FEMA P-1051B Flowcharts

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2015 NEHRP Recommended

Seismic Provisions:
Design Examples
Flow Charts
FEMA P-1051B /September 2016

Inset Cover Photograph: Willard Marriott Library located on the campus of the University of Utah.
Credit: Kelly Petersen. Used with permission.

Chart 1.1

Overall Summary of Flow

Chart 1.2 Chart 1.5

Scope of Coverage SDC A

Chart 1.3 Chart 1.27

Application to Existing SDC B
Structures (NEHRP
Prov. Only)
Chart 1.4
Seismic Hazard Requirements

Chart 1.26 Chart 1.23 Chart 1.7 Chart 1.6 Chart 1.8
Nonstructural Nonbuilding Redundancy Structural Simplified
Components Structures Factor Design Design

For various analysis procedures, go to these charts:

ELF Analysis Chart 1.9
Soil Structure Interaction Chart 1.10 (Optional)
Modal Analysis Chart 1.11
Linear Response History Analysis Chart 1.12
Nonlinear Response History Analysis Chart 1.13
Seismically Isolated Structures Chart 1.14
Damped Structures Chart 1.15

Chart 1.16
Deformation Requirements

Chart 1.17
Design and Detailing

For various analysis procedures, go to these charts:

Steel Chart 1.18
Concrete Chart 1.19
Composite Chart 1.20
Masonry Chart 1.21
Wood Chart 1.22

Chart 1.24

Chart 1.25

1– 13

FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.2
Scope of Coverage

Determine if structure falls in scope

of the Standard (Sec. 11.1.2).

Is structure a vehicular bridge,

electrical transmission tower, Yes Standard not
hydraulic structure, buried utility applicable.
line, or nuclear reactor?

Is the use agricultural storage with Yes

No requirements.
only incidental human occupancy?

Determine S S and S1
(Sec. 11.4.1).

Yes Assign to Seismic

S1 ≤ 0.04 and
Design Category A.
S S ≤ 0.15?
Go to Chart 1.5.

Is the structure exempt Yes S S ≤ 0.4 or Yes

per Sec. 11.1.2? SDC A, B, or C?
No No

Wood frame dwelling with not

Yes No additional
more than 2 stories and
compliant with the IRC?

Is it an existing structure? Go to Chart 1.3.

Go to Chart 1.4.

1– 14


Chart 1.3

Application to Existing Structures

* Is addition structurally Only addition or alteration

Addition to existing structure
(Sec. 11B.2 and 11B.3).
independent from existing designed as new structure.
structure? Go to Chart 1.4.

Is any element's seismic force No

increased by more than 10% or its
seismic resistance decreased?
Do the affected elements still Yes
comply with the Standard?
Entire structure designed
as new structure.
Go to Chart 1.4.

Change of use
Change to higher No
No requirements.
(Sec. 11B.5).
Risk Category
Change from Occupancy
Category I or II to III
and S DS < 0.33?

Does alteration increase seismic
Alteration of existing
forces to or decrease design Yes
structure (Sec. 11B.4).
strength of existing structural
elements by more than 10 percent?
Such alteration
No not permitted.
Is seismic force on existing
structural elements increased
beyond their design strength?
Does alteration create a structural
irregularity or make an existing
irregularity more severe?
Is the design strength of
existing structural elements Yes
required to resist seismic
forces reduced? New structural elements and new
No or relocated nonstructural elements
must be detailed and connected as
required by the Standard.
* The Standard applies to existing structures only in the cases of additions to, changes of use in, and
alterations of such structures.

1– 15
FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.4
Seismic Hazard Requirements and Seismic Design Category
Determine Risk Category
(Sec. 1.5.1) and Importance Factor
(Sec. 11.5.1).

Using mapped acceleration parameters and risk

coefficients (from Fig. 22-1 through 22-8, or online Assign structure to Seismic
application), determine the Maximum Considered Design Category A.
Earthquake (MCER ) spectral response acceleration Go to Chart 1.5.
at short periods (S S ) and at 1 second (S1).

