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Marc Bogaert * , Nicolas Chleq , Philippe Cornez' ,

Carlo S. Regazzoni' , Andrea Teschioni' , Monique Thonnaf

' Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering (DIBE), University of Genova,

Via all'Opera Pia 1lA, Genova, Italy
Research Center of the Belgian Metalworking Industry (CRIF),
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, Bruxelles, Belgium
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA),
Route des Lucioles 2004, Sophia Antipolis, France

high level of shape variability associated with people, and

ABSTRACT from the complexity of environmental real scenes [3].

The objective of the PASSWORDS Project is to design

and develop a prototype of an intelligent video image 11. THE PASSWORDS PROJECT
analysis system for video surveillance and security
applications, based on concrete needs expressed by Within this context, the Passwords Project (EP 8433, Parallel

potential users.
The goal of the system developed within PASSWORDS is to
detect certain dangerous situations in some scenes (e.g.
vandalism in a metro station), providing for example a remote
operator with an alarm signal.
This paper illustrates the different steps which compose the
PASSWORDS system, focusing the attention on the Image
Processing Module.
and Advanced Surveillance System With Operator assistance
for Revealing Dangerous Situations) intends to demonstrate
the feasibility of image sequence analysis on low-cost
hardware for visual surveillance and security applications.
The applications cover indoor as well as outdoor scenes, in
which people as well as vehicles or other objects are moving
around. The goal of the system is to detect certain particular
situations in some scenes, which are of interest to the operator,
I. INTRODUCTION such as persons remaining a too long time in a cerhin area
(e.g. a prowler, waiting on a car park for an occasion to steal
something from inside a car, or a member of the right cleaning
Computer-assisted surveillance of complex environments is
team too much "interested" by some articles in a shelf of a
getting more and more interesting, thanks to recent significant
supermarket or persons with an agitated behaviour,
improvements in real-time signal processing. The main role of
individually as well as in group (e.g. potential vandals in a
automatic computation in such systems is to support the

human operator to perform many tasks, such as detecting,
interpreting and understanding, logging or giving alarms. In
The development work is being carried out on parallel digital
this way, possible human failures are expected to be overcome,
signal processors, TMS320C40, common to all developing
many functionalities can be added, and better surveillance
partners of the project. The operating system Virtuoso is used,
performances are obtained.
allowing programming on a "virtual" single processor.
In the surveillance research field applied to public areas,
crowding monitoring is very useful but presents particularly
complex problems. Recognizing objects and persons and 111. THE STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER
tracking their movements in complex real scenes by using a
sequence of images are among the most difficult tasks in
computer vision [1][2]. Main difficulties arise both from the This new architecture can be effectively considered an
innovation for real-time image processing and also a market

0-7803-3258-X/96/$5.00 0 1996 IEEE 675
analysis revealed the existence of key interest areas of The module labels with the same number each blob
potential customers of a "passwords" project. corresponding to the same object, object part or group present
The present paper is mainly addressed to present the main in the sequence over time. On the basis of the matching result,
image processing phases which are at the basis of object each blob can be tracked over time, hence providing a further
recognition and tracking: blob characterization by means of cinematic parameters.
8 illumination change compensation Matching is performed in two steps:
shadow compensation

8 people matching and tracking A. A first rough result is reached by comparing the lists of

8 detection of abnormal behaviours blob characteristics referring to the current (time step k)
Thanks to real-time functioning, accuracy and robustness, and previous (time step k-I) frames. Blob correspondences
the method can be used in surveillance systems devoted to are organized as a graph: all nodes of each level are the
assure people safety in public areas. blobs detected in each frame, and the relationship among
blobs belonging to different adjacent levels are represented
as arcs between the nodes. Arcs are inserted on the basis of
N.THE BLOB DETECTION PHASE the superposition of blob areas on the image plane: if a

blob at step @-I) overlaps a blob at step k, then a link

The purpose of this phase is to identify the mobile areas (i.e. between them is created, so that the blob at step (k-1) is
the blobs) of each image successively acquired by the system. called "father" of the blob at time step k (its "son").
Different events can occur:

