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Liceo de Cagayan University

Solid Waste Management system in Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro City

CY 2012 BY Lago


Part I. Profile of the Respondents

1. Age: ___________

2. Gender:

( ) Male ( ) Female

3. Educational Attainment:

( ) No Formal Education
( ) Elementary Undergraduate
( ) Elementary Graduate
( ) High School Undergraduate
( ) High School graduate
( ) College graduate
( ) College Undergraduate
( ) Others

4. Occupation:

( ) Government Employees
( ) Private Employees
( ) Self Employed
( ) Farmer
( ) Housewife
( ) Others

5. Number of Children:

( )1 ( )2
( )3 ( )4
( )5 ( ) more than 5
Liceo de Cagayan University
Solid Waste Management system in Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro City
CY 2012 BY Lago

6. Monthly Income:

( ) Php 2,000.00 to Php 4,000.00

( ) Php 4,001.00 to Php 6,000.00
( ) Php 6,001.00 to Php 8,000.00
( ) Php 8,001.00 to Php 10,000.00
( ) Php 10,001.00 to Php 12,000.00
( ) Php 12,001.00 to Php 14,000.00
( ) Php 14,001.00 and above

Part II. Waste Management Practices in Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro City

relative to:

Directions: Simply check the appropriate box which commensurate to

your responses.

3 Fully Practiced
2 Practiced
1 Not Practiced

A. Waste Segregation Practices

Indicators 1 2 3
1. Presence of bins for plastic, papers and cans
(non-biodegradable materials)
2. Presence of bins for peelings fruits and
vegetables(biodegradable waste)
3. Earning of money from non-biodegradable
4. Use non-biodegradable materials as organic
fertilizer in their backyard.
5. Reuse some non-biodegradable materials like
cans as container at home.
6. Impose penalty for non-compliance of waste
7. Practice of waste segregation at home.
Liceo de Cagayan University
Solid Waste Management system in Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro City
CY 2012 BY Lago

8. Presence of policy or existing ordinance on

waste segregation
9. Households do not segregate waste in sacks
or damaged pale.
10.Implement No Segregation, No Collection
Policy in the households.

B. Establishment of Material Recovery Facility

Indicators 1 2 3
1. Establishment of one Material Recovery
Facility in the barangay.
2. Maintenance of Material Recovery Facility.
3. Schedule to accept waste are posted in front
of Material Recovery Facility
4. Presence of waste segregation bins inside the
Material Recovery Facility
5. Planting of vegetables with the use of
organic fertilize inside the Material Recovery
6. Material Recovery Facility is clean at all
7. Material Recovery Facility is located in an
open space.
8. Material Recovery Facility is received mixed
waste for final sorting, segregation,
composting and recycling.
9. Presence of vehicles like dump truck for
waste disposal from the Material Recovery
Facility to sanitary landfill.
10.Presence of recyclable containers at Material
Recovery Facility

C. Recycling Practices

Indicators 1 2 3
1. Presence of barangay cooperatives for
recyclable livelihood program
2. Recycling waste is used as as livelihood
Liceo de Cagayan University
Solid Waste Management system in Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro City
CY 2012 BY Lago

program in the barangay.

3. Residents use recycling to lessen their waste.
4. Residents use plastics and bottles as vase.
5. Residents use plastics as bags.
6. Coordination to local entrepreneur to sell
products out of waste.
7. Encourage residents to reuse waste in their
8. Encourage residents to turn over recyclable
waste to the cooperatives.
9. Residents help in the segregation of
recyclable waste.
10.Barangay gives incentives to residents for
using recyclable waste.

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