S S ≤ 0.15 and Yes

S1 ≤ 0.04?
Use max of site class C unless

Soil properties known in sufficient No
authority having jurisdiction determines

detail to determine Site Class?
that Site Class E or F is present at the site
(Sec. 11.4.2 & 11.4.3).
Classify the site (Ch. 20).

Yes Fulfill site limitation

Site Class E or F?
(Sec. 11.8.1).
Site Class E, Fa taken from Site Class C?
Site Class E, Ss ≥ 1.0? Yes Site Class D, Cs amplified per 11.4.7 exception 2?
Site Class D or E, S1  0.2? Site Class E, TTs, and equivalent static force
No procedure used for design?
S1 > 0.6 and seismically isolated Yes Perform ground motion hazard
or with damping system? analysis (Sec. 21.2).
Determine design response spectrum
Yes Perform site response
Site Class F? (Sec. 21.3) and design acceleration
analysis (Sec. 21.1).
No parameters (Sec. 21.4).
Adjust MCER acceleration parameters
for site class (Sec. 11.4.3).

Calculate design earthquake acceleration

parameters S DS and S D1 (Sec. 11.4.4).
Calculate design
Design response spectrum required Yes response spectrum
for the analysis to be used? (Sec. 11.4.5).
Determine Seismic Design
Category (Sec. 11.6).

Go to Chart 1.6 for Go to Chart 1.26 for

structural requirements. nonstructural components.
1– 16


Chart 1.5

Seismic Design Category A

Determine static lateral forces and

apply them independently in two
orthogonal directions (Sec. 1.4.2).

Provide a continuous lateral load path

and connect each smaller portion of the
structure to the remainder of the
structure with elements having a design
strength of at least 5 percent of the
portions weight (Sec. 1.4.1).

For each beam, girder, or truss, provide

positive connections with a design strength
of at least 5 percent of the dead plus live
load reaction for a horizontal force acting
parallel to the member (Sec. 1.4.3).

Opt to perform a more Yes

involved analysis? Go to Chart 1.6.

Classify the effects due to the loads

described above as E and combine with
the effects of other loads in accordance
with Sec. 2.6 (Sec. 1.4).


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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.6

Structural Design

Satisfy limitations of and choose to

use Simplified Design Procedure? Go to Chart 1.8.
Comply with the stated design basis
(Sec. 12.1).

Select the seismic force-resisting system based on the seismic design category
(including requirements for system limitations, height limits, combinations of framing
systems, dual systems, cantilevered column systems, and inverted pendulum systems,
as applicable) and note R, Ω0, and Cd for later use (Sec. 12.2 and Table 12.2-1).

Classify diaphragm flexibility (Sec. 12.3.1).

Examine plan and vertical regularity (Sec.
12.3.2) and meet minimum requirements for
irregular structures (Sec. 12.3.3).

Assign redundancy factor, ρ,

(per Sec. 12.3.4)
using Chart 1.7.

Requirements for special moment frame

Moment frame assigned to Seismic Yes
continuity (Sec. Note modified drift
Design Category D, E, or F?
limits for moment frames (Sec.
Determine seismic load effects
and load combinations applicable
to design (Sec. 12.4).

Determine applicable direction

of loading criteria (Sec. 12.5). Go to Chart 1.14.

Seismically isolated?
Select a permitted structural analysis procedure
No (Sec. 12.6). Determine effective seismic weight
Damping system? (Sec. 12.7.2), and model foundation (Sec.
Yes 12.7.1) and structure (Sec. 12.7.3), including
interaction effects (Sec. 12.7.4).

Go to Go to Chart Go to Chart Go to Chart 1.12 Go to Chart 1.13 for

Chart 1.15. 1.9 for ELF 1.11 for modal for linear response nonlinear response
analysis. analysis. history analysis. history analysis.

1– 18


Chart 1.7

Redundancy Factor

Yes Meet exceptions of

Perform linear analysis
with all elements

Yes Below X p is item b Define story X p above which

of Section no more than 35% of base
satisfied? shear is resisted

Extreme torsional Yes


Does the seismic force-resisting

Prioritize elements
Yes system comprise only shear walls No
based on highest force
or wall piers with a height-to-length
or force/story shear
ratio not greater than 1.0?

