Personality Assessor - IPIP-300 Personality Test

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11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test

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IPIP-300 Personality Test

Your Results:
This personality test examined how you score on the Big Five Personality Dimensions. In addition,
each of the Big Five Personality Dimensions can be broken into several smaller facets, or sub-
components. Your scores, based on your responses, are listed below.

Big Five Personality Dimensions

Extraversion - 36th percentile - low

Agreeableness - 62nd percentile - high

Conscientiousness - 94th percentile - extremely high

Neuroticism - 91st percentile - extremely high

Openness - 68th percentile - high

The Big Five personality dimensions are broad personality traits that describe the
majority of ways that people can differ from each other. What does this mean?

Each of the Big-Five personality dimensions contains several smaller "facets." What
is a facet?

Extraversion - 36th percentile - low

You are low in extraversion. Extraverts are sociable, like to take risks,and feel lots of
positive emotions. The six facets of extraversion are: 1/9
11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test

Activity - 82nd percentile - very high

You prefer very high levels of activity, such as being on the go and
staying busy.

Assertiveness - 28th percentile - low

There're low chances that you'll take charge and lead others.

Cheerfulness - 12th percentile - very low

You experience very low levels of happiness, joy, and other positive

Excitement Seeking - 66th percentile - high

You like to seek high levels of thrills.

Friendliness - 40th percentile - low

You're low in your desire to be around other people and show an

interest in their lives.

Gregariousness - 24th percentile - very low

You're very low in flocking toward other people and being talkative and
sociable around them.

Extraversion score not equal to the average of its facets?


Agreeableness - 62nd percentile - high

You are high in agreeableness. Highly agreeable people tend to do whatever it takes
to have positive relationships with other people. The six facets of agreeableness are:

Altruism - 86th percentile - very high

You are very high in generally wanting to be good to other people,

including helping them when they need it.

Cooperation - 60th percentile - about average

There are about average chances that you'll try to get along with other

Modesty - 36th percentile - low

You have low levels of modesty. Modest people don't like to brag or
show off, because those types of behaviors can be harmful to

Morality - 92nd percentile - extremely high

Sticking to the rules and treating everyone fairly is of extremely high

value to you. 2/9
11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test

Sympathy - 76th percentile - very high

You have very high levels of sympathy for other people, which includes
caring about them and wanting what's best for them.

Trust - 6th percentile - extremely low

You're extremely low in believing that other people are generally good
and not out to harm you.


Conscientiousness - 94th percentile - extremely high

You are extremely high in conscientiousness. Highly conscientious people are

diligent, hard-working, and responsible. The six facets of conscientiousness are:

Achievement Striving - 87th percentile - very high

You have very high desires to work hard and get ahead.

Cautiousness - 81st percentile - very high

The odds are very low that you'll just jump into things without really
thinking them through. You spend very high amounts of time planning
what to do.

Dutifulness - 89th percentile - very high

You're very high in sticking to your word, keeping your promises, and
upholding your obligations.

Orderliness - 86th percentile - very high

You prefer very high levels of cleanliness and order in your


Self-Discipline - 95th percentile - extremely high

You have extremely high self-discipline—which is the ability to get to

work quickly, stay focused, and avoid distractions or procrastination.

Self-Efficacy - 78th percentile - very high

When you need to do something, you have very high ability to get it
done and do it well (or maybe more accurately, you believe that your
ability is very high).

Neuroticism - 91st percentile - extremely high 3/9
11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test

You are extremely high in neuroticism, which means that you experience extremely
high levels of negative emotions, like anger, fear, and stress. The six facets of
neuroticism are:

Anger - 74th percentile - high

Your levels of anger and irritability are high.

Anxiety - 93rd percentile - extremely high

Compared with other people, you have extremely high stress, fears,
and worries about the future.

Depression - 94th percentile - extremely high

This is NOT "clinical depression." This score simply tells you that,
compared with other people, you feel extremely high amounts of
sadness and like yourself to a extremely low degree.

