ARM Angel SWI Instruction Usage: Version of 26 September 2012

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Version of 26 September 2012

ARM Angel SWI Instruction Usage

All Angel SWI operations use the following instruction:
swi 0x123456
with register R0 containing the number of the requested operation. (R0 contains a reason code.) In
most cases, register R1 contains the address of a block of parameters held in memory. Each parameter
is one word (4 bytes) in size. On return from the SWI operation, R0 holds a result value.
A summary of the implemented SWI operations is provided in Table 1. The table is followed by more
detailed descriptions
An example of using one of these SWI operations is shown below. It opens a text file for input and
then reads 80 bytes from that file.
@ Example of using the Angel SWI operations

... @ omitted code

ldr R1, =OpenParams @ parameters block for OPEN

mov R0, #0x01 @ code number for Open File
swi 0x123456 @ open a text file for input
cmp R0, #0
blt OpenError @ branch if there was an error
ldr R1, =ReadParams
str R0,[R1] @ save the file handle into
@ parameters block for READ
mov R0, #0x06 @ code number for Read File
swi 0x123456 @ read from the text file
cmp R0, #0
bne ReadError @ branch if there was an error

... @ omitted code

.word 0 @ the file handle
.word InputBuffer @ address of input buffer
.word 80 @ number of bytes to read
.skip 80
.word FileName
.word FileNameEnd-FileName @ length of filename
.word 0 @ File mode = read
.ascii "MyData.txt" @ name without final NUL byte
.byte 0 @ the NUL byte

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Version of 26 September 2012

Table 1: Summary of Angel SWI Operations

R0 R1a Description Operands in Memory (at address provided by R1)

0x01 M Open a File Filename address; filename length; file mode
0x02 M Close a File File handle
0x05 M Write to File File handle; buffer address; number of bytes to write
0x06 M Read from File File handle; buffer address; number of bytes to read
0x09 M Is a TTY? File handle
0x0A M File Seek File handle; offset from file start
0x0C M File Length File handle
0x0D M Temp File Name Buffer address; unique integer; buffer length
0x0E M Remove File Filename address; filename length
0x0F M Rename a File Filename 1 address; length 1; Filename 2 address; length 2
0x10 – Execution Time
0x11 – Absolute Time
0x13 – Get Error Num
0x16 A Get Heap Info
0x18 Code Exit Program
a. M indicates the address of the block of operands in memory; A indicates the address of a four word block of
memory to receive a result; Code indicates a termination code for the program.

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Version of 26 September 2012

Reason Code 0x01 (Open a File)


1 the address of a string in memory providing the filename

2 the number of characters in the filename
3 the file mode

The supported file mode values are

0x0 text input

0x1 byte input (i.e. raw mode)
0x4 text output (with file creation, or file truncation if file exists)
0x5 byte output (with file creation, or file truncation if file exists)
0x8 text output appending to a file
0x9 byte output appending to a file

The standard input, standard output and standard error output streams are automatically opened.
They are accessed with file handles of 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
As a special case, if the filename comprises the 3 characters ":tt", then the file handle refers to a
newly created ARMSim console window rather than to an actual file.
R0 contains a file handle (for use with other SWI calls) on success. If the operation fails, R0 holds
-1 and an error code can be obtained with the 0x13 ErrorNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x02 (Close a File)


1 a file handle

R0 holds 0 on success or an error code on failure.

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Version of 26 September 2012

Reason Code 0x05 (Write to a File)


1 a file handle
2 the address of a block of data in memory
3 the number of bytes to be written

Note: file handle values of 1 and 2 refer to the standard output and standard error output streams.
R0 holds the number of bytes NOT written. (I.e., if R0 is 0, the call was successful.) If R0 is non-
zero, then an error code can be obtained with the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x06 (Read from a File)


1 a file handle
2 the address of a buffer in memory to receive the input
3 the number of bytes to be read

Note: a file handle value of 0 refers to the standard input stream.