Select an element (below X p ) to

remove, and perform linear analysis
without that element

Extreme torsional Yes


Does the demand in any

remaining element (below X p )
increase by more than 50%?
Does plastic mechanism
analysis show that element Yes*
removal decreases story
strength by more than 33%?
Have all likely elements
No been considered?
ρ = 1.0 ρ = 1.3
* or not considered
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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.8

Simplified Design Procedure

Confirm limitations are met for applicability of

simplified design procedure (Sec.

Comply with the stated design basis (Sec. 12.14.2),

including interconnection (Sec.

Select the seismic force-resisting system (including

requirements for combinations of framing systems,
as applicable) and note R for later use (Sec. 12.14.4
and Table 12.14-1).

Classify diaphragm flexibility (Sec. 12.14.5).

Determine seismic load effects

and load combinations applicable
to design (Sec. 12.14.3).

Determine applicable direction of

loading criteria (Sec. 12.14.6).

Perform simplified lateral force

analysis (Sec. 12.14.8).

Satisfy deformation requirements


Design diaphragms, including appropriate

detailing at openings (Sec. and Provide collector elements to
transfer seismic forces (Sec.

Determine out-of-plane forces for design of structural

walls and their anchorage, interconnect wall elements,
and satisfy requirements for diaphragm crossties,
subdiaphragm aspect ratio, and detailing of wood or
metal deck diaphragms (Sec. and

For various materials, go to

these charts:
Steel Chart 1.18
Concrete Chart 1.19
Composite Chart 1.20
Masonry Chart 1.21
Wood Chart 1.22

1– 20


Chart 1.9

Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) Analysis

Determine fundamental period of vibration for the

structure, carefully noting the upper limit placed on
periods calculated from analytical models of the
structure (Sec. 12.8.2).

Determine the seismic response coefficient, C s,

and the total base shear (Sec. 12.8.1).

Consider Go to Chart 1.10 to

soil-structure-interaction? calculate reduced

(Optional) base shear.


Distribute the base shear to the stories

of the structure (Sec. 12.8.3).

To determine the internal forces, perform a linear elastic analysis with

an appropriate distribution of forces within stories due to the relative
lateral stiffnesses of vertical elements and diaphragms (Sec. 12.8.4).
Include inherent torsion (Sec. and amplified accidental torsion
(Sec. and Calculate the overturning effects caused
by seismic forces (Sec. 12.8.5).

Determine the story drifts. A re-analysis based upon

a period larger than the upper limit is permitted for
calculating deformations (Sec. 12.8.6).

Check the first order deformation for stability. If the stability

coefficient, θ , exceeds 0.10, redesign the structure or
demonstrate its stability using nonlinear static or nonlinear
response history analysis (Provisions Sec. 12.8.7).

Go to Chart 1.16.

1– 21

FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.10
Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)

Linear Analysis (ELF and MRSI Analysis, per

requirements of Sec. 19.1.1)

Determine effective period lengthening ratio,

(T/T)eff per Eq. 19.3-2, based on expected
ductility demand, μ (Sec . 19.3.2) rigid base
model period, T, and flexible base model period,
T (Sec. 19.1.3).

Determine radiation damping factor, βrd per Sec.

19.3.3 (Rectangular) or Sec. 19.3.4 (Circular)
foundation elements.

Determine soil hysteretic damping ratio, βs per site

specific study (Sec. 19.3.5), or per Table 19.3-3.

Uniform soft soils over a Yes Use Eq. 19.3-4 to modify

stiff deposit? soil hysteretic damping ratio.
Calculate effective damping using, β0 per Eq
19.3-1. Effective damping is not taken as more
than 20% of critical.

Is modal analysis used? Yes Is a site specific response spectrum Yes

(Sec. 12.9.1) used (or required to be used)?
No No
Adjust general reponse Adjust site specific spectrum
spectrum, Sa for effective for effective damping, β0
damping factor, BSSI (Sec. 19.3.2) in accordance
(Eq. 19.2-4) per Sec. with the requirements of Chapter 21.

