Moisture Effect On Soil Humus Characteristics in A Laboratory Incubation Experiment
Moisture Effect On Soil Humus Characteristics in A Laboratory Incubation Experiment
Moisture Effect On Soil Humus Characteristics in A Laboratory Incubation Experiment
doi: 10.17221/21/2015-SWR
Cuilan LI 1,2, Shuqing GAO2, Jinjing ZHANG 2, Lanpo ZHAO 2 and Lichun WANG 3
National Engineering Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Institute of Agricultural
Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China;
College of Resource and Environmental Science, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun,
P.R. China; 2Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environments, Jilin Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, P.R. China
Li C., Gao S., Zhang J., Zhao L., Wang L. (2016): Moisture effect on soil humus characteristics in a laboratory incuba-
tion experiment. Soil & Water Res., 11: 37–43.
A 180-day laboratory incubation experiment (30°C) was conducted to investigate the quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of humic fractions in a Mollisol at different moisture conditions. The soil moisture contents were
30, 60, and 250% field water-holding capacity (WHC), which represented the low, middle, and high moisture levels,
respectively. The results showed that the carbon contents of the total soil and corresponding humic fractions gener-
ally decreased with increasing soil moisture. A significant difference was observed between the 250% WHC and the
two other moisture levels. By contrast, the carbon content of the water soluble fraction significantly increased with
increasing soil moisture levels. The solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra showed that the alkyl
C/O-alkyl C, aliphatic C/aromatic C, and hydrophobic C/hydrophilic C ratios were in the order of 250% WHC > 30%
WHC ≈ 60% WHC, 30% WHC ≈ 60% WHC > 250% WHC and 250% WHC > 60% WHC ≈ 30% WHC for humic acid,
and 250% WHC > 30% WHC ≈ 60% WHC, 60% WHC ≈ 250 % WHC > 30% WHC and 30% WHC ≈ 250% WHC >
60% WHC for humin, respectively. These results indicated that a high moisture level was unfavourable for the carbon
accumulation of the total soil and humic fractions, whereas it was favourable for the accumulation of water soluble
carbon. Although soil moisture levels had a distinct effect on the chemical composition of humic acid and humin,
the decomposition degree of the two humic substances components, as indicated by the alkyl C/O-alkyl C ratio, were
both higher at a high moisture level than at a low moisture level. Therefore, the lower soil organic carbon content
at a high moisture level than at a low moisture level can be ascribed to the higher water soluble carbon content and
larger decomposition degree of humic acid and humin in the former. Our results are important for understanding
the behaviour and mechanisms of humic substances at specific soil moisture conditions.
Keywords: humic acid; humin; humus composition; soil moisture; solid-state 13C NMR
Soil organic matter is a major soil component. It has substances can be divided into three main fractions,
an important function in both soil fertility and the namely humic acid, fulvic acid, and humin.
ecological environment (Paul 2014). Approximately The formation of humic substances (i.e. humifica-
60–70% of organic matter in soil is composed of humic tion) is primarily a microbially mediated process (Zech
substances (Loffredo & Senesi 2006). As the refrac- et al. 1997). The humification process is generally
tory organic carbon form of soil, humic substances accompanied by changes in the amount and chemi-
play a vital role in the atmospheric CO2 sequestration cal structure of humic substances (Ikeya et al. 2004).
(Spaccini et al. 2002). According to their solubility Therefore, the factors that control microbial activity,
in aqueous solution at different pH values, humic such as temperature, pH, and C/N ratio, determine
Original Paper Soil & Water Res., 11, 2016 (1): 37–43
doi: 10.17221/21/2015-SWR
the quantity and quality of humic substances formed cal properties of the soil were as follows: pH (H 2O)
in soil. Among these factors, soil moisture is a major 5.4, moisture content 52.1 g/kg, field water-holding
factor affecting microbial activity (Brockett et al. capacity (WHC) 345.5 g/kg, total organic C (TOC)
2012). The optimum soil moisture content for microbial 11.1 g/kg, total N 1.11 g/kg, and C/N ratio 10.0.
