SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat
SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat
SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat
(Established under Haryana Private Universities Act 2006 as amended by Act no.8 of 2013)
Plot no-39, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Post office-P.S Rai, Delhi–NCR, Sonepat-131029,Haryana
Ph-0130-2203700-08, 2121214/15, Toll free: 1800-180-1216, Website
The regulations to the migration of a student for UG, UG-PG programmes shall be applicable as per
• Migration to a Department from another Department within the University will be allowed
only after the completion of the 1st year and is applicable only to those students who are
eligible to register for 3rd semester.
• Migration shall be allowed after completion of the second semester but before start of the 3rd
• The candidates shall not be allowed to change his/her discipline of study in the process of
Documents Required:-
• The University/Institute where the student is studying and the University/Institute to which
migration is sought, should issue a No Objection Certificate to the applicant in the format as
per appendix A.
• The student seeking migration must submit an application written and signed by him/her
together with the “No Objection certificate” issued by leaving University/Institute.
• The University will authorized migration only against a vacant seat available in the discipline
in which migration is sought.
• In addition to the above, migration will be governed by the rules of the concerned University
if applicable.
Documents Required:-
The student pursuing Ph.D programme in the recognized Universities may be allowed for migration
to this University on the following conditions:
• He/she is a bonafied student of Concern University and registered under a recognized guide.
• NOC to be issued by the concern guide and duly forwarded by competent authority of the
• He/she must have cleared 12 credits with the minimum stay of one year in their university
where he/she is registered.
• Valid reason for migration
• Present status of research work completed as on date by the student duly verified by the
• Proposed research plan in association with proposed guide.
SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat
(Established under Haryana Private Universities Act 2006 as amended by Act no.8 of 2013)
Plot no-39, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Post office-P.S Rai, Delhi–NCR, Sonepat-131029,Haryana
Ph-0130-2203700-08, 2121214/15, Toll free: 1800-180-1216, Website
Note:- Attach (Annexure-l) NOC from both the Universities i.e. from where migration is
sought and where in migration is required.
SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat
(Established under Haryana Private Universities Act 2006 as amended by Act no.8 of 2013)
Plot no-39, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Post office-P.S Rai, Delhi–NCR, Sonepat-131029,Haryana
Ph-0130-2203700-08, 2121214/15, Toll free: 1800-180-1216, Website
This is to certify that ……………. S/o ………………… Department Roll No…………. is a regular
student of this Department in ……………….. Engineering / Branch. She / he has applied for
migration to …………….. under SRM University Haryana, Sonepat. This Department has no objection
to her / him migration out of this college.
This is to certify that this University has ………….. (number) of seats vacant
This is also to certify that this institution has no objection to Sh.……………. S/o…………………
Department Roll No…………. student of ………………….Department of ………………..
Engineering/Branch migrating to this college.