Sfa 5.18 Sfa 5.18M
Sfa 5.18 Sfa 5.18M
Sfa 5.18 Sfa 5.18M
(Identical with AWS Specification A5.18/A5.18M:2005. In case of dispute, the original AWS text applies.)
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
AWS Classificationb Weight Percenta
A5.18 A5.18M Number C Mn Si P S Ni Cr Mo V Cud Ti Zr Al
0.90 0.40 0.05 0.02 0.05
ER70S-2 ER48S-2 K10726 0.07 to to 0.025 0.035 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.50 to to to
— — — 1.40 0.70 — — — — — — — 0.15 0.12 0.15
0.06 0.90 0.45
ER70S-3 ER48S-3 K11022 to to to 0.025 0.035 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.50 — — —
— — 0.15 1.40 0.75
0.06 1.00 0.65
ER70S-4 ER48S-4 K11132 to to to 0.025 0.035 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.50 — — —
— — 0.15 1.50 0.85
0.06 1.40 0.80
ER70S-6 ER48S-6 K11140 to to to 0.025 0.035 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.50 — — —
— — 0.15 1.85 1.15
0.07 1.50 0.50
ER70S-7 ER48S-7 K11125 to to to 0.025 0.035 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.50 — — —
— — 0.15 2.00e 0.80
ER70S-G ER48S-G — Not Specifiedf
a. Single values are maximum.
b. The letter “N” as a suffix to a classification indicates that the weld metal is intended for the corc belt region of nuclear reactor vessels, as
described in the Annex to the specification. This suffix changes the limits on the phosphorus and copper as follows:
P p0.012% maximum
Cup0.08% maximum
c. SAE HS-1086/ASTM DS-56, Metals & Alloys in the Unified Numbering System.
d. Copper due to any coating on the electrode or rod plus the copper content of the filler metal itself, shall not exceed the stated 0.50% max.
e. In this classification, the maximum Mn may exceed 2.0%. If it does, the maximum C must be reduced 0.01% for each 0.05% increase in
Mn or part thereof.
f. Chemical requirements are not specified but there shall be no intentional addition of Ni, Cr, Mo, or V. Composition shall be reported.
Requirements are those agreed to by the purchaser and the supplier.
2.4 ISO Specification. 4 The following ISO standard properties of the weld metal as specified in Tables 2, 3,
is referenced in the mandatory sections of this document. and 4 and the shielding gas employed.
(a) ISO 544, Welding consumables—Technical delivery 3.1M The solid electrodes (and rods) covered by the
conditions for welding filler metals—Type of product, A5.18M specification utilize a classification system based
dimensions, tolerances and markings upon the International System of Units (SI) and are classi-
fied according to the chemical composition of the electrode,
3. Classification as specified in Table 1, and the mechanical properties of the
3.1 The solid electrodes (and rods) covered by the weld metal, as specified in Tables 3 and 4. The composite
A5.18 specification utilize a classification system based stranded electrodes and composite metal cored electrodes
upon U.S. Customary Units and are classified according covered by this specification also utilize a classification
to the chemical composition of the electrode, as specified system based upon the International System of Units (SI)
in Table 1, and the as-welded mechanical properties of the and are classified according to the chemical composition
weld metal, as specified in Tables 3 and 4. The composite and mechanical properties of the weld metal as specified
stranded electrodes and composite metal cored electrodes in Tables 2, 3, and 4 and the shielding gas employed.
covered by this specification also utilize a classification 3.2 Electrodes and rods classified under one classifica-
system based upon U.S. Customary Units and are classified tion shall not be classified under any other classification
according to the chemical composition and mechanical in this specification, except that composite stranded elec-
trodes or composite metal cored electrodes classified as
4 E70C-XC [E48C-XC] may also be classified as E70C-XM
ISO standards are published by the International Organization for
Standardization, 1 rue de Varembé, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva [E48C-XM], or vice versa, provided the product meets the
20, Switzerland. requirements of both classifications.
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
AWS Classificationa Weight Percentd
A5.18 A5.18M Numberb Shielding Gas c
C Mn Si S P Nic Cre Moe Vc Cu
Multiple Pass Classifications
E70C-3X E48C-3X W07703 75-80% Ar/Balance 0.12 1.75 0.90 0.03 0.03 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.08 0.50
CO2 or CO2
E70C-6X E48C-6X W07706 75-80% Ar/Balance 0.12 1.75 0.90 0.03 0.03 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.08 0.50
CO2 or CO2
E70C-G(X) E48C-G(X) — f Not Specifiedg
a. The final X shown in the classification represents a “C” or “M” which corresponds to the shielding gas with which the electrode is classified.
The use of “C” designates 100% CO2 shielding (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C). “M” designates 75-80% Ar/balance CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class
SG-AC-Y, where Y is 20 to 25). For E70C-G [E48C-G] and E70C-GS [E48C-GS], the final “C” or “M” may be omitted if these gases are
not used for classification.
b. SAE HS-1086/ASTM DS-56, Metals & Alloys in the Unified Numbering System.
c. Use of a shielding gas other than that specified will result in different weld metal composition.
d. Single values are maximums.
e. The sum of Ni, Cr, Mo, and V shall not exceed 0.50%.
f. Shielding gas shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and supplier, unless designated by the C or M suffix.
g. Composition shall be reported; the requirements are those agreed to between purchaser and supplier.
h. The composition of weld metal from this classification is not specified since electrodes of this classification are intended only for single pass
welds. Dilution, in such welds, usually is quite high.
Tensile Strength Yield Strengthb
a Elongationb
AWS Classification (minimum) (minimum)
A5.18 A5.18M Shielding Gas psi MPa psi MPa (minimum)
ER70S-2 ER48S-2
ER70S-3 ER48S-3
ER70S-4 ER48S-4 CO2c 70 000 480 58 000 400 22
ER70S-6 ER48S-6
ER70S-7 ER48S-7
ER70S-G ER48S-G d 70 000 480 58 000 400 22
E70C-3X E48C-3X 75-80% Ar/balance CO2
E70C-6X E48C-6X or CO2 70 000 480 58 000 400 22
E70C-G(X) E48C-G(X) d 70 000 480 58 000 400 22
E70C-GS(X) E48C-GS(X) d 70 000 480 Not Specified Not Specified
a. The final X shown in the classification represents a “C” or “M” which corresponds to the shielding gas with which the electrode is classified.
