Iffco Report
Iffco Report
Iffco Report
Varun Kaushal
2 Year Chemical Engineering Dept.
Registration Number: 15BCM0086
VIT University,
Vellore-Tamil Nadu
Mr. Subrata Sur
Sr Manager (Training ),
IFFCO Phulpur Unit,
Allahabad (UP) India
Industrial training is a part of our academic activities and every student has to attach
himself with any one of the leading industries for getting insight of this subject. I wish to
express my gratitude to entire IFFCO Phulpur Unit, Allahabad, especially its management
and training department who gave me this opportunity by permitting me to work under their
kind supervision
I would like to express my thanks to Mr. Subrata Sur (Sr. Manager-Training) who
provided me with an opportunity to do training. I sincerely thank Mr. AK Singh (Director)
and Mr. R Maiti (DGM) for providing me with this remarkable opportunity to do internship
in the esteemed IFFCO-Phulpur Plant.
At the submission of this project we take the opportunity to express our deep sense of
gratitude to Mr. Diwakar Mishra, Mr. Bhagirath Prasad and Mr. Pramod for supporting and
guiding us and imparting us useful knowledge about the plant.
We would also like to appreciate all the plant operators and engineers of this
organization who helped us enough in quenching our thirst to smallest queries.
Varun Kaushal
VIT University
Vellore, Tamil Nadu
o Introduction-4
o Byproducts -24
o Safety Measures-33
o References -34
IFFCO is the largest producer and marketer of fertilizers in India with a membership of
37,276 Cooperative Societies and it turn 50 million farmers.
Presence of Cooperative in India
First legislation for cooperative in India i.e. Cooperative Societies Act, 1904, was enacted to
cater to the requirement of credit societies.
The National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) was established in 1929 as an apex
promotional organization for strengthening the cooperatives.
National Cooperative Development and Warehousing board was set up in 1956.
Growth of Cooperatives in India
National Cooperative Development Cooperation (NCDC) was established in 1963 under
NCDC Act 1962 to promote production, marketing and export of agricultural produce.
To enable Indian farmers to prosper through timely supply of reliable, high quality
agricultural inputs and services in an environmentally sustainable manner and to undertake
other activities to improve their welfare
On 3 November 1967 Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) was registered
as a Multi-Unit Cooperative Society. It got deemed recognition under the provision of
Multistate Cooperative Societies Act 1984 & 2002 later.
With our vast marketing network of over 36,000 cooperative societies we reach more than 5.5
Crores ( 55 million ) farmers in India.
Till the mid 1960's, cooperatives in India had no production facility despite marketing nearly
70% of fertilisers.
There was a need of setting up production facility.
IFFCO was established as the farmers' own initiative in Cooperative Sector on 3rd Nov, 1967
with proposed plants at Kalol and Kandla in Gujarat.
With the enactment of Multi State Co-operative Societies Act 2002, IFFCO is registered as a
Multi State Co-operative Society.
Since inception, IFFCO has consistently followed transparent, democratic and professional
practices in Corporate Governance.
IFFCO has carved out a strong “Cooperative Identity” and is making sincere efforts to uphold
the “Cooperative Values” by cherishing the “Cooperative Principles”.
IFFCO endeavours to achieve highest levels of transparency, accountability and full
disclosure to its members to uphold the spirit of Cooperative Principles and Cooperative
Values as laid down by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA).
Initiative has been taken for strengthening IFFCO’s Member Cooperative Societies through a
web based Member Portal for enabling them to access information relevant to them.
Initially, IFFCO commissioned an ammonia-urea complex at KALOL and the NPK/DAP
plant at KANDLA both in state of Gujarat in 1975.
Another ammoni9a-urea complex was set up at PHULPUR in the state of Uttar Pradesh in
The ammonia-urea unit at AMLA was commissioned in 1988.
Recently IFFCO has acquired an NPK/DAP and Phosphoric acid fertiliser unit at
PARADEEP in Orissa in September 2005.
The marketing of IFFCO’s produ
cts is channelled through cooperative societies and institutional agencies in over 29 states and
union territories of India.
Initiated on 24th June 1971 and commissioned for commercial production in January 1975
,Kandla is one of the oldest IFFCO plant and also a center of innovation - R & D Laboratory,
at IFFCO Kandla, has taken up the work for development of various new fertilizers.
IFFCO Kandla is also an ISO 14001:2004/ OHSAS 18001:2007/ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Organization with an established Environmental Management System / Health and Safety
Management System /Quality Management System.
Commissioned in 1981, this facility has two Urea and two Ammonia production
facilities. The IFFCO Phulpur plant is known for taking up and successfully completing
many R&D projects. It is a leader when it comes to technology and innovation. The Phulpur
facility has many awards and laurels to its name due to its quality and efficient performance.
Some of these include the Rajiv Ratna National Award, national productivity council award
and many more.
In 2014-15 IFFCO's Phulpur plant produced a total of 0.824 MTPA Ammonia and 1.416
MTPA of urea, reaching a new height. It achieved lowest yearly energy consumption for both
Ammonia and Urea Plants
Commissioned in 1988, this 260 hectares’ facility produces ammonia and urea. The facility
has been winning a number of awards since 1989 and continues to do so. IFFCO Aonla Unit
has received FAI Award for Best Production Performance (Winner) of an operating fertiliser
unit for nitrogen (Ammonia and Urea) for Aonla-II for the year 2012-13 from The Fertiliser
Association of India.
The facility has a capacity of producing 1.148 Million MTPA of Ammonia and 2.000 Million
MTPA of Urea.
