Entrepreneurship Syllabus 10-11

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Charles E.

Sumner High School

Grades 11 & 12; 1 Credit/Year
E-Mail: Laroyce.gaines@slps.org

Mrs. Gaines - Room 322

Course Description
Do you know someone who owns his or her own business? Do you want to be your own boss?
Do you have the goal of owning highly successful company? These are only a few of the
reasons why thousands of people in the United States become entrepreneurs. Students will
learn skills necessary to run their own business. These concepts include: marketing,
acquiring financing, managing, and the legal requirements of owning and operating a small
business will be explored.

Required Materials:
Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

3-Ring Binder
Index Dividers
3 presentation folders
1 box of Kleenex
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 Composition Notebooks
Flash Drive

All students are to come to classes ready to actively participate in problem solving activities. You should budget
your time outside of class in order to complete all homework assignments

Grading Policy:
Daily Work/ Do Now 5
Quizzes/Exams/Projects 25
Responsibility 10
Tests 10
Final Exam 30
College Summit Assignments 20
Total 100%
***** All students and parents will have access to grades on line *****

Late Assignments will be accepted within the unit assigned. A deduction of five responsibility
points will be given for every class day late.

Each student receives 100 responsibility points at the beginning of each quarter. A 5-point
deduction will be made for each occurrence of the following:

Arriving tardy to class

Electronics (seen or heard)
Using restroom or drinks
Failing to treat others with respect
Non-authorized computer use
Not staying on task
Not being prepared for class
Using locker to find homework or project used in class

Computer Usage:
Room 322 is a computer lab. However, the use of computers is limited to individual and group assignments and
tasks and only as designated by the instructor. Lab rules are as follows:

1. No food, drinks, or GUM in Lab 322 at any time!

2. No computer games are allowed (this includes days when there is a substitute!).
3. No music auto-streaming, on-line chatting (instant messaging) or forum discussion/posting sessions
4. No storage devices (zip, USB vaults, floppy disks, CDs) can be used in the lab without instructor’s
5. No unauthorized copying or downloading of software.

All students will be assigned a Gaggle account with User Id and Password. Abuse of this account will result
disciplinary action being taken depending on the severity of the abuse. I will often communicate with you via your
gaggle account. Documents needed for class will also be posted on Gaggle.net. Please do not share your login
information with anyone else. You are responsible for all correspondence sent from your account. You will receive
a sheet with your login information. Please store it in a safe location.

Classroom Agreements:
1. Listen while others are speaking.
2. Listen when instruction is in progress.
3. Treat each other with respect. (No put-downs, respect different opinions & cultures ~ BE KIND J)
Discourtesy to any teacher, visitor, or any other student in the classroom will not be tolerated.
4. Treat school and personal property with respect.

Students will be given a reminder in the event they break a classroom agreement. If a disruption continues, the
following consequences will take place according to the severity and frequency of disruption:

a. Loss of participation points for the day

b. Teacher phone call to the parent or guardian for a discussion regarding expected behavioral AND/OR
attitude modifications as a condition for remaining in the class
c. Discipline referral

Professionalism – Absence/Tardy Policies, Make-up Work

This class will be conducted at all times in the manner of a business office and all conversations will be carried on in
a professional manner. Each student will behave according to the SLPS Code of Conduct including dress code.
Misbehavior is not tolerated. Students who give their best effort will have success in this class.

In addition to the conduct one displays while in class, professionalism also includes punctuality, attendance and the
ability of each student to complete his/her tasks and meet all deadlines. These important behaviors will be measured
and graded according to the time-clock system.

Absence Policy – In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain makeup work, including
notes, for days missed. If a student is absent the day of a test or assignment due date (excused absences only), it is
up to the student to make-up test/turn in the assignment on the day they return. Students are informed of test dates
and assignment/project deadlines in advance for each unit of study. Failure to take, make up a test or turn in a project
will result in a drop in the grade. Any unexcused absence the day of a test/project due date will result in a grade of
“0” and may not be made up.


In order to obtain an “A’ in this class a student must have a minimum of 94% attendance. If a student falls below
70% attendance the highest grade possible is a “D”.

Tardy Policy – A student is considered tardy if s/he is not IN THE CLASSROOM when the bell rings. If a student
receives 3 or more tardies in a quarter, they will be assigned to after school detention. On the 4th and all
subsequent tardies, consequences will be followed as outlined in the SLPS handbook.

Late Work Policy – It is the student’s professional responsibility to keep track of all assignments and deadlines.
Late work will not be accepted unless extenuating circumstances occur and prior arrangements have been made with
the instructor.

First Offense - Cheating (as defined below) will result in a grade of 0 points on an assignment and may not be made
up. PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED and the student will receive disciplinary action. Additionally, a note will be
placed in the student cumulative file for future reference.
Second Offense - If a student cheats for the second time, (as defined below) s/he will receive W/F on the transcript.
Parents will be notified. The course may be repeated another semester or during summer school.