The use of “C” designates 100% CO2 shielding (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C); “M” designates 75-80% Ar/balance CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class,
SG-AC-Y, where Y is 20 of 25). For E70C-G [E48C-G] and E70C-GS [E48C-GS], the final “C” or “M” may be omitted.
b. Yield strength at 0.2% offset and elongation in 2 in. [50 mm] gage length (or 1.4 in. [36 mm] gage length for the 0.350 in. [9.0 mm] tensile
specimen recommended in A4.2 for the optional in A4.2 for the optional acceptance test using gas tungsten arc).
c. CO2 p carbon dioxide shielding gas (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C). The use of CO2 for classification purposes shall not be construed to preclude
the use of Ar/CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y) or Ar/O2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AO-X) shielding gas mixtures. A filler metal tested with gas
blends, such as Ar/O2, or Ar/CO2 may result in weld metal having higher strength and lower elongation. Testing with 100% argon shielding
(AWS A5.32 Class SG-A) is required when classification testing is based on GTAW only (see A4.2 in Annex A).
d. Shielding gas shall be as agreed to between purchaser and supplier, unless designated by the C or M suffix.
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
AWS Classification Average Impact Strengtha,b (Minimum)
A5.18 A5.18M A5.18 A5.18M
ER70S-2 ER48S-2 20 ftWlbf at -20°F 27 J at -30°C
ER70S-3 ER48S-3 20 ftWlbf at 0°F 27 J at -20°C
ER70S-4 ER48S-4 Not Required Not Required
ER70S-6 ER48S-6 20 ftWlbf at -20°F 27 J at -30°C
ER70S-7 ER48S-7 20 ftWlbf at -20°F 27 J at -30°C
ER70S-G ER48S-G As agreed between supplier and purchaser
E70C-G(X) E48C-G(X) As agreed between supplier and purchaser
E70C-3X E48C-3X 20 ftWlbf at 0°F 27 J at -20°C
a. Both the highest and lowest of the five test values obtained shall be disregarded in computing the impact
strength. Two of the remaining three values shall equal or exceed 20 ftWlbf [27 J]; one of the three
remaining values may be lower than 20 ft-lbf [27 J], but not lower than 15 ftWlbf [20 J]. The average
of the three shall not be less than the 20 ftWlbf [27 J] specified.
b. For classifications with the “N” (nuclear) designation, three additional specimens shall be tested at room
temperature. Two of the three shall equal, or exceed, 75 ftWlbf [100 J], and the third shall not be lower
than 70 ftWlbf [95 J]. The average of the three shall equal, or exceed, 75 ftWlbf [100 J].
3.3 The welding electrodes and rods classified under PART B — TESTS, PROCEDURES, AND
this specification are intended for gas shielded arc welding, REQUIREMENTS
but that is not to prohibit their use with any other process 7. Summary of Tests
(or any other shielding gas, or combination of shielding
7.1 The tests required for each classification are speci-
gases) for which they are found suitable.
fied in Table 5. The purpose of these tests is to determine
the chemical composition, the mechanical properties, and
4. Acceptance soundness of the weld metal. The base metal for the weld
test assemblies, the welding and testing procedures to be
Acceptance5 of the electrodes and rods shall be in accor-
employed, and the results required are given in Sections
dance with the provisions of AWS A5.01.
9 through 14. See Section A4.2 in the Annex for require-
ments for classification based on gas tungsten arc welding
5. Certification (GTAW) only.
By affixing the AWS specification and classification 7.2 The optional test for diffusible hydrogen in Section
designations to the packaging, or the classification to the 15, Diffusible Hydrogen Test, is not required for classifica-
product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets tion (see note c of Table 5).
the requirements of this specification.6
8. Retest
6. Rounding-Off Procedure
If the results of any test fail to meet the requirement,
For the purpose of determining conformance with this that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both retests
specification, an observed or calculated value shall be shall meet the requirement. Specimens for retest may be
rounded to the nearest 1000 psi [10 MPa] for tensile and taken from the original test assembly or from one or two
yield strength, and to the “nearest unit” in the last right- new test assemblies. For chemical analysis, retest need be
hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value only for those specific elements that failed to meet their
for other quantities in accordance with the rounding-off requirement. If the results of one or both retests fail to
method given in ASTM E 29. meet the requirement, the material under test shall be con-
sidered as not meeting the requirements of this specification
See Section A3, Acceptance (in Annex A) for further information
concerning acceptance, testing of the material shipped, and AWS A5.01.
for that classification.
See Section A4, Certification (in Annex A) for further information In the event that, during preparation or after completion
concerning certification and the testing called for to meet this requirement. of any test, it is clearly determined that prescribed or proper
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
AWS Classification Chemical Analysis Diffusible
Radiographic Tension Hydrogen
A5.18 A5.18M Electrode Weld Metal Test Test Bend Test Impact Test Test
Solid Electrodes
ER70S-2 ER48S-2 Required Not Required Required Required Not Required Required c
ER70S-3 ER48S-3 Required Not Required Required Required Not Required Required c
ER70S-4 ER48S-4 Required Not Required Required Required Not Required Not Required c
ER70S-6 ER48S-6 Required Not Required Required Required Not Required Required c
ER70S-7 ER48S-7 Required Not Required Required Required Not Required Required c
ER70S-G ER48S-G Required Not Required Required Required Not Required Not Required c
Composite Electrodes
E70C-3X E48C-3X Not Required Required Required Required Not Required Required c
E70C-6X E48C-6X Not Required Required Required Required Not Required Required c
E70C-G(X) E48C-G(X) Not Required Required Required Required Not Required Not Required c
E70C-G(X)a E48C-GS(X)a Not Required Not Required Not Required Required b Required Not Required c
a. Intended for single pass welding.
b. Transverse tension test. All others are all-weld-metal tension tests.
c. Optional diffusible hydrogen test is required only when specified by the purchaser or when the manufacturer puts the diffusible hydrogen
designator on the label (also see A2.2 and A8.2 in Annex A).
procedures were not followed in preparing the weld test to make a weld pad. In case of dispute, the weld pad in
assembly or test specimens, or in conducting the test, the Fig. 3 shall be the referee method.
test shall be considered invalid, without regard to whether Chemical analysis of weld metal from composite
the test was actually completed, or whether the test results stranded and composite metal cored electrodes designated
met, or failed to meet, the requirement. That test shall be for single pass applications should not be obtained from
repeated, following proper prescribed procedures. In that the groove weld in Fig. 2 due to the high amount of base
case, the requirement for doubling the number of test speci- metal dilution.
mens does not apply.
9.2 Preparation of each weld test assembly shall be as
prescribed in 9.3 and 9.4. The base metal for each assembly
9. Weld Test Assemblies shall be as required in Table 6 and shall meet the require-
9.1 At least one weld test assembly is required, and ments of the ASTM specification shown there, or an equiv-
two may be required (depending on the electrode — solid alent specification. Testing of the assembly shall be as
as opposed to composite — and the manner in which the prescribed in 10.2, 10.3, and Sections 11 through 14.
sample for chemical analysis is taken), as specified in Table
5. They are as follows: 9.3 Groove Weld
(a) The groove weld in Fig. 1 for mechanical properties 9.3.1 For all classifications except E70C-GS(X)
and soundness of the weld metal for both composite and [E48C-GS(X)], a test assembly shall be prepared and
solid electrodes (see Section A4.2 in the Annex for require- welded as specified in Fig. 1, using base metal of the
ments for classification based on gas tungsten arc welding appropriate type specified in Table 6. The electrode used
only), or the groove weld in Fig. 2 for mechanical proper- shall be 0.045 in. or 1/16 in. [1.2 mm or 1.6 mm] size (or
ties of composite stranded and composite metal cored elec- the size the manufacturer produces that is closest to one
trodes designated for single pass applications only. of these, if these sizes are not produced). See Section A4.2
(b) The weld pad in Fig. 3 for chemical analysis of the in the Annex for requirements for classification based on
weld metal from composite stranded and composite metal gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) only.
cored electrodes. Welding shall be in the flat position, and the assembly
The sample for chemical analysis of weld metal from shall be restrained (or preset) during welding to prevent
composite electrodes may be taken from the reduced sec- warpage in excess of 5 degrees. An assembly that is warped
tion of the fractured all-weld-metal tension test specimen more than 5 degrees out of plane shall be discarded. Test
or from the corresponding location (or any location above assemblies shall not be straightened. The test assembly
it) in the groove weld in Fig. 1, thereby avoiding the need shall be tack welded at room temperature and welding shall
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
L preset
1/ length
Z 2 T
Point of
measurement W
Preset 45 X
Impact V
specimens tension specimen
(A) Test Plate Showing Location of Test Specimens (B) Groove Preparation of Test Plate
Weld C Weld C
in. mm
C Specimen center ⁄8 9.5
L Length, min. 10 250
P Point of temperature measurement 1 25
R Root opening ⁄2 13
S Backup strip overlap, min. ⁄4 6
V Backup strip thickness, min. 3
⁄8 9 Section A–A Section B–B
X Backup strip width, min. 1 25 (C) Orientation of (D) Location of All-Weld-
T Thickness ⁄4 19 Impact Specimen Metal Tension Specimen
W Width, min. 5 125
Z Discard, min. 1 25
(a) Base metal shall be as specified in Table 6.
(b) The surfaces to be welded shall be clean.
(c) Prior to welding, the assembly may be preset as shown so that the welded joint will be sufficiently flat to facilitate test specimen removal. As
an alternative, restraint or a combination of restraint and preset may be used.
(1) Test conditions for composite electrodes shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.
(2) Preheat and interpass temperatures for both solid and composite electrodes shall be as specified in 9.3.1.
(3) If sizes other than 0.045 in. and 1⁄16 in. [1.2 mm and 1.6 mm] are tested, wire feed speed (and resulting current), arc voltage, and tip-to-
work distance shall be changed as needed. This joint configuration is not recommended for electrode sizes smaller than 0.035 in. [0.9 mm].
(4) If shielding gases or blends other than CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) are used, the wire feed speed (and resulting current), arc voltage, and
travel speed are to be as agreed to between purchaser and supplier.
(5) The required combination of electrode feed rate, arc voltage, and tip-to-work distance should produce welding currents in the ranges shown.
Currents substantially outside these ranges suggest errors in feed rate, tip-to-work distance, voltage settings, or in instrumentation.
(6) Distance from the contact tip to the work, not from the shielding gas cup to the work.
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
W W Transverse tension
test specimen
Detail A
Longitudinal bend
test specimen
in. mm
(a) Base metal shall be as specified in Table 6.
(b) The surfaces to be welded shall be clean.
(c) Detail A shows the completed joint and approximate weld configuration.
(d) Test conditions shall be as recommended by the manufacturer and shall be made available to the purchaser upon request.
begin at that temperature (60°F [15°C] minimum). Welding 9.3.2 For single-pass electrodes classification E70C-
shall continue until the assembly has reached a maximum GS(X) [E48C-GS(X)] a test assembly using base metal as
interpass temperature of 325°F [165°C], measured by tem- specified in Table 6 shall be prepared and welded as shown
perature indicating crayons or surface thermometers at the in Fig. 2. After tack welding the plates at each end, the
location shown in Fig. 1. test assembly shall be welded in the flat position, with one
For the remainder of the weld, a minimum preheat tem- bead on each side. Welding shall begin with the assembly
perature of 275°F [135°C] and maximum interpass temper- at room temperature (60°F [15°C] minimum). When the
ature of 325°F [165°C] shall be maintained. Should it weld bead has been completed on one side, the assembly
be necessary to interrupt welding, the assembly shall be shall be turned over and the bead deposited on that side,
allowed to cool in still air at room temperature. The assem- as shown in Fig. 2. This sequence shall not be interrupted.
bly shall be preheated to a temperature of 300° ± 25°F The electrode size shall be 0.045 in. or 1/16 in. [1.2 mm
[150° ± 15°C] before welding is resumed. When welding
or 1.6 mm] (or the size the manufacturer produces that is
has been completed and the assembly has cooled, the
closest to one of these, if these sizes are not produced).
assembly shall be prepared and tested as specified in Sec-
tions 11, Radiographic Test; 12, Tension Test; and 14, After welding has been completed and the assembly has
Impact Test. All testing will be performed in the as-welded cooled in still air at room temperature, the assembly shall
condition except for the optional aging of the all-weld- be prepared and tested as specified in 12.2 and Section 13,
metal tension test specimen specified in 12.1.1. Bend Test. All testing shall be performed in the as-welded
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
H, height
[See Note (1)]
Base metal
(a) Base metal of any convenient size, of any type specified in Table 6, shall be used as the base for the weld pad.
(b) The surface of the base metal on which the filler metal is to be deposited shall be clean.
(c) The pad shall be welded in the flat position with successive layers to obtain weld metal of sufficient height.
(d) The number and size of the beads will vary according to the size of the electrode and the width of the weave, as well as the amperage employed.
(e) The preheat temperature shall not be less than 60°F [15°C] and the interpass temperature shall not exceed 325°F [165°C].
(f) Any slag shall be removed after each pass.
(g) The test assembly may be quenched in water between passes to control interpass temperature.
(1) The minimum completed pad size shall be at least four layers in height (H). Length (L), after allowance for start and stop areas, and width
(W) shall be sufficient to perform analysis. The sample for analysis shall be taken a least 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm] above the original base metal
TABLE 6 0.045 in. or 1/16 in. [1.2 mm or 1.6 mm] or the size that
BASE METAL FOR TEST ASSEMBLIES the manufacturer produces that is closest to one of these,
ASTM UNS if these sizes are not produced. The preheat temperature
AWS Classifications Specification Number shall not be less than 60°F [15°C] and the interpass temper-
All, except E70C-GS(X) A36, K02600 ature shall not exceed 325°F [165°C]. Any slag shall be
[E48C-GS(X)] A285 Grade C, K02801 removed after each pass. The pad may be quenched in
A515 Grade 70, or K03101 water between passes (temperature of the water not speci-
A516 Grade 70 K02700
fied). The dimensions of the completed pad shall be as
E70C-GS(X) [E48C-GS(X)] A515 Grade 70 or K03101 shown in Fig. 3. Testing of this assembly shall be as speci-
A516 Grade 70 K02700 fied in 10.2 and 10.3. The results shall meet the require-
ments of 10.4.
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
obtained with the electrode and a shielding gas as specified indication is the largest dimension of the indication, includ-
in Tables 2 and 3. The sample may be taken from the weld ing any tail that may be present. The indication may be of
pad prepared in accordance with 9.4, from an area of the porosity or slag. Indications whose largest dimension does
groove weld as specified in 9.1, or from the reduced section not exceed 1/64 in. [0.4 mm] shall be disregarded. Test
of the fractured tension test specimen. In case of dispute, assemblies with indications larger than the largest indica-
the weld pad is the referee method. tions permitted in the radiographic standards (Fig. 4) do
The top surface of the pad described in 9.4 and shown not meet the requirements of this specification.
in Fig. 3 shall be removed and discarded. A sample for
analysis shall be obtained from the underlying metal, no
12. Tension Test
closer than 3/8 in. [9.5 mm] to the surface of the base metal
in Fig. 3, by any appropriate mechanical means. The sample 12.1 One all-weld-metal round tension test specimen,
shall be free of slag. When the sample is taken from the as specified in the Tension Tests section of AWS B4.0 or
groove weld or the reduced section of the fractured tension B4.0M, shall be machined from the groove weld described
test specimen, that material shall be prepared for analysis in 9.3.1, and shown in Fig. 1, as required in Table 5. The
by any suitable mechanical means. tensile specimen shall have a nominal diameter of 0.500
in. [12.5 mm] and a nominal gage length-to-diameter ratio
10.3 The sample obtained as specified in 10.1 or 10.2 of 4:1. Other dimensions of the tension test specimen shall
shall be analyzed by accepted analytical methods. The be as specified in the Tension Test section of AWS B4.0
referee method shall be ASTM E 350. or B4.0M.
10.4 The results of the analysis shall meet the require- 12.1.1 After machining, but before testing, the speci-
ments of Table 1 for solid electrodes or Table 2 for compos- mens from composite electrodes only may be aged at 200°
ite electrodes for the classification of electrode under test. to 220°F [95° to 105°C] for up to 48 hr, then allowed to
cool to room temperature. Refer to A8.3 for a discussion
11. Radiographic Test on the purpose of aging.
11.1 The groove weld described in 9.3.1 and shown in 12.1.2 The specimen shall be tested in the manner
Fig. 1 shall be radiographed to evaluate the soundness of described in the tension test section of AWS B4.0 or
the weld metal. In preparation for radiography, the backing B4.0M.
shall be removed and both surfaces of the weld shall be 12.1.3 The results of the all-weld-metal tension test
machined or ground smooth and flush with the original shall meet the requirements specified in Table 3. Test
surfaces of the base metal or with a uniform reinforcement reports shall indicate if the specimen was tested in the aged
not exceeding 3⁄32 in. [2.5 mm]. It is permitted on both condition (composite electrodes only).
sides of the test assembly to remove base metal to a depth
of 1⁄16 in. [1.5 mm] nominal below the original base metal 12.2 One transverse rectangular tension test specimen,
surface in order to facilitate backing and/or buildup as specified in the Tension Tests section of AWS B4.0 or
removal. Thickness of the weld metal shall not be reduced B4.0M, shall be machined from the groove weld described
by more than 1⁄16 in. [1.5 mm] less than the nominal base in 9.3.2, and shown in Fig. 2, as required in Table 5. The
metal thickness. Both surfaces of the test assembly, in the transverse tensile specimen shall have a nominal thickness
area of the weld, shall be smooth enough to avoid difficulty of 1/4 in. [6.5 mm] and reduced width of 11/2 in. [38 mm]
in interpreting the radiograph. and a minimum length of 8 in. [200 mm]. Other dimensions
of the transverse tension test specimen shall be as specified
11.2 The weld shall be radiographed in accordance in the Tension Test section of AWS B4.0 or B4.0M.
with ASTM E 1032. The quality level of inspection shall
12.2.1 The specimen shall be tested in the as-welded
be 2-2T.
(unaged) condition in the manner described in the tension
11.3 The soundness of the weld metal meets the require- test section of AWS B4.0 or B4.0M.
ments of this specification if the radiograph shows no 12.2.2 The results of the transverse tension test shall
cracks, no incomplete fusion, and no rounded indications meet the requirements specified in Table 3. A test specimen
in excess of those permitted by the radiographic standards that fractures in the base metal shall be considered to have
in Fig. 4. In evaluating the radiograph, 1 in. [25 mm] met those requirements.
of the weld on each end of the test assembly shall be
A rounded indication is an indication (on the radiograph) 13. Bend Test
whose length is no more than 3 times its width. Rounded 13.1 One longitudinal face bend test specimen, as speci-
indications may be circular, elliptical, conical, or irregular fied in the Bend Tests section of AWS B4.0 or B4.0M,
in shape, and they may have tails. The size of a rounded shall be machined from the groove weld test assembly
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
(a) In using these standards, the chart which is most representative of the size of the rounded indications present in the test specimen radiograph
shall be used for determining conformance to these radiographic standards.
(b) Since these are test welds specifically made in the laboratory for classification purposes, the radiographic requirements for these test welds
are more rigid than those which may be required for general fabrication.
(c) Indications whose largest dimension does not exceed 1⁄64 in. [0.4 mm] shall be disregarded.
(d) These standards are equivalent to the Grade 1 standards for AWS A5.1, Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
15.4 When the absolute humidity equals or exceeds as a coating for any classification except one that carries
the reference condition at the time of preparation of the the suffix “N” (nuclear) in its designation.
test assembly, the test shall be acceptable as demonstrating
compliance with the requirements of this specification, 19. Standard Package Forms
provided the actual test results satisfy the diffusible hydro-
19.1 Standard package forms are straight lengths, coils
gen requirements for the applicable optional supplemental
with support, coils without support, spools, and drums.
designator. Likewise, if the actual test results for an elec-
Standard package dimensions and weights for each form
trode meet the requirements for the lower, or lowest hydro-
are given in Table 9. Package forms, sizes, and weights
gen designator, as specified in Table 7, the electrode also
other than these shall be as agreed between purchaser and
meets the requirements of all higher hydrogen designators
in Table 7 without need to retest.
19.2 The liners in coils with support shall be designed
and constructed to prevent distortion of the coil during
normal handling and use and shall be clean and dry enough
to maintain the cleanliness of the filler metal.
19.3 Spools shall be designed and constructed to pre-
16. Method of Manufacture
vent distortion of the filler metal during normal handling
The electrodes and rods classified according to this speci- and use and shall be clean and dry enough to maintain the
fication may be manufactured by any method that will cleanliness of the filler metal. Standard spools are shown
produce electrodes and rods that meet the requirements of in Figs. 5A and 5B.
this specification.
20. Winding Requirements
20.1 Electrodes on spools and in coils (including drums
17. Standard Sizes and reels) shall be wound so that kinks, waves, sharp bends,
Standard sizes for electrodes and rods in the different overlapping or wedging are not encountered, leaving the
package forms (straight lengths, coils with support, coils filler metal free to unwind without restriction. The outside
without support, drums, and spools — see Section 19, end of the filler metal (the end with which welding is to
Standard Package Forms) are as shown in Table 8. begin) shall be identified so it can be readily located and
shall be fastened to avoid unwinding.
20.2 The cast and helix of electrode in coils, spools,
18. Finish and Uniformity and drums, shall be such that the electrode will feed in
18.1 All electrodes and rods shall have a smooth finish an uninterrupted manner in automatic and semiautomatic
which is free from slivers, depressions, scratches, scale, equipment.
seams, laps (exclusive of the longitudinal joint in composite 20.3 The cast and helix of solid filler metal on 4 in.
metal cored electrodes), and foreign matter that would [100 mm] spools shall be such that a specimen long enough
adversely affect the welding characteristics, the operation to produce a single loop, when cut from the spool and laid
of the welding equipment, or the properties of the weld unrestrained on a flat surface, will:
(a) form a circle not less than 4 in. [100 mm] nor more
18.2 Each continuous length of filler metal shall be than 9 in. [230 mm] in diameter
from a single heat or lot of material, and welds, when (b) rise above the flat surface no more than 1 / 2 in.
present, shall have been made so as not to interfere with [13 mm] at any location
the uniform, uninterrupted feeding of the filler metal on 20.4 The cast and helix of solid filler metal on all other
automatic and semiautomatic equipment. package forms shall be such that a specimen long enough
18.3 The components in composite electrodes (includ- to produce a single loop, when cut from the package and
ing the core ingredients in metal cored electrodes) shall laid unrestrained on a flat surface, will:
be distributed with sufficient uniformity throughout the (a) form a circle not less than 12 in. [300 mm] for
length of the electrode so as not to adversely affect the 0.030 in. [0.8 mm] and smaller sizes; or not less than 15 in.
performance of the electrode or the properties of the weld [380 mm] for 0.035 in. [0.9 mm] and larger sizes
metal. (b) rise above the flat surface no more than 1 in. [25 mm]
at any location
18.4 A suitable protective coating may be applied to Certain bulk packages may contain wire that has been
any filler metal in this specification. Copper may be used elastically twisted or otherwise treated to provide straight
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
a. Dimensions, sizes, tolerances, and package forms other than those shown shall be as agreed by purchaser and supplier.
b. Length shall be 36 in. ± 1⁄2 in. [900 + 25,−0 mm].
c. Not shown as standard metric size in ISO 544:2003.
415 --``,,```,```````,,`,,````,`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Package Sized Net Weight of Electrodeb
Type of Package in. mm lb. kg
c c
Coils without Support As specified by purchaser As specified by purchaser
Coils with Support 6-3⁄4 ID 170 14 6
(see below) 12 ID 300 25, 30, 50, 60, and 65 10, 15, 25, and 30
4 OD 100 1-1⁄2 and 2-1⁄2 0.5 and 1.0
8 OD 200 10, 12, and 15 4.5, 5.5, and 7
12 OD 300 25, 30, 35, and 44 10, 15, and 20
Spools 14 OD 350 50 and 60 20 and 25
22 OD 560 250 100
24 OD 610 300 150
30 OD 760 600, 750, and 1000 250, 350, and 450
15-1⁄2 OD 400 As specified by purchaserc
Drums 20 OD 500 As specified by purchaserc
23 OD 600 300 and 600 150 and 300
Straight Lengths 36 long ... 900 long 2, 5, 10, and 50 1, 2, 5, and 20
Coils with Support—Standard Dimensions and Weights
Coil Dimensions
a. Sizes and net weights other than those specified may be supplied as agreed between supplier and purchaser.
b. Tolerance on net weight shall be ± 10 precent.
c. As agreed between supplier and purchaser.
d. ID p inside diameter
OD p outside diameter
wire feed. Wire from these packages will not form a circle 21.3 Coils with support shall have the information
when cut. Traditional cast and helix measurements may securely affixed in a prominent location on the support.
have no relevance. Wire thus treated shall conform only
to the winding requirements of 20.1 and 20.2. Any method 21.4 Spools shall have the information securely affixed
of wire form inspection shall be as agreed between pur- in a prominent location on the outside of at least one flange
chaser and supplier. of the spool.
