Chemical Engineering Review For PE Exam
Chemical Engineering Review For PE Exam
Chemical Engineering Review For PE Exam
West Virginia College of Graduate Studies
Institute, West Virginia
A Wiley-Interscience Publication
New York • Chichester • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore
Copyright ",) 1986 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Printed in Singapore
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The West Virginia College of Graduate Studies offers the Master's degree in
Chemical Engineering for the employees of the many chemical companies near
Charleston, West Virginia. As a public service, the College offers a review course
for chemical engineers who wish to become registered. I have taught this course
eleven times.
Like many college professors, I could not find a suitable text. So I taught the
course from notes that I changed (improved?) each time that I taught. With
yearly after-the-test comments from most course participants, the notes have
reached the present form. I am satisfied with them and the students are satisfied
with them, so it is time to have them published.
I am indebted to Mrs. Reva Dunn for her many months of typing, even
though she now hates equations; to Mrs. Margery Edington for many hours
over a hot photocopy machine; to Mr. Robert Oneacre for his weeks of
hunching over a drawing table doing the figures; to Ms. Jeannette Stiefel and
Ms. Margaret Comaskey for making me look good with their editing; and to the
West Virginia College of Graduate Studies for the timely financial grant. I thank
the students, for it is they who make it a joy rather than a job. Above all, I am
grateful to Bunny, who makes it all worthwhile.
William E. Crockett
P.E. #6853 (WV)
Institute, West Virginia
August 1985
,j i
Introduction 1
Thermodynamics 5
Process Design 49
Mass Transfer 79
Index 263
This book will help you prepare for the Chemical Engineering Principles and
Practice of Engineering Examination (P. E. Exam). Although it will increase
your chances of passing the exam, I hope you will also relearn neglected parts of
your undergraduate chemical engineering. I have included only those subjects
and concepts likely to occur on the test.
To make the book useful during the exam, I have:
• used the table of contents for each chapter as a topic index. I assume that
upon reading a problem, you will be able to identify the type of problem.
Scanning the table of contents of the appropriate subject chapter should
lead you to the proper section of the chapter.
• defined the nomenclature in the text rather than in a separate section, which
should be more convenient during the test.
• followed the same topic sequence as used in McCabe and Smith's Unit Oper-
ations of Chemical Engineering for the chapters on mass transfer, heat
transfer, and fluids. The thermodynamics topic sequence follows that of
Smith and Van Ness' Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynam-
ics. Both of these texts are standards; many of you used them when you were
undergraduates. The process design, kinetics, and economics chapters fol-
low schemes that I have found useful.
The P. E. Exam is an 8-hr test, administered in two 4-hr sessions. In each session
you are to work any 4 of 10 problems. The approximate number of problems in
each subject is
A test booklet contains all the problems. You must put all the solution steps
and calculations on the graph-paper solution pages provided in the booklet.
You should take pens or pencils with you to the test. You may use a hand-
held calculator, but it must be battery operated. Take extra batteric' to be safe.
Since the test is open book, reference texts, handbooks, and math tables are
permissible. But loose pages are not permitted unless they are kept in a binder or
People grade the test. Partially correct solutions receive partial credit. Do not
give the graders any opportunities to misunderstand your solutions. If any part
of a problem is stated ambiguously, state (and underline) your interpretation of
the meaning.
I shall suggest reference books that I prefer, but it would be better if you choose
books with which you are familiar. My reference texts are
I know several engineers who took only Perry and this book to the test. They
did fine, but several reference books may provide a psychological benefit.
The test is easier and less frightening if you have prepared properly. Here are
some suggestions:
• Start preparing at least several months before the test. Tests are usually
given in mid-April and at the end of October of each year.
Decide upon and get a copy of the reference books that you prefer.
• Read a chapter in this book, stopping before the problems. Each chapter
deals with one subject; they do not have to be studied in sequence. You may
wish to do your most difficult subject first.
• Page through the reference book you have chosen for the subject and be-
come familiar with the contents.
• Returning to this book, read all the problems provided at the end of the
chapter, and find the easiest. You should do this on the test too. The secret
to success is finding and solving the easiest problem first. It builds confi-
dence and saves test time for more difficult problems.
• Determine what problem-solving strategy you will use. This is usually done
mentally as you read and think about each problem. Place the problem in a
broad category and then narrow the category again and again; for instance,
heat transfer, condensing vapor to heat a liquid, double-pipe exchanger, log
mean temperature difference, and dirt factor. By using this strategy you start
to "see" the needed equations or, at least, to know which areas to look for in
the table of contents of the subject chapter.
• Compare your strategy with the strategy given in the chapter. If you are not
used to solving problems using this step, you may find it beneficial.
• Sblve the chosen problem. Treat it just as if it were an actual test problem.
While both preparing for and taking the test:
Time yourself.
Sketch the proc.:ss, if appropriate, to make the problem clearer.
Write down the basis for your calculation; you will be less likely to
change bases inadvertently.
Write the units with each number. You will prevent some simple mistakes
this way.
List the reference for any data or equations used, so the grader can check
your source.
• Compare your solution with the one given at the end of the chapter.
• Continue with the other problems, easiest to hardest.
• Continue with the other chapters, possibly hardest to easiest. If you should
run out of preparation time, at least you have studied those subjects on
which you most need refreshing.
I. Definitions 7
A. Fundamental Quantities 7
1. Time 7
2. Length 7
3. Mass 7
4. Force 7
5. Temperature 7
B. Secondary Quantities 8
l. Volume 8
2. Pressure 8
3. Work 8
4. Energy 9
5. Heat 10
IT. The First Law and Some Basic Principles 10
A Internal Energy 10
B. First Law II
C. State Functions 11
D. Enthalpy 11
E. The Steady-State Flow Process 11
F. Equilibrium 12
G. The Phase Rule 12
H. Reversible Process 13
I. Specific Heat and Heat Capacity 13
III. Pure Fluid Volumetric Properties 13
A PVT Behavior 13
B. The Virial Equation 14
C. An Ideal Gas 15
1. Constant-Volume (Isometric) Processes 15
2. Constant-Pressure (Isobaric) Processes 15
3. Constant-Temperature (Isothermal) Processes 15
4. Adiabatic Processes (dQ = 0) 16
5. Polytropic Processes 16
A. Fundamental Quantities
1. Time
2. Length
The fundamental unit of length is the meter. A foot is 0.304 meter (m).
3. Mass
The fundamental unit of mass is the kilogram. The pound mass (Ibm) is 0.454
kilogram (kg). Mass is the measure of quantity of matter, while weight refers to
the force exerted by gravity on mass. An object's weight may vary from place to
place but its mass remains constant.
4. Force
The fundamental unit of force is the newton (N), which is the force which, when
applied to a one kilogram mass, will cause an acceleration of one meter per
second squared. This unit comes from Newton's second law of motion
F = ma/g c
gc = 32.174 - l b2
f sec
5. Temperature
The English unit is the degree Fahrenheit CF), which is related to the absolute
temperature OR on the Rankine scale by
tCF) = TCR) - 459.67
The relationship between the two temperature scales is
tCF) = 1.8tCC) + 32
B. Secondary Quantities
1. Volume
The amount of material being considered affects the volume. But specific volume
is independent of the total amount of material since it is defined as volume per
unit mass or volume per unit mole. The density p is just the reciprocal of specific
2. Pressure
The pressure P on a surface is the force exerted normal to the surface per unit
area of surface. The pascal, newtons per square meter, is used in the SI system
while psi or pounds force per square inch is used in the English system. Pressures
are usually measured in terms of a height of a column offluid under the influence
of gravity. Since
F = rng/g o
if the mass of the column of fluid is rn,
rn = Ahp
F/A = P = hpg/gc
Remember that many of the methods of measuring pressure give the difference
between the measured pressure and the surrounding atmospheric pressure, but
all thermodynamic calculations require the use of absolute pressure.
3. Work
When a force acts through a distance, we have work being done. The quantity of
work is defined by
dW = F dl
where F is the force component acting in the displacement dl direction. With this
definition, work accompanies a change in fluid volume. For the expansion or
compression of a fluid in a cylinder caused by a piston movement, the force
exerted by the piston on the fluid is given by the product of the piston area and
the fluid pressure. The piston displac ement is given by the fluid volume
by the piston area. So,
for constan t A. Then
W= I V2
as shown in Figure Tl. In the SI system, the unit of work is the newton
which is called a joule (1). In the English system, the foot-po und force
(ft lb r) is
often used.
4. Energy
For a mass m acted upon by a force F, the relation ship was given by
F = ma/ge'
W = F(Z2 - Zl) = m(g/gc)(Z2 - Zl)
= mZ 2 !L - mZ 1 rL = ~(mZ{j) = ~Ep
gc gc gc
where Ep is called potential energy.
If a body is given energy when it is elevated, it is reasonable to assume that
the body will retain this energy until it performs the work of which it is capable.
So if an elevated body falls freely, it should gain in kinetic energy what it loses in
potential energy, or
~EK + ~Ep = 0
This has been confirmed experimentally. So work is energy in transit.
5. Heat
When a hot body is brought into contact with a cold body, the hot body be-
comes cooler, the cooler body hotter. This "something" that is transferred from
the hot body to the cold is called heat Q. Heat is a form of energy, measured as
the calorie or the British thermal unit. These units are related to the primary
energy unit, the joule, by
1 calorie = 4.1840 J
1 Btu = 1055.04 J
1 Btu ~ 1055 J ~ 252 cal ~ 778 ft-lb r
A. Internal Energy
B. First Law
C. State Functions
D. Enthalpy
Consider the process shown in Figure T2, with a heat exchanger and a turbine,
operating at steady state (as opposed to the prior closed system). Our first-law
equation for this system is
flu 2 g flZ
flU + -- + - = Q- W
2ge ge
I Qt-,
FIGURE T2. Steady-state flow process.
but the W includes all work interchanged between the system and the surround-
mgs, or
AU + A(PV) = AH
Of course, for systems where kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible,
F. Equilibrium
The state of a pure homogeneous substance is fixed when two state functions are
set. For more complex systems, this number changes. For nonreacting systems,
J. W. Gibbs showed that the number of degrees offreedom F is given by
where n is the number of phases and N is the number of species. (This is some-
times remembered by P + F = C + 2, Police + Force = Chief + Two, P =
number of phases.)
H. Reversible Process
~u = Q= f CvdT
A. PVTBehavior
Homogeneous fluids are either gases or liquids, as shown in Figure T3. But the
distinction becomes blurred at the critical point, where there is but one phase.
Figure T3 provides no information about volume. If we were to draw isotherms
on Figure T3 to the right of the solid region and plot pressure versus molar or
specific volume for each isotherm, we would obtain Figure T4. The T1 and T2
lines are isotherms at temperatures greater than the critical temperature; they
are smooth. This figure shows that where a single phase exists, there is a relation
connecting P, V, and T, or f(P, V, T) = 0, an equation of state. Of course, the
simplest is the ideal-gas law
PV ' C ' P2
Z=-=l+BP+ + ...
where Z is called the compressibility factor.
FIGURE T4. Pure fluid PV diagram.
2 V V
Both equations are virial expansions; Band B' are called second vi rial coeffi-
cients, C and C' third vi rial coefficients, and so forth. Note that the two sets of
coefficients are related by
C. An Ideal Gas
The definition of an ideal gas is one whose equation of state is Z = 1 and whose
mternal energy is independent of pressure and volume, being a function of tem-
perature only. If we apply the first law to reversible non Bow processes involving
1 mol of gas, then for
dU = dQ = CvdT
dH = dU + RdT
3. Constant-Temperature (Isothermal) Processes
dU = dQ - dW =0 or Q=W
V2 Pl
Q= W = RTln~ = RTln-
Vl P2
W = P1 [1 _(P2)(Y-l)/YJ =
y-l P1
[1 _(P2)(Y-l)/YJ
These expressions yield fairly good results for real gases. For monatomic gases,
y = 1.67; for diatomic gases, y = 1.40; and for simple polyatomic gases (C0 2 ,
S02' NH 3 , and CH 4 ), y = 1.3.
5. Polytropic Processes
F or this general case, when only the reversibility of an ideal gas is assumed:
dW = PdV
dU = CvdT
dH = CpdT
and so
dQ = Cp dT + P dV
(p + :i)(V - b) = RT,
2. Redlich-Kwong Equation
P= - --
V - b
+ b)V
z=l~h-~C :h}
b A
B = RT' B
BPe= B O + wBl
o 0.422
B = 0.083 - T1.6
F. Liquid Behavior
v= Vo - D In( P
+ E)
gives excellent results for liquids. Here Vo, Po are a set of reference state volume
and pressure, and D, E are correlated from experimental data at a given temper-
There are many different ways of stating the second law of thermodynamics.
Some of them are
1. Any process that consists solely in the transfer of heat from one tempera-
ture to a higher one is impossible.
2. Nothing can operate in such a way that its only effect (in both system and
surroundings) is to convert heat absorbed by a system completely into
3. It is impossible to convert the heat absorbed completely into work in a
cyclical process.
Thus the second law-does not prevent the production of work from heat, but it
does limit the efficiency of any cyclical process.
The heat engine, a machine that produces work from heat in a cyclical process,
illustrates the second law. For instance, a steam plant operates as follows:
1. Part of the heat from the fuel is transferred to liquid water in the boiler,
converting it into steam at a high pressure and temperature. Let the heat
absorbed by the steam be Q1.
2. Energy is transferred from the steam as shaft work by a turbine. This is
3. Exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed at a low temperature by the
transfer of heat to cooling water. Call this Q2. Note that, for the time
being, the numerical values of Q 1 and Q2 are regarded as positive.
4. Liquid water is pumped back to the boiler, completing the cycle. This is
Now the system energy change must be zero for the complete cycle, or
~Ucycle = 0 = Ql - Q2 - W
Ql - Q2 = W
The ratio of W to Ql ' the efficiency of the engine for converting heat into work,
would be expected to depend upon the degree of reversibility of processes 1-4. In
fact, an irreversible heat engine cannot have an efficiency greater than a reversi-
ble one.
Consider an ideal gas as the working fluid in a reversible cyclical heat engine or
Carnot engine as illustrated in Figure T5. The cycle consists of an isothermal
expansion from A to B, during which an amount of heat Q1 is absorbed at TI .
Then we have an adiabatic expansion BC to a lower temperature T2 • Following
this, we discard an amount of heat Q2 at the constant temperature T2 while
undergoing the isothermal compression from C to D.
Finally the gas returns adiabatically to its original state by compression D to
Now the net work done by the gas is the algebraic sum of the work effects for
each of the steps:
The BC and DA processes are reversible and adiabatic, so the first law says that
the work is equal to -~U,
for each mole. Thus these two amounts of work cancel each other and
The efficiency, or the ratio of work obtained to the heat absorbed, WoeJQ1' is
given by
Because PV = RT for all the processes in this ideal cycle, and PVY = constant
for adiabatic reversible processes,
Pb Pc
Pa Pd
Woet Tl - Tz
Ql Tl
D. Entropy
We now return to the usual sign convention that heat is positive when absorbed
by the system and negative when rejected by the system. The prior equation then
is really
This suggests that the quantities QdT1 and Q2/T2 represent property ('
the working fluid because their sum is zero for the cycle, a characteristIC: (If "
dQl + dQ2 = 0
T1 T2
The integral of dQR/T (R emphasizes the necessity of reversibility) is the same for
any reversible path and so depends only upon the initial and final states. This
quantity has been given the name change in entropy ,1.S. The calculation of en-
tropy changes must always be for reversible conditions.
Entropy ideas may be summarized:
All processes proceed in a direction such that the total entropy change is posi-
tive, approaching a limit of zero, as the process approaches reversibility, or
We develop the relationship between the total entropy change and the degree of
irreversibility with the following example.
When an amount of heat Q is transferred from a system at a temperature T[
to surroundings at the lower temperature T2 , the total entropy change is given
remainder at T2 . The quantity of work that could be obtained, but which was
lost because of the irreversible nature of the actual process is given by
W = ---y:--
Q( Tl - T2) = TzQ (TlT-1 T2T2)
The absolute entropy is zero for all perfect crystalline substances at absolute
zero temperature. Thus, the absolute entropy of a gas at temperature T is given
S= fTr (C 1 dT + ~Hf + fTV (C )1 dT + "!l!v + fT ~Cp)g dT
p p
o T 7;- Tr T 1:. Tv T
where 7;-. T., = temperature of fusion, vaporization and
AH r , AHy = heat of fusion, vaporization.
B. Thermodynamic Relationships
+'r G
+T~ l~
+T~e- A
+V s-
the coded sentence; "The Gods Punish Humble Souls Until Vanquislled
Altogether," with the initial1etters placed as shown in Figure T6a.
dU = TdS - PdV
In a like manner,
dA = - S dT - P dV
dG = V dP - S dT
dH = V dP + T dS
caul = T
where the variable outside the parentheses, V in this case, is always at the
right angle. From this same triangle, we obtain
(aA) = -s
(aU) = _p (oH) = v
(oVh ' (oP)s
(a H) = T (oGl = -s
(oS)p , (cT)p
(oG) = V (oA) = _p
(oPh ' (avh
3. The "Maxwell relationships can be obtained by considering the right
triangle with the same base, as shown in Figure T6d,
(oT) (OP)
(aVh (as)v
Likewise with the others
(av) (aT) (as) (oV) (ap) (as)
---- ---
(oS)p caph' (oPh caT)p' CaT)v (av)y
4. Four other relationships may be derived from the corners of Figure T6a:
(aT) P (av) T
(aV)A s' (as)u P
(as) v (oP) s
(OP)H T' (aT)G v
A. Fugacity
.' ,
dG i = RTdin P
II· m.t:- = 1
p-o P
The fugacity of a component in solution,i, is defined likewise:
lim j~ = 1
p-o xiP
(at constant T). Thus for an ideal gas
7'. =
.Ii x.p
B. Fugacity Coefficient
The fugacity coefficient is the ratio of the fugacity of a material to its pressure.
For a pure substance, ¢i = NP. For a component in solution, ¢i = .t:!(XiP),
These values may be calculated from P VT data.
dG i = ~ dP = RT dln.t:
But Z = PV;/(RT), so
d In <Pi = (Zi - 1) dP/P
(at constant T). Equations and generalized plots have been developed from this
equation (see Smith and Van Ness, pp. 236-237).
C. Activity
( AG) = L Xi In Xi
RT ideal
An excess property is the difference between an actual property and the property
that would be calculated for the same conditions of T, P, and X by the equations
of an ideal solution. Superscript E denotes the excess property. Using this con-
cept, it is possible to obtain
A. Criteria
The equilibrium state of a closed system is that state for which the total Gibbs
free energy is a minimum with respect to all possible changes at the given T and
P, that is, (dGh,p = 0,
B. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium
Using the fugacity coefficient for each phase and equating them at equilibrium,
Yi(foi = xi(fol
but the (fo) and ¢~ are composition dependent. When the vapor phase is an ideal
gas and the liquid phase is an ideal solution, we can reduce this equation to
Raoulfs law:
Yi - Xi
Activity coefficients for a given system are related to GEjRT, so most correla-
tions are based upon this function, The excess Gibbs free energy GE is a function
of T p, and the :<s but for liquids the P effect is weak. So for low pressure at
constant T
GI::RT. ,
= B + ((XI - x 2) + D(x 1 - x 2 )" + ...
X I .\2
In ~'l = X~[A!2 + 2(AZ! - A 12 )x l ]
In ~2 = xi[A 2 ! + 2(A12 - AZ1 )x Z ]
then we obtain
Following Aris and Petersen, if we write the stoichiometric equation so that the
stoichiometric numbers Vi are positive for a product and negative for a reactant,
then we may write
dlJ) = dn z = ... = de
v! V2
(j = 1. 2, ... , r)
(i = 1, 2, ... , N)
dC t = _st dT + V t dP + L (fliVJ de
where fli is the chemical potential of component i. Note that from this we obtain
and, at equilibrium,
fli = G~ + RT In Iii
In TI ai" = - L viG;/RT
where TI means the product over all i. It is usual to define
K = TI at'
So, finally,
-RT In K = L viGi= ~Go
where K is the equilibrium constant and AGo is the standard Gibbs free energy
change of reaction. The activities iii = ];1 ffare the connection between the equi-
librium state and the standard states of the constituents at the equilibrium tem-
perature T.
Sometimes data are given such that one must use
where AH and ASo are the standard heat of reaction and the standard entropy
change of reaction.
C. Temperature Effect
The van't Hoff equation relates the equilibrium constant to the temperature
dinK AH'
dT RT2
where the fugacities are functions of T, P, and composition. But K is a function
of temperature only. So for a fixed temperature, the composition at equilibrium
must change with pressure in a way that fl .ni
remains constant. Now
with (Pi the fugacity coefficient, Yi the mole fraction of component i in the equili-
brium mixture, and P the equilibrium pressure. So
and the ¢i may be evaluated from generalized correlations if T and P are known.
If the temperature is sufficiently high or the pressure is sufficiently low, the
equilibrium mixture will be an ideal gas and (Pi = 1 or
Several of the more important heat engines will be discussed here. A much larger
selection may be found in Reynolds and Perkins, Engineering Thermodynamics,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970.
The steps in the cycle of each engine are shown in Table T1. The engine
performance can be obtained by solving for the heat added and the work done
during each step. The overall performance can be calculated using the given
efficiency equations, based upon the nomenclature of Figure T7. To illustrate
Otto Cycle Diesel Cycle Gas Turbine
Carnot Cycle (air standard) (air standard) (air standard)
Tj - T2
- 1
CJ -(~Y t/=I- (P-Y-1I!Y
1 C
r Pb
-; -. -
re r e
the use of Table Tl, consider this problem: A Carnot engine and air-standard
Otto, diesel, and gas turbine engines are each operating with a heat addition rate
of 10,000 Btu/hr. The Carnot engine is operating between heat reservoirs of 1200
and 300 F. The other engines have compression ratios of eight '.0 one, and the
diesel engine has an expansion ratio of two to one. Find the net horsepower
produced by each engine.
r r - Y ~ r -;'
= 1- - e = 1~-
8[2 - 1.4 - 8- 1.4J
= 0.3819
}' (r/re) - 1 1.4 (8/2) - 1
W = Qll] = (10.000 Btu/hr)(0.38 19) = 3819 Btu/hr = 1.50 hp
For the gas turhine engine, r = 8,
I] = 1 - (I/r)(r ll/y = 1 ~ (DO 41.4 = 0.4480
W = QlIJ = 4480 Btu/hr = 1.76 hp
v ..
