Are Anime Titties Aerodynamic

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The study uses computational fluid dynamics to examine the aerodynamic effects of large breasts on a human figure. Two models - a reference model and a modified model with reduced breast size - are examined and various aerodynamic parameters are compared.

The purpose of the study is to contribute to the understanding of how large breasts can affect the dynamics of the human wake through CFD simulation and to provide information on the validity of the statement 'Flat is Justice' from an aerodynamic perspective.

Two 3D models are proposed for examination: a reference model based on a character design with significantly large breasts, and a modified model of the same design where the breast size is reduced significantly.

Analysis and Qualitative Effects of Large Breasts on Aerodynamic Performance and

Wake of a “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid” Character

N. Rabino


Keywords: A computational fluid dynamics methodology is used to study the salient flow features around
Computational fluid dynamics, ANSYS, drag the breasts of a human figure and to describe the aerodynamic differences imparted by their
coefficient, human aerodynamics, SST k-ω geometric presence. Two models are proposed for examination: a 3-dimensional reference based
model, anime, Quetzalcoatl, titties, thicc
on a character design with a significantly buxom figure and a modification of this design where
AMS Subject Classifications: the breast size is reduced significantly. The two models are tested at speeds ranging from 1 to 30
00A72, 76-05, 76G25 m⋅s^-1 using Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS). Drag, lift, and skin friction forces,
along with turbulence kinetic energy (TKE), are investigated and compared between the differ-
ent models. The present results are expected to provide useful information on the validity of the
statement, “Flat is Justice” in terms of an aerodynamic standpoint. In addition to this, the results
can offer worthwhile data investigating the anthropometrical presence of large breasts on sport

gous to the human shape can be represented by a grouping of uniform

1. Introduction circular cylinders [11] and therefore existing studies on this type of
geometry can provide general insight into the wake region. Sumner et
The aerodynamics of the human form has been an area of valuable al. [12] described the wake and development of vortex structures of
research in various aspects of sports and competition. Air resistance
determined that a transition in vortex shedding occurs at ℎ/𝑑𝑑 = 3. An
cylinders with aspect ratios (i.e. height to diameter) of 3, 5, and 9, and
(hereinafter referred to as “drag”) is a concerning factor in many time-
based trials, and enhancing potential efficiency can be done through the investigation by Okamoto and Sunabashiri [13] also supports this find-
elucidation of the flow around the human figure. Studies concerning the ing, adding that cylinders with an aspect ratio of 3 experience a recircu-
drag of the human body using wind tunnels can be found dating back to lation region that extends four diameters downstream. Assuming the
the 1920s [1]. A small sampling of subsequent studies exploring the human form takes on a roughly large cylindrical shape near this aspect
effect of drag covers areas such as running [2], cycling [3], skiing [4], ratio, it is to be expected that the recirculation region will behave simi-
and skating [5], all of which reinforces the relevance of aerodynamic larly and extend approximately four body widths downstream.
investigation on the human shape in regards to performance. A readily apparent deviation in geometry compared to studies done
In many of such studies, the authors seek to investigate the effect of on singular cylinders is the presence of the gap between the legs. An
positioning in relation to drag [6], and some utilize numerous subjects extensive and comprehensive review done by Zhou and Alam [14] on
of differing anthropometric proportions to describe a generalized result the various arrangements of two cylinders indicate the wake structure
on such positioning [7, 8]. Hitherto, none within the author’s investiga- falls into a multitude of regimes. In a side-by-side configuration, being
tions has described the effect of specific physiological features on aero- similar to the two legs of a human, it is deduced that there are three
dynamic performance in great detail. Stemming from certain internet primary regimes where the wake experiences proximity interference.
communities and pertinent to the current era comes the succinct state- When closely spaced together, the first regime shows that the cylinders
ment, “Flat is Justice”, which consequentially begets interesting debate act similarly to that of a single bluff body with a width corresponding to
that can reverberate and diffuse throughout media. Essentially, the the two cylinders. When the gap width is larger than 20% of the diame-
statement describes the appreciation of flat-chested women [9], which ter, each cylinder has individual wakes that strongly affect one another
posits a peculiar aspect that has yet to be fully explored in human aero- and is associated with the second regime. At gap widths exceeding ap-
dynamics; namely, the effect of breasts in regards to drag and overall proximately 100~120% of the diameter, each cylinder acts as an inde-
aerodynamic performance. pendent body with the vortex streets being loosely influenced by one
This work is intended to contribute to the understanding of how another. Seeing that human legs are not strictly cylinders with a fixed
large breasts can affect the dynamics of the human wake through the diameter but more akin to inverted tapered cylinders, the wakes behind
use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation tools. This pre- the legs will likely behave in a similar fashion observed in both the first
liminary work focuses solely on comparing the relevant effects of large and second regime. With the ankles and calves being narrower and hav-
breasts of a selected human design to that of the same design but with, ing a larger gap between them, the second regime is applicable. A tran-
euphemistically, “lesser tracts of land”. The following sections will sition into the first regime can be expected associated with the bulkiness
present an overall understanding on the human wake in relation to sim- of the thighs and reduction in gap width.
plified geometry along with engineering applications, introduce the Engineering literature can also provide additional details on the
chosen human geometry and models, relevant boundary conditions, the flow characteristics around the body. Many of such studies are motivat-
governing equations, and the numerical methods used to solve the equa- ed by exposure control and contaminant transport [15, 16], thermal
tions. An in-depth review on the computational uncertainty is described, issues [17, 18], and comfort prediction [19], rather than overall drag
following with extensive results and discussion, conclusions, and rec- effects. Inherently, many of the tested flow characteristics are evaluated
ommendations for future work. in a quiescent environment or at air velocities that are of a lower order
1.1 Background on the Human Wake compared to those found in sport-related studies. Nonetheless, these
studies provide useful insight on the natural turbulence caused by the
The human body can best be described as a bluff-body in respect to human form and the expected anatomical location of flow separation.
the flow around it. Literature on the behavior of the wakes behind bluff Inthavong et al. [20] utilized a high speed camera to record the wake
bodies indicates that the flow will be unsteady due to the turbulent tran- generation of a 1/5th scaled realistic human manikin that was accelerat-
sition and separation of the boundary layer [10]. A simplification analo- ed to a velocity of ~1 m⋅s-1. From their results, it was found that the

1 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino

(a) Original reference design. (b) The modified design proposed
Courtesy: Kyoto Animation. for comparison.
Figure 1. Comparison of different designs for Lucoa. Figure 2. A perspective measurement of Lucoa in reference to a door frame
using the Vanishing Point Tool in Adobe Photoshop.