Acquired from Oswal Chemicals and Fertilisers plant, the plant was commissioned in April
2000.It can produce 2 million tonnes of the fertiliser a year.
The plant can produce 2 Million TPA DAP/NPK, 7000 TPD of Sulphuric Acid and 2650
TPD of Phosphoric Acid
Products of IFFCO
Sulfuric Acid etc.
Total Area 1068 acres
Commercial Production
AMMONIA 823900
UREA 1415700
Phulpur fertilizer unit is LNG (liquefied natural gas) based in which it is used as a fuel as
well as a feed .It is being supplied from gas pipeline commonly known as HBJ by
GAIL(GAS AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED) from Thuledi near Jagdishpur to Phulpur
distancing almost 140 km. Coal supplies for the power plant are received from central coal
field ltd. through railway wagons. Raw water is pumped from bore wells located around the
factory and township. Electricity meant for the plant is generated in the power plant for
reliability. It also receive from UPSEB. Major inputs of this plant are as following.
As mentioned above, IFFCO Phulpur Units comprises of 2 plants. Each plant
has its own Urea and Ammonia Units. Both the Urea processes are
Snamprogetti(Italy) and Ammonia plant use Kelloggs Process and Haldor
Topsoe Process.
•The Ammonia plant in Phulpur-I is based on MW Kellogs USA technology
having capacity of 1215 MTPD and in Phulpur-II plant is based on Haldor
Topsoe’s Denmark’s technology with a capacity of 1740 MTPD
•The Ammonia Plant In Phulpur-I and Phulpur-II uses RLNG as raw material
for feed and fuel. But there is a provision of using Naphtha also as raw material
in Phulpur-II.
•The main process steps for production of Ammonia in both the plants are
similar and are briefly described below:
This single stream plant is based on the Kellog Process with Reliquified Natural Gas as a raw
material. The manufacture of Ammonia involves the following 6 basic steps:
1. Primary Reforming
2. Secondary Reforming
3. CO conversion
4. CO2 Absorption And Removal Of CO2
5. Methanation
6. Ammonia Synthesis
Primary reformer furnace is a rectangular box structure lined internally with refractory from
all the sides to serve the radiant section and a refractory lined rectangular duct as the
convection section.
The Primary Reformer consists of a 336 tubes suspended in 8 rows of 42 parallel tubes
each,in the radiant section.Each row of tubes terminates in a manifold placed within the
radiant section of furnace.There are 8 centrally located risers one on each of these
manifolds.These risers lead the gas flow to a water jacketed transfer line located over the top
of the Primary Reformer furnace.
As the reforming reaction is endothermic, heat is supplied externally to the tubes.There are 9
row of top gas fired with 18 burners in each row in the Primary Reformer radiant
section.There are 9 tunnels at the floor level with holes on the sides for the hot flue gas to
enter.These 9 tunnel burners are also provided so as to raise the flue gas temperature going to
the convection section as per requirement.
RLNG is mixed with superheated steam and is preheated with the flue gas of primary
reformer furnace and is sent to the primary reformer catalyst tubes packed with nickel based
catalyst and operating elevated temperature 800-812C and pressure of 31.6kg/cm2 at the
outlet of the primary reformer.The hydrocarbon and steam react to form H2, CO, CO2 and
residual CH4.The reaction being endothermic,heat is supplied to the catalyst tubes by burning
RLNG externally outside the tubes.
Since the reforming reaction is endothermic,an increase in reforming temperature will favour
the reforming reaction there by reducing the CH4 content and CO2 content in the outlet
gas.The expected design outlet temperature is 812C.
The steam reforming of gas is a very complex reaction.Some of the gas compounds are
broken down by the thermal catalytic cracking into simpler hydrocarbon such as CH4.These
simpler hydrocarbons are further reformed through the steam CH4 reaction.
Catalyst: - Nickel
Temperature: - 800-812 C
Pressure: - 31.6 kg/cm2
Reaction: - CH4 + H2O + heat = CO + 3H2
CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 + heat
Effluent:- H2,CO,CO2,CH4&N2
Partially reformed gas from the water jacketed transfer line is directed to the refractory lined
and water jacketed secondary reformer tangentially.The compressed process air supplied by
the process air compressor at a pressure of 33kg/cm2 and 176C is preheated to 482C in the
steam preheater coil located at the primary reformer convection zone to recover the heat in
the flue gas.The air is added to furnish the N2 requirement for ammonia synthesis in the
secondary reformer.
The purpose of the secondary reformer is to reform the unconverted CH4 coming out of the
primary reformer as well as to introduce the necessary quantity of N2 to the process
stream.Reformed gas is partially burnt with oxygen in the air and the heat of combustion is
utilized for the endothermic methane reforming reaction,at the sane time supplying required
quantity of nitrogen to make synthesis gas containing H2,CO,CO2,N2 and a small quantity of
CH4 is obtained.
Reformed gas from the primary reformer enters the secondary reformer top portion through
transfer line.The gas enters at 812C and 31.3kg/cm2 and flows down through the annular
space of process air inlet pipe and the top heat liner.Preheated air at 468C is introduced to the
process through a mixer burner below passing straightening vanes through the air inlet
pipe.After the ignition,the hot gases at a temperature of 1238C pass through the catalyst beds.