FIGURE T8. General PV diagram.
Now let us use the previous description of heat engines to plot a P- V dia-
gram. For the Carnot cycle, as shown in Figure T9, we have:
a -+ b: adiabatic compression from P a , V. to P b , Vb' Temperature rises from
Tz to T1 . Entropy remains the same.
b -+ c: heat adsorption at constant temperature T1 • Pressure decreases from
Pb to Pc while volume increases from Vb to v;,. Enthalpy remains the same, while
entropy increases.
c -+ d: adiabatic expansion from Pc, v;, to P d , J;d. Temperature falls from Tl
to T2 . Entropy remains the same.
d -+ a: heat rejection at constant temperature Tz . Pressure increases from
Pd to P a while volume decreases from Vd to Va' Enthalpy remains the same, and
entropy decreases.
___ L
p I
Q2 T2
We use this to calculate the required work W for a given quantity of refrigera-
tion Qz using the ideal Carnot cycle.
B. Air-Refrigeration Cycle
The air-refrigeration cycle is not ideal; it can be built, but usually is not. In this
cycle, the refrigerator air absorbs heat at an essentially constant pressure P 1 in
the cold space, and, in the cooler, rejects heat to the surroundings at a higher,
constant P 2' The gas is compressed (ideally) at constant entropy, A to B, using
c A
as part of the energy required, the work obtained from the expansion process
CD. This process is illustrated in the T -5 diagram of Figure Tt 1.
The thermodynamic analysis of this cycle will illustrate the type of calcula-
tions needed for other, more practical cycles. If the specific heat of the gas is
constant, the heat absorbed in the refrigerator, Q2' and rejected in the cooler, Ql'
Q2 = mCp(TA - TD )
Ql = me p(TB - Te·)
COP = -refrigeration
---- obtained
-- Q2
work required W
for this air cycle
COP = Qz = T"
W I;l-TA
C. Vapor-Compression Cycle
This leads to
= -------
circulation rate = m = -- ~
= Ib per hr per ton of refrigeration
N ate: A ton of refrigeration = 12,000 Btu/hr.
D. Liquefaction Processes
The basis of allliq ucfaction processes is to cool the gas until it enters the two-
phase region. It is done by three main methods:
Of these, the constant-enthalpy or Joule- Thomson expansion (3) is the one most
A. Steam comes from a boiler at 650 psi a and 760°F. After expansion to 150
psia, the steam is reheated to 760°F. Now expansion occurs to 3 in. Hg abs.
For the Rankine cycle with reheating (ideal reheat cycle), calculate, for
1 lb of steam, (a) the heat added, (b) the heat rejected, (c) net work, (d)
thermodynamic efficiency, and (e) quality of exhaust steam. Consider a
Rankine cycle operating between the upper limit of 650 psia, 760c F, and the
lower limit of 3 in. Hg abs. Compute these quantities. Compare the thermo-
dynamic efficiencies of the two cycles. Also compare the thermodynamic
efficiencies with the Carnot efficiency.
B. (a) Calculate the change in entropy when 1 lb of NH3 is cooled from
400 to - 17 5-F at a constant pressure of 1 atm. Express results as
Btu/lbR. (b) Calculate the absolute entropy of solid NH3 at its melting
point at I-atm pressure, in Btu/lboR. Boiling point = - 33.4°C; melting
(psia) 70°F 80°F 90°F 100°F 110°F
700 0.166 0.177 0.415 0.535 0.590
1000 0.223 0.228 0.227 0.253 0.277
1500 0.316 0.319 0.324 0.330 0.338
2000 0.407 0.408 0.410 0.412 0.417
2500 0.494 0.493 0.493 0.495 0.498
3000 0.579 0.577 0.576 0.575 0.577
1 t - - - - wsl
650 psia
760 of
Boiler Reheater
Ws2 - - - - I
t ~
Qb + Q, + Qc = 1298 + 182 - 935 = 545 Btu/lb
W,1 + W,2 - Wp = 158 + 389 - 2 = 545 Btu/lb
work 545 545
11 = ~+ Qb = 1298+ 182 = 1480 = 37 ~o
Boiler Condenser
As before
Carnot efficiency
11 = (760 - 115)/(760 + 460) = 52.9%
204.4°C -115)C
B. !1.S for 1 Ib NH3 ~
400°F gas -175°F solid
Tin K, C p in Btu/lb mol OF. (Smith and Van Ness, 2nd ed., p. 122)
ilS 3 = f l95.3 C
239.6 T
C = 1.06-
-6.923 - - - 17 -
lb IBtu
= -0.407-
lb moloF I mol IboF
Solid -nrc ~ -115°C
~S5 = f 158
= 0.502 cal
T o K
State Solid Liquid Gas
-I "I -I
FIGURE TIS. Schematic for solution B.
L = 0.52 V = 0.48
D. Basis: I-mol entering gas or 0.3 mol CO, 0.7 mol N 2'
FeO(s) + CO(g)
" \\,
X6 -
- ~). x-
Y'6( VP 6 ' f
= .Y7
" (!J_) ..
VP 7 '6
x. + x 7 -- 1
443.33 63.33
VP 6 ' VP 7
In VP 6 = 7109
17. .
- - .T- ' In VP 7 = 17.9184 _ 7~~7.~
At 621R
VP 6 = 840.8, X6 = 0.5272
At 621 OR
VP~ = 318.9. x7 = 0.1986,
So therc is no condensation of hydrocarbons. First condensation occurs at
161 F (answer 1) and it is pure H 2 0 (answer 2).
Assume T = 150°F (610 R) for condensation of 2nd phase. At this T,
Y6 0.583
~=--=7 and Y6 + Y7 = 0.747
Y7 0.083
7 0.747
Y6 = 8" (0.747) = 0.6536, Y7 = -8- = 0.0934
VP 6 = 689.85, VP 7 = 256.11
X6 = 0.7201, X7 = 0.2772 I = 0.9972
7 0.753
Y6 = 8" (0.753) = 0.6591, Y7 = -8- = 0.0942
VP 6 = 677.31, VP 7 = 250.96
X6 = 0.7396, X7 = 0.2853 I = 1.0248
So to the nearest degree, the second phase condenses at 150°F (answer 3)
and its composition is 72.01 % C 6 and 27.72 % C 7 (answer 4).
o o Cone. at t = 0;
I-x x x t = t:
Total moles = 1 + x
R i lnKaT
InKa 298
din Ka =
(29,909.17 T- 2
+ _. + 0.007) dT
H in - H sal yap
H sat liq - H sat yap
~ ~
We want
-(!!)T = G~)p
( OH)
_ V _ T(OV)
T=900 - oT p
v = (ZRT)/P
( OV) = ~ [O(ZT)] = ~
oT p P oT p P
[Z + T(oZ)
( OH)
oP T=900
= v _ RT
[z + T(OZ)
] = ZRT _ ZRT _ RT2 (OZ)
Pp P P aT p
From data
at P= 3000 psi a, oZ/oT = 0 at T = lOO°F
at P= 2500 psia, oZ/oT = 0 at T = 85°F
at P= 2000 psia, oZ/oT = 0 at T = 70°F
So at T = 90°F use 155 of (3000 - 25(0) added to 2500 or P = 2667 psia
1. Introduction 50
II. Stoichiometry 50
III. Material and Energy Balances 52
A. Introduction 52
B. A Typical Problem 53
C. Heats of Formation and Combustion 54
D. Heat of Reaction 55
1. At 25T 55
2. At Other Temperatures 55
IV. Optimization 56
A. Introduction 56
B. Graphical Method 56
C. Analytical Method 57
1. General Conditions 57
2. Unconstrained Optimization 57
3. Constrained Optimization 59
a. Substitution 59
b. Lagrangian Multiplier 59
V. Process Control 60
A. Introduction 60
B. The Laplace Transform 60
C. Transfer Functions 61
D. Block Diagrams 62
E. Closing the Loop 63
F. Controllers 64
1. Proportional Controllers 64
2. Proportional-Derivative Controllers 65
3. Proportional-Integral Controllers 65
G. Stability 65
1. Introduction 65
2. Partial Fraction Expansion 65
3. Characteristic Roots 66
4. Routh's Method 67
Problems 67
Problem-Solving Strategies 70
Solutions 70
Most of the process design problems found on the test are really just unit opera-
tion problems covered under other sections of this book. Theref( ,re this chapter
will cover areas of process design not addressed elsewhere. These topics include
stoichiometry, heat and material balances, optimization, and control.
Flue Gas
f FIGURE Dl. Combustion problem schematic.
All combustions use oxygen, but costs usually make pure oxygen unattrac-
tive. Thus air is used. For calculation purposes, air is a mixture of 79 volume %
N2 and 21 volume % O 2 , giving a nitrogen to oxygen ratio of 79/21 or 3.76.
The flue gas is most often analyzed by the Orsat technique. This is a simple
volumetric method, but it does not account for water or nitrogen oxides. Thus,
an Orsat analysis is given on a moisture free basis. Because the Orsat cannot
account for nitrogen oxides, we assume that nitrogen oxides are negligible. For
the analysis, we say that none of the nitrogen in the air reacts. Therefore, for
calculation purposes, all the nitrogen entering the system in the air stream leaves
as part of the flue gas.
To insure complete combustion of all the carbon and available hydrogen in
the fuel, air is always fed in excess of the amount needed. So with complete
combustion, all carbon in the fuel shows up in the flue gas as either carbon
monoxide or carbon dioxide. The theoretical oxygen is that needed to burn all
carbon in the fuel to carbon dioxide. We calculate the percentage of excess air
. O 2 supplied - O 2 theoretical
percentage excess aIr = 0 h - . I 100
2 t eoretJca
Example Problem:
Carbon 79 ~.~ N2 CO 2 X
Hydrogen 21 ~·o O 2 CO Y
Moisture O2 Z
Ash Nz 100 - X - Y - Z
Combustion equation:
CAH B + M0 2 + PN z ----;. XC0 2 + YCO + Z02
+ (laO - x - Y - Z)N2 + RH 2 0
Relationships from the combustion equation:
Carbon A=X+Y
Hydrogen B= 2R
Oxygen M = X +!Y + Z + ~R
Nitrogen P = 100 - X - Y - Z
(c) Oxygen balance gives the moles of water. Moles O 2 in air = moles
O 2 in flue gas + moles O 2 used to form CO 2 , CO, and H 2 0. So
M = 0.21 (
100 - Z- Z) Y -
= X + ~ y + L. + ~R
1R = (0.21/0.79)(100 - X - Y - Z) - (X + ~y + Z)
R = 2[(0.21/0.79)(100 - X - Y - Z) - (X +}y + Z)]
A. Introduction
All balances, whether material or energy, start with the fundamental balance
input - output + production = accumulation
Since unsteady-state problems on the test are rare, we shall assume steady state,
input - output + production = 0
The production term is of importance only for problems involving chemical
reaction. Without reactions, both material and energy balances are determined
input - output = 0
B. A Typical Problem
Consider the process, shown in Figure D2, in which streams A and B react to
form stream C. If the temperatures of streams A and B are given, what is the
temperature of stream C?
Heat Loss
FIGURE 02. Typical process energy balance.
CpmcanCT - To) = fT C p dT
Hs = (I WBCpmean)(Ts To)
He = (I WcCpmean)(Te - To)
where the W; are the weight fractions of the components in the stream.
If we know the heat loss HL and the heat of reaction t1HR at temperature T,
then the energy balance becomes t
HA + HB - He - H L - t1H R = 0
This equation is solved for the temperature T.
The heat of formation t1H r is the heat used (+) or evolved (-) in forming one
mole of a compound from the elements that make it up. The heat of combustion
t1H c is the heat used ( + ) or evolved ( - ) in burning with oxygen one mole of a
compound to form specified combustion products. Standard tables of these
data, usually at 25°C, are available.
For example,
Since most heats of formation (and heats of combustion) are tabulated at 25C
and 1 atm pressure. we would seem to be in trouble. In fact. it is doubtful if the
preceding reactions would even work at 25C and I atm. We shall resolve this
t Note that thc production tcrm. the heat of reaction. has a negative sign because the convention is
that an exothermic reaction (one losing heat to the surroundings) carries a negative sign. So for a
heat-producing reaction. the term- AIiR is a positi\c amount of heat.
D. Heat of Reaction
The standard heat of reaction, tlH R , is the difference between the enthalpy of
the products and the enthalpy of the reactants when the reaction both begins
and ends at 25'C and 1 atm. If the standard heat of reaction cannot be found, it
can be calculated from standard heats of formation and/or standard heats of
combustion (if you can find them).
To illustrate, what is the standard heat of reaction for the reaction:
2. At Other Temperatures
The standard heats are tabulated at 1 atm and 2YC (sometimes 18 C). We shall
need the heat of reaction at other conditions. Now most thermodynamic func-
tions are point functions; they are functions of the final and initial states only.
So, in Figure D3, the enthalpy change in going from point 1 directly to point 4 is
equivalent to that going from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4.
Equating the enthalpy balances for these two schemes gives
A. Introduction
B. Graphical :v1ethod
$(' = X
and the cost of the heat loss is given by
$L = 1 + 4/X
we can plot both curves and add them together for the total cost. We see from
Figure D4 that the minimum total cost is $5 at an insulation thickness of 2.
6 '3-"'-
'\. ~~/ V
\ /
" -
2 ~ I'-...
1 V $L
1 2 3 4 5
X FIGURE D4. Cost of insulating a pipe.
C. Analytical Method
1. General Conditions
When we plot our optimization problem, we see how the objective function
varies as the independent variable changes. We can see if anything unusual is
occurring. When we solve the problem analytically, we must consider whether
the objective function has any discontinuities or if the independent variable is
Solving optimization problems analytically we must be aware that the opti-
mum, if one exists, can occur only at:
All possibilities must be evaluated for each problem. Of these possibilities, only
the methods for finding stationary points will be discussed.
2. Unconstrained Optimization
For continuous functions such as those shown in Figure D5, the slopes, or deri-
vatives, are also continuous. For curve a, to the left of the maximum the deriva-
tive is positive; to the right of the maximum the derivative is negative. At the
x FIGURE D5. Optima.
yI 0 I----Ij~----"~-... X
maximum point, the derivative is zero. The opposite is true for curve b with the
So to find the stationary points analytically, we set the first derivative of the
objective function to zero. The resulting independent-variable values are max-
ima, minima, or inflection points. If we plot the first derivatives of curves a and b
(Figure D6), we find that the curve with the maximum has a negative second
derivative at the stationary point and the minimum curve has a positive second
derivative at the stationary point. So analytically, we evaluate the second deriva-
tives at the stationary points.
The total cost of insulation was
, 4
C = - - -- +1
Setting C = 0 and solving for X
X = ±2
Since we cannot have negative thicknesses of insulation.
X = 2
is a stationary point. Taking the second derivative of the total cost gives
C" = 8/X 3
3. Constrained Optimization
a. Substitution
If easily done, it is always best to solve the constraint equation for one variable
in terms of the others. For our case, we might be able to get
y = g(x)
easily from
f(x, y) = 0
We then substitute this equation for y into the function to be minimizcd,
minimize C{x, g(x)}
Now the cost function depends only upon x and we find the minimum as before.
b. Lagrangian Multiplier
For situations in which it is difficult to solve the constraint equation for one
variable in terms of the others, we use the Lagrangian multiplier method. With
this method we add to the original objective function, the constraint cq uation
multiplied by a constant j,
C = C(x, y) + ).f(x, y)
To find the optimum, we calculatc the first derivative of C with respect to each
independent variable and set it to zero, or
--- =
~ + I.,(If- = 0
tx rx -ax
oC ac ,o{
= - +) . = 0
cy oy , iJl'
This gives two equations for the three unknowns x, y, and X The third equation
f(x, y) = 0
There is no easy method of telling whether the solution is a maximum, mini-
mum, or inflection point. The easiest method is to evaluate the objective func-
tion at locations near the solution to confirm that the solution is indeed a
minimum (if you were hoping to minimize an objective function).
A. Introduction
Processes are designed to operate at steady-state conditions. They never do. All
processes change with time for many reasons: the feed rate, composition, or
temperature is usually variable; the steam temperature or rate varies; or the
atmospheric conditions change.
To introduce process control, we consider the well-stirred vessel in Figure D7
of volume V into which is flowing a fluid of concentration x(t) at a rate of q.
Leaving the vessel at rate q is the fluid of concentration yet). An unsteady-state
material balance gives
V dt = qx - qy
Note that the two constants that define the system, V and q, appear only as a
ratio. This ratio is called the time constant r since it has units of time
r = V/q
With the time constant notation, the concentration equation is
yet) = a[l - e- r,,]
x(t) yet)
q q
V,y(t) FIGURE D7. A well-stirred vessel.
tions from the operating point are unlikely. Small deviations from the setpoint
allow one to assume that most control problems are linear systems. The time-
honored method for solving linear control problems is the Laplace transforma-
The Laplace transform of the function f(t) is defined by
C. Transfer Functions
Xes) yes)
input output
FIGlJRE D8. General block diagram.
For any given input x(t) to our stirred tank, we could look up its transform
Xes). The transform of the output yes) is then known; the time response can be
found from Laplace transform tables. For a step input in x(t)
x(t < 0) = 0, x(t > 0) =a
the transform is
Xes) = als
1 ) a air
Yes) = ( rs + 1 ~ = ~+ l/r)
a a
s s + 1/r
The inverse transform of Yes),
L ~l[y(S)] = y(t)
yCt) = a[l - e~t!rJ
D. Block Diagrams
One of the advantages of the transfer function is that it leads to block diagrams.
The stirred tank, in block diagram form, is
YCs) = G(s)X(s)
Yes) = (_1+
as shown in Figure 09.
We can extend this concept. Consider the three stirred tanks arranged in
series in Figure D 1O.
This cascade is represented in block-diagram notation by Figure D11 or by
Z(s) = Gj(s)X(s)
W(s) = G2 (s)Z(s)
Yes) = G3 (s)W(s)
which, when combined algebraically, gives
Yes) = G3 W = G 3 G 2 Z = G 3 G 2 G J X(s)
Consider the closed-loop (feedback) control system shown in Figure D12 where
the Laplace-transformed variables are
R(s) +
Yes) = GZ(s)
Z(s) = U(s) + Xes)
Yes) = GU(s) + GX(s)
Yes) = GU(s) + GGvP(s)
Yes) = GU(s) + GGvGcE(s)
Yes) = GU(s) + GGvGc[R(s) - B(s)]
Yes) = GU(s) + GGvGcR(s) - GGvGcB(s)
Yes) = GU(s) + GG,GcR(s) - GGvGcHY(s)
These could have been written by inspection. Note that the numerator is the
product of all transfer functions between the input and the output of the open-
loop system. The denominator of all closed-loop systems is one plus the product
of all transfer functions around the closed loop.
F. Controllers
The usual industrial controller is pneumatic. They are sold with up to three
different control modes.
1. Proportional Controllers
2. Proportional-Derivative Controllers
3. Proportional-Integral Controllers
G= ['(s)
C E(s)
= K (1 + _1 )
G. Stability
I. Introduction
If the output of a controlled system is bounded for all bounded inputs, the sys-
tem is stable. Since most linear systems are exponential in time, that is,
if the exponent a is positive, the system is stable since yet) damps out as time gets
large. If the exponent a were negative the system would be unstable since yet)
would approach infinity as time increased. Only the simpler methods for deter-
mining stability will be discussed.
s = -a
we obtain the exponential term in yet). Were we to have a transfer function such
(s + sJ(s + S2)
we would write it as
K1 + K2 = 0
K 1 s2 + K 2 s1 = A
3. Characteristic Roots
Yes) = 1 G R(s)
+ G1 2
Yes) = N(s)
The denominator polynomial D(s) is called the characteristic equation. Its roots
[the values of s that make D(s) = 0] are called the characteristic roots. If we
have any real, positive roots, we know that the system is unstable. Knowing the
roots enables us to use the partial fraction expansion to obtain the time solution.
4. Routh's Method
11 II
11+1 !l1
The elements in the third and succeeding rows are found from
The clements for the other rows are found from formulas which correspond to
those given above. All elements of the first column of the Routh array must be
positive and nonzero for a stable system.
A. A 70°; NaOH liquor at 160u F with a heat content of 325 Btu/lb is diluted
with a 20 % NaOH liquor at 80°F with a heat content of 40 Btu/lb to give a
final solution containing 40% NaOH. For every 100Ib of product, how
CaC0 3 45 CO 2 20
H 2O 50 CO 1
Inerts 5 N2 76
O2 3
+ y
F. Given the block diagram of the control system shown in Figure D14, if Y is
fed back positively, what K range is needed for stability? If Y is fed back
negatively, what K range is needed for stability?
R + E K Y
"I" (s+2)(s+3) (s+4)
So X = 100 - Y.
Then 0.70(100 - Y) + 0.20Y = 40 or 70 - 0.50Y = 40
or 0.50Y = 30 or Y = 60
Then X = 40
CaC0 3 CaO + CO 2
MW (100.0) (56) (44)
30,000 ft3fhr
dry ,60°F
Cf4 --"':""---.4
90% Conv.
Cao , CaC0:3
FIGURE D16. Schematic for solution
inerts B.
CO 2 20 0.20Z
CO 1 0.01 Z
N2 76 0.76Z
O2 3 0.03Z
100 Z
79.07 mol CH 4 _ 7 lb
hr - 60 9 hr
Product Gas
hr 500°C
25 °C ~_I-----'
E= R -HY H=--
ts + 1
Y = KcGJ(R - HY)
Y(l + KcGJH) = KCGJ R
Characteristic equation is numerator of
t Smith, and Van Ness, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill, New
York,19 ,2nd ed., p. 126.