21.2 Coils without support shall have a tag containing Electrodes and rods shall be suitably packaged to ensure
this information securely attached to the filler metal at the against damage during shipment and storage under normal
inside end of the coil. conditions.
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
FIG. 5A STANDARD SPOOLS — DIMENSIONS OF 4, 8, 12, AND 14 IN. [100, 200, 300, AND 350 MM] SPOOLS
4 in. (100 mm) 8 in. (200 mm) 12 in. (300 mm) 14 in. (350 mm)
Spools Spools Spools Spools
(a) Outside diameter of barrel shall be such as to permit feeding of the filler metals.
(b) Inside diameter of the barrel shall be such that swelling of the barrel or misalignment of the barrel and flanges will not result in the inside
of the diameter of the barrel being less than the inside diameter of the flanges.
(1) Metric dimensions and tolerances conform to ISO 864 except the “A” specifies ± tolerances on the nominal diameter, rather than a plus
tolerance only, which is shown here as a maximum.
(2) Holes are provided on each flange, but they need not be aligned. No driving holes required for 4 in. [100 mm] spools.
--``,,```,```````,,`,,````,`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 417
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
Section A–A
22 in. [560 mm] Spools 24 in. [610 mm] Spools 30 in. [760 mm] Spools
Annex A
Guide to Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods
for Gas Shielded Arc Welding
(This Annex is not a part of AWS A5.18/A5.18M:2005, Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding, but is
included for information purposes only.)
Designates use as either an electrode or rod (ER), or use only as an electrode (E).
Indicates in 1000 psi increments, the minimum tensile strength of the weld metal produced by the
electrode when tested according to the A5.18 specification. In this case, 70 indicates 70 000 psi.
ER 70 S – X N HZ
E 70 C – X Y N HZ
ER 48 S – X N HZ
E 48 C – X Y N HZ
Indicates in 10 MPa increments, the minimum tensile strength of the weld metal produced by the
electrode when tested according to the A5.18M specification. In this case, 48 indicates 480 MPa.
immediately under the existing specification. This means, to classify a filler metal. It indicates that the test is not
then, that two filler metals, each bearing the same “G” required because the requirements (results) for the test
classification, may be quite different in some particular have not been specified for that particular classification.
respect (chemical composition, again, for example). Restating the case, when a requirement is not specified,
A2.3.2 The point of difference (although not neces- it is not necessary to conduct the corresponding test in
sarily the amount of the difference) referred to above will order to classify a filler metal to that classification. When
be readily apparent from the use of the words “not required” a purchaser wants the information provided by that test in
and “not specified” in the specification. The use of these order to consider a particular product of that classification
words is as follows: for a certain application, the purchaser will have to arrange
(a) Not Specified is used in those areas of the specifica- for that information with the supplier of the product. The
tion that refer to the results of some particular test. It purchaser will have to establish with that supplier just what
indicates that the requirements for that test are not specified the testing procedure and the acceptance requirements are
for that particular classification. to be, for that test. They may want to incorporate that
(b) Not Required is used in those areas of the specifica- information (via AWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement
tion that refer to the tests that must be conducted in order Guidelines) into the purchase order.
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
A2.3.3 Request for Filler Metal Classification in a “timely manner” and the Secretary shall report these
A2.3.3.1 When a filler metal cannot be classified to the Chair of the Committee on Filler Metals and Allied
according to some classification other than a “G” classifi- Materials, for action.
cation, the manufacturer may request that a classification A2.3.3.5 The Secretary shall include a copy of
be established for that filler metal. The manufacturer may the log of all requests pending and those completed during
do this by following the procedure given here. When the the preceding year with the agenda for each Committee
manufacturer elects to use the “G” classification, the Com- on Filler Metals and Allied Materials meeting. Any other
mittee on Filler Metals and Allied Materials recommends publication of requests that have been completed will be
that the manufacturer still request that a classification be at the option of the American Welding Society, as deemed
established for that filler metal, as long as the filler metal appropriate.
is of commercial significance.
A2.3.3.2 A request to establish a new filler metal A3. Acceptance
classification must be a written request and it needs to
provide sufficient detail to permit the Committee on Filler Acceptance of all welding materials classified under this
Metals and Allied Materials or the Subcommittee to deter- specification is in accordance with AWS A5.01, Filler
mine whether a new classification or the modification of Metal Procurement Guidelines, as the specification states.
an existing classification is more appropriate, and whether Any testing a purchaser requires of the supplier, for mate-
either is necessary to satisfy the need. rial shipped in accordance with this specification, shall
In particular, the request needs to include: be clearly stated in the purchase order, according to the
(a) All classification requirements as given for existing provisions of AWS A5.01. In the absence of any such
classifications, such as chemical composition ranges and statement in the purchase order, the supplier may ship the
mechanical property requirements. material with whatever testing is normally conducted on
(b) Any testing conditions for conducting the tests used material of that classification, as specified in Schedule F,
to demonstrate that the product meets the classification Table 1, of AWS A5.01. Testing in accordance with any
requirements. (It would be sufficient, for example, to state other schedule in that table must be specifically required
that welding conditions are the same as for other classifica- by the purchase order. In such cases, acceptance of the
tions.) material shipped will be in accordance with those require-
(c) Information on Description and Intended Use, which ments.
parallels that for existing classifications, for that section
of the Annex. A4. Certification
A request for a new classification without the above
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
all of the tests required by this specification made on the (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y, where Y is 5 to 15). A
GTAW test assembly described in Fig. A2. characteristic of this shielding gas is the smooth arc plasma
One all-weld-metal round tension test specimen, as spec- through which hundreds of very fine droplets are trans-
ified in the Tension Tests section of AWS B4.0 or B4.0M, ferred to the weld pool each second.
Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds, shall A6.2.2 Spray transfer with argon-oxygen (AWS
be machined from the groove weld described in Fig. A2. A5.32 Class SG-AO-X) or argon-carbon dioxide (AWS
The tensile specimen shall have a nominal diameter of A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y) shielding gas is, primarily, a func-
0.350 in. [9.0 mm] and a nominal gage length-to-diameter tion of current density, polarity, and resistance heating of
ratio of 4:1. The specimen shall be tested as specified in the electrode. The high droplet rate (approximately 250
12.1. Other dimensions of the tension test specimen shall droplets per second) develops suddenly above a critical
be as specified in the Tension Test section of AWS B4.0 current level, commonly referred to as the transition current
or B4.0M. (for each size of electrode). Below this current, the metal
The Charpy V-Notch specimens shall be specified in is transferred in drops generally larger in diameter than
Section 14. Composite electrodes are normally not recom- the electrode and at a rate of from 10 to 20 per second
mended for GTAW or PAW. (globular transfer). The transition current is also dependent,
to some extent, on the chemical composition of the elec-
A5. Ventilation During Welding trode. For 1/16 in. [1.6 mm] diameter carbon steel elec-
A5.1 Five major factors govern the quantity of fumes trodes, a transition current of 270 amperes [direct current,
in the atmosphere to which welders and welding operators electrode positive (dcep)] is common. Alternating current
are exposed during welding: is not recommended for this type of welding because it
(a) dimensions of the space in which welding is done does not produce a stable arc.
(with special regard to the height of the ceiling);
(b) number of welders and welding operators working A6.2.3 Pulsed Spray. Metal transfer in pulsed spray
in that space; welding is similar to that of the spray transfer described
(c) rate of evolution of fumes, gases, or dust, according above, but it occurs at a lower average current. The lower
to the materials and processes used; average current is made possible by rapid pulsing of the
(d) the proximity of the welders or welding operators welding current between a high level, where metal will
to the fumes as the fumes issue from the welding zone, transfer rapidly in the spray mode, and a low level, where
and to the gases and dusts in the space in which they are no transfer will take place. At a typical rate of 60 to 120
working; pulses per second, a melted drop is formed by the low
(e) the ventilation provided to the space in which the current arc, which is then “squeezed off” by the high current
welding is done. pulse. This permits all-position welding.
A5.2 ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and A6.3 Globular Transfer. The mode of transfer that
Allied Processes (published by the American Welding characterizes 100% CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) as a
Society), discusses the ventilation that is required during shielding gas is globular. Common practice with globular
welding and should be referred to for details. Attention is transfer is to use low arc voltage to minimize spatter. This
drawn particularly to the Section on Health Protection and shortens the arc length causing the arc to be “buried” and
Ventilation in that document. results in deeper penetration and better containment of
spatter within the weld pool. Electrodes of 0.045 in. through
A6. Welding Considerations /16 in. [1.2 mm through 1.6 mm] diameter normally are
A6.1 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) can be divided used at welding currents in the range of 275 to 400 amperes
into three categories based on the mode of metal transfer. (dcep), for this type of transfer. The rate at which droplets
These modes are (1) spray (conventional or pulsed), (2) (globules) are transferred ranges from 20 to 70 per second,
globular, and (3) short circuiting transfer. In the spray, depending on the size of the electrode, the amperage, polar-
pulsed spray, and globular modes, transfer occurs as dis- ity, and arc voltage.
tinct droplets that are detached from the electrode, transfer- A6.4 Short Circuiting Transfer. This mode of transfer
ring along the arc column into the weld pool. In the short is obtained with small diameter electrodes (0.030 to
circuiting mode, the metal is deposited during frequent 0.045 in. [0.8 to 1.2 mm]) using low arc voltages and
short circuiting of the electrode in the molten pool. amperages, and a power source designed for short circuit-
A6.2 Spray Transfer ing transfer. The electrode short-circuits to the weld metal,
A6.2.1 The spray transfer mode, for carbon steel, is usually at a rate of from 50 to 200 times per second. Metal
most commonly obtained with argon shielding gas mix- is transferred with each short circuit, but not across the
tures with up to 5% of oxygen (AWS A5.32 Class SG- arc. Short circuiting gas metal arc welding of carbon steel
AO-X, where X is 1 to 5) or up to 15% carbon dioxide is done most commonly with mixtures of argon and CO2
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2007 SECTION II, PART C SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M
L preset
1/ length
Z 2 T
Point of
measurement W
Preset 45 X
Impact V
specimens tension specimen
(A) Test Plate Showing Location of Test Specimens (B) Groove Preparation of Test Plate
Weld C Weld C
in. mm
C Specimen center ⁄4 6.5
L Length, min. 10 250
P Point of temperature measurement 1 25
R Root opening ⁄4 6.5
S Backup strip overlap, min. ⁄8 9
V Backup strip thickness, min. 1
⁄4 6.5 Section A–A Section B–B
X Backup strip width, min. 1 25 (C) Orientation of (D) Location of All-Weld-
T Thickness ⁄2 13 Impact Specimen Metal Tension Specimen
W Width, min. 5 125
Z Discard, min. 1 25
(a) Base metal shall be as specified in Table 6.
(b) The surfaces to be welded shall be clean.
(c) Prior to welding, the assembly may be preset as shown so that the welded joint will be sufficiently flat to facilitate test specimen removal. As
an alternative, restraint or a combination of restraint and preset may be used.
(1) Test conditions for composite electrodes used as rods shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.
(2) If sizes other than those shown above are tested, nominal current and arc voltage shall be changed as needed.
(3) AWS A5.32 Class SG-A.
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
(AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y) as the shielding gas or with (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) shielding gas or with mixtures
CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) alone. The penetration of of argon and oxygen (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AO-X) or
such welds is greater with CO2 than it is with argon-CO2 argon and carbon dioxide (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y).
mixtures. Mixtures of 50 to 80% argon with CO2 remainder However, these electrodes do require a higher level of
(AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y, where Y is 20 to 50) can oxidation than the previously described electrodes when
be advantageous for thin material. However shielding gas using either binary or ternary argon shielding gas mixtures
mixtures of 50% to 70% argon with CO2 remainder (AWS per the AWS A5.32 specification. Typical base metal speci-
A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y, where Y is 30 to 50) are unstable fications are often the same as those for the ER70S-2
in the gaseous state and must be mixed from single gas [ER48S-2] classification.
components immediately prior to use. They provide low
A7.5 ER70S-7 [ER48S-7]. Electrodes and rods of the
penetration, higher short circuiting rates, and lower mini-
ER70S-7 [ER48S-7] classification are intended for single-
mum currents and voltages than CO2 alone does. This can
and multiple-pass welding. They may permit welding with
be an advantage in welding thin plate.
higher travel speeds compared with ER70S-3 filler metals.
