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ADAPTIVE 2015 : The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications

Computer Vision Techniques for Autonomic Collaboration between Mobile Robots

Catherine Saunders, Roy Sterritt, George Wilkie

School of Computing and Mathematics
University of Ulster
Northern Ireland
e-mails: {,,}

Abstract— Autonomic Computing is concerned with improving imminent threats to the system; a Routine layer where most
the self-management and adaptability in software. In this processing is performed; a Reflection layer that analyzes
paper, we propose an Autonomic concept that would allow past and current experience in order to predict and improve
robots to interact with each other using an alternative future performance of either the routine or reactive activities
communication protocol in the event that direct wireless digital
[4]. A simple example of a process that could occur in the
communications fail. The aim of the research is to create
enhanced levels of autonomous behavior that enable the robots Reaction layer is that of a mobile robot using on-board
to still communicate via a more primitive mechanism. The sensors, such as ultrasonic or infrared to prevent a collision
alternative communication protocol uses a form of textual with an object.
semaphore. The visual means of communication involves Space robotics is an area that could greatly benefit from
processing textual images that contain meaningful messages or software that is Autonomic. The distance between Earth and
instructions. These textual images are transmitted via a display other planetary bodies makes instantaneous teleoperation of
screen mounted on the robot. The robot receiving the message rovers impossible, at least for the foreseeable future.
does so by taking a photo and performing image processing. Increasing the Autonomic capabilities of robots so that they
The research focus is on how robots could adapt to a hardware
may collaborate without the necessity of human intervention
communications failure by using the technique outlined here.
Our experiments have proven that a robot can read text from a would be very advantageous. It would allow a greater
screen and respond with an action, e.g., to rotate. Results also number of robots to be sent and enable them to explore
indicate that further work is needed in the area of image unaided.
processing in order to improve the accuracy of the character This paper is part of an ongoing research project that
recognition. It is hoped that these results will lead to further aims to assess and explore areas where Autonomic
research that can build upon the ideas presented and seek to Computing could be applied in Space Exploration. We
establish a two-way conversation as opposed to a monologue. discuss how image processing could be used to aid
collaboration between entities in the event of a
Keywords-Autonomic Computing; Mobile Robot; Optical
Character Recognition; Computer Vision communications failure, i.e., as part of a Self-Healing
strategy. Specifically, we look at how a mobile robot could
observe and infer meaning from text displayed on the screen
I. INTRODUCTION of another robot. The purpose is to assess whether
The idea of a self-managing artificial entity is not new; it meaningful communication can take place and how viable a
is a concept that has long existed in Science Fiction. As method Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is for re-
software systems become more complex, they require more establishing communication between entities, where there
management. As a solution, IBM devised Autonomic has previously been a breakdown in the normal radio
Computing [1]. Autonomic Computing seeks to remove (wireless) communication. A benefit to having a robot
human involvement and management of a system [2] and display text as opposed to a symbol or QR code is that a
instead allows that system to monitor itself and adapt. human can also read the message.
Adaption is a fundamental aspect to an Autonomic system, Section II of this paper explains why Autonomic
being able to modify its state to cope with external or Computing is needed and how useful it could be for space
internal changes is vital to ensure it stays operational. exploration. Section III looks at related work involving
To be Autonomic or self-managing, a software system robotics and text processing. Section IV introduces the
should possess awareness of its internal self and external research robot platform that was used for the experiments;
environment. It should also be able to make changes to its the setup is also explained through the use of a diagram.
state, and to adapt and repair itself [3]. Like the Autonomic Section V gives an overview of the image processing that
Nervous System, an Autonomic system should be able to was used in the experiments. Section VI discusses the
manage itself without outside influence. algorithm that was used to enable a robot to detect text that
An Autonomic system architecture consists of different is being displayed by another robot in its environment. The
layers, each with different responsibilities and awareness experimental results are discussed in Section VII. Section
[4]. An immediate Reaction layer that can respond to VIII summarizes the paper and discusses future work.