activity is found at intermediate levels (Iqbal et al. Incubation experiment. Sieved soil samples (200 g)
2009), i.e. 50–70% of water-holding capacity (Stres were weighed into 250 ml plastic beakers. Distilled
et al. 2008). Previous studies mainly focused on the water was added to bring the soil moisture contents
impact of soil moisture content on the mineralization to 30, 60, and 250% WHC, which represented the low,
process of soil organic matter (Hossain & Puteh middle, and high (i.e. flooding condition with a 1 cm-
2013; Chen et al. 2014; Guo et al. 2014; Lu & Xu deep water layer above the soil surface) moisture levels,
2014), however, its effects on the amount and chemi- respectively. The beakers were covered with plastic
cal composition of humic substances remain unclear. films with needle holes to maintain aerobic condition
Mollisol, which accounts for about 7% of the world’s and placed in an incubator in a completely randomized
ice-free land surface, is generally recognized as an design. The incubation experiment was conducted at
inherently fertile and productive soil (Liu et al. 2012). 30°C for 180 days. During the incubation period, the soil
Mollisol is characterized by high content of organic moistures were held constant by periodically weighing
matter and humic substances with a higher aromatic and spraying distilled water as necessary. At the end of
structure compared with other soil types (Glaser & the incubation, three replicate soil samples from each
Amelung 2003). Moreover, a high aliphaticity has treatment were removed, air-dried, and sieved through
also been observed in both humic acid and humin in a 2 mm mesh sieve for subsequent analysis.
Mollisol (Li et al. 2015). Using sequential extraction Humus composition analysis. Humus composi-
with base + urea and DMSO + H2SO4 solvent systems, tion was analyzed according to the method described
Song et al. (2011) showed that humin in Mollisol is by Zhang et al. (2010). Briefly, soil sample was first
largely made up of biological molecules from plants soaked in distilled water at 70°C for 60 min to isolate
and microorganisms. Mollisol is mainly distributed in the water soluble fraction. The soil residue was then ex-
the northeast region of China. The region has been a tracted using a mixture of 0.1 mol/l NaOH and 0.1 mol/l
key base for commodity grain production. However, Na4P2O7 at 70°C for 60 min. The dark brown alkaline
long-term intensive cultivation practices have led supernatant solution, corresponding to the total humic
to a remarkable decline in soil organic carbon in extract, was acidified with 0.5 mol/l H2SO4 solution to
Mollisol over the last decades. Therefore, increasing coagulate the humic acid fraction, with the fulvic acid
carbon sequestration to sustaining soil productivity fraction remaining in the supernatant solution. The
in the Mollisol region is important (Liu et al. 2010). solid residue after alkaline extraction was referred to
The present study attempts to provide a preliminary as mineral-bound humin fraction. The carbon contents
examination of the effects of different soil moisture of water soluble fraction (WSFC), total humic extract
contents on the quantitative and qualitative charac- (HEC), and humic acid fraction (HAC) were determined
teristics of humic fractions in a Mollisol of northeast by dichromate oxidation method. The carbon contents
China at controlled incubation conditions based on a of fulvic acid fraction (FAC) and mineral-bound humin
combination of classical humus composition analysis fraction (MHUC) was calculated by subtracting the
and solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. HAC from the HEC and subtracting the sum of WSFC
and HEC from the TOC, respectively.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Isolation of humic acid and humin. Humic acid
and humin were isolated at room temperature accord-
Soil samples. Surface soil samples (0–20 cm) were ing to the procedure described previously (Zhang
collected in May 2013 from a maize (Zea mays L.) et al. 2013). Briefly, 20 g of soil sample from each of
field located at the Lishu County (43°16'N, 124°26'E), the three replicates was first suspended in distilled
Jilin Province, northeast China. The soil was classi- water and 0.05 mol/l HCl solution to remove the
fied as Mollisol (USDA Soil Taxonomy), Phaeozem poorly decomposed light fractions and carbonates,
(FAO Soil Taxonomy), or Isohumosol (Chinese Soil respectively. The soil residue was then extracted with
Taxonomy). The soil samples were air-dried, crushed, 200 ml of 0.1 mol/l NaOH and 0.1 mol/l Na 4P2O7 for
and passed through a 2 mm sieve after removing 48 h. The extraction procedure was repeated eight
the visible plant residues. The physical and chemi- times until the supernatant was almost colourless.
