New Green Oil-Field Agents: Arkadiy Zhukov and Salavat Zaripov
New Green Oil-Field Agents: Arkadiy Zhukov and Salavat Zaripov
New Green Oil-Field Agents: Arkadiy Zhukov and Salavat Zaripov
1. Introduction
The current state of environmental conditions on planet Earth is a substantial basis for
modification as the cleaning and disposal of waste and emissions, and fundamental changes
in processes and technology industries. Recently, the transition from administrative
methods required to control unwanted emissions and destroy formed by chemical processes
harmful substances to a fundamentally different method - the method of green chemistry.
Green chemistry in its best incarnation - is an art form that allows not just to get the right
stuff, but ideally to get it in a way, which does not harm the environment at any stage of
production. Of course, the substance itself must also be friendly to biosphere.
Like any perfected motion requires less force for its implementation and use of methods of
green chemistry leads to a reduction of production costs, if only because they do not need to
enter the stage of destruction and recycling of hazardous by-products, used solvents and
other wastes, as they are simply not formed. Reducing the number of stages leading to
energy savings, and this is also a positive impact on environmental and economic
assessment of the production. It is important to note that the view of ongoing research from
the viewpoint of green chemistry can be useful in purely scientific terms. Often, such a
change of paradigm allows scientists to see their own research in a new light and open up
new opportunities that benefit science in general.
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3. Oil production
Modern man can not exist without the consumption of large amounts of energy. Historical
progress of the international community was determined by first of all that mankind has
managed to use for practical purposes fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. In the 60s of last
century, about three-quarters of world consumption of fuel wood and covered with
vegetable substitutes, almost a quarter - coal. The share of oil and gas accounted for about
1%. At the end of the century came the "era of coal." In 1900, its share in energy balance
(FEB), the world has risen to 57%, the share of oil and gas was at 2.3% and 0.9%.
Until the mid-nineteenth century, oil was extracted in small amounts (2-5 tons per year)
from shallow wells near its natural outlets to the surface. The Industrial Revolution, based
on extensive use of steam engines, determined the broad demand for lubricants and light
sources (kerosene). There was an increased demand for oil. With the introduction in the late
60-ies, oil well drilling global oil production tenfold increased from 2 to 20 million tonnes by
the end of the nineteenth century. In 1900, oil was extracted in 10 countries: Russia, U.S.,
Dutch East India, Romania, Austria-Hungary, India, Japan, Canada, Germany, Peru. Almost
half of total world oil production goes to Russia (9927 tonnes) and USA (8334 tonnes).
Throughout the twentieth century. global oil consumption continued to grow rapidly.
The effectiveness of development of oil reduces the loss of its reserves in the subsoil, as not
all stocks can be learned for technological reasons: falling well production rates (at least the
fall of the reservoir pressure), water content and total depletion of deposits, etc. In order to
increase production using different methods of influencing the oil reservoirs. So, in 1994,
with the help of thermal, chemical, gas and other methods to increase the recovery factor in
the world received an additional 93.4 million tons of oil. That same year, the application of
new methods of enhanced oil recovery in the U.S. has allowed to obtain an additional 34.89
million tons, Russia - 11.55 million tonnes of oil. On Romashkino field through the use of
enhanced oil recovery techniques more oil in 1993 was 26% with respect to all oil from the
field in the same year. However, in recent years the average rate of oil recovery in Russia as
a whole on all deposits decreased. Now in more than four fifths of all recoverable oil wells
are produced fluids with electric-submersible pumps and gas lift.
New Green Oil-Field Agents 123
wastewater averaging 777 thousand m3, including cuttings 221.9 thousand m3. Significant
damage to aquatic ecosystems causing a flowing drilling and drilling fluid from the barns,
accidents at oil pipelines and fishing facilities. Accidents on main oil and gas pipelines have
a catastrophic impact on the environment. However, most of the Russian pipelines operated
by longer regulatory period, it makes them targets of environmental risk. Thus, in Russia on
gas pipelines from 1960 to 1990, there were 1,200 accidents. The accident at the Western
Siberian oil product in 1989 led to a major train accident, accompanied by a powerful
explosion, fire, and many large-scale casualties. In 1994, as a result of an accident on an oil
pipeline in the Komi Republic were contaminated with large surface area and significant
volumes of oil got into streams and rivers. Oil and gas facilities emit greenhouse gases,
nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and other toxic and natural hydrocarbons themselves.