shoulder undergoes flow separation and produces vortices in a regular In order to obtain accurate results from the setups described later in
pattern. The hands produce a well-defined yet unstable vortex sheet that this paper, it is important to have the subject in question reflect real
curls towards the centerline of the body. The head acts similarly to clas- world scales properly. Lucoa’s height while in human form is not given
sical sphere/cylinder cases with the addition of a trailing wake forming explicitly in any related media within the scope of the author’s research.
from behind the neck. The neck was found to remove the expected Thus, Lucoa’s height must be estimated in relation to objects of which a
counter free shear layer that is present in cylinder studies and thus elim- reasonable measurement can readily be found. Conveniently, there is a
inates the formation of an oscillating vortex sheet. In all, it can be said scene found within Episode 6, Season 1 of the animated adaptation
that the observed human wake is a highly complex and richly diverse wherein Lucoa steps through a doorframe. Assuming the door is of a
system that is easily influenced by the inherent geometry used; it is typical size 1 used for external entrances, in addition to Lucoa being
expected that from this study, an overall summary can be presented on scaled properly in the scene, we can estimate her height using a vanish-
how and to what degree the previously described flow structures are ing point technique.
affected by the presence of large breasts. Using the door as depicted in Figure 2 to judge Lucoa’s height, it
was determined that she stands approximately 177 cm measured to the
2. Methodology top of her hat, with her horns boosting her overall figure to a height of
182 cm. These numbers can be considered reasonable based on canoni-
2.1 Design Proposal and Model Scaling cal descriptions of Lucoa’s towering stature [27] compared to the aver-
The use of realistic human models affords greater realization of the age height of 158 cm for a Japanese woman [28].
pertinent flow characteristics as they are considerably different than 2.2 3-Dimensional Models and Geometry Analysis
those of generalized models. Yan et al. [21] concluded that an excessive
degree of simplification in using a manikin can affect the ability to Since Lucoa is a fictional character that is commonly portrayed in
achieve accurate results, and thus precludes the use of a simplified a 2-dimensional 2 world, determining her form drag between the two
model for this study. However, the acquisition of a 3-D scanned human proposed designs as described in Figure 1 requires that we add another
model with a significant bust indubitably proved difficult. The use of a dimension to her model. Conveniently enough, an available 3-D model
highly unconventional approach was used to ameliorate this issue. of Lucoa [29] was used that would make the simulation possible. This
The animated adaptation of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, being MikuMikuDance 3-D model (henceforth referred to as the “Normal”
a recently popular show [22] and spawning a sizable subculture on the model) was then imported into the 3-D modeling program Blender,
internet [23], proved suitable in terms of providing potential models. scaled to the determined height as described in the previous section,
The dragon characters (themselves being based off of mythically and then exported into an STL file. This STL file was then repaired using
culturally prominent dragons) assume a human form to interact with the built-in repair feature present in Microsoft 3D Builder due to the
other humans in this well-received [24] slice-of-life urban fantasy. A unclean geometry inherent with the model. To achieve the modified
majority of the human forms of the female dragon characters possessed design (henceforth referred to as the “Flat” model), the original Miku-
significant busts. However, Quetzalcoatl (referred to canonically as MikuDance model was modified using the built-in tools in Blender to
“Lucoa” and will be named as such throughout the rest of this paper) dramatically reduce Lucoa’s breast size. The export and repair process
substantiated herself as the adaptation’s gag character by her significant remained the same as for the original model.
size [25, 26], thus making her the perfect candidate in providing a suita- As shown in Figure 3, all positions between the two models remain
ble model. Being clearly the largest amongst her fellow dragons as es- the same and left unperturbed to leave the reduction in breast size as the
tablished in Figure 1, Lucoa provides the best contrast between a large sole geometric difference to be investigated. Although the typical or-
bust and having none at all. To provide the most direct comparison in thostatic (standing) orientation of a human has the upper limbs in a
regards to the effect of large breasts on the wake, a dramatic reduction
in bust size as reflected in Figure 1(b) was proposed for use in this 1
study. A typical metric external door’s size is 926 mm wide by 2040 mm tall.
Referring to the media she is portrayed in, such as printed materials and televi-
2 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino
where 𝜌𝜌 is the fluid density, 𝑈𝑈∞ is the free stream velocity, 𝐴𝐴 is the
frontal projected area, and 𝑃𝑃 is the pressure at the surface 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑. 𝜏𝜏𝑤𝑤 is the
local wall shear stress being defined as,

𝜏𝜏𝑤𝑤 ≡ 𝜇𝜇 𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 �
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝑦𝑦=0

with 𝜇𝜇 as the dynamic viscosity, 𝑢𝑢 the flow velocity along the boundary,
and 𝑦𝑦 being the height above the boundary. The value of CD is not con-
stant and is dependent on Reynolds number, which is defined as,
Re =

where 𝐿𝐿 is an arbitrary characteristic length. In this study, 𝐿𝐿 is equal to

(a) Reference (Normal) model. (b) Modified (Flat) model. the height of the models.
Figure 3. 3-D representations of Lucoa to be used in CFD simulations, detailing The lift coefficient is comparable to the drag coefficient, being that
(clockwise) top, side, and front views. the force is evaluated in a direction that is perpendicular to the mean
flow direction, e.g. vertically upwards. Thus,
relaxed position [30], the arms are left posed at a 45° adduction angle
CL =
𝜌𝜌𝑈𝑈∞ 𝑆𝑆
from the torso, as this is the default ‘A’ pose when importing the model.
This arm position also has an advantage in this study as it potentially 2 (5)
enables a more thorough analysis on the effect of breasts on the wake
FL = (−𝑃𝑃 sin 𝜃𝜃 + 𝜏𝜏𝑤𝑤 cos 𝜃𝜃) 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑

region, whereas a neutral standing posture would have the arms inter-
fere with the downstream effect of the breasts. The hair is left modeled 𝐴𝐴

Instead of the frontal projected area, 𝐴𝐴, a reference surface area, 𝑆𝑆, is
as solid to reduce simulation complexity and setup. 3 While humans

used. For consistent comparison however, 𝐴𝐴 and 𝑆𝑆 are left defined as

naturally lean forward against the direction of the wind to maintain

being equivalent, thus 𝐴𝐴 = 𝑆𝑆. This result does not affect the calculated
equilibrium [31], this factor is not considered in this study as this lean-
ing would change the frontal area exposed to the fluid flow and thus
complicate comparisons against static reference models. forces but rather only the coefficient, and as such, the lift coefficient is

The skin friction coefficient, Cf , is evaluated in a similar manner to

Dimensionally, the bounds of the two models are similar, with the dependent on the frontal area.
height and arm span being 1.82 and 1.387 meters respectively. The

only 0.414 meters. The frontal projected area, 𝐴𝐴, of both models is ponent of the profile drag, FD . Therefore,
Normal model has a depth of 0.525 meters whereas the Flat model is the drag coefficient since the force attributed to skin friction is a com-

0.584 m2. The volumetric difference between the two is 9.19 L, indicat-
Cf =
ing that each breast on the Normal model has an enormous volume of
approximately 4.6 L. The under-bust circumference of the Normal mod- 2 (7)
el is approximately 64 cm and the bust measures 115 cm. The Flat mod-
el has the same under-bust measurement whereas the bust measures 68 Analyzing the skin friction coefficient allows insight into areas where
cm. Attempting to match the dimensions and bust volume of the Normal the boundary layer thickness changes; as turbulent flow increases, the

Cf transitions to larger values or experiences spikes are indicative of

model to existing cup sizing scales is difficult as these measurements thickness of the boundary layer increases, and consequently areas where
are exceptionally large and exceed volumes measured in other studies
[32]. Using the JIS L 4006:1998 [33] scale and extrapolating 4 cup siz- where flow separation is prevalent [34, 35].
ing from the largest listed size (I-cup), the Normal model can be de- Turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) signifies of the loss of kinetic en-
scribed as being 10 cups larger; an estimated “S65”. The Flat model is a ergy from the mean flow and represents the energy present with eddies
stark contrast to this, where it matches a petite “AA65” size. in turbulent flow; it is a direct measure of the intensity of turbulence. In
The dramatic difference in bust size between the models serves to a general form quantifying the mean of turbulence normal stresses, TKE
provide the most significant change in outcomes; it is assumed that due is defined as,
1 �2 �2 �2
to the absurd bust size, any size smaller than the Normal model would
𝑘𝑘 = �(𝑢𝑢′) + (𝑣𝑣′) + (𝑤𝑤′) �
have an outcome that would fall in a range between both models. (8)
2.3 Evaluated Metrics and Implementation
The exact value of TKE is calculated based on the closure of the Reyn-
Four metrics under investigation for this study include drag and lift olds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, which is further discussed in
forces (including their associated coefficients), skin friction coefficient, Section 3.3.

CD , and drag force, FD , the following equations are used,

and finally, turbulence kinetic energy. To evaluate the drag coefficient, The numerical simulations in this present work, along with the au-
tomatic evaluation of the equations described in this section, were car-
ried out using ANSYS FLUENT R17. The 3-D models defined in Sec-
CD =
(1) tion 2.2 were imported into FLUENT and followed the methodology as
described in the following section.

