Vastutimes November 2011

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RNI REGD NO MPBIL / 2002 / 10269

Postal Regd. No. : L - II / RNP / PNCE / M / 10 / 2010 - 2012

Year - 8, Vol.108 November 2011 Page: 8. Price: Re. 30/-

Represents Acmos-Paris

Health & Habitat

has joined hands

Acmos New Product - Acmosmog Mobile Patch: Protection against harmful mobile radiation

Acmos Bioenergetics
Maintaining the integrity of the channel
Evolution of the ACMOS method
Facilitating cellular regeneration
Harmonizing stimulation
PARIS!! PARIS!! PARIS!!.......... in the city of love; in the right
season at the right time re-learning what I love. Day3
A C M O S O c t o b e r 2 0 11 w o r k s h o p c o n d u c t e d b y Complete Lecher Antenna learning
Dr.Carol.Robertson and my very passionate teacher
Dr.Rene.Naccachian. Day-4
The workshop was a refreshing experience. Experience it was. The ACMOS Specifics
Well organized; fully informed and hands on training was a Cellular Regeneration Acmos Bio-energy balance
delight for a fresher's as well as the seasoned practitioners. All The ABC Quantum Fluids Brain Connectors
of us were very lucky to learn from the best of ACMOS center. Acmogram = Elimination of Brain Confusion
No wonder we had a brilliant mix of people all over the world.
Vastuworlds association with ACMOS Paris has been a
Environmental Protocol
wonderful journey since 1998. I personally have attended
several English seminars; but this time the workshop had truly
new energy, wonderful integration and complete; as though
there is a new plan unfolding.
Acmos acmodynamization
Incidentally, Paris workshop had majority of Indian Repairing environmental energy leaks
participation; doctors; alternative healers vastu Practioners
and fengshui experts. and rightly now India has the worlds first Vastuworld & team of Indian delegates who attended Paris
Acmos Satellite Centre. Workshop in Oct 2011 would like to thank Dr. Rene
Naccachian, Dr. Carol Robertson, Chavaa Cerinmez, Widad
As Indian Satellite Centre, Vastuworld has detail information & Nash and total SBJ- International office for their wonderful
study material of the workshop conducted in October at Paris. teaching & support.
For any further information and inquiry, please feel free to ask.

The following were the contents of the workshop

The Acmos Method of Bio-Energetic
Analysis of the Compatibility of Matter on the organism
and its Synergy
L’équilibre énergétique

ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM (0 CYCLES PER SECOND About 10-15% of the world population in
TO 300 GHZ). developed countries suffers from chronic
tinnitus, and is rising. For the patient a tone in
ELECTRICAL SMOG OR E-SMOG IS A INFORMAL the ear is a strong psychological stress, which
EXPRESSION FOR DIFFER- ENT, TECHNICALLY CAUSED, affects all areas of their life. The origins of
ELECTRICAL, MAGNETIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC tinnitus are still not very well known. In addition
FIELDS. to obvious causes, such as noise exposure, head
trauma or hearing loss, scientists have drawn
THE TERM ASSUMES THAT THESE FIELDS HAVE DAM- various conclusions but still have not
AGING EFFECTS ON HUMANS AND ENVIRONMENT. scientifically proven them.

Electromagnetic pollution is equated with stress, which The treatment options for chronic tinnitus are
burdens the body and directly affects the psyche. Excessive still very limited and often ineffective. The
research study from Priv. Doz DI Dr. Hans-Peter
stress disrupts the energy balance of an organ, gland or Hutter from the Institute
subsystem. The immune system is constantly under for Environmental Hygiene
pressure and it becomes weaker. of the Medical University of
Vienna has made a special
Protect yourself against the following chronic diseases: contribution to this field.
Hutter and his colleagues
Headaches, migraines have shown that the risk of
Chronic fatigue tinnitus disease nearly
Insomnia doubled with the regular
Nervousness use of mobile phones over
Concentration deficiency a long period. Therefore a first possible risk factor
was scientifically substantiated.
Allergies of all kinds
Disruption of cell regeneration
The frequencies radiating from the cell phones, can be
individually measured on each person through meridian
readings while the person is holding the respective unit. The
frequency load can be neutralized with a natural element.
The missing frequency line on the body is matched and can
be corrected for up to 12 months. Thereafter, a further
measurement is necessary.