I Same reference, p. 138.
I + Ke -----
(s + l)(~s + 1)(t5 + 1)
The numerator is
(s + 1)(~s + l)(-!s + 1) + Kc
(!s2 + is + 1)(ts + 1) + Kc
~S3 + ~S2 + ~S2 +is + ts + 1 + Kc
~53 + 52 + II s + 1 + Kc
Routh array
6(11) - 6(1 + Kc)
6(1 + Kc)
All offirst column must be positive: 1 is (+),6 is (+),11 - 1 - Kc must be
( +), 1 + Kc must be ( + ).
for stability
F. Y= GE positive feedback a = 1
E = R + aY negative feedback a = - 1
Y= G(R + aY) or Y(I- aG) = GR
1 - aG = 1 - - - - - --------
(s + 2)(s + 3)(s + 4)
numerator = (s + 2)(s + 3)(s + 4) - aK
= (S2 + 5s + 6)(s + 4) - aK
= S3 + 4s 2 + 5s 2 + 20s + 6s + 24 - aK
= 53 + 9s 2 + 26s + 24 - aK
Routh array
9 24 - aK
(9 . 26 - 24 + aK)/9
24 - aK
max (r b) = max (k 1 C a - k2 C b )
Stationary point
k- C -E2- -Ez/RT
2 b RT2 e
1 a 1 = e-(Ez-Ed/RT
k 2 Cb E2
= k 2C b E 2
_ 2RT - E
+ 2RT)
= k-
2 C b E 2(E 1 -
-R2T4 E 2)
1. Introduction 81
A. Topics Covered 81
B. Symbols 81
C. Stage Principles 81
1. Terminology 81
2. Material Balances 81
3. Enthalpy Balances 82
4. Graphical Methods 82
a. The Operating Line 82
b. Ideal Stage (or Perfect Plate) 83
5. Absorption Factor Method 83
6. Enthalpy-Concentration Diagram Method 84
II. Distillation 85
A. Flash Distillation 85
B. Differential Distillation 85
C. Steam Distillation 86
D. Continuous Distillation 87
1. Principles 87
2. McCabe-Thiele Graphical Method 88
3. Ponchon-Savarit Enthalpy-Concentration Method 90
III. Leaching and Extraction 90
A. Leaching 90
1. Terminology 90
2. Equilibrium 91
3. Operating Line 91
4. Constant or Variable Underflow 91
5. Number of Ideal Stages Constant Underflow 91
6. Number of Ideal Stages- Variable Underflow 92
a. Overall Balances and Point J 92
b. Operating Line and Point P 93
B. Liquid Extraction 94
1. 3asic Data 94
W. L. McCabe and J. C. Smith, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, New
York. 1976.
2. Principles of Extraction 95
a. Ponchon-Savarit Method 95
b. Rectangular Diagram Method for Extraction 96
c. Countercurrent Construction of Stages 97
d. Minimum Solvent Ratio 97
IV. Gas Absorption 98
A. Packed Towers 9g
./ 1. Principles 98
a. Material Balances 9g
b. Limiting Gas- Liquid Ratio 99
c. Differential Material Balance 100
2. Absorption Rate 100
a. Theory of Double Resistance 100
b. General Case-~x ~y Triangle 101
c. Overall Coefficients 102
d. Height of Transfer Unit Method 103
e. Controlling Resistance 104
f. Lean Gases 104
3. Coefficients and HTU's 104
B. Plate Columns 105
r V. Humidification Processes 105
A. Definitions 105
B. The Humidity Chart 106
C. Theory of Wet-Bulb Temperature 106
D. Humidification Processes 107
1. Introduction 107
2. Gas-Liquid Interaction 109
3. Packed Gas-Liquid Contactors 108
4. Adiabatic Humidification 111
/ VI. Drying of Solids 112
A. Introduction 112
B. Equilibria 112
C. Rate of Drying 112
D. Rate-of-Drying Curves 112
1. Constant-Rate Period 113
2. Critical Moisture Content and Falling-Rate Period 113
E. Calculation of Drying Time 113
1. Equations for Constant-Drying Conditions 114
Problems 115
Problem-Solving Strategies 118
Solutions 120
A. Topics Covered
We shall discuss the general stage principles and then some of the principal
methods of mass transfer: distillation, leaching and extraction, absorption, hu-
midification, and drying. We shall discuss only the material that is likely to
appear on the P.E. exam. Therefore, little on multicomponent separations will
be found here. The theoretical diffusion and mass transfer between phases will
not be discussed; the topic is amply covered by McCabe and Smith.
B. Symbols
\1cCabe and Smith's convention for identifying the vapor V phase and the liq-
uid L phase will be used:
The subscript a will refer to the end of the unit where the L phase enters; b to the
end where it leaves.
C. Stage Principles
1. Terminology
Stages are numbered in the direction of flow of the L phase, with the nth stage
being a general stage. The total number of stages is N.
2. Material Balances
Doing a total material balance into and out of envelope 1 of Figure M 1 gives
La + v" + 1 = Ln + Va
for steady-sta,e operation. A balance on component A of a two-component sys-
tem gives
H t - - - - - + - t n-1
1--+---_ _-1 n
Yn +1
1-_ _ _ _..1.--1 n+ 1
Yb FIGURE Ml. Terminology for a staged process.
Had we chosen to write the balances over the whole unit, we would obtain
La + Vb = Lb + v"
3. Enthalpy Balances
X2 FIGURE M2. Graph of an ideal equilibrium stage.
",ote that the two end points, (X a' Ya) and (Xb' .Vb), satisfy this material balance
':'1 uation. In fact, all stages in between must also be represented by this material
jalance equation. Of course, it is much easier to use when it is a straight line;
:hat is, when L and V are constant or when they can be redefined so as to be
We live with actual stages, but it is easier to calculate the theoretical or ideal
stages. With the number of ideal stages in hand, we can apply a stage efficiency
factor to obtain the actual stages.
The ideal stage is defined such that the V phase leaving a stage is in equili-
brium with the L phase leaving the same stage. Thus we need the equilibrium
-::urve relating y to x. As shown in Figure M2, the two phases leaving the same
stage are related by the equilibrium curve (point 1), and the phases from one
stage to the next are related by the operating line (material balance), or point 2.
Continuing up or down the unit in this manner allows one to determine the
number of stages needed to effect the separation.
If both the equilibrium line and the operating line are straight, the graphical
stage-to-stage construction can be expressed as a formula. We assume the
straight equilibrium line to be
Ye = mXe +B
or, for the ideal, nth stage,
Yn = mXn +B
Substituting this into the operating line (straight when we assume LjV constant),
L(y" - B) Lx.
Yn + 1 = - m V· + Ya - V
Define the absorption factor A = L/(m V), so
Yn+l = AYn - A(mxa + B) + Ya
Now note that the (mxa + B) quantity is the vapor concentration that is in equi-
librium with the inlet L phase concentration Xa' Denote it by Y: = mXa + B, so
N = In{Yb
= Y:}/ln A
Our equation can also be expressed in terms of L-phase concentrations x, and
the stripping factor S = 1jA = mLjV, or
Xa -
N=ln { - - * X:}/ InS
Xb - Xb
We have an A stream at a rate rna mixed with a B stream of rate rnb to give a C
stream. With concentrations Xa, Xb, Xc and enthalpies H a' H b' He, we can show
that the enthalpy balance is
rna Hb- Hc Xb - Xc
rnb He - H a Xc - Xa
the lever principle. McCabe and Smith (pp. 528-530) show how this may be
modified for nonadiabatic processes.
A. Flash Distillation
XI = /Yd + (1 - f)Xb
We know neither Yd nor X b , but we have assumed that equilibrium exists. So,
once again, we need the equilibrium line to go with our material balance line.
With the equilibrium assumption, the point (Yd' x b ) falls on the equilibrium
curve, Y = function of x, so we shall write the material balance equation without
the subscripts
XI = y{ + (1 - f)x
which is a straight line with slope - (1 - f)1f = - L/V passing through the
Y= x diagonal at x = XI'
B. Differential Distillation
Now consider a liquid charge of no moles initially in a still. At any time t, there
will be n moles of liquid remaining in the still with a liquid composition x. At this
same time t, the vapor composition is y, and the amount of component A will be
l1a = xn.
At this instant, we assume that a small amount of liquid is vaporized, dn
moles. The amount of A in this vapor will be -dna or - Y dn, since na is decreas-
ing. Thus
dna = d(xn) = X dn + n dx
Y dn = x dn + n dx
dn dx
n y - x
This equation will be integrated from the initial charge no to the final charge n l ,
while the x goes from x o , the initial concentration to Xl' the final concentration,
giving the Rayleigh equation:
where subscripts a and b refer to these components and the subscript 0 refers to
the initial charge.
C. Steam Distillation
Tfthe steam condenses and is miscible (forming but one liquid layer),
D. Continuous Distillation
1. Principles
Ln DXd
Yn+ 1 = -v.- Xn + -- (above feed)
n+1 v" + 1
Ym+ 1 = v--
Xm -
V. -
(below feed)
D = Vn+ 1 - Ln
f dn
"1 n
= In (no) =
fXO ~
X, Y ~ X
1~ Y X
where subscripts a and b refer to these components and the subscript 0 refers to
the initial charge.
C. Steam Distillation
If the steam condenses and is miscible (forming but one liquid layer).
lils = ~~xs' VP s
rna Maxa·VPa
D. Continuous Distillation
1. Principles
Ln DXd
Yn+l = V- Xn + -V (above feed)
n+1 n+1
Lm BXb
Ym + 1 = - Xm - -- (below feed)
Vm+ 1 Vm+ 1
Xb FIGURE M3. A distillation column.
If we can assume constant molal overflow, that is L. and Lm are constant, the
operating lines are straight. Assuming that we have available the equilibrium
data for our binary, we may use th~McCabe- Thiele graphical method.
Most analyses use the concept of reflux ratio or RD'
L V-·D
RD = -- =
With this definition, the above feed operating line is
Yn+ 1 = RD +i Xn + RD + 1
Note that the operating line passes through the Y = x diagonal at x = X d . This is
true regardless of whether we are using a total or a partial condenser. But keep
in mind that if a partial condenser is being used, we subtract one theoretical
stage when counting stages. Thus we see that the operating line for the rectifying
section (above the feed) goes through the point y = x = Xd with a slopc of
RD/(R D + 1).
The operating line for the stripping section (below the feed) was
[ BXb
y=;:;:- x-=--
with I thc liquid flow down the column beneath the feed point. You will notice
that this equation goes through the point Y = x = X b , regardless of the type of
reboiler. Bear in mind though that a partial reboiler is a theoretical stage. Thus.
in counting the theoretical trays or plates required. you must subtract one for a
partial reboiler.
The feed plate separates the stripping section from the rectifying section. The
addition of the feed increases the reflux in the stripping section, increases the
vapor in the rectifying section, or does both.
For example, if the feed is cold, the entire feed stream becomes a part of the
stripping section retlux. But also. to heat the feed to its bubble point. some vapor
must condense. and this condensate also becomes part of the stripping section
reflux. Of course the vapor to the rectifying section is less, by the amount of the
To determine numerically the effect of the feed on the column internal flows,
voe use the q factor, which is defined as the moles of liquid flow in the stripping
5Cction that result from each mole of feed. Equivalently, it could be defined as
the heat required to convert one mole of feed to saturated vapor divided by the
molal heat of vaporization of the feed. The various possibilities are
q> 1, cold feed,
q= 1, feed at bubble point (saturated liquid),
o< q < 1, feed partially vapor,
q= 0, feed at dewpoint (saturated vapor), and
q< 0, feed superheated vapor.
,",ote that if the feed is a mixture of liquid and vapor, q is the fraction that is
With the definition of q, the feed line can be derived as
q x
y = - - - x - -J-
q-l q-l
Once again, the line passes through the diagonal at x = xJ' that is, y = x = x J
and the slope of the line is q/( q - 1). All three lines, the rectifying, the feed, and
,he stripping pass through a common point.
Once the rectifying and stripping operating lines have been plotted, we start
stepping in the stages. But when are we at the feed stage? When we change from
stripping to rectifying or from rectifying to stripping. Note that this is not
unique. But we get the smallest number of stages by changing as soon as it is
What is the minimum number of stages that we could possibly use to obtain a
desired separation? The more reflux we use, the better the separation. But if the
separation is fixed, the more reflux we use, the fewer stages we need. So, in the
limit, an infinite reflux ratio should give us the minimum stages. And an infinite
reflux ratio gives us a slope of one, or the diagonal line. Thus, using the y = x
diagonal as the operating line and stepping off the stages determines the mini-
mum number of stages.
At the other extreme, as the reflux ratio gets smaller, the number of stages
required increases, to a point where we require an infinite number of stages.
Graphical analysis will show that if the operating line passes through the inter-
section of the feed line and the equilibrium line, an infinite number of stages
would occur at the pinch point.
The slope of this operating line is Rmin/(Rmin + 1), from which we can calcu-
late the minimum reflux ratio R min . Should the equilibrium line be so nonideal
that the operating line passes through it, we increase the slope of the operating
line until it just becomes tangent to the equilibrium line. The reflux ratio calcu-
lated for this slope is then the minimum.
A. Leaching
1. Terminology
r 2. Equilibrium
If sufficient solvent is present to dissolve all the solute in the entering solid,
equilibrium is attained. And the concentration of the liquid retained by the solid
;eaving any stage is the same as that of the liquid overflow from the stage. The
equilibrium relationship is Xc = Ye'
3. Operating Line
The operating line equation is obtained from material balances around the first
total solution:
1 v..Ya - Laxa
Yn+l = -l-+-[(-V-.---La)/Lj xn + Ln + v.. - L~
This operating line passes through the points (xa, Ya), (Xb' Yb)'
Two cases are considered. If solution density and viscosity change considerably
with solute concentration, the lower stages may have solids with more liquid
retention than the higher stages. The slope of the operating line would thus vary
from stage to stage. On the other hand, if the mass of solution retained by the
solid is independent of concentration, Ln is constant and the operating line is
straight. This is called constant solution underflow. Of course if the underflow is
constant, so is the overflow.
IV = In
Yo -
- y:
(~'b Y~)I!ln (Yb -Ya)
I Y~ - Y:
can be used with y: = xa and y~ = xb •
Note that this equation cannot be used for the entire cascade if La' the solu-
tion entering with the unextracted solids, differs from L, the underflow within
the system. This is illustrated later in the problems.
The overall balance for leaching has four streams: the inlet solvent Vb' the outlet
concentrated liquid Va, the inlet feed La' and the outlet exhausted solid Lb' We
assume the overall process replaced by two fictitious processes in series; in the
first, streams Vb and La are mixed to form stream J; in the second, stream J is
divided into streams Va and Lb' These processes are represented in Figure M6
Vb + La = J = Lb + Va
Five points, Vb' La, J, Y,,, L b , each representing a corresponding stream, are
shown. A straight line through points V. and Lb intersects a straight line through
points Vb and La at point 1. By the lever rule, the mass of solution in stream La is
inversely proportional to the line J La; the solution in stream Va is inversely
o Overflow 1.0
X = a+s
FIGURE MS. X - Y diagram for variable underflow leaching.
proportional to line JVa; and so forth. If, for example, the mass ratio of the
solution in the incoming solvent to that in the feed is known, this ratio equals
J La/J Va and point J can be plotted. Then if the analysis of one other stream, for
example, v., is known, the line LbJVa can be plotted. Since point Lb is on the
underflow line, it is also the intersection of the underflow line with line LbJV.,
and Lb is thus determined.
Overall balances are treated by assuming a fictitious mixer added to each end of
the cascade. Imaginary stream P is assumed to be formed by subtracting La from
Va or by subtracting Lb from Vb:
or P = Va - La = Vb - Lb
Then a materiJ 1 balance over the first n stages and the fictitious mixer ahead of
stage 1 is
The operating line represented is a straight line passing through points P, V,d l'
and Ln" All other individual operating lines also pass through point P. These
lines, used alternately with the vertical equilibrium lines, give the Ponchon-
Savarit construction shown.
B. Liquid Extraction
1. Basic Data
__________ ~ B
[) FIGURE M7. Triangular coordinates.
c c
1 phase
2. Principles of Extraction
a. Ponchon-Savarit Method
Since the graphical mixing construction and the lever rule both apply to triangu-
lar diagrams, the complete Ponchon-Savarit method carries over unchanged to
these coordinates. Typical constructions for type I and type II systems are
shown in Figures MIO and MIl, respectively. Points P and] have the same
significance as in leaching. With triangular coordinates. remember that stream
magnitudes and concentrations are based upon total streams.
p B
o s
(a) (b)
s 100%
0\ IXo/La
\ / /
\ I /
\ //
FIGURE M14a. Construction of stages: FIGURE M14b. Construction of stages: rec-
triangular diagram. tangular diagram.
100 (;~) F). The line from 100/0 X s to 100 7~ X 0 is the line of 0 %F. If the curved
line Lo-Ln is the locus of raffinate, we know that, if F is not soluble in S, the locus
of extracts will be on the S-O straight line on the triangular diagram (or on the
100~~ Xs-I00%Xo straight line on the rectangular diagram).
The construction of stages is the same whether you use triangular coordinates,
as in Figure M 14u, or the rectangular coordinates of Figure M 14b.
(For processes with a component that is insoluble in the solvent.) Given a coun-
tercurrent process such as that shown in Figure M 15, a total balance around the
system gives
.. ~
~ .1
~ Vn+l
1 \ • Vo n
La Ln
L1 Ln-l
FIGURE MIS. Staged countercurrent extraction system.
and if one of the components of the L stream is not soluble in the solvent, we
may write a balance on that component as (call it a)
o fraction of A
Xa = in stream 0
We write a solvent balance
Now if there is no solvent in the feed, x? = 0, and if the solvent is pure solvent
x: + 1 = 1, so the solvent balance becomes
Define the solvent to feed ratio as P, so P = v..+dLo. Then the total material
balance becomes
1 + P = (vdLo) + (Ln/Lo) = VI + L.
and the solvent balance
Solving the total balance for VI' plugging it into the solvent balance, and re-
arrangmg, gIves
We see that if Ln and x: are fixed by the process, the minimum P occurs for
x; = o.
We have a soluble vapor mixed with an inert gas. In gas absorption, a liquid in
which the solute gas is soluble, is passed countercurrent to the gas stream. This
unit operation is most often carried out in a packed tower, but plate columns are
sometimes used.
A. Packed Towers
1. Principles
a. Material Balances
In a packed tower there are no discrete sudden composition changes as there are
in a plate column. The composition changes are continuous. Nevertheless, a
I 1
I 1
I L,x 1
- -- --I
total material balance is the same as for a plate column. A total balance around
part of the packed column of Figure M 16 gives
La +V = L + V.
Likewise, a soluble component A balance is
Laxa + Vy = Lx + VaYa
with V the molal flow rale of the gas phase and L the liquid phase rate. V, L, y,
and x are all at the same unspecified location.
We can also write the overall balances
If we reduce the liquid flow at constant gas rate, the operating line slope L/V
decreases as shown in Figure M 17. The operating line top then moves in the
direction of the equilibrium line. Thus the maximum liquid outlet composition
and the minimum liquid rate occurs when the operating line just touches the
equilibrium line at x~, Yb'
2. Absorption Rate
Solute A must go in series through a gas resistance, the interface, and a liquid
resistance. If the interface offers no resistance, the gas and liquid phases are at
equilibrium there. This is usually true.
Look at a slice of a packed absorption column dz at a distance z from the top.
The rate of absorption is dN a and the area of the interface is dA. Then, assuming
equimolal diffusion of one component,
dN = ~il'_=- Yi) dA
a (1 - y)L
where ky = gas-phase mass transfer coefficient,
mo1!(area)(hr)(mol fraction difference)
y. Yi = mole fraction A in bulk and interface gas phase, respecti\el~
( mol )
area hr mol fraction difference
Thus we may write
dN a = .. - - y)
kv(Y - d A= k x(xj-x) d A= d()
Vy = d( Lx)
(1 - Y)L
and we may choose sets of two at will. For instance, the gas-phase equation is
d(Vv) = V'd(-
. 1- Y
= V' L_)dy
(1 - y)2
= V~
1- y
we have
kya(y - yJ dz = GM _dy _
(1 - y)L y I- Y
with GMy = V IS = molal mass velocity of gas, and, for the liquid-phase equation
kxa(xj - x) dz = G\lx - ~
with GMx = molal mass velocity of liquid
and goes through the point (Yi' xJ on the equilibrium curve (point c of Figure
MlS). So ab is Y - Yi and bc is Xi - X. By drawing many of these triangles we
know Y - Yi and Xi - X as a function of X or y. We use these data to integrate
our equations graphically:
f Yb
~)L dy
(1 - y)(y - yJ
= kyu
dz = (kya)ZT
I Xb
Xa (1 -
X)(Xi - x) = G~x
(k a)
c. Overall Coefficients
The general method works for either curved or straight equilibrium lines. But it
uses the individual coefficients that are difficult to determine experimentally. If
the equilibrium line is straight, easily obtained overall coefficients may be used.
