Complement System: Pathways, Functions and Regulation

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Complement System: Pathways, Functions and Regulation

The complement system is a part of the immune system, consists of a series of proteins
that interact with one another in a highly regulated manner, in order to eliminate pathogens. It
helps antibodies and phagocytic cells to clear pathogens and damaged cells; promote
inflammation and attack pathogen’s plasma membrane. Proteins that take part in the complement
system are called complements that collectively work as a biological cascade; the sequence of
reactions, each being the catalyst for the next.

Jules Bordet (1895) identified complements as heat-sensitive components in the blood,

bearing non-specific antimicrobial activity. He demonstrated that adding fresh serum to bacteria
at 37°C caused the bacterial lysis but heating the serum to 56°C or more caused the loss of lytic
capacity. Surprisingly, the lytic ability was restored to the heated serum by adding fresh serum
that contained no antibodies against the bacterium and that was unable to kill the bacterium by
itself. He concluded that the serum must contain another heat-sensitive component that assists
the lytic function of antibodies and named the component alexin. In 1899, Paul Ehrlich renamed
the heat sensitive component complementdefining it as “the activity of blood serum that
completes the action of antibody.” Later on, it was discovered that the lytic action of complement
was due to the interactions of a complex group of proteins.

Complements are soluble proteins and glycoproteins mostly produced by hepatocytes.

More than 20 types of complements are present in serum found circulating normally in human
body in inactive forms (called as zymogens or proenzymes). Complement activation is triggered
by an antibody when it is bound to the antigen. It can also be triggered by some components of
innate immunity. Thus the complement system works in both innate and acquired immunity.

Complements are activated only during inflammatory reactions. During the

inflammation, more amount of complements reaches to the interstitial area of the infected tissue
through dilated blood vessels, which are then activated by proteolytic cleavage; this exposes the
active site of the complements.

Complements are mainly denoted by the capital letter C with numbers; like, C1, C2, C3,
and so on. Some have only alphabet, like, B, D. Some are simply represented by names, like,
homologous restriction factor.
C1 has three sub-units; C1q, C1r and C1s. C2-C5 have two components, a and b. Larger
subunits are denoted by b whereas the smaller are denoted by a (except C2a, which is larger than

Complement Activation and cell lysis

The complement activation occurs via three pathways; which are:

1. Classical pathway
2. Alternative pathway
3. Lectin pathway (or mannose binding lectin pathway)

The early step of complement system varies in different pathways. However, all the pathways
form enzyme complexes; C3 convertase, which cleaves C3 into C3a and C3b; and the C5
convertase, which cleaves C5 into C5a and C5b.C3b, thus formed, binds C3 convertase to form
C5 convertase.

C5 convertase, generated by the alternative, classical, or lectin pathway, initiates the activation of
late components of the complement system to form membrane attack complex (MAC) and
ultimately kills the pathogen.

This occurs through three pathways; Classical pathway, activated by antigen-antibody

reaction, Alternative pathway, activated on microbial cell surfaces, and Mannose
binding Lectin pathway, activated by a plasma lectin that binds to mannose residues on microbes.

Classical Pathway

The classical pathway begins with the formation of antigen-antibody complex (immune
complex). When an antigen enters the body, the antibody (IgM/IgG) binds to it. This induces
conformational changes in the Fc portion of the antibody which exposes a binding site for C1
protein. Hence, the antibody activates the complement system only when bound to an antigen.

C1 is a large, multimeric, protein complex composed of one molecule of C1q and two molecules
each of C1r and C1s subunits. C1q binds to the antigen bound antibody (Fc portion). C1r and
C1s are proteases which help to cleave C4 and C2.
The immune complex bound to C1 calls another protein C4 which is cleaved into C4a and C4b.
C4a goes away whereas activated C4b attaches to the target surface near C1q. Now, C4b attracts
C2 which is also cleaved into C2a and C2b. C2a binds C4b forming the C4b2a complex whereas
C2b goes away. The active C4bC2a activates C3. The C4b2a complex is also known as C3
convertaseas this converts C3 into an active form by separating C3a and C3b. One molecule of
C4b2a can cleave a large number of C3 molecules. C3b binds to the microbial surface or to the
convertase itself.

C3b when binds to C3 convertase forms C4bC2aC3b (C5 convertase) which activates C5.

C5 convertase cleaves C5 into C5a and C5b. C5a diffuses away but C5b is stabilized by binding
C6. Then C5bC6 binds to C7. C5bC6C7 complex is then inserted into the phospholipid bilayer
of the cell membrane which further binds C8. These all (C5a678) activate C9 to form a
macromolecular structure called the membrane attack complex (MAC). This makes hole in the
bacterium, as a result, the intracellular contents leak out and unwanted substances get in. Thus,
the cell cannot maintain its osmotic stability and the lysis occurs by an influx of water and loss of

This is more effective in Gram negative bacteria than in Gram positive bacteria because MAC
formation is easy in the outer membrane in Gram negatives whereas it is difficult in the rigid
thick layer of peptidoglycan in Gram positives.