Soil & Water Res., 11, 2016 (1): 37–43 Original Paper
doi: 10.17221/21/2015-SWR
The humic acid fraction was precipitated by acidifying RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the alkaline supernatants to pH 1.0 using 6 mol/l HCl.
After three cycles of dissolution in 0.1 mol/l NaOH Total organic carbon content in the soil. The TOC
and coagulation again in 6 mol/l HCl, the humic acid content in the soil at different moisture treatments
precipitate was demineralized with 0.5% HCl-HF is shown in Table 1. The TOC content gradually
solution. The alkaline-insoluble humin fraction was decreased with the increase of soil moisture from
treated ten times with 10% HF-HCl solution to re- 30 to 250% WHC. A significant difference was ob-
move mineral impurity. The resulting humic acid served between the 250% WHC and the two other
and humin were dialyzed against distilled water, and moisture treatments. The results suggested that a
then freeze-dried. high moisture level was unfavourable to the organic
Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis of carbon accumulation with respect to the low and
humic acid and humin isolated. The solid-state 13C middle moisture levels. Previous studies have also
cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning and total- reported that organic carbon mineralization en-
sideband-suppression (CPMAS TOSS) NMR spectra hanced with increasing soil moisture from 20 up to
were recorded with a Bruker AVANCE III 400 WB spec- 60–80% WHC (Iqbal et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2014;
trometer (Bruker BioSpin AG, Fällanden, Switzerland) Guo et al. 2014), which was consistent with our
at 100.6 MHz. From 4000 to 10 000 scans with 2048 data results. However, there is currently no agreement
points were collected over a spinning speed of 8 kHz, a on the effects of flooding condition on soil organic
spectral width of 50 kHz, an acquisition time of 20 ms, carbon mineralization. Some studies have shown that
a recycle delay of 3 s, and a contact time of 2 ms. All the flooding can promote organic carbon mineralization
free induction decays were transformed by applying a (Smith 2005; Lu & Xu 2014), whereas other studies
zero filling of 16 384 and a line broadening of 80 Hz. have found that flooding inhibited SOC mineraliza-
Chemical shifts were referenced externally to the meth- tion (Iqbal et al. 2009; Hossain & Puteh 2013).
ylene resonance of adamantane standard at 38.4 ppm. As indicated above, the present study showed that
The spectra were divided into four common chemical flooding condition resulted in a higher SOC loss. The
shift regions representing alkyl C (0–50 ppm), O-alkyl C reason for this is explained in the following sections.
(50–110 ppm), aromatic C (110–160 ppm), and carbonyl Soil humus composition. The carbon contents of
C (160–210 ppm). Moreover, the O-alkyl C was divided humic fractions in soil at different moisture treat-
into regions of methoxyl C (50–60 ppm), carbohydrate ments are also shown in Table 1. The WSFC, which
C (60–95 ppm), and di-O-alkyl C (95–110 ppm); and accounted for 0.92–1.80% of TOC, significantly in-
aromatic C into regions of aryl C (110–145 ppm) and creased with increasing moisture levels, which sug-
phenolic C (145–160 ppm). The relative intensity of gested that the accumulation of the water soluble
each chemical shift region was obtained by integration fraction was more favourable at a high moisture
using the MestReNova software package (Version 5.3.1). level. Dissolved organic carbon is an easily avail-
Statistical analysis. The soil humus compositions able carbon source to soil microbial communities
among different moisture treatments were compared (Straathof et al. 2014). Previous studies showed
using one-way ANOVA followed by LSD test at P < 0.05 that the influence of flooding on soil organic carbon
(SPSS 16.0). content depended on the equilibration between the
Table 1. Carbon contents of the total soil and corresponding humic fractions under different moisture treatments (in g/kg)
(% WHC)