The overall coefficients are defined by
K =---
y y - y*
~0r the overall liquid-resistance coefficient. The overall coefficients are related to
the individual coefficients by
1 1 1 1
--= - + - - = - - -
Kxa kxa mkya mKya
where m = (Yi - y*)/(x i - x) is the slope of the equilibrium line. In terms of the
overall coefficients,
f Yb
(1 - y)(y - y*) =
y ZT
f Xh
(1 - x)(x* - x) =
(K a)
G: x ZT
N ty =
(1 - y)(y -
= jYa
(1 - y)(y - y*)
= fXa
- -
(1 - x)(x* - x)
e. Controlling Resistance
With a slightly soluble gas, the slope of the equilibrium line m is large, and Hox is
close to H" if GMJG My is not large. Conversely, for soluble gases, the m is small
and Hoy is nearly equal to Hy if GMy/G Mx is not large.
f. Lean Gases
For systems with a small y, we have a lean gas. For these systems, the operating
line is essentially straight. If, in addition, we have a straight equilibrium line, all
of our previous equations (and integrations) are simpler. For this case, we have
GMY(Yb - yJ = Kya(y - Y*)LZT
( _ *) _ (Yb - Y6') - (Ya - Y:)
Y Y L - In [(Yb - Y6')/(Ya - Y:)]
B. Plate Columns
A. Definitions
The humidity .Yf is defined to be the mass of vapor carried by each unit of mass
of vaporjree gas, or
When the vapor is in equilibrium with the liquid at the gas temperature we have
a saturated gas. According to Dalton's law the partial pressure of the vapor in
the saturated gas is equal to the vapor pressure of the liquid at the gas tempera-
ture. Thus
.Yf r = G:)100
On the other hand, the percentage humidity (sometimes called absolute hu-
midity) .Yf a is defined to be the ratio of the actual humidity to the saturation
humidity, eApressed as a percentage,
The humid heat Cs is the heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound
of dry gas and the accompanying vapor by 1°F, or
Cs = C pb + Cpa X'
where Cpa, Cpb are the specific heats of vapor and gas.
The dew point is the temperature to which a vapor-gas mixture must be
cooled (at constant humidity) to become saturated. Note that the dew point of a
saturated gas phase is the same as the gas temperature.
The humid enthalpy or total enthalpy H y is the enthalpy of one pound of gas
plus the vapor it contains, or
Hy = C,(T - To) + x)'o
where is the latent heat of the liquid at To, a datum temperature.
The adiabatic-saturation temperature 1'. is the final steady-state liquid temper-
ature for a process where a gas, initially at a humidity :Yf and temperature T.
flows through a liquid spray chamber where the gas is cooled and humidified
adiabatically. An energy balance for the process gives the equation
:Yf - Xs
---= --=-
Cs Cpb + CpaX'
T -
with Cs and A" evaluated at 1'..
For standard pressure, humidity charts may be used. Perry has charts for air-
-water as well as for several other systems.
At the wet-bulb temperature, the rate of heat transfer from the gas to the liquid is
set equal to the rate of vaporization times the sum of the vapor sensible heat and
the latent heat of vaporization
q = MaNaVw + Cpa(T - Tw}
where q is the sensible heat transfer rate to the liquid, the molal rate of vaporiza-
tion is N a' and Aw is the liquid's latent heat at the wet-bulb temperature Tw'
We can also write this heat transfer rate in the usual form
q = hyA(T - TJ
where hy is the gas-to-liquid surface heat transfer coefficient, the interface tem-
perature is T;, and A is the surface area of the liquid.
The mass transfer rate, as for gas absorption, can be written
N = k A (Yi -12
a y (1 - Y)L
with the )--'s as mole fraction of vapor. Expressing the mole fractions in terms of
humidities while assuming that the interface temperature is the same as the wet-
bulb temperature.
D. Humidification Processes
1. Introduction
The various types of humidification processes are shown on the humidity chart
of Figure M 19. Heat fiow and diffusion of vapor through the gas interface char-
acterize the wet-bulb temperature process. If the liquid is a constant tempera-
ture, the adiabatic humidifier is a wet-bulb temperature process. But with
dehumidifiers and liquid coolers, if the temperature of the liquid is changing,
there will also be a heat fiow in the liquid phase. With heat fiow a temperature
gradient results, and thus a liquid phase resistance to heat flow.
SE"nsiblE" HE"ating
eDolin,; -----~k_---~
Cooling and
Dehurnidif - :U tion Dehydration
2. Gas-Liquid Interaction
Adiabatic humidifier Yy> T;; 1'. < T;; J'f j > J'f
Dehumidifier 1'y > T;; 1'. < T;; J'f > J'f j
Countercurrent cooling tower
Upper part 1'y < T;; 1'. > T;; J'f j > J'f
Lower part 1'y > T;; 1'. > T;; :lt j > :It
where 1'. = bulk stream liquid temperature,
1'y = bulk stream gas temperature,
T; = interface temperature.
J'f j = interface humidity, and
J'f = bulk gas stream humidity.
Consider the packed gas liquid contactor of Figure M20. The mass velocity of
the gas is G~, mass of vapor-free gas per cross-sectional area per hour. Let the
cross section of the tower be S, so the volume of the test section is S dz. Assume
the liquid is warmer than the gas. We write the following balances over the
volume S dz.
G '
GY '
Hyb FIGURE M20. Packed gas-liquid contactor.
Enthalpy balance
G~ dHy = d(G;xH;x) (a)
Now we multiply Eq. (d) by Ao and then add Eq. (c) to get
If we now direct our attention to the usual air-water system, using the Lewis
relation to eliminate hy , Eq. (j) becomes
where Hi gives the air enthalpy at the interface, and the prior equation for H y ,
Eq. (k) becomes
or finally
But. the Lewis relation defines the right-hand side to be unity. thus
dI'y 1; =-
~ (nl
dH) Hi - H,
Our working equations for the air--water system are Eqs. (1), (m), and (n).
4. Adiabatic Humidification
Because the air leaving an adiabatic humidifier may not be saturated (if it were,
it would be an equilibrium problem), we must use rate equations to determine
the size of a packed tower. To develop the working equations for this system, we
f Tya
T, - Ty
h a
which integrates to
dYf = kyM b a dz
Yfs - Yf G~
which can be integrated since Yf., the saturation humidity at T" is constant:
In Yfs - Yf b _ kyMb a _ kyMbaVT
Yf - Yf - G' ZT - rh'
5 • Y
Notice that we may cast these equations into the HTU form, since, by definition
Nt = In
.K s - Yfa
= number of humidity transfer units.
Of course, we get the same answer if we base the number of transfer units on heallt
A. Introduction
Many types of equipment are used for drying a wide variety of solids. Thus there
is not a single theory of drying. Most dryers are designed using general princI-
ples with experimental data.
B. Equilibria
The moisture content of a solid is expressed as the mass of water per unit mass of
bone-dry solid. So the driving force for mass transfer in a wet solid is the free-
moisture content X, which is the difference between the total moisture content
X T and the equilibrium moisture content X*.
C. Rate of Drying
The capacity of a dryer depends upon both the rate of mass transfer and the rate
of heat transfer. The heat of vaporization must be supplied to the vaporization
zone to vaporize the water. The water may be either at or near the solid surface
or within the solid, depending upon the solid and the conditions.
D. Rate-of-Drying Curves
With constant dryer conditions. the moisture content X T of a solid usually de-
creases, as shown in Figure M21. The graph is linear at first then curves up, and
finally levels off. Figure M22 shows the drying rate. It is horizontal at first, then
it curves downward and eventually reaches zero. Combining the two figures, we
obtain, for different materials. the drying-design curves of Figure M23.
moisture dt
content drying
time t time t
FIGURE M21. Moisture-content curve. FIGURE M22. Drying-rate curve.
Drying Rate
Ib/ft 2hr
The differences in the shapes are the result of differences in the mechanism of
moisture flow in the different materials.
1. Constant-Rate Period
Every drying-rate curve has at least two distinct parts. After a warm-up period
I notshown in the figure), each curve has the horizontal line AB. This period is
the constant-rate period. The rate of drying is independent of moisture content.
The solid is so wet that a continuous film of water covers the entire drying
surface and this water behaves as if the solid were not there. If there is no heat
transfer by radiation or by direct contact of the solid with hot surfaces, the
temperature of the solid during the constant-rate period is the wet-bulb temper-
ature of the drying air.
The size of the equipment needed for a given capacity is fixed by the drying time.
With constant drying conditions, the drying time can be determined from the
rate-of-drying curve. If we consider the drying of a slab of solid of half- thickness
s and face area S dried from both sides, the total area for drying is 2S. Now the
ordinate R of the rate-of-drying curve is
R= - - -
2S dt
where m = mass of total moisture in the solid and
t = drying time.
The abscissa of the curve is X, the mass of free moisture per unit mass of bone-
dry solid. If Ps is the density of the solid, in mass per unit volume of bone-dry
material, assumed constant, then
dm = 2sSps dX
R = -sps dt
Integrating this equation between X 1 and X 2, the initial and final free-moisture
tT =spS I
where tT is the total drying time. The integration may be performed numerically
using the rate-of-drying curve. It can be done analytically if R is known as a
function of X.
The equation may be formally integrated for two conditions: during the con-
stant-rate period and during the falling-rate period, if the rate-of-drying curve is
During the constant-rate period, R is constant at its value Re. Therefore, the
time of drying in the constant-rate period te is given by
R = aX + b; dR = a dX
The integral becomes
Rc - R'
a= -~-- --~
Xc -X'
where Rc = rate at critical point,
R' = rate at final processing condition,
Xc = free-moisture content at critical point, and
X' = free-moisture content at final processing condition.
_ sPs(X c
- R _ R'
- X) I
c 2
When the drying process covers both a constant-rate period and a linear failing-
rate period, the total drying time is the sum of tc and t f •
A. How many cubic feet per minute of entering air is needed to evaporate 10 Ib
of water per hour from a rayon, if the air enters at 80°F and 25 % humidity
and leaves at 170°F and 55 % relative humidity. The operating pressure is
14.3 psia.
B. A nitrogen-hydrogen chloride mixture (to vol % hydrogen chloride) is to
be scrubbed with water to remove the hydrogen chloride. To satisfy envi-
ronmental concerns, 99 7~ of the inlet HCl must be removed. Assuming that
the gas leaving the scrubber will be at 125°F and 1 atm saturated with
water, what will be the volume and composition of the gas leaving if we
must process 200 lb mOl/hr of dry entering gas.
C. We wish to extract nicotine from water using kerosene. If we have 100 Ib of
a 2 ~/o nicotine solution extracted once with 200 lb of kerosene, what per-
centage of the nicotine will be extracted?
Ib nicotine Ib nicotine
Equilibrium: y - - - =0.90X- - -
lb kerosene lb water
D. We must cool 2500 gal/min (gpm) of water from 120 to 80°F. A cooling
tower, at 70"F and 1 atm. is to be designed to operate with entering air of
40 (>~ relative humidity_
(a) How many cubic feet per minute (cfrn) of entering air must be sup-
(b) How many gallons per minute of makeup water must be supplied if
windage loss is 95 % of the amount lost by evaporation?
Recy cle +
FIGURE M24. Schematic for problem G.
(a) Cubic feet per minute of fresh air required, at entrance conditions.
(b) Temperature and absolute humidities at (i) preheater inlet, (ii) hu-
midifier inlet, and (iii) humidifier outlet.
(c) Temperature of water required in the humidifier.
(d) Humidifier volume.
H. We need to cool 11,000 gal/min of process water from 100 to 80°F. Our
engineer suggests a mechanical (induced) draft cooling tower with 2 cells,
each 45 x 45 ft x 55-ft high. She wants to use air at a rate of 750,000
ft 3 jmin for each cell (measured at 80 c F dry bulb and 70°F wet bulb). The
design wet-bulb temperature was 70"F. Is this design approximately cor-
rect? If hya = 10 Btujft 3 hr of, calculate the tower height required.
I. How many stages and how much water is needed for the counter-current
extraction ofNaOH from a-feed consisting of 80 Ib NaOH, 400 Ib H 2 0, and
100 Ib CaC0 3 . The final extract solution will contain 10% NaOH with the
recovery of95 ~.~ of the NaOH. We shall set the underflow at a constant 3.0-
Ib solution/lb CaC0 3 .
J. We have a binary mixture, 50 % (mol) A, to feed to a distillation column.
We need 97% A overhead and a minimum of97 % B in the bottoms. For an
atmospheric system with a total condenser and a reboiler and a tempera-
ture such that the feed is half vaporized as it enters the column, determine
(a) the minimum reflux ratio; (b) the theoretical stages needed at total ref-
lux; (c) the theoretical stages needed using a reflux ratio of two times the
minimum; and (d) the feed plate number.
The equilibrium data are
general, a material balance (the operating line) based upon the total m0;~'
of a stream is not a straight line. One way to get a straight-line maten2-;
balance is to use acetone-free air and water streams. Should we choose thl~
approach, the equilibrium relationship would no longer be straight. The
other possibility occurs if the acetone is present in such small amounts that
the material balance is approximately straight. This is the case for this
problem. Because both operating line and equilibrium line are approxi-
mately straight, an analytical equation is available. This is always prefera-
ble to a numerical integration. Thus we may use the lean gas absorption
equations. Materi'al balances supply the unknown data for the equation.
With the equation, the solution is simple.
G. This is a humidification problem at atmospheric pressure. A humidity chart
can be used. With the data given, we know the lb HzO/lb dry air leaving the
preheater is the same as the preheater inlet since the preheater simply in-
creases the temperature. To determine the preheater inlet humidity, we do a
H 2 0 balance around the fresh-air-recycle-air mixing point. An energy bal-
ance sets the inlet temperature. The humidifier outlet humidity is the same
as the office humidity since the heater adds no moisture. The humidifier
outlet temperature is found on the chart where the humidity line intersects
the 85/;' relative humidity line. To determine the humidifier volume, we
need an adiabatic humidifier design equation. Fortunately, McCabe and
Smith has one.
H. We do not have enough information given to solve this cooling tower de-
sign problem. Since this is a packed tower, we cannot use ideal stage con-
cepts. We know that the operating line is an energy balance. We know that
the equilibrium line is the enthalpy at saturation. We know that theory is
available to solve for packing height, given kya. But we also know that
theory is not available to determine bed cross-sectional area. We must
know, or be able to find, common practice concepts for this. We must check
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook. If we find what we need, we can
judge whether to attempt the problem. If not, we should move to another
I. This is a staged solvent extraction problem. When looking for easy extrac-
tion problems, we want a straight material balance (operating) line and a
straight equilibrium line. We remember that a constant underflow is a
straight equilibrium line, and that a liquid-solid system usually gives a
straight material balance line. It looks as if the Kremser equation will give
us an easy solution. But we remember that with constant underflow, the
inlet stream is rarely set at the same rate as the underflow. We may have to
use just a material balance on the feed stage (first stage) and the Kremser
equation .,here the underflow is indeed constant.
J. This binary distillation problem is probably best solved graphically. We
could analytically find solutions for the minimum reflux and theoretical
stages at total reflux if the equilibrium data were based upon a constanm
relative volatility r:t.. But we would still need graphical solutions for the
other answer. So we would use graphical solutions for the complete prob-
K. For the minimum number of stages in a binary distillation with constant
relative volatility, we use the Fenske equation. I do not know of an analytI-
cal equation for minimum reflux ratio, but I know graphically how to ob-
tain it. So I can develop an equation upon which the graphical solution IS
based. I know that the minimum reflux line is straight and that its two
intersection points are (a) the distillate composition X D on the 45° line, and
(b) the point where the feed q line intersects the equilibrium line. The equilI-
brium line is defined by a = y(1 - x)/x(1 - y).
L. This is a drying problem. Problems like this are solved analytically or by
numerical integration. Since the falling rate is a straIght line, an analytical
solution is possible.
, (0.5069)( 18 ) lb H 2 0
·Yfi = 0.25 14.3 _ 0.5069
28.9 = 0.0057 lb D air
lb .. 10 lb H 2 0 lb D air
-- D aIr reqUIred = - . = 55.3 - - -
hr hrO.1808 IbHzO/lbD aIr . hr
. . . (540)( 1 0.0057)
humId vol of Inlet au = 359 492 28.9 + -18
= 13.76ft 3 /lbDair
.. lb D air ft 3 1 hr
cfm Inlet aIr = 55.3 h 13.76 1b . --.
r D aIr 60 mIn
= 12.68 cfm
55% reI. hum.
10 Ib/hr H20
25% humidity Hi
no. of cfm? FIGURE M25. Schematic for solution A.
Gas lb mol
HCl 20
Nz 180
Outlet gas: 180 lb moljhr N z ; 0.01 (20) = O.2lb moljhr HCl and H 2 0.
ffs = - - .MW - - VP
- -H20· - -H20
MWN2 (1 atm - VPH20)
Steam tables:
VP H20 at 125 = 1.942 psia; MWH20 = 18, MW N2 = 28 .
.Yf =}~ (- 0
42 __ ) = 0098 ~H20
s 28 14.7 - 1.942 . lb D gas
1.942 mol H 2 0
---~- = 0.152 - - ---
14.7 - 1.942 mol D gas
1 atm
sat. with H20
1% of inlet HCI
200 lb mol/hr
10 vol % HCl
90 vol % N2 FIGURE M26. Schematic for solution B.
H2O 98 lb nic
X phase
nic 2 lb
kero 200 lb :1 kero
Y phase
FIGURE M27. Schematic for solution C.
Outlet gas:
N2 180 86.7
Hel 0.2 0.1
H 2O 27.43 13.2
207.63 100.0
H 20 =
0.152 ( - -H20) (180 + 0.2) mol D gas
mol D gas
= 27.43
Volume of gas leaving:
lb nico Ib nic
2 lb = 98 Ib H 2 0X + 200 lb kero Y ~lb
Ib H 2 0 ero
Want: pounds nicotine out.
Now X = Y/0.9
2 = 98(~)
+ 200Y = (980.9 + 200)Y;
Y = 2 -7- (2! +
200) = ~
= 6.45 X 10- 3
lb niC)
lb nico out = 200 lb kero ( 6.45 x 10 - 3 lb kero = 1.29 lb
lb nicotine extracted = 1.29.
%extracted = (1.29/2) 100 = 64.5 %
2500 gpm H~
120 0 P Air sat.
Hs = .0589
40% rGl. hum.
Ib HzO
H = .0063 Ib 0 air FIGURE M28. Schematic for solution D.
. I . 0 Btu . Btu
Cs (m et air) = .242 0 lb .; C s (out Iet air) = 0.267 - - - -
F Dalr OF lb D air
H = Cs(T - To) + Yf)'o
If To = 32°F; )'0 = 1075.8 Btu/lb,
Houl = 0.267(110 - 32) + 0.0589(1075.8) = 84.2 Btu/lb D air
H in = 0242(70 - 32) + 0.0063(1075.8) = 16.0 Btu/lb D air
Heat Balance: heat removed from H 20 = heat gained by air
8.25 x 10 5 Btu
-.- = (84.2 - 16.0)( -lb'-
)(D D Ib . air)
and then
E = 0.95(0.25) = 14.25
Using total balance, S = 14.25 + 0.5 = 14.75.
8 Ib E Ib sol'n
801 vent C 95% of A
Feed 1 Ib U Ib sol'n
0.2 5 Ib A 1 Ib sol'n
0.75 Ib B Ib B FIGURE M29. Schematic for solution E.
.0002 mf 1000~
hr ft
Xa=O mf acetone
.020 mf
700 ft3 STl'
hr ft2 FIGURE M30. Schematic for solution F.
F. See Figure M30. This is a lean gas; we use the lean gas absorption equa-
N Yb - Ya GMy
toy - ( *)' Hoy = - K '
Y - Y LM ya
( *) _ (Yb - Y6) - (Ya - Y:) .
LM = log mean
Y - Y LM - In [(Yb - Y6)/(Ya - Y:)] ,
Y6 = 1.75x b , Y: = 1.75x a
5 X 104 cfh
70°F ,50%R.H FIGURE M31. Schematic fm solution G.
G. (a) Cubic feet per minute of fresh air required-based on dry air balance
(see Figure M31).
- + -:if) - -
( T)( .28.9 3
humid volume = 359 - 1 ft -
492 18 Ib D air
humid volume of air to bldg = 13.55 - ---
Ib D air
ft3 Ib D air
recycle = 0.5 x 10 5 cfh/13.55 - - = 3.69 X 10 3 ----
Ib D air hr
3 Ib D air 3 Ib D air
F + 3.690 x 10 --- - = 7.379 x 10 - - - _.,
hr hr
Ib 0 air
F=3689 x 10 3 ---
. hr
3 Ib D air ft3 1 hr
F = 3.689 x 10 --hr - x 12.63 --- --:- - --
Ib D aIr 60 min
:ff = 0.00423 lb H 2 0
lb D air
3 lb D air " 3
3.689 x 10 - h-r- Cs (40 F - To) + 3.690 x 10 Cs (70 - To)
to preheater
es(avh) = 0.244 1boF
H. According to Figure 15-6, p. 852 of the first edition of McC & S (also found
in Perry's Handbook), for a hot water temperature of 100°F and a cold
water temperature of 80°F, with wet-bulb temperature of 70°F, the water
concentration should be 2.7 gal/min ft2.
For 11,000 gpm, the cross-section area should be
dH y = kyaA-!b dZ
Hi - Hy G~
Mbkra s
_ d~ = }!y CJ.- dZ
Hi - Hy esG;
where Hi = saturation enthalpy (equilibrium line) and
H y = actual air enthalpy (operating line)
If both equilibrium and operating lines were straight, we could use the
enthalpy equation analogous to the lean gas absorption equation or
Hi - Hy
= Hy. - Hyb
(Hi. - H y.) - (H ib - H yb)
/In (Hia - H y.)
(H ib - H yb )
But we see that the Hi line, shown in Figure M32a, is not linear with tem-
perature so we use graphical integration. The operating line is given by
We see from the H - T diagram that T..b = 80°F and H yb = 34 Btuflb D air
Cl 60
I terIl>
wb I terIl>
70 80 90 100
750,000 ft 3/min 1 Ib D air
G = = 53 9 1 - - -
y 14.1 ft3 lIb D air ' min
T 80 85 90 95 100
Hi 43 49 55 63 71
Hy 34 38.3 42.5 46.8 51.1
1/(Hi - Hy) 0.1111 0.0935 0.08 0.0617 0.0503
0.08 i - - - - - - + - . . . . - - - - - - - l
0.06 1 - - - - - - + - - - - 1 1 \ - - 1
30 40 50
FIGURE M32b. Graphical integration for solution H.
and plot l/(Hi - Hy) versus Hy and graphically integrate Figure M32b to
obtain = 1.377. But
Kremser equation
In (-0.0448) = 2.16
Thus N = 3.16.
