Astm d2624
Astm d2624
Astm d2624
SA 516
E X H I B I T N O . 8L
Gordon J. Hookey
‘,; s !I
y*,\.,llttl* Designation:
.’ :
,z.’ This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the De&near .of Ddense. Consul the DOD Index qfSpe@~~ion~ and
Standards for the qxc~$ic .war o$isque which has been adopled b-v [he Deparmenr of Defense.
ds[E, D 2624
activating the instrument record the highest reading after of the test method, exceed the values in Table 1 only in one
initial stabilization. This should occur within 3 s. On instru- case in twenty.
ments with more than one scale range, select the scale that 12.1.2 Reproducibility-The difference between two
gives the greatest sensitivity for the conductivity value being single and independent measurements of conductivity ob-
determined. Ensure that the appropriate scale multiplying tained by different operators working at the same location
factor (or scale range) is used. Record the fuel temperature. (12.2) on identical test material at the same fuel temperature
10.3 Laborarory and Field Measurements on Satnpled would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation
Fuels: of the test method, exceed the values in Table I only in one
10.3. I Preparation of Containers (Melal or Glass)-Prior case in twenty.
to taking samples, take extreme care to ensure that all 12.2 In 1987, a test program was carried out to investigate
containers and measuring vessels have been thoroughly reproducibility of results when samples are shipped between
cleaned. it is preferable that containers are laboratory laboratories. (See Appendix X 1.)s While repeatability values
cleaned prior to shipment to the field for sampling (see were similar to those in Table 1, it was concluded that
Section 9). adequate reproducibility values were not obtained due to
10.3.2 Measurement-Rinse the conductivity cell thor- changes in conductivity of samples during shipment and
oughly with the fuel under test to remove fuel residues storage. In the event of dispute or concern regarding shipped
remaining on the cell from previous tests. Transfer the fuel to sample conductivity, it is recommended that operators come
the measuring vessel and record the conductivity of the fuel to the bulk fuel storage site to measure conductivity on bulk
using the procedure applicable to the particular apparatus. If fuel or on freshly obtained samples according to cited
one of the conductivity meters referenced in Footnote 3 is procedures. This assures that a sample identical to the bulk
used, follow these instructions: Rinse the cell concurrently supply is tested by either or both parties and the precision
with the rinsing of the measuring vessel. Then transfer the data shown in Table 1 shall apply.
sample to be tested to the clean, rinsed measuring vessel. 12.3 Bias-Since there is no accepted reference material
Check meter calibration as detailed in Annex Al or A2, or test method for determining the bias of the procedure in
depending on the meter used. Fully immerse the conduc- Test Methods D 2624 for measuring electrical conductivity,
tivity cell into the test fuel and measure the conductivity bias cannot be determined.
following the procedure in 10.2.2 and the appropriate
Annex. Record the fuel temperature. CONTINUOUS IN-LINE CONDUCTIVITY
NOTE S--In order to avoid erroneous readings, it is important to
ensure that the bottom of the conductivity cell does not touch the 13. Apparatus6
sample container. This is applicable to all containers, whateverthe
13.1 Continuous measurements can be made where suit-
material of construction.
able precautions have been taken to remove Static charges
before the representative fuel stream is passed through the
11. Report
in-line measuring cell. A controlled, continuous flow
11.1 Report the electrical conductivity of the fuel and the through the cell prevents ion depletion, thereby providing
fuel temperature at which measurement was made. If the the equivalent of rest conductivity as a continuous measure-
electrical conductivity reads zero on the meter, report less ment.
than 1 pS/M.
NOTE 6-It is recognized that the electrical conductivity of a fuel 14. Installation
varies significantly with temperature and that the relationship differs for 14.1 In general, the equipment is designed for permanent
various types of aviation and distillate fuel. If it is necessaryto correct installation in the fuel distribution system. Follow the
conductivity readings to a particular temperature, each laboratory would manufacturer’s recommendations concerning installation
haveto establishthis relationship for the fuelsand temperature rangeof and flow control, particularly with respect to the provision of
interest.Refer to Appendix X2 for additional information of the effect
terWerature hason the electrical conductivity of fuels. adequate relaxation time. Install the sample tapping point at
least 30 m downstream of any additive injection system,
12. Precision and Bibs4 unless a mixing device is used which has been shown to give
adequate mixing of the additive concerned prior to sampling.
12.1 The precision of this test method as determined by A thermometer having a suitable range for measuring fuel
statisticalanalysis of test results obtained by operator-in- temperature in the field should be installed downstream of
strument pairs at a common test site is as follows. The the test cell.
Precision data generated for Table 1 did not include any
gasolines or solvents. 15. Procedure
12.1.1 Repeafability-The difference between successive
15.1 Flush the cell thoroughly by initiating a controlled
measured conductivity values obtained by the same operator flow of the fuel to be measured. Purging of air from the cell
with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions and adequate flushing is normally achieved in a few minutes
on identical test material at the same fuel temperature
would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation
5 Refer to Appendix XI for a summary of the data and conclusions from this
program on tile at ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:DOZ- 1235.
‘Supporting data can be obtained from ASTM Headquarters. Request 6 The following continuous measuring equipment has been found satisfactory
RR:W2-I013 and RRDOZ-I 161. The second report is details of data by the IP for this purpose: Staticon Conductivity Monitor. Manufacturkd by Emcee Elec-
which resulted in the data in Table I. tronics. 520 Cypress Avenue, Venice, FL 34292.
but a longer flush is recommended’ when calibrating the 18. Report
instrument. The controlled flow must conform to the man- 18.1 Report the electrical conductivity of the fuel an
ufacturer’s recommendation. Too fast or too slow a flow will fuel temperature at which measurement was made’(sec
result in inaccuracies in the conductivity measurement.