• Turning in some else's work as your own (with or without his or her knowledge). Turning in a completely
duplicated assignment is a flagrant offense, but even copying only a portion of the assignment and turning it
in as your own is considered cheating.
• Allowing someone else to turn in your work as his or her own.
• Several people writing one assignment and turning in multiple copies all represented (implicitly or explicitly)
as individual work.
• Using any part of some else's work without proper acknowledgement.
• Looking at another person’s paper, talking or making disruptions during an exam.
• Stealing an examination or a solution from the instructor. This is an extremely flagrant offense.

Parent/Teacher contact. Parents should feel free to ask about their student’s progress. They are encouraged to
come to class and observe at any time. The teacher’s email address is laroyce.gaines@slps.org. The teacher is eager
to correspond with parents.

Field Trips:
In an effort to reinforce classroom lessons and expose students to real life accounting and business situations, we
will attend several field trips throughout the school year. Students will be required to wear school uniform on all
field trips. Jeans, tennis shoes, sweat shirts and or sweat pants are not considered business attire and will not be
permitted on the field trip. You only get one chance to make a first impression. We at Sumner High School believe
in making the most of our one chance.


Upon the successful completion of this course the student will demonstrate the ability to:
Course Objectives Assessment Goals Assessment Strategies Chapter

1 Technology Proficiency A. Microsoft Word Portfolio Supplemental

CS – Personal Mission B. Microsoft Excel Materials
Statement; College List C. Microsoft Publisher
D. Microsoft PowerPoint
2. Understanding A. Goods vs. Services PowerPoint Presentation, 1 & 1-4 (e-
Entrepreneurship & E- B. Evaluate online Business Research Paper commerce)
Commerce Websites Journal Entries
C. Research Entrepreneurs Technology Application
CS –Resume; Personal D. Entrepreneurs in American
Statement; College History
Application Action Plan; E. Internet Basics
Your Application F. Searching the Internet
G. Conducting business on the
H. Retailing on the Internet
3. Characteristics and Skills A. Difference between a job & Case Study, 2-3 & 5-6 (e-
of Entrepreneurs career Unit 1 Lab commerce)
B. Healthy Work environment Self Assessment 84-87 (e-
C. Creativity Challenges commerce)
D. Pros & Cons of Business Week Project
Entrepreneurship Research
Technology Application
4. Planning and Researching A. Writing a Clear Business Power Point Presentation 5-6 & 7-8 (e-
a Business Venture Concept Unit 2 Lab commerce)
B. Feasibility Study Self Assessment
C. Business Plan Mistakes Business Week Project
D. Market Research Research
Technology Application
5. The Legal Environment A. Which Legal form is best Powerpoint Presentation 7-9
B. Business Laws Unit 2 Lab
C. Ethics Research
Technology Application
First Semester Final Parts 1-6 of Business Plan for Final Powerpoint Presentation

7. Marketing Strategies A. Marketing Strategies Powerpoint Presentation 10-13 & 12-15

B. Developing a Market Plan Self Assessment (e-commerce)
C. Price Strategy Business Week Project
D. Determining Sale Price Unit 3 Lab
E. Promotion Strategy Research
F. Evaluating Sales Technology Application
G. Marketing & E-Commerce
H. E-Commerce Success
I. Brand Loyalty
7. Managing Finances A. Management Functions Research 14-16 & 19-21
B. Payroll PowerPoint Presentation
C. Inventory Procedures Unit 4 Lab
D. Accounting Technology Application
E. Ratio
F. Financial Statements
8. Managing Human A. Operational Plans Unit 5 Lab 17-18
Resources B. Staffing Procedures Research
C. Human Resource Management Powerpoint Presentation
D. Employee Performance Technology Application
9. Global Opportunities A. Importance of Global Market PowerPoint Presentation 4
B. International Trade Technology Application
10. Online Business Web A. Planning a site Design Web Page 9-11 (E-
Design B. Site Audience Business Week Project commerce)
C. Organization of Web Site
D. Hyperlinks & Search Engines

All parts of Business Plan are due by May 8th 2011 No Exceptions!!!!! Final Pt Senior Final
11. Career Planning & Skills Mock Interterview, Web Pg 544-551
Quest, Project Supplemental
12 Final Pt II
All assignments are due before the start of the next unit for example: the technology proficiency portfolio is
due before August 26 which is the start of the next unit. Once teaching begins for the next unit late assignments
will not be accepted.

Major Projects (These assignments will not be accepted after the due date)
Business Plan Pt I
Business Plan Pt II
Web Page Design
Business Week Projects
Ethics Project
Career Planning Web quest
Entrepreneur Power point Presentation & Research Paper
Unit Lab (1-5)
Technology Portfolio
Entrepreneurship Portfolio
We have read the information and we understand the policies for this class.

______________________________________ _______________________
(Parent/guardian signature) (Date)

Parent’s e-mail address

______________________________________ _______________________
(Student signature) (Date)

Return to teacher by ____________________________.

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