This document appears to be an index of terms related to Hindu scriptures and mythology. It contains over 200 entries arranged alphabetically, with references to people, places, events and concepts described in religious texts. The entries provide names of gods, sages, demons, cities and geographic features mentioned in stories from the Puranas and other scriptures. They also include types of rituals, weapons, gems and other symbolic objects of religious significance.
This document appears to be an index of terms related to Hindu scriptures and mythology. It contains over 200 entries arranged alphabetically, with references to people, places, events and concepts described in religious texts. The entries provide names of gods, sages, demons, cities and geographic features mentioned in stories from the Puranas and other scriptures. They also include types of rituals, weapons, gems and other symbolic objects of religious significance.
This document appears to be an index of terms related to Hindu scriptures and mythology. It contains over 200 entries arranged alphabetically, with references to people, places, events and concepts described in religious texts. The entries provide names of gods, sages, demons, cities and geographic features mentioned in stories from the Puranas and other scriptures. They also include types of rituals, weapons, gems and other symbolic objects of religious significance.
This document appears to be an index of terms related to Hindu scriptures and mythology. It contains over 200 entries arranged alphabetically, with references to people, places, events and concepts described in religious texts. The entries provide names of gods, sages, demons, cities and geographic features mentioned in stories from the Puranas and other scriptures. They also include types of rituals, weapons, gems and other symbolic objects of religious significance.
66; 1631 note 62 Siva 59 Kanya (r) 75 note 62; 76 Ketaki, a flower 56 Kapilin 402 note 307 Khasas ( t) 1609 note 3 7 Kapila 952 note 264; 1611 Khatvanga 1612 b21 note 62; Kapili (c) 1285 Khyiti 252 Kapila§va 1605 King,--protector of social Karavira (m) 628 note 75 order 446 note 331 ; divinity Kar:dama 251 of--44 7; nobler than a Karkataka 76 Brahmin 447; Sukra Karkati, mother of Kumbha- on the powers of -447 kar1_1.a 1330 Kingship, prestige and powers Karna 1238 of-59 Karniki { c) 1274 note 130 Kinnara, synonyms of -268 Kirttikeya,-is born 721-22 ; note 230; -s 378 note 285 731; 734; six-faced-836 Kiri ta 1522 note 256; note 189;-is crowned 732- Arjuna dialogue 1244 735 -attacks Indra whom Kirti 252 Brahma protects 725; - Kirtiman, eldest son of receives gifts from gods736-37; Anaranya -kills ten thousand billions Klrtimalini, wife of Bhadrayu of heroic demons 724 ; . slays l180 Bana, Taraka & others 758; Kirtimukha 146; 890 note 226 feats of --738; symbolic in- Ki skindha, (c) identification of terpretation of the victory of -1381 note 171 -over Tiraka 760 note 162 Knowledge, review of-1444 Nirada's hymn to-738;-- Kola (Kolhapura ] ( c) 1639 and his brothers 1582 note 16 note78 Karavira (m) 628 note 75 Kratu 252 Karii,a 1597 Krautica (m) 560 note 32 ; Kasi(c) 74;164;266 note 227; 629 note 78; 799 note 1 71 ; -holy centre of Siva 197; -harassed by Bai:ia 7 58 ; various names of-197; Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga on glory of-1342 -800 note; 1313 note 143. Kasi and Prayiga, compara- Kraunca-Dvlpa, description tive merit of.-1348 note 154 of--1526 note 281 Kasyapa 332; son of Marici Kriya 252 954; father of gods 1145; Krsi5va 252 family of.-1583 Kr,t:ia 547; son of Vasudeva Kausikl (Kosi) (r) 1263 note of Yidava race 1464 note 119; 1265 220; defiled wi ves of others Kiveri (r) 75 note 64; 77; 91. and violated rules of marri- Kavi 1602 age 751; acquisition of son Kedira(m) 1328-Gangi(r)) by -1910-12; Upamanyu's 76,notc 66. advice to--1916 Kekayas {t) 1608 note 31 Knt:iavei:ii or VCl}iki (r) 75 Kesakarma 256 note 222 n te; 57; 630 lndes 2105
Krta 84, 91 Laksmana 386; --incarnation
