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ASHRAE Units and Conversions

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Table 1 Conversions to I-P and SI Units

(Multiply I-P values by conversion factors to obtain SI; divide SI values by conversion factors to obtain I-P)

Multiply I-P By To Obtain Sl Multiply I-P By To Obtain Sl

acre (43560 ft2) . 0.4047 ha in ·Ibr (torque or moment) 113 mN'm
4046.873 m2 in2................................................. 645.16 mm2
atmosphere (standard) . *101.325 kPa in3 (volume) 16.3874 mL
bar . *100 kPa inl/min (SCIM)............................. 0.273117 mLis
barrel (42 U.S. gal, petroleum) . 159.0 L in3 (section modulus) 16387 mm3
0.1580987 m3 in4 (section moment) 416231 mm4
Btu (International Table) . 1055.056 J kWh *3.60 MJ
Btu (thermochemical) . 1054.350 J kW/1000 cfm.. 2.118880 kJ/m3
Btu/ft2 (International Table) . 11,356.53 J/m2 kilopond (kg force) 9.81 N
Btu/ftl (International Table) . 37,258.95 I J/m3 kip (1000 Ibr) 4.45 kN
Btu/gal..... . . 278,717.1765 J/m3 kip/in2 (ksi) 6.895 MPa
Btu' ft/h· ft2. OF . 1.730735 W/(m'K) litre *0.001 ml
Btu' inlh' ft2. of (thermal conductivity 0.1442279 k) . W/(m'K) met 58.15 W/m2
Btu/h.. . 0.2930711 . W micron (l!m) of mercury (60°F)..... 133 mPa
Btulh· ft2 . 3.154591 W/m2 mile .... 1.609 km
Btulh·ft2. OF(overall heat transfer coefficient U) 5.678263 W/(m2·K) mile, nautical........................ .... *1.852 km
Btu/lb . *2.326 kJ/kg mile per hour (mph)......................................... 1.609344 kmth
Btullb·oF (specific heat cp) . *4.1868 kJ/(kg' K) ..................... 0.447 m/s
bushel (dry, U.S.) . 0.0352394 m3 millibar *0.100 kPa
ca lorie (thermochem ical) . *4.184 J mm of mercury (60°F) 0.133 kPa
centipoise (dynamic viscosity l!) . *1.00 mPa's mm of water (60°F) 9.80 Pa
centistokes (kinematic viscosity v) . *1.00 mm2/s ounce (mass, avoirdupois) 28.35 g
clo , . 0.155 (m2·K)1W ounce (force or thrust) 0.278 N
dyne....................... . . 1.0 x 10-5 N ounce (liquid, U.S.) 29.6 mL
dyne/cm2 . *0.100 Pa ounce inch (torque, moment)............................ 7.06 mN'm
EDR hot water (150 Btu/h) . 43.9606 W ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon 7.489152 kg/ml
EDR steam (240 Btulh) . 70.33706 W perm (permeance at 32°F) 5.72135 x 10-11 kg/CPa . s· m2)
EER.. . . 0.293 COP perm inch (permeability at 32°F) 1.45362 x 10-12 kg/(Pa' s· m)
ft . *0.3048 m pint (liquid, U.S.).................. 4.73176 x 10--4 ml
*304.8 mm pound
ftlm in, fpm . *0.00508 m/s Ib (avoirdupois, mass)... 0.453592 kg
ftls, IPs . *0.3048 m/s ......................... 453.592 g
ft of water . 2989 Pa Ibr(force or thrust)........ 4.448222 N
ft of water per 100 ft pipe . . 98.1 Palm Ibr/ft (uniform load)........ 14.59390 N/m
ft2 ..............................•...•...............................•.... 0.092903 m2 Ib/ft·h (dynamic viscosity l!)............... 0.4134 mPa's
ft2'h' °FIBtu (thermal resistance R) 0.176110 (m2. K)/W Ib/ft·s (dynamic viscosity ,I) 1490 mPa's
ft2/s (kinematic viscosity v) . 92,900 mm2/s Ibr's/ft2 (dynamic viscosity l!) 47.88026 Pa's
ft) . 28.316846 L Ib/h 0,000126 kg/s
0.02832 m3 Ib/min 0.007559 kg/s
ftl/min, cfm . . 0.471947 Lis Ib/h [stcam at 212°F (100°C)] 0.2843 kW
ftl/s, cfs . 28.316845 Lis Ibr/ft2.. 47.9 Pa
ft'lbr (torque or moment) . 1.355818 N'm Ib/ft2. ....................•..... 4.88 kg/m2
ft'lbr (work)................. . . 1.356 J Ib/ft3 (density, p).. 16.0 kg/m)
ft'lbr/lb (specific energy) . 2.99 J/kg Ib/gallon................... 120 kg/ml
ft 'Ibr/min (power) . 0.0226 W ppm (by mass) .. *1.00 mg/kg
footcand Ie . 10.76391 Ix psi 6.895 kPa
gallon (U.S., *231 in3) , . 3.785412 L quad (1015 Bill)........... 1.055 EJ
gph : . 1.05 mLis quart (liquid, U.S.)................................ 0.9463 L
gpm . 0.0631 Lis square (100 ft2) 9.29 m2
gpm/ft2 . 0.6791 LI(s'm2) tablespoon (approximately) 15 mL
gpm/ton refrigeration . 0.0179 mLlJ tcaspoon (approximately) 5 mL
grain (1/7000 Ib) . 0.0648 g therm (U.S.) 105.5 MJ
gr/gal................................. . . 17.1 g/ml ton, long (2240 Ib) 1.016 Mg
gr/lb , . 0.143 g/kg ton, short (2000 Ib) 0.907 Mg; t (tonne)
horsepower (boiler) (33 470 Btu/h) . 9.81 kW ton, refrigeration (12 000 Btuth) 3.517 kW
horsepower (550 ft·lbrls) . 0.7457 kW torr (I mm Hg at O°C) 133 Pa
inch . *25.4 mm walt per square foot.......................................... 10.76 W/m2
in. of mercury (60°F) . 3.37 kPa yd *0.9144 m
in. of water (60°F) . 249 Pa yd2.................... 0.8361 m2
in/IOO ft, thermal expansion . 0.833 mm/m yd3....................................... 0.7646 m)

