Course: Type: Core/Foundation/Elective/Foundation Elective Course Code No of Hours Per Week

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School of Engineering and Management

Department of Management studies
Programme: MBA
Date of Approval:
Type: Core/Foundation/Elective/Foundation Elective Course Code
/Internship/ Project Work 16MBA14
No of Hours per week
Theory Practical/Field
Total/Week teaching
(Lecture Class) Work/Allied Activities
04 01 05 56
Internal Assessment Examination Total Credits
50 100 150 --
Pre-Requisite Knowledge/Skill: Management
Aim/Objective of the Course:
This subject quantitative method is taught as one of the core management topic. In this
programme, topics on various concepts of analytics tools for business decision making. Also
this subject provides the student with an analytical foundation for dealing with business
situations & to learn how to take decision under various situations. This subject familiarize the
use of linear programming and project management evaluation techniques &to orient the students
with research tools
Course Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students will be able to,
1. Explain the basic concepts of descriptive statics & solve various problems on it.
2. Explain the concept of correlation & regression & solve various problems on it.
3. Explain briefly the concept of probability & solve problems on probability
4. To explain briefly concept of decision theory & solve problems on it.
5. To explain briefly the concept of Linear Programming & transportation & also solve
problem on it.
6. Explain the concept of CPM & PERT? Solve the problems on network & project
Syllabus Content:
Module 1: Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Dispersion- Mean deviation, Standard
deviation-variance, Co-efficient of Variance.
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to, 6hrs
1. Define measure of dispersion?
2. Define mean deviation, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation?
3. Solve problems on mean deviation, standard deviation, variance & Co-efficient
of Variance
Module-2: Correlation and Regression: Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson correlation,
Spearman’s Rank correlation (one way table only), simple and multiple
regression(problems on simple regression only).
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to,
1. Define Correlation and Regression. 8hrs
2. Define a scatter diagram.
3. Define spearmans rank correlation coefficient. Discuss its usefulness.
4. Solve problems on regression & correlation.
Module-3: Probability Distribution: Concept and definition - Rules of probability –
Random variables –Concept of probability distribution – Theoretical probability
distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential – Baye’s theorem (No
derivation) (Problems only on Binomial, Poisson and Normal).
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to 6hr
1. Define Probability.
2. Define random experiment, trial, and event.
3. Explain briefly the Bayes theorem.
4. Solve problems on Poisson, normal & Bayes theorem
Module-4: Decision Theory: Introduction – Steps of decision making process-types of
decision making environments-decision making under uncertainty-Decision making
under Risk- Decision tree analysis ( only Theory)
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to
1. Define decision theory. 16
2. Describe various methods of decision making under uncertainty. hr
3. Explain the Steps of decision making process.
4. Explain the various types of decision making environments.
5. Explain briefly decision tree analysis.
6. Explain the methods for arriving at an optimal decision.
Module-5: Linear Programming: structure, advantages, disadvantages, formulation of
LPP, solution using Graphical method. Transportation problem: basic feasible solution
using NWCM, LCM, and VAM unbalanced, restricted and maximization problems.
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to
1. Define linear programming. List out the pros & cons of it.
2. Define basic feasible solution, degeneracy
3. Define transportation. Explain the methods of finding initial solution.
4. Solve the problems on LPP, NWCM, LCM, VAM
Module-6: Project Management: Introduction – Basic difference between PERT &
CPM – Network components and precedence relationships – Critical path analysis –
Project scheduling – Project time-cost trade off – Resource allocation, Concept of project
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to
1. Define critical path, total float, and free float. 10hr
2. Difference between PERT & CRM.
3. Explain the following terms: a) Earliest time b)Latest time c)Total activity
4. Calculate & prepare a network diagram for the project.
5. Define the terms: a) Optimistic time b)Pessimistic time c) Most likely time
Practical/Field Work Content
 Students are expected to have a basic excel classes
 Students should be able to relate the concepts which can highly enhanced an application
scenario in your profession.
 Student should demonstrate the application of the techniques covered in this course.
Text Books
 Complete Business Statistics – Amir D Aczel
 Statistical Method s – Dr S. P Gupta, Sulthan Chand & sons, fourth Edition, ISBN 81-
 Quantitative Techniques in Management, N D Vohra, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010,
Reference Books
• Operations Research – Theory & Applications, J K Sharma, 5th edition, Macmillan publishers,
2013, ISBN 978-9350-59336-3
• Fundamentals of Statistics, S.C Gupta, 6th edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007, ISBN
• Quantitative Methods for Business, Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, Thomson, 2005,ISBN
Additional Reading
1. Text books related to various Stastical tools
2. Articles in weekly magazines, new online tools & application of stastical tools.
3. Various publications & research papers on the quantitative methods & its application
Useful Websites
4. Bookboon
Useful Journals
1. John Fox. Applied Regression Analysis, Linear Models, and Related Methods. Sage, 1997.308
2. Richard Durrett. Probability: Theory and Examples. Duxbury Press, 1996.
3. Newbold, P., Statistics for Business and Econometrics. Prentice Hall, 1995.
4. Robert V. Hogg and Elliot A. Tanis. Probability and Statistical Inference. Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2006.
Teaching and Learning Methods:
1. Lecture class: 04hrs
2. Self study: 02hrs
3. Field visits/Group Discussions/Seminars: 02hrs
4. Practical classes: 01hrs
Skill Mapping of Course:

Learning Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

CO-1 X X
CO-2 X X
CO-3 X X
CO-4 X X
CO-5 X X
CO-6 X X
Type of test/examination: Written examination
Class tests:50 marks (Average of best two of total three tests will be considered)
Main examination: 100 marks (students have to answer all main questions)
Test duration: 1.5 hr
Examination duration: 3 hrs
CO to PO Mapping

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
CO-1 S W W M S
CO-2 W M S W
CO-3 W W M S
CO-4 W W M S
CO-5 W M S
CO-6 W S W M

PO1: Engineering Knowledge PO7:Environment and Society

PO2: Problem Analysis PO8:Ethics
PO3: Design &Development PO9:Individual & Team Work
PO10: Communication
PO4:Ivestigations of Complex Problems
PO11:Project Mngmt& Finance
PO5: Modern Tool Usage PO12:Life long Learning
PO6: Engineer & Society

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