Calculate reduced base shear,

Calculate reduced base shear, Vt,
V, per Eq. 19.2-1, which cannot
based on SSI modifed spectrum.
be less than αV (Sec 19.2.1).
(Sec. 19.2.2) Scale Vt per Sec.
12.9.4 replacing V for V per Sec
19.2.1. Vt cannot be less than
αVt (Eq. 19.2-3).

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Chart 1.11
Modal Response Spectrum Analysis

Use linear elastic analysis to determine periods and mode shapes,

including enough modes to obtain 100 percent mass participation.
Modes with periods less than 0.05 seconds may be represented in a
single rigid body mode having a period of 0.05 seconds. OR Determine
periods and mode shapes, including enough modes to obtain at least 90
percent mass participation in each orthogonal horizontal direction of
response considered. (Sec.

Consider Go to Chart 1.10 to

soil-structure-interaction? calculate reduced
(Optional) base shear.

Determine story forces, individual member forces,

displacements, and drifts in each mode (Sec.
and combine modal quantities using either the SRSS
or the CQC technique* (Sec.

Where the base shear is less than 100 percent of that computed using Sec. 12.8 with
T ≤ CuT a, amplify design forces by V/Vt (Sec. Where the base shear
is less than 100 percent of that computed using Sec. 12.8 with C s
determined using Eq. 12.8-6, amplify drifts by Cs* W/Vt (Sec.

To determine the internal forces, perform a linear elastic

analysis. Include inherent and accidental torsions. Amplify
torsions that are not in the dynamic model (Sec.

Check the first order deformation for stability (Sec.

If the stability coefficient, θ , exceeds 0.10, redesign the
structure or demonstrate its stability using nonlinear static or
nonlinear response history analysis (Sec. 12.8.7).

Go to Chart 1.16.

*As indicated in the text, use of the CQC technique is required where closely spaced periods
in the translational and torsional modes will result in cross-correlation of the modes.

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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.12

Linear Response History Analysis

Linear Response History

Analysis: Follow this
procedure (Sec. 12.9.2).

Model structure per response

history analysis procedure
requirements (Sec.

Select and scale ground motions using spectral matching over

0.8TLOWER to 1.2 TUPPER (Sec. Choose not less than
three pairs of spectrally matched orthogonal components.
Target response spectrum is per Sec. 11.4.5 or Sec. 21.3 as
applicable. Average of the 5% damped spectral ordinates
should not fall above or below the target spectrum by more
than 10% in each direction of response. See Sec. 17.3.3 for
period range of interest for seismically isolated structures and
structures with damping systems.

Scale analysis results so that the

maximum base shear is consistent
with that from the ELF procedure

Determine response parameters for

use in design as follows. Force based
values are enveloped (Maximum and
minimum force values are evaluated
per Sec.

Go to Chart 1.16.

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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.13
Nonlinear Response History Analysis

Nonlinear Response History Linear Analysis

Analysis: Follow this procedure In addition to nonlinear response history analysis,
(Ch. 16). a linear analysis in accordance with one of the
applicable procedures of Chapter 12 shall also be
performed. See charts 1.9, 1.11, and 1.12 and
Global modeling requirements are similar to those for section 16.1.2 for applicable exceptions.
other analyses. Modeling of hysteretic behavior of
elements must be consistent with ASCE41 or laboratory
test results and expected material properties (Sec. 16.3.1).

Define target response spectrum (Sec. 16.2.1), using either

single spectrum (Method 1, Sec or two or more
site-specific target response spectra (Method 2, Sec.

Consider Soil Structure Interaction? (Optional) Adjust response spectrum for foundation damping per
19.3 or other approved method. Kinematic effects are
No permitted per 19.4 or other approved methods. Site
specific response spectrum using kinematic interaction
shall not be taken as less than 80% of Sa per Sec. 21.3,
and not taken as less than 70% of Sa from design &
MCER spectrum per Sec 11.4.5 and 11.4.6.
Select & scale not less than eleven ground
motion histories (Sec. 16.2)

Nonlinear analyses must directly include dead

loads and live loads as specified in Sec. 16.3.2.

Use mean values for forces and displacements

from ground motion histories (Sec. 16.4.2).