The structure of the oil is changed for the worse. Despite the advances in technology,
methods, Geophysics, effort and investments aimed at exploration, a large-scale increase in
lung stocks are not observed, but on the contrary, the future of oil production is associated
with heavy oil onshore, offshore production (including the Arctic) and production of deep-
sea oil. Russian oil and gas producers are is the second largest country after Saudi Arabia.
Currently in Russia there is a problem structure of proven oil reserves: the current oil
reserves, the share of hard-to-oil exceeded 60%. In this regard, increased production of
heavy oil: in 2005, was produced 42.5 million tons heavy and extra heavy oil. These are
hard-to-oil, or mode of occurrence or the quality of raw materials. This category should also
include most of the oil reserves in undergas deposits. If to this be added to the extraction
yield in underdeveloped areas with difficult climatic conditions and the near absence of
economic and transport infrastructure, the production could be on the verge of economic
efficiency. To some extent, this is a world problem. The deterioration of the structure of
inventories in the future will inevitably affect the price rise in oil
United States opened for the development of offshore deposits of the Pacific, Atlantic
oceans, which have long been "locked up" officially "for environmental reasons." But after a
major accident in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 on a platform of deep «Deep Horizon»,
Congress was forced to ban the further development of offshore fields until the
development of regulations safety. There is no doubt that in the near future, the ban will be
lifted, but the fact that the offshore fields have been opened for development, said that other
more lucrative prospects of large-scale production in the U.S. has no land. In addition, in
itself a step toward increasing production of deep oil suggests that the U.S. government are
convinced that oil prices will remain high in the future, i.e. the proportion of hard-to-oil in
world production will increase.
Renewable energy projects are actively promoted. The program of development of wind,
solar and biofuels are set up all around the world. The leaders are the United States, China
and the European Union. For example in Europe in 2020 is planned to increase the share of
renewable energy to 20%. Officially this is because "the reduction of human impact on
climate change and reducing emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere." But in order for these
programs earned, and renewable energy has become competitive, you need high prices for
oil and gas. A rise in prices, in turn, negatively affects economic growth. With all that
research on human impacts on climate are controversial, as there was much talk, so to some
extent is illogical rush to develop renewable energy (with the creation of objective
difficulties for the economy). On the other hand, if we take into account the possibility of
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reducing oil production in the next two decades, this increased interest in renewable energy
is a logical and understandable.
5. Oilfield chemicals
Significant branch of the modern chemical industry is the manufacture of products used in
the processes of the oil and oil transportation. Each year the requirements for this kind of
reagents increasingly tightened, for example, to decrease the volume of product flow while
increasing its efficiency. Below we will consider some classes of oilfield chemicals and
provide examples of available commercial products, including meeting the requirements of
«green chemistry».
5.1 Demulsifiers
In recent years, many deposits are opened in the late stage of development which has
significant water content of the output.
As a result, commercial facilities pose serious technological challenges associated with the
need to handle large quantities of water extracted simultaneously. Formation of emulsions
during oil production is the main cause for large losses of oil, cost of transportation and
preparation for recycling.
With increasing water content in oil at 1% of transportation costs increase by 3-5% for each
transfer. In addition to costs directly in the oil industry, large volumes of water extracted
along the way during transport cause the destruction of oilfield corrosion and
environmental problems due to accidents of pipelines. Usually, the destruction of oil-water
emulsion is heated addition of demulsifiers of this mixture.
Demulsifiers are currently anion (cation) active and nonionic surfactants: the block
copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, ethoxylated amines, higher fatty
alcohols, alkylphenols, etc. Even with relatively low consumption of reagents (40-100 g/t)
rather acute problem recycling of surface-active substances produced by many thousands of
tons of the modern chemical industry.
