Final Exam (Part 2) : Digital Control Systems
Final Exam (Part 2) : Digital Control Systems
Final Exam (Part 2) : Digital Control Systems
The exam in this part contains 3 problems, each of which has 15 points. Do only 2 problems.
All the problems are solvable by hand computation. However, some problems can also be solved
If you solve a problem using MATLAB, you are required to list all MATLAB commands used in
the problem, and to attach all numerical and/or graphical results obtained from MATLAB in
your solution sheets.
Problem 1
10( s 1)
G( s) .
First, suppose that the plant G(s) is controlled by a gain K (both negative and positive) in the closed-
loop system below:
a) Let K max and K min be the maximum and minimum possible values, respectively, of the gain K for
which the above system is stable. Compute K min and K max . (4 points)
Now consider the closed-loop system below. Note that there is one sample delay in the feedback path.
The sampling period is assumed to be 0.1 sec.
d) Let K max and K min be the maximum and minimum possible values, respectively, of the gain K for
which the above system is stable. Calculate K min and K max , and then discuss the differences between
this answer and those of problems 1a) and 1c). (4 points)