Catalyst: - Chromia at top and nickel at bottom
Temperature: - 1238 C
Reaction: - 2H2 + AIR (O2 + 3.8N2) =2H2O + 3.8N2 + heat
CH4+5AIR (O2+3.8N2) =CO2+2CO+6H2O + 19N2 + heat
2CH4 +3H2O + heat = CO + CO2 +7H2
Effluent: - H2, N2, A, CO, CO2, CH4
Hot reformed gases from the secondary reformer are cooled by heat recovery in three waste
boilers producing HP stream.Then it enters High Temperature Shift Converter at about
30.5kg/cm2 and temperature 371C through the catalyst bed.In the presence of iron-chromium
catalyst,CO reacts with steam to form CO2 and H2.The temperature rises as the reaction is
Catalyst: - Iron-Chromium
Temperature: - 371C
Pressure: - 30.5 kg/cm2
Reaction:- CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 + heat
The gas comes out of LTS at following approximate conditions:
Pressure=28.2kg/cm2, Temperature=236C
The gas leaving the CO conversion section,consist mainly H2,N2,CO2 and steam.This is
cooled in exchangers and condensate from gas is separated out.The raw synthesis gas at
pressure of 27.5kg/cm2 and 82C containing 22.7%dry volume CO2 is introduced at the
bottom of CO2 absorber tower where a counter current stream of benefield solution absorbs
CO2 from the gas.The raw synthesis gas free from CO leaves the absorber.The absorber of
CO2 by benefield solution involves the following reaction:
A 27% Potassium Carbonate solution enriched with 3% of diethanolamine as an activator and
0.3 to 0.5% of vanadium pentaoxide as corrosion inhibitor is called the Benefield solution
and is a good reagent for CO2 absorption and the process is known as Benefield Process.
The purpose of CO2 stripppers is to regenerate Benefield solution for reuse in the CO2
absorber.The Benefield solution which has absorbed the CO2 is regenerated in a pair of CO2
stripper tower.The strippers operate at 0.9kg/cm2 pressure and at 125C at bottom.Reboiling
heat is supplied by two sets of reboilers namely the gas boilers and the steam boilers.The
solution from the strippers is heated to 125C and by thermo siphoning the vapour solution
mixture returns to the strippers from the top of reboilers.
In the first three beds from the top the down coming rich solution comes in intimate contact
with hot liberated CO2 and water flowing upwards and bicarbonate gets converted to
carbonate under the action of heat and low CO2 partial pressure:
The remainder of the partially regenerated Benefield solution flows downward to the stripper
bottoms through the 4th bed and gets regenerated to lean solution and collects at the strippers
bottom and is cooled to 117C in the tubeside of lean solution BFW exchanger 107C.
A major portion of partially regenerated solution is withdrawn from the level hold up
maintained below the third bed of CO2 stripper and is pumped to the middle of CO2 absorber
as semi lean solution at a temperature of 116C with the help of two semi lean solution pumps.
Semi lean partially regenerated solution is taken from an intermediate point of the CO2
strippper by the semi lean carbonate circulating pumps and fed to distributor provided on the
top of the third bed of the absorber.
The partially cooled lean carbonate solution is withdrawn from the CO2 strippers bottom by
lean carbonate solution circulating pumps and is directed through a distributor over the top
bed of absorber at a temperature of 70C.The flow rate is 261M3/hr gas leaving absorber top
contains 0.05% CO2.
A portion of semi lean carbonate solution is withdrawn from a trap-out pan below the third
bed of packing by circulating pump and returned to the absorber mid section.The balance of
the carbonate solution continues down through a bed of 25mm packing in each stripper
Solution moves to the bottom of this solution where it accumulates on a trap out pan from
which it flows into the CO2 stripper reboilers for regeneration.
The stripped CO2 saturated with water vapours at 107C leaves the top of the stripper and
flows to the CO2 stripper condenser and is cooled with cooling water to 40C.The condensed
water vapours in the gas is separated in the CO2 stripper reflux drum.The CO2 saturated with
waters vapours is sent to Urea Plant.
In the methanation step final traces of carbon oxides present in the process gas leaving the
absorber is converted into CH4 by reacting with H2 present in process gas in presence of a
nickel catalyst at a temperature of around 300C.The oxides of carbon are poisons for the
ammonia synthesis catalyst and are therefore required to be eliminated.At the exit of
methanator a pure synthesis of H2:N2 mole ratio of 3:1 is obtained with less than 1%CH4,
which is eventually purged from the synthesis loop.
Catalyst: - Nickel
Temperature: - 300 C
Reaction: - CO + 3H2 = CH4 + H2O + heat
CO2 + 4H2 = CH4 + 2H2O + heat
Effluent: - H2, N2, CH4, A, CO+CO2 (in traces)
The hot methanator outlet gas is cooled in two steps in Methanator BFW Heater,where it is
cooled to 134C and then by cooling water in Methanator Effulent Cooler to 38C.The gas then
flows to synthesis gas compressor suction drum.The condensate collected in compressor
suction drum and the purified synthesis gas leaving the drum is sent to synthesis gas
H2 58.27
N2 19.30
CH4 8.68
NH3 9.92
The make up gas/recycle gas mixture under the conditions mentioned above now flows to the
ammonia synthesis loop.The compressed gas mixture is cooled,chilled successively in three
ammonia refrigerated chillers operating at successfully lowered temperature to condense and
separate the ammonia contained in the gas.
The gas is split into two streams to reduce loop pressure drop and recover refrigeration. The
major flow passes through the tube sides of feed and recycles gas first stage and second stage
chillers in succession and is cooled to 22 C in first chiller and then to 1 C in second chiller.
The minor stream flows to shell side of converter feed/ feed and recycle gas exchanger where
it exchanges heat with cold stream of ammonia separator outlet gases. The gas cools down to
-9 C. A hand control valve controls the flow through this exchanger. The gas stream again
combines together and enters the tube side of feed and recycle gas third stage chiller here the
gas is cooled to – 23.3 C.