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ADAPTIVE 2015 : The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications

II. RESEARCH BACKGROUND purely software system, there are avenues available for
As a precursor to an eventual human landing on other repair and investigation that do not exist with separate
planetary bodies, probes in the form of satellites and landers mobile robots. With separation, their only means of
have been sent to explore and report. As early as the 1970s, collaborating as a whole involves transmitting data or
the Soviet Space Program sent teleoperated rovers to the communicating via emergence. If there is a fault with their
moon [5]. hardware and they are unable to transmit, there is no way
The Mars rover MSL Curiosity is one of many Martian for the other members of a swarm or cluster to receive a
rovers that are paving the way for an eventual human status report from a faulty robot.
landing. Their overarching goal is to discover as much as In this paper, we propose that OCR could be used as a
backup communication strategy, with robots being able to
possible in order to minimise the risk that is inherent with
glean information by reading the screen of a faulty robot.
human space travel. It is hoped that future incarnations of
This proposal assumes that not all hardware on the robot is
Mars rovers will possess more autonomous behavior, thus damaged and that it is still able to display messages on its
making them less dependent on human operators to provide screen. Other work involving OCR and robots has
mission direction and navigational waypoints. investigated using a standalone robot to observe text in the
NASA’s concept missions highlight their interest in environment and mapping its location or following textual
eventually sending multiple spacecraft as opposed to one signs [13][14][15].
all-important rover. The current process of having a team
micromanage a rover’s actions would be untenable for a III. RELATED WORK
swarm or perhaps even a smaller cluster. The adoption of Great advances have been made in robot mapping, object
more ambitious projects like the NASA concept mission detection and navigation. However, most robots are not
Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm (ANTS) is reliant on equipped with the ability to read. For a robot to operate
the improvement of self-management techniques and the successfully in a human centric environment, they should be
collaboration between multiple self-managing entities [6] able to fully understand that environment. Analyzing the
[7]. Within a swarm of Autonomic entities, each would world around them should not be limited to mapping walls or
need to follow the Self-CHOP paradigm so that the entire navigation, as this does not provide a complete picture of
swarm can operate efficiently [6][8]. Self-CHOP stands for where they are. Other forms of visual clue should be
Self-Configuring, Self-Healing, Self-Optimizing and Self- considered, perhaps for guidance or directions. Such forms
Protecting; it represents the key functions that an would include reading QR codes or even reading forms of
Autonomic system should possess. text. There is a limited amount of research on robots making
Autonomic Computing is concerned with creating use of OCR; this section will discuss research that combines
software that can self-manage its internal state without the robotics and OCR.
Using OCR to navigate an indoor environment by
need for human assistance [4][9]. For a system to be
reading signs and without using Simultaneous Localization
considered Autonomic, it must be Self-Aware, Environment
and Mapping (SLAM) has been investigated in [13]. SLAM
Aware, Self-Adjusting and Self-Monitoring. In order to is a research area that aims to solve the problem of how a
meet these requirements, it needs to monitor its internal and mobile robot builds a map of an unknown environment and
external state, be able to respond to stimuli and update its keeps track of its location within that environment. A robot
state. Autonomic Computing research breaks a software was equipped with an RFID reader and each sign within the
system down in to many components known as Autonomic environment had an RF card associated with it. When the
Elements (AE). Each AE consists of an Autonomic Manager reader detected an RF card, a photo was taken and analyzed
(AM) and a Managed Component (MC) that the manager for text.
controls via the MAPE control loop [1]. The MAPE control In [16], the benefits of using landmarks that occur in the
loop was devised by IBM in 2001, the acronym stands for human environment as opposed to artificial landmarks
Monitor, Analyze, Plan and Execute [1][10]. The MAPE deliberately placed for the robot is discussed. The work
control loop enables the AM to monitor and adjust the MC. presents a technique that enables a robot to recognise a door
The AM also monitors the external environment for sign using a Histogram of Oriented Gradients [17] classifiers
messages from other AEs. A communications channel exists and then reading the text using Google Goggles [18]. The
between the AEs, this ability to exchange information from goal of the research is to create richer maps by gathering
one AE to another AE is designed to help to improve the semantic information.
overall performance of a system, reduce failure and increase The idea that reading text can provide useful semantic
the ability of a system to self-repair. information has also been explored in [19]. A robot was set
the task of traversing a corridor and reading text of different
Information that could be sent from AE to AE via this
sizes. It used a pan/tilt/zoom camera to zoom in on potential
channel includes a Heartbeat Monitor (HBM) signal, which
text. The ability to zoom in on the text improved the
by its very presence could indicate whether or not another accuracy three-fold. “To date robots have not been able to
part of the system is still functioning [11][12]. The absence access this source of semantic information and often rely on
of an “I am alive” signal denotes that there is potentially a
problem with the AE that is not transmitting. Within a