Force controlled actions are evaluated per Sec., against the
expected component strength. Behaviors are evaluated based on
classification as critical, ordinary, or noncritical (Table 16.4-1).
Expected material properties are per Chapter 14 or per industry
standard using expected strengths from ASCE41.

Deformation controlled actions are evaluated per Sec.,

against drift limit factors specified in Table16.4-2, which vary
depending on member classification of critical or ordinary.
Acceptance criteria is per Collapse prevention performance level in
ASCE41, divided by the importance factor, Ie. Elements not part of
the gravity system shall have deflection compatibility (Sec.

Design must be subjected to independent review in accordance with Sec. 16.5.

Go to Chart 1.16.

Chart 1.14

Seismically Isolated Structures

Do the structure and Structure and site-isolation

No system meet the requirements of No
isolation system satisfy the
criteria of Sec. 17.4.1? Sec. 17.4.1, items 1,2,3,4 and 6?

Opt to perform Yes Opt to perform Yes Perform response-history

dynamic analysis? response-history analysis? analysis as described in
Sec. 17.6.
No No

Perform ELF analysis Perform modal analysis

(see Chart 1.9) and (see Chart 2.11) and satisfy
satisfy the provisions of the approprite provisions
Sec. 17.5. of Sec. 17.6.

Satisfy detailed requirements for isolation system (Sec.

17.2.4) and structural system (Sec. 17.2.5). Satisfy
requirements for elements of structures and nonstruc-
tural components (Sec. 17.2.6). Satisfy load effect and
load combination requirements (Sec. 17.2.7). Satisfy
isolation system properties requirements (Sec. 17.2.8).

Perform design review

(Sec. 17.7).

Satisfy testing Go to Chart 1.16.

(Sec. 17.8).

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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.15

Structures with Damping Systems

Is the structure located at a No

site with S1 < 0.6?

Do the structure and No Do the structure and No

damping system satisfy the damping system satisfy the
criteria of Sec. criteria of Sec.
Yes Yes

Opt to perform No Opt to perform No Perform nonlinear

ELF analysis? response-history analysis? response-history analysis
as described in Sec. 18.3.
Yes Yes

Perform ELF analysis Perform modal analysis

(see Chart 1.9) and (see Chart 1.11) and satisfy
satisfy the provisions of the appropriate provisions
Sec. 18.7.2. of Sec. 18.7.1.

Modify the response of the structure for the effects

of the damping system (Sec. 18.7.3). Calculate
the effective ductility demand (Sec.

Determine seismic load conditions and acceptance

criteria (Sec. 18.4). Satisfy general requirements for
damping system (Sec. and 18.2.5) and
structural system (Sec.

Perform design review

(Sec. 18.8).

Satisfy testing Go to Chart 1.16.

(Sec. 18.9).

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Chart 1.16

Deformation Requirements

Enter with story drifts from the analysis of seismic

force effects. These drifts must include the deflection
amplification factor, Cd , given in Table 12.2-1
(Sec. 12.2).

Compare with the limits established in Table 12.12-1,

including reduction by the redundancy factor for
systems with moment frames in Seismic Design
Category D, E, or F (Sec.

Confirm that diaphragm deflections

are not excessive (Sec. 12.12.2).

Separations between adjacent buildings

(including at seismic joints) must be sufficient
to avoid damaging contact (Sec. 12.12.3).

Consider deformation compatibility for Seismic Design

Category D, E, or F structural components that are not
part of the seismic force-resisting system (Sec. 12.12.4).

Go to Chart 1.17.

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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.17
Design and Detailing Requirements
Precast concrete diaphragm in SDC C,D,E, or F?

Precast concrete, cast-in place concrete, or wood Select diaphragm force reduction factor, Rs for
sheathed diaphragm in SDC B supported by wood shear and flexure controlled elements from Table
diaphragm framing? (Optional) 12.10-1 (Sec.