Krta age 43 note 32 of Sesa 908 note 231 Krtamali ( r) 1523 note 270 Laksmi · 252; 893 note 228 ; Krtanjaya 1614 -as the wife of Vi~QU 319; Krti~va 1605 worship of -89 K.rttikas,-as foster-mothers Lak,minirayaI_la 977 of Karttikeya; -as women Langala 1614 of . yogic practice and digits Lanka (c) 164; 1367;-capital of 'Prakrti 732 city of Ravana 1155 note 62 Krtya, description of -895 Lavana, king of Mathura -activities of -895 1452 Ksama 252 Learning, six quali tics of--- K~ema and Labha, sons of 408 Gane-a 799 Libations 260 note Ksernadhanvan 1613 Liberation,-explained 114; Ksetrapala 946 note 252 forms of-120 achievable Ksipra, $ipra ( r) 303 note by devotion and knowledge 240 1344 Ksuva 445; friend of Dadhica Lingasthana 61 446; 1167 Lingatobhadra, a diagram Kubera or Kuvera 226; 255 1429 note 193 note219; 269note231;611 Lohita (Brhallohita ] (1) 294 Kulaparvatas 174 7 note 163 note 238 Kumarasikhara ; southern Lokaloka (m) 842 note 194 summit of Meru 1714 note Lokapalas, regents of quarters 13 7, 2089 note 307 1055 note 337; 1419 note Kumari (r) 1524 note 275 187. Kurnbha, an Asura 76; 1010 Loka-s, seven 1450 note 203 Kumbhanda or Kii,mii:i4a Lolarka (sun) 1125 1029 Madayanti, wife of Mitrasaha Kumbhodara, attendant of 1290 Siva 83 7 note 190 Madhu, a Raksasa 1603 Kurnuda. son of Sesa ·, 59 Madhu & Kaitabha 750 note note 160 148; 955 note 269; 1643 Kuruksetr a 'land of Kurus' 40 note 81; slaying of--1644 note 31; 1630 note 52 Madhuparka 600 note 47; Ku~a 1613 615; 1172 Kusadvipa, identification of Madhuvihaka 963 note 277 -1457 note 21.1, descrip- Madhuvana (f) 530 tion of-1526 note 280 Madhyandin 680 note 111 Kulavat! ( c) 1363 Mahabala, glory of-1285-94; Kuvalasva 1603 a phallic image of Siva at Gokarna 1294 Labha & Ksema, sons of Mahabhadra (lake) 1520 note Gar.ie8a 799 250 Lajihoma 681 note 113 Mahacanda, an attendant of Lajji 252 Yama 1485 2106 Siva/)uri~a Mahakili 422 note 320 Mantra, two-syllabled-v'Siva', Mahakasi(c) 374; 296; Mahikosi (r) 1631 note 67 948 note 257; 1207; 1240; Mahalaksml, -identical with I 7 41 ; 1951-58; · mode of Sita, daughter of Dhanya japa 1959-65; secret of 480; incarnation of-1645 -131 ; efficacy of-for Mahilaya (m) 1631 note 67 raising social standard, 116; Mahamrtyunjaya 332 note; -for warding off demons 447-48 1695 note 123; -of $akti- Mahinandi, a prostitute 1174 vid yi 1985. l\Aaharaurava 1913 note 236 Manu 251 ; names and number Mahendra {m) 164 note 167; of-1585 ; race of V ai vasvata 628 note 76; 1466 note 223 -1597-1615 Mahiravana 1156 Vaivasvata to l\(~aku 1597- Mahisa, father of Asura Gaja 1615. Iksaku to Satyavrata I 054 note 334; son of 1602-1607; Satyavrata Rambha 1645 ; leader of to Sagara 160 7 -12 ; Sagar a Asuras 1647 ; -fights with to Surnitra 1612-14 Durga and is killed by her Manvantaras, fourteen---368 1648-49 note 274 ;. names of-1589 Mahisagara sangama 742 note Maras, etymology of--312 144; 1262 note 115 Margastrsa 74 Mainaka, son of Menaka or Marica 908 note 229 Mena and Himavat 494 note Marici, son of Brahma 252-954 12 Markandeya, son of Mrkanda Maintenance 64 621 note 61 Malat] 922 note 2.!~0 Marriage feast 694 Malaya (m) 164 note 166; 628 Mars, a planet 510, story of- note 72 ; 952 note 262 510-12 . Mallika-Sarasvati (r) 1262 note Maru (desert ) 58 7 note 202 118 Marudeva 1614 Manana 46.. 48 Marut 1613; -s etymology of Manasa (I) 3 76; 1520 note 250 --1587; fortynine-1 786 Mandara (rn) 48 note 36; 560 note 187 note 30; 1519 note 247;1839 Marutvat 1614 note 215; 1857. Mathura (c) J 64, 1630 note 56 Mandhata 1606 Mitrs 1028 Manes, birth of--286; power Maya : an Asura artificer of~l615-l9 807 note 177;-in league Mangala 274 with the sons of Taraka Manibhadra, ga1)a chiel 1319 809; =-cscaped Tripura fire Manidvipa 1670 note 96 849 Manigrlva 651 note 102 Maya, Siva ~s-386-87; varie- Manikarnika, a sacred pool ties of-explained J 12 1125 note 38; 1974 note 99 Mayacakra 129, 130 Man-lion (1'; rsirnha ] -incar- Miyimoha 820 note 184; nation of Siva 1110 deluded by-Asur~ adopt 2107
Jaina-dharn1a and are slain note 319
820-49 ; preachings of.- Monkeys, Sugriva, Hanuman, against Vedic ritual 826-30 N ala, Nila and others 908 Medha 252 note 230 Medhas, a sage 1641 Moon, narrative of-301 Meghanida 1156 Mother-cows 2044 note 297 Meghavihana Kalpa 266 Mothers, seven-2039 Mena, Menaka 37.5 note Mountains, winged-1375 279. wife of Himavat, inother note 167 ' of Parvati 4 7.5 note 2 ;- Mrtyufijaya mantra 1'021, incurs the imprecation of 1310;-vidya 447 Sanaka 478; ancestry of- Mucukunda 1606 4 78; story of.