Some of the C3b molecules do not associate with C4b2a; instead these molecules coat immune
complexes or microbial cell surfaces and work as opsonins. This process is called opsonization in
which opsonin molecule binds one side to the particulate matter i.e. in bacteria, tumor cell, RBC
and on the other side they bind to the receptor of phagocytic cell(like, neutrophils and
macrophages) which enhance the process of phagocytosis.

Smaller complement subunits diffuse from the site and can initiate localized inflammatory
responses by binding to specific receptors.

Alternative Pathway
Unlike Classical pathway, alternative pathway, does not require Ag-Ab complex for the initiation
of complement pathway. It is initiated by cell surface constituents that are foreign to the host.
These surface molecules may be lipopolysaccharide, endotoxin, etc.

When a bacterium enters the host body, as a result of inflammation, complements reach towards
the site, where C3 molecules directly touch antigen and become active. In this pathway, serum
C3 containing an unstable thioester bond undergoes slow spontaneous hydrolysis to yield C3a
and C3b. C3b binds the surface of foreign cell and then binds to another serum protein called
factor B. Now the factor B exposes the site which serves as the substrate for enzymatically active
serum protein D. Then factor D cleaves B into Ba and Bb forming C3 convertase (C3bBb). C3
convertase then forms C5 convertase which ultimately forms a MAC as in classical pathway.

Mannose binding Lectin (MBL) Pathway

Some bacteria can activate complement system without having antibody and endotoxin. This
occurs through MBL pathway which is activated when circulating lectin (MBL) binds to
mannose residues on glycoproteins or carbohydrates on the surface of microorganisms.
Microorganisms inducing MBL pathway are bacteria, such as Salmonella, Listeria, and Neisseria
strains, some fungi and some viruses including HIV-1. MBL is an acute phase protein and its
concentration increases during inflammation. The lectin recognizes and binds the carbohydrate
of the target cell which then activates complements.

MBL pathway resembles classical pathway as it proceeds through the action of C4 and C2 to
produce activated proteins of the complement system. MBL works same as C1q which it
resembles in structure.

After the MBL binds to carbohydrate residues on the surface of a cell or pathogen, two
components, MASP-1 and MASP-2 bind to MBL. MASP stands for MBL-associated serine
proteases. Two proteases form a tetrameric complex similar to the one formed by C1r and C1s
and cleaves C4 and C2 forming C3 convertase. The process now continues to form of C5
convertase and the MAC as in classical pathway.

Functions of Complements

Some major functions of complements are:

Opsonization and phagocytosis

C3b, bound to immune complex or coated on the surface of pathogen, activate phagocytic cells.
These proteins bind to specific receptors on the phagocytic cells to get engulfed.

Cell lysis

Membrane attack complex formed by C5b6789 components ruptures the microbial cell surface
which kills the cell.


Complement fragments attract neutrophils and macrophages to the area where the antigen is
present. These cell surfaces have receptors for complements, like C5a, C3a, thus, run towards the
site of inflammation, i.e. chemotaxis.

Activation of mast cells and basophils and enhancement of inflammation

The proteolytic complement fragments, C5a, C4a, and C3a induce acute inflammation by
activating mast cells and neutrophils. All three peptides bind to mast cells and induce
degranulation, with the release of vasoactive mediators such as histamine. These peptides are
also called anaphylatoxins because the mast cell reactions they trigger are characteristic of
anaphylaxis. Binding to specific complement receptors on cells of the immune system, they
trigger specific cell functions, inflammation, and secretion of immunoregulatory molecules.

Production of antibodies

B cells have receptor for C3b. When C3b binds to B-cell, it secretes more antibodies. Thus C3b
is also an antibody producing amplifiers which converts it into an effective defense mechanism
to destroy invading microorganism.

Immune clearance

The complement system removes immune complexes from the circulation and deposits them in
the spleen and liver. Thus it acts as anti-inflammatory function. Complement proteins promote
the solubilization of these complexes and their clearance by phagocytes.
Complement regulation

The complement system has the potential to be extremely damaging to host tissues; hence
regulatory mechanisms are required to restrict the complement pathway. Various plasma and cell
membrane proteins regulate complement activation by inhibiting different steps in the cascade.

The membrane of most mammalian cells has a high level of sialic acid, which contributes to the
inactivation of complements.

Complement related Diseases

Diseases associated with complements can be due to the deficiencies in any of the protein
components or in regulatory components.

Some examples of complement protein deficiencies are:

Deficiency of C2 and C4 can cause systemic lupus erythematosus; deficiency of C3 and factor D
can cause pyogenic bacterial infection; and deficiency of C5-C9 (or MAC deficiency) may lead
to the Neisserial infections like, gonorrhea and meningitis.

Deficiencies of regulatory proteins lead to too much activation of complements in wrong time
and place which leads to unwanted inflammation and cell lysis. Pyogenic bacterial infection and
glomerulonephritis are the results of such deficiencies.

Mutations in the complement regulators factors may lead to atypical hemolytic uremic
syndrome, age-related macular degeneration, hereditary angioedema, etc.

Complement system can also be stimulated by abnormal stimuli, like persistent microbes,
antibody against self antigens or immune complexes deposited in tissues. Even when the system
is properly regulated and activated, it can cause significant tissue damage.

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