FD = (−𝑃𝑃 cos 𝜃𝜃 + 𝜏𝜏𝑤𝑤 sin 𝜃𝜃) 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑

(2) 3. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Setup
and Analysis
3.1 Boundary Conditions
Hair physics is beyond the scope of the author, and thus this study, due to the The use of boundary conditions based on real-world environments
inordinate amount of computing resources and time needed to setup and simulate enhances the overall applicability of the results stemming from the sim-
hair strands in a physically accurate fashion. ulations. It was therefore important to determine the most appropriate
In [33], each cup size is binned with every 2.5 cm deviation from the under- and accurate environment in which to simulate the models with. It was
bust measurement starting from 7.5 cm.
3 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino
Figure 5. Side view of the full grid domain along the median plane.

should the flow reverse direction at the boundary during iterative calcu-
lations. The remaining borders of the “virtual wind tunnel” are modeled
as symmetric to simulate zero-shear slip walls. In FLUENT, this bound-
Figure 4. Boundary conditions of the computational domain, with the inlet being
represented in blue, outlet in red, walls in white, and symmetry in yellow.
ary condition assumes a zero flux for all quantities, which imposes a
zero normal gradient across the defined boundary and thus enforces a
found that the overall location used in the animated adaptation of Miss parallel flow.
Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid was based on the city of Koshigaya [36], In FLUENT, the flow is initialized with a velocity field equal to the
situated in the Saitama Prefecture of Japan. A logical time of year to specified velocity for the run, e.g., a run specified at 1.0 m⋅s-1 would
assume a person being outside without excess clothing would be some- have the entire field initialized with that value, and so on. Turbulence
time in the summer. Using the month of August, it was found that parameters at the boundaries are also initialized based on turbulence
weather conditions in Koshigaya and nearby surrounding regions fea- values as specified in Table 1. The blockage ratio was determined to be
ture averages [37] of 22.6°C for temperature, 73% for relative humidity, 8.7%, which would necessitate the usage of a correction factor to data;
however, a blockage ratio of up to 10% in regards to bluff bodies has
calculated to be 𝜌𝜌 = 1.1581 kg ⋅ m−3 and the dynamic viscosity to be
and 1005.9 hPa for local atmospheric pressure. Thus, the air density was
shown to provide reasonably similar outcomes compared to testing
𝜇𝜇 = 1.86847 ⋅ 10−5 kg ⋅ m−1 ⋅ s−1 .
using lower blockage ratios [41] and therefore a correction factor was
not used.
Since the human body can vary based upon the clothing worn, sur-
face roughness and the effects of fabrics are parameters that are ignored 3.2 Grid Generation
in this study. Although multiple studies have shown fabrics have a no-
ticeable effect on the overall drag of a human body [7, 38], the walls in The computational domain was discretized with an unstructured
this computational work can be regarded as smooth. In all simulations, grid as shown in Figure 5. To reduce numerical diffusion and to more
the models and ground of the domain are modeled as non-moving walls accurately resolve the viscous boundary layer, the surface grids on the
with no-slip conditions. The clothing that is part of the models is treated models and ground were extruded using prismatic elements that are
in the same manner. sized appropriately to the aspect ratio of their associated surface cell.
These prisms are grown to 5 layers and follows recommendations put
forth by Lanfrit [42]. Two prismatic bodies of influence (BOI) of in-
Table 1. Summary of boundary conditions in the present study.
Wind speed m ⋅ s−1 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, creasing refinement are used to improve the resolution of the grid in
10.0, 15.0, 20.0, both the wake region and the surrounding area around the models to

Re −
25.0, 30.0 sufficiently capture turbulence and flow separation. This is done to en-
Reynolds 1.281 ⋅ 105 ~ sure that computational processing is focused on more important re-

Domain bounds − m −1.44 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 1.44

Number 3.384 ⋅ 106 gions in the flow regime while keeping the far field sufficiently coarse
−2.34 ≤ 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 5.65
� 0 ≤ 𝑧𝑧 ≤ 2.32
enough as to not dramatically hamper computational time. The overall

The smaller, finer BOI is sized by the bounds −0.894 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 0.894,

grid is limited to a maximum spacing of 0.1 m and a minimum of 2 mm.
𝐼𝐼inlet −
−0.1 ≤ 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 2.76, 0 ≤ 𝑧𝑧 ≤ 1.87 and the larger, coarser BOI defined by
Turbulent 1%

𝐼𝐼outlet,backflow − −0.944 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 0.944, −1 ≤ 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 4.26, 0 ≤ 𝑧𝑧 ≤ 1.92, all in meters.


𝜇𝜇𝑡𝑡 −
A conversion algorithm in FLUENT was used to convert the pre-
� 𝜇𝜇 �inlet
Turbulent 10
viscosity ratio liminary tetrahedral and prismatic grid into a polyhedral one. Polyhedra
𝜇𝜇𝑡𝑡 − exhibit advantages over tetrahedra, namely, they approximate gradients
� 𝜇𝜇 �outlet,backflow
better than tetrahedra due to the fact they are bounded by many neigh-
𝑃𝑃𝑔𝑔 Pa
bors. Additionally, polyhedra have more lax geometric criteria due to
Outlet gauge 0 their insensitivity to stretching, making grid pre- and post-processing
pressure easier; this is well suited to the highly complex geometry of the models
used. It has been observed that polyhedral grids provide the same level
Inlet velocities range from 1 m⋅s-1 to 30 m⋅s-1 in the positive y- of accuracy as tetrahedral ones, but of significantly lower element
direction (since in this respect, the positive z-direction refers to the “up” count, thereby hastening simulations [43]. Furthermore, polyhedral
orientation; refer to Figure 4 for clarification), highlighting typical wind grids have shown to improve convergence while having notably greater
speeds encountered on a day-to-day basis such as walking [39] all the accuracy under unsteady simulations [44]. This is further supported by

specified using both turbulence intensity, 𝐼𝐼 , and turbulent viscosity

way up to standing in a violent storm [40]. At the inlet, turbulence is similar external aerodynamic studies run under FLUENT, where

ratio, 𝜇𝜇𝑡𝑡 /𝜇𝜇. Turbulence intensity is defined as the ratio of the root-mean-
speedups between 2 to 3 times towards a converged solution have been

square of velocity fluctuations, 𝑢𝑢′, to the mean flow velocity, 𝑈𝑈∞ , and
observed [45].
3.3 Turbulence Model and Computational Approach
Reynolds number (𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡 ≡ 𝑘𝑘2 /𝜀𝜀𝜀𝜀). These values are summarized in Table
the turbulent viscosity ratio being directly proportional to the turbulent
The flow around the models is modeled with Reynolds-averaged
Cartesian tensor form and having flow variables of the form 𝜙𝜙 = 𝜙𝜙̅ + 𝜙𝜙′
Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations in incompressible form. Written in
The boundary condition at the outlet is treated as a pressure outlet

(with 𝜙𝜙̅ and 𝜙𝜙′being the mean and fluctuating components respectively)
where a static gauge pressure is specified. In this case, turbulence is
specified similarly as the inlet but regarded in terms of “backflow”,

4 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino

being substituted into the instantaneous continuity and momentum
equations of the exact Navier-Stokes equations, we obtain [46]
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕
+ (𝜌𝜌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖 ) = 0
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖

𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕
(𝜌𝜌𝑢𝑢 ) + (𝜌𝜌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖 𝑢𝑢𝑗𝑗 )
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝑖𝑖 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗
𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑖 𝜕𝜕𝑢𝑢𝑗𝑗 2 𝜕𝜕𝑢𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝜕𝜕
=− + 𝜇𝜇 + − 𝛿𝛿 + −𝜌𝜌𝑢𝑢�
𝚤𝚤 𝑢𝑢𝚥𝚥 �
′ ′
𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗 � �𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 3 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑙𝑙 �� 𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑥𝑗𝑗 �

The closure of the set of equations are done by means of Menter’s

two-equation blended k-ε / k-ω shear stress transport (SST) model [47]
which computes eddy viscosity with a linear stress-strain closure. Ment-
er’s model combines and smoothly blends the individual strengths of
the k-ε and k-ω models, where the k-ε model sufficiently predicts turbu- Figure 6. Plot of drag coefficient versus number of iterations on a medium mesh
lence in both the free stream and wake, and the k-ω model more accu- with an inlet velocity of 10 m⋅s-1.
rately predicts boundary layer separation in adverse pressure gradients
near no-slip surfaces. flow equations in time, we are able to achieve a solution that reasonably
The spatial convective terms in Equations (9) and (10) are discre- integrates transient effects in a way that can be realized through the use
tized using a second-order upwind scheme (except for pressure being of a steady-state calculation. In FLUENT, the pseudo time step was left
solved using PRESTO! — PREssure STaggering Option, which is simi- to be calculated automatically following the recipe found in Section
lar to staggered-grid schemes used on structured grids [48]) with the 21.6.1 of the Theory Guide [46]. This is done to hasten setup and retain
diffusive terms discretized using a weighted least squares cell-based consistency across all 18 simulations.
construction technique. The inadequacies of the least squares approach
are well-known; however, it provides accuracy that is comparable to 3.4 Convergence Discussion
nodal schemes [49] and due to the use of a polyhedral mesh, the least
squares approach provides an adequate balance between computational Initial calculations were run to preview the exact behavior of the it-
expense and accuracy. The solver utilizes a pressure-based coupled erative calculation process; indeed, as previously demonstrated by Edge
approach to the equations, which is found to have superior convergence et al., the inherent unsteadiness of the flow resulted in difficulties ob-
and reduced computational time than segregated algorithms [50]. The taining reduced residuals, with the scaled continuity residuals hovering
computational fluid dynamics code used in ANSYS FLUENT has been below but near 1⋅10-2, and other residuals remaining below 1⋅10-4. A
validated and used in many widespread applications, e.g., reverse flow technique stemming from experience was devised to assist in reducing
in converging channels [51], moment and lift predictions on full-scale the residuals while maintaining spatial accuracy. For the first 50 itera-
3-D models of airplanes [45], bluff-body drag prediction [52], heat tions, a blending method between first and second order spatial discreti-
transfer in Couette flows [53], and complete direct injection internal zation schemes (with a bias for the first order scheme), lower URFs, and
combustion engine simulation [54]. an “aggressive” pseudo-time step, were used to rapidly approach a qua-
Simulating the flow around a human body was found to be naturally si-stable solution. The following 100 iterations switched the spatial
unsteady as shown by Edge et al. [55], and the ideal approach would be discretization scheme to a higher order method along with raised URFs
solving the flow equations in a time-dependent fashion then finding the to increase accuracy. The remaining iterations were then run using a
computed mean quantities manually. However, simulating the flows in a “conservative” pseudo-time step scaled by 0.5 to further converge and
time-accurate manner and finding the computed means would be pro- resolve flow details that are more apparent on a smaller timescale. This
hibitively time-consuming for this study, especially since there are a technique enabled the residuals to drop by nearly an order of magnitude,
total of 18 different runs that would need to be completed. In addition to and thus it was used for all other simulations.
this, obtaining time-averaged results from transient simulations for all As discussed in Section 3.3, taking mean quantities of a finite sam-
of the required runs would require computational resources beyond the ple will incur sampling errors of which are difficult to quantify com-
capabilities of the author’s reach. 5 Thus, the most realistic and only pared to a mean derived from an infinite sample. However, a potential
feasible approach was to attempt a steady-state calculation, then deter- approach to help determine the exact nature of these errors would be
mine iteration-averaged quantities once a quasi-steady-state in the flow taking an integrated surface quantity, such as drag coefficient, and see-
field was developed. This method is not without major drawbacks; no- ing how this quantity changes as the iterations progress. Such a measure
tably, obtaining exact quantities can only be achieved by finding the serves as an observed global variable in that the measured quantity is
limit of an infinite sample and it is therefore expected that the comput- dependent on how accurate the grid can resolve the flow. Figure 6
ed-mean will contain sampling errors. Moreover, this approach would shows the iteration history of drag coefficient between the two models
more than likely imply that small shedding features are not resolved and taken with an inlet velocity of 10 m⋅s-1 and run using a grid with medi-
thus their effects on the overall flow are ignored; this suggests that there um refinement (refer to Section 3.5 for refinement details). The figure
will be accuracy implications in terms of solutions to the problems un- shows that the solution reaches quasi steady-state values after 150 itera-
der examination. tions, with an oscillatory period occurring roughly every 140~150 itera-
In order to give the simulations a semblance of a fighting chance, a tions. A 100 iteration moving average calculated by FLUENT was ap-
pseudo-transient time-stepping method was applied to the flow equa- plied to the values to assist in determining if overall convergence was
tions being solved. This implicit under-relaxation serves as a predictor- reached. Looking at the tendency of the averages, it is reasonable to
corrector method with the objective of fast convergence and accurate conclude that the solution is indeed quasi-stable. With the average vary-
temporal integration that achieves an approximate steady state [56]. ing very little compared to actual iteration values, and for the sake of
Furthermore, the use of pseudo-transient under-relaxation factors minimizing computational expense in this study, this observed tendency
(URFs) was found to accelerate convergence in a more robust manner incurs a reasonable assurance that the simulations are adequately con-
[57] and the rate of convergence has been shown to reassuringly arrive verged. Finally, the net flux imbalance was calculated to be less than
at a solution earlier than without the use of these URFs [58]. Hence, by 1% of the smallest flux through the domain, further supporting conver-
taking advantage of the natural structure of the problem by evolving the gence [59].

The astute reader should note that for all of the simulations, a laptop using
2011-era hardware (Intel i7-2820QM processor, 16 GB RAM) was used.
5 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino
3.5 Numerical Uncertainty and Grid Selection determine a sufficiently averaged quantity. The results from the previ-
ous equations are summarized in Table 2.
Moving forward, to preserve accuracy and to assure low computa-
tional costs, the effect of grid resolution is studied by comparing results Table 2. Grid summary and calculations of discretization error between the two
on drag coefficient using different grids of different refinement. The
𝜙𝜙 = drag coefficient at
importance of grid convergence and examination of discretization errors
10 m⋅s−1
Lucoa, Normal Lucoa, Flat
in CFD simulations have been demonstrated across numerous organiza-
tions [60, 61] and journals [62], and the necessity of quantifying these 𝑁𝑁1 , 𝑁𝑁2 , 𝑁𝑁3 2.82 ⋅ 106, 2.32 ⋅ 106, 2.67 ⋅ 106, 2.16 ⋅ 106,
errors have led to well-established methods that attempt to describe 1.53 ⋅ 10 6
1.41 ⋅ 106
effects of resolution to that of the extrapolated solution [63]. Although it Average wall clock 72, 38, 19 67, 34, 17
has been repeated in this paper that quantifying exact errors is essential- time per 100 iterations
ly a fruitless adventure, the additional time spent on understanding the (minutes)
potential discretization error nonetheless is useful in helping select a Average memory usage 1674, 985, 648 1546, 916, 542
grid that balances the required resolution to minimal processing power. per compute thread

ℎ1 , ℎ2 , ℎ3
In this grid refinement study, each model used three different grids (MB)
that are refined methodologically by decreasing the cell spacing within 0.025541, 0.027221, 0.026007, 0.027912,

𝜙𝜙1 , 𝜙𝜙2 , 𝜙𝜙3

the BOIs. Between both models, the grid generation methods remained 0.031327 0.032206

𝑟𝑟21 , 𝑟𝑟32
the same and follows the procedures as described in Section 3.2. Repre- 0.9352, 0.9418, 1.0015 0.9501, 0.9581, 1.0178

𝜀𝜀21 , 𝜀𝜀32
senting fine (grid 1), medium (grid 2), and coarse (grid 3) respectively, 1.06577, 1.15083 1.07325, 1.15384

the Normal model utilized grids containing 2.82⋅106, 2.32⋅106, and 0.00659, 0.09700 0.00798, 0.05974
1.53⋅106 elements. The Flat model used 2.67⋅106, 2.16⋅106, and
𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 , 𝜙𝜙𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒
12.8180 11.4372
1.41⋅106, elements. The difference in overall element counts are at- 32 0.9299, 0.9299 0.9437, 0.9437
tributed to the reduced surface area of the Flat model compared to the 𝑒𝑒𝑎𝑎 , 𝑒𝑒𝑎𝑎
21 32 0.70%, 6.34% 0.84%, 6.24%
𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 , 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒
Normal one. For sake of completeness and following the method as
GCI21 , GCI32
0.56%, 1.27% 0.68%, 1.53%
recommended by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers [64],
0.70%, 1.57% 0.84%, 1.88%
error between the described meshes. Letting ℎ denote the representative
the subsequent equations are presented to determine the discretization

grid size, All grids were noted to converge in a monotonic manner, indicating

by the lower values of GCI21 to that of GCI32 , it would be most benefi-

(Δ𝑉𝑉𝑖𝑖 )
the average flow field certainly benefits from grid refinement. As shown
𝑁𝑁 1/3
ℎ =
�𝑁𝑁 � �
(11) cial to run all the simulations using the fine grid. On the other hand, as
𝑖𝑖=1 accuracy increases, so do memory and compute requirements. The fin-

where Δ𝑉𝑉𝑖𝑖 is the volume of each cell. Let ℎ1 < ℎ2 < ℎ3 and let 𝑟𝑟 desig-
est grid managed to exceed the available physical memory on the ma-

nate the refinement ratio between successive grids, such that 𝑟𝑟21 =
chine that the simulations were run on. In addition, calculations were

ℎ2 /ℎ1 and 𝑟𝑟32 = ℎ3 /ℎ2 . Calculating the apparent order of accuracy, 𝑝𝑝,
found to require nearly double the amount of time to arrive at a solution
compared to the medium grid. The tradeoff between the reduction in
involves solving the following expression using a fixed-point iteration GCI and resource consumption was too great considering the limited
and using the first term as the initial guess: resources to begin with and the potential amount of time required for all

𝑟𝑟 − 𝑠𝑠
18 simulations. Therefore, as shown from this grid study, the medium
𝑝𝑝 = ln|𝜀𝜀32 /𝜀𝜀21 | + ln 21
ln(𝑟𝑟21 ) � �𝑟𝑟𝑝𝑝 − 𝑠𝑠��
grid serves as the most practical balance between accuracy and resource
expenditure; for all simulations, the medium grid was selected.

where 𝑠𝑠 = sign(𝜀𝜀32 /𝜀𝜀21 ) , 𝜀𝜀32 = 𝜙𝜙3 − 𝜙𝜙2 , 𝜀𝜀21 = 𝜙𝜙2 − 𝜙𝜙1 , and 𝜙𝜙𝑖𝑖 repre- 4. Results and Discussion
senting the quantity being investigated. Finding the extrapolated, as- The immediate discrepancies between Lucoa’s model and other
ymptotic value involves calculating human models used in similar studies (other than the fact that she has an
𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = (𝑟𝑟21 𝜙𝜙1 − 𝜙𝜙2 ) / (𝑟𝑟21 − 1)
𝑝𝑝 𝑝𝑝 enormous chest) are the presence of horns, a baseball cap, raised arms,
and solidly modeled hair. Each affects the wake in their respective man-
with 𝜙𝜙32
ner, with these individual effects being described in the following sub-
𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 being similar. Then, the following error estimates can be sections. It is important to recognize that although these differences
between Lucoa and other human models are present, they nonetheless
𝜙𝜙1 − 𝜙𝜙2
𝑎𝑎 =
do not affect the direct comparison between the Normal and Flat mod-
� 𝜙𝜙1 �
els, which was a primary objective of this work.
The following subsection details the variances of drag and lift as air
𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 − 𝜙𝜙1
𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 =
velocity changes and compares the outcomes to previous studies on the
� 𝜙𝜙21 �
(15) human form. The subsequent subsections delve into the differences in
𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 wake structure through the analysis of streamlines, velocities, TKE, and
skin friction. While no sound comments can be made on the concise
GCI21 = 𝑎𝑎
𝑟𝑟21 − 1
(16) form of instantaneous flow structures, quasi steady-state general fea-
tures present in the flow are described.

with 𝑒𝑒21
𝑎𝑎 describing the approximate relative error, 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 describing the
21 4.1 Velocity-Based Trends
extrapolated relative error, and GCI21 being the grid convergence index
𝑎𝑎 , 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 , and GCI32 are calculated similarly.
(GCI). 𝑒𝑒32
The convergence method presented in Section 3.4 was used for all
32 velocities listed in Table 1 between the two models. The drag and lift

the finer of the two compared grids is to the asymptotic value 𝜙𝜙𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 and
The GCI is an indicator with a 95% confidence interval of how far were calculated using the same 100 iteration moving average in
FLUENT and the values at the end of 400 iterations were used. Figures
predicts how further refinement affects the solution [65]. The evaluated 7-9 plot the results between the two models. In all of the figures, a cubic
quantities are taken after 400 iterations, which in Figure 6 and discussed spline was used to interpolate the data. The figures labeled with “(a)”
previously, has shown to provide a reasonable amount of iterations to correspond to drag-related values while figures labeled with “(b)” cor-
respond to lift-related values.
6 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino
(a) Drag coefficient vs. air velocity. (b) Lift coefficient vs. air velocity.
Figure 7. Plots comparing coefficient quantities between the two models.

(a) Drag force vs. air velocity. (b) Lift force vs. air velocity.
Figure 8. Plots comparing the forces experienced on the two models at various air velocities.

(a) Relative drag difference of the Flat model to the Normal model. (b) Relative lift difference of the Flat model to the Normal model.
Figure 9. Plots indicating the relative force differences of the Flat model compared to the Normal model.

Figure 7 focuses on the coefficients, and it is readily apparent that As the air velocity increases, the effect of the downwash becomes more
at all velocities, the Flat model incurs higher coefficients than the Nor- prominent and therefore a general decrease in the drag coefficient is
mal model. In the region near 5 m⋅s-1, the drag coefficients between the observed. The large breasts on the Normal model may also play a role
two models were closest to one another. Judging from the errors de- in enhancing this downwash effect, as the air is gradually diverted
scribed in Section 3.5, it is safe to presume that these differences are around the bust and is able to maintain momentum before being redi-
within the error bounds and therefore the difference between the two rected by the hair. The stronger resulting downward jet of air thus closes
models near this velocity is negligible. In 7(a), it is interesting to ob- off the recirculation region more effectively. The degree of which this
serve that the drag coefficients decrease following a power relation downwash affects drag is difficult to determine from this study, but it is
corresponding to velocity. This relation most likely arises from the pe- reasonable to deduce that due to the drag reduction of the Normal model
culiarity of the solidly modeled hair; downwash due to the hair diverts compared to the Flat model, the effects are markedly noticeable. The
air behind the torso then directs the air downwards, which causes less geometrical presence of the breasts may also have an effect in reducing
air to flow directly behind the body. Presumably, this downwash closes drag as they smoothly redirect a portion of the air around the torso,
off the size of the primary recirculation region (PRR) behind the body.