-and · her Miicjha, an Asura 1282 sisters 4 78; various names Mujavat (m) 1956 note 260 of-491 note 11 ;-prays to Miika. an Asura, killing of- Siva 491-93'; . goddess grants Muktimandapa 1675 note 101 -a bodn 493; views of- Miilidhira 82 -about a bridegroom 507; ~UQQidruha 1612 lament of-at the sight of Murari 7 48 note 146 -656-64; -. deluded by Murti-s, eight-, of Siva 2038; Siva's magie 664; obduracy eleven-of Siva 2038 ot-664 Nabhaga 1190; 1597 Menaka, a celestial nymph 377 Nabhaga, son of Nabhaga Merits, stages of--77; 'method 1190 of quelling-78.; -accruing Nabhaga, son ofSrutasena 1612 from· the installation of Nabha-s 1613 pHaHic "irtta~.e 2056; -of Nida 103 note 86, a mystical death in the cause of Siva sound 6 78 note 109 2085 Nagakesara 310 note 248 Mcru (m) 310 note 247; 623 Nagapa~a I 03 7 note 326 note 64 ;-560 note 29; Naigama, brother of'Karuikeya common resort of g.ods 1108; 724 note 136 southern summit of-2088. Naimisa 35 note 27; 76 note Meta 76, 2 78; 432 ;-a forest 1295; Military science 964 note 2 78 1630 note 50;-episode 1781- Milky ocean 224 note 200; 86; a sacred place I 785-86; 322; 324 journey of the sages of-2086 Mina 77 Nala, son of Virasena 1189, Missiles, various sorts of-- king of Nisadha 1235 note 1043 and note 328; I 046 92; 1613 note 330 Nanda, {r) 459 note 338 Mithila (c) 1292 Nandana, son of Hiranya- Mitra 1598 kasipu 482 note 6; 145 7; Mitrajit 1614 1624 note 48 Mitrasaha, an Iksvaku king Nanda tithis 337 1290; 1612 Nandigrama (c) 1174 note 69 Mlecchas 835 note 188; I 028 Nandikesa shrine, virtue of 2108
-1280-84 Nila (m) 629 note 80
Nandikesvara, an attendant Ninr. gems 2008 note 28? of Siva 50 Nipa 1622 note 46 Nandtmukha 638 note 97 Nirvindhya (r) 1148 note 58 Nandin, son of Silada 398 Ni,adha (m) 628note74;1189 and son of Suya~a 2091; note 75; 1518 note 245 ;-a curses Brahmins 398;-- country 1380; (k )1612; 1613 curses Daksa 398; -as Nisumbha.c=killed by Durgi Airavata 1207 1651 Nandisa 18 Nivitakavacas, Asuras 646 Nandisvarac-=pays tribute to Nivrtta I 07; way of worship Siva 568; coronation and for--149 nuptials of- I 092 Non-dualism, Saivite philo- Nara-Narayana, a temple of sophy of-I 745 -~ 132 7 note 149 Nrga 1601 Narada 174~ son of Brahma Nyisa,-defined 71 note 50; 181 note I 79; his penance --of Matrkas 71; 1240; in the Himalayan cave 175; rules of.-1692; three types his invincibility 177; his of- 1995; three kinds of.- pride 177- 79; his journey 1996 ;explanations ofl996-97 to Kailasa 177; his journey to Brahmaloka 178; his Ocean,-of salt 863 note 207; journey to Visnu-loka l 78; milky-1820 note 203; -desires lo wed Srimati southern ---1382 ;-:-,, four - 182. illusion or - 183 ··--- 848 note 199; seven--1694 ' with the face of a monkey ' note 121 183; Rudra's attendants Om. meaning of--105; Pra- enlighten--184; =-curses nava as --106; glorification attendants of Rudra J 85; of--106; ----as Mann a 65 ; -curses Vi~1.n1 18:1-86 ;- -as Yanira and Tantra 66, -visits holy centres of Siva note 47 ~ installation of 193: --rearhc" Ka(i and phallic idol with -66:- as puts questions to Brahma single-syllabled Brahman 193-94; -talks to Hirnavat 2059; -and the phallic image about Parvatl 301-506 ; - 2059; Matras of--2059; instructs Parvatl 55 l ; -· 629 Vedic interpretation of--- note 86. 2059-61 NarayaIJa, etymology of 712 Omkara Mandhata 1254 note note- 128 105 Naraya1.1a-saras 329; 330; 574 Omens, -at Daksa's sacrifice note 37 428-30 Narmada 75 note 53; (r) 630 Padma, daughter of Anaranya note 94; 1262 11 73; wife of Pippalada N ayapala (Nepal) 1296; 1328 617; story of-617-22 Nectar. drunk by the gods Padmikara, VaiSya 1185 956 note 274 Pahlavas(t) 1609 note 41 Nikumbha 1605 Pika, an Asura 110 I 0 2109
Pampa (r) 75 note 61 18; birth of-494-99; child-
Pai\cabrahman,-form of Siva hood sports of.-499 et seq; 17 33; -concept of Siva childhood names of.-500; 1917 note 241; I 978 note Narada forestalls future of 266; 2007 ---502-4 ;~ropi ti ates Siva Pafic~i.ciidi, a celestial damsel 506; Siva appears before- 1550; episode of-1554 306; penance of-557-59;- Paiicadeva ti (five deities ) 168 returns home after penance note 174 594; betrothal of -626; Pai\cagavya, constituents of marriage of-as Sac! 1207; -105; 1546 note 290 ·-Jatila Samvada 1212-17 Pancajana 1611 Paryuksana, sprinkling of Pancakaccha 80 water 680 note 112; Paacakrosi 1341 ; 16 7 5 note Pa~u~ Pa·~d, Paxupati, concepts 100 of--1 7 89 ; 1913 Pancamahayajnas (five daily Pasupata, a form of knowledge sacrifices) 1123 note 36 995 note 299 Pancamakara 813 note 182 Pasupata knowledge 1912-15; Paii.casvara 308 note 244 19~8; devotion as the means Pai\canada 1093 of--1928 note 24 7 Paficarna mantra 29 note 24 Pasupata rite 2087-BS Pancasaugandhika 2006 note PJ·;upaLa weapon 53 281 Pasupatinatha, a phallic image PandHika--text of Virupaksa 1296 1756 Pasupativrata 18!:> 1-99 Paficayata, -system 1358 Patala 247 note 210;-abode note 158 of Niigas with Bhogavati as Pancayatana 1669 note 95 r he capital 760 note 161 ; Paficlkarana, pcntuplication ol 1659 note 93 the Bhutas 250 Path of knowledge 2086 Pandavas I I 59 Pathways, six-1977 note 265; PaQdya (k) 1203 purification of-1980-85. Paradas (t) 1609 note 35 Penancc- -of silence 296; Parents, on the worship of-- three kinds of - -603; efficacy 796-97 of---1500 .. 