Creating a "green" brands demulsifiers is justified not only environmental, but also with the
economic position as a biodegradable agent does not require, or at least reduces the cost of
cleanup and disposal of waste containing it. So do not consider the desire to create an
"environmentally friendly" chemicals like fashion - it can actually lead to significant cost
Here are some examples of such demulsifiers.
On the basis of wood chemical product manufacturing - tall oil, which consists of fatty acids
(oleic, linoleic, palmitic) and resin acids: abietic, neoabietic, digidroabietic (Figure 1) by their
ethoxylation demulsifiers were obtained, but tests showed their lower efficiency compared
to demulsifier obtained ethoxylation of fatty acids.
On the basis of xylitol (derived from waste cotton plants, Figure 2) and synthetic fatty acids
was obtained nonionic demulsifier, which showed a result of industrial tests of high
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Promising "green" platform for demulsifiers is glycerol. Ethoxylation its esters (acetate,
stearate), a number of new demulsifiers.
Despite the high efficiency of demulsifiers on the basis of alkyl phenols, their use should be
limited due to toxicity of phenolic fragment.
It was found that emulsions are efficient destroyers of silicone derivatives that do not
contain toxic groups, such as phenolic or aryl. Such compounds are promising for use in oil
field chemistry.
Leading manufacturers of oilfield chemicals have in their product line, "green" demulsifiers,
for example, Clariant offers a similar product under the brand «Phasetreat». Are patented
cross-linked esters of glycerol and pentaerythritol.
There are patents in which as demulsifiers proposed use oligoglicosides containing alkyl
radicals and oxyethylene-, oxypropylene-substituents. Specially negotiated their
126 Green Chemistry – Environmentally Benign Approaches
Demulsifier, patented Nalco (Figure 3) is not only biodegradable but also non-toxic
The new direction is the use of dendrimers as demulsifiers, polyesters such as oxyalkylated
Boltorn H20 and similar compounds (Figure 4).
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The vast majority of demulsifiers are oxyalkylated derivatives (poly-) alcohols, acids and
amines. Search and development of new products should be the rational choice of the
starting material - the basis platform for oxyalkylation. Careful attention should be paid to
renewable raw materials and waste paper and pulp, wood chemistry and food industry.
In addition to chemical methods of destruction of water-oil emulsions to improve and
develop new techniques based on physical effects: heat, magnetic field, etc., as well as use
the combined, integrated approach - the use of demulsifiers in conjunction with the
hydrodynamic effects and magnetic devices.
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Their most significant differences is not only cheap and nontoxic, but high inhibitory
activity, 2-3 times exceeding some used products.
Company Cortec patented volatile corrosion inhibitor, a major component of which is
ammonium benzoate - a non-toxic compound to the environment. The use of such
compounds is justified in the manufacture of new modern packaging materials to prevent
not only mechanical damage and corrosion of metal products during transportation and
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It is known that the salts of chromium (III) are used as components of an effective corrosion
inhibitors of metal products, but their use should be limited due to toxicity. Creating a less
risky alternative to trains - the use of titanium salts in combination with oxidants such as
hydrogen peroxide and the use of mono-, oligo-and polysaccharides as film-forming
component. Described as an inhibitor of the phosphoric and boric acids with much less
The problem of corrosion protection equipment, operated in hostile environments such as
seawater, is quite serious. Offshore drilling and production of oil and gas offshore require
not only high but also low toxicity and biodegradable oil-reagent did not affect the
indigenous inhabitants of the marine flora and fauna. Found that many of the known
corrosion inhibitors, even at a concentration of less than 1 ppm inhibit the growth of algae.
Preferably, the inhibitor is biodegradable at least 60% within 28 days after release to the
environment. Also an important requirement is that sufficient hydrophilicity to minimize
the bioaccumulation in adipose tissue, since lipophilic substances tend to accumulate as they
move up the food chain.
Established that the imidazolines are not only effective inhibitors of corrosion, but also
promising from an environmental point of view of satisfying the rigorous standards of
toxicity. They do not contain phosphorus and sulfur atoms, and therefore are considered
more "environmentally friendly". However, this does not mean that the substance is
completely harmless, it is a very low toxicity at relevant concentrations.