7 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino

whereas the Flat model simply forces majority of the air to stagnate at Table 3 summarizes the encountered drag that both models experi-
the chest, which incurs higher drag. enced throughout the tested velocity range, together with other re-
The difference in lift is notably more dramatic than drag. In Figure searchers’ experiments. As a result, the present study reveals that Lu-
7(b), the lift coefficient for both models gradually increases from 1 to coa’s form tends to correspond favorably to experiments done with
10 m⋅s-1 then levels off as the velocity changes. This increase can also standing models. It is seen that Lucoa’s results overlap with those of
be contributed to the downwash from the hair, since as the velocity Hill [1] and Brownlie et al. [68]. Schmitt’s [7] results were an atypical
increases, there is a higher flow rate and thus more fluid mass pushing case as the drag coefficients in that study were based on the entire sur-
upwards against the models. The brim of the baseball cap on both mod- face area of the body divided by the product of volume and subject
els may additionally contribute to lift as it lies orthogonal to the mean height, instead of the customary frontal projected area used elsewhere.
flow direction and causes a buildup in pressure in front of the face. The This resulted in coefficients ranging from 10 to 13, necessitating a re-
Normal model provides a lower lift coefficient possibly due to the calculation in order to more directly compare to the other results in
breasts providing downforce; since the Normal model has a significant Table 3. It was demonstrated through Schmitt’s results that the use of
and primarily upward sloping surface in front of the torso that the Flat nude subjects (akin to having smooth walls as mentioned in Section 3.1)
model lacks, the downward force from the air flowing atop the bust result in lower drag. Although the values for nude subjects were still
most likely provides this reduction in lift. Granted, due to the geometry greater than those found in the current study, this finding provides addi-
being modeled as completely solid, this effect does not account for tional support as to why Lucoa’s overall form tends to encounter lower

CD values for a wide range of people in everyday situations, work done

breast deflection caused by these forces. Nonetheless, the presence of coefficients in contrast to other studies. With the objective of obtaining
Lucoa’s large breasts evidently provides a reduction in lift.
Figure 8 provides a comparison of the actual forces experienced on by Penwarden et al. [67] confirms that clothing certainly increases drag.
the models. As seen in both 8(a) and 8(b), the forces increase following Furthermore, the authors in that study comment that extrapolating their
a roughly squared relation, which is what would be expected looking at data to simulate bare-skinned models would result in values more akin
the velocity relationship in Equations (1) and (5). As elaborated in the to that of Hill’s data, thereby supporting the notion that Lucoa’s results
previous paragraphs, the difference in drag is less dramatic than that of are indeed realistic.
lift, and this is reflected by the more difficult to discern plots in 8(a) Comparisons to results based around running are also provided, as
than in 8(b). This observation is further expanded upon in Figure 9, this form of competition is a natural progression from simply standing.
which compares the relative force difference the Flat model encounters Understandably, a runner will experience higher drag due to their ever-
compared to the Normal model. Looking at 9(a), the Flat model experi- changing position and the strict anti-symmetry in orientation. Shane-
ences a nearly 4% increase in drag at 1 m⋅s-1, however, this value de- brook & Jaszczak [66] investigated drag through the use of a general-
creases immediately and falls to below 1% at 5 m⋅s-1. From 5 to 10 ized cylindrical human model, analogous to the assumptions described
m⋅s-1, the difference between the two widens again, levels off from 10 in Section 1.1. As such, their results parallel those of other investiga-
to 20 m⋅s-1, then impetuously increases at 25 m⋅s-1 and remains marked- tions done on runners and show that a cylindrical model can provide
ly greater at the highest tested velocity of 30 m⋅s-1. The reason as to convincing data. Davies’ [2] work discovered that the effects of Reyn-
why the drag difference reaches its minima at 5 m⋅s-1 cannot be directly olds number remained constant below velocities of approximately 18
inferred from this work. Throughout the tested velocity range, the Flat m⋅s-1. Conversely, this effect was not seen in this study, which most
model incurs an average drag increase of 2%, which, in the context of likely harkens back to the drawback of the modeled hair. Gómez et al.

ty, 𝑢𝑢, and acceleration, 𝑢𝑢2 , based on the record-setting performance of

day-to-day life at low air velocities, is practically insignificant. Howev- [69] developed a parametric model of drag that considered both veloci-
er, in regards to performance, the large breasts on the Normal model can
prove to be advantageous, assuming the overall position remains similar Usain Bolt. They revealed that 92% of energy used in running is ab-
to the erect postures of the models. The degree of which this advantage sorbed by drag, which bolsters both the significance of the drag reduc-
can be quantified depends heavily on the type and duration of competi- tion and the implicational anthropomorphic advantage that Lucoa has.
tion to be examined, which is not discussed further in detail. The rela- Inoue et al. [70] examined the effects of a moving belt system to simu-
tive lift force difference averages 24%, with the values ranging from late ground effects of a runner, in addition to providing data on how leg
32% at 1 m⋅s-1, gradually decreasing to 21% near 15 m⋅s-1, and then position (e.g., forward or behind) changes drag. From their study, it was
slightly increasing to 23% at the highest tested velocity. From this re- observed that having the legs placed either forward and behind veritably
sult, the presumed effect of Lucoa’s breasts reducing lift is more pro- increases drag due to the posture. Consequently, it is expected that a
nounced at lower air velocities, while still remaining effective as the prospective study incorporating the effects of running based on the pre-

ble CD values. While the current stationary results may not be directly
velocity increases. sent results (as described in herein and Table 3) would feature compara-

Table 3. Comparisons of drag coefficient with other researchers’ results. applicable to the moving case, they nevertheless offer a suitable starting
Researchers Year Reference Posture point on which to base further research.
This study - - Standing 0.89 ~ 1.05
(Normal model) 4.2 Salient Flow Analysis
Standing 0.91 ~ 1.09
(Flat model)
Discussion pertaining to the variances in flow structures is exam-
Hill 1927 [1] Standing 0.98
ined under an air velocity of 10 m⋅s-1. In addition to being previously
examined in Sections 3.4 and 3.5, this velocity is readily achievable
Schmitt 1954 [7] Standing Approx. 1.36
(clothed) under human locomotion [69], making the selection straightforward.
Standing Approx. 1.20 While the results are derived from a quasi-steady-state approach, gen-
(nude) eral flow structures can be reasonably interpreted.
Shanebrook and 1976 [66] Running (cylin- 1.2
Jaszczak drical model)
4.2.1 Streamlines and Flow Velocities
Penwarden et al. 1977 [67] Standing 1.18 As reflected in Figures 10-13, the fluid dynamics of the wake are
(clothed) shown with the use of streamlines colored according to velocity magni-
Davies 1980 [2] Running 0.87 tude. The figures labeled as “(a)” and “(b)” correspond to the Normal
Brownlie et al. 1987 [68] Standing 0.96 ~ 0.98 and Flat models respectively. The overall wake structures revealed in
Gómez et al. 2013 [69] Running 1.20 Figure 10 fall into two distinct regions based on height, with the PRR
Inoue et al. 2016 [70] Running (without 1.17 found above the hips and extending to the top of the head, and a second,
ground effects) more complex regime behind the legs. The works described in Section
1.1 correctly predicted these structures. Specifically, the PRR for both

8 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino

Figure 10. Streamlines emanating at 𝑥𝑥 = 0 and spanning a line from 0 ≤ 𝑧𝑧 ≤ 2.3 meters showing primary flow structures. Pressure experienced on the models is also
(a) Wake structures associated with the Normal model. (b) Wake structures associated with the Flat model.


(a) Set of vertically aligned streamlines on the Normal model. (b) Set of vertically aligned streamlines on the Flat model.
Figure 11. Detailed view of flow structures around the chest of the models using the same streamlines from Figure 10.