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ADAPTIVE 2015 : The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications

a second tier of informational infrastructure such as QR X80-H robot is equipped with a small mono LCD screen
codes of RFID tags” [19]. that can display 128x64 pixels Bitmaps.
OCR is prone to errors; Poster et al. [20] used
probabilistic inference to compensate for detection errors and
determine what a detected word was most likely to be e.g.,
“nqkio” is actually “nokia”.
An edge detection algorithm is used by Liu and
Samarabandu [21] to better identify characters within an
image and allow a mobile robot to navigate. The edge
detection algorithm is used to highlight blobs within a photo
taken of a sign, bounding boxes are placed around the blobs
and used to create sub images, which can then be passed to
an OCR engine.
A robot that can read the license plate of a car is
discussed in [22], where a mobile robot and Android phone
were combined and used a number of image pre-processing Figure 1. Setup involves robots sending/receiving data via Wi-Fi
techniques to remove noise from the image before OCR
recognition took place. We initially planned to use the LCD screen to display
An interesting use of a robot and OCR is presented in text but the X80 was incapable of reading the text due to the
[23], the robot operates as a library assistant and can find and dullness of the screen and low quality X80 camera. For this
fetch books for a user. The user requests a book via a voice reason, a tablet was chosen instead. Its brighter screen
command; the robot then uses OCR to locate the book and proved easier for the X80 camera to take images, from which
picks it up using a robotic gripper arm. text could be detected.
Another useful OCR approach is described in [24], where V. IMAGE PROCESSING
the work involved aiding a blind person by using a shoulder
mounted camera system that reads text within the Image processing is a vast area of research within mobile
environment and then dictates it to the user. Like the system robotics; its primary focus is to help with SLAM. However,
in [19], it also uses a camera that can zoom in on potential the idea that robots could communicate by reading each
text to get a higher resolution image. other’s screens is not a topic that receives much attention.
This section has highlighted some examples of research This is because it is a relatively inefficient way to
that combines robotics and OCR. The majority of the communicate compared to more traditional methods such as
research in this area tends to focus on improving SLAM and wireless communication, Infrared and Bluetooth. It is,
helping a robot navigate an environment by gathering however, interesting to discuss different approaches like
semantic information. This paper presents a novel use for OCR, or even speech recognition were messages broadcast
OCR that has not been covered before. We are interested in from a speaker on a robot could be processed for words by
how two or more robots could communicate via OCR in the another robot, because such means of communication may
event of a communications failure. provide a useful backup system in the event that the primary
mode of communications fails – thereby fitting our goal of
IV. ROBOT PLATFORM creating adaptability within our robot capabilities.
The experimentation was completed using the X80 [25] For the experiments, we used the Tesseract library,
and X80-H [26] models manufactured by Dr Robot. A which was initially developed by HP Labs and is currently
Samsung Galaxy Tablet was used to display text and mimic maintained by Google [29]. Processing and analyzing the
a screen that could belong to a robot. The X80 and X80-H data within each video frame is computationally inefficient.
are wheeled differential drive style robots that are equipped Using color filtering and feature based matching reduces the
with a variety of sensors including Ultrasonic and Infrared. amount of processing required. By only checking for
For these tests, the Ultrasonic sensors were used for characters within a Region of Interest (ROI), this eliminates
collision prevention with other objects in the environment. the reading of extraneous data that may occur in the
As shown in Figure 1, a separate computer runs the environment. To create a ROI, such as a rectangle, we can
application that connects and controls the robot. The place a red rectangular frame around text; everything except
computer is connected via Ethernet to a router and data is the color red can then be filtered out. The next step is to
sent to and from the robot via Wi-Fi. The application was look for contours with 4 edge points, draw a bounding box
developed in C# and utilises the Dr Robot API and EMGU around the contour, and clip the X, Y, Width and Height of
CV library [27]. EMGU CV is a .NET wrapper for the this bounding box from the original frame. The Tesseract
widely used Open CV library[28]. OCR Engine is then used to look for text within this
The camera included on the X80 is subject to distortion, clipping and not the entire frame. By only processing the
in future experiments we may opt to use a higher resolution characters that appear within the red bounding box, this
IP WLAN camera that can be placed on the robot. The helps to cut down on the amount of false data that could be

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ADAPTIVE 2015 : The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications

VI. PROTOYPE SYSTEM The Algorithm in Figure 3 shows the steps taken when a
We devised an algorithm that enables a robot to check robot does not receive the “I am Alive” heartbeat signal
on another robot if the "I am alive" signal has not been from another robot within a cluster. The robot moves to the
received. The experiment is conducted under the premise last known co-ordinates and takes a photo, checks the image
that if the X80 robot has not received the signal, it then or text and then follows the command associated with the
moves towards the X80-H in order to investigate. text.
The flow diagram in Figure 2 shows the steps taken if the
signal is not received. The robot that has noticed the signal is Algorithm: If Heartbeat signal is not received
absent moves to the last known co-ordinates of the robot that 1: Robot autonomously moves around the environment
2: if "I am Alive" signal has not been received then
is not transmitting. When encountering an object <0.3m it
3: Move to last known co-ordinates of other robot
processes a frame of its video feed and looks for red contours
4: if sensor detects object within 30cm then
with 4 points, if it finds a contour, it looks for text within the 5: Stop movement
bounding box of those 4 points. The purpose of this is to test 6: Take snapshot of video frame
whether two robots could still communicate information if 7: Look for red rectangles within the snapshot
they no longer have access to the more usual means of 8: end if
wireless communication due to a hardware fault or 9: if red rectangles exist in snapshot then
atmospheric conditions. We used red contours but other 10: if rectangle contains text then
shapes and colors could be used to help recognise the screen 11: if text matches a command word then
of the robot that is not transmitting. Another idea would be to 12: Follow Command e.g., Danger
train a Haar classifier and have the robot look for the exact 13: end if
image of the non-transmitting robot in its video feed. 14: end if
15: end if
16: end if

Figure 3. Algorithm used when a heartbeat signal is not received


The tests involved an X80 and an X80-H robot, with the
latter being assigned the role of sender. A Samsung Galaxy
Tablet was partially covered in red card and placed on the
X80-H, this was used to display the word “DANGER”. The
X80 was then tasked with approaching the X80-H, stopping
when it detected an object <0.3m and using image
processing techniques to find a red rectangle and looking for
text within it.
In Figure 4, we can see the X80 (right hand robot) has
stopped approximately 0.3m from the X80-H (left hand robot
in the picture). The X80-H robot has the tablet positioned at
the front of its base. The tablet has text displayed; the red
rectangle ensures that only the text within it will be
processed by the X80

Figure 4. Experiment using an X80-H, X80 and Tablet

Figure 2. Flow diagram of OCR communication In Figure 5, the 1st row from left to right displays the
Robot Camera video feed, the 2nd image is of a screenshot
taken of the video feed, the blue bounding box highlights a

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ADAPTIVE 2015 : The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications

detected red rectangle. The Red Filter image box is a gray TABLE I. RESULTS FROM EXPERIMENT 1
scale representation of the screenshot, a threshold filter has
been applied so that only red pixels will display in white, Detect OCR X Y W H
non-red pixels are shown in black. The 2nd row shows the Rectangle Output
OCR output with the word “DANGER” detected; the 1 Yes DANGER 36 61 92 42
Rectangle’s image box gives a clearer indication of the size 2 Yes --- 36 61 92 42
of the rectangle detected. The final image is of the Clipped 3 Yes DANGER 36 61 92 42
Rectangle bounding box, it is this image that is used in 4 Yes DANGER 36 62 92 41
conjunction with the Tesseract library. Only this image is 5 Yes DANGER 36 62 92 41
checked for text. 6 Yes 7ANGER 37 60 91 43
We can see that only the inner rectangle has been
7 Yes 7ANGER 37 60 91 43
detected, the outer rectangle was occasionally detected;
however this made no difference to whether the text was 8 Yes 7ANGER 37 60 91 43
correctly identified. The Red Filter image box shows that the 9 Yes --- 37 61 91 41
inner rectangle has a more even shape due to the white inner 10 Yes 7ANOER 37 60 91 43
box. It has been noticed that the camera tends to classify
non-background pixels as red; this then results in a
somewhat fuzzy appearance of the outer box. Due to the
irregular shape the outer box has more than 4 contour points B. Experiment 2 Results
and is therefore not detected as a rectangular object.
For this experiment, the robot was programmed to read
the text within a red rectangle and then respond with an
action. If the OCR output contained the word “DANGER”
or variations of it, the robot would rotate 360°, results of the
experiment are displayed in Table II. The variations
observed in Experiment 1 were incorporated in to the code
for Text checking in Experiment 2. This test was undertaken
to show that the robot could interpret detected text and
respond with an action.