Gas flow now enters ammonia separator. All the condensed NH3 in the gas is separated here.
The NH3 separated here forms the main part of product NH3. Along with liquid NH3 the
water vapours contained in syngas together with small traces of CO2 left after methanation
are also removed in this separator. This serves as another purification step for the gas before
entering the converter catalyst bed. Converter feed leaving NH3 separator enters the tube side
of a converter feed/ feed recycle gas exchanger and gains heat from a part of the incoming
feed. Gas temperature is around 24 C after this exchanger, the gas flows to converter effluent
exchanger where temperature is raised to 140 C. Gas entering synthesis converter has
following composition:
Component Mol%
H2 63.34
N2 20.98
NH3 2.08
CH4 9.43
Synthesis converter consists of a high pressure shell containing a catalyst section and a heat
exchanger. The catalyst section is a cylindrical shell which fits inside a pressure shell and is
called the basket. The basket contains four catalyst beds, each supported on screen covered
grids. Top bed is the smallest with each succeeding bed containing greater volume to limit the
exothermic heat of reaction which is sharpest in the upper beds. The catalyst basket leaves an
annular space between basket and the pressure shell.
The main inlet to the converter is at the bottom of the pressure shell and converter feed flows
upward through the annular space to the shell side of converter interchanger at the top. It is
recommended to have a flow through annular space always to reduce heat flux from the
basket to shell so that converter shell is maintained within design temperature limit. In the
converter – interchanger gas picks up heat from the hot converter effluent stream while
circulating around the exchanger tubes. For temperature control of the top bed at 410 C a part
of the feed can be directly introduced to the top bed which by passes the exchanger and acts
as quench for first bed. The combined stream passes into first catalyst bed at the prevailing
pressure of 141 kg/cm2 and 410 C, the ammonia synthesis reaction takes off and proceeds in
the catalyst bed with a sharp temperature rise to 497 C. The gases pass through the grid
supporting the next bed.
In order to maintain catalyst temperature at desired levels and thereby achieve maximum
yield, provision is made to inject to feed gas as quench in the space between each catalyst
bed. These quench flows; by passing the converter interchanger can be conveniently
controlled. Inter bed quenching has additional advantages is that it provides for exceptionally
good temperature control and operating flexibility which promotes maximum formation of
product, eliminate catalyst hot spots, and thus contributes to long catalyst life. There are
temperature recorders and indicators for every bed. The gas flows downward through all the
bed at optimum temperature. The outlet temperature of 2nd, 3rd, 4th bed is likely to vary
between 460 – 470 C. Hot gases after reaction at about 470 C leave the bottom catalyst bed
and passes up through a centre return pipe into the tubes of converter interchanger to give up
heat to the incoming feed.
The gas leaves the converter at a pressure of 141 atm. and temperature of 287 C with nearly
the following composition.
Component Mol%
H2 54.93
N2 18.16
NH3 12.00
CH4 10.34
NH3 synthesis reaction is not a once through process. The conversion rate is hardly 21% so
the H2: N2 mixture contained in the gas is again recycled back to converter after removing
product ammonia and making up the pressure. Converter effluent from interchanger
exchanges heat with boiler feed water (from deaerator) and gets cooled to 165 C in ammonia
converter boiler feed water heater.
It then flows to ammonia converter feed/ effluent exchanger and exchanges heat with the
incoming feed and gets cooled to 43 C. The gas called ‘recycle gas’ goes to the last wheel of
second case of synthesis gas compressor. The whole process as mentioned above, from
synthesis gas compressor discharge to the suction of the recycle gas stage in closed circuit
system is termed as “ammonia synthesis loop”.
The ammonia synthesis reaction taking place at elevated temperature and pressure in
presence of a promoted iron catalyst can be depicted as below:
As the reaction is exothermic,a rise in temperature lowers the equilibrium % of ammonia and
at the same time accelerate the reaction.If reaction is near equilibrium,rise in temperature will
lead to decrease in conversion and viceversa.
Catalyst: - Iron
Temperature: - 420-480 C
Pressure: - 145-150 kg/cm2
Reaction: - N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3
Effluents: - H2, N2, NH3
The primary purpose of the refrigeration system is to condense product ammonia for
separating it from the converter feed.Further it is applied to cool makeup gas for separation of
water to condense and recover liquid ammonia from purge gas and flash gases and to cool the
product run down to -33C and degassing inerts.
Liquid ammonia separated in ammonia separator operating at 147kg/cm2 and purge separator
operating at 140 kg/cm2 are letdown to Letdown Drum operating at 17kg/cm2.This letdown
in pressure helps to flash most of the dissolved gases in the ammonia product.Flashed gases
from letdown drum combines with the gases from gas chiller.These two flash gas streams
then go to the fuel gas knock outdrum.
Approximate composition of flashed gases from Letdown Drum is:
Component Mol%
H2 47.45
N2 18.25
CH4 18.98
NH3 10.21
Liquid ammonia from letdown drum is letdown further through level control valve to third
stage Refrigerant Flash Drum operating at a pressure of 0.014kg/cm2.pressure being
controlled by Refrigerant Compressor.Here temperature is around -330C.