(b) Set of horizontal streamlines on the Flat model at the same 𝑧𝑧-location.
Figure 12. Detailed view of flow structures around the chest using streamlines emanating at 𝑧𝑧 = 1.18 meters and spanning a line from −0.5 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 0.5 meters.
(a) Set of horizontal streamlines on the Normal model flowing atop the bust.

(b) Set of horizontal streamlines on the Flat model at the same 𝑧𝑧-location.
Figure 13. Detailed view of flow structures around the chest using streamlines emanating at 𝑧𝑧 = 1.14 meters and spanning a line from −0.5 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 0.5 meters.
(a) Set of horizontal streamlines on the Normal model flowing beneath the bust.

9 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino

models was found to extend roughly 1.4 meters downstream, or approx-
imately 4 times the width of the torso, which agrees strongly with Oka-
moto’s and Sunabashiri’s findings. The type of vortex shedding in this
recirculation region cannot be determined, but it is expected to nonethe-
less be asymmetric, with the large-scale structures being advected
downstream based on the findings of Edge et al. The wake behavior
behind the legs were also discovered to obey the findings summarized
by Zhou and Alam, with the region from the ankles to the knees having
wake structures associated with each leg, and the region from the knees
to the hips behaving as a unified bluff-body. The figure also shows a
distinct vertical “jet sheet” stemming from the gap between the legs,
with an average magnitude approximately 35% greater than the free
stream velocity. A vortex pair originating from the top of the legs is also
evident. This vortex pair can be seen being caused by the downwash of
the hair; the momentum of the downward flow interacts with the air
flowing past the top of the thighs, which results in these prominent
along x = 0 and ranging from −1 ≤ 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 2 meters. Lucoa positioned and to scale
Figure 14. Comparison of wake velocity magnitudes at 5 z-locations centered
structures. Additional momentum provided by the jet of air between the
legs further enhances the strength of these vortices. Furthermore, the with x-axis.
effects of the downwash are evident in the way the vortex pair assumes Feet z = 0.1m, Legs z = 0.5m, Hips z = 0.9m, Chest z = 1.18m, Head z = 1.55m.
a downward angle as the flow advects; this is indicative of the signifi-
cant amount of air being captured by the geometry of the hair. these weaker formations are affected by the mean flow to a greater de-
From what can be drawn from comparing Figure 10(a) and 10(b), gree and thus the velocity magnitude in this region is higher than if the
the Flat model has a weaker, less organized vortex stemming from the vortices were to have greater strength, as seen with the Normal model.
legs. This observation may further explain why the Normal model has
lower lift than the Flat model. Aider et al. [71] described the effect of 4.2.2 Turbulence Kinetic Energy
vortex pairs affecting lift and drag, and shown that inflow caused by
Figure 15 shows a slice of the domain through the median plane of
streamwise counter-rotating vortices result in a net downward force.
the models, indicating the TKE present in the flow. At first glance, con-
Thus, the weaker vortex pair on the Flat model contributes less towards
tours for both models present the same general structures as described
reducing lift than the Normal model. Following this, it is reasonable to
earlier, such as the PRR behind the torso and the smaller structures as-
suggest that the behavior of the drag curve in Figure 7(a) can be at-
sociated with the legs. Due to the automatic scaling of the colors, the
tributed to the formation of these vortices; the energy being redirected
differences present in the PRR of the Flat model compared to the Nor-
into the formation of these structures diverts a portion of the mean flow
mal model are slightly exaggerated. However, the differences are still
away from the PRR, leading to drag reduction as the velocity increases.
distinguishable in that the PRR for the Flat model has a measurably
Figure 11 provides a close-up look at the same streamlines in Figure
higher level of TKE than that of the Normal model. Indeed, 15(b) indi-
10 around the torso of both models. As can be seen in 11(a) and correct-
cates that the two apparent bands of significant TKE associated with the
ly determined in Section 4.1, the breasts provide a gradual interface for
PRR are generally more intense, even after factoring the differences
the air to move around the torso compared to the relatively abrupt ob-
between the color scales. Common to both models is a region behind
struction the Flat model imposes as reflected in 11(b). This is further
the hips where the relatively highest TKE was measured. This lower
exemplified in Figure 12, which shows a set of horizontal streamlines
band within the PRR was found to be more compact for the Normal
positioned at z=1.18m. In 12(a), the air flows smoothly atop the breasts
model, whereas the Flat model had a marginally less intense and more
at a velocity approximately 40% to 60% of the free stream velocity,
widespread band. This effect may be attributed to the way the down-
whereas the Flat model in 12(b) simply forces a relatively larger portion
wash from the hair interacts with the PRR.
of the incoming air to stall at the torso. It is interesting to note that a
Directly below the PRR is the TKE present in the vortex pairs orig-
small recirculation region develops directly atop the breasts, which most
inating from the legs. In 15(a), the Normal model has a notably higher
likely is dependent on the angle between them and the chest. From what
level of TKE associated with these vortices, coupled with the observa-
can be seen in 12(a), this small recirculation region prevents a small
tion that this energy is maintained as the flow advects downstream. In
portion of air from surmounting the shoulders and instead redirects the
contrast, 15(b) shows that the TKE in the vortices is lower and that the
air downwards and off to the sides of the torso. Figure 13 provides an
energy is dissipated sooner. This remark further supports the interpreta-
upwards facing view of the models along with horizontal streamlines
tions hitherto; that the formation of stronger vortices the Normal model
emanating from z=1.14m. In 13(a), air flowing beneath the bust gains a
generates plays a role in reducing both drag and lift by diverting energy
velocity that is approximately 20% higher than the mean free stream
away from the PRR.
velocity before being diverted perpendicular to the body and interacting
Smaller regions with notable TKE present between both models are
with the incoming air stream and the rest of the torso. By the action of
those associated directly behind the legs, at the ankles, and directly
the breasts, the air is diverted in such a way that it is able to maintain
above the brim of the baseball cap. Between the two, the TKE at the
momentum while it moves around the rest of the chest. This is in con-
ankles remains unperturbed by the differences in the wake structures
trast to 13(b), where a portion of the air is forced to stall in front of the
above it. This region is related to the individual wakes associated with
chest before being redirected around the torso, much like as was seen in
each foot, behaving much like the two cylinder arrangement as de-
other figures involving streamlines with the Flat model.
scribed earlier. A downward “jet” of TKE originating from the thighs
Figure 14 compares the velocity magnitude of the wake behind the
and curling parallel to the mean flow direction at the height of the knees
two models at five different z-locations. At these locations, data is sam-
shows some variability between the two models. This region is linked to
from −1 ≤ 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 2 meters. The z-locations are taken at heights of z =
pled along a line centered at the midline (x=0) and spans downstream
the “jet” of air that is formed between the legs interacting with the
downwash from the hair. With the Normal model in 15(a), this “jet” of
0.1m, z = 0.5m, z = 0.9m, z = 1.18m, and z = 1.55m, all of which corre-
turbulence remains both vertical and closer to the legs. In 15(b), this
spond to the feet, legs, hips, chest, and head, respectively. From this
region takes on a slightly more horizontal transition and extends farther
comparison, the differences in wake velocities are slight, with the only
into the wake. A small recirculation region, much like that associated
significant difference occurring at the height of the legs. At this height,
with the breasts on the Normal model, is found above the brim of the
it can be seen that the Flat model has a wake velocity that is consistently
baseball cap, which is due to the blunt transition the shape of the head
higher than that of the Normal model. This observation can be attributed
imposes to the incoming flow.
by the lower energy present in the vortices generated by the Flat model;

10 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino

(a) TKE associated with the Normal model. (b) TKE associated with the Flat model.
Figure 15. TKE present in the flow behind the models along the median plane.