30 9.77 ± 0.26a 0.09 ± 0.01c 3.99 ± 0.07a 1.71 ± 0.06a 2.28 ± 0.11a 5.68 ± 0.29a 0.75 ± 0.06a
a b b a a a
60 9.56 ± 0.19 0.11 ± 0.00 3.76 ± 0.03 1.62 ± 0.05 2.14 ± 0.02 5.70 ± 0.19 0.76 ± 0.03a
250 8.61 ± 0.10b 0.16 ± 0.01a 3.37 ± 0.02c 1.40 ± 0.05b 1.97 ± 0.07b 5.08 ± 0.08b 0.71 ± 0.05a
WHC – field water-holding capacity; TOC – total organic carbon; WSFC – carbon content of water soluble fraction;
HEC – carbon content of total humic extract; HAC – carbon content of humic acid fraction; FAC – carbon content of fulvic
acid fraction; MHUC – carbon content of mineral-bound humin fraction; mean values ± standard deviation of three replicates
are presented; values within the same column not followed by the same letter differ significantly (P < 0.05)
Original Paper Soil & Water Res., 11, 2016 (1): 37–43
doi: 10.17221/21/2015-SWR
enhancement of dissolved organic carbon dissolu- intensities of different carbon functional groups are
tion and the inhibition of microbial activity (Hao shown in Table 2. All spectra exhibited major signal
et al. 2011; Lu & Xu 2014). When the enhancement peaks at approximately 25, 31, 33, 56, 72, 106, 129, 152,
of dissolved organic carbon dissolution was larger and 173 ppm. The peak assignments were reported in
than the inhibition of microbial activity, soil organic previous studies (Zhang et al. 2009, 2011, 2013). The
carbon content decreased. Although the microbial relative intensities of the carbon functional groups
activity has not been determined, the higher WSFC between humic acid and humin were different. Humic
content can reasonably explain the lower TOC con- acid was predominated by the aromatic group, whereas
tent at flooding condition in the present study. By humin was predominated by the O-alkyl group. How-
contrast, the HEC, HAC, FAC and MHUC, which ever, in some soils, alkyl C dominated over O-alkyl C and
accounted for 39.2–40.9%, 16.3–17.5%, 22.4–23.4%, aromatic C in humic acid (Luo et al. 2008; Fernandes
and 58.2–59.6% of TOC, respectively, followed a et al. 2010) and humin (Dai et al. 2001; Chen et al.
pattern similar to TOC. The HAC, FAC, and MHUC 2007). Moreover, Nierop et al. (1999) reported that
also exhibited insignificant differences between the O-alkyl C dominated over alkyl C and aromatic C in
30% and 60% WHC treatments. The results implied humic acid. Therefore, further studies are needed to
that a high moisture level was also unfavourable for elucidate the possible reasons that lead to the different
the accumulation of humic fractions in soil. results. On average, compared with humic acid, humin
Although no significant differences were observed had larger proportions of carbohydrate C and di-O-
among the three moisture treatments, the HAC/ alkyl C, and smaller proportions of alkyl C, methoxyl C,
FAC ratio was lower at 250% WHC than at the other aryl C, phenol C, and carbonyl C. The alkyl C/O-alkyl C
two moisture treatments. This implied that a high and hydrophobic C/hydrophilic C ratios of humic acid
moisture level was favourable for the accumulation were higher, whereas the aliphatic C/aromatic ratio was
of fulvic acid fraction. Tardy et al. (1997) specu- lower than those of humin. The larger values of alkyl
lated that fulvic acid dominated in wet or humid C/O-alkyl C, aliphatic C/aromatic C, and hydrophobic
climates and non-oxygenated condition based on C/hydrophilic C ratios generally indicated the higher
the thermodynamic stability calculation, which was degrees of alkylation, aliphaticity, and hydrophobicity of
consistent with our results. humic substances (Zhang et al. 2013). Therefore, our
Solid-state 13C NMR spectra of humic acid and results suggested that humic acid was more alkylated,
humin. The extraction yields of humic acid were more hydrophobic, and less aliphatic than humin. The
3.42, 3.33, and 2.63 g/kg, and those of humin were higher aliphaticity for humin than for humic acid has
11.8, 11.6, and 11.3 g/kg at 30, 60, and 250% WHC, also been observed in previous studies (Simpson et
respectively. The solid-state 13C CPMAS TOSS NMR al. 2011).
