01 02 Introduction Regression Analysis and GR

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01 and 02: Introduction, Regression Analysis, and Gradient Descent

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Introduction to the course

We will learn about
State of the art
How to do the implementation
Applications of machine learning include
Photo tagging
Spam filters
The AI dream of building machines as intelligent as humans
Many people believe best way to do that is mimic how humans learn
What the course covers
Learn about state of the art algorithms
But the algorithms and math alone are no good
Need to know how to get these to work in problems
Why is ML so prevalent?
Grew out of AI
Build intelligent machines
You can program a machine how to do some simple thing
For the most part hard-wiring AI is too difficult
Best way to do it is to have some way for machines to learn things themselves
A mechanism for learning - if a machine can learn from input then it does the hard work for you


Database mining
Machine learning has recently become so big party because of the huge amount of data being generated
Large datasets from growth of automation web
Sources of data include
Web data (click-stream or click through data)
Mine to understand users better
Huge segment of silicon valley
Medical records
Electronic records -> turn records in knowledges
Biological data
Gene sequences, ML algorithms give a better understanding of human genome
Engineering info
Data from sensors, log reports, photos etc
Applications that we cannot program by hand
Autonomous helicopter
Handwriting recognition
This is very inexpensive because when you write an envelope, algorithms can automatically route envelopes through the post
Natural language processing (NLP)
AI pertaining to language
Computer vision
AI pertaining vision
Self customizing programs
iTunes genius
Take users info
Learn based on your behavior
Understand human learning and the brain
If we can build systems that mimic (or try to mimic) how the brain works, this may push our own understanding of the associated

What is machine learning?

Here we...
Define what it is
When to use it
Not a well defined definition
Couple of examples of how people have tried to define it
Arthur Samuel (1959)
Machine learning: "Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed"
Samuels wrote a checkers playing program
Had the program play 10000 games against itself
Work out which board positions were good and bad depending on wins/losses

Tom Michel (1999)

Well posed learning problem: "A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and
performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E."
The checkers example,
E = 10000s games
T is playing checkers
P if you win or not

Several types of learning algorithms

Supervised learning
Teach the computer how to do something, then let it use it;s new found knowledge to do it
Unsupervised learning
Let the computer learn how to do something, and use this to determine structure and patterns in data
Reinforcement learning
Recommender systems
This course
Look at practical advice for applying learning algorithms
Learning a set of tools and how to apply them

Supervised learning - introduction

Probably the most common problem type in machine learning
Starting with an example
How do we predict housing prices
Collect data regarding housing prices and how they relate to size in feet

Example problem: "Given this data, a friend has a house 750 square feet - how much can they be expected to get?"

What approaches can we use to solve this?

Straight line through data
Maybe $150 000
Second order polynomial
Maybe $200 000
One thing we discuss later - how to chose straight or curved line?
Each of these approaches represent a way of doing supervised learning
What does this mean?
We gave the algorithm a data set where a "right answer" was provided
So we know actual prices for houses
The idea is we can learn what makes the price a certain value from the training data
The algorithm should then produce more right answers based on new training data where we don't know the price already
i.e. predict the price
We also call this a regression problem
Predict continuous valued output (price)
No real discrete delineation

Another example
Can we definer breast cancer as malignant or benign based on tumour size
Looking at data
Five of each
Can you estimate prognosis based on tumor size?
This is an example of a classification problem
Classify data into one of two discrete classes - no in between, either malignant or not
In classification problems, can have a discrete number of possible values for the output
e.g. maybe have four values
0 - benign
1 - type 1
2 - type 2
3 - type 4
In classification problems we can plot data in a different way

Use only one attribute (size)

In other problems may have multiple attributes
We may also, for example, know age and tumor size

Based on that data, you can try and define separate classes by
Drawing a straight line between the two groups
Using a more complex function to define the two groups (which we'll discuss later)
Then, when you have an individual with a specific tumor size and who is a specific age, you can hopefully use that information to place
them into one of your classes
You might have many features to consider
Clump thickness
Uniformity of cell size
Uniformity of cell shape
The most exciting algorithms can deal with an infinite number of features
How do you deal with an infinite number of features?
Neat mathematical trick in support vector machine (which we discuss later)
If you have an infinitely long list - we can develop and algorithm to deal with that