Liquid ammonia is letdown to second stage Refrigerant Flash Drum also when necessary,to
maintain level due to varying refrigerant load in ammonia plant.It is combined with flashed
gases from second stage refrigerant flash drum before being sent to the second case of
compressor.After three stages of compression in the second case the gases are sent to
refrigerant compressor intercooler where it is cooled 106C to 43C with cooling water to
remove the heat of compression.The pressure of the gas leaving the cooler is 6.2kg/cm2.The
flashed gases from first stage Refrigerant Flash Drum join the gas from intercooler and again
compressed to a final pressure 17kg/cm2 in the last four wheels of compressor.The
compressed flash gases are condensed by cooling water in Refrigerant Receiver.The overhead
from the receiver is chilled with ammonia in flash gas chiller to a temperature of 1C.
The approximate composition of flash gases from flash gas chiller is:
Component Mol%
H2 25.92
N2 14.82
CH4 29.64
NH3 25.92
The three drums are combined in one single vessel with partitions with operating pressure of
6kg/cm2,2.3kg/cm2 and 0.01kg/cm2 respectively.These pressures are controlled by
Refrigerant Compressor at different stages.These drum receive flashed ammonia from
refrigerant receiver by successive letdown.These drums serve as ‘Head Drums’ for the
various refrigerant ammonia chillers used un synthesis loop.The refrigerant ammonia while
taking up the heat gets vaporized and is compressed by refrigerant compressor condensed and
received in refrigerant receiver and then again sent back to these drums for refrigeration.The
whole refrigeration cycle is a closed circuit.
Product ammonia from flash drum at -33C is pumped to atmospheric ammonia storage
tank.The atmospheric storage tank is having capacity of 10,000tonnes.The urea plant uses
ammonia at 4C.
The Urea Plant is based on Snamprogetti’s Ammonia stripping process. The Phulpur-I plant
is having capacity of 2115 MTPD while in Phulpur-II there are two units with a capacity each
of 1515 MTPD.
The process of manufacturing of urea in both the units is same except for Phulpur-II where all
the sections are separate for two streams except for Prilling and waste water treatment section
which are common for both the units.
Plants take nitrogen in form of nitrates. This is the reason why we manufacture urea in
IFFCO plant to feed agriculture field. Urea nitrogen content (46.6%) is quickly converted
into nitrate in the presence of catalyst presents in agricultural field.
Urea is produced by synthesis from liquid NH3 and gaseous CO2 . NH3 & CO2 react to
form ammonium carbamate, a portion of which is dehydrated to form Urea and water.
The fraction of ammonium carbamate that dehydrates is determined by the ratio of the
various reactants, the operating temperature and the residence lime in the reactor.
The reaction to produce Urea from NH3 and CO2 takes place in two stages at elevated
pressure & temperature.
2NH3 + CO2 = NH2COO NH4 + 38.1 K.cal/g.mole (1)
NH2 COONH4 = NH2CONH2 + H2O -7.1 K.cal/g.mole (2)
The first reaction is strongly exothermic, therefore heat is liberated as this reaction occours.
With excess NH3, the CO2 conversion to carbamate is almost 100%, provided solution
pressure is greater than decomposition pressure of carbamate. The decomposition pressure is
the pressure at which carbamate will decompose back into CO2 and NH3. Decomposition
pressure is a function of NH3 concentration in the feed and solution temperature and
increases if either temps. Of NH3 recycle is increased. It is desirable to operate at high
temperature and high ratio of NH3 to CO2 provided reactor pressure is high enough to
prevent carbamate from decomposing into CO2 and NH3. This will maximize CO2
conversion to Urea as shown in the reaction (2)
The 2nd reaction is endothermic; therefore heat is required for this reaction to occour. The
heat for this reaction comes from the formation of carbamate. This reaction is a function of
temp. And NH3 concern in feed. The solution effluent from the reactor being a mixture of
Urea solution, ammonium carbamate, unreacted NH3, water and CO2 is extreamly corrosive
in nature.
Liquid ammonia (through reciprocating and centrifugal pump; here we only use
reciprocating pump due to low cost) along with recycle Carbamate and gaseous
carbon dioxide at high pressure (through compressor) enter the Reactor (R-1) and react to
form ammonium Carbamate. This Carbamate then dehydrates to form Urea and Water.
Liquid Ammonia from HP Ammonia Feed Pumps P-1 A /B / C at ~ 240 Ata and
350 C serves as the motive fluid in Ejector EJ -1 and drives the Carbamate from HP
Carbamate separator MV-1 to the Reactor R-1 .
On mixing with Ammonia from Pump P-1 A/B/C the mixture enters Reactor R-1 at
the bottom at ~160 Ata and 1200C . Carbamate recycle ejector EJ-1 is steam jacketed
to avoid crystallization of Carbamate.
Here carbon dioxide is limiting agent. The total conversion is decided by this only. Carbon
dioxide converted only 60% in process feed remaining feed are recycled again to get better
conversion. Here any inconvenient will manage by NH3 flow rate
Process description: (High pressure means 135kg/cm2)
Liquid Ammonia and gaseous CO2 along with recycled liquid Carbamate from HP
Carbamate Separator MV-1, rise in the Reactor from bottom to top. Liquid ammonia
and gaseous carbon dioxide react to form liquid Carbamate.
The reaction products coming out of the Reactor (R-1) through the overflow
pipe flow to the HP stripper
Carbon dioxide from CO2 compressor ( K-1 ) enters the bottom of Reactor
(R-1) through a separate nozzle at ~160 Ata and ~1300 C.
Unconverted Carbamate, present in Reactor (R-1) outlet urea solution, is
decomposed and stripped off in the HP Stripper ( E-1).
Stripped Urea solution from the bottom of the Stripper (E-1) goes out to MP Pre
decomposer (E-53) / Separator/Decomposer (MV-2/E-2).
Urea solution from the HP stripper enters the MP pre-decomposer /MP decomposer.