spectra of humic acid and humin at different moisture The alkyl C for humic acid was in the order of
treatments are presented in Figure 1, and the relative 250% WHC > 60% WHC ≈ 30% WHC. The meth-
(a) (b)
250% WHC
250% WHC
60% WHC
60% WHC
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
Chemical shift (ppm) Chemical shift (ppm)
Figure 1. Solid-state 13C cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning and total-sideband-suppression (CPMAS TOSS) NMR
spectra of soil humic acid (a) and humin (b) under different moisture treatments; WHC – field water-holding capacity
Soil & Water Res., 11, 2016 (1): 37–43 Original Paper
doi: 10.17221/21/2015-SWR
Table 2. Relative carbon distribution (%) in different regions of chemical shift in 13C cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning and
total-sideband-suppression (CPMAS TOSS) NMR spectra of soil humic acid and humin under different moisture treatments
WHC – field water-holding capacity; alkyl C/O-alkyl C = (0–50)/(50–110); aliphatic C/aromatic C = [(0–50) + (50–110)]/
(110–160); hydrophobic C/hydrophilic C = [(0–50) + (110–160)]/[(50–110) + (160–200)]
oxyl C, carbonhydrate C, and di-O-alkyl C in the WHC ≈ 60% WHC, aliphatic C/aromatic ratio in
O-alkyl C region were in the order of 60% WHC > the order of 60% WHC ≈ 250% WHC > 30% WHC,
30% WHC ≈ 250% WHC, 30% WHC > 60% WHC and hydrophobic C/hydrophilic C ratio in the order
> 250% WHC, and 60% WHC > 30% WHC > 250% of 30% WHC ≈ 250% WHC > 60% WHC. These re-
WHC, respectively. The aryl C and phenol C in the sults indicated that humin was more alkylated and
aromatic C region were in the order of 250% WHC more aliphatic at a high moisture level than at a low
> 30% WHC ≈ 60% WHC and 250% WHC > 60% moisture level, whereas the hydrophobicity degree
WHC > 30% WHC, respectively. The carbonyl C was similar at the two moisture levels.
was in the order of 30% WHC > 250% WHC ≈ 60% The above results showed that although soil mois-
WHC. The above changes in relative intensity of ture levels had a distinct effect on the chemical com-
the carbon functional groups resulted in the alkyl position of humic acid and humin, the alkyl C/O-alkyl
C/O-alkyl C ratio in the order of 250% WHC > 30% C ratios of the two humic substance fractions were
WHC ≈ 60% WHC, aliphatic C/aromatic C ratio in all higher at a high moisture level than at a low soil
the order of 30% WHC ≈ 60% WHC > 250% WHC, moisture level. The O-alkyl C was generally consid-
and hydrophobic C/hydrophilic C ratio in the order ered as an easily bio-decomposable organic com-
of 250% WHC > 60% WHC ≈ 30% WHC. The results ponent. The greater value of the alkyl C/O-alkyl C
indicated that humic acid was more alkylated, more ratio thereby indicates that soil organic matter was
hydrophobic, and less aliphatic at a high moisture more decomposed (Chavez-Vergara et al. 2014;
level than at the two other moisture levels. Panettieri et al. 2014). In our study, the larger
The alkyl C for humin was in the order of 250% alkyl C/O-alkyl C ratio of humic acid and humin at a
WHC > 60% WHC > 30% WHC. The methoxyl C in high moisture level than at a low moisture level can
the O-alkyl C region was in the order of 250% WHC explain their lower carbon contents in the former.
> 30% WHC > 60% WHC, and the carbonhydrate C
and di-O-alkyl C were in the order of 60% WHC > CONCLUSION
30% WHC > 250% WHC. The aryl C and phenol C
in the aromatic C region were in the order of 30% This study has shown that the difference in soil
WHC > 250 % WHC > 60% WHC and 60% WHC > moisture contents influenced the amounts and chemi-
30% WHC > 250% WHC, respectively. The carbonyl cal composition of soil humic fractions. The increase
C was in the order of 250% WHC > 30% WHC > in soil moisture was favourable for the accumula-
60% WHC. The above changes resulted in the alkyl tion of water soluble carbon within the range of the
C/O-alkyl C ratio in the order of 250% WHC >30% experimental moisture levels, whereas it resulted
Original Paper Soil & Water Res., 11, 2016 (1): 37–43
doi: 10.17221/21/2015-SWR
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Corresponding author:
Prof Jinjing Zhang, Jilin Agricultural University, College of Resource and Environmental Science, Changchun,
P.R. China; e-mail: