness,” “unmanly grief,” and “a heart unfortified” collectively imply that Hamlet is simply a
child who will not accept consolation and who is too stubborn and uneducated to recognize and change his
behavior. Claudius’s scorn is clear in his words and it may be assumed that such harsh language is delivered
with the intent to validate his own position as king. The complex situation that has denied Hamlet rights to his
father’s throne prompts Claudius to emasculate his new son and protect his own interests. This self-serving
aspect of Claudius’s character is also evident later in the passage when he states to Hamlet that his going back
to Wittenberg “is most retrograde to our desire, and we beseech you to remain.” In addressing Hamlet in such
a calm and falsely placating tone, Claudius is once again establishing his own power, although in a much more
subtle manner. His use of the word “beseech” is ironic considering it is a veiled order that Hamlet is not to
leave Denmark. Although Claudius begins and ends his communication with seemingly pleasant words, this
only serves as a weak attempt to obscure the underlying malice. The condescending tone incorporated
throughout his speech and the weakly veiled intimidation highlight Claudius’s cruel and self-serving nature as
he attempts to undermine Hamlet’s position as he is the only other potential successor to the throne.