Determine diaphragm design forces, including application Determine diaphragm design forces
of overstrength (Sec. 12.4.3) to transfer forces for (Sec.
out-of-place offset irregularity, defined in Table 12.3-1
(Sec. Note exceptions for 1-2 family dwellings
of light framed construction. Design diaphragms, including appropriate
detailing at openings. Provide collector elements
to transfer seismic forces (Sec.
Design diaphragms, including appropriate detailing
at openings (Sec. 12.10.1). Provide collector
elements to transfer seismic forces (Sec. 12.10.2).
Determine out-of-plane forces for design of structural
walls and their anchorage, and interconnect wall
Determine out-of-plane forces for design of structural elements (Sec. 12.11.1 and 12.11.2).
walls and their anchorage, and interconnect wall
elements (Sec. 12.11.1 and 12.11.2).
Out-of-place offset irregularity No
Yes Seismic Design per Table 12.3-1?
Category B?
Increase transfer forces by overstrength factor
Apply overstrength factor to loads used in (Sec. 12.4.3) prior to adding to diaphragm inertial
design of collector elements, splices, and their forces (Sec.
connections (Sec.

Apply 1.5 factor to inertial forces from Sec. used

in design of collector elements, splices, and their
connections. See additional exceptions (Sec.
Use larger forces for wall anchorage to
flexible diaphragms (Sec.

Continuous diaphragm crossties required. Limit on subdiaphragm aspect ratio. Special

detailing for wood diaphragms, metal desk diaphragms, and embedded straps. Resolve
anhorage eccentricity and consider pilaster effects (Sec., with some exceptions
for light-frame construction (Provisions Sec. and

For nonbuilding structures, go to Chart 1.22.

For various materials, go to these charts:
Steel Chart 1.18
Concrete Chart 1.19
Composite Chart 1.20
Masonry Chart 1.21
1– 28
Wood Chart 1.22

Chart 1.18

Steel Structures

Seismic Design Yes

Category B or C?

No Using a "structural steel system

not specifically detailed for
seismic resistance?"

Select an R value from

From Provisions
Provisions Table 12.2-1 for the
Table 12.2-1, R = 3.
appropriate steel system.

The system must be designed and

detailed in accordance with
AISC 341 for structural steel Any of the reference documents
or in Provisions Sec. 14.1.1 may be
AISI S110 for cold-formed steel used for design.
AISI Lateral for light-framed,
cold-formed steel construction.

Provisions Sec. modifies AISC 341.

Provisions Sec. modifies AISI S110.
Sec. 14.1.5 applies to steel deck diaphragms.
14.1.6 applies to open web steel joists
and joist girders.
Sec. 14.1.7 applies to steel cables.
Sec. 14.1.8 sets forth additional detailing
requirements for steel piles in Seismic Design
Categories D, E, and F.

Go to Chart 1.24.

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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.19

Concrete Structures

Modifications to ACI 318 to add definitions and requirements

for detailed plain concrete structural walls, ordinary precast
structural walls, precast concrete diaphragms, and wall piers.
Additional requirements for intermediate precast structural
walls. Revision of requirements for ties at anchor bolts and for
size limits on anchors. (Provisions Sec. 14.2.2)

Requirements for concrete piles

in Seismic Design Category C, D,
E, or F (Provisions Sec. 14.2.3).

Requirements for precast concrete diaphragms

in Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F
(Provisions Sec. 14.2.4).

Go to Chart 1.24.

1– 30


Chart 1.20

Composite Steel and Concrete Structures

Select an R value from Table 12.2-1 for

the appropriate composite system.

The system must be designed and detailed in

accordance with the AISC 341 Parts I and II,
ACI 318 excluding Ch. 22, and AISC 360.

Go to Chart 1.24.

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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.21

Masonry Structures

Must construct in accordance

with TMS 402 and use materials
in conformance to TMS 602.

Clarifications for classification of shear

walls (Provisions Sec. 14.4.2) and
separation joints (Provisions Sec. 14.4.3).

Modifications to TMS 402 for splices, flanged

shear walls, stress increase, reinforcement details,
walls with high axial stress, coupling beams,
anchoring to masonry, shear keys, anchor bolts,
and corrugated sheet metal anchors (Provisions
Sec. 14.4.4 through 14.4.8).

Go to Chart 1.24.

1– 32


Chart 1.22

Wood Structures

Must satisfy quality, testing, design, and

construction requirements of AWC NDS
and AWC SDPWS (Sec. 14.5.1).

