Concepts of Design: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

Yours truly, as a high-school senior!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

• Everything interesting that you do in LIFE and in
DESIGN is a tradeoff – getting what you want at
the expense of something else.
Building Motor

power consumption
Industrial materials servo
purchase cost

machines weight

Brand A Al A smarter
C carbon controller!
breakdowns/year strength positioning error

Old vs. used? Cost? Fatigue? Complexity?

Maintenance? Heterogeneous? Robustness? Cost?
Finish? Corrosion?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017
• Design is a process of
– Understanding the problem Need/Goal

– Creating solutions Clarify

functions and
– Evaluating solutions objectives
• Crucial role of modeling and testing
Problem Statement
– Refining and revising Create
– Detailing the design Candidates

Best Candidate

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

Other Views of Design …
Math, Science,
“classwork” Engineering Practical “hands-on”
Fundamentals Knowledge “what works”

“formal” Quantitative “organization”

Design Analysis,
“modeling” Design Analysis “planning”

geometry Product

sensors design knowledge

keeping Design freedom
propulsion control
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017
The Objectives Tree
The FSH Objectives Tree

 HOW ? 
Broad objectives… … Specific objectives
 WHY ? 

Participate, innovate, initiate

Get a good grade Do assigned work

Request lectures
Take advantage
Have a of resources
Learn a lot Use the shop
Apply prior knowledge
in 2.017

Have fun Get along Establish responsibilities

Plan ahead Use a few design
methods !
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017
A Decision Matrix: Flettner Rotorship
What is the impact of these ENGINEERING ATTRIBUTES, relative to REQUIREMENTS?
A: High rotary speed B: Large rotor diameter C: Stiff inner structure
D: Number of rotors E: Height of rotor

Propels the boat 40 2 2 0 2 2
Robust to damage 10 -1 0 2 -1 -1
Easy to fabricate 30 -1 0 -1 -1 -1
High boat stability 20 0 -1 -1 0 -2

Weighted sums: 40 60 -30 40 -40

• Attribute B (a large rotor diameter) is most important to meeting the requirements.

• Attributes C and E (stiff inner structure, tall rotors) have negative impact on meeting
the requirements.
• The calculation helps identify and document priorities and the direction of the design.
• It suggests areas where further clarification of requirements or attributes is needed.
• Related to “House of Quality” and “Quality Function Deployment”

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

Knowledge vs.
Photo removed due to copyright restrictions.

• Knowledge about an idea and confidence Knowledgeable but
probably not confident at
in it are not the same thing! the moment – his vehicle
just went into the ocean
• Target: a specification, criterion, requirement for the first time!

• Idea: one possible solution

• A measure of knowledge: what is the probability of you getting a
true/false question right about the idea?
Clueless: K = 0.5 Expert: K = 1.0
• A measure of confidence: what is your certainty that the idea will
meet the target?
Impossible  Doubtful  Likely  Perfect
C = 0.0 C = 0.3 C = 0.7 C = 1.0
Confidence is subjective!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

Combine Knowledge and
Confidence: Belief
• A measure of belief: confidence that an idea meets the
target, based on current knowledge.
• Using the above numerical values and Bayesian
analysis, Ullman (2001) computes
Belief = 2KC - K - C + 1,
leading to a “belief map”  Decisions should be
Belief based on a high

Contours: level of belief – you


0.8 have to have

0.5 0.6 knowledge of the
0.4 idea AND
0.2 confidence that it

EP meets the target

low knowledge high

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

Robot and

Function Analysis docking


Flow-Chart: Algorithm design, Processes

Go in a straight
Drive robot Turn
Range rate? line for one
toward target + around
Autonomous underwater vehicle homing to an
Captured! acoustic beacon

Layered Functions: A complex system having multiple functions

Allows a person to write and Similarity to objectives tree

edit words or images on paper

Makes mark on paper Fits in hand Erases own marks


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

Fluid mechanics rig at the
MIT Testing Tank

Understanding Complexity
• Complexity is often what causes the hardest problems – and
solutions that are time-consuming and expensive.
• High costs of errors once a product is out the door.
• Piecemeal vs. Holistic design.
• Fundamental rules of design – e.g. grounding & isolation, stainless
steel, well-known vendors, etc.
• Basic rule: Layered Sub-functions  Complexity.

Main function Level 1

Subfunction 1 Subfunction 2 Subfunction 3 2

Subfunction 1.1 Subfunction 1.2 Subfunction 3.1 3

How many functions does a car door serve?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017
Why does it take
so long!?
Autonomous kayak in
Singapore Harbor – lots of
Person-hours design effort can be estimated as functions but not too many
H = A * B * C where
A = a constant depending on communication and size of
engineering group: values typically in the range 30-150 in
commercial world – it may be lower or higher for students!
B = sum of products of level number and number of subfunctions at
that level (1+6+9 = 16 in figure above).
C = difficulty (1 is easy – known technologies, 3 is hard – many
unknown technologies)
 Even a seemingly simple project easily runs into thousands of
hours @#$%^&*
 Role of complexity should be kept in mind when milestones
are defined and set

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

Gantt Charts: a Graphical Schedule
Clarify problem
Brainstorming What are the
First design iteration dependencies
Experiments & research among tasks?
Test candidate solutions
Second design iteration What is the Is the time
Finalize design choices order of allotted for each
Order parts tasks? task appropriate?
Make machine drawings
Fabricate subsystems Does the division of
Assemble system effort make sense?
Integrated testing
Field tests What tasks are
Documentation concurrent?

Quarter 1 2 3 4 time

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

A Few References…
• D.G. Ullman. The mechanical
design process (Third edition).
New York: McGraw-Hill. 2003.
• N. Cross. Engineering Design
Methods: Strategies for product
design (Third edition). New York:
Wiley. 2000.

Acoustic image of a metal box on the bottom of a barge,

taken from an autonomous underwater vehicle, June 2007.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Subject 2.017

MIT OpenCourseWare

2.017J Design of Electromechanical Robotic Systems

Fall 2009

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