J. See Figure M34a. Slope of feed line = q/(q - 1), where q = moles of liquid
flow in stripping section resulting from 1 mol of feed or! feed vaporized or!
feed liquid, so
q=! and slope = !I(! - 1) = - 1
Minimum reflux ratio is determined from slope of rectifying operating line
through (Yd' x d ) and the intersection of feed with equilibrium curve. Slope
of this line is RD/(R D + 1), where RD = LID. Operating line goes through
the point x = 0.37, Y = 0.63 or
Xd = 0.97
Xf = 0.5
1/2 vapor
.tl I
.6 I
.2 I
xf XD
o .2 .4 .6 .8 1
RD = 1.308 minimum reflux
XF FIGURE M35. Equilibrium curve for solution K.
Ro Yo - y* Xo - y*
slope = --- = :....=.-~
Ro +I Xo - XF
Xo - y*, or
5 18 30
Total moisture lb/lb FIGURE M36a. Drying data for solution L.
Xo + (ex - l)xFxo - XF
exxF - x F - (a - l)xF
. ( Ib HzO ) .
Free MOIsture ( I lb H z0r )
Total mOIsture Ib D solid b D so Id
30 =30-5=25
18 = 18 - 5 = 13
12 = 12 - 5 = 7
8 = 8-5=3
We must use the given data to determine the rate-of-drying curve of Figure
dX dX
R=- or dt=-
dt R
Constant rate:
t = f Z5
dX = 25 - 13
c 13 Rc Rc
Falling rate:
R = aX,
J13 , ~
R In(~)
tr = [f 13
dX ~ XIIRXc =
£ In X
t =
r 7
! c
c =
Xc (Xc)
tr=--In - - = -13I n (13)
Rc X end 4.01 X end
So for X = 25 and X end = 3,
25 - 13
tc = - 4.m = 2.99 hr; tr = 13 In (13)
4.01 3 = 4.75
total time = 2.99 hr + 4.75 hr = 7.74 hr
W. L. McCabe and J. C. Smith, Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hili, New
York, 1976.
F. Kreith, Principles of Heat Transfer, 3rd ed., Harper & Row, New York, 1973.
A. Introduction
1. Fourier's Law
The basic relation for heat flow by conduction is the proportionality between
the rate of heat flow across a surface and the temperature gradient at the surface,
dq = -k aT
dA an
where q = rate of heat flow normal to surface,
A = area of surface,
T = temperature,
n = normal distance to surface, and
k = proportionality constant.
2. Thermal Conductivity
B. Steady-State Conduction
1. Introduction
Consider a flat slab with a constant thermal conductivity. We look at the steady-
state heat flow perpendicular to the slab. For this case, q will be constant. The
direction normal to the slab will be called x. Fourier's law becomes
CL=_k dT
A dx
f T
dT = - -
1 = k Tl - T2 = k i1T
A x 2 - Xl B
BA Bs Be
Consider a flat wall made of a series of layers as shown in Figure HI. For the
first material (orlayer), RA is the resistance, BA is the thickness, and ATA is the
temperature drop across BA- We can write
and, since qA = qB = qc = q,
Consider the concentric tube shown in Figure H2. Heat is flowing from the
inside to the outside. Note that the area perpendicular to this flow changes with
r, that is,
q = -k-21trL
L = length of tube
k2nL(7; - 7;,) kA L (7; - 7;,)
q =--:-----
In (ro/rJ ro-rj
where the last form is the way we wish to write the equation. So, in order to use
this form, we must have
Consider the earlier flat slab. We now look at it, not in the steady state, but as
time varies. The conduction equation becomes
aT k a2 T iJ 2 T
at pCp iJx 2 iJx 2
Because the solution to this equation is a series of terms, charts (such as those
in Kreith) are convenient.
A. Introduction
~ar; ".ir~
Inlet Liquid
Th = Temy of Cond. Vapor
____- - - - - - - - - - - - - 6T 2
FIGURE H3. Heat exchanger with condensing vapor.
and so the local difference is Th - T.,. This is called a point temperature differ-
ence. A T. At the inlet. the point temperature difference is Th - I::a = AT 1 ; at the
exit Th - Tch = ATz . The terminal point temperature differences A Tl and AT:
are called approaches. The change in the liquid temperature T.,b - T.,a is called
the temperature range.
Single pass systems can be either parallel or countercurrent. Countercurrent
almost always is the preferred method.
B. Energy Balances
1. In Heat Exchangers
If we assume two fluid streams exchanging heat. with no loss to the surround-
2. In Total Condensers
With a total condenser, the hot stream gives up its heat of vaporization only,
that is,
mh ) = mcCpe(T.:b - Tea) =q
If the hot stream also is sub cooled
mh[A + Cph(Th - Thb )] = meCpe(T.:b - T.:a) = q
C. Rate of HeafTransfer
1. Heat Flux
Our heat transfer calculations will be based upon the area of the heating surface.
It is usually expressed as British thermal units (Btu) per hour per square foot or
watts per square meter. This rate of heat transfer per unit area is called a heat
flux. For tube systems, it can be based either upon the outside tube area or upon
the inside tube area.
Bear in mind that there is usually a temperature difference across the cross sec-
tion of the fluid. But we use the mixing cup or average temperature of the cross
Analogous to the Fourier law of continuous mediums, we can write for the flux
- = VIlT = V(Th - T.:)
where the proportionality factor V is called the local overall heat transfer coeffi-
cient. But note that if A is taken to be the outside tube area Ao, then V becomes
V o , the coefficient based upon that area; likewise for Ai and Vi' Now both IlT
and dq arc' 'ldependent of the area chosen, so
If we assume that the overall heat transfer coefficient is constant, the flux equa-
tion can be integrated over the total heat transfer surface to get
qT = UAT'~TL
The overall heat transferred depends upon heat transfer in the hot stream, in the
tube wall, and in the cold stream. Thus the overall coefficient is a function of
individual coefficients:
8. Fouling Factors
While in service, heat transfer surfaces tend to get dirty or fouled. This is taken
into account by using fouling factors hdi or h do ' depending upon whether dirt is
on the inside or outside of the tube. They may be incorporated into the overali
coefficients in the following way:
1. Introduction
With laminar flow, heat transfer occurs only by conduction. This type of prob-
lem may be solved using mathematical analysis. An advanced text on fluid flow
and heat transfer will give the details; only the results will be presented here.
The equation for heat transfer to a flat plate (shown in Figure H4) is
O.332NW Ni~:x
NNu.x = {I _ (xo/X)3/4p/3
= Reynolds number.
Xo = Unheated portion
of plate FIGURE H4. Heat transfer to a flat plate.
This equation gives hx, the local value of h. Analytically it can be shown that the
average h, over the whole length x, is given by
h = 2hL
where hL is hx evaluated at x = L.
Dimensionless groups are commonly used in heat transfer to fluids. The Graetz
number is defined as
The Peelet number is defined to be the product of the Reynolds number and the
Prandtl number
N Pe = NReNpr = 7T = p - k -
1. Introduction
The most important heat transfer situation is heat flow to a turbulent fluid flow-
ing in a tube. Turbulent flow has Reynolds numbers greater than 2100. The first
results obtained were empirical correlations using dimensional analysis; later
results have had a more theoretical basis.
3. Theoretical Results
Some theoretical results may be obtained using the Reynolds analogy-the ratio
of the momentum diffusivity to the thermal diffusivity is equal to the ratio of the
momentum eddy diffusivity to the thermal eddy diffusivity. It is theoretically
expressed as
h N 2 / 3 ("~
)0.14 -2f--
p Jl
f = 0.046(DG/Jl)-0.2
1. Introduction
Heat flow in forced convection outside tubes differs from that inside tubes due to
differences in mechanisms. No form drag exists inside the tubes and all friction is
wall friction.
The same variables affecting heat transfer within tubes affect heat transfer out-
side, but the constants are different. The form is
For heating and cooling fluids flowing normal to single cylinders, use
kf kr Jlf
D. Natural Convection
A fluid, at rest, in contact with a hot vertical plate will be warmer near the plate
Since the density of a hot fluid is less than that of a cold fluid, this buoyanC}
effect will cause the hot fluid to rise and be replaced with a cooler fluid. A vek,('-
ity gradient will be formed near the plate. This is natural convection.
For single horizontal cylinders, the equation is of the form
{J= 1 -
v aT
(av) p
, v = specific volume
A. Condensing Vapors
1. Introduction
The condensation of vapors upon the surfaces of tubes which are cooler than the
vapor condensing temperature is important commercially. The important areas
will be discussed.
There are two ways in which a vapor may condense upon a cold surface:
dropwise and filmwise. The average coefficient for dropwise condensation may
be five to eight times that for film wise condensation. Some generalizations are
• Filmwise condensation occurs if both the fluid and the tube are clean.
• Dropwise condensation occurs only when the surface is contaminated.
• A monomolecular film is sufficient to cause dropwise condensation.
• Substances that merely prevent surface wetting are ineffective for causing
dropwise condensation.
These equations have a strong theoretical basis. For vertical tubes, the local heat
transfer coefficient at a distance L from the surface top is
_ (pfg )113
hx - kr
or equivalently by
kr Prg
The physical property data are evaluated at Tr where
3 2
_ (4r')-1/3
- 1.51
kr Prg
h = 0.725 (
r f
where r' is the condensate loading per unit length of tube.
These theoretical equations work well for single tubes. Theoretically for a bank
of horizontal tubes, the average loading per tube could be used
r' = mT
S (LN)
4. Superheated Vapors
If the vapor is superheated, both the sensible heat (of the superheat) and the heat
of condensation must be transferred through the cooling surface. When the va-
por is highly superheated and the outlet temperature of the cooling fluid is close
to that of condensation, the tube wall temperature may be greater than the
saturation temperature and condensation will not occur. In this case, it may be
necessary to consider the equipment as two separate parts: a desuperheater (just
a gas cooler) and then a condenser.
B. Boiling Liquids
1. Introduction
When boiling is caused by a hot immersed surface, the temperature of the liquid
is the same as the boiling point of the liquid under the pressure in the equipment.
Vapor bubbles are generated at the heating surface, rise through the liquid, and
leave the liq uid surface. This is boiling of saturated liquid.
In some cases, the liquid temperature is below the boiling point but the heat-
ing surface temperature is above the boiling point. Vapor bubbles formed on the
heating surface are absorbed by the liquid. This is subcooled boiling.
but a and b change depending upon the liquid and the temperature range.
Experimental data are required. McCabe and Smith (pp. 363 -366) report the
available equations, such as they are.
3. Suhcooled Boiling
A. Introduction
Radiation is energy streaming through empty space at the speed of light. All
materials at temperature above absolute zero emit radiation. Thermal radiation
is radiation that is the result of temperature only. Since radiation moves through
space in straight lines, only substances in sight of a radiating body can intercept
radiation from the body. The fraction, of radiation hitting a body that is reflected
is called the reflectivity p. The fract.ion absorbed is called the absorptivity :x,
while the fraction transmitted,~1ed the transmissivity r. The sum of these
three fractions must be 1, or
B. Emission of Radiation
1. Introduction
lose energy by emission faster than they receive energy by absorption from
cooler bodies. Eventually the process reaches equilibrium when all bodies reach
the same temperature.
2. Radiation Wavelength
A blackbody has the maximum attainable emissive power at any given tempera-
ture; it is the standard. Thus the ratio of the total emissive power W ofa body to
that of a blackbody, Wb • is defined to be the emissivity e of the bodies. So
G = W/Wb
Likewise, the monochromatic emissivity G", is defined by
G", = W;/Wb,A
A gray body is defined to be a body whose eA is the same for all wavelengths L
There are no actual blackbodies, but carbon black approaches it. There is a
basic blackbody relationship, the Stefan-Boltzmann law,
Wb =(JT 4 , (J=0.1713 x 10- 8 Btu/ft2hr OR4
with (J a universal constant. Planck's law gives the energy distribution in the
spectrum of a blackbody
C 1 = 3.742 X 10- 16 Wm 2
C 2 = 1.439 cmK
At any temperature T, the maximum monochromatic radiating power is ob-
tained at a wavelength Amax given by Wien's displacement law:
TAmax = 5200; T= OR, I. max = micrometers
1. Introduction
A definite fraction p of radiation falling on a solid body may be reflected and the
remaining fraction 1 - P enters the solid and is either transmitted or absorbed.
In most solids the transmissivity T is negligible. In fact, most of the absorbed
radiation in an opaque solid is absorbed in a thin layer near the surface. Then
the heat generated by the absorption can flow into the remaining solid by con-
An opaque solid's reflectivity depends mainly upon temperature and the type of
surface. Reflection is usually either specular or diffuse. Specular reflection makes
a definite angle with the surface, usually occurring on polished metals. Diffuse
reflection is reflected in all directions, usually the result of a rough surface.
3. Kirchhoff's Law
that is, emissivity and absorptivity are equal when a body is at temperature
equilibrium with the surroundings.
1. Introduction
The total radiation from a unit area of an opaque body of area AJ , emissivity 6 1 ,
and absolute temperature T is given by
q/A! = en! Ti
But, in the usual situation, the energy emitted by a body is intercepted by other
bodies (or substances) in sight of the body. And these substances are also radia-
tors and their radiation falls on the original body. So the net loss by radiation is
less than our equation indicates.
Consider the simplest case of two parallel surfaces 1 and 2 with both surfaces
black. The energy emitted by surface 1 is oT;. But all radiation from each of the
surfaces fa~h on the other surface and is completely absorbed. Thus the net loss
of energy by the first surface and the net gain of energy by the second is given by
Usual real world situations are more complex, since one or both surfaces usually
see other surfaces and actual surfaces are rarely black.
2. Angle of Vision
The energy from a small surface dA 1 that is intercepted by a large one depends
only upon the angle of vision and is independent of the distance between the
surfaces. But the energy received per unit area of the receiving surface is in-
versely proportional to the square of the distance between the surfaces, or
dI = (Wdnr2) dA 1 cos ¢
where I = rate of energy received per unit area of the receiving surface, and the
angle ¢ is determined as shown in Figure H5.
The net rate of energy transfer dq 12 between two area elements dA 1 and dA 2 is
given by
The F factor is called the angle factor or the view factor. If surface Al is chosen.
If surface A2 is chosen.
We can consider F12 as the fraction of radiation leaving area A1 that is inter-
cepted by area A 2 . If surface Al sees only A 2 , then F 12 = 1. If surface Al sees
several surfaces,
where F 11 occurs in case area 1 can see area 1. Regardless, the net radiation
associated with an F 11 factor is zero.
Many view factors have been calculated. See McCabe and Smith, pp.
5. Nonblack Surfaces
where 3"";.2 and ff21 are overall interchange factors and depend upon 8 1 and 8 2 ,
There are several other cases that may be developed analytically; see McCabe
and Smith, pp. 387-389.
1. Introduction
Tube side heat transfer coefficients cause no difficulty. But because of the shell
side flow patterns, shell side, or outside, coefficients must be approached differ-
The mass velocity Gb parallel to the tubes is the mass flow rate divided by the
free area for flow in the baffle window Sb (the portion of the shell cross section
not occupied by the baffle). This area is calculated by
_ r nD; nD~
Sb -.!b 4 - Nb 4
Sc = PD{l _~o)
where p = center-to-center distance between tubes and
P = baffle pitch.
With the area determined. the mass velocity is calculated from
h~:o = 0.2(D~Qe)
where Gc = jG~G:
When a fluid flows perpendicular to the tube bank, the usual log mean tempera-
ture difference (LMTD) only applies if either the inside or the outside tempera-
ture is constant. otherwise corrections must be used. These are obtained from
figures such as those in McCabe and Smith, pp. 405-407, where
A. Introduction
B. Evaporator Capacity
1. Boiling-Point Elevation
At a given pressure, the boiling point of aqueous solutions is higher than that of
pure water. This temperature difference is called the boiling-point elevation of
the solu'tion It must be subtracted from the temperature drop that is predicted
from the steam tables. Duhring's rule~the boiling point of a given solution is a
linear function of the boiling point of pure water at the same pressure~is used
for concentrated aqueous solutions.
C. Evaporator Economy
Economy is the amount of solution water vaporized per pound of steam fed to
the evaporator. If the water vapor from one evaporator becomes the heating
medium (steam) for a second evaporator, the economy increases. How much it
improves can be determined by enthalpy balances.
D. Single-Effect Evaporation
Consider the evaporator shown in Figure H6. If we neglect steam superheat and
condensate subcooling the enthalpy balance for the steam chestside is
qs = lits(He - Hs) = -litsAs
where He = enthalpy of condensate,
Hs = enthalpy of steam,
lits = steam flow rate,
qs = heat transfer rate through heating surface to steam, and
As = latent heat of condensation of steam.
For the liquor side, the enthalpy balance is
q = (litf - Iit)Hv - litfHf + litH
where H = enthalpy of thick liquor,
H f = enthalpy of feed liquor,
Hv = enthalpy of vapor, and
q = heat transfer rate from heating surface to liquid.
(ffit-ffi) Ib/hr
HV Btu/Ib
Feed Tf
!TIt Ib/hr
Hf Btu/Ib
Steam Condensate
IDs Ib/hr Ts
Hs Btu/Ib ins
Thick Liquor
in Ib/hr
H Btu/Ib FIGURE H6. Evaporator.
E. Multiple-Effect Evaporation
In multiple-effect evaporation, the first effect is heated with steam, but the subse-
quent effects are heated by the prior effect's vapor stream. But each effect uses
the single-effect material and enthalpy balances. Common practice dictates that
all of the effects have the same heating area. Trial-and-error calculations are
usually required. McCabe and Smith recommend the following calculation pro-
What will be the minimum wall thickness and what is the actual heat loss
through the wall?
B. We wish to build an economical coldroom 20 ft square and 10ft high. The
outside temperature is 80°F and the room is to be maintained at OaF. The
boss has suggested parallel wooden outer and inner walls separated by a 6-
in. air space. What will be the heat loss through each wall? Our bright new
engineer suggests that the parallel outer and inner wall be divided in halfby
a thin (O.OOl-in.) sheet of aluminum foil. Should we fire her?
C. To cool a large slab of glass 4 in. thick from 400 to lOO°F (center tempera-
ture), we put it into a constant temperature bath at 50°F. How long must
the glass remain in the bath if:
D. We wish to heat 5000 lb/hr ft2 (based on minimum free area) of 50°F air
by passing it across an available tube bank that contains i in. OD tubes on
1t in. centers with square in-line arrangements of 12 rows in each direction.
If the tube walls are at 200°F, what wil~be-\he outlet temperature ofthe air?
E. Forty-five pounds per minute of water is heated from 60 to 180°F in a i in.,
16 BWG (Birmingham Wire Gage) heat exchanger tube. If the steam
condensing, at 260°F, on the outside of the tube gives an ho of
1000 Btu/hr ft2 OF, calculate the inside coefficient, the overall coefficient,
and the tube length required. After a half a year of operation, the overall
heat transfer coefficient decreased by half. What is the inside scale coeffi-
F. A tHn. Schedule 40 steel pipe is insulated with a 2-in. layer of asbestos
covered by a 3-in. layer of 85 %magnesia. If the temperature inside the pipe
wall is 300°F and the atmospheric temperature is 80°F, what is the heat loss
per foot of pipe and what is the temperature between the two insulations?
G. Our old 1-2 heat exchanger heats 55 gpm of water from 60 to 130 c F using
210 gpm of shell side hot water entering at 240°F. We estimate a dirt factor
of 0.002 and a dirty U 0 of 300. What were the two outlet temperatures when
the exchanger was first installed?
H. We wish to concentrate a colloidal solution from 15 to 65 % solids. The
specific heat of the feed, entering at 50°F is 0.93. The pressure of the satur-
ated steam to the evaporator is 10 psia; the condenser pressure is 5-in. Hg
abs. The steam chest has an overall heat transfer coefficient of
200 Btu/hr ft 2 OF. Water must be evaporated at the rate of 35,000 lb/hr. Ne-
glecting boiling-point elevation, what must be the heating surface required?
What is the steam consumption?
A. See Figure H7. Xl' x 2 , and X3 must be multiples of 4.5,3, and 4 in., respec-
Basis: 1 ft2 of surface area
We use the series formula
q = !1 T/L R, R = x/kA, A = 1 ft 2
q= 250(Btu/hr ft2)(1 ft2) = 250 Btu/hr
Btu ft 2 200°F .
Xl = 0.9 -hf ~ (1 ft ) 2 0 'h = 0.72 ft = 8.64 m.
rtF 5 Btu/ r
So we need two layers of firebrick (Xl = 2 x 4.5 in. = 9 in. = 0.75 ft).
X /0.9 Btu ft
!1TI = ~kI q = 0.75 ft 250 Btu/hr ~h
f 2 0 - (1 ft2) = 208°F
IA , rtF
Btu ft 2 1492 c F .
X2 = 0.12 - . - (1 ft ) 2-· /h = 0.716 ft = 8.59m.
hr ft~F 50 Btu r
So we need three layers of insulating (b), [X2 = 3(3 in.) = 9 in. = 0.75 ft].
2 k2A q 0.12(1)
_ --- b ~ 6 in.
20 ft
FIGURE H8. Schematic for solution B.
For radiation
aA(Ti - T~)
q = -- - (McCabe and Smith, Eq. 14-39)
r (1/10 1 + l/e z - 1)
qppZ 6 1 .
at ~ 40°F, -Z = 3.16 x 10 ~f:3 (KreIth),
f-I. of t
k = 0.0140 Btu/hr ft°F
Grb = (3.16 x 106;oF ft 3 )(80°F)(! ft)3 = 3.16 X 10 7
V = h = 0.0317(3.16 X 10 7)°.37 (0.0140 Bt~) = 0.5286 _~!y__
(t ft) hr ft°F hr ft2 of
qc = 0.5286 Btu/hr ft2 of (200 ftl)(80°F) = 8457 Btu/hr
10 1 = £2 = 0.93, (Kreith Appendix), T\ = 460 + 80 = 540 o R,
T2 = 460 +0= 460 R 0
-8 Btu
a = 0.1714 x 10 hrft20R4
D. q = hA L\ I;m = mCi r;, - T.), so to get To we must first find the heat transfer
coefficient. Kreith has a section on tube banks, pp. 415-425. Pr is the
Prandtl number.