One of the leading companies engaged in the development and manufacture of oilfield
chemicals - Baker Huges proposed as corrosion inhibitors imidazolines (Figure 7)
In the product line, the Russian company also has Mirrico anticorrosive agents on the basis
of imidazolines on brand Scimol.
To protect the equipment with high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide
proposed a corrosion inhibitor, which is a cyclic lactone (Figure 8) disaccharide ester and
fatty acid obtained by enzymatic synthesis using the culture of Torulopsis apicola relevant
material: oligo-and polysaccharides, saturated / unsaturated fatty acids oils, fats and other
substances of plant or animal origin.
Along with a significant inhibitory effect observed with the following positive aspects: easy
dispersibility in water, good adsorption on metal surfaces for values of pH 5.3 or lower,
non-inflammability and significantly less toxicity compared to known inhibitors.
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Despite the variety of substances used as corrosion inhibitors, the most promising in terms
of 'green' chemistry, are substances of natural origin and their various derivatives.
One of the main features of oilfield chemicals is their variety, caused by various conditions
of oil production, changing the composition of crude oil and its associated waters. It often
happens that the composition of oil in the well is so unique that it has required the selection
of specific agents with the optimal dose is for a particular hole. The problem of corrosion of
oilfield equipment depends on the chemical composition of the medium in which it is
located: it is saturated salt solutions and contain significant amounts of hydrogen sulfide
and mercaptans, water-oil emulsion and produced water with dissolved carbon dioxide, so
the selection and creation of appropriate reagents is often a nontrivial task.
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As a result of flooding of the output at all stages of oil is the formation of salt deposits.
Accumulating in the production strings on the surface of downhole pumping equipment and
systems infield collection and preparation of oil, salt deposits not only cause great material
costs in the process of removing them, but also to a significant loss in oil production.
The effectiveness of measures to combat the deposition of salt depends on an integrated
approach to solving this problem. Need to know the physical and chemical processes and
the causes of salt formation, taking into account the geological and physical conditions of
occurrence of oil, human events and features of the development of oil and gas deposits and
operating wells. The key areas for the deposition of salts from oil should be warning them,
as a permanent measure, based on the best technological solutions that require scientific and
methodological generalizations and systematic approach.
Based on the economic viability, depending on the conditions and characteristics of
reservoir development, availability of raw materials, availability of technical resources and
other factors may have different ways of dealing with this phenomenon, but in practice the
problem of oil-field warning of salt deposits is decided mainly by inhibitor protection of
wells and equipment .
Historically, the dominant classes of products inhibiting scaling in oil and gas production
were phosphorous substances (eg aminomethylenephosphonates and phosphonic acids)
and synthetic water soluble polymers such as polimaleates, polyacrylates, polisulfonates.
Their main disadvantages are toxic to the environment and bioundegradability. The use of
both classes of inhibitors are more tightly constrained as a result of legislative control. In
recent years, the market introduced the latest "green" inhibitors: poly (amino acid) and
chemically enhanced natural materials. This class of products has a low environmental
toxicity, but the use of these inhibitors is still low because of the difficulty of their synthesis
and significant economic costs compared with existing technologies.
Company AkzoNobel has been developed a new class of materials - hybrid polymers
(copolymers of polysaccharides and polycarboxylic acids), (Figure 9) which combine the
advantages of a single molecule, and synthetic and natural materials, the lack of benefit
other than some of the restrictions currently known "green" products.
132 Green Chemistry – Environmentally Benign Approaches
Upon receipt of target compounds can be used a wide range of synthetic monomers, and the
polysaccharide framework gives different functional characteristics while preserving the
key properties of inhibitors. Studies conducted by the company revealed additional benefits
of hybrid polymers, such as biodegradable and nontoxic. In addition, they are more
environmentally sustainable solutions for the inhibition of salt deposition than synthetic
products and not accumulated by living organisms.
These hybrid polymers are produced by more than 50% of renewable raw materials, as
opposed to synthetic materials, and have lower emissions of carbon dioxide - hybridization
reduces CO2 emissions by more than 50%.
The company also points to the adaptability of the technology of synthesis of target
compounds, which expands the possibilities for optimizing the properties of the products
according to specified criteria.
