Article 1 Reactor Project
Article 1 Reactor Project
Article 1 Reactor Project
DOI 10.1007/s10562-010-0470-5
Received: 16 August 2010 / Accepted: 8 October 2010 / Published online: 26 October 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Catalytic Use of Supported Gold Nanoparticles 199
200 J. Xu et al.
and N2 is fixed at 0.5, 0.25 and 20 mL min-1 2.0Au/CeO2-DP (Table 1, entry 5) prepared by the routine
(GHSV = 19,972 h-1), respectively. Prior to testing, the DP method showed the highest activity in terms of the
catalysts were pretreated in a mixed gas (O2/N2 = 1/8) at selective formation of ST. The steady-state ST selectivity
450 °C for 30 min. The products were analyzed by an on- obtained was as high as 90.0% which indicated the success
line gas chromatograph (Agilent GC 6820). Permanent in depressing secondary oxidation, in sharp contrast to what
gases (O2, CO, CO2) were separated using a TDX-01 was observed for most of the other supported Au catalysts
column connected to a TCD detector and other reaction (Table 1, entries 1–4). A clear advantage of the Au/CeO2-
products were analyzed employing a FFAP column con- DP catalyst over other noble metals was also noticed when
nected to a FID detector. The catalytic data were acquired the reaction was performed using Pt/CeO2 or Ru/CeO2
after 1 h on stream of the reaction. The carbon balance under otherwise identical conditions (Table 1, entries 6, 7).
closed to 100 ± 5% and was additionally monitored by the It is important to remark that in the presence of small
COx content after catalytic combustion of organic species amount of O2 (nO2/nEB = 0.5), the performances of
in a final total oxidation reactor. Au/CeO2 were comparable to or even higher than those of
the typical iron catalysts (Supporting Information, Table
2.4 Total OSC Measurement S1), noting that we did not introduce any steam in the ODH
tests. However, for the commercial DH process, steam (with
The total oxygen storage capacity (OSC) measurement was high steam/oil ratio (S/O)) as an inert diluent is always
tested at 450 °C. 25 mg ceria-supported Au catalyst diluted required to provide heat, to regenerate the iron-based active
with 300 mg silicon carbide grains of similar size was sites from coking and to shift the equilibrium conversion of
placed in a quartz U-shape reactor. The concentration of EB, which results in large energy consumption.
the three components (H2, H2O, and He) in the outlet gas Further detailed studies were carried out using the
was monitored by an on-line mass spectrometer (Balzers 2.0Au/CeO2-DP catalyst to gain insights into the catalytic
OmniStar, QMS 200). A sample was exposed to alternating requirements for the ODH of EB. First, the effect of the
H2 (40 mL min-1 for 10 s) and He (40 mL min-1 for 80 s) reaction temperature was investigated and is illustrated in
pulses, and the alternating pulsation lasted until the signal Fig. 1. The EB conversion increased rapidly as the reaction
intensity of H2 reached a balance (100 ± 5%). Total OSC temperature was raised from 350 to 450 °C but leveled off
was calculated by integrating the consumption of H2 [lmol at 500 °C, with the selectivity of ST decreases gradually
[O] g-1]. from ca. 97% to 85%. In all cases, ST was obtained as the
major product, accompanied by appreciable amounts of
COx and very small amount of other byproducts such as
3 Results and Discussion benzaldehyde or methyl benzyl alcohol. Presumably,
higher temperature should give rise to better catalytic
3.1 Catalytic Tests activity for the ODH reaction. However, as is well known
in the literature [2], higher reaction temperature (well
Initially, a range of Au catalysts supported on various above the Tammann temperature of bulk gold, see below)
inorganic supports were applied to the ODH of EB under a may also lead to the sintering or growth of Au NPs, which
previously established reaction condition at 450 °C [36]. As can greatly compromised the performance of 2.0Au/CeO2-
can be seen from Table 1, the chemical nature of the sup- DP under these conditions. Moreover, studies on the effect
port has a strong influence on the catalytic performance of of the oxygen concentration revealed that the stoichiome-
the Au NPs. Of the various Au-based catalysts tested, tric O2/EB ratio (nO2/nEB = 0.5) was the ratio of choice
Catalytic Use of Supported Gold Nanoparticles 201
Selectivity to ST (%)
40 70
introduction of Au remarkably enhanced EB conversion
60 and selectivity for the partial oxidation products. High
50 selectivity to ST was obtained over the Au/CeO2 catalysts
with higher Au content (Table 2, entries 2–4) and the ST
20 40
formation increased with the gold loading up to 6.0 wt%
Au. However, an even higher Au loading amount with
20 8.0 wt% would compromise the catalytic activity. As will
0 10
be discussed later, the undesired formation of larger Au
350 400 450 500 particles ([5 nm) may account for such activity deterio-
Temperature ( °C) ration. The best performance was observed for the catalyst
containing 6.0 wt% Au (Table 2, entry 4), which was
Fig. 1 Catalytic behavior of the 2.0Au/CeO2 at different reaction
temperatures characterized by high selectivity comparable to the best yet
reported for EB ODH [29, 34, 38]. Moreover, in a com-
parison of three different preparation methods (Table 2,
80 100
entries 3, 6, 7), it is observed that the Au/CeO2 catalyst
con. prepared by DP method is more effective. The evolution of
sel. the catalytic performance at 450 °C as a function of reac-
tion time for the Au/CeO2-DP catalysts is shown in Fig. 3.
Conversion of EB (%)
Selectivity to ST (%)
Remarkably, the 6.0 wt% Au/CeO2 was found to be stable
60 during the reaction, and the ST yield did not undergo
40 50 appreciable changes with the time on stream.
30 3.2 Catalyst Characterization
10 The ICP-AES analysis (Table 2) shows that the real
amount of gold deposited on CeO2 is ca. 10–25% lower
0 0
0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 than the nominal Au loading, consistent with the known
O2:EB fact that only limited amount of gold contained in the
solution can be deposited onto an oxide support via the
Fig. 2 Effect of molar ratio of O2 to EB on the catalytic ODH routine DP method [3]. The specific surface areas for
performance of the 2.0 Au/CeO2-DP catalyst
the various Au/CeO2-DP catalysts were similar to those for
the parent support (Table 2). The XRD pattern of the
parent ceria (Fig. 4) show well-defined diffraction feature
(Fig. 2). It was clarified that both lower and higher O2/EB characteristics of the cubic fluorite structure of CeO2
ratios would lead to a great reduction in the reaction rate (JCPDS card no. 34-0394). After the deposition of Au NPs
for the selective formation of ST. onto the ceria support, an almost identical XRD pattern
202 J. Xu et al.
Selectivity to ST (%)
70 In the case of the Au/CeO2-DP samples, the Au NPs were
60 60 small and evenly dispersed over the 2.0Au/CeO2-DP with
50 an average particle size of ca. 3.6 nm. With increasing gold
40 40 loading, a progressive increase in the Au particle size can
30 Selectivity
be observed. A considerable fraction of Au particles with
20 20 particle size larger than 5.0 nm was detected over the
catalyst containing 8.0 wt% Au. The TEM analysis of the
0 0
4.0Au/CeO2-IMP as well as 4.0Au/CeO2-UDP also showed
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 the presence of appreciable fraction of Au particles larger
Time on stream (min) than 5 nm over the support, in good agreement with the
XRD data as described above. All these results strongly
Fig. 3 Time on stream of EB ODH on 6.0Au/CeO2-DP
suggest that the NaOH DP method is more suitable to
achieve a high dispersion of Au NPs with small Au particle
size (\5 nm) over the ceria support. Additionally, it is
interesting to point out that after 5 h on stream of the
reaction at 450 °C, the size of Au NPs has not undergone
4.0Au/CeO2-IMP noticeable changes, which could partly explain the stability
of the catalyst. We note that this lack of agglomeration
indicates that, when properly prepared and in association
Intensity (a.u.)
with a suitable support, supported gold NPs can serve as a
stable catalyst for high temperature applications, although
it is known that gold has a relatively low Tammann tem-
4.0Au/CeO2-DP perature (395 °C) [39]. Presumably, the presence of a
strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) between the gold
2.0Au/CeO2-DP particles and the underlying CeO2 support may play a key
role in stabilizing the Au particles [40, 41].
CeO2 TPR experiments were carried out to gain an insight into
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
the redox properties of the various catalysts. As shown in
Fig. 6, two main peaks at low (peak a) and high temper-
2 θ (°
ature (peak b) are observed for all samples, assignable to
Fig. 4 XRD patterns of Au/CeO2-DP, 4.0Au/CeO2-IMP and 4.0Au/ the reduction of surface- capping oxygen and bulk oxygen
CeO2-UDP samples species, respectively. While the blank ceria showed a broad
low temperature reduction profile in the range 250–500 °C,
the introduction of Au species drastically decreases the
was obtained for Au/CeO2-DP comparing with CeO2, temperature of the peak a. The lowest temperature (ca.
indicating that the crystalline structure and the average size 77 °C) was observed over 6.0Au/CeO2-DP, a feature sig-
of the crystalline domain of the CeO2 support are well nifying superior low temperature reducibility. In addition,
maintained in the gold samples. Moreover, no peaks due to OSC measurements at 450 °C revealed a limited OSC of
gold species were detected, except in the case of the 8.0Au/ ca. 140 lmol [O] g-1 over the parent ceria material
CeO2-DP sample, where a distinct metallic Au reflection (Fig. 7). This value is consistent with the broad literature
line at 2h = 38.2° appears. Figure 4 also compared the [42–44] showing that the reduction of ceria surface layers
effect of the preparation methods on the size of the Au is limited to 5.0%. When Au NPs were deposited onto the
NPs. It is revealed that the UDP- and IMP-derived 4.0Au/ ceria, the XP spectrum of the Au 4f7/2 core level shows a
CeO2 catalysts already show distinct metallic Au diffrac- predominant contribution from metallic Au0 at a binding
tion lines, in sharp contrast to the absence of any Au fea- energy of 84.0 eV [45] (Fig. 8). Notably, it was found that
tures as observed for the 4.0Au/CeO2-DP sample with a the loading of Au caused a significant modification in the
similar gold content. The average gold crystalline size, oxygen storage behavior of the ceria materials. These
calculated by Scherrer equation, was 5.3, 6.2 and 10.3 nm results can be rationalized by assuming that the presence of
for the 8.0Au/CeO2-DP, 4.0 Au/CeO2-UDP and 4.0Au/ small Au NPs can result in the favorable enhanced oxygen
CeO2-IMP samples, respectively. mobility in the surface layers of ceria, mostly due to the
Catalytic Use of Supported Gold Nanoparticles 203
40 (A)
Frequency (%)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mean size (nm)
40 (B)
Frequency (%)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mean size (nm)
Frequency (%)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mean size (nm)
Fig. 5 TEM images of 2.0Au/CeO2-DP (a), 4.0Au/CeO2-DP (b), 6.0Au/CeO2-DP (c), 8.0Au/CeO2-DP (d), 4.0Au/CeO2-IMP (e), 4.0Au/CeO2-
UDP (f), and the spent 6.0Au/CeO2-DP (g) samples
creation of a high abundance of oxygen vacancies in ceria Bearing in the mind that the catalytic behaviors of ceria-
lattice, which are responsible for the considerably based materials is highly sensitive to the mobility or
enhanced reduction degrees as observed for the Au/CeO2 amount of the lattice oxygen, to gain further insight into the
catalysts. nature of the DP derived Au/CeO2 catalysts in relation to
204 J. Xu et al.
40 (D)
Frequency (%)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(e) (F)
40 (G)
Frequency (%)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mean size (nm)
Fig. 5 continued
their ODH activity, the total OSC of the various catalysts permitting a rational explanation for the positive effect of
are plotted against with the corresponding reaction rate. As Au loading on the performance of the catalyst. We there-
shown in Fig. 7, the amount of available lattice oxygen fore infer that the present ODH of EB over the Au/CeO2-
species in the Au/CeO2 material directly correlates the based catalysts may proceed via a simple redox mechanism
catalytic activity of CeO2 in the ODH of EB reaction, involving the Ce4?/Ce3? couple, in which the catalyst
Catalytic Use of Supported Gold Nanoparticles 205
undergoes reduction (by EB) and reoxidation (by O2)
cycles. In this sense, the overall reaction pathway can be
envisaged to involve a delicate redox interplay between Au
clusters and the CeO2 matrix during the EB ODH process,
i.e., the reaction proceeds via a facile Au-mediated oxygen-
Intensity (a.u.)
transfer mechanism in which the consumption and
4.0Au/CeO2-DP replenishment of the ceria lattice surface oxygen species
88 vicinal to Au NPs play a key role in the reaction process.
To testify this hypothesis, XPS studies on Au/CeO2 sub-
351 jected to sequential EB/O2 exposures were carried out. The
results show that the consumption and replenishment of the
CeO2 lattice oxygen, as reflected by the distinct atmospheric-
dependent variation of the ratio of Ce4?/Ce3? (Fig. S1) is
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
essential for this reaction.
Temperature ( °C)
In summary, a novel Au-decorated ceria catalyst, featured
Reaction rate 0.6 with superior low temperature catalytic performance, has
Reaction rate (mmol-ST g catal. h )
Total OSC
the TPR profiles and total OSC results, it was clarified that
the introduction of Au nanoparticles (B5 nm) has drasti-
0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
0.1 cally enhanced the oxygen mobility and storage capacity of
the ceria, thus leading to the significant improvement of its
Au-loading amount (%)
catalytic activity. Furthermore, the XPS results implied that
Fig. 7 Correlation between the reaction rates of the Au/CeO2 the ODH of ethylbenzene over the Au/CeO2 catalyst may
catalysts with their corresponding total OSC at 450 °C proceed via a simple surface redox mechanism involving
the Ce4?/Ce3? couple.
Au 4f5/2
Au 4f7/2 Au 4f7/2
0 Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (20633030, 20721063,
87.7 eV 85.9 eV 84.0 eV
20803012, and 20873026), the National High Technology Research and
Development Program of China (2006AA03Z336), and the National
Basic Research Program of China (2009CB623506), Science & Tech-
nology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (08DZ2270500).
Intensity (a.u.)
206 J. Xu et al.
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