From his equations,
min free area) _ _
( unit length - Sr Do
ft2) 5000lb lb
As = 144 ( 0.1963'ft = 28.67 ft2, m = - hr ft (0.0625 ft)12 = 3750 hr
7;, = 58.9 + 50 = 108.9°F
Second approximation:
7;, = 56.8 + 50 = 106.8,
- i- 0.495 .
D\-m = In (ij0.495) = G.55? m.,
Nu = ~ = 0.023(60,717)°·8(3.81)1/3 = 241
~i =
21 73 + C~~~~)(f2)(~:::~) + C;00}!)(0.495)
= 1.437 x 10- 3
U i = 696 Btu/hr [t 2 of
q = U i AjA7;m = mCp(I;, - 7;);
A7;m = [(260 - 60) - (260 - 180 /ln (.(260 - 60l ) n = 131°F
(260 - 180)
m= mm
Basis: 1 ft of length
D j = 1.660 in .
.ita = rr po - Dj)a = 0.8537 ft2 asbestos Do = 5.660 Ill.
In (Do/Dj)
Ra = 2.244
132 ft
magnesia R =--
m 0.034A m '
Am = rr Po - Dj)m
. D
= 2.1734ft 2 magnesJa j = 5.660 in.
In (Do/DJ Do = 11.660 Jll.
Rm = 3.3832
300 - 80
q = 1.1308---::: TO--3.}-2.2440+i3832
= 39.1 - h·· per ft of length
per r
300 - T 300 - T
39.1 =---------.
1.1308 x 10- 3 + 2.244 2.2451'
G. See Figure H9. We need the F G factor from McCabe-Smith, Fig. 15.6a
Tha - I;,b
Z = .. - - - - ,
Tcb - T.:a
Z = ri1cCPE
q = U oA oFG,1.I;m = mHCph(Tha - I;,b) = mcCpc(T.:b - T.:a)
Tcb -----'--~
tr: Thb FIGURE H9. Schematic for solution G.
q 1.919 X 106 2
(2) = (3) Thb = (256.5 - 0.2749~b)
a b
_ [(196.5 - 0.2749~b) - (240 - ~b)J
(1) = (2) Tcb - 1.3079 I
n (a /b ) + 60
Solids balance:
0.15mr = 0.65m, mr = (0.65jO.15)m
Total balance:
mr = 35,000 + m or 0.15 m = 35,000 + m
Hy = 1119.4 Btu/hr
35,000 Ib/hr
P = 10 psia H:P
T = 193.2°F OJndensate
lIHy = 982.1
65% solids
FIGURE HI0. Schematic for solution H.
me = 45,500
Q = 35,000 x 1119.4 + 0.93(133.8 - 32)10,500 - 0.93(50 - 32)45,500
= 39,411,407 Btu/hr
tlt = 193.2°F - 133.8°F = 59.4°F
o. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1972.
We shall discuss the basic principles of kinetics and reactors. Only topics likely
to be of use on the test will be covered. The reference on p. 173 ~ Carberr: or
Smith texts in McGraw-Hili's Chemical Engineering Series are also good ill
should be consulted for points not discussed here. Remember that there will
probably be more kinetics problems than any other type.
In homogeneous reactions all reacting materials are found within a single phase
gas, liquid, or solid. In addition, if the reaction is catalytic, the catalyst must alsc
be present within the same phase as the reactants and products. Although there
are a number of ways of defining the rate of reaction, only one such measure is
used in homogeneous systems. This is the intensive measure of rate based on
unit volume of reacting fluid or system.
Consider a reaction in which substances A and B react to form C. (It is irrele-
vant and confusing to put down the chemical equation at this point.) Let N a , N b •
and N c be the number of moles of these substances present at any moment in a
system of fixed mass and of volume V. If the system is uniform in composition
- as we shall suppose - the concentrations of the various substances are
The reaction rate r is the rate, per unit volume of the reacting fluid, at which an:
one of the substances, chosen as a key substance, is being produced or destroyed
by reaction. Let it be the product C which is so chosen. Then if-and only
if - there is no process involving C other than the reaction, the rate r may be
r = -1 dN
- c = 1 d(V[C])
-~- ---~
V dt V dt
characteristics of the fluid should not affect the rate of homogeneous reaction for
component C:
r = !(temperature, pressure, composition)
Before finding the form of the concentration term in a rate expression, we shall
distinguish between a number of types of reactions. This distinction is based on
the form and number of kinetic equations used to describe the progress of a
chemical reaction. Since we are concerned with the concentration-dependent
term of rate equations for the time being, we assume in the following discussion
that the temperature of the system is kept constant.
When materials react to form products it is usually easy to decide after exam-
ining the stoichiometry, preferably at more than one temperature, whether we
should consider a single reaction or a number of reactions to be occurring.
When a single stoichiometric equation and single rate equation are chosen to
represent the progress of the reaction, we have a single reaction. When more
than one kinetic expression is needed to follow the changes in composition of all
components of the reaction we have multiple reactions.
Multiple reactions are classified as consecutive or series reactions,
parallel, competing, or side reactions,
A ---+ S
and mixed reactions
The mixed reactions illustrated are parallel with respect to B and consecutive
with respect to A, R, and S.
D. Rate Constant k
Whatever measure is used leaves the order unchanged; but it will affect the units
of the rate constant k.
For shortness, elementary reactions are often represented by an equation
showing both the molecularity and the rate constant. Thus
r~presents a bimolecular irreversible reaction with second-order rate constant k 1
implying that the rate equation is
-r. = rr = ktC;
It would not be proper to write the stoichiometric equation for this reaction as
where the :Xi is the stoichiometric coefficient of the ith component. Thus the rate
would always be a positive quantity. The rate expression corresponding to this
would becomt.
2 1 dN t 1 dNb 1 dNd
r=k CC = --- ----
2 b d 3 V dt V dt 2V dt
In simple cases, the relations between the conversions of the several participan ts
can be found easily by inspection, but in complex ones a systematic procedure is
helpful. The reactions of a group can be numbered, and the initial and final
amounts of the participants identified for each reaction. For those substances
that participate in more than one reaction, the initial amount for a particular
reaction is the same as the final amount from the last preceding reaction in
which this substance participated. It is convenient to subscript the final amount
from any reaction with the number of that reaction. Then all the possible mater-
ial balances are written down, between initial, intermediate, and final amounts.
The balances may then be combined and rearranged to elimipate the interme-
diate amounts, leaving only the initial and final amounts for the complete reac-
For example,
Reaction 1: A+B-+C+E
Reaction 2: A+C-+D+E
Reaction 1, initial amounts: Ao, Bo, Co, Eo (no D involved)
Reaction 1, final amounts: AI' B, C b EI
Reaction 2, initial amounts: AI, C I, Do, E1 (no B involved)
Reaction 2, final amounts: A,C,D,E
Reaction 1, balance: Ao - A1 = Bo - B = C 1 - Co = E1 - Eo
Reaction 2, balance: A1 - A = C 1 - C = D - Do = E - E1
Reaction 1: 2A -+ B
Reaction 2: 2B -+C
Reaction 1, initial: Ao, Bo
Reaction 1, final: A,B 1
Reaction 2, initial: B1 , Co
Reaction 2, final: B,C
Reaction 1, balance: ~(Ao - A) = B1 - Bo
Reaction 2, balance: !(B1 - B) = C - Co
For many reactions, and especially elementary reactions, the rate expres-
sion may be written as a product of a temperature-dependent term and a
composition-dependent term, or
r i = !)(temperature)'!2(composition)
= k· !2(composition)
For these reactions the temperature-dependent term k, the reaction rate con-
stant (velocity constant), has been found in most cases to be well represented by
Arrhenius' law:
k = ko ex p ( - RET)
where ko is called the freq uency factor and E is called the activation energy of the
reaction. This equation fits experimental data quite well over wide temperature
ranges and is a first approximation to the temperature dependency derived
according to several different theories.
A. Intrpduction
A rate equation characterizes the rate of reaction. The value of the constants of
the equation can only be found by experiment. The determination of this rate
equation is usually a two-step procedure: First the concentration dependency is
found at fixed temperature, and then the temperature dependence of the rate
constants are found.
The equipment used to obtain rate data are of two different types: the batch
and the flow reactor. The batch reactor is simply a container to hold the con-
tents while they react. An experimental batch reactor is usually operated
isothermally and at constant volume because of the ease of interpretation of the
results of such runs.
There are two procedures for analyzing experimental kinetic data, the in-
tegral and the differential methods. Tn the integral method. we select a kinetic
model with it, corresponding rate equation and, after appropriate mathematical
integrations and manipulations, predict that a plot of C versus t data on specific
x versus.\' coordinates should yield a straight line. The data are plotted and if a
good straight line results. we accept the assumed kinetic model.
For the differential method of analysis we select a kinetic model and fit its
corresponding rate expression to the data directly. But since the rate expression
is a differential equation, we must first find (l/V)/(dN/dt) from the data before
the fitting procedure is attempted.
The integral method is easy to use when fitting relatively simple mechanisms
or when data are so scattered that we cannot reliably find the derivatives needed
for the differential method. The differential method is more useful for the more
complicated mechanisms but it requires accurate data, as well as more data.
The constant volume refers to the volume of the reactor taken up by the reactiQll
mixture. This is thus a constant-density reactor. Most liquid-phase reactions as
well as all gas-phase reactions occurring in a constant-volume bomb fall into
this category.
With a constant-volume reactor, the measure of the reaction rate becomes
1 dNi d(C i V) 1 Ci dV + V dC i dC i
I V dt dt V dt dt
_ dC. = kC
dt a
where NaO is the starting moles of A. Fractional conversion (or just conversionl
is often used in place of concentration in engineering work; thus, most of the
following results will be given in terms of both C a and Xa' Now
-In(! - Xa) = kt
The general form for the rate of change of component i in either the constant-or
variable-volume reaction system has already been given as
1 dN 1 d(C V) 1 V dC i + C i dV
r· = - - - i = - - -i - = --- - - - --- -
I V dt V dt V dt
dC i
r· = - -
I dt
In a variable-volume reactor, we can also avoid the use of the unwieldy two term
expression if we use fractional conversion instead of concentration and if we are
willing to assume that the volume of the reacting system varies linearly with
conversion, or
\\here e. is the fractional change in the volume of the system between no conver-
sion and complete conversion. Then
VeX. = 1) - VeX. = 0)
&. = - - - - ---- -
V(Xa = 0)
We thus note that Ga accounts for both the reaction stoichiometry and the pres-
ence of inerts.
Now since
We obtain
Ca 1 - Xa
CaO 1 + BaXa
1 dNa
-r = --~= - - - - 1- - - -NaO
- -d(l
-- - Xa)
a V dt Vo(1 + BaXa) dt
= __~ dX a
1 + BaXa dt
1 dNa C. o dX a
-r = --~=-----
a V dt 1 + BaX. dt
or, upon formal integration
t = C. O IX. __d_X_a=---__
o (1 + Ba X ,)( -r.)
This is the expression to be used for all batch reactors for which we can assume
that the volume varies linearly with conversion.
We make a material balance for any component A. (We usually select the limit-
mg compOl,ent.) In a batch reactor, since the composition is assumed uniform,
'ilt-e make the balance around the whole reactor. Thus we have
production of A ~ accumulation of A
dX a
( ~r)V=N --
a .0 dt
which integrates to
This is the general equation giving the time required to get a given conversion of
reactant A for either isothermal or nonisothermal operation. We leave both V
and ( ~ra) under the integral since, in general, they both vary as the reaction
Of course, for a number of situations the integral simplifies. If the volume of
the mixture remains constant we have
F or all reactions in which the volume of the mixture changes linearly with con-
version, we have
Since the composition is uniform throughout the tank (by definition), we make
the material balance over the whole tank. So, if we consider reactant A,
If Fao= Co CaO is the molar feed rate of component A into the reactor shown in
Figure Kl, we have
which reduces to
FaO voC aO (-ra)
!=--=-= - - -
S vo (-ra)
Note that Xa and (-ra) are evaluated at exit stream conditions, which are the
same as the conditions within the reactor (by definition). If the feed enters the
reactor partially converted, we could rewrite the equation as
!"_ = ~ = Xa,"--- X ai
Fao roC aO (-ra)f
V VC aO CaO(X af - X ai )
S Vo FaO (- ra)r
Thus the design equation for this reactor shows that knowing any three of the
four terms X., (-r.), V, or Fao gives the fourth term directly. So in kinetic
experiments, each run at a given r will give a corresponding value for the rate of
Fa FIGURE Kl. Stirred tank reactor.
reaction directly. For this reason, the backmix reactor is frequently used [('II"
kinetic studies.
1. Space-Time and Space-Velocity
A good way of expressing the relation between the feed rate Fao and reactor
volume V in a flow system is to apply the terms space-time and space-velocit)
. 1
space-tIme = r = ~
time required to process one reactor volume of feed .
= = time
measured at specified conditions
. 1
space-ve I oClty = s = -
vol of entering feed at specified conditions/time . _1
=- - --=(tlme)
void vol of reactor
We usually select the conditions as those of the entering feed, thus
In a plug flow reactor the composition of the fluid varies from point to point
along the flow path; thus the material balance for a component must be made
for a differential element of volume dVas shown in Figure K2. So for component
A we have
input-output + production by reaction = 0
For a differential volume of dV,
input of A = Fa mol/time
output of A = Fa + dF a mol/time
production of A = ra dV mol/time
Fa - Fa - dF a + ra d V = 0
Fa = FaoO - Xa)
dF a = -FaO dX a
FaO dX a = - ra dV
This is the balance over a differential slice of the total volume. For the whole
reactor, we must integrate
1 IV V Ix_r dX
FaO 0 dV = Fao = 0 (-r:)
1 V Ix_r dX
r = s=~= CaO 0 (-r:)
);otice that for the plug flow reactor ( - ra) varies while for the backmix reactor
it is constant. If the feed enters partially converted, the equation would be
The design equations for all reactor types are summarized in table K2.
Batch a t=N
0 f---
V( -raj
Stirred tank
A + B -> R,
Time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
are consistent with these data. what arc the values for k 1 and k2?
B. A gas decomposes at 900°C according to
Using a 1000-ft 3 stirred tank reactor with an aqueous feed of 2000 ft3/hr,
what will be the outlet concentration of E if the inlet concentration of A and
B are both 0.251b moljft3?
E. A constant-volume batch reactor is used to get the following data on the
decomposition of A:
Ca (g moljL)
Using this data, determine the reaction order and the Arrhenius constant.
F. The liquid-phase hydrolysis of dilute aqueous acetic anhydride solution
(CH3COhO + H 20 ------> 2CH 3 COOH
is second-order irreversible (according to kinetic books). Our data on rates
as a function of temperature were
A. My first reaction to this reaction problem would be to try to solve the two
differential equations for Ca and Cb as a function of time. The k's could then
be calculated at each experimental point. But because these are second-
order reactions, the differential equations may not have easy, analytical
to calculate k 1 . If the calculated kl values do not vary much, the rate expres-
sions are consistent with the experimental data.
B. This gaseous reaction problem is variable volume due to the stoichiometry.
So use the E concept to relate volume to conversion. Inserting the reaction
rate equation into the variable-volume batch reactor equation and per-
forming the integration analytically should provide the solution for part
(a). To get the mitial concentration, use PV = nRTor C = P/RT. For part _
(b), the rate equation is inserted into the variable-volume plug flo~
equation and integrated for the solution. Because we do not know upon
which component the rate constant is based, we must specify one for the
sake of the test grader.
C. This catalytic reaction problem is just a plug flow reactor; in place of reac-
tor volume we have pounds of catalyst. We must relate the partial pressures
to conversion using the reaction stoichiometry. If the integration can be
done analytically, it would be better than a numerical or graphical integra-
D. Aqueous phase reaction means that we can assume that the reaction is
constant volume. The solution results from inserting the rate expression
into the stirred tank equation.
E. Assume that the rate expression is
ra = -kC:
dC n
ra = ata = -kC a
we integrate
I e a2 dC
= -k
e.J t1
Bear in mind that n = 1 must be integrated differently from other n's. The
reason for integrating from t 1 to t 2 is that we notice that some of the con-
centrations are just doubled. So we could choose several different sets of
Cal and C a2 at each temperature. If these sets give the same k. we have
assumed the correct n. Once we have the correct n, we know the k at each
temperature. then from
In k = In ko - (EIRT)
If the acetic acid is diluted, the concentration of water is large and small
changes in water concentration will have negligible effect on C H10 - it is
constant. This problem is a gift.
A. A+B-4R R+B-4S
CaO C bO 0 Crt C bl 0
C a C b1 Crl Cr C b Cs
CaO - C a = C bO - C bl = C rl Crt - C r = C b1 - C b = C s
Crt = CaO - Ca, C aO - C a - C r
C b1 = C bO - C aO + C a; = C hO - C aO + C a - C b = C s
t (min) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
t average
(min) 5 15 25 35 45 55 65
f t k dt = fX C ao (1 + 2ex)2 dx 2 = fX 1 + ex 2 dx
o 0 (1 + ex)C (1 - x) ao 0 Cao(l - x)
= ---
(l+ e)x + f. In (1 - x)
n P 1 atm
PV = nRT or -=C=-·
V RT' C ao = 82.06(117YK)
V 1 IX (l + eX )2
Vo = kC ao ° (1 - X)2 dx
= k~ao [f: (1 ~XX)2 + 26 J: Cf=-d:)2 + 62 f: ({~ d:)2 ]
- [1 - x - 21n
62 (1 - x) _ _ 1_J}0.8°
1- x
-k1- [(1. + 26 + 6
) J O•8
= + 2e(1 + 6) In (1 - x) - 6 2 (1 - x)
CaO 1- x °
C _ 3 atm
.0 - 82.06(1173)
V = 82.06(1173) [1 + 2(t) + t
Vo 3(1000) 0.2
+ 2(2)(:2)
1 3
In 0.2 - 1
4{0.2) - + 11 +
- (1 t) + *(1)
1 J
V _ 82.06( 1173) ( £ J I 02 _ 0.2 _ ~ ~)
Vo - 3(1000) 0.2 +2 n. 4 4 +4
= 217.73 sec = 3.63 min = 0.0605 hr
ft 3 feed 500 Ib lib mol 454 g 82.06(1173)cm 3
Vo = - - = - - ---- ----
hr hr 451b Ib 3 g mol 10 3 cm 3 28.3 L
= 5719.2 ft3/hr
V = v o(0.0605 hr) = 5719.2 ft 3 /hr (0.0605) = 346 ft 3
c. A ~ D + E
t = 0 Ao 0 0
t = t Ao(1 - x) Aox Aox
1-x x x
1+ x 1+x 1 + x
I-x xP xP
l+x I +x I + x
fo x dx fW dw Ib mol A reacted
--;:,:= 0 Fao'
-ra = ra as given
Ib mol A feed
-r =
'1 +
- x P __ x 2 P 2
X K(1 +
_)/(1 + 1-
X)2 !
a 1+
+K ~
de I+ x
= K{(l - x)(1 + X) - x;;Jp I
[I + X + K a P(1 - X) + Kde XP ]2
1 +- -
1.1664[ - -1 I n - .,j1.8XJx
2j1:8 1- j1:8 x 0
+ 2.6352[- -~. In (I
- 1.8X 2)Jx 0
+ 1.4884[- ~+ 1 In 1 + ~XJx
1.8 2(1.8)J1.8 1 - Ji.8x 0
-x + 2~1.8ln
1 1+
1- fox
0.014 ~= 0.5151
0.5151 0.5151
W = - - F = ---10 = 368lb
0.014 aO 0.014
15 CaoXa (mOl A reacted)
D. A + B-E, r = ra = f 3· at exit conditions
-ra t mm
V 1000 ft3
r = - = - - - - = 0.5 hr
Vo 2000 ft 3 /hr
2 xa
(1 - Xa) = - 0 --2- = 0.5333xa
.5·15· O. 5
1 - 2xa + x; = 0.5333xa or x; - 2.5333xa + 1= 0
2.5333 ± ,/2.5333 2 - 4
xa =--- 2 -= 20441
. or 0.4892
CE = CaO xa = 0.1223 lb mol/ft 3
E. For an nth-order reaction, C~ -n - C~o-n = ken - l)t, n i= 1; for a first-or-
der reaction, In (Ca/C aO ) = -kt.
In k = In ko - (E/RT)
ko = 3166,3172,3149, or 3162; so
r. = _3162e-5065/TC.
F. The stoichiometry indicates that the rate should probably be R =
kC Hzo CA' When the reaction is run with large amounts of water CH20 is
approximately constant and the rate looks like R = fC., where f = kCH2o ,
R El
In - = In ko - - -
C. R T
- 2.8700 = In ko - 0.003534(E/R)
-0.9676 = In ko - 0.003195(E/R)
", L. McCabe and J. C. Smith, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York,
A. Hydrostatic Equilibrium
In any cross section parallel to the surface of the earth, pressure is constant,
varying only from height to height. The equation for a vertical column of fluid is
dp + -pdZ =0
where Z = height above base of column,
p = pressure at this point,
p = density at this point,
g = acceleration offree fall in earth's gravitational field,
~ 32.174 ft/sec 2 , and
gc = Newton's law proportionality factor for the gravitational
force unit, ~ 32.174 lb ft/sec 2 lb force.
m[~~ -u; +
g(Zb - Za)
+ Hb _ HaJ = Q _ W.
where 1 is the mechanical equivalent of heat = 778.17 ft lbr/Btu
Some limitations of this equation are
Input stream
m lb Heat added thru wall
Q Btu
Oltput stream
Va ft/sec
~ UilXnent
Ha Btu/lb
Shaft work
done by equipment
T m lb
Za ft
W, a-l,,< 'b 1ft
FIGURE Fl. Generalized process equipment.