The company Rhodia offers to use as an inhibitor of salt deposits (carbonates and sulfates of
magnesium, calcium and barium) natural polysaccharide composed of mannose and
galactose residues in the native form and after modification of the relevant reagents (Figure
10). It is noteworthy that such products are not only patented, and commercially available.
It is also noted that in the future as raw material for production may be other
polysaccharides: starch and cellulose.
New Green Oil-Field Agents 133
5.4 Biocides
Microorganisms that cause biological corrosion, play a significant role in the corrosion of
underground oil, gas and water pipelines, corrosion of ship and aircraft equipment,
metallurgy and metalworking equipment, chemical and food industries. Microorganisms act
as corrosive agents mainly due to the aggressive production of metabolites and a corrosive
environment. As an aggressive advocate of metabolites of organic and inorganic acids,
enzymes, and hydrogen sulfide.
In many cases, the microbiological contamination is obvious, with visible signs include
changes in color medium viscosity, presence of slime, sludge and other sediments. Less
obvious indicators - the inefficiency of film-forming corrosion inhibitors and the presence of
contaminants such as salts or iron oxides.
In the oil industry, the main agents of the corrosion process of metal fracture are sulfate-
reducing bacteria. They account for at least 90% of hydrogen sulfide entering the cycle of
sulfur compounds that about 80% of all corrosion damage land and 50% damage of
underground equipment. The economic costs of biological damage can be up to 3% of the
metal structures are exploited.
Spectrum inhibitors, bactericides and fungicides used to suppress the activity of
microorganisms is extremely varied, but among them are many toxicants not only to
microorganisms but also to warm-blooded. For example found that benzotriazole is used as
a bactericide has high toxicity to mammals, and some arthropods.
Among the aldehydes used in the manufacture of disinfectants found formaldehyde,
glutaric and orthophthalic aldehydes having a broad spectrum of activity (Gram-positive
and Gram-negative bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria, shell / implant failure viruses), including
spores. Drugs, having in its composition glutaraldehyde get better, biocidal properties do
not cause corrosion of materials of tools will not damage fabrics and surfaces are stable
(which allows multiple solutions), have good penetration, fast destructible in wastewater. In
fact, disinfectants on the basis of glutaraldehyde has been and remains the "gold standard"
in many spheres of human activity. We can say that among the classes of oilfield chemicals
biocides are the most "green" reagents.
134 Green Chemistry – Environmentally Benign Approaches
Highlights not only the protective properties, and biodegradability of these products with
polymeric structure.
New Green Oil-Field Agents 135
Distribution is the method of periodic filing solution in annulus, but it is not efficient, since
the low dynamic poles reagent quickly carried away by fluid flow. In the most favorable
conditions of high dynamic frequency of feeding poles inhibitor is 15-20 days.
The method of dispensing reagents applied for maintenance of underground equipment and
pipe elevator, but when there are problems in the bottomhole formation zone is necessary to
supply into the reservoir. Dosing of reagent into the well (the system) is considered a
reliable method, although it requires constant monitoring and maintenance of metering
pumps and devices.
Disadvantage of the periodic injection of the solution in the annulus is that the process is
accompanied by illuviation of reagent into the rock. A common shortcoming of these
methods is too high consumption of reagent due to inefficiency of its use.
The use of submersible containers dispensers - the most economical and efficient way
compared to others. The operating principle of these containers is based on different
processes: dissolution, or leakage to the gravitational turbulent mixing of the reagent with
the formation fluid. Submerged containers deliver reagent deep wells, where a minimal
amount of active ingredient. However, the rate of dosing is determined by the downhole
conditions, so the design of submerged container should be selected individually for each
well. Usually this is not done or can not do so while the container is often different from the
statements to the same dosing containers require special arrangements for their installation
and maintenance.
It is now one of the most promising directions is the creation of microscopic containers,
hoppers, the so-called microencapsulation reagent.