Supervised learning lets you get the "right" data a
Regression problem
Classification problem

Unsupervised learning - introduction

Second major problem type
In unsupervised learning, we get unlabeled data
Just told - here is a data set, can you structure it
One way of doing this would be to cluster data into to groups
This is a clustering algorithm

Clustering algorithm

Example of clustering algorithm

Google news
Groups news stories into cohesive groups
Used in any other problems as well
Microarray data
Have a group of individuals
On each measure expression of a gene
Run algorithm to cluster individuals into types of people

Organize computer clusters

Identify potential weak spots or distribute workload effectively
Social network analysis
Customer data
Astronomical data analysis
Algorithms give amazing results

Can you automatically generate structure
Because we don't give it the answer, it's unsupervised learning

Cocktail party algorithm

Cocktail party problem

Lots of overlapping voices - hard to hear what everyone is saying
Two people talking
Microphones at different distances from speakers

Record sightly different versions of the conversation depending on where your microphone is
But overlapping none the less
Have recordings of the conversation from each microphone
Give them to a cocktail party algorithm
Algorithm processes audio recordings
Determines there are two audio sources
Separates out the two sources
Is this a very complicated problem
Algorithm can be done with one line of code!
[W,s,v] = svd((repmat(sum(x.*x,1), size(x,1),1).*x)*x');
Not easy to identify
But, programs can be short!
Using octave (or MATLAB) for examples
Often prototype algorithms in octave/MATLAB to test as it's very fast
Only when you show it works migrate it to C++
Gives a much faster agile development
Understanding this algorithm
svd - linear algebra routine which is built into octave
In C++ this would be very complicated!
Shown that using MATLAB to prototype is a really good way to do this

Linear Regression
Housing price data example used earlier
Supervised learning regression problem
What do we start with?
Training set (this is your data set)
Notation (used throughout the course)
m = number of training examples
x's = input variables / features
y's = output variable "target" variables
(x,y) - single training example
(xi, y j) - specific example (i th training example)
i is an index to training set

With our training set defined - how do we used it?

Take training set
Pass into a learning algorithm
Algorithm outputs a function (denoted h ) (h = hypothesis)
This function takes an input (e.g. size of new house)
Tries to output the estimated value of Y
How do we represent hypothesis h ?
Going to present h as;
hθ(x) = θ0 + θ1 x
h(x) (shorthand)

What does this mean?

Means Y is a linear function of x!
θi are parameters
θ0 is zero condition
θ1 is gradient
This kind of function is a linear regression with one variable
Also called univariate linear regression

So in summary
A hypothesis takes in some variable
Uses parameters determined by a learning system
Outputs a prediction based on that input

Linear regression - implementation (cost function)

A cost function lets us figure out how to fit the best straight line to our data
Choosing values for θi (parameters)
Different values give you different functions
If θ0 is 1.5 and θ1 is 0 then we get straight line parallel with X along 1.5 @ y
If θ1 is > 0 then we get a positive slope
Based on our training set we want to generate parameters which make the straight line
Chosen these parameters so hθ(x) is close to y for our training examples
Basically, uses xs in training set with hθ(x) to give output which is as close to the actual y value as possible
Think of hθ(x) as a "y imitator" - it tries to convert the x into y, and considering we already have y we can evaluate how well hθ(x)
does this
To formalize this;
We want to want to solve a minimization problem
Minimize (hθ(x) - y)2
i.e. minimize the difference between h(x) and y for each/any/every example
Sum this over the training set

Minimize squared different between predicted house price and actual house price
1/m - means we determine the average
1/2m the 2 makes the math a bit easier, and doesn't change the constants we determine at all (i.e. half the smallest value is still the
smallest value!)
Minimizing θ0 /θ1 means we get the values of θ0 and θ1 which find on average the minimal deviation of x from y when we use those
parameters in our hypothesis function
More cleanly, this is a cost function

