ASHRAE Units and Conversions
ASHRAE Units and Conversions
ASHRAE Units and Conversions
(Multiply I-P values by conversion factors to obtain SI; divide SI values by conversion factors to obtain I-P)
joule (J) =
Energy Btu ft'lbf calorie (cal) watt-second (W·s) watt-hour (W' h)
Note: MBtu, which is 1 778.17 = 251.9958 = 1055.056 = 0.293071
1000 Btu. is confusing 1.2851 x 10-3 I 0.32383 1.355818 3.76616 x 10--4
and is not used in the 3.9683 x 10-3 3.08803 I 4.1868* 1.163 x 10-3*
Handbook. 9.4782 x 10-4 0.73756 0.23885 1 2.7778 x 10-4
3.41214 2655.22 859.85 3600* 1
When making conversions. remember that a converted value is figures as those in the original value provides sufficient accuracy.
no more precise than the original value. For many applications. See ANSI Standard SI-IO-1997 (available from ASTM orIEEE)
rounding off the converted value to the same number of significant for additional conversions.