Andrey Caro 10-5-17 Sheet1

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PSYCHOFITNESS Starting weight: ?

Created by Christopher Lewis

Name: Andrey Caro Goal weight: unknown
Date: 10/5/17 10/5 weight: ?
Motivational Quote of the Week
Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise!

Training Plan If unsure of exercise name look up on youtube

Workout #1 Legs
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Leg extensions 12 each one drop triple drop set pyramid up in weight XXX
Leg extensions triple drop set 12 reps each one (raise pin 3 notches each set)
Front squats 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Hack squats 12 4
Leg press 20 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Donkey calves 20 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Standing calf raises 20 4 pyramid up in weight XXX

Workout #2 Chest/Triceps
Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Incline barbell 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Incline dumbbell 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Barbell or dumbbell flat bench press 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Superset the two below
Cable crossovers 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Push-ups 12 4 n/a
Tricep pushdowns 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Skullcrushers (decline) 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX

Alternate weekly between A and B

Workout #3A Back/Biceps
Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Lat Pull Down 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Pull-ups 12 4 n/a
Dumbell pullovers 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Dumbbell rows (single arm) 12 each arm 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
T-bar rows HEAVY 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Standing dumbell curls 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX

Workout #3B Back/Biceps

Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Assisted pull-ups 12 4 n/a
Seated cable row 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
DB bent over row double 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Reverse grip bent over rows heavy 8 to 10 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Bicep machine 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Standing dumbell curls 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX

Workout #4 Shoulders/Chest
Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Side lateral dumbells 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Side lateral machine 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Front raises barbell overhand 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Front raises barbell underhand 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Rear delts dumbell 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Superset the two below
Upright rows dumbbell 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Shrugs 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Shoulder Press 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
1 week front of neck one week behind the neck
Cable crossovers 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX
Incline dumbbell 12 3 pyramid up in weight XXX

Workout #5 Hamstings and Calves

Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Seated leg curls 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Laying leg curls 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Single leg curls 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Dead lifts 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Standing calves 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Seated calves 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Donkey calves 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX

Workout #6 Biceps and Triceps

Exercise Reps Sets Weight
Warm up on treadmill 5-10 minutes
Machine preacher curls 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Barbell 21's 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Alternating dumbbell curls 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Tricep pushdowns 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Skullcrushers 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX
Overhead extensions dumbbell 12 4 pyramid up in weight XXX

Pyramid up in weight XXX

Meaning add more weight for each set as long as you are still able to keep good form.
If you start to lose good form lower the weight.

*The Psychofitness plan is confidential and made specifically for you.

*This is not to be shared with anyone.

Disclaimer: Please consult your physician before engaging in any dietary or workout regimen.
Psychofitness or any of its' affiliates are not responsible for any pre-existing health condition

or the result of a health condition due to the commencement of any dietary or workout regimen.

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