Additional requirements for end bearing of

columns and posts, continuity of wall top plates,
and detailing of walls at offsets (Sec. 14.5.2).

Go to Chart 1.24

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FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.23

Non-building Structures

Nonbuilding structure
supported by another
Is weight of
nonbuilding structure
less than 25 percent of Classify system, determine
combined weight of importance factor, and calculate
nonbuilding structure design forces per Sec. 15.4.
and supporting

Treat nonbuilding structure

as nonstructural component
(using Chart 1.26) and
design supporting structure
as a building or nonbuilding
structure (Sec. 15.3.1).

Dynamic response
Yes No
similar to that of
building structures?

Structures Similar to Buildings Structures Not Similar to Buildings

Specific provisions for: pipe racks; steel storage Specific provisions for: earth-retaining
racks; electrical power generating facilities; structures; stacks and chimneys; amusement
structural towers for tanks and vessels; and piers structures; special hydraulic structures;
and wharves (Sec. 15.5). secondary containment systems; steel tubular
supports for wind turbines; and ground
supported cantilever walls and fences (Sec.
15.6); and for tanks and vessels (Sec. 15.7)

Go to Chart 1.24.

1– 34


Chart 1.24


Satisy the design basis

(Sec. 12.1.5).

May opt to model foundation

load-deformation characteristics if
bounding analyses for foundation
stiffness are performed (Sec. 12.13.3).

May reduce foundation overturning

effects at soil-foundation interface for
ELF or modal analysis (Sec. 12.13.4).

May use strength design (Sec. 12.13.5)

or allowable stress design (Sec. 12.13.6)
for foundation geotechnical capacity.

Seismic Design Yes

Category B?

Requirements for: geotechnical investigation

report (Sec. 11.8.2); pole type structures;
ties between piles or piers;
and pile anchorage (Sec. 12.13.7).

Seismic Design Yes

Category C?

Requirements for: additional geotechnical investigation

report items (Sec. 11.8.3); ties between spread footings;
and other pile design requirements for deformations due
to both free-field soil strains and structure response, batter
piles, pile anchorage, splices, pile flexibility, pile group
effects , and requirements for foundations on liquifiable
sites (Sec. 12.13.6).

Soil strength loss due to liquefaction in Yes Go to

MCEG earthquake motions? (Sec. 11.8.3) Chart 1.25
Go to Chart 1.26.

1– 35

FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.25
Liquifiable Soils

Design foundations to support gravity and design earthquake

loads, as indicated in the basic load combinations of Section
12.4, using the reduced soil bearing capacity, as indicated in the
geotechnical investigation report, considering the effects of
liquefaction due to MCEG earthquake motions. (Sec.

Shallow Foundations Deep Foundations

Are maximum ground displacements induced by Design deep foundations to support vertical loads
lateral spreading by risk category per Table per Section 12.4, in combination with forces
12.13-1 met? Are differential settlement require- caused by lateral deformations in response to
ments per Table 12.13-2, or by evaluating lateral inertial loads. Axial capacity of the deep
effects on the gravity system for loss of strength foundation and lateral resistance of the
satisfied? (Sec. soil shall be reduced to account for the effects of
liquefaction. (Sec.
Provide foundation ties which accommodate Incorporate the effects of downdrag due to
differential settlements due to liquefaction. (Sec. liquefaction. (Sec.

Passive pressure and friction from non-pile

Does the geotechnical report elements may be combined with pile lateral
indicate lateral spreading >3" due to No
resistance, provided lateral deformation
MCEG earthquake motions? compatibility is satisfied. (Sec.
Meet requirements for design tie force and Concrete Piles?
provide slab on ground >=5". (Sec. Yes
Detail piles to comply with ACI318-14
sections through per
No requirements of Sec.
Mat foundations?
Where liquefaction induced lateral spreading
Design mat foundations for liquefaction
causes permanent ground displacement, analysis
induced vertical settlements including
shall be conducted per Sec.
increased loads induced by settlement of
adjacent columns. (Sec.

Provide foundation ties which accommodate

lateral spreading due to liquefaction.

Go to Chart 1.26
FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.26

Nonstructural Components

Assign component importance

factors (Sec. 13.1.3).