Unconverted Carbamate decomposes to ammonia and CO2 vapors, there by
concentrating urea in solution
The vapors from the MP decomposer are condensed in Pre Conc. / MP condenser
using Ammonium Carbamate solution from the LP section.
The Carbamate solution overflows from the Pre Conc./ MP condenser into MP
Absorber where the excess ammonia and inert are separated in form of the vapors
These vapors are further purified in the top section of the Absorber with reflux
Ammonia with inert gases leaving the top of MP absorber is mostly condensed in
Ammonia Condenser, with cooling water in tube side.
From Ammonia condenser both liquid and gas phases are sent to Ammonia
Receiver along with incoming liquid Ammonia.
The inert gases, saturated with Ammonia, leaving the receiver enter the
Ammonia Recovery Tower. Here Ammonia is further condensed by direct contact
with cold Ammonia from the Battery limit and flows down the Ammonia Receiver.
Inert with residual ammonia vapors from the Tower are sent to MP Ammonia
Absorber where later gets absorbed with cold condensate in inert washing tower
and recycled to MP Absorber as ammonia water.
The inert are released to vent stack.
The urea solution from MP Decomposer bottom enters the LP Decomposer after let
down through a level control valve. As a result of expansion. Most of the remaining
Carbamate undergoes decomposition. Thus urea solution is further concentrated and
is then sent to the vacuum concentrators through a level control valve.
The vapors enter the LP Condenser shell and get absorbed in an weak Carbamate
solution. LP Condenser has cooling water in tube side. The liquid thus formed goes to
the carbonate solution Tank from where it is recycled back to MP Condenser.
The inert gases from the Tank containing ammonia vapors are absorbed with cold
condensate in LP Ammonia Absorber and sent to vent stack. The liquid flows down to
the Tank.
5. Vacuum concentrator:
5. Urea Prilling:
By using property of liquid urea we converted liquid urea into crystallized form with desired
shape and size. This important property of the fluid is when liquid urea is at temperature
below 133Oc at atm pressure its crystallization occurred. (if by any reason we can’t achieve
this situation we recycled the whole fed before enters into the prilling tower)This property is
used in prilling tower for crystallization of urea. And desired shape and size is given out
through the bucket holes specification and by controlling speed of rotation of the bucket.
Generally we placed 214 rpm for desire size of 1.74mm of urea particle through bucket. Rpm
will depend upon the load and size of the product obtained.
Process description:
The molten urea thus obtained from the 2nd vacuum separator holder is pumped to
the top of prill tower and fed into a prill bucket . The Urea comes out through
the holes of the rotating prill bucket and falls down the prill tower.
Air by natural draught flow upwards counters current.
Urea prills are then transported to the bagging plant through belt conveyor.
What is Biurate?
When two molecules of urea is joined together at high temperature and with high residence
time in vacuum section biurate formation were occurred.
Harmful effects: According to F.C.O. the minimum biurate concentration in urea is 1.5%. If
it will exceed from this level it would be harmful for the plants in agriculture field. (Biurate
burns the newly growing plant seeds.)
Vapour containing water and little NH3 and CO2 from process and steam of ejectors from vacuum
system are condensed and collected in waste water tank. It is thus pumped to a better waster water
tank and thus to a distillation tower where after stripping of NH3 in the upper part, the solution is
contaminated with urea is sent to hydrolyser. Here urea is hydrolyzed at high pressure by 38 atm.
superheated steam.
Vapors being sent to the distillation tower overhead condenser. Solution from hydrolyser goes back
to the distillation tower for further NH3 removal. Vapors from the top of distillation tower goes to
overhead condenser with vapors from the hydrolyser. One part of this solution is recycled to the
distillation tower top as reflux and the remaining portion to the L.P. condenser. Liquid from bottom
of distillation towers called the effluent or purified waste water which can be used as B.F.W. or as
cooling tower make up.
The equilibrium conversion to Urea will be favored under the following process variables :
Theoretical ratio of NH3 / CO2 is two. But in this condition Urea yield is only around 43.44% at 170
atm. and 1550 C. This low yield can be improved by changing NH3 / CO2 ratio when the excess ratio
of NH3 is increased to 279%, Urea yield will change from 43.44% to 85.2%. On the other hand when
the excess ratio of CO2 is changed from 0-300%, Urea yield will increase only from 43.44% to 46%.
The effect of excess CO2 is very small. More over, in the CO2 rich condition the soln becomes very
corrosive. In general, most all the Urea plants are operated under NH3/CO2 ratio around 2.5 to 5.0.
Water is a product of Urea formation, presence of excess H2O shifts the equilibrium reaction in
reverse direction and yield of urea is poor. However water has to be added for recycling unconverted
NH3 and CO2 back to the reactor. Lower the amount of water in reactor higher is the yield of Urea.
Excess H2O in reactor also reduces effective volume for urea formation and additional energy is
required to get rid of this H2O. Study shows that presence of one mole of excess H2O per mole of
carbamate reduces equilibrium yield of urea to half.
In case of Urea formation, higher temperature is favorable, because the reaction is endothermic. The
relation is such that when temperature increases, the conversion increases proportion only, maximum
equilibrium conversion is achieved at around 196-2000 C. Reactants are highly corrosive at higher
Operating pressure is totally dependent on the temperature at which conversion takes place. Urea
conversion takes place in liquid phase, so equilibrium pressure becomes increasingly higher when the
temperature rises.
Urea conversion reaction is slow and takes 20 mins. To attain equilibrium. Higher residence
time favoured equilibrium. Conversion and normally reactors are designed for residence time
of 30 mins to one hour depending upon there operating parameters.
