Lab1 Shell Interface

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Computer  Systems  Engineering  
Week  1:  Lab  1  (25  marks)  
Objective: Create a Shell Interface using Java or C

This lab exercise is to write a Java or C program to build an user shell interface. The interface accepts
user commands and then create new process to execute the inserted command.

A shell interface provides the user with a prompt, after which the user enters the next command. The
example below illustrates the prompt jsh> for java ( csh> for C) and the user’s next command: cat This command displays the file on the terminal using the UNIX cat command.

jsh> cat

csh> cat Prog.c

Perhaps the easiest technique for implementing a shell interface is to have the program first read what the
user enters on the command line (here, cat and then create a separate external process that
executes the command.

The Java and C program that provides the basic operations of a command-line shell is given in starting
code. The main() method presents the prompt jsh> (for java shell) or csh> (for C shell) and waits to read
input from the user.

This lab is organized into three questions: (1) creating the external process and executing the command
in that process, (2) modifying the shell to allow changing directories, and (3) adding a history feature.

Q1: Creating an External Process (5 marks)

The first part of this project is to modify the main() method of the given program so that an external
process is created and executes the command specified by the user. Initially, the command must be parsed
into separate parameters and passed to ProcessBuilder object. For example, if the user enters the
jsh> cat

the parameters are (1) cat and (2), and these parameters can be passed through .command() in
ProcessBuilder class. For example:

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();

Process p = pb.start();

If the user enters an invalid command, the start() method in the ProcessBuilder class throws an If this occurs, your program should output an appropriate error message and resume
waiting for further commands from the user.


• You can assume that the commands will not be more than 8000 characters.
• You can assume that the commands will not have escaped whitespaces or whitepace within
quotes. (e.g. mkdir “some dir”, mkdir some\ dir)

Suggested Function JAVA:

Function Class which function belongs to

.command() ProcessBuilder
.start() ProcessBuilder
.getMessage() Exception
.getInput Stream() Process
.readline() BufferedReader

Test Command JAVA:

jsh> ls -l
jsh> mkdir sampleFolder
jsh> ls
jsh> wronginput


Suggested Function C:

Function Use for What Needed headers

main() the core of every program and it is #include <stdio.h>
required in each c program #include<stdlib.h>

fget To take input from user

system Execute command
Test Command C:

csh> ls -l
csh> mkdir sampleFolder
csh> ls
csh> wronginput

Test output example:

Q2: Changing Directories (10 marks)

The next task is to modify the program in Q1 so that it changes directories. In UNIX systems, we
encounter the concept of the current working directory (pwd), which is simply the directory you are
currently in. The cd command allows a user changing current directory. Your shell interface must support
this command. For example, if the current directory is /usr/tom and the user enters cd music, the current
directory becomes /usr/tom/music. Subsequent commands relate to this current directory. For example,
entering ls will output all the files in /usr/tom/music.

When the start() method of a subsequent process is invoked, the new process will use this as the current
working directory. For example, if one process with a current working directory of /usr/tom invokes the
command cd music, subsequent processes must set their working directories to /usr/tom/music before
beginning execution; then if the new directory invokes the command cd .. , the working directory will
back to its parent directory /usr/tom. It is important to note that your program first make sure the new path
being specified is a valid directory. If not, your program should output an appropriate error message. If
the user enters the command cd, change the current working directory to the user’s home directory.


• The “..”, “.”, and “~” shorthands for the parent, current and home directories respectively should
be supported.


The ProcessBuilder class provides the following method for setting the working directory:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
Process p = pb.start();

The home directory for the current user can be obtained by invoking .getProperty() method in the System
class as follows:


Suggested Function:

Function Class which function belongs to

.directory()   ProcessBuilder
.getProperty()  System   System
.isDirectory()  File   File
.getAbsolutePath()  File   File
.getParent()  File   File
.separator  File   File

Test Command:

jsh> pwd
jsh> cd ..
jsh> pwd
jsh> cd myfolder
jsh> pwd
jsh> cd unknowfolder


For C:

The C language provides the following function to change the current working directory: int chdir(const
char *path);

Suggested Function:

Function Use for Needed headers

strtock   Parsing the command #include<string.h>
chdir   Change directory #include<unistd.h>  
Test Command:

csh> pwd
csh> cd ..
csh> pwd
csh> cd myfolder
csh> pwd
csh> cd unknowfolder

Test output example:

Q3: Adding a History Feature (10 marks)

Many UNIX shells provide a history feature that allows users to see the history of commands they have
entered and to rerun a command from that history. The history includes all commands that have been
entered by the user since the shell was invoked. For example, if the user entered the history command and
saw as output:

1 pwd
2 ls -l
3 cat

The history would list pwd as the first most recent command entered, ls -l as the second most recent
command, and so on. Modify your shell program so that commands are entered into a history.
Your program must allow users to rerun commands from their history by supporting the following three

1. When the user enters the command history, you will print out the contents of the history of commands
that have been entered into the shell, along with the command numbers. The history list should be able
to hold at least 10 most recent commands.
2. When the user enters !!, run the previous command in the history. If there is no previous command,
output an appropriate error message.
3. When the user enters <integer value i>, run the ith most recent command in the history. For example,
entering 3 would run the third most recent command in the command history.


• You will only need to store valid commands (excluding “history”, “!!” and
“<integer value i>”) in the history list.
• The commands can have consecutive tabs and spaces as whitespace, along with leading and
trailing whitespace.
Make sure you perform proper error checking to ensure that the integer value is a valid number in the
command history.

Suggested Function JAVA:

Function Class which function belongs to

.insertElementAt()   Vector<>
.addElementAt()   Vector<>
. substring String

Test Command:

jsh> ls -l
jsh> pwd
jsh> history
jsh> !!
jsh> 1
jsh> 10


Suggested Function C:

Function User for Needed headers

malloc()   Dynamic memory allocation
strcmp   Compare two strings
strcpy Copy between strings
atoi Convert string to integer #include<ctype.h>

Test Command:

csh> ls -l
csh> pwd
csh> history
csh> !!
csh> 1
csh> 10
Test output example:

Notes for Java:

• Rename the “” as “”

• How to compile your java code?


• How to execute?

java SimpleShell


Notes for C:

• To build and compile your code using gcc, you need to use the command as the

gcc yourCode.c –o yourCode

• Then for the execution:



Lab1 submission:

Submit your Java/ C source code (modified from the starting code) which contains all the
functions in Q1&Q2&Q3 and a doc/pdf file (illustrate your interface result for in Q1&Q2&Q3)
to eDimension before next Lab

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