Modeled Sensor Database For Internet of Things
Modeled Sensor Database For Internet of Things
Modeled Sensor Database For Internet of Things
Vimukt R. Jain
UG Student
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur
This paper will propose a system which store modeled sensor data instead of storing raw sensor data. In this system we will capture
the behavior of sensor data at a particular time period. This reduces the data storage requirement and decreases issues of data
redundancy. The proposed system is sensor independent. The user can retrieve the data models for any desired application. This
will save the time and human efforts for designing the data models for required applications. It is very much easy to extract the
data from these models for the analysis of IoT applications. The input, processing and output operations can be done using the data
from the sensor data models.
Keywords: Sensors, Data, Database, Model, Internet
Nowadays Internet of Things (IOTs) is used globally, as it reduces human work. It is also understood that it produces a lot of data
from time to time. It implies the same for sensors. Sensors produce raw data which is stored in the database. There is a possibility
that the raw data is redundant which creates issue of storing the data. So there is a need to upgrade the existing system by producing
data models for a particular timestamp. This paper will help in developing a system which store modeled sensor data instead of
storing raw data. The data models developed are mathematical polynomial models that fit a typical data set.
There are various types of sensors and they function differently. For example, agricultural applications will have temperature,
humidity and light sensors. Temperature Sensors calculate the hotness or coolness of an object. The functionality of the sensors is
the voltage that read across the diode. If the voltage increases, then the temperature rises and there is a voltage drop between the
transistor terminals of base & emitter, they are recorded by the sensors. If the difference in voltage is amplified, the analog signal
is generated by the device and it is directly proportional to the temperature. The temperature can be measured by four measurement
scales and they are divided into different degree units by using temperature sensors. The metric Celsius scale is used by the
measurement scale and they start from zero. The Fahrenheit temperature sensing uses the Rankin scales and these scales are
absolute scales. The Rankin scale measures the absolute zero as the 492 degrees Rankin. Temperature sensor determines the
absolute zero measurements as close to the minus 46 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity Sensors work by detecting changes that change
electrical currents or temperature in the air. There are three basic types of humidity sensors: Capacitive, Resistive and Thermal.
These sensors monitor minute changes in the atmosphere in order to calculate the humidity in the air.
Also medical devices have sensors that measure heart rate, blood pressure, and other body functions. Therefore, the data obtained
from different sensors can be miscellaneous. This data is so large that it creates storage requirements as well as it might be
redundant. It also affects the performance of the system as the database will be heavily loaded with different datum. Therefore,
this paper will provide the solution for IOT applications that can resolve the problem of large and complex IOT data.
The sensors gather information of their environment on a regular basis. Thus a large number of data readings are generated every
day. And therefore, it is becoming difficult to store, manage and analyze this large volume of data. As a solution to this, we will
develop a system for these data readings that converts raw data points into data models and also storing this large number of models
still requires huge amount of space.
We are moving from a time where there are millions of devices are connected to a network today to a time where there will be
billions of devices connected to this network. We need to create a hierarchical structure that makes query processing easier by
creating a logical flow between IOT objects.
The user has to specify what IOT object they want to search. The IOT objects consists different kinds of information sensing
devices such as speedometers, rain gauges, microphones, and many more that have variety of sensors like automotive sensors,
environmental sensors, acoustic and sound sensors etc.
Our model-based IoT database is a database management system built for IoT objects and their various sensors. It presents a set
of relational database operations that helps in creation of the database and solves complex data queries. When a user enters any
query, it is parsed by the query processor. The query service module builds the query according to the query parameters and sends
the query request to the database service module. The database service module holds the database logic and sends the query
statements to the query engine. The index established in the index module will be utilized to retrieve the requested data. After the
desirable data is obtained from the database, the query engine sends the records to the result transformer that presents the query
results in a format easy to use by the user [4].
The Database will consist of a table having 4 attributes. The field names such as objectID, location, timestamp, and dataModel
are the attributes of this relation where timestamp is the primary key stating that each record will be uniquely identified by
timestamp [4]. In other words, no two records can have the same timestamp [4]. Hence, by knowing the timestamp of a particular
object, we can retrieve its objectID, location, and data model.
Sample Record = (object ID, location, timestamp, data Model)
This system is useful to analyze the behavior of various sensors. As the use of IOT is increasing exponentially, use of sensors in
IOT applications is also increasing. Furthermore, as the production cost of sensors is very inexpensive, large numbers of sensors
are stationed in the environment to get thorough information about the surroundings.
This system is designed in such a way that it analyzes the working of sensors at a particular time and stores the data in form of
models. This helps in reducing storage requirements in the database.
It can also be used to analyze the temperature and humidity changes for longer timestamps.
It can also be used for Monitoring Weather stations, Soil monitoring, Animal tracking and monitoring, Water quality.
Software Requirements:
Python: Python is a simple and minimalistic language, easy to learn. It is free and open source high level language. It has been
ported to many platforms. It is Extensible and Embeddable.
NoSQL Database: It is the description of all possible data and data structures in a relational database. It can scale to handle
more data. It is Highly Distributable. It can be used to store information without any schema design.
Hardware Requirements:
Raspberry PI: It offers better power management. It has 40 pin connector. It has built in WiFi and Bluetooth facility.
Sensors: It is a device which converts one type of energy into another. It shows the functional relationship between physical
input and electrical output. It provides accuracy, linearity and proper bandwidth of i/o signals.
In this way the system will help the user in storing the raw data obtained from sensors in the form of sensor data models. More
number of sensor data models are storing in the database. The user will be using the desired sensor data model from the database
for required application of Internet of Things.
As future work, more robust algorithms can be created to segment data into more accurate models using a set of mathematical
functions other than the polynomials of higher degrees such as logarithmic functions. Finding the most probable model efficiently
will also help the system save energy.
[1] Handbook Of Modern Sensors by Jacob Fraden ISBN 0-387-00750-4
[2] Sensors :
[3] IoT Sensor Device Data :
[4] A Model-Based Sensor Database for Internet of Things.