And we want to minimize this cost function

Our cost function is (because of the summartion term) inherently looking at ALL the data in the training set at any time
So to recap
Hypothesis - is like your prediction machine, throw in an x value, get a putative y value

Cost - is a way to, using your training data, determine values for your θ values which make the hypothesis as accurate as possible

This cost function is also called the squared error cost function
This cost function is reasonable choice for most regression functions
Probably most commonly used function
In case J(θ0 ,θ1 ) is a bit abstract, going into what it does, why it works and how we use it in the coming sections

Cost function - a deeper look

Lets consider some intuition about the cost function and why we want to use it
The cost function determines parameters
The value associated with the parameters determines how your hypothesis behaves, with different values generate different
Simplified hypothesis
Assumes θ0 = 0
Cost function and goal here are very similar to when we have θ0 , but with a simpler parameter
Simplified hypothesis makes visualizing cost function J() a bit easier

So hypothesis pass through 0,0

Two key functins we want to understand
Hypothesis is a function of x - function of what the size of the house is
J(θ1 )
Is a function of the parameter of θ1
So for example
θ1 = 1
J(θ1 ) = 0
θ1 vs J(θ1 )
θ1 = 1
J(θ1 ) = 0
θ1 = 0.5
J(θ1 ) = ~0.58
θ1 = 0
J(θ1 ) = ~2.3

If we compute a range of values plot

J(θ1 ) vs θ1 we get a polynomial (looks like a quadratic)

The optimization objective for the learning algorithm is find the value of θ1 which minimizes J(θ1 )
So, here θ1 = 1 is the best value for θ1

A deeper insight into the cost function - simplified cost function

Assume you're familiar with contour plots or contour figures
Using same cost function, hypothesis and goal as previously
It's OK to skip parts of this section if you don't understand cotour plots
Using our original complex hyothesis with two pariables,
So cost function is
J(θ0 , θ1 )
θ0 = 50
θ1 = 0.06
Previously we plotted our cost function by plotting
θ1 vs J(θ1 )
Now we have two parameters
Plot becomes a bit more complicated
Generates a 3D surface plot where axis are
X = θ1
Z = θ0
Y = J(θ0 ,θ1 )

We can see that the height (y) indicates the value of the cost function, so find where y is at a minimum

Instead of a surface plot we can use a contour figures/plots

Set of ellipses in different colors
Each colour is the same value of J( θ0 , θ1 ), but obviously plot to different locations because θ1 and θ0 will vary
Imagine a bowl shape function coming out of the screen so the middle is the concentric circles

Each point (like the red one above) represents a pair of parameter values for Ɵ0 and Ɵ1
Our example here put the values at
θ0 = ~800
θ1 = ~-0.15
Not a good fit
i.e. these parameters give a value on our contour plot far from the center
If we have
θ0 = ~360
θ1 = 0
This gives a better hypothesis, but still not great - not in the center of the countour plot
Finally we find the minimum, which gives the best hypothesis
Doing this by eye/hand is a pain in the ass
What we really want is an efficient algorithm fro finding the minimum for θ0 and θ1

Gradient descent algorithm

Minimize cost function J
Gradient descent
Used all over machine learning for minimization
Start by looking at a general J() function
We have J(θ0 , θ1 )
We want to get min J(θ0 , θ1 )
Gradient descent applies to more general functions
J(θ0 , θ1 , θ2 .... θn )
min J(θ0 , θ1 , θ2 .... θn )

How does it work?

Start with initial guesses

Start at 0,0 (or any other value)
Keeping changing θ0 and θ1 a little bit to try and reduce J( θ0 ,θ1 )
Each time you change the parameters, you select the gradient which reduces J(θ0 ,θ1 ) the most possible
Do so until you converge to a local minimum
Has an interesting property
Where you start can determine which minimum you end up

Here we can see one initialization point led to one local minimum
The other led to a different one

A more formal definition

Do the following until covergence

What does this all mean?