1504, kinds of-- Parijata 88 7 1533; results of---1534; Pariparra or . Pariyatra( m) 164 characteristics of---1534 note 167; 629 note 77 Phalgu {r} 1263. note 121 . Parsadas 733, 769 Phallic idol of Siva; worship Parasurama.s-cincarnation of of--49; worship of--\\'ith Vi,J}U 751 note 151,-kills Ornkara 67; mode of wor- his mother Renuka 751 note shipping=-S 7; excellence 151 ; -severs a tusk of of--6 7 ; fruits of worshi p Ganesa 751 note 152,--- of---104 ;---as a symbol 105; 14503 note 211 five types of-121; subsi- Parvati, concept of-19 note diary types of -122, clay used in making-135; mode 2110 of worshipping earthern-135- five-syllabled--1681-82 142;. number <1f.-in diffe- Prasenaji t 1605; 1614 ren t rites 142.:44; sizes of- Prastha, Magadha-1993 note 144;~ anecdote of-21 7 ; 273 -of precious 'metal· and Pratisthana [Paithan, Pahni- stone 226;27;; Pratijnesvara, nasl puri) (c) identification Kapile~vara, Kumaresvara of-8 note 13 ; 1599 note 24. and Stambhesvara 759 ; Prativyoman 1614 glory of-1263-i · symbolical Pratyalidha 1051 note 332 of ere a ti ve force 1299 ; Pravrtta 107 note 87 appearance of--203; names Prayaga ( c) 35 note 2~; 393 of-1632; --at Gu<;lhadeha Prayati 1601 1976 note 264; -2056-70 Prayer, song of-1822-25 Pingalas 978 . Preceptor, glory of-125; - Pippalada, story of-617-22 superior to father 125; great- · Pisaca 20, 22 tt seq. ness of.-1965 Plaksadvipa, description of Principle of previous action I 525 note 278 1277-78 ' Planets, spheres of--1,529-31 Priti 255 Portraits of gods 645 Priyamedhas, son of Brahmin Prabha (c) 265 note 226 1315 Prabhasa 1310 ,note 141; 1084 Priyavrata 251, 1597 note 19 · .Proselytizing attempts of Pradyumna 547 Saivi te Acaryas 2011 note Prahlada, son· of· Hiranya- 286 kasi pi, 987 note 293; coro .. Prthu 1603 nation of-989; P~thu§ruta i6'14 Prajapati, Dak,a-251-54; Piilaha 252 · 273; 324-336; 157.4; 1580 Pulastya 252 ff and note 15 · Pumsavana (rite of seeking Prajipati-s-lords of created a male chiJd) 333 note 256; beings 562; -sons of 1129 note 41 Brahma, ten in number Pundarfka 1613 279-88; 305 note 242; ,316 Punishment,-of the gods 1844 note 250 Punyajana (Rakpsa.s) 1600 Prajapatya 2011 note 285 ;-s Punyahavacana 128 · Ibid Puranas, glory of-1504-8 ; Prijipatya rite 1430 ntimber of-1508 note 240; Prakrti, five forms of- 934 eigh teen-1636; "' nomencla- Pralamba, ally of Tai aka, ture of-1636-37 slain by Karttikeya to relieve Purani c Acaryas, proselytizing • Kumuda 759 note 160 attempt of-204·7 Pramathas 269 note Piiq1a ( r) 1264 . note 123 Pranava, twofold ·-I 06-107; Pfirnapa tra 685 note 122 application of-I 07; repeti- Purukutsa 16061. tion of=-after seventy 83; Puriiravas 1598. -as Siva 1731-42; 106; Purusa, thml's~nd-footed- 2111 1452 note· 207. Rati, daughter of Daksa 286· Purusottama (m} 629 note birth c,f.-286; Kima'; 79 infatuation for-289; lament Purusottamapuri (Bhuvanes- of.-545 vara) ( c) 1264 note 125 Ratnam~}~ (forest or moun- Pu,an, brokeri-toothed-465 tain ] )~55 note 113; 1315 Puskara, 1631 note 73; 365; note 145 923 note 241,-dvipa, 1528- Raurava, . a hell 83, 85 29 note 282 · Ravana, a Raksasa 1286; --of Pu,kara(k.) 1614 the family of Pulastya 1368; Puspabhadra (r) 952 note .-king of Raksasas 1367 263; fj 14, 1172 Rbhus.v-destroy Siva's atten- Pu spadan ta, an cm1_ssary of dants 417 ;-416 note 318 Siva 943 Red powder 685 note 121 Pusti 2s2 Renunciation, procedure of -1725-31 Radha, -curses Sudama 925; Reva ( r] 75 note 55; 91; 1273 935 note 247~;. 939 ;--as fifth note 129 form of Prakrt i 934; -'s Reva ti, daughter of Kakudmin curse 940; 954 1599 Raghu 1613 Rites,-of obsequies '/2; -or Rihu, an Asura, son of'Vipra- sapindikarana 72; of periodi- citti and ' Simhika 867 cal Sraddha 73; -- for achie- note 209; as a messenger of ving prosperity 81, 86 ; Jalandhara 886 ~for achieving desires 98f -(k) (Raivata) 1599 2024; compulsory and Raibhya, friend of Bharadvaja optional -98, t991-99, 1838 2021-23 ;-of A. vahana 136; Rajasiiya 3 note 7 ; a sacrifice -of Upavesana, 136;-of 1506 note 239 Upasarpana, 136; -of Rajivarta, a gem 2003 Phatikabandha 136 ;--of Raksasas, atrocities · perpe- Katlbandhane 137 ;-of trated by-13~5 .. 76; Siva's Vastrasamarpana 137 ; protection of--1379 five -of flower .. offering 13 7 ; groups of~ 1610 --of Navarfitra 1672; an- Rama, Gita narrated by Siva cillary- -2012; -of sacri- to--32; Sati's test of-'s fice 2014-20; Karnya divinity 384; 386; Vifl}.Uism -2024 .. 34; -for attaining of-389; --kills Tadaka, benefits 2047; -for benefits Bili and Rav ana 7 51 note; attainable after death 2054- son of Dasafatha 1236note 55 ;--for installing Siva's , 94·--1613 phallic image 2065·70-of Rambha-celestial damsel 377; Tarpana 2086 ~ 71 note 131 ; 1130 Ritual, Review of, Siva's- Ramesvara, greatness of- 1667- 73-of Siva 2001·2006 1381-84 )3..kfa 164 note 16 7 Rananjaya 1614 2112
Rksakula (m) 1148 note 5 7 Rukmini 547
Rksavat { m) 1523 note 261 Runaka 1614 Rchini=-daughter of Daksa 63, 1308; -wife of Moon Sabalasvas, sons of Daksa 330 63 ; 713 ; 1308 Saci 377 Rohita 1608 Sacred lore, origin of--1774 Rornaharsana, Lornaharsana Sacred thread 81 note 7 4 35 note 29 Sacrifice, place for-127; ~~abha, story of-l 078; 1180 al tar for-127 ; articles for ~~ika, daughter of a Brahmin -127; gods invoked at- 1282 ; penance of -1282 127; -of Daksa 400.. 404 ~,ikulya (r) 1524 note 273; Sadvikaras, six causes of per- identical with Koe1 river turbation 27 note 21 1524 note 274 Sages, six clans of-44; seven ~~yamiika (m) 1155 -163 note 164; -invited ~~yasri1ga, son of Vibhan- at Daksa's sacrifice 400; 9aka 1470 present at Siva's marriage Rtuparna (k) friend of king 638; list of--1130; problem Nala 1612 of--- 1 778; six families of- Rtviksc--vin Daksa's sacrifice who performed sattras in 40 I note 303 Nairnisa 2091; Nandin Ruci 251 cu ts off the Pasas of--2091 ; Rudra, inter prctation of the Nandin imparts Saivitc three-ryed-101 note 81 ; know ledge to-2091 ; ---per- names of eleven--s 138 form sattras at Prayaga 2091; note I 2i ~ 948 note 256; -fix their abode at Varit;lasi 1583 note 18 ;--born of 2092 Surabhi 114 7 note 56; his Sagara 1608; story of--1610- period of life 215; mani- 11 ; --in~t ituies a horse- festation of 244; 1821-22; · sacr ifirc 1611; sixty thousand his refusal to create 250; sons of--1611 ~-identical with Saguna Saguna & Nirguna · aspects Siva; magic of-- -422 ; -- 1441-44 girls 2091 Sahadeva 1614 Rudrak~a 460; glorrlk atiou Sahasvai 1613 of---150-71; place- for the Sahya ( m) 164 note growth of-164; auspicious 167; 560 note 28; 623 note kinds of-----16.1; 169- 70; in- _ 65; 1262, 1330 note 152 auspicious kinds of-165 ; Saivite knowledge 1946-50 number of--s to be worn on Saivi te ri tual--open to all 2011 different parts of the body Sakadvipa, description of- • 166-67 ; mantras for wear- 1527 note 282 ing~-170; efficacy of--93; Sakalikarana 103 I 71 Sakas 1604. note 32; 1609 note Rudraloka 75, 77 34 Rudrasrsti, concept of-1069 Saketa (c) 1264 note 124 note 1 Sakha, brother of Kirttikeya 1na1x 2113
7 note 136 "1132 note 45; Narnakarana
Sakti, epithets of-196; chara- (giving name) 1132 note cteristics of-196 ;-personi .. 44; Jatakarma (prenatal fied as Kali, Cal)Qi and rite) 1131 Bhairavi 778 note 167 ; Sarnsrava Prasana 685 note names of--s 784; --of a god Sarhvartaka 365 note 273 999 note 303; manifestation Samyaminl (c) 262 note 224 of-1825; eight -s as the Sanaka 399; story of - 4 79; guardian deities of the -curses Mena and her quarters and sub-quarters sivicrs 480 2041 Sananda 140 Sak ti, son of Vasis tha 304 ; Sanatkumara 2 note 5; son of 638 note 98 Brahma 2088; arrogance of Saktipata rloctrine 1966 note --2088 ~ Nandin curses->- 262 10 become a camel 2088- Saktisarnhita 146 restored to his former self Sakuni 1603 2089 Sakya 1614 Sanaya, son of Padmakara Salagrama 37; -rocks 977 Vaisya 1185 Salivahana 8 note: 13 Sandhi, son of Prthusruta 1614 Salmalidvtpa, description of Sandhya,-prayers 36; 81 ; -1526 note 279 expiatory rites for the omis- Salokya, a liberation 45 note sion of-81; -daughter of 33; 62; 340 note 260,- - Brahma 273 note 234; 1735 names of - -2 79; her song Salva (k) 410 note 312; ·-s a of prayer 297-99; des- tribe 1199 cription of--280; deities ex- Salvation, review of-1439- cited at the sight of--283, 41 285; story of---291-304; Samadhi, a Vaisya 1641 reborn as Arundhatl, daugh- Samba, son of Knl)a and ter of Medhati thi 29 l ; wife Jambavati of Vasi stha 291 ; her song Sarnbara 547 of prayer 297-99; Siva's Sarnbhuti 252 boons to-300; identical Samhatasva 1605 with Arundhati 302; marr ies Samipya, a liberation 62 Vasi~tha 302; morning - - Sarnskaras (sacraments) U pa- 302; cvening-302 karma (rite of initiation) Sar_lQilya, a sage 1205 1132 note 50; Vidyarambha Sanjlvani (Amrtajlvant ) a (learning alphabet) 1132 herb restoring dead to life note 49; Karnavedha [bot · 87.1; 1156 ing ears) 1132 note 48; Sanjaya 1614 Ciicjakarma (tonsure) 1132 Sankha, an Asura 869 note 4 7; Annapralana (feed- Sankha.'li~a 923; penance and ing the child) 1132 note marriage of-926; previous 46; Ni skrarnana (taking birth of--930 child ou t of threshold) Sani [saturn ] 766 note 163 2114
~aQamukha (six-faced Kartti- Sa tyaratha, wife of Trisanku
keya ), description of- ~039 1608 Sannati 252 , Satyavati, mother of Vya!l\a Sannyasa, way of.-1680 979 . note 280 procedure of.-1718-24 Sa:tyavrata 1606 Sannyasin, daily conduct of Saugandhika, five kinds of- -1688-89; way of Siva's 102 note 84 worship for -1689; 1697 Saugandhika park 459 Santi 252 Saumini, a Chal).dali, emanci- Sarabha,-incarnation of pation 0£-. 1287-90 Siva 113 et s1q. Saunaka, a sage I note I Sarasvati (r) 47 note 11; 47 Saurastra 1254 note 102 note 35; 74; 75 note 60; Sayujya,. liberation 62; 1416 91 note 78; 1630 note 59; note 186; 1925 2086 Sea, southern 294 Sarasvati, wife of Brahma 350 Self-immolation, ways of.- Sarayu (r) 91 note 78 2085; virtue of-2085 Sir•ti, liberation 62 Self-realization, knowledge, Slriipya, a state of liberation as means of-230; freedom · 62; 1341 note 152 from worship after 230 . Sarvakarman 1612 Semi-divine beings (ten) Sarvatobhadra, a diagram 1166 note 66 1429 note 193 Sesa 226; -the couch of Saryiti 1597 Vi~J}.U 385 note 293; 562; Sasabindu 1606 --upholder of earth 714 ~a~takala 266 note 134; Vi~~u reclining Satadhrti I 056 note 338 on-1820 Satak~i~ incarnations of-1663 Setubandha 1254 note 112 Satariipa 251, 1575 note Seven continents 614 note Sati 252; 273; 274 note 233 58; 796 et s1q; birth of-333; Seven heavens 948 note 254 -daughter of Daksa 1678; Seven oceans 683 note 115 penance of-339; Siva'~ Seven regions,-below earth boon to--349; Dalliance 1015 of-and Siva 369-379 ; $ibi 1597 -assumes the form of Sita Siddha-s 378 note 284 388;-reproaches Visnu, Siddhasrama 952 note 265 Brahma, Indra and others Siddha vidya 736 410-411 ; -casts off her Siddhi 235 note 203; 7 54 note body in Yogic fire 415; 158; eight kinds of -948 1831-reborn as the daugh- note 253 'ter of Mena and Himavat Siddhi and Buddhi, daughters 472-75 of Prajapati Visvarilpa Sitvatas I 042 note 327 married to Gai:iesa 233; Satyaloka 93, 97, 247 note 212 252; 798 note 1 70 Satyaratha, king of Vidarbhas Sighra 1613 1202 Sikhittaka 82, 83 2115
Sita' 94 of--124; eight forms of-
Silada 39~ 132:. note 89 ,· 464·, 604 '· Silida Sal nkiyana. ·1090 I 023; I 074 note· 5; earthen Silanidhi I l , phallic image of-132-34; Simanta aming_ the hair of eight names of- 140; hymn 1
note 42 eyed-141 note 147 ; offer- Slmantiai, wife of Cand·ran- ing to--146-48; glorification gada 11.180 of the names of-150-53 ; Simha 't6 salutation to--172; three Sin,-for immoral sexual forms of-'173'; 31)3 note intercourse 1183 ;-s, . kind 2 72; destroyer· of Tripura of-77; -ways of--77; 147L- 189 note 18~ ~ efficacy of 79 notes 226-29 the name of-189, 190; Sindhu (r) -76 note 65; 91 worship of-1.90; 2007; note 78 six-syllabled mantra of- Sindhurija 1612 -190 note 184; mode of Sindhusigara sangama 329 worshipping-231-237 ;- 1630 note 60 separate from Sakti 279; $ipra, K,ipra( r) 303 note 240 Visnu's praise of-317 ; Siti, daughter of J anaka, illusion of-318; -as the kidnapped by Ravana 1381 creator of Brahma and Visnu Sita ( r ] 1521 note 25 l 318; incarnations of -su Sltoda {lake) 1520 note 250 under incarnations; -- lord <,f Siva, slayer of Tripura 17 goblins 321 ; 396; his power note 17; Paficabrahma of delusion 331; 177; 40l); form of-34 note 25; 847 405· 409· 479· 540· 601· note 197; 1072; five faces ' praise , of-340-4 ' l ; ' 360 '; of-34; 141 note 148; concept of-342; 379 ;-as Sakala & Niskala forms of blue-necked 348 note 348 ~ --50; pha.Ilic and embodied =-marries Sati 353 ;-sport~ forms of--. 50; Brahmatva with Sati 357; 369-79 ; of-50; -- at the battle of Bull of-369 ;-protector of Brahma and Visnu 55; Vedic virtue 393 ;--aban- - =in the form of "ti, column dons Sati 394; separation of fire 55; gifts offered to of--and Sati explained -60 ; distribution of gifts 394; Daksa reproaches among attendants by-60; and curses-396-97; Daksa's worship of-by Brahma. enmity with-407; --enligh- Visnu and other gods 60; tens Nandin and pacifies him five activities of-63 rJ>hallic 399 ;-in his council chamber emblem of-superior to his 406 ; -symbolizes five embodied image 63 ; prayers elements 462; gods eulogize to-66; prayers of Brahma -460-64 --swallows Kala- and Visnu to-66 -as the ktita poison 463 note 341 ; bestow~~ of enjoyment 104; 1112 note 30; will of- 4·79; -as Bharga I 05; etymology 549; glory of-146 ·~ : 's 2116
boon to Mena 493 -per- concept of-and Siva 1919
forms penance 508; Kama ff; Ardha-narisvara form hit~--509;--burns Kama of-. 1919 note 244; glory of 509; 551 ;-quells the pride -Siva 1919-26; Yogicirya of Parvatt 509; -'s fire incarnations of-1938; dis- 550; five-syllabled man tr a ciples of Yogacarya-.-1939 of--553; - 's views on and note 251 ; forms of- marriage 569-70; -v-consents Siva 2037-38; attendants to marry Parvati 571 ;-- and adherents of -Siva an avadhuta 577; -a 2038-46; --explains himself . dancer 595-96 ;-in many 470-71 ;-identical with forms 596 ;--in the guise Brah man 4 71 of Brahmin 600; marriage $ivi,---as Sakti of Siva 117; procession of--639-43 ; worship of.-117; efficacy -meets Himavat 648 ;--'s of--1 J 8; names of-2.13; wonderful sport 650-55 -'~ three forms of-319 ;-be- comely form 666; 668; came Dak~a's daughter 324; marriage of-675-80; -'s -mother of Universe 409; epithets Tripurari, Purari, gods eulogize--486 ;- as Purusfidana 729 note 139; possessed of a ttri bu res 486 -as Pasupati 844 note note R ~-as mother goddess 195-tests Indra 859; 486 third eye of-862 ;-kills Siva cult, principles of I 788- Samkhacfida 956-9 71 ; 99 attributes of-1016-17 Siva-Ganga 72 one hundred and eight Siva-Ga ya tri 1304 note 140 forms of-1018; --as the, a treatise on Siva fourth state 1045 note 329; ritual 1989 -as the twentyseventh Siva-ksetra [Saivite holy principle J 104 and note 27; centre) 76; 2086 note 303 --a~ Indra 1207; battle bet .. Sivalaya, a lake 1393 note 274 ween Arjuna & -1241 note Sivaloka 8, 76 96; tiger hide of -1251 Siva mantra 838 note 191 note 99; elephant hide of Siva-ma ya (spell of Siva) 1468- -1251 note 100; glory of 71 phallic idols of--1263 ;- as Siva-Parvati dialogue 520-24 buffalo 1328; one thousand Siva-Parvati,- Purusa and names of-1397-1413; effi- Prakrti 508 cacy of the names of- $ivapura 1940 note 252 1414; principles of-1738- Sivapurana, glory of.-1-33; 44; 1788-99; 1875 ; 1879- seven Samhi tis of--4; 42- 91; 1929-1935 ; five Saktis 43; 1777; rules for listen- "of-1 744; non-dualistic ing to -24-33; merits of nature of-1744; fury of- listening to-38-43; size of 1852 ; doubts on the nature 42; date of-1613 ; verses and exploits of -1875-79; of--1777 ; people worthy or unworthy of listening to Intla 2117 ;·-2092; merit accruing Sravastaka 1603 from listening to-2093 $rivasti 1603 note 28 Sivaritri,-a day sacred to Srida 266 Siva 60; glory of-61 ; 261 Srigiri (m) 629 note 84 · note 223; I 063 note 343; Srikara, a cowherd boy 1323 1303; 1422; mode of ob- Srlrnati, daughter of Sila- serving-s-l+Sl ; glory of nidhi 181 observing -1431-39; nar- $rngaverapura (c) 1438 note 19.1 rative of hunter in context Srngin 1518 note 246 of-1431-39 Srngitirtha identical with Skandasaras (I) 1714 note 138; GauriSikhara 557 note 27 2089 note 308; description Srisalla (m ) 952 note 266; J 254 of 2089-90 ; Ka 1 pa tree note 103 on the Northern bank of Sru tasena 1612 -2091 Sruti 46 note 34 Smrti 252 Sthala 1613 Sobhavati, a harlot 7 Sthanaka l 051 note 332 Society, f ourfold-1053 note Sthanesvara (c) 456 note 335 333 Subrahmanya, identical wi th Sodasa puja (sixteen ways Karttikeya I 839 of homage) 1756 Sucismati, wife of Vi~vanara Solar eclipse 92 1124 Somanatha, a Jyotirliriga 1307 Sudaksina, king of Kama- Somaskanda 115 rupa 1332 Somayiga 257 Sudama, friend of Krsna born Son, importance of--among as Sankhacuda 934, 93 7 the Asuras 983 note 288; Sudarnan (m) I ~23 note 260 custom of adopting-983 Sudarsana, king of Ayodhya note 289 and son of Dhruvasandhi Soi:ia (r) 74 note 52 1672 -son of Dadhici Sonabhadra ( r ) Suddhoda 1614 630 note 89 Sudeha, wife of Sudharrna I 3H-1 Sonitapura 532 note 23; 536; Sudharma 868 note 21 I :--a 1027 Brahmin 1385 Soul, five tattvas of individual Sudraka 1614 -1744 Sugriva 1381 Splendour, emergence of -at Suka, son of Vyasa 980 notr Virar:iasi 2087 ;-as the in· 282 dication of Siva's pleasure Sukanya 1599 2088 Suketu 161 I Spring, birth of-30i; des- Sukra, revives Asuras slain/ cription of.-307 in -baule 1004 ;-~wallowed1 $raddha 252 ;-doctrine of hy Siva 1012~ reborn 1017' Bhakti cult 194l Sukresa 1025 Sriddhadeva 1190 note 7 7 Sukrta, son of a Brahrnin l 11 ~ $rava9a (listening to the stories Suktimat (m) 164 note 1671 of the lord ) 46-4B 1524 note 276 2118
Sumbha,-killed by Durgi 910 Tiraka, his boasting 750,-son