E-Smog Protection for Mobile Phones E-Smog Protection for

Pads and Notebooks
E-Smog Protection for Mobile Phones & Offices : Vastuworld-
Acmos India brings you a unique health protection system
invented recently in Paris : the Mobile Patches & Office towers
specially for you, your family & staff. Energy blockages in the body, are
also caused by pads and laptops.
Visit Vastuworld-Acmos India HQ at Pune today and get your
There are many health risks indicators
mobile patch customised & installed on your phone:
that deserve more attention.
The tissues, cells and organs of the
2G… 3G… 4G… faster processors cause stronger frequencies. human body communicate through
Each humans reacts differently to the daily increase of the chemical messengers, but also by
high frequency range! electrical signals. It can therefore be
assumed that the electromagnetic
Our ACMOsmog solution proceeds from the following facts: vegetative and central nervous
system, hormones, chromosomes and
Each mobile phone, pad, laptop has its own processor cells are affected by excessive stress
engineering, therefore the radiation has different degrees
and in the long term can lead to
of power within each model. various diseases by electromagnetic
Each human reacts differently to a high frequency load.
Remember, each phone would need a seperate Acmos
With ACMOsmog we can neutralize
patch & each cabin would need a specific customised the frequencies that emanate from
protection tower. pads and laptops or any device with a
natural element for 12 months:
With the ACMOsmog method we can determine by digital
measurement of the Meridians, which organ becomes weaker, Get a special Laptop & Pad patches
while the individual holds the mobile installed at your machines NOW, visit
phone in their hand. Values before
Acmos India HQ at Pune and
and afterwards are measured. We
safeguard yourself from em pollution.
check to what degrees and whether
cell regeneration is taking place
within the Meridian. Afterwards a
natural element is attached on to the
unit to neutralize the electro
pollution on the human body. The
meridian reading is absolutely pain-

Visit Acmos India HQ at Pune today

and get your mobile patch
customised & installed on your phone



The control units of
many vehicles are
becoming more

Energy blockages in the

body may be caused by
the dash board
computer of the
vehicule, due to high frequencies. We can
protect electrosmog radiation coming up
from the dash board electronics and
neutralize it with a natural element.
Numerous electrical and electronic equipment are in
constant use in the work place. Energy blockages in The energy blockages in the body may be
the body, are mainly caused by computers and caused by vehicle dash board computers.
monitors. These are heath risk indicators that The more technology and electronics, the
deserve more attention. higher the exposure to electromagnetic
fields. One wonders whether some
We are often exposed to computers and monitors aggressive speeders could have been
which are sources of electromagnetic pollution for "hyped up" so that traffic accidents may
many hours a day. In most cases if is difficult to avoid have been caused by this enormous stress.
because you are directly in front or in their proximity
These devices develop an electromagnetic field by The right ACMOsmog-TOWER is selected
radio-frequency alternating fields. Presently the from 24 different natural elements and
processor frequencies are in gigahertz representing matched to the person and the dash board
an extraordinary source of radiation. computer. This can correct the energy
disturbance in the body for up to 24
All kind of months The towers can be mounted in
computers are vehicle interiors to give the best protection
associated with against electromagnetic pollution for both
these subtle adults and children.
frequency fields and
therefore pose risks
for the pregnancy.
With the
you are protected
from the frequencies,

NW N NE Cosmic energies :

Related to the head of Vastupurusha and to North

East of the house.

W BS E This deals with the range from the top of the head until
throat and with the mental level of the inhabitant's
bodies, also with creativity, inventiveness, learning
ability, spirituality, clear mind, power of concentration,
persuasiveness, pursuit of harmony and peace,
SW N SE religiousness, contentment with life etc.