16. Calibration
19. Precision and Bias
16.1 The specific calibration procedure detailed in Annex
A4 is an essential part of the general procedure and should be 19.1 Repeatability of the continuous meter has
completed prior to initiating automatic monitoring and established to be within the range given for the po:
control of continuous fuel streams. If fitted, the high- and instruments (see 12. I. 1).4
low-level alarm circuits should be calibrated as recom- 19.2 Reproducibility has not been established.
mended by the manufacturer. 13.3 Bias-Since there is no accepted reference ml:
or test method for determining the bias of the procedt
17. Mcastiement this test method, bias cannot be determined.
17.1 After calibration, select the instrument scale of the
approximate range anticipated for the fuel stream and 20. Keywords
initiate continuous measurements of fuel conductivity. Make 20.1 aviation fuels; conductivity meter, conductivit!
measurements at the test cell temperature (indicated by the distillate fuels; electrical conductivity; picosiemen<
installed thermometer), which should approximate the tem- meter, rest conductivity; static dissipator additives:
perature of the fuel in the system. electricity
(Mandatory Information)
Model i152
A2.1 Connect the probe to the connector on the Emcee of the fuel sample. The reading should be ten times the
Digital Conductivity Meter and depress the MEASURE number stamped on the probe kO.005 (after approximately 3
switch (M) with the probe out of the fuel sample. Zero s). For exan..,le: Probe number equals 40, meter reading
reading should be 000 + 001 (in approximately 3 s). n Jst be 400 + 005 (395 to 405). If instrument does not meet
A2.2 If the instrument does not meet the specification, specification, proceed to A2.5.
remove the probe and depress MEASURE switch (M). If the A2.4 Zero adjustment is performed without the probe
instrument meets the specification without the probe at- attached and the MEASURE switch (M) depressed. Insert a
tached, the probe should be thoroughly rinsed with isopropyl screwdriver in the hole marked “Zero” and adjust the control
alcohol and allowed to air dry before .retesting for zero. If the until the DISPLAY reads 000 + 001.
instrument does not meet thespecification without the probe A2.5 Calibration is performed without the probe attached
attached, then the adjustment procedure of A3.4 should be and with the. CALIBRATION switch depressed. Insert a
performed. screwdriver in the hole marked “CALIBRATE” and adjust
A2.3 Note the calibration number stamped on the probe. to w~Ihin.,&002 of ten:t)mes the number stamped on the
Depress the CALIBRATIONS\kitch (C) with the. probe out globe. ;I m ti
(Nonmandatory Information)
itor package). Conductivity additives included Stadis 450 TABLE X1.1 Comparison of Precision Data from Comm
and ASA- in aviation fuels and Petrolite T-5 11 and Mobil Different Sites
Conductivity Improver in the nonaviation fuels. Conductivity. Repeatability Repfoducibcl
XI .3.2 The protocol for testing as provided to participants N/m Common Site Different Sites Common Site DIH~
is given in Appendix II of the research report. Tests were 30 2 4 6
carried out with Emcee Model 1152 Digital Conductivity 100 5 7 17
300 14 13 45
Meter only; participarts were asked to measure conductivity 22 69
500 21
directly in th 3 containL.-s.
X 1.4 Date:
X 1.4.1 Data were obtained at typical laboratory (20°C) should not be shipped between laboratories for tht
and reduced temperatures. Data obtained at typical labora- ,The basis for this recommendation is that adequal ;
tory temperatures outside 19 to 2 1°C were temperature- ducibility is not obtained for shipped samples.
compensated to 20°C. X1.6.2 It is not possible to decide on the basi
X 1.4.2 The data obtained from the test program as well as I
study that any one fuel or additive type presents a p 1
the temperature-compensated data -are in Appendix III, problem with respect to shipment of samples 1
Tables I, 2, and 3 of the research report. laboratories, or that any one fuel type is less vulnr +
X 1.5 Statistical Analyses-The reduced temperature data change in transit/storage.
were not used to calculate precision. Details of the statistical X1.6.3 It might be possible to define a narrow r
analysis are in Appendix IV of the research report. The conditions under which many samples could be tra c
results from Appendix III, Table 3, temperature-compen-
to other laboratories and tested with acceptable rc t
sated data, are given in Table X 1.1. Information for the table i
was extracted from the April 7, 1988, minutes of the Test ibility of data. However, one reason for change ir
conductivity is interactidn of the conductivity addi I
Methods D 2624 Conductivity Round Robin Task Force of
Section J- 11 on Electrical Characteristics. other trace materials in the fuel, unrelated to the L f
X 1.6 Conclusions: type oi other conditions. Because type and amount
X1.6.1 The task force recommended that results of this materials vary, there is no way of predicting B
program (RRDOZ-1235) be referenced in Test Methods specific fuel sample will or will not be affected. This
D 2624 and D 4308, with the recommendation that samples has been observed with all fuel and additive types. I
The American Society for Testing and Materials fakes no posihon respecting the validity ol any patent rights assened in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the va/idify of any such
patent rights, and the risk ol infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any lime by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either mapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additiona/ standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of rbe responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a lair hearing you shwki make your
views known to the ASTM Commit&e on Standards, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia. PA 19103.