Workbook World English 3 Unit 4

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Lesson A
A. Label the parts of the body with the words from the box.
artery bone brain 2.
heart liver lungs
muscle small intestine stomach 3.
large intestine vein 7.


B. Write sentences with the comparative form of each adjective. 11.

Give your opinions.
1. friendly: emails/phone calls
Phone calls are friendlier than emails.
2. nice: cats/dogs

3. bad for you: eating junk food/smoking

4. exciting: basketball/soccer

5. healthy: meat/vegetables

6. (adjective: your own idea)

C. Write your opinion with the superlative form of each adjective.

1. big/problem in the world
I think pollution is the biggest problem in the world.
2. great/athlete today

3. healthy/food to eat every day

4. beautiful/place in our country

5. enjoyable/way to exercise

6. (adjective/your own idea)

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Lesson B
A. Answer the questions.

How Is Your Health?

1. What kinds of exercise do you do? How often?

2. Do you have a lot of stress in your life? What causes it?

3. Do you think you eat a healthy diet? How could your diet be healthier?

4. Are the other people in your family healthy, particularly your parents and

5. I think my lifestyle is:

very healthy   OK   not so healthy   very unhealthy

6. How could you make your lifestyle healthier?

B. Underline the sounds that are linked together. Then read the sentences out loud.
If the word after -er or more starts with an /r/ sound, the words are linked together.
If the word after -est or most starts with a /t/ sound, the words are linked together.

1. That’s the best tomato I’ve ever tasted.

2. My hardest test was in mathematics.
3. Swimming is more relaxing than running.
4. We need a bigger rug in the living room.
5. He’s the newest teacher in our school.
6. We’re looking for a better restaurant.

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Lesson C
A. Label the pictures with words from the box.

acne  dandruff  headache  sore throat  insomnia  indigestion  nausea  hiccups

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________

5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________

B. What do you do for these problems? Write sentences with reasons using infinitives of purpose. Write your own ideas.
1. indigestion (help)
I usually go for a walk to help indigestion.

2. headache (stop)

3. hiccups (cure)

4. insomnia (help)

5. nausea (end)

6. sore throat (cure)

7. (your own idea)

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In the Death Zone

of Mount Everest

M ountain climbers call the part of a mountain over

7000 meters the Death Zone. The human body can’t
live for very long at this height, because the air is too
thin and there isn’t enough oxygen. Mount Everest, the
world’s highest mountain, is 8,848 meters high. What
happens to the bodies of people who climb it?

Their lungs have to work very hard. Normally, people

breathe about 20 times every minute when they are
resting. On top of Everest, climbers must breathe 70–80
times a minute to get enough oxygen. The heart must
beat faster to move the blood through the veins and But at the top of Everest, climbers have to think a long time
arteries. Other parts of the body work very slowly, to save to find the answer, and they often make mistakes. Because
energy. For example, the stomach stops digesting food. the climbers can’t think well, they sometimes make bad
decisions and get into accidents.
As they get closer to the top of the mountain, climbers feel
worse and worse. They have insomnia, so they always feel Even with all these difficulties, more than 2500 people
tired. They get very bad headaches. The sun burns their skin have reached the top of Mount Everest. Scientists have
through the thin air, and the bright light from the snow found ways to solve some of their problems. Now, almost
hurts their eyes. Because they have nausea and indigestion, all climbers breathe from oxygen tanks. They use radios to
they don’t want to eat, and that makes them weaker. In the communicate with people at the bottom, so they can get
dry air, they feel thirsty all the time. advice if they’re not thinking clearly. There are medicines to
help them with headaches and lung problems.
Climbing on Everest also affects the brain. Your brain
thinks very slowly, because it doesn’t have enough oxygen. But Mount Everest is still the most difficult and dangerous
Scientists have tested this by speaking to climbers with environment on earth. Almost 200 people have died trying
radios. They ask questions like, “If John is taller than Tom, to climb it—with a few more dying every year. Only the
who is shorter?” This is probably very easy for you to answer. strongest bodies can survive up there in the Death Zone.
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A. Read the article again. Circle T for true or F for false.

1. The Death Zone is at the bottom of a mountain. T F
2. Problems in people’s bodies on high mountains come from not having enough oxygen. T F
3. Climbing Mount Everest affects many parts of a climber’s body. T F
4. On Mount Everest, people breathe very slowly because the air is so thin. T F
5. Only a few people have climbed Mount Everest. T F
6. New inventions have helped solve some health problems on Everest. T F
7. Climbers don’t die on Mount Everest nowadays. T F

B. What happens to these parts of the body in the Death Zone? Match the columns.
1. heart __ a. gets red
2. arteries __ b. hurts a lot
3. stomach __ c. works very slowly
4. brain __ d. carry blood faster
5. skin __ e. stops working
6. head __ f. beats very quickly

C. Answer the questions.

1. Why do you think people want to climb Mount Everest?

2. What’s the highest mountain in your country? Would you like to climb it? Why, or why not?

D. Think about your favorite sport. What happens to people’s bodies when they play it? Is it good for their bodies or harmful?

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Solve the crossword puzzle with grammar and vocabulary from this unit.
1 2

4 5

6 7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16


Across Down
2. the hard parts that support your body 1. not able to sleep
5. the red liquid in your body 2. the part of your body that thinks
9. comparative form of interesting (2 words) 3. Fruit is ______ calories. It doesn’t have many calories.
11. red spots on your face (2 words)
12. it covers your body 4. they make your body move
13. comparative form of good 5. superlative form of big
14. the organ that moves your blood 6. it carries the blood from your heart
15. your food goes in here 7. pain in your head
17. you take in air with them 8. the way you live
10. a bad feeling in your stomach
14. Cheese is ______ fat. It has a lot of fat. (2 words)
16. superlative form of bad
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