note 232; 955 note 273 of Vajringa-Vajringi 520; Sumbha and Nisumbha 1859 710 note 125; birth of.- Sumeru 375 525; -performed penance Sumitra 1614 520 ; received boons from Supirsva (ml 1519 note 247 Brahma 531 Supratika 16 4 Tirakak,a, son of Tiraka 803 Supriya, a Vai§ya 1 9 76 Tiraputras 225 note 20 I ; Surabhi 114 7 Tarkamudri 460 Surasi (r) 1523 note 265 Tattvas 199 note 187; 919 Suratha, son of Viratha, 1614 note 239; 1990 episode of-1639. Temples, Siva's 73 Suryinuvika 80 Tiger, demon as-1862 ; SU.ta, his origin I note 2 change in -1862 ; attains Sutapas 1614 the status of gal}a 1875; Suvarca, wife of Dadhici 1167 named Somanandin 1870 Suvarnamukhari (r) 75 note Time, measure of-in regard 59; 76; 1711 note 135 and to deities 215, 216; glory 136 of-1799 Suvada, son of a Brahmin Time-durations 711 note 127 1276 Tlrtharaja 1630 note 50 Svadha 252 Tra yyarm:1i 1606 Svadhakara 46 l note Treta 81, 91 Sval: .-t 252 Tr'ikfita (m) 629 note 81 Svas 1 1 patha 685 note 120 Trinity 82; function of-82 ; Svastyayana 402 note 306 344; concept of-470 note Svayarilvara 181 note 178 343; life's span of-1802 Sveta ( m) 1518 note 246 Tripundra 80 note 70; mark- Svetadvipa 4 79 ing of --with the ashes 232; Svetakalpa 766 note 164 264 Svetanadl (r) 7 S note 63 Tripuras 802 note 173; virtues of-815; destruction of -- Tadaka , slaying of-751 note 955 note 270; 1843 note 150 217 Taganas 1609 note 36 Tri puri, three cities of Asuras Taksaka, son of Kadru 739 739; on the burning of~- note 143 ;1458 note 217 ;1614 846 note 196 Talajanghas 1608-9 note 32 Trisanku 1608 Tarnasa (Tons) (r) 75 note Trisrotas ( r) 1093 note 24 54; 91 note 78 Triveni 150 note 151 Tamraparni (r) 77 note 68; Trivistapa or Tripistaka note t 91; 1523 note 271 298; 868 note 210 Tapasaranya (f) 303 Triyama (r) 1524 note 272 Taptaka [Taptl, Tapi) (r) 1263 Trka 1608 note 122; 1523 note 268 Tryambaka (m) 1631 note 63 Tari 713; wife of Brhaspati Tuhunda, an Asura 1010 abducted by Moon 1309 Tula 76 lnde" 2119
Talasi, daughter of Dharma- Vidarbhapura, (c) 1189 note 76
dhvja 927; -married to Vidhrti 1613 Sankhacu<;Ia 929; curse of Vikuk,i-Sasida, king of -973; Siva consoles-976 Ayodhyi Tumburu, a Gandharva 21, Vimsatigrama ( c} 1276 23; 642 note 99 Vindhya {m) a Kula-par- Tumburu & Narada, rivalry vata, 23 note 19; 1325 between -in musical per- note 148 formance 2087; Brahma an Vipula(m) 1579 note 247 Umpire in the musical Virasena, son of Mahisena contest between -2087; 1379; 1613 Tungabhadra ( r) 7 5 note 58 Visnu, fight between Brahma Tu~ti 252 and-52-53 ;--as Boar 56; Tvastr identical with Visva- 245; ongm of-197 ; karrnan 301 note penance of-198; Narayai:ia Vjjayini ( c) 1254 note 104 as the name of -198 ; des- Upamanyu, 1451 note 205; cription of-315; Brahma's instructions of-to Knl}a praise of-315 ; knower 1456-61 of Siva-cult 315 ; Laksml Urukriya 1614 as the wife of-319 ; slayer Urvast 1598 of Madhu & Kaitabha U tkala 1599 note 23 34 7 noce 263; Siva's praise Uttanka 1603 of-391 ; dialogue bet- ween Virabhadra and-- Vaikuntha 401 note 400 434-40; his praise of Siva Vaisravana ~Kubera 2053 468 ;-as an enchantress note 301 7 50; 1 I 61 incarnations of Vaivasvatapura, capital of -873; 955 notes 271-72 Yama 1480 Se,asayi-874 note 219 ViraIJ.asi ( c ) I 021 note 312 delusion of.-918. Varuna 1598 Vinarasva 1603 Vasi ~tha, preceptor of Mitra- Visvakarma, son of Vasu saha 1191 ; -curses Mitra- Prabhasa 1582 note I 7 saha 1191 ; J 599 Visvamitra, son of Ga thin or Vasu 1590 ;-s a class of Gadhi 1504 ; 1606 deities 1419 note 188 Vi'svasa 1614 Vasusthali ( c] 265 note 226 Visvayogin 2089 Vatsavrddha 1614 Visvesvara, a Jyotirlinga at Vatuka, concept of-1305 ; Kasi 1340; g1ory of-1343 son of Candi 1307 Vrka 1608 Vayu, wind-god, report of- Vyasa, Yogacarya incarna- to Brahma 2087; city of- tions ef-1938 2087 Vedapriya, son of a brahmin War,fruits of righteous-1539; 1315 -not exclusive to Ksatriya Vegavati (r) 77 note 69 caste 1540 note 288 Venkata (m) 629 note 83 Water-jars for worshio 1985 ; 2001 note 280; 204~ Yauvani~va, identification of Western ocean, 1373 -1452 Wish-yielding stone 2033 note Yavanas 1609 note 38 293 Yoga, kinds of.-108 ; charac- Women, nature of-1551-54 teristics of -108: goal of.- Worlds, description of.-1529; 2070; nature of.~2071; nether--1511-14 ; fourteen types of-2071 ; ancil- -upper and lower 1572 laries of -2071-75 ; note 241 role of vital airs in the Worship, rules governing exercise of -2073 note 302; Siva's-1999,-of Siva with ten obstacles in the path ancillary rites 2012 of.-2075-76; indications of Yajfiadatta 255 et seq success in-2076; Siddhis Yajiias, five-1997-98 and their powers in-207.7- Yijnavalkya (Kausalya ] 1613 78; suitable place for-~ Yaksa, son of Sihala 1613 2079; conditions fit for- Yarna, emissaries of-1479; 2079; postures in-2079-80; capital of- -1480; spirits practice of-2079-81 ; Saivite waiting on- -1484; comp- --2081 lexion of--1484 Yuvanasva, king of Srivasti .... uni (r) 76 note 67 I 60 3 · u~nf\
Notes and Queries, Index to Eighth Volume, July-December 1853
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