To Obtain I-P By Divide Sl To Obtain I-P By Divide SI

*Convcrsion factor is exact.
Noles: I. Units are U,S. values unless noted otherwise.
2. Litre is a speeial name for the eubie deeimetre. 1 L = 1 dm3 and I mL = 1 cm3
Table 2 Conversion Factors

Pressure in. of water in.Hg mmHg

psi (60°F) (32°F) atmosphere (32°F) bar kgf/cm2 pascal
I = 27.708 = 2.0360 = 0.068046 = 51.715 = 0.068948 = 0.07030696 = 6894.8
0.036091 1 0.073483 2.4559 x 10-3 1.8665 2.4884 x 10-3 2.537 x 10-3 248.84
0.491154 13.609 I 0.033421 25.400 0.033864 0.034532 3386.4
14.6960 407.19 29.921 I 760.0 1.01325* 1.03323 1.01325 x 105*
0.0193368 0.53578 0.03937 1.31579 x 10-3 1 1.3332 x 10-3 1.3595 x 10-3 133.32
14.5038 401.86 29.530 0.98692 750.062 I 1.01972* 105*
14.223 394.1 28.959 0.96784 735.559 0.980665* I 9.80665 x 104*
1.45038 x 10--4 4.0186 x 10-3 2.953 x 10--4 9.8692 x 10--6 7.50 x 10-3 10-5* 1.01972 x 10-5* I

Ib (avoir.) grain ounce (avoir.) kg

I = 7000* = 16* = 0.45359
1.4286 x 10--4 1 2.2857 x 10-3 6.4800 x 10-5
0.06250 437.5* 1 0.028350
2.20462 1.5432 x 104 35.274 I

cubic inch cubic foot gallon litre cubic metre (m3)

I = 5.787 x 10--4 = 4.329 x 10-3 = 0.0163871 = 1.63871 x 10-5
1728* I 7.48052 28.317 0.028317
231.0* 0.13368 1 3.7854 0.0037854
61.02374 0.035315 0.264173 1 0.001 *
6.102374 x 104 35.315 264.173 1000* I

joule (J) =
Energy Btu ft'lbf calorie (cal) watt-second (W·s) watt-hour (W' h)
Note: MBtu, which is 1 778.17 = 251.9958 = 1055.056 = 0.293071
1000 Btu. is confusing 1.2851 x 10-3 I 0.32383 1.355818 3.76616 x 10--4
and is not used in the 3.9683 x 10-3 3.08803 I 4.1868* 1.163 x 10-3*
Handbook. 9.4782 x 10-4 0.73756 0.23885 1 2.7778 x 10-4
3.41214 2655.22 859.85 3600* 1

Ib/ft3 Ib/gal g/cm3 kg/m3

OJ 1 = 0.133680 = 0.016018 16.018463
-i/i 7.48055 1 0.119827 119.827
.2 62.4280 8.34538 I 1000*
0.0624280 0.008345 0.001* I

~ Specific Volume ft3/lb gal/lb cm3/g m3/kg

I 7.48055 62.4280 0.0624280
0.133680 1 8.34538 0.008345
0.016018 0.119827 I 0.001 *
16.018463 119.827 1000' I

1 poise = 1 dyne-sec/cm2 = 0.1 Pa·s = 1 g/(cm's)

Ibe"s/ft2 Ibe"h/ft2 kg/(m's) = N's/m2 Ibn/ft·s
'I 2.0885 x 10-3 5.8014 x 10-7 0.1 * 0.0671955
478.8026 I 2.7778 x 10--4 47.88026 32.17405
1.72369 x 106 3600* 1 1.72369 x 105 1.15827 x 105
10* 0.020885 5.8014 x 10-6 I 0.0671955
14.8819 0.031081 8.6336 x 10-6 1.4882 1

Temperature Temperature Temperature Interval

Scale K °C OR OF K 0C OR OF
Kelvin xK= x x-273.15 1.8x 1.8x - 459.67 IK= I 9/5 = 1.8 9/5 = 1.8
Celsius xOC= x + 273.15 x 1.8x + 491.67 1.8x + 32 IOC= I 9/5 = 1.8 9/5 = 1.8
Rankine xOR= x/1.8 (x - 491.67)/1.8 x x-459.67 IOR= 5/9 I 1
Fahrenheit xOF= (x + 459.67)/1.8 (x- 32)/1.8 x + 459.67 x I°F= 5/9 I 1
All temperature conversions and factors arc exact.
The term centigrade is obsolete and should not be used.

When making conversions. remember that a converted value is figures as those in the original value provides sufficient accuracy.
no more precise than the original value. For many applications. See ANSI Standard SI-IO-1997 (available from ASTM orIEEE)
rounding off the converted value to the same number of significant for additional conversions.

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