Residence time in Urea reactor plays an important part on equilibrium conversion. Where operating
parameters including mole ratio are not favourable for a good yield, higher residence – time
compensates to some extent to achieve a better yield. But this is done by providing higher reactor
volume which increases capital investment.
The formation of biuret during Urea production is not desirable as it is toxic to the plants and it should
not exceeds more than 1.5% in Urea as per Fertiliser control order. It is produced when Urea is
heated in the absence of free NH3.
(Urea) (Biuret)
The formation of biuret is favoured by higher temperature, higher concentration of urea solution, low
NH3 content and higher residence time.
Studies of corrosion in urea plant have led to the identification of the following type of
1) Stress corrosion.
2) Inter granular corrosion.
3) Galvanic corrosion.
4) Crevice corrosion.
5) Pitting corrosion.
6) Condensation corrosion.
Most severe corrosion in urea plant occurs at location where urea and carbamate solution are handled
at high temperature and pressure. Studies have shown that major attack occurs at the bottom. 3 to 10
of the reactor directly; above where NH3, CO2 and ammonium carbamate are introduced. In view of
higher pressure, temperature, cone and two phase mixture in urea reactor a liner of stainless steel 31
GL is used in the construction. Ti, Zr, and stainless steel are used as liner material. As to selection of
material, corrosion resistance is not the only factor that determines the choice of material, other factor
such as mechanical properties, workability weld ability and economic consideration are taken into
1. Borewells and Raw Water Distribution System.
2. Cooling Tower.
3. DM and CPU Units.
4. Effluent Treatment Plant
5. Water Softening plant
6. Air – compressor – ELLIOTT
7. Instrument Air Drier – Split Flow
8. P.S.A. Unit
9. Naphtha Storage & Handling System
10. Diesel Generator set
11. Instrument Air Drier – HOC
12. Air compressor – IR.
Removal & control of nitrogenous compounds such as NH3 that is present in waste being
discharged from ammonia plant and urea plant is very essential in view of pollution control
and water reuse philosophy. As water is one of the precious natural resources for running any
industry its reuse and conservation is essential for environmental pollution control and to
reduce operating cost of the industry.
To overcome problems associated with disposal of ammonia effluent and making it fit for
reuse the effluent treatment plant is installed in which NH3 present in effluent water is
reduced by stripping process.
To carry out the stripping process a packed column called steam stripper is provided in
which the raw effluent is fed from the top and the LP steam is introduced from the bottom.
The stripping occours and the treated water obtained is transferred to softening plant . The
ammonia effluent treatment plant consists of following components :
a) Two numbers of effluent collection pits and transfer pumps for storage and feeding
the ammoniacal effluent to stripper.
b) A preheater for heating the raw effluent going to steam stripper by outgoing hot
treated water.
c) Stream stripper for removal of ammonia by stripping process.
d) A stripper sump where treated effluent collects.
T.D.S. - 50 ppm
Flow rate - 30 M3/hr. (continuous)
Ammoniacal N - 50 ppm
Power consumption - 225 KW / day
Steam consumption - 10.6 T/hr. at pressure 4 Kg/cm2
and temperature 1500 C
Water source of raw water required for the plant is underground sub-soil water containing
salts of sodium, magnesium and calcium, together with bicarbonate, carbonate, sulphates,
chlorides and silica (Major constituents) and Nitrate, Phosphate, Iron, Organic matter and
dissolved gases (Minor constituents). On using the raw water having high hardness as
cooling water make up, these salts break during heat transfer process inside the heat
exchangers and thereby forms scales.
To bring down the concentration of calcium and magnesium hardness and also silica in
cooling tower make up water, “cold lime softening process” is adopted. The raw containing
high HCO3 alkalinity is reduced during treatment with lime solution and the treated water
becomes suitable for cooling water make up.
The capacity of the water softening plant under Phase-II is to treat 800 m3/hr. of raw water
and the other design basis are :
pH - 7.2 to 7.8
Total hardness - 348 ppm as CaCO3
Ca hardness - 160 ppm as CaCO3
Mg hardness - 180 ppm as CaCO3
M alkalinity - 424 ppm as CaCO3
P alkalinity - 0
Sulphate - 65 ppm as CaCO3
Chloride - 57 ppm as CaCO3
Sodium - 198 ppm as CaCO3
Total anion - 546 ppm as CaCO3
Permanent Hardness - 0
Silica - 33 ppm (max.) as SiO2
TDS - 650 ppm
Design treated water quality and softening plant Phase-II outlet is following :
pH - 10.4 to 10.7
Total hardness < 50 ppm as CaCO3
Ca hardness < 40 ppm as CaCO3
Turbidity < 12 NTU
The water softening plant is designed to treat 800 m3/hr. water of given raw water
characteristics to produce soft water of the following components.
1. Parshal Flume.
2. Reactor Clarifier
3. Sludge Basin & Disposal.
4. Chemical Dogging System.
Normally when 2 solutions are separated by means of semi – permeable membrane, the
solvent flows from dilute solution to concentrated solution. If pressure is applied to
concentrated side and if the pressure is greater than osmotic pressure, then solvent flow is
reversed, i.e., it flow from concentrated solution side. This process is called reverse osmosis.
It is advantageously used to extract water from concentrated solution.
During R.O. process, pressure is continuously applied to the feed stream by a high pressure
pump. Consequently feed stream gets divided into two parts.
