CHEE 3462 Unit Operations: Spring 2013

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CHEE 3462 Unit Operations

Spring 2013
Homework #8, Due Tuesday April 23, 2013

Problem 1.

Given: Table of particle-size distribution for perfect spheres of silica of size from 1 to almost 100

Analysis: The equations for Part (b) are as follows by calculations using the spreadsheet values on the
next page for the sums:

, 1
∑ ,

(1) Surface mean diameter from solution to Exercise 17.4:

1 1 1
∑ , ∑∑
, ∑ ,

N D
i pi
5, 680,872
DS  i 1
  25.6 microns
N D
2 222, 058
i pi
i 1

(2) Arithmetic-mean diameter from (17-9):

N D i pi
12, 256
DN  i 1
  12.2 microns
1, 000
i 1
(3) Mass-mean diameter from solution to Exercise 17.4:

, , ,

N D
i pi
190, 270, 428
DW  i 1
  33.5 microns
N D
3 5, 680,872
i pi
i 1

(4) Volume-mean diameter for (17-14):

1/ 3
 n 
  N i D pi
  5, 680,872 
1/ 3

DV   i 1 n     17.8 microns
   1, 000 
  Ni 
 i 1 

Problem 2. Continuous vacuum crystallization of MgSO4.

Given: Feed to the crystallizer consisting of a mixture of 5,870 lb/h of aqueous 35 wt% MgSO4 at 180oF
and 25 psia as a concentrate from an evaporator, and 10,500 lb/h of saturated aqueous recycle filtrate of
MgSO4 at 80oF and 25 psia. The vacuum crystallizer operates at 85oF and 0.58 psia to produce steam and
a magma of 25 wt% crystals and 75 wt% saturated solution.

Assumptions: Equilibrium in the crystallizer.

Find: Evaporation rate of water in the crystallizer in lb/h and the production rate of crystals in tons/day
(dry basis for 2,000 lb/ton)

Analysis: First compute the total feed to the crystallizer.

Concentrate: 0.35(5,870) = 2,055 lb/h MgSO4

5,870 – 2,055 = 3,815 lb/h water

At 189oF, from Fig. 17.2, solubility of MgSO4 = 39 wt%.

Note: all of the sulfate is in solution.
Filtrate: Solubility of MgSO4 in water at 80oF = 27.5 wt% (using Fig. 17.2)

0.275(10,500) = 2,888 lb/h MgSO4

10,500 – 2,888 = 7,612 lb/h water

Total feed: 2,055 + 2,888 = 4,943 lb/h MgSO4

3,815 + 7,612 = 11,427 lb/h water

Compute the mass balance around the crystallizer. From Fig. 17.2,
Solubility of MgSO4 in water = 28 wt% and MgSO4 is crystallized as the heptahydrate

Let: L = lb/h of solution in the magma

V = lb/h of water vaporized in the crystallizer
S = lb/h of crystals in the magma

MW of MgSO4 = 120.4. MW of MgSO 4 7H 2 O = 246.4

Crystals are 120.4/246.4 = 0.4886 mass fraction MgSO4 and 0.5114 mass fraction water.

Magma is 25 wt% crystals and 75 wt% of a solution of 28 wt% MgSO4.

MgSO4 mass balance around the crystallizer:

4,943 = 0.28 L + 0.4886 S But, S = 0.25(S + L)

Solving these two equations, L = 11,160 lb/h and S = 3,720 lb/h

Therefore, the tons/day of crystals = 3,720(24)/2,000 = 44.6 tons/day

Total mass balance around the crystallizer:

4,943 + 11,427 = V + L + S = V + 11,160 + 3,720

Solving, V = 1,490 lb/h of water vapor produced in the crystallizer.

Problem 3. Explanation for the experimental maximum in the crystal solubility curve with crystal size.

Given: Surface energy of crystals may depend on surface electrical charge as well as on interfacial
tension. Relationship for electrical charge effect.

Assumptions: Spherical crystals.

Find: A modification of (17-16) that predicts the maximum.

Analysis: From (17-16),

 c  4v 
ln S  ln    s s , L (1)
 cs  RTD p

To predict a maximum, modify (1) by incorporating the given electrical charge effect, as follows:

c   4vs  s , L 2q 2 vs 
ln S  ln      4 
 cs   RTD p KRTD p 

Equation (2) is of the form:

c  vs  A B 
ln     4 (3)
 cs  RT  D p D p 

Differentiate (3) with respect to Dp to find min/max:

d  c  vs  A 4 B 
 ln     0 (4)
dD p  cs  RT  D p2 D p5 

Solving (4) for Dp,

1/ 3
 4B 
1/ 3
 2q 2  
Dp   
  K  
, which can be shown to be a maximum
 A   s,L 
Problem 4.

Given: Crystal density of 4.50 g/cm3 and interfacial tension of 0.12 J/m2.

Assumptions: Spherical crystals.

Analysis: Since from Table 17.6, BaSO4 is sparingly soluble in water, a high supersaturation ratio will be
needed. Try values of supersaturation ratio, S, of 50, 40, and 30; noting that the relative supersaturation,
s, from (17-17) is s = S – 1, so that in this case the two supersaturations are approximately the same.

Use (17-18) with SI units in the exponential term:

 16vs 3s,L N a 
B o , number of nuclei formed/cm3 -s  1030 exp  2 2
 3  RT   ln S  

The properties are:

Na = Avagadro’s number = 6.022 x 1026 molecules/kmol

R = 8315 J/kmol-K
T = 298 K

Use of a spreadsheet gives the following results from (1):

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