Immoderation - 21st percentile - very low

You have very high self-control when it comes to resisting temptations;

there are very low chances that you'll give into your desires and binge
(on shopping, eating, drinking, or whatever your vices are).

Note that self-discipline (a facet of conscientiousness) deals with your

ability to focus your attention on accomplishing goals, whereas
immoderation refers to your ability to resist temptations.

Self-Consciousness - 80th percentile - very high

You like to draw very low levels of attention to yourself, and feel very
high amounts of unease when interacting with others socially
(especially strangers).

Vulnerability - 99th percentile - extremely high

The chances that you'll be overwhelmed by difficult circumstances are

extremely high. Notice that this is different from anxiety (which refers to
general stress- and fear-proneness) and self-efficacy (a facet of
conscientiousness that reflects your confidence in your ability to
accomplish tasks). Vulnerability specifically refers to your propensity to
feel overwhelmed by difficult situations.

Openness to Experience

Openness to Experience - 68th percentile - high

You are high in openness to experience. Openness is a broad, diffuse personality

dimension with many seemingly very different facets. In general, highly open people
like a variety of new experiences, whether physical, emotional, intellectual, or
cultural. The six facets of openness are:

Adventurousness - 94th percentile - extremely high

Your prefer extremely high amounts of variety and new experiences in

your life (i.e., you have extremely high openness to new experiences). 4/9
11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test

Artistic Interests - 86th percentile - very high

You have very high love for art, music, and culture (i.e., you have very
high openness to aesthetic experiences).

Emotionality - 81st percentile - very high

Your attunement to your own and others' emotions is very high.

Whereas cheerfulness and excitement seeking (facets of extraversion)
capture your propensity to feel positive emotions and neuroticism
captures your propensity to feel negative emotions, emotionality
refers to your overall openness to/desire to truly feel emotions.

Imagination - 40th percentile - low

You have low imagination (i.e., you have low openness to experiences
of the imagination).

Intellect - 30th percentile - low

Your desire to play with ideas, reflect on philosophical concepts, and

have deep discussions is low (i.e., you have low openness to
intellectual experiences).

Liberalism - 21st percentile - very low

Your political liberalism is very low (conversely, your political

conservatism is very high). This is a facet of openness to experience
because liberals tend to desire progressive change, whereas
conservatives tend to prefer less political change.

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11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test

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19 Comments Sort by Oldest

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Tiggy Sagar
On all othr tests I've come out as high on extraversion,
including other Big Five tests! I like to be around people a lot,
just not crowds or big parties.
Like · Reply · Apr 14, 2014 12:57am

Candace Hyde-wang ·
Berkeley, California
Really interesting!
Like · Reply · Jun 9, 2014 5:23am

David Jay ·
It's a nicely laid out graphic you get at the end. However this
test is only really as good as your own honesty and self
knowledge If you don't understand yourself or are self deluding 6/9
11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test
knowledge. If you don t understand yourself or are self deluding
you won't get a true result anyway.
Like · Reply · 16 · May 25, 2015 8:00am

Lyra Ramos Veleña

even though it takes time to answer those 300+ . It's really a
good feeling when you're done and most of the results are okay
with me
Like · Reply · Jul 10, 2016 3:30pm

Emily Kathleen Grooms ·

Graduate Assistant at Western Illinois University
I've been an artist for as long as I can remember, and am a few
months away from obtaining my bachelors in studio art, and
according to this test I am low in the appreciation of the arts,
with an extremely low imagination...
Like · Reply · 6 · Aug 22, 2016 11:39pm

Kevin Ledbetter
It gave me a low average for love of art. Art is one of
my favorite things. hmmm
Like · Reply · 4 · May 19, 2017 1:13am

Vladimir Kulchitsky ·
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kevin Ledbetter Same here. I think it compares your
score with other people on the test who all love art
much more than the average person.
Like · Reply · Aug 25, 2017 8:23pm