Note component exemptions

in Sec. 13.1.4.

Design requirements may be satisfied by

project-specific design and documentation or by
manufacturer certification (Sec. 13.2.1).
Option to satisfy design requirements on the basis
of experience data (Sec. 13.1.7).

Special certications required for designated seismic systems

in Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F (Sec. 13.2.2).

Must consider both flexibility and strength for components and support
structures (Sec. 13.2.4). Avoid consequential damage by considering
functional and physical interrelationship of components (Sec. 13.2.3).

Determine the periods of mechanical and electrical components (Sec. 13.6.2).

Select ap and Rp and Ω0 values from Tables 13.5-1 and 13.6-1. Calculate
seismic design forces per Sec. 13.3.1, including vertical load effects. (Don't
forget to consider nonseismic horizontal loads.) Include overstrength factor,
Ω0 in horizontal seismic load effect for anchorage to concrete and masonry
where required per Sec. 13.4.2 (Sec.

Compute seismic relative displacements (Sec. 13.3.2)

and accommodate such displacements.

Components require positive attachment to the structure

without reliance on gravity-induced friction (Sec. 13.4).

Architectural Components Mechanical and Electrical Components

Specific provisions for: exterior nonstructural Specific provisions for: mechanical components;
wall elements and connections; out-of-plane electrical components; component supports;
bending; suspended ceilings; access floors; utility and service lines; storage tanks; HVAC
partitions; glass; and egress stairs ductwork; piping systems; boilers and pressure
and ramps (Sec. 13.5). vessels; elevator and escalator design; and
photovoltaic solar arrays (Sec. 13.6).

Satisfy requirements for

construction documents
(Sec. 13.2.7).

1– 36

FEMA P-751, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chart 1.27
SDC B (NEHRP Provisions Only)

Select the seismic force-resisting system based on the seismic design category (including
requirements for system limitations, height limits, combinations of framing systems, dual
systems, cantilevered column systems, and inverted pendulum systems, as applicable) and note
R, Ω0, and Cd for later use (Sec. 24.3.1 and Table 24.3-1).

Classify diaphragm flexibility (Sec. Examine plan and vertical regularity
(Sec. 24.4.2) and meet minimum requirements for irregular structures (Sec. 24.4.3).

Determine seismic load effects and load combinations applicable

to design and direction of loading. (Sec. 24.5, 24.6).

Select a permitted structural analysis procedure (Sec. 24.7). Determine

effective seismic weight (Sec. 24.8.2), and model foundation (Sec. 24.8.1)
and structure (Sec. 24.8.3), including interaction effects (Sec. 24.8.4).

Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (ELF) Modal Response Spectral Analysis

Determine fundamental period of vibration for the Use linear elastic analysis to determine periods and mode
structure, carefully noting the upper limit on shapes, including enough modes to obtain at least 90
computer modeled periods of 1.6Ta. (Sec. 24.9.2). percent mass participation (Sec. 24.10.1).

Determine the seismic response coefficient, Cs, and Determine story forces, individual member forces,
the total base shear (Sec. 24.9.1). Distribute base displacements, and drifts in each mode (Sec. 24.10.2) and
shear to the stories of the structure (Sec. 24.9.3). combine modal quantities using either the SRSS or the
CQC technique (Sec. 24.10.3).

Where the base shear is less than 85 percent of that computed

using Sec. 24.9.1 with T ≤ 1.6Ta, amplify design forces.

Calculate Internal forces to the structure (Sec. 24.9.4). Include inherent torsion
(Sec. Include overturning due to seismic forces (Sec. 24.9.5).

Yes Amplify forces for accidental torsion

Type 1b horizontal structural irregularity?
Calculate story drifts (Sec. 24.9.6). Check first order deformation for stability (Sec. 24.9.7).

Design diahpraghms, Check anchorage Calculate drifts and deformations Design foundation Meet seismic design
chords, collectors of structure walls for structure and diaphragms, and including flexibility requirements for
(Sec 24.11) (Sec 24.12) check structural seperation & overturning egress stairways &
(Sec 24.13) (Sec 24.14) parapets (Sec 24.15)

Go to Chart 1.26

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