The advantages of using microencapsulated chemicals include:
the possibility of long-acting agents required, as a consequence of the increase
interservice interval;
the possibility of joint use of substances of different classes that can react with each
other for direct use;
a longer residual effect of chemical treatment;
a safer treatment with chemical agents;
more simple equipment needed to handle well, the lower price, due to better control
and less consumption of reagents;
The disadvantages of using such technology products are:
tendency to adsorb on the capsule surface solids;
reducing the duration of the reagent in the wells with high flow rates of fluids:
Microencapsulated product is a reagent, a prisoner in the polymer capsule. The reagent is
pumped into the annulus, after which the capsules are deposited on the face. When
operating the wells polymer membrane is dissolved, mixed with a liquid reservoir,
providing a way out of the reagent.
Within 1-2 days after the product is well increased yield of reagent and then the system
comes into equilibrium and its removal is lower (but above the minimum inhibitory
concentration) and permanent.
136 Green Chemistry – Environmentally Benign Approaches
Exit the reagent is carried out by the concentration gradient. With increasing consumption
of reagent in the external environment is intensifying its removal from the capsule, and
vice versa when - flow of reagent bounces back - his removal from the capsule slows
Material for the microcapsules are hydrophilic colloidal materials:
- protein origin (gelatin, albumin);
- polysaccharide structure (alginates, such as sodium alginate, casein, agar-agar, starch,
pectin, carboxymethylcellulose, and some other). To obtain such materials are usually
used to form a microcapsule by coacervation. The preferred material for encapsulation
is gelatin, which precipitated a salt such as sodium sulfate or ammonium sulfate, or
involved in coacervation with polyanions, such as gum arabic (acacia), even more
preferred is the use of compounds capable of crosslinking of the carrier material, such
as formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde (Figure 12).
Encapsulated reagents offer oilfield companies such as Champion Technologies and Mirrico.
6. Conclusion
Thus, we can formulate the basic requirements for the product oil and gas industry in line
with the standards of "green chemistry":
- High efficiency
- Availability
- Universality
- Environmental safety
- A sufficiently high rate of biodegradation into harmless substances
- Low cost.
However, the development and introduction of such products can be traced obvious
New Green Oil-Field Agents 137
- To develop and test new recipes, rather strictly limited requirements of "green
chemistry" can take quite a long time because it is theoretically and practically more
Bole complex than simply the development of new agents without at least their
biological hazards.
- Replacement of existing products with new chemical industry requires, as a rule, a
significant restructuring of both the technological process and equipment used, which
involve significant economic costs.
- Financial investment in scientific research to develop "green" products industry can be
quite large, so you need constant monitoring and adjustment of balance between
environmental safety, high effectiveness and cost of the desired product.
In recent years, clearly observed trends of developed countries identified the use of
products "green chemistry" on the basis not only for reasons of environmental safety,
development of similar products and technological schemes involves minimal risk to
humans and nature, a more rational approach to the concept of obtaining a product,
which ultimately account may lead to a significant reduction in price. Of course, this ideal
case, but the examples in the modern chemical industry there that points to the
undoubted promise of modern science and technology for "green" way, and it's not just a
fad and a means of promoting new products, and a new stage of development of chemical
technology, industry and science.
7. Acknowledgment
Authors would like to acknowledge to top managers of GC «Mirrico»: Malyhin I. and
Ramazanov R.
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Green Chemistry - Environmentally Benign Approaches
Edited by Dr. Mazaahir Kidwai
ISBN 978-953-51-0334-9
Hard cover, 156 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 23, March, 2012
Published in print edition March, 2012
Green chemistry is chemistry for the environment. It is really a philosophy and way of thinking that can help
chemistry in research and production to develop more eco-friendly solutions. Green chemistry is considered
an essential piece of a comprehensive program to protect human health and the environment. In its essence,
green chemistry is a science-based non-regulatory and economically driven approach to achieving the goals of
environmental protection and sustainable development. Combining the technological progress with
environmental safety is one of the key challenges of the millennium. In this context, this book describes the
environmentally benign approaches for the industries as well as chemical laboratories. In order to provide an
insight into step change technologies, this book was edited by green organic chemists.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Arkadiy Zhukov and Salavat Zaripov (2012). New Green Oil-Field Agents, Green Chemistry - Environmentally
Benign Approaches, Dr. Mazaahir Kidwai (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0334-9, InTech, Available from: