Andrey Caro 10-5-17 Sheet1
Andrey Caro 10-5-17 Sheet1
Andrey Caro 10-5-17 Sheet1
Workout #2 Chest/Triceps
Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Incline barbell 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Incline dumbbell 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Barbell or dumbbell flat bench press 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Superset the two below
Cable crossovers 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Push-ups 12 4 n/a
Tricep pushdowns 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Skullcrushers (decline) 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Workout #4 Shoulders/Chest
Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Side lateral dumbells 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Side lateral machine 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Front raises barbell overhand 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Front raises barbell underhand 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Rear delts dumbell 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Superset the two below
Upright rows dumbbell 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Shrugs 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Shoulder Press 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
1 week front of neck one week behind the neck
Cable crossovers 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Incline dumbbell 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
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Psychofitness or any of its' affiliates are not responsible for any pre-existing health condition
or the result of a health condition due to the commencement of any dietary or workout regimen.