(a) TKE present behind the breasts of the Normal model. (b) TKE present around the torso of the Flat model.
Figure 16. TKE present around the torso of both models along the coronal plane.

study due to its highly complex geometry. Though, it is expected that

simulations dealing with physically accurate hair may undoubtedly
increase turbulence, and hence, drag, based on casual observations done
on how hairstyles can affect aerodynamic performance [72].
The same approach used to obtain information as seen in Figure 14
was used in Figure 17, with TKE being measured instead of velocity. As
indicated from this figure, it is seen that the vortices originating from
the legs indubitably diverts energy away from the PRR and supports the
findings stemming from Figure 15. This is reflected with stronger over-
all turbulence present at z-locations corresponding with the hips, chest,
and head for the Flat model, along with markedly lower TKE at the
level of the legs in contrast to the Normal model. Slight differences are
noted, with the Flat model having a higher peak TKE at the legs imme-
diately behind the body than the Normal model. Then, from 1 to 2 me-
ters downstream, the Normal model generates a greater amount of TKE.
This observation may ultimately be attributed to the difference in shape
from −1 ≤ 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 2 meters. Lucoa positioned and to scale with x-axis.
Figure 17. Comparison of TKE at 5 z-locations centered along x = 0 and ranging the leg vortices assume between the two models.
Feet z = 0.1m, Legs z = 0.5m, Hips z = 0.9m, Chest z = 1.18m, Head z = 1.55m. 4.2.3 Skin Friction Coefficient
Figure 16 shows the TKE around the torso of both models along the An evaluation of the effects of the macroscopic geometry between

represents a scatter plot of Cf measured at every vertex on the models,

coronal plane. As obvious as the difference between both models, the the two models on skin friction is shown with Figure 18. This figure

with regions of relatively high Cf labeled according to which location

presence of a turbulent region behind the breasts and below the axilla
comes as no surprise. It is apparent that this region is influenced by the
small recirculation region that forms above the breasts spilling air on the model they are found on. Two directions are evaluated, with the
downwards and behind the torso, which can be seen in Figure 12(a). x-axis on 18(a) representing the streamwise position, and the x-axis on
Furthermore, air from beneath the breasts also contributes to the size of 18(b) representing the z-location. A silhouette of the models present in
this region, as in Figure 13(a) it can be understood that this layer of the background of the plots are positioned and scaled to their respective
accelerated air provides additional shear against the flow from above x-axis to further provide context with the labeling. Additionally, the data
and increases the turbulence behind the breasts. Since the Flat model was averaged and plotted along with the scatter plot to reveal discrep-
lacks such features, Figure 16(b) presents an understandably unremark- ancies that may be more difficult to discern.
able result, with only a small sliver of turbulence along the side of the Expectedly, both models feature the same general scatter plots, with
torso. Common to both models however, is turbulence being generated nearly negligible differences. However, common to both models and the
by the hair itself, stemming from the hair being left modeled as solid. plots are the presence of numerous spikes associated with the hair. In-
The true extent of how much turbulence is generated from the solid hair asmuch as they are an artifact of the hair being modeled solidly, these
and its effects on the PRR is unfortunately intractable from this current spikes are aptly denoted as “hair anomalisms” within the plots. As such,
11 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino
(a) Skin friction of both models sampled along the streamwise direction. (b) Skin friction of both models sampled along the z-direction.
Figure 18. Scatter plots of skin friction comparing both models. Sources of regionally significant Cf are labeled. An additional plot denoting a smoothed average of the
scatter data is present to provide clarity in comparison. Silhouettes of the models are positioned and scaled according to their respective axis in the plots.

the hair is undeniably a major contributor to skin friction on the models. experienced by the Normal model. Additionally, even though the wake
This is especially apparent in 18(a), with the source of skin friction structures generated by the hair resulted in a departure from the ex-

exemplification of the hair’s effect on Cf can be seen in 18(b), with a

being contributed solely by the hair from the rear of the model. Another pected drag and lift behaviors, comparisons done with other experi-
menters’ results show that the outcomes from this study were strongly

tips and bangs around the face. Additional sources of significant Cf can
grouping of peaks obtaining a value of 0.06 corresponding to the hair promising.
For future studies, several recommendations are provided. In the
be easily observed in the same figure, such as the ankles, around the near-term, a re-evaluation of the current work without the hindrance of
thighs, the fingertips, and especially Lucoa’s horns. These dramatic modeled hair should be done. Work done using a time-dependent com-
changes to skin friction indicate where on the models flow separation is putational approach should also be completed to further gauge the ef-
more likely to occur, which in turn, relates to where turbulence can fects and inaccuracies of using the pseudo-transient method in relation
potentially be generated. to drag and lift. A keynote proposition would be the use of a wind tun-
The breasts, compared to the relatively noisy scatter generated by nel experiment to acquire validation data. Ideally, this experiment
the rest of the body, provides a smooth transition in regards to skin fric- would use live subjects of varying breast sizes in order to provide addi-
tion over its surface. A small spike found at the downstream location of tional data in which to compare to the data herein. Additional research
y = -0.77m in 18(a) corresponds to the small recirculation region above to evaluate the degree of which the information provided from this cur-

breasts act to reduce Cf , which can be seen as a small dip in the

the breasts seen in Figure 15(a). In a sense, it can deduced that the rent work applies to real world situations should also be completed.

such a diverse of a plot, the average Cf across the whole body can be
smoothed data centered around z = 1.2m in 18(b). However, even with
The author would like to send a massive thanks to the user
seen as roughly 0.01 from both figures, which indicates how little skin
“icemega5” found on both Twitter and for the Quetzalco-
friction actually affects overall drag with bluff bodies.
atl model. Without their work, this study would not have been possible.
5. Summary and Recommendations The author is grateful for his fellow colleagues for dedicating their time
in helping proofread and provide guidance on this paper. Additionally,
This paper has offered a unique compendium of data providing in- the author would like to make a shout out to users that frequent the
sight into the effects of a specific physiological feature on the aerody- r/anime_irl and r/animemes communities for their inspirational and
namic performance of a human. As such, the results have indicated that fervent dissoluteness. Lastly, the author expresses gratitude towards
large breasts can be notably aerodynamic through the reduction of drag both Cool-Kyou Shinsha and Kyoto Animation for their work on Miss
and lift. The Flat model incurred a 4% maximum drag increase com- Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid.
pared to the Normal model, with an average of approximately 2% span- The author received no funding for this research. The results of the
ning velocities from 1 to 30 m⋅s-1. The Flat model also experienced present study do not constitute endorsement of any potential entity
more lift, with a maximum difference being 32% and averaging 22%. whether expressed or implied. Quetzalcoatl is also not the author’s
As illustrated, the mechanism behind the drag and lift behaviors ob- “waifu”, although he respects her character as T H E
served between both models was elucidated through the analysis of G O D D E S S O F T H I C C .
streamlines around the body and the structures associated with TKE; the
Normal model provides advantageously lower drag and lift by the gen- Appendix A: Supplementary Material
eration of stronger vortices from the legs, which in turn originates from
Additional contour plots in higher resolution and quality from the other
the action of the breasts redirecting the flow around the torso. From
velocities not examined in Section 4.2 can be found by following this
what has been presented in this preliminary work, it is safe to conclude
that the phrase “Flat is Justice” is deficient aerodynamically. link:
A major shortcoming intrinsic to this study was the decision to A video further visualizing the flow structures in 3-D can be seen here:
leave the hair present in the models as immovable and solid. As noted
earlier, a significant portion of the air flowing around the body was The entire CFD study (project files and generated data) can be found by
captured by the geometry of the hair, and this affected the wake struc- following:
tures behind the model. This effect therefore blunts the overall applica-!lz5hzA5Q!JpG_t0IbflLuI24sC1pkV-
bility of the results found in this study to actual human models. It is C7nKW1OxqZSMzBeHlMt_A.
important to note, however, that large breasts do give a consistently
notable aerodynamic advantage, as reflected in the overall lower forces
12 Copyright © 2018 N. Rabino
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