Update θj by setting it to ( θj - α) times the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to θj
Denotes assignment
NB a = b is a truth assertion
α (alpha)
Is a number called the learning rate
Controls how big a step you take
If α is big have an aggressive gradient descent
If α is small take tiny steps

Derivative term
Not going to talk about it now, derive it later
There is a subtly about how this gradient descent algorithm is implemented
Do this for θ0 and θ1
For j = 0 and j = 1 means we simultaneously update both
How do we do this?
Compute the right hand side for both θ0 and θ1
So we need a temp value
Then, update θ0 and θ1 at the same time
We show this graphically below

If you implement the non-simultaneous update it's not gradient descent, and will behave weirdly
But it might look sort of right - so it's important to remember this!

Understanding the algorithm

To understand gradient descent, we'll return to a simpler function where we minimize one parameter to help explain the algorithm in more
min θ1 J(θ1 ) where θ1 is a real number
Two key terms in the algorithm
Derivative term
Notation nuances
Partial derivative vs. derivative
Use partial derivative when we have multiple variables but only derive with respect to one
Use derivative when we are deriving with respect to all the variables
Derivative term

Derivative says
Lets take the tangent at the point and look at the slope of the line
So moving towards the mimum (down) will greate a negative derivative, alpha is always positive, so will update j( θ1 ) to a smaller
Similarly, if we're moving up a slope we make j( θ1 ) a bigger numbers
Alpha term (α)
What happens if alpha is too small or too large
Too small
Take baby steps
Takes too long
Too large
Can overshoot the minimum and fail to converge
When you get to a local minimum
Gradient of tangent/derivative is 0
So derivative term = 0
alpha * 0 = 0
So θ1 = θ1 - 0
So θ1 remains the same

As you approach the global minimum the derivative term gets smaller, so your update gets smaller, even with alpha is fixed
Means as the algorithm runs you take smaller steps as you approach the minimum
So no need to change alpha over time

Linear regression with gradient descent

Apply gradient descent to minimize the squared error cost function J( θ0 , θ1 )
Now we have a partial derivative

So here we're just expanding out the first expression

J(θ0 , θ1 ) = 1/2m....
hθ(x) = θ0 + θ1 *x
So we need to determine the derivative for each parameter - i.e.
When j = 0
When j = 1
Figure out what this partial derivative is for the θ0 and θ1 case
When we derive this expression in terms of j = 0 and j = 1 we get the following

To check this you need to know multivariate calculus

So we can plug these values back into the gradient descent algorithm
How does it work
Risk of meeting different local optimum
The linear regression cost function is always a convex function - always has a single minimum
Bowl shaped
One global optima
So gradient descent will always converge to global optima
In action
Initialize values to
θ0 = 900
θ1 = -0.1

End up at a global minimum

This is actually Batch Gradient Descent
Refers to the fact that over each step you look at all the training data
Each step compute over m training examples
Sometimes non-batch versions exist, which look at small data subsets
We'll look at other forms of gradient descent (to use when m is too large) later in the course
There exists a numerical solution for finding a solution for a minimum function
Normal equations method
Gradient descent scales better to large data sets though
Used in lots of contexts and machine learning

What's next - important extensions

Two extension to the algorithm

1) Normal equation for numeric solution

To solve the minimization problem we can solve it [ min J( θ0 , θ1 ) ] exactly using a numeric method which avoids the iterative approach
used by gradient descent
Normal equations method
Has advantages and disadvantages
No longer an alpha term
Can be much faster for some problems
Much more complicated
We discuss the normal equation in the linear regression with multiple features section
2) We can learn with a larger number of features
So may have other parameters which contribute towards a prize
e.g. with houses
Number bedrooms
Number floors
x1, x2, x3, x4
With multiple features becomes hard to plot
Can't really plot in more than 3 dimensions
Notation becomes more complicated too
Best way to get around with this is the notation of linear algebra
Gives notation and set of things you can do with matrices and vectors
e.g. Matrix

We see here this matrix shows us

Number of bedrooms
Number floors
Age of home
All in one variable
Block of numbers, take all data organized into one big block
Shown as y
Shows us the prices
Need linear algebra for more complex linear regression modles
Linear algebra is good for making computationally efficient models (as seen later too)
Provide a good way to work with large sets of data sets
Typically vectorization of a problem is a common optimization technique

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