Tony Sånsønë III

Emily, I took one of these tests not too long ago and it
placed me in the 1st percentile of politeness. Teachers
and bosses have literally written in reports and
assessments about me being especially polite. It’s
important to remember that these tests have been
devised by human beings.
Like · Reply · Oct 24, 2017 8:45am

Lori Cagle
As with all of these tests, there's little room for nuance. I have
very high interest in some kinds of adventure, but not in others.
I am very quick to task when I like what I'm working on--not so
much when I think what I'm doing is worthless. Tests like this
measure none of that.
Like · Reply · 6 · Nov 27, 2016 4:12am

Merlene Cover ·
Pine Bush High School
I agree with most Jehovah understands me completley! 7/9
11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test
I agree with most. Jehovah understands me completley!
Like · Reply · 1 · Feb 23, 2017 6:36pm

John Kenneth Santos ·

Far Eastern University
Unparalleled test with good results.

Like · Reply · Mar 1, 2017 3:49am

Fiya Tahiyat Nawaz

The Big 5 test is less insighful than MBTI is when MBTI is
informing you about your functions, since you're understanding
or getting more insight to your thought process. Maybe the stuff
on Big 5 wasn't articulately explained here? But with this vague
outlook of things I already know and which isn't helping me, I'm
more inclined to rely on cognitive function of MBTI more.
Like · Reply · 2 · May 28, 2017 5:04pm · Edited

Gustavo Jesus ·
Senhora Da Hora, Porto, Portugal
The MBTI functions are kind of shady in theory. There
are many gaps in it's logic, and it's easy sweep under
the floor with it.
Like · Reply · 1 · May 14, 2017 2:57pm

Fiya Tahiyat Nawaz

Gustavo Jesus Then they should discuss that on this
site. They don't touch the subject, and every person
who calls the cognitive functions shady can't bother to
articulate or hold a proper debate.

It's 'shady' because it's still incomplete and needs more

finetuning, but it's still onto something and just looking
at the functions can help quite a lot of people
understand their thought processing much better. But
again, I understand it isn't perfect yet. Enneagram is
better and more refined than MBTI currently, and that
being so shouldn't make the function theory or work

But go ahead, point out the 'gaps in it's logic' in the

Like · Reply · 1 · May 28, 2017 5:02pm

Rodrigo Antonio Sosa ·

New York (oraș)
Fiya Tahiyat Nawaz I would say the gaps are not in the
theory or "logic" of the Myers-Briggs. Jungian theory is
incredibly rich and interesting. The MBTI really was the
best attempt at formulating a personality test that is still 8/9
11/7/2017 Personality Assessor | IPIP-300 Personality Test

in rooted in some kind of theory.

The Big 5 (and this test as well) was not formulated

with any theory in mind, in fact scientists still struggle to
explain why there should be 5 factors or explain how
they came about. The advantage of these tests,
however, is that they were formulated with statistical
integrity as a priority. What is being measured in this
tests is ... See More
Like · Reply · 2 · Jun 27, 2017 4:55am

Donna Michele Fernstrom ·

Author at Donna Fernstrom
I think there are some issues with the questions relating to
altruism. I received a very low score on this, but have devoted
very large amounts of my time to teaching, giving advice and
aiding others, for no other reason than that I enjoy it. This
seems to be unconnected to the fact that I generally don't like

Additionally, the claim is that I like a disorderly environment. I

don't. I create one, but that doesn't mean I like or prefer it. I
actually much prefer a tidy and orderly environment, I simply
have trouble creating one.

You may want to consider the questions you're asking, and

whether they are worded appropriately to produce accurate
conclusions on these subjects.
Like · Reply · 4 · Mar 29, 2017 9:41pm

Emma Charlotte ·
Eastern Michigan University
It's an empirically validated test, they can't just change
the questions.
Like · Reply · 3 · Apr 1, 2017 3:30am

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