Cosmic Symbol They are used for energy correction and balancing. Cosmic symbols are also called energy
Product ID: VRD#005 (Interior use) shielders. It neutralizes the negative energies.
Product ID: VRD#005 (Interior use)

Nine Direction Energy Plates 9 Direction Energy plates are directional corrections to control negativity entering the space
from all nine directions. It has used symbols and bio-geometry based on Vedic Dikbandhan
Product ID: VRD#004
& Egyptian symbols.

Five Element Energy Plates Vastuworld’s 5-Elements Energy Plates follows the Elemental Harmonics of Resonance
Product ID: VRD#009 and can be very effectively used for correcting the missing element of the environment.

Spiral Swastik Swastika is used as energy flower and shielders. They are very effective in curing outdoor
Product ID: VRD#013 environment. Also used for beam correction, enhancing flow through doors & for shielding
electrical frames.

Energy Paper reflector Disallows the negative flow which disturbs the positive environment and shields the
Product ID: VRD#008 outside-inside spaces when used on doors.

Bio Dynamisation Crystals Crystals are used by hanging / placing in the room for energizing and dispersing negative
(For North East & South West) energy.
Product ID: VRD#020

DNA Spiral Tuner- Strong energy It is used wherever there is energy blockage. It helps in enhancing the energy. It can be
enhancer and tuner effectively used for offices and shops.
Product ID: VRD#026

Vastu & Building Biology - Manual Vastutimes(Monthly Issue) -

Publications Product ID: P#007 Subscribe for 2 years
Product ID: P#010

Online Vastu Course & Training Scientific Instrument Handling Vastuworld Vibrational Medicine
Correspondence Course Correspondence
Product ID: VC#004 Product ID: VC#006
Product ID: VC#005

Bio Analysis Manual Advance Vastu rectification Science Energy & Health Manual
Product ID: P#002 & Vibrational Energy Remedy Product ID: P#003
Product ID: P#001

Energy Architecture Manual Lecher Antenna & Vastu Lecher Antenna Training
Product ID: P#004 Rectification Manual Manual+ Multimedia CD
Product ID: P#005 Product ID: P#006
NW N NE Global energies :

Related to the navel and belly of Vastupurusha and to

the centre (Brahmasthan) of the house.
W BS E This deals with the range from the throat until navel and
with the emotional level of the inhabitant's bodies, also
with health, stomach, pancreas, liver, emotions,
relatonship. body growth etc.

The Enhancer Substances contained in the Acmasao oil resists environmental aggression
Acmosao oil with case created due to special PLU waves and cell cathode.
Product ID: VRD#001

Vantra Stimulator with other devices Helps in organizing and balancing the intimate relationships in the bedroom.
Product ID: VRD#003

Marma Points Set These are 9 viral point corrections which enhances the earth energies at global zone and is a
Product ID: VRD#007 very effective treatment for irregular shapes of spaces.

Energy Plate - Bhramasthan Brahmasthan plates are used on the floor to enhance the global energies and effectively used
Product ID: VRD#010 for relationship and health.

Varoma Essential Oils Varoma Essential oil is a rectification tool to purify air and effectively used in each direction
according to the vastu defect.
Product ID: VRD#018

9x9 Mandala Wooden Harmoniser Mandalas help to strengthen the general harmony of global environment energies. Also used
for treatment of BS defect
Product ID: VRD#019

Acmosmog Patch for Mobile Phone Acmosmog Tower for Office Acmosmog Tower for Car
Product ID: VRD#005 Product ID: VRD#006 Product ID: VRD#007

Vastu Rectification Devices Bau-Biology Remedies

Learning Energy Plate HSF 53 HSF54

Product ID: BR#004 Product ID: BR#003
Product ID: VRD#023

Kitchen Reversal Plate NSF34 Swiss Shield EV

Product ID: VRD#012 Product ID: BR#005 Product ID: BR#006

Multimedia-Cd & E-Learning

Vastu Shastra Redefined Vastuworld Vantra

Practical Vastu Training
Product ID: M#002 Product ID: M#003
Product ID: M#001

All Correspondence Courses Building Biology Intermediate Vastu

Product ID: VC#001 Correspondence Course Rectification Correspondence
Product ID: VC#002 Product ID: VC#003

NW N NE Earth / telluric energies :
Related to the lower part and feet of Vastupurusha's body and to South
West of the house.
This deals with the range from the navel until feet and with physical level of
W BS E the inhabitant's bodies, associated with stability, financial security,
strength, leading power, enforcement power, professional success etc.
Negative readings at the three energy levels slow corruptions in the house,
namely in those areas which are allocated to the different energy types
Those corruptions affect negatively on the related activities and parts of
SW N SE the body of people who are staying in that house for more than 90 days.

VVH Internal use VVH Is a geopathic neutralizer used inside the home and very effective for bringing in earth
Product ID: VRD#002 energy in multistory buildings at higher level.

VV17-Geopathic Reversal VV17 is helpful in controlling geo-stresses which instead of giving good earth energies generate
Product ID: VRD#001 negative earth flux.

Personaal Geo Stress Neutralizer It is personal geopathic rectification tool and can be very effective in small space like bedroom,
Product ID: VRD#011 shops, office cabins etc.

Geo-jumper with Crystals for These are energy staplers to control geopathic lines and grid like hartman and curry lines.
Geopathic shifts
Product ID: VRD#024
Quantacmos Geostress Neutraliser Quantacmos Geostress neutraliser: Acmos Quantum energy system which has strong energies
Product ID: MI#007 to control geostress can be very effectively used for geopathic rectification.

Measuring Instruments
Dowsing Rod Electro Stress meater Glass Bovis Scale
Product ID: MI#003 Product ID: MI#005 Product ID: MI#012

Electro Smog Detector(EMF) Esmog Detector Rayonex Pointer

Product ID: MI#004 Product ID: MI#008 Product ID: MI#015

Environment Meter Ghost Meter Wooden Tensor with case

Product ID: MI#007 Product ID: MI#011 Product ID: MI#018

Geo-Magnetometer Mini Tensor Acmos Products

Product ID: MI#010 Product ID: MI#014
BioFeed Back Energy Tester -
ACMOS, France
Product ID: MI#013 Product ID: MI#017

Lecher Antenna
Singing Bowl for space cleansing Electrosmog Analyser ME 3030B Product ID: MI#003
Product ID: MI#016 Product ID: MI#006

Quanta Acmos Light Stimulator -

Wooden Tensor with protective tube Esmog Spion Acmos France
Product ID: MI#019 Product ID: MI#009 Product ID: MI#004

The Core Team Developed & Published By To,

Publishers Vastu Tectonics Publications a division of Vastu Tectonics Pvt. Ltd.
A division of Vastu Tectonics Pvt. Ltd.
Chief Editor Ar. Mayank Barjatya E-mail / Write:

Editorial Board Priti B. "VASTUTIMES HELP DESK"

5,Phayre Road,Pul Gate,
Graphics Mazhar Shaikh Camp,Pune-411040,
Advisors Mr. Saleem Sheikh (L.L.B.) Tel. : +91-020-26354487
Mr. Ashish Desai Fax :+91-020-26343566

IMPORTANT NOTE: All rights reserved. While all efforts are made to ensure that the information published is genuine, shall not be responsible for any unlikely errors that might occur. Published and edited by on behalf of Vastu Tectonics Publications.
While we provide information on the products and projects in good faith, the readers are cautioned to take their decisions whatsoever after taking expert opinion. It will not be our responsibility for any such decisions taken by readers on the basis of information published.
Owner, Publisher & Printer : Mayank Barjatya, Printed at : Pratiroop Mudran, 27/28, Parvati Inds. Estate,Swargate, Pune - 411009. Published at :5,Phayre Road,Pul Gate Camp,Pune.
Editor : Mayank Barjatya, Ph 020-26354487

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