1. Permeate stream (low in dissolved solid content)
2. Reject stream (very high in dissolved solid content)
The water is fed to the R.O. plant from R.O. feed pit. In the feed some chlorine is introduced
in concentration of 1 ppm. This chlorine kills bacteria and algae, which is harmful to
From feed pit the water is entered into solid catalyst classifier. In this classifier dolomite and
lime is introduced in solid form (not in fully powdered form). Here 0.1% of a polymer
solution is also added. This polymer coagulates the silica, which is deposited on dolomite
and lime, into large size. Hence the effluent from classifier is reduced in silica and turbidity
from that of water in feed.
To the classifier effluent 10% sodium – hexa-meta phosphate (SHMP) is added. The solution
acts as an anti scalar. The effluent then enters into 4 continuous filters. These filters are
actually sand filters having sands of uniform size. The effluent from these fitters is
maintained at pH 6.5 by addition of 30% HCl and stored in clarified water storage tank.
The rejects from solid contact classifier and 4 continuous filters are sent to sludge – pit where
it is poured and dried. The dried solid material was then sent into ash pond . This classified
water is used as power water and in chemical tanks (dolomite, lime etc) . Introducing it in
multigrade filters, in which different sizes of sand layers are used as filter, further purifies
this water. The effluent from multigrade filters then passes through a basket type catridge
filter. The cartridge filter removes suspended particles from water. When the differential
pressure across the catridge filter reaches 1 kg/cm2 when the flow rate through cartridge
filter reduces, the cartridge filter must be replaced. The effluent from this filter then enters
into 2 micron cartridge filters, removes suspended particles upto 5 micron. The effluent from
micron cartridge filter then enters into R.O. skid. The R.O. unit consists of single stream 3
stages. There are total 37 pressure tubes each containing 6 No. of membrane modules :-
The 1st stage contains 20 pressure tubes.
The 2nd stage contains 11 pressure tubes.
The 3rd stage contains 6 pressure tubes.
The membrane elements mainly made of polyamide films, imported from USA. The total
input flow rate to this R.O. unit is 150 m3/hr. the flow rate through each pressure tube is 7
m2 / hr. (approx.)
Hence total product water is (75+35+15) = 125 m3/hr. and reject is 150 m3/hr. The
maximum load can be handled by this R.O. unit is 165 m3/hr.
R.O. membrane modules are interconnected inside the pressure tubes with push fit type of
interconnecters. This R.O. unit consists of 2 sacrificial pressure enters the pressure tubes and
passes through the R.O. membrane elements. The purified water (permeate) travels through
the product header and gets collected.
A cleaning system provides means to remove foulness from the membrane elements and to
fill up pressure tubes with these infactant solutions. The cleaning system comprises of a
cleaning solution tank, a pump and a cartridge filter.
The product water is stored in product water tank and from there supplied to different plants,
such as DM plant and softening plant inlet. Once the recirculation is completed for the
desired time, pump is switched off and all the flexible hoses are disconnected, the blanks are
removed from feed and permeate headers and the blank is put on the stages, where the
flexible hoses are fixed, the system is started and flushed for 15 to 20 mins till the permeate
quality is within the desired limit and the system is taken into line.
Power Distribution:
T.G.1 - 12.5 MW
T.G.2 - 18 MW
Total power required 25.17 M
Urea1 - 3.7 MW
Urea 2 - 6.5 MW
Ammonia pump - 01,P1/A/B/C Carbamate pump - P2/A/B/C
C.T.P. - 02,P1/A/B/C/D C.T.F. –ME,A/B/C/D/E
Needs total power – 3.24 M.W.
At IFFCO Phulpur Unit there has been an emphasis on keeping the environment clean and
safe. Due to a continuous and dedicated efforts in this direction goal of zero discharge of
effluent has been achieved.
Strategy :
- Use of fly ash for making bricks. Fly ash being supplied to cement
manufacturing plant.
In order to reduce the data water consumption further and also to take care of effluent to be
generated in expansion plant, following two major schemes are being implemented.
1) Sewage Treatment Plant is being installed to treat township sewage. This water
after treatment will be used in plant and raw water consumption is expected to
reduce by about 3000 m3/day. It is expected to be completed by June 1997.
2) Reverse Osmosis Plant will be put up with its pretreatment alongwith DM plant
effluent segregation scheme. The segregated DM plant effluent will be first
treated in pretreatment plant to remove this impurities. Treated H2O from
pretreatment section will be finally treated with the help of R.O. membranes to
get the water quality fit for reuse in the plant. Total cost of the plant is expected
to be Rs. 8.51 crores. Plant completion is expected by March 1998.
IFFCO Phulpur believes in the philosophy of “prevention is better than cure”. All
necessary steps are being taken to avoid accidents. All employees are being given
training to avoid accidents. However, to handle any eventualities a team of qualified and
trained personnel with necessary modern facilities are available round the clock. An
incident accoured on 04.05.96 when Naphtha caught fire in ammonia plant and it could
have caused severe damage to the ammonia plant, being a major fire ancient, however the
fire was brought under control within 25 mins. This speak volumes about the
preparedness of fire fighting staff.
Facilities Available :
10 Kms length of fire hydrant line ring with 13 single heated and 13 double heated
ground hydrant and 23 single headed fire escape and internal hydrants.
3 fire tenders equipped with latest fire fighting facilities.
16000 m3 total water storage out of which 8000 m3 water exclusively reversed for
fire fighting only.
3 Motor driven and 2 diesel driven water pumps. Each of 410 m3/h capacity. 1
Motor driven pump of 10m3/h capacity.
Fixed foam system for Naphtha storage area.
Fire jeep and rescue van.
Breathing apparatus – 15
Explosive meter - 10
Gas detectors
O2 meters
Smoke detectors
IFFCO Material