The acquired color images are first filtered in order to reduce

the noise level present in each original images. A background 1) If a blob has only one "father", its type is set "one-
image, i.e. a reference image without any mobile object, is overlapping" (type o), and father label is assigned
then continuously updated in order to adapt itself to scene to it.
changes as for example a new static object 2) If a blob has more than one "father", its type is set
The next step is the application of an illumination change to "merge" (type m),and a new label is assigned.
compensation algorithm to the filtered images, in order to 3) If a blob is not the only "son" of its father, its type
make the whole processing chain run also in outdoor is set to "split" (ype s), and a new label is
conditions. This algorithm is based on the determination of the assigned.
illumination change factors using the log difference between 4) If a blob has no "father", its type is set to "new"
the input image and the background image and on a correction (type n) and a new label is assigned.
of the change in order to smooth the variation of these factors
wrt the time. B. Blob matching is refined by substituting, if possible, the
From each such corrected image, the mobile areas of the new labels with the labels of some blob either belonging to
image are extracted using the difference between the corrected a time step previous than (k-I), or belonging to the @-I)
image and the background image. frame and erroneously labelled in phase A . This processing
A color segmentation follows, in order to determine the phase is based on the comparison between each current
global characteristics of each region within the image, and to blob not labelled with "0" with the set of recent previous
make a discrimination between coloured pixels (belonging to blobs, whose label was inherited by no successive blob,
mobile objects) and shadows pixels. This shadows analysis collected in a "long-memory" blob graph. This approach is
allows in fact to eliminate from the moving areas (i.e. the useful for recover some situations of temporary wrong
blobs) the present shadows in each area and it makes easier the splitting of a blob (corresponding to a single object) into
task performed by the next image processing algorithms. more blobs, because of image noise or static occlusions, or
of temporary merging of two overlapping objects.
The following stage is the blob tracking phase. Comparison is performed on the basis of the blob shape
characteristics which have been tested to be approximately
Blob matching provides as output the final graph of blob
correspondences over time, in which matched blobs have the
The target of this module is to identify with the same label
mme lahel mer time, and each blob is classified with one of
each blob corresponding to the same physical object present in
the described types.
the sequence of images over time (matching phase) and, on the
basis of the matching results, to track each blob movement on
the image plane over time


The image understanding module takes as inputs image

objects (blobs) and features extracted from each image of the
zyxwvut VII. RESULTS

temporal sequence and performs the understanding process up Extensive tests on real image sequences were performed in
to the on-line recognition of ongoing scenario, with respect to the context of CEC-ESPRIT Project PASSWORDS: we will
a library of scenario models dedicated to a particular present in this section the results coming from the application

application. of two modules developed within the Project itself: the
The main feature of this module (see also [4]) is the ability to illumination change compensation algorithm and the blob

perform the interpretation in an incremental fashion starting tracking module.
from primitive low-level events and refining the interpretation
by relying on a hierarchical recognition of scenario models. Figure 2 shows an example of results coming from the
Another characteristic is that the image understanding module application to a test image sequence of the illumination change
does not need a high computing power. Currently, the cycle compensation algorithm in outside conditions (cloud occluding
time for one image goes from 10 to 50 milliseconds: provided the sun). The algorithm carries a good improvement of the
that the image processing programs can be scheduled at the detection of mobiles: a lot of blobs due to illumination changes
convenient rate, this allows a real-time interpretation to be are filtered out, while most of the mobile parts remain.

Image 1 Image 2 Corrected image 2

Logarithmic difference Logarithmic difference

between images 1 & 2 between image 1 and corrected image
On these images, the larger the absolute difference, the whiter the pixel

Thresholded logarithimic diff.
between images 1 and 2
Thresholded logarithmic diff.

between image 1 and corrected image 2

Black parts are considered as mobile parts on these thresholded images

Figure 2. Test images of the illumination change compensation algorithm in outside conditions

Figure 3 shows the result of the blob matching algorithm on a

test sub-sequence: each image contains the detected blobs
(resulting from blob detection) with their numerical label and
type (obtained from blob matching). This example points out
in particular the capability of the module to:
1 . assign the same label to two blobs before and after their
temporary overlapping on th age plane (hence t
consider them as the same mobile object) even after
several frames (see frames 2 and 5);
assign the correct label of a blob which was erroneously
classified as new during the matching phase A (see frames
2 and 3).

frame 1 frame 2 frame 3 frame 4zyxw

Figure 3. A sequence of images showing critical cases of blob splitting, merging and displacement.
frame 5

[2] F. Cravino, M. Delucca and A. Tesei, “DEKF system for

crowding estimation by a multiple-model approach“,
Electronics Letters, no. 30, vol. 5, 1994, pp. 390-391.
[3] Y . Bar-Shalom, and T.E. Fortmann, “Tracking and Data
Association“, Academic Press, New York, 1988.

[4] N Chleq, and M. Thonnat, Teal-time Image Sequence
[l] W. Kinzel, and Dickmanns ED, “Moving humans Interpretation for Video-Surveillance Applications“,
recognition using spatio-temporal models”, XVII-th accepted for ICIP ‘96, Lausanne(Suisse)
Congress Int. Soc. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,


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