C. Manometers
Consider the manometer of Figure F2. Using the hydrostatic equilibrium equa-
tion between points 1 and 2 gives
f pa
dp = -
fza dZ
between 5 and 4
f Pb
dp = - -g
Pb fZ.
between 4 and 3
f P4
dp = - -g
Pa f
t 4
Now P3 = P2' So subtract this Pb--P3 equation from the Pa-P2 (which is now
Pa-P3) equation to obtain
Pa - Pb = - Rm(Pa - Pb)
the equation for a manometer, if Pa and Pb are measured in the same horizontal
D. Mass Balance
Consider the tube shown in Figure F3. At steady state, the mass rate of flow into
the tube must equal the rate of mass out, considered over the period of time.
Thus, if P and u are constant across area S,
m= PauaSa = PbUbSb
where m= rate of flow of mass (mass/time).
This is the equation of continuity, since
m= puS = constant
E. Average Velocity
If the velocity
U is not constant across the area S, we need an average velocity.
N ow if we look at a small part of the cross-sectional area S, we see that
dril = pu dS
and then the total mass flow rate through S would be
m=p LUdS
assuming that density is constant across S. Then the average velocity V would be
defined by
- pS
m = S1
V ==
f sU dS
Of course, we could also write the average velocity in terms of the total volumet-
ric flow rate V,
_ V
Veloci ty pliaa
Oensi ty
Area Sa
----rl --} Velocity
F. Mass Velocity
If we assume steady flow in the x direction, the sum of all forces acting upon the
fluid in the x direction must eq ual the increase in the time rate of momentum of
the flowing fluid, or
The momentum flow rate M of a fluid with a mass flow rate mand a velocity u is
if u is constant. If u is not constant across S, we must use
- = pu·u = pu
or, for a constant density stream,
eS s
u2 dS
{J = ~
f s
u2 dS = .~S f (!)2
s V
Using a momentum balance for a steady potential flow, we obtain the point
form of the Bernoulli equation without friction
.~ dp + !L dZ + d(u 2 /2) = 0
p dL gc dL gcdL
The differential form is
dp g 1 u2
p gc gc 2
Of course, between two points a and b, this can be integrated to
P. gZ.
u; Pb gZb u~
p gc 2gc p gc 2gc
The Bernoulli equation (Section I) is just an energy balance; all terms have the
dimensions of energy per unit mass. Mechanical potential is gZ/gc; mechanical
kinetic energy is u 2 /2gc; pip is the mechanical work done to get the fluid into a
tube or the work recovered as it leaves the tube.
The Bernoulli equation was developed for a system with u constant across a
cross section. Instead, we could use a kinetic energy correction factor ex in the
kinetic energy term;
We consider a pump between points a and b. The work supplied to the pump is
shaft work w..
Pump work is negative, due to shaft work sign convention. So
pump work Wp is defined by
W= W.
Friction occurring within the pump must be accounted for. The mechanical
energy supplied to the pump as negative shaft work must be discounted by the
frictional losses to get the net mechanical energy available to the flowing fluid. If
hrp is the total friction in the pump per unit mass of fluid, then net work to the
fluid is Wp - hrp . But usually a pump efficiency 17 is used. This efficiency is de-
fined by
IJ = (Wp - hrp)/Wp
Then the final Bernoulli equation for incompressible fluid flow is
P gz IX V2 P gZ IX V2
---" + , _ a +"----" + IJ W = -b + '-------" + ---"-- 11 + hr
p gc 2gc p p gc 2gc
If hrs denotes the skin friction between the fluid stream and the wall, it can be
shown that
2 Ow 4 Ow
hr = - -- I':..L = - - I':..L
s prw pD
where Tw = the shear stress at the wall (lbrlft2),
B. Friction Factor
The friction factor is defined to be the ratio of the shear stress at the wall to the
product of density and velocity head, that is,
f = Ow _ 2Yc T w
- pV 2 /2g c - pV 2
Measurement of skin friction in pipes can be done with hrS' I':..Ps' Tw , or f. They
are related by
2 Ow I' I':..L V 2
hr = - -I':..L = - - - = 4f - -
s p rw p D 2gc
f = _Ap,-- ge D
2AL pV 2
Note that the friction factor f used here is the Fanning friction factor.
1. Newtonian Fluids
we can find the equation for velocity
Average Velocity
V _1
and - 2
U max
2. Non-Newtonian Fluids
The velocity profile shape for non-Newtonians differs from that of Newtonians.
Many must be determined experimentally. A few simpler ones have analytical
expressions. Advanced fluid flow texts should be consulted for non-Newtonian
1. Velocity Distribution
u* = f"
fIctIOn veloClty
' == -vJ72" = JrP
w gc
+ . . U
U = velocity quotient == -.
+. yu*p y ~
y = distance == - - = - Y'wgcp
Y = distance from tube wall with r w = r +y
2. Universal Velocity-Distribution Equations
3. Flow Quantities
Since the sublayer and the buffer layer are only a small part of the flow regime,
the turbulent core equation may be used, to a first approximation, to determine
the various flow quantities:
Average Velocity
V 1
Umax 1 + (3/2k)Jfi2
Friction F actor- Reynolds Number Relationship
Jm = ~ln (NReJ~) - ;k + C1
N Re = - = - -
a = 1 + 8{2 (15 - ~ J7 )
{3 = 1 + 8k 2 /
hre = K{~~)
= friction loss
hfc = Kc(~~)
Kc = 0.4(1 - ~:)
Effect of Valves and Fittings
where the first term accounts for the skin friction loss.
A. General Information
1. Continuity Equation
In p + In S + In u = constant
and so
dp dS du
p S u
--=dH+d ( -u 2 )
nz 2gc1
4. Velocity of Sound
5. Ideal-Gas Equations
dp dp dT
p p T
H = Ho + CiT - To)
dH = CpdT
pp-Y = constant}. .
Tp - (1 -1/y) = constant
Cp Cp
Y = Cv = Cp (RIM])
dp dp dP)
P p
( dp s = YpP
6. Stagnation Temperature
H =H+-
s 2gJ
I. Introduction
Assume a large supply of gas at specified temperature and pressure at zero velo-
city. This gas is in a reservoir at reservoir conditions (stagnation temperature).
We assume the gas flows from the reservoir, without entrance friction, into and
through some conduit. Our gas leaves this conduit at definite temperature, pres-
sure, and velocity into the exhaust reservoir. Here the pressure may be con-
trolled at a constant value less than the reservoir pressure. Several processes
may occur within the conduit.
a. Isentropic Expansion
Cross-sectional area constant, heat flow through the wall to keep the tempera-
ture constant.
a. Introduction
P - Po
- -
_T_ _ To
P6' pl-(1!YJ P6 -(lfy)
Nozzle Velocity
u 2 = -,!-!'?JcPo
c' -
[1 _(p )1-(I IY)]
= _2_
I' - 1
[( Po )1-(1 11 )-1
from which
P = 1/1
'{ + [Y---
1] 2 }Y!(Y-l)
N Ma
rc = p(u = a, N = 1) = ( 2 )Y!()'-I)
Po Y+ 1
The changes in velocity and Mach number caused by area changes can be deter-
mined from
- ( ~.) + dS = 0
u a2 S
du 2 dS
-(NMa - 1) =
u S
a. Introduction
If heat transfer through the pipe wall is negligible, flow through a straight pipe of
constant cross section is adiabatic.
Property equations
Pa = N Ma.h
J( 1+"
~ 1 N2 )
2 Ma.b
( 1 +'','
-2 1N2, )
Ta _ (
Tb - 1+
r' - 1
2 NMa,b
2)(1 + -2-
~' - 1 ,2 )
Pa Pa Tb
Pb Pb T"
where a is the entrance and b is the exit.
The maximum value oflength L, consistent with a given entrance Mach number,
is given by
G = pN Ma J9 yTR2
~- .. =
N MaV pgcYp
a. Introduction
The fluid temperature during compressible flow through a pipe of constant cross
section can be kept constant by heat transfer through the pipe wall. The basic
equation is
A. Drag
Drag is the force in the direction of flow exerted by a fluid on a solid. When the
solid's wall is parallel to the flow direction, the only drag force is the wall shear
Tw' The fluid pressure may possess a component in the direction of flow, and this
also contributes to drag. The total drag is the sum of the two. Wall drag is the
total integrated drag from wall shear; form drag is the total integrated drag from
pressure. The phenomena in actual fluids are complicated; experimental or ap-
proximate methods are usually employed.
B. Drag Coefficients
A drag coefficient is used for immersed solids, analogous to a friction factor. Just
as the friction factor is defined as the ratio of Tw to the product of fluid density
and the velocity head, the drag coefficient Co is defined as the ratio of F ojAp to
this same product,
Using dimensional analysis, you can determine that the drag coefficient of a
smooth solid in an incompressible fluid depends upon a Reynolds number and
shape factors. For a given shape
1. Mechanics
(drag force)
du Pp - P C o u 2 pAp
- = a --- - --=-'-----"
dt e Pp 2m
3. Terminal Velocity
The particle quickly reaches a constant velocity, the maximum attainable if gra-
vity is the force, and this is called the terminal velocity. We obtain it from du/
dt = 0, or
2g(pp - p)m
4. Drag Coefficients
The use of the above equations requires that Co be known. When a particle is at
sufficient distance from the container boundaries and other particles, we have
free settling. If particle motion is impeded by other particles, we have hindered
A =-~p
p 4
-du-=a Pp - P--~--~~~
3C D U 2 P
dt e Pp 4ppDp
at steady state.
CD = N o.6
CD = 0.44,
K = D [aeP(pp -
P 1-12
p)Jl /3
If K < 3.3 use Stokes law
3.3< K < 43.6 Intermediate law
43.6 < K < 2360 Newton's law
A. Fluid-Moving Machinery
1. Pumps
a. Developed Head
The Bernoulli equation can be used. The friction term hr can be neglected since
the only friction is that occurring in the pump (and this is taken into account
with the mechanical efficiency '1),
The parentheses are the total heads H. Since a is the pump inlet and b the pump
outlet, usually Za ~ Zb' In any case Ha is the total suction head and Hb the total
discharge head, or
W = Hb - Ha _ I1H
p '1 '1
The power supplied to the pump driver by some external source is PH'
PH = rhWp = rh = mass flow rate
The power delivered to the fluid P r is defined by PrlPB = '1. These equations
could also be used for fans by letting P = (Pa + Pb)/2.
The power is independent of pressure level, depending only on pressure differ-
ence. But the lower limit of the suction pressure is fixed by the vapor pressure at
the temperature of the suction. If the suction pressure is lowered, some liquid
flashes to vapor (called cavitation) and no liquid can be drawn into the pump.
Of course, this will not occur if the su'm of the velocity and pressure heads at the
suction is greater than the liquid vapor pressure. The excess is called the net
positive suction head (NPSH) or Hsv.
Pv = vapor pressure
If the reservoir is located at a' below the pump entrance at a with friction hrs in
the suction line,
= fa: - Pv _ h _ gZ~
P gc
b. Positive-Displacement Pumps
c. Centrifugal Pumps
The basic equations for power, developed head, and capacity have been derived
for an ideal pump in McCabe and Smith, pp. 187-193. Their results are
U2[U 2 - (qr/Ap tan (2)]
I1H r = Hb - Ha = -
where U 2 = peripheral velocity of tips of blades,
qr = volumetric flow rate, and
P2 = angle that tangent to impeller tip makes with tangent of circle
traced out by impeller tips.
W = PaY [(fJb)(Y-l)/Y - 1J
p (y - 1)Pa Pa
b. Isothermal Compression
W = Pa In Ph
p P. Pa
c. Polytropic Compression
d. Power
P B = 0.0643T.,yqo [(Pb)(Y-l)/Y - 1J
520(y - 1)17 Pa
1. Venturi Meter
Using the Bernoulli equation for incompressible fluids and the continuity equa-
tion written as
we obtain
for the Venturi meter shown in Figure F7. This is ideal. To account for the
friction loss, the Venturi coefficient C v is used:
v, - -- ~v_._ J2gcip~ - P~
b - -/1 _-f34 P
2. Orifice Meter
The same formula is appropriate for an orifice meter. If the Reynolds number,
based on orifice diameter, is greater than 20,000, C v = 0.61. In fact, if 13 < 0.25,
the equation could be written
Y = (Pb)l /Y
J y(l - 13 4)[1 - (Pb/pJey l)/Y] .
(y - 1)[1 - (Pb/Pa)][1 - f34(PbipJ2!Y]
4. Pitot Tube-------~\
F or incompressible fluids
5. Rotameters
- a
A. What is the settling time for the following spherical particles to settle under
free settling conditions through,5ft of water at 70°F. (From McCabe and
Smith.) '" )
14.7 psia) through the reactor to a waste system kept at 7 psia. The piping
125 ft
is 6-in. Schedule 40 steel containing two gate valves, three standard 90°
elbows, and three couplings and it has a length of 400 ft. Assume the pres-
sure loss through the reactor is equivalent to another 500 ft of this pipe.
What will be the rate of water flow in an emergency (gpm)?
F. A centrifuge with a 20-in. diameter bowl 14 in. deep operates at 1200 rpm
giving a 2-in. thick liquid layer when used with a sludge whose liquid has a
specific gravity of 1.2 and a viscosity of 2.5 CPo The solid component of the
sludge has a specific gravity of 1.7. If the cut size of the particles is 35
microns, what is the capacity of the centrifuge in gallons per minute?
H. Water at 60°F flows through a 3-in. Schedule 40 pipe. A pitot tube in the
~"" pipe shows a 3-in. Hg differential. If the pitot tube is located at the center of
the pipe, what is the mass flow rate of the water?
A. This is a free settling problem. How does the drag on a spherical particle
affect settling time? Look up free settling or drag in the index of McCabe
and Smith. Ahah! The equations are given. Just plug the data into the
equations. A simple problem if the equations are available.
B. Draining a tank is an unsteady-state process. Possibly Bird, Stewart, and
Lightfoot! have the equation. If you cannot find the equation, develop one
tR. B. Bird. W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, 1st. ed., Wiley, New-York,
c. This orifice problem has all the data needed for a solution. Usually the size
is given and the flow requested. Our problem will be trial and error since we
will need to start by assuming that the orifice coefficient CD is 0.61. With
this assumption we use the orifice equation to determine the diameter. With
the diameter, we calculate the Reynolds number, which allows us to check
the value of CD'
D. We can determine the shaft work with the Bernoulli equation since all the
needed quantities are given. Since the pumP inp,ut is given, we find the
efficiency by dividing the shaft work by the pu}hp input-using correct
units of course. To solve the remainder of the problem, we need to know
how pump speed affects the variables. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Hand-
book is the most likely source. If you cannot find it discussed, you should
not attempt the problem unless you are willing to settle for half credit.
E. This is a Bernoulli equation problem with pipe friction. We know all quan-
tities needed except the outlet velocity and the pipe friction. But the velocity
and the pipe friction are related. So this must be a trial-and-error solution.
One way to solve it is to assume a zero velocity and calculate the pipe
friction hr from the Bernoulli equation. Knowing hr, we use the friction
factor chart to find the Reynolds number and then the outlet velocity. Use
this velocity in the Bernoulli equation to recalculate hr. Then recalculate
outlet velocity, and so forth. Except for the trial and error, the problem is
G. This problem can be solved with the pump Bernoulli equation. It looks like
all needed data are given. Because the volumetric rate is given, no trial and
error will be required. If I can find the definition of net positive suction
head, I should have no difficulty with the solution.
H. This is a pitot tube problem and they are usually simple. I may need a
correction since the velocity is a function of radius. A quick review of pi tot
tube equations should allow me to decide if I can handle the problem.
K -- D p Q were
h Q _ [aep(pp - p)]l J3 ae (Eq. (7-54), McC&S)
- 2 ' = 9
If K < 3.3 Stokes region,
3.3 < K < 43.6 Intermediate,
43.6 < K < 2360 Newton's law,
If Stokes,
F= CoAo J-p-
A(dh/dt) = - coAo./29h
2hl/2 = a -(CoAo)2gt/A)
At t = 0, h = hi = 10 ft or a = 2hf/2. So
t = 2(hf/2 - hl/2)A
C o Ao)2g
IT.D2 1T. 1T. ( 4 in.)2 1T. 1 2
A =4 = 4" (10 ft)2; Ao = 4" 12 in./ft = 4" 9 ft
2g = 32.2 x 2 ft/sec 2
When empty, h = 0
t = GoAo
2A Jh;
2g =
21T.100 fe(4)(9) J-l~
4(0.61)1T. ft 2 64.4 ft/sec 2
= 1163 sec or 19.4 min
= 0.3015
P= 0.5491
So Do = 0.5491(0.3355 ft) = 0.184 ft = 2.21-in. orifice diameter. We must
now check to see that the Reynolds number is > 20,000 in order to have
used CD = 0.61
/1 m 2 /sec m2
- = 1 cS x 10 - 6 - - - - = 10 - 6 .
P cS sec
D. Flow rate:
Wp = 8 h x 550 ft Ib r ~ = 45.3 ft Ib r
p sec 1 hp 97.21b lb
ft lbr) _ (29 - 16.7) lbr ft 3 !44 in. 2 + 5lbr ft
'1 45.3 lb - in. 2 62.3 Ib ftl lb
(17.88 2 - 4.47 2) ft2
+ --~------~~--~
2(32.2 Ib ft/sec 2 lbr) sec 2
3 ft Ibr _ 284 !! lbr 5 ft lbr 47 [t lbr _ [t Ibr
45. '1 Ib - . lb + lb +. Ib - 38.1 lb
-P. +gZ.
-+ ;{A = -
Pb ~+ -
+./6, CXb V~
- + hr
a = inlet (tank)
p gc gc P gc 2gc b = outlet (waste)
o (at rest in tank) 0 (baseline)
We know neither Vb nor hr; to determine hr, we need Vb' If we know hr, we
can cakJlate Vb from
(14.7 - 7) Ib r ft 3 144 in. 2 ft lb f _ )iR h
in. 2 62.31b fe + 125 Ib - ge. + f
0, 1st approximation
hr = 17.8 + 125 = 142.8 ft lbrllb
N ri _ 6.065 in. _ 62.4 Ib ft sec
ReV f - 12 in./ft ft 3 7.59 X lO- 4 1b
( 4f ~
+ V~
Kr) 2ge
in place of hr (see McC&S, Eq. 5-74).
Vb = 16.80 ft/sec
This value of Vb will not change the f significantly.
inside area = 0.2006 ftl
ft gal sec
gpm = 16.8 - (0.2006 ftl)7.48 -r 3 60 - . = 1512 gpm
sec t mm
F. See Figure Fl1. We use McC&S, Eq. 30-55.
= 1.148 X 10- 4 ft
lb Ib
pp - p = (1.7 - 1.2)62.4 ft 3 = 31.2 ft3
2n min rad
m = 1200 rpm - - = 125.7-
60 sec sec
14 in.
b = 12 in./ft = 1.167 ft
.D rl
1--8 in.-!
\-10 in.-j
r2 FIGURE Fll. Schematic for solution F.
2 2 2 [ 2(0.833) ]
. (0.833 - 666 ft )/In (0.833 + 0.666)
oc. V; P. - p,
H sv =-2- +--
gc p
250 gal ft3 1 min ft3
vol rate = -. - - - - = 0.557 -
mID 7.48 gal 60 sec sec
_ 0.557 ft 3 ft 5.047 in.
V = - = 401- Dj = 12' f = 0.4206 ft
• 0.139 ft 2 sec . sec' ID. t
, Z'
Hsv = Pa - Pv + ~ - hr
p gc
Ib Ib 144 1·n.2
14.7:--% - 2.89 :--%
m. m. ft2 Ibr 7 f _ 052 ft lbr
61.38Ib/ft3 + Ib t . 1 lb
(11.61 ft/sec)0.0513 ft2(62.31b/ft 3 ) = 37.1lb/sec
E. L. Grant, W. G. Ireson, and R. S. Leavenworth, Principles of Engineering Economy, 7th ed., Wiley,
New York, 1982.
H. G. Thuesen, W. 1. Fabrycky, and G. 1. Thuesen, Engineering Economy, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall,
Englewooc l'liffs, New Jersey, 1977.
B. Types of Interest
The rental rate for a sum of money is expressed as the percentage of the sum that
is to be paid for the use of the sum for a period of one year. Interest rates are also
given for periods other than one year. This will be discussed later.
1. Simple Interest
2. Compound Interest
When a loan is made for a length of time equal to several interest periods, inter-
est is calculated at the end of each interest period. A number ofloan repayment
plans are available. These range from paying the interest when it is due to accu-
mulating all the interest until the loan is due. If the borrower does not pay the
interest earned at the end of each period and is charged interest on the total
amount owed (interest plus principal), the interest is said to be compounded.
D. Interest Formulas
The interest factors presented in this section apply to the common situation of
annual compounding of interest and annual payments. We use t11t'! following
The symbols are chosen so that each is an initial letter of a key word. Thus i
applies to interest, n applies to number of periods, P applies to present worth (or
sum), F applies to future worth, and A applies to annual payment or annuity.
If an amount P is invested now with the amount earning at the rate i per year,
how much principal and interest are accumulated after n years?
This is determined from the single-payment compound amount factor
F/P(i, n) = (1 + on
F = P{F/P(i, n)]
as shown in Figure E 1.
1 2 3 n-l n
P=F 1 =F'{P/F(i,n)j
(1 + on
The resulting factor is known as the single-payment, present-worth factor.
o 1 2 3 n-1 n
A = F[ i ] = F· (A/F(i. f1)]
(1 + on - 1
1 2 3 n-I n
FIGURE E3. Cash flow diagram-series-
payments capital-recovery.
= P [ (1 + i)n
+ i)n
1 = P . {AIP(i, n)j
To determine what single amount must be deposited now so that equal end-of- •
year payments can be made, we solve for P in terms of A or
P = A [(1 + i)n+ - 1J
i(1 i)" = A . (PIA(i, n)}
Note that for perpetual or infinite time, the present-worth factor is 11i.
7. Unifotm-Gradient-Series Factor
n -A
A2 = G[ ~1 - ~. .-
I F(I, n)
J = G . (A/G(i, n)}
t 2 3 n-I n
FIGURE E4. Cash flow diagram-
un iform-gradien t -series.