R0 holds the number of bytes NOT read. (I.e., if R0 is 0, the call was successful.) If R0 is non-zero,
then an error code can be obtained with the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x09 (Is It a TTY Test)


1 a file handle

R0 holds 1 if the file handle refers to the ARMSim console, and 0 otherwise. If the call fails, then
R0 holds -1 and an error code can be obtained with the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

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Version of 26 September 2012

Reason Code 0x0A (File Seek)


1 a file handle
2 the absolute position in bytes (i.e. offset from the file start) to seek to

R0 holds 0 if the seek is successful. If the call fails, then R0 holds -1 and an error code can be
obtained with the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x0C (File Length)

Note: this operation is currently implemented only for input files.

1 a file handle

R0 holds the length of the file in bytes (or 0 if the file handle refers to the ARMSim console). If
the call fails, then R0 holds -1 and an error code can be obtained with the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x0D (Create a Name for a Temporary File)


1 the address of a buffer in memory to receive the file name

2 an integer in the range 0 to 255 to distinguish one temporary file name
from another
3 the size of the buffer in bytes

On success, the buffer holds a null-terminated string which can be used as a temporary file name.
The leading part of the string is the same for all file names generated with this SWI operation. The
file name ends with the digits of the second parameter. Therefore the second parameter is impor-
tant if more than one temporary file is used in the program.
R0 holds 0 on success. If the call fails, then R0 holds -1 and an error code can be obtained with the
0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

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Version of 26 September 2012

Reason Code 0x0E (Remove a File)


1 the address of a string in memory providing the filename

2 the number of characters in the filename

R0 holds 0 if the file was successfully deleted. If the call fails, then R0 holds -1 and an error code
can be obtained with the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x0F (Rename a File)


1 the address of a string in memory providing filename #1

2 the number of characters in filename #1
3 the address of a string in memory providing filename #2
4 the number of characters in filename #2

An existing file specified by the first filename is renamed to have the second filename. If the oper-
ation is successful, R0 is 0. If the call fails, then R0 holds -1 and an error code can be obtained with
the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x10 (Get User-Mode Execution Time)

Parameters: None
R0 holds the user-mode execution time as a multiple of 0.01 second units.

Reason Code 0x11 (Get Absolute Time)

Parameters: None
R0 holds the number of seconds since the Unix epoch, which is at 0:00 on 1 January 1970.

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Version of 26 September 2012

Reason Code 0x13 (Get Error Number)

Parameters: None
R0 holds an error number. The error numbers are listed in Table 2. Note that many of these error
numbers cannot occur. All those that can occur with the current implementation of the Angel
SWI operations on ARMSim are indicated in the righthand column of the table. (The unused error
codes could be supported in a future version of ARMSim.)

Reason Code 0x16 (Get Heap Information)


1 the address of a four word array in memory

The four word array is filled with the following four numbers: the address of the start of the area
of memory reserved for the heap, the address of the end of that heap area, the address of the area
of memory reserved for the stack, the address of the end of that stack area.
R0 holds 0 if the operation is successful. If the call fails, then R0 holds -1 and an error code can be
obtained with the 0x13 ErrNo SWI call.

Reason Code 0x18 (Exit the Program)

Register R1 holds a program termination code.
If the code in R1 is 0 or 0x20026, then the program terminates normally. Otherwise an error
message containing the termination code is displayed and the program still terminates.
Result: None
There is no result returned from the call because the program is halted.

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Version of 26 September 2012

Table 2: Codes Obtained by the Get Error Number Operation

Code and Unix  Can 
Name Description Occur?

NONE = 0 No error to report Y

ENOENT = 2 No such file or directory
EIO = 5 I/O error Y
EBADF = 9 Bad file number Y
ENOMEM = 12 Not enough memory to complete operation
EACCES = 13 Permission denied
EFAULT = 14 Bad address Y
EEXIST = 17 File exists
ENOTDIR = 20 Not a directory
EISDIR = 21 Is a directory
EINVAL = 22 Invalid argument Y
EMFILE = 24 Too many open files
ENOTTY = 25 Not a TTY console
EFBIG = 27 File too large
ESPIPE = 29 Illegal seek
EROFS = 30 Read only file system
ENOTSUP = 134 Not supported Y

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