Figure 5. GUI showing processed image and detected rectangle Detect OCR X80 Action
Rectangle Output
A. Experiment 1 Results
Table I shows the results of 10 tests where the receiver
4 Yes --- NONE
robot was approximately 0.29 metres from the sender robot.
The sender robot or X80-H is shown on the left in figure 3.
6 No --- NONE
The test was performed under optimum lighting conditions
with artificial and natural light. The red rectangle was 7 Yes DANGER ROTATED
detected 100% of the time; the OCR output included the 8 Yes DANGER ROTATED
word “DANGER” 40% of the time. In 2 cases, the OCR 9 Yes DANGER ROTATED
failed to detect any characters, the other 40% included 10 Yes DANGER ROTATED
variations on the word, with “7ANGER” being detected
30% of the time.
The X and Y co-ordinates of the inner rectangle are Checking whether a misspelt detected word is similar to
displayed in the table, as are the Width and Height, the a correctly spelled word was explored in [20], where the
readings were very consistent. The distance between the two researchers were able to improve text detection accuracy by
robots was the same throughout each test, the light in the using probabilistic inference. Our experiments have shown
room varied slightly from one test to the next. The reason that more work is required in image pre-processing to
for the failed detections as the tests go on seems to lie with correct distortion before an image is passed to the OCR
the slight variation in lighting. More work is required in engine. The experiments were conducted at a distance of
order to improve character detection under poor lighting approximately 0.29 metres; this was due to limitations with
conditions. the camera being used. In [19][24], the researchers used a
pan/tilt/zoom camera to zoom in on a region of interest. In

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ADAPTIVE 2015 : The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications

future we would like to try a similar approach as this would

allow for experiments to be conducted at a greater distance.
Future experiments will also seek to include more
meaningful instructions and responses.

C. Further Experiments
Figure 8. Camera distortion due to lighting conditions
Further experiments were carried out that tested the X80
Despite the higher success rate observed with the printed
reading the screen at various angles, the rectangle was
word test, camera distortion still caused a high failure rate.
repeatedly detected but unfortunately the word could not be
Figure 8 shows an example of the level of distortion the
recognised unless the robot was facing the screen straight
camera is prone to experiencing. The noise tends to distort
on. The variation observed when lighting conditions are sub
the shape of the characters and prevent a word being
optimal can be seen in Figure 6; in this case, too much
detected accurately.
sunlight has caused red pixels to be detected as green pixels.
The Red Filter is unable to detect a rectangle and therefore VIII. SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK
cannot look for text. However, this is also due to the X80’s
In this paper, we proposed a concept that would allow
camera; it has proven to be of low quality and regularly
mobile robots to communicate using a form of textual
experiences distortion. In future, similar experiments could
semaphore. By locating an object using Ultrasonic sensors,
be performed with a higher resolution camera equipped with
a zoom capability. a robot can analyze whether there is a red rectangle within
its field of view. The red rectangle frames a screen used to
display textual commands. The contents of a detected
rectangle are processed by the responding robot. If the
rectangle contains text, then the robot has found the non-
transmitting robot. The experiments showed that lighting
conditions and the low quality camera greatly affected the
results; future experimentation would look at how to
compensate for this so that the text can still be read.
Improving image noise by using pre-processing techniques
will also be explored in future.
Figure 6. X80 camera distortion, red pixels appear green Future experimentation may involve instructing one
robot to follow another and read the directions on the
Numerous other tests were conducted that involved screen. The robots could be placed within a text-rich
having a robot read printed words. Using printed text as environment to test how well the method works. Further
opposed to an electronic screen greatly improved the rate of work is also needed to see if the text detection rate can be
detection; this is because the Tesseract OCR has been improved and poor lighting conditions compensated for. We
developed for use with printed text. These tests involved the would also like to test different screens to ascertain whether
X80 robot moving around a room and checking for text some are easier to read at an angle than others. Performing
when it encountered an object < 0.3m away. The text future experiments with a high resolution IP camera instead
contained various words that could be translated in to simple of the video camera supplied with X80 would help eliminate
commands such as Rotate, Move Right, Reverse and Stop. unwanted image distortion.
Figure 7 shows the results from a test where the robot was The end goal of this research is to develop a system that
instructed only to process text contained within a red allows robots to converse via screens with changeable text.
rectangle. Our results to date are encouraging and demonstrate that the
principle of communicating in this manner has some
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Copyright (c) IARIA, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-61208-391-9 57

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