Up to this point, we have looked at interest periods of only one year. But agree-
ments can specify that interest will be paid more frequently, such as each half-
year, each quarter, or each month. These agreements result in interest periods of
one-half, one-quarter, or one-twelfth year, and the compounding of interest 2, 4,
or 12 times a year, respectively.
The interest rates associated with this more frequent compounding are nor-
mally quoted on an annual basis according to the following convention. When
the actual or effective rate of interest is 3 % interest compounded each six-month
period, the annual or nominal interest is quoted as 6 % per year compounded
semiannually For an effective rate of interest of 1.5 % compounded at the end of
each three-month period the nominal interest is quoted as 6 % per year com-
pounded quarterly. So the nominal rate of interest is expressed on an annual
basis and it is determined by multiplying the actual or effective interest rate per
interest period times the number of interest periods per year. Thus the actual or
effective interest rate per year is higher than the nominal interest rate. If we let
r =
nominal interest rate (per year),
i = the effective interest rate (per period),
c = the number of interest periods per year,
i = effective annual interest rate = (1 + r/cy - 1
The previous interest formulas were derived on the basis of an effective inter-
est rate for an interest period, specifically, for an annual interest rate com-
pounded annually. But they can be used when compounding occurs more
frequently than once a year. This can be done in either of two ways:
1. find the effective annual interest rate from the previous formula and use
this rate when time periods are years; or
2. match the interest rate to the interest period and use the factors directly
or its corresponding tabulated value.
F or example, we wish to find the compound amount of $1000 four years from
now at a nominal annual interest rate of 6 % compounded semiannually.
c=2 and r = 0.06
i = (1 + 0.~6y - 1 = 0.0609
• Present-worth amount.
• Annual equivalent amount.
• Capitalized equivalent amount.
• Future-worth amount.
• Rate of return.
An investment is described by the cash receipts and disbursements that are anti-
cipated. The representation of the amounts and timing of these cash receipts and
disbursements is called the cash flow of the investment.
When an investment has both cash receipts and disbursements occurring
simultaneously, a net cash flow is calculated for the investment. The net cash
flow is the arithmetic sum of the receipts ( + ) and the disbursements ( - ) that
occur at the same point in time. This utilization of net cash flows in decision
making implies that the net dollars received or disbursed have the same effect on
an investment decision as does the separate consideration of the total receipts
and disbursements of the investment.
To describe investment cash flows we shall use the notation
Then if Fjt < 0, Fjt represents a net cash cost or disbursement. If Fjt > 0, Fjt is a
net cash income or receipt.
B. Present-Worth Amount
• It considers the time value of money according to the value of i selected for
• It concentrates the equivalent value of any cash flow into a single index at a
particular time (t = 0).
• The present-worth amount is unique regardless of the investment's cash flow
• The present-worth amount is the equivalent amount by which the equivalent
receipts of a cash flow exceed (or fail to equal) the equivalent disbursements
of that cash flow.
C. Capitalized Equivalent
• Convert the actual cash flow into an equivalent cash flow of equal annual
payments A that extends to infinity.
• Discount the equal annual payments A to the present by using the equal-
payment-series, present-worth factor.
An asset is a unit of capital. Some assets, such as machines, lose value over a
period of time. This loss of value of an asset represents a consumption or expen-
diture of capital.
Capital assets are bought with the idea that they will earn more than they
cost. So a part of the prospective earnings is considered to be capital recovery.
The capital is recovered in the form of income derived from the services rendered
by the asset and from its sale at the end of its useful life.
Another part of the prospective earnings will be considered to be return.
Since the capital invested in an asset is usually recovered bit by bit, it is neces-
sary to consider the interest on the unrecovered balance as a cost of ownership.
Two transactions are associated with the buying and eventual retirement of a
capital asset; its first cost and salvage value. A simple formula for the equivalent
annual cost of an asset can be determined from these amounts. We let
So the annual equivalent cost of an asset can be expressed as the annual equiva-
lent first cost less the annual equivalent salvage value, or
CR(i) = p. A/P(i, n) - F· A/F(i, n)
CR(i) = (P - F)· AI P(i, n) + Fi
F. Future-Worth Amount
FW(i)j= IPjt·F/P(i,n-t)
G. Rate of Return
The rate of return is a widely accepted index of profitability. It is the interest rate
that reduces the present-worth amount of a series of receipts and disbursements
to zero. So, the rate of return for investment proposal j is the interest rate ijthat
satisfies the equation
0= PW(ij)j = I Fjt·P/F(ij, t)
Because of the relationship between the annual equivalent amount, the future-
worth amount, and the present-worth amount, this equation is also equivalent
0= FW(ij)j
In all the other methods, the interest rate is given (or assumed given). With this
method, we must calculate the interest rate or rate of return. The calculation
becomes a trial-and-error problem. But in return for the extra work, we have a
reasonable way to compare the economic desirability of alternative investments
without assuming that we know highly uncertain future interest rates.
Given one basis for comparison, we can calculate the others from the following
PW(i) = AE(i)·P/A(i, n)
CE(i) = AE(i)/i
PW(i) = CE(i)· i· P/ A(i, n)
FW(i) = PW(i)·F/P(i,n)
We now look at various decision criteria that describe how investment decisions
should be made. These criteria will be rules or procedures that describe how to
select investment opportunities so that particular objectives can be achieved.
1. Independent Proposals
When the acceptance of a proposal from a set of proposals has no effect on the
acceptance of any of the other proposals contained in the set, the proposal is
said to be independent. Usually, if proposals are functionally different and there
are no other obvious dependencies between them, it is reasonable to consider
the proposals as independent.
2. Dependent Proposals
If the proposals in the set are related so that acceptance of any proposal from the
set precludes the acceptance of any of the other proposals in the set, the propo-
sals are said to be mutually exclusive. These usually occur when there is a need
to be fulfilled and there are a variety of proposals each of which will satisfy that
b. Contingent Proposals
Another type occurs once some initial project is undertaken. Then a number of
other auxiliary investments become feasible. Such auxiliary proposals are called
contingent proposals because their acceptance is conditional on the acceptance
of another proposal.
The objective is the maximization of equivalent profit given that all investment
alternatives must yield a return that exceeds some minimum attractive rate of
return (MARR). This cut-off rate is usually the result of a policy decision made
by management. The MARR could be viewed as a rate at which the business can
always invest since it has a large number of opportunities that yield such a
return. Whenever any money is committed to an investment proposal, an op-
portunity to invest that money at the MARR has been foregone.
If the funds available are not invested in the projects being considered they will
be invested in the do nothing alternative. This means that the investor will do
nothing about the projects being considered but the funds will be placed in
investments that yield a rate of return equal to the MARR.
3. Criteria
This criterion is one of the most used criteria for selecting an investment alterna-
tive from a set of mutually exclusive alternatives. All that is required is to calcu-
late the present-worth amount for the cash flow representing each alternative.
Then select the alternative that has the maximum present-worth amount (pro-
vided this amount is positive).
We have seen that the present-worth amount, the annual equivalent amount,
and the future-worth amount are consistent bases for comparing alternatives.
Thus, if
PW(i)A > PW(i)B
AE(i)A > AE(i)B
FW(i)A > FW(i)B
Note that the future-worth amounts indicate that the receipts from the invest-
ment are actually invested at the MARR from the time they are received to the
end of the life of the alternative. So future-worth calculations explicitly consider
the investment or reinvestment of the future receipts generated by investment
alternatives. So the use of the present-worth amount implicitly assumes the in-
vestment or reinvestment of receipts at the MARR.
• List the alternatives in ascending order of their equivalent first cost or initial
dis bursemen ts.
• Select as the initial current best alternative the one that requires the smallest
first cost. In most cases the initial current best would be the do nothing
alternative. Compare the initial current best alternative and the first chal-
lenging alternative. Examine the difference between the two cash flows. If the
present worth of the incremental cash flow evaluated at the MARR is greater
than zero, the challenger becomes the new current best alternative. If the
present worth is less than or equal to zero, the current best alternative re-
mains unchanged and the challenger in the comparison is eliminated from
consideration. The new challenger is the next alternative.
• Repeat the comparisons of the challengers to the current best alternative
until no alternatives remain.
This method is more time consuming than the present worth on total invest-
ment criterion. But both criteria lead to the same solution. In fact,
PW(i)B - PW(i)A = PW(i)B-A
AE(i)B - AE(i)A = AE(i)B-A
FW(i)B - FW(i)A = FW(i)B-A
This decision criteria uses the same type of incremental analysis as the prior
criterion. The only difference is the decision rule in the third step. For this
method, the rule should be
Up to now the decision criteria have been applied to sets of mutually exclusive
alternatives and it has been assumed that sufficient money is available to under-
take all of the proposals. We now assume that the total money available for
investment is a fixed amount that restricts the number of feasible alternatives.
No changes at all are required in order to include the budget constraint in the
decision process. All that is required is that the proposals be rearranged into
mutually exclusive alternatives. Next, those alternatives that have a first cost
that exceeds the budget amount must be dropped from consideration. Every-
thing else remains the same.
To calculate the present worth for cash flows of unequal duration is incorrect.
When comparing alternatives with unequal lives the principle that all alterna-
tives under consideration must be compared on the same time span is basic to
sound decision making. There are two basic approaches that can be used so that
alternatives with different lives can be compared over an equal time span.
This approach confines the consideration of the effects of the alternatives being
evaluated to some study period that is usually the life of the shortest-lived
alternative. The costs occurring after the study period are disregarded, since the
equivalent costs are being compared only for the study period indicated.
The second approach is to estimate the future seq uence of events that are antici-
pated for each alternative being considered so that the time span is the same for
each alternative. Two methods are used to accomplish this.
Here we have explicit consideration of future alternatives over the same time
With the same data used, the decision reached by comparing benefits with costs
is the same decision reached by other methods. But the same proposed project
may have several different values of the benefit-cost ratio depending upon
whether certain adverse items are subtracted from benefits or added to costs. In
general, relevant consequences to the general public should be classified as bene-
fits or disbenefits. Consequences involving disbursements by governmental units
should be classified as costs.
In comparing projects, the larger benefit-cost ratio prevails. But you can see
that what I call a disbenefit, you could call a cost. Therefore your ratio calcula-
tion could differ from mine.
The following sections are concerned with methods for determining D, for t = 1,
2, ... , n.
This method assumes that the loss in value of the asset is directly proportional
to its age. So
B,=P-t( - n-
This method assumes that the annual cost of depreciation is a fixed percentage
of the book value at the beginning of the year. The ratio of the depreciation in
anyone year to the book value at the beginning of the year is a constant k. This
method gives
book value at end of t years = B f = P(l - k)'
book value at end of n years = Bn = P(l - kt
There are two ways of using this method. Knowing the original cost P, the
salvage value F, and the useful life n, we use
to calculate the book value at the end of t years. We shall call this the general
Matheson method.
The usual case, though, is the double-declining balance. For this case, the k
used is double the depreciation rate of the straight-line method. For the straight-
line method the depreciation rate is
So, for the double-declining-balance method
For this method, the digits corresponding to the number of each year of life are
listed in reverse order, from n to 1. The depreciation factor for any year is the
reverse digit for that year divided by the sum of the digits. Since the sum-of-the-
years digits is n(n + 1)/2, the depreciation factor for any year tis
(n - t + 1)
D = 2(P - F) - -~ -
t n(n + 1)
t(2n - t + 1)
B =P -- ~ (P - F)
t n(n + 1)
This method assumes that a sinking fund is established to accumulate funds for
replacement. The total depreciation that has taken place up to any given time is
assumed to be the uniform annual sinking-fund deposit plus the interest on the
imaginary accumulated fund. This method (unlike the others) preserves the in-
vested capital. So, with this method, the book value at the end of t years will be
B t = P - (P - F)·A/F(i, n)·F/A(i, t)
(P - F)· A/P(i, n) + Fi
Depreciation is a cost of production. In economic analysis dealing with
physical assets, it is necessary to compute the equivalent annual cost of capital
recovered plus return, so that alternatives involving competing assets may be
compared on an equivalent basis. Regardless of the depreciation model chosen
to represent the value of the asset over time, the equivalent annual cost of capital
recovered and return will be
E(x) = L xP(x)
where P(x) is the probability of x occurring. Now if we toss a coin twice, simple
reasoning leads to the following probabilities:
If one were able to participate in a large number of such games, the expected or
average winnings per bet over the long run would be approximately $15.
Because most industries and governments are generally long lived, the
expected value as a basis for comparison seems to be a sensible method for
evaluating investment alternatives under risk. The long-term objectives of such
organizations may include the maximation of expected profits or minimization
of expected costs. If it is desired to include the effect of the time value of money
where risk is involved, all that is required is to state expected profits or costs as
expected present worth, expected annual equivalents, or expected future worths.
tThis stction is based upon H. G. Thuesen, W. J. Fabrycky, and G. 1. Thuesen, Engineering Ec'ono-
5th cd., Prentice-Hall, Englewood-Cliffs, New Jersey, 1977, pp. 430-432. Used by permission of
Pren tice- Hall.
TABLE El. Probability and Cost Information for Determining Optimum Levee Size
Number of
Years River Probability of Initial Cost
Maximum Level River Being Loss If River Level Building
Was x ft x ft Above Is x ft Above Levee x ft
x(feet) Above Normal Normal Levee ($) High ($)
0 24 0.48 0 0
5 12 0.24 100,000 100,000
10 8 0.16 150.000 210,000
15 3 0.06 200,000 330,000
20 2 0.04 300,000 450,000
25 1 0.02 400,000 550,000
50 1.00
Using historical records that describe the maximum height reached by the
river during each of the last 50 years, the frequencies shown in column B were
ascertained. From these frequencies are calculated the probabilities that the
river will reach a particular level in anyone year. The probability for each height
is determined by dividing the number of years for which each particular height
was the maximum by 50, the total number of years.
The damages that are expected if the river exceeds the height of the levee are
related to the amount by which the river height exceeds the levee. These costs are
shown in column D. It is observed that they increase in relation to the amount
the flood crest exceeds the levee height. If the flood crest is 15 ft and the levee is
10 ft the anticipated damages will be $100,000, whereas a flood crest of 20 ft for a
levee 10-ft high would create damages of $150,000.
The estimated costs of constructing levees of various heights are shown in
column E. The company considers 12 % to be their minimum attractive rate of
return and it is felt that after 15 yr the treatment plant will be relocated away
from the floodplain. The company wants to select the alternative that minimizes
its total expected costs. Since the probabilities are defined as the likelihood of a
particular flood level in anyone year, the expected equivalent annual cost is an
appropriate choice for the basis for comparison.
An example of the calculations required for each levee height is demonstrated
for two of the alternatives.
Five-foot levee:
annual investment cost = $100,000(0.1468) = $14,682
expected annual damage = (0.16)($100,000)
+ (0.06)($150,000)
+ (0.04)($200,000)
+ (0.02)($300,000) = 39,000
total expected annual cost $53,682
Ten-foot levee:
A/P(12, 15)
annual investment cost = $210,000(0.1468) = $30,828
expected annual damage = (0.06)($100,000)
+ (0.04)($150,000)
+ (0.02)($200,000) = 16,000
total expected annual cost $46,828
The costs associated with the alternative levee heights are summarized in Table
E2. The levee height that minimizes the total expected annual cost is the levee
that is 10 ft in height. The selection of a smaller levee would not provide enough
protection to offset the reduced construction costs, while a levee higher than
10 ft requires more investment without proportionate savings from expected
flood damage. The use of expected value in determining the costo()fflood damage
is reasonable in this case, since the 15-yr period under consideration allows time
for long-term effects to appear.
0 0 80,000 80,000
5 14,682 39,000 53,682
10 30,828 16,000 46,828
15 48,450 7,000 55,450
20 66,069 2,000 68,069
25 80,751 0 80,751
A. A manufacturer has purchased a machine for $80,000. Its useful life is 5 yr,
at which time it can be sold for $5000. The hourly costs are $7.50/hr; the
annual costs are $1000/yr. This machine is used to make castings. Each
casting requires about 100 min to produce. The material for each casting is
$8.00. If the cost of money is 8 %, calculate the cost per unit to make each
casting if (a) 120, (b) 220, and (c) 550 castings are made each year.
Proposal A B C
C. We have two alternatives for our proposed new grease canning line. Plan A
uses an electrically powered belt that costs $1500 with a 5-yr salvage value
of $300. The power cost is $1.00/hr of use and maintenance should run
Plan B uses a reconditioned gas engine costing $500 with no salvage
value. Gas and oil costs are estimated at $0.60/hr and the operator (usually
the janitor) is paid $3/hr. Because of its age, we assume maintenance costs
to be $0.25/operating hr.
We assume that the canning line will be needed for 5 yr. Management
requires an overall rate of return of 12 % before taxes.
Determine the hours ofline use per year for the two plans to break-even.
Solve by equivalent annual cost methods before taxes.
D. After our refinery was built on an island in the river, we were told that the
island was occasionally under water. Corps of Engineers data indicate that
the chances of a flood are about one in seven each year. The likely flood
damage would cost $25,000.
A levee could be built at a cost of $60,000 with a useful life of 28 yr with
no salvage. If money is available at 10%, should we build the levee?
E. The chairman will be visiting the plant. We must paint. Paint A costs $7.00/
gal and covers 350 sq ft/gal. The manufacturer claims that it will last 4 yr
and can be applied at a rate of 100 sq ft/hr.
Paint B costs $lO/gal and covers 500 sq ft/ga1.1t will last for 5 yr and can
be appbed at a rate of 125 sq ft/hr. If we pay the painter $4/hr, which paint
should we use. Money is available at 10 %.
Annual Construction
Capacity Maintenance Costs (1980)
(lbjyr) ($) ($)
Number ofleaks 0 1 2 3 4
Probability of this 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
number during
Cost of this number of $0 $1500 $2500 $5000 $11,000
leaks to gas company
If the new piping will have a life of 20 yr, no salvage, and an annual main-
tenance of $500, determine the amount that the gas company could afford
to spend on the project. Assume a 12 % interest rate.
A. Find the yearly cost of the equipment and then add to it the annual costs.
These costs will be the same regardless of the number of castings produced.
Then for each different number of castings, determine the hours required to
produce them. Calculate the total hourly costs for each number of castings.
The total annual cost to produce a number of castings is this cost added to
the other yearly costs. Dividing by the number of units provides the answer.
This is a simple, straightforward problem.
B. This is a mutually exclusive alternatives problem. The straightforward
method is to list investments by ascending first costs, comparing percentage
return on both first cost and on incremental investments.
C. For this problem, add up the total annual costs for both alternatives, letting
H be the hours of line use per year. The break-even point occurs when the
two annual costs are equal.
D. The secret to the solution of this problem is to decide how to handle the
probability of a flood. A simple way to do it is to assume that the yearly
cost of a flood that occurs once every 7 yr is ~ of the total cost of a flood.
This value is then compared to the annual cost of building a levee. This
concept fits with the life of the levee being 28 yr-a constant multiple of
E. This is a break-even problem. We must determine the annual cost for each
paint. Data looks as if the initial cost will be in dollars per square ft year.
Note that one paint will last 4 yr, the other 5 yr.
F. We can determine the annual profit for each office. Since we know the
investment needed to set up each office, we can calculate a rate of return for
each, based on
A/P( %, 20) = profit/investment
cost of the second stage by 6 %/yr. Use the plan that has the lower present
H. From the data given, calculate the present worth, assuming a lif.: of 50 yr.
Use the relationship between present worth and capitalized annual cost to
get the capitalized cost from the present worth.
Invest- Invest- A
ment Savings % ment Savings A%
Proposal ($) ($) Return ($) ($) Return
[ $7.0~ 1 gal + $4 ~J
gal 350ft 2 hrl00ft 2
x [0.31547
= $0.060/ftz x 0.31547 = $0.01893/ft 2 yr
Annual cost-paint B [A/P(10%, 5) = 0.26380]
$10 1 gal $4 1 hr )
( gai 500 ft2 + hr 125 ft2 x [0.26380J
F. Cleveland:
potential, 10 Expansion:
Energy balance: adiabatic, 19, 31
evaporators, 158 constant-enthalpy, 36
f1uid f1ow: isothermal, 31
mechanical, 209 louie-Thomson, 36
total,209 ratio, 31
in heat exchangers, 142 Redlich-Kister, 27
mass transfer, 82 Expected value, 252
in total condensers, 143 Extract, 94
Engines, heat, 31 Extraction:
Enthalpy: countercurrent, 97
definition, II data, 94
humid, 106 Ponchon-Savarit, 95
Entropy, 20 principles, 95-98
Equations: rectangular method, 96
Arrhenius, 179 solvent ratio, 97
Bernoulli, 203, 204
Donohue, 156 factor:
kinetic, 182 absorption, 83
Kremser, 84,91 acentric, 17
Margules, 28 angle, 155
rate, 182 compressibility, 14
Rayleigh, 86 Fanning friction, 205
reactor design, 187 fouling, 144
Tait, 18 frequency, 179
van Laar, 28 friction, 204
van't Hoff, 30 interchange, 155
virial, 14 view, 155
Equations of state: F alling-ra te, drying, 113
acentric factor, 17 Fanning friction factor, 205
cubic, 16 Feed plate, distillation, 88
generalized, 17 Filmwise heat transfer:
Redlich-Kwong, 17 horizontal tubes, 150
van der Waals, 16 vertical tubes, 149
Equilibrium: First law, 1l
and activity coefficients, 27 Flow in pipes:
composition, 30 laminar, 205
constant, 30 turbulent, 205-209
criteria, 27 Fluid flow:
definition, 12 compressible, 209-213
drying, 112 incompressible, 204-209
hydrostatic, 119 Fluid now corrections:
leaching, 91 Newtonian fluids, 205
reaction, 28 turbulent flow, 206-207
vapor-liquid, 27 Fluid friction, 203
Evaporative cooling, 107 Force, 7
Evaporators: Forced convection:
boiling-point elevation, laminar flow, 145-146
157 outside tubes, 147-148
capacity, 157 turbulent flow, 146-148
economy, 158 Formation, heat of, 54
multiple-effect, 159 Fouling factors, 144
single-effect, 158 Fourier's law, 139
Excess properties, 26 Fractional conversion, 180