They also provide somewhat better wetting action and bead
A7. Description and Intended Use of Electrodes and appearance when compared with those filler metals. These
Rods electrodes permit the use of higher current ranges with
A7.1 ER70S-2 [ER48S-2]. Electrodes and rods of the either CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) shielding gas or with
ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] classification are primarily used for mixtures of argon and oxygen (AWS A5.32 Class SG-
single-pass welding of killed, semi-killed, and rimmed AO-X) or argon and carbon dioxide (AWS A5.32 Class
steels, but may be used for some multipass applications. SG-AC-Y). However, these electrodes do require a higher
Because of the added deoxidants, these filler metals can level of oxidation (more CO2 or O2) like the previously
be used for welding steels that have a rusty or dirty surface, described electrode when using either binary or ternary
with a possible sacrifice of weld quality depending on the argon shielding gas mixtures per the AWS A5.32 specifi-
condition of the surface. ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] filler metals cation. Typical base metal specifications are often the same
are used extensively to produce high quality, high tough- as those for the ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] classifications.
ness welds with the GTAW process. These filler metals
are also well suited for use in single side, melt through A7.6 ER70S-G [ER48S-G] and E70C-G [E48C-G].
welding without a protective root shielding gas on the Electrodes and rods of the ER70S-G [ER48S-G] and elec-
backside of the joint. Typical specifications for these steels trodes of the E70C-G [E48C-G] classifications are those
are ASTM A 36, A 285-C, A 515-55, and A 516-70, filler metals not included in the preceding classes and for
which have UNS numbers K02600, K02801, K02001, and which only certain mechanical property requirements are
K02700, respectively. specified. Electrodes of the E70C-G [E48C-G] classifica-
tion may be classified with either CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class
A7.2 ER70S-3 [ER48S-3]. Electrodes and rods of the SG-C) or 75–80% Ar/balance CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class
ER70S-3 [ER48S-3] classification are intended for welding SG-AC-Y, where Y is 20 to 25) as shown by the “C” or
single-pass and multi-pass welds. Typical base metal speci- “M” suffix. Absence of the C or M suffix means that the
fications are often the same as those for the ER70S-2 shielding gas used for testing was not one of the above
[ER48S-2] classification. Electrodes of the ER70S-3 AWS classes and the electrode manufacturer should be
[ER48S-3] classification are the most widely used of the consulted for the recommended shielding gas to be used.
GMAW electrodes classified under this specification. The electrodes are intended for both single-and multiple-
A7.3 ER70S-4 [ER48S-4]. Electrodes and rods of the pass applications. The filler metal supplier should be con-
ER70S-4 [ER48S-4] classification are intended for welding sulted for the composition, properties, characteristics, and
steel where conditions require more deoxidation than is intended use of these classifications (see A2.3 for further
provided by the ER70S-3 [ER48S-3] filler metal. Typical information).
base metal specifications are often the same as those for A7.7 E70C-GS [E48C-GS]. Electrodes of the E70C-
the ER70S-2 [ER48S-2] classification. This classification GS [E48C-GS] classification are composite stranded or
does not require impact testing. metal cored electrodes intended for only single-pass appli-
A7.4 ER70S-6 [ER48S-6]. Electrodes and rods of the cations. The electrodes may be classified with either CO2
ER70S-6 [ER48S-6] classification are intended for both (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) or 75–80% Ar/balance CO2
single- and multiple-pass welding. They are especially (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y, where Y is 20 to 25) as
suited for sheet metal applications, where smooth weld shown by the “C” or “M” suffix. Absence of the C or M
beads are desired, and structural and plate steels that have suffix means that the shielding gas used for testing was
moderate amounts of rust or mill scale. These electrodes not one of the above AWS classes and the electrode manu-
permit the use of higher current ranges with either CO2 facturer should be consulted for the recommended
shielding gas to be used. The filler metal supplier should A8.2.3 Since the available diffusible hydrogen level
be consulted for the properties, characteristics, and strongly influences the tendency towards hydrogen-
intended use of these classifications. These electrodes may induced cracking, it may be desirable to measure the diffus-
have higher alloy contents which improve single pass appli- ible hydrogen content resulting from welding with a partic-
cations (such as tolerance to mill scale, etc.) but could ular electrode. This specification has, therefore, included
preclude their use on multiple-pass applications due to the use of optional supplemental designators for diffusible
higher alloy recovery. hydrogen to indicate the maximum average value obtained
under a clearly defined test condition in AWS A4.3, Stan-
A7.8 E70C-3 [E48C-3] and E70C-6 [E48C-6]. Elec- dard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydro-
trodes of the E70C-3 [E48C-3] and E70C-6 [E48C-6] clas- gen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel
sifications are composite stranded or metal cored electrodes Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding.
intended for both single- and multiple-pass applications. Electrodes that are designated as meeting the lower or
They are characterized by a spray arc and excellent bead lowest hydrogen limits, as specified in Table 7, are also
wash characteristics. The electrodes may be classified with understood to meet any higher electrode hydrogen limits,
either CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-C) or 75–80% Ar/bal- even though these are not necessarily designated along
ance CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y, where Y is 20 with the electrode classification. Therefore, for example
to 25) as shown by the “C” or “M” suffix. Classification an electrode designated as “H4” also meets the “H8” and
E70C-3 [E48C-3] requires impacts at 0°F [−20°C] while “H16” requirements without being designated as such.
E70C-6 [E48C-6] requires impacts at −20°F [−30°C].
A8.2.4 The user of this information is cautioned
that actual fabrication conditions may result in different
A8. Special Tests diffusible hydrogen values than those indicated by the des-
A8.1 It is recognized that supplementary tests may be
required for certain applications. In such cases, additional A8.2.5 The use of a reference atmospheric condition
tests to determine specific properties such as hardness, during welding is necessary because the arc is always
corrosion resistance, mechanical properties at higher or imperfectly shielded. Moisture from the air, distinct from
lower service temperatures, may be required. AWS A5.01, that in the electrode or gas, can enter the arc and subse-
Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines, contains provisions quently the weld pool, contributing to the resulting
for ordering such tests. This section is included for the observed diffusible hydrogen. This effect can be minimized
guidance of those who desire to specify such special tests. by maintaining a suitable gas flow rate and as short an arc
Those tests may be conducted as agreed by supplier and length as possible consistent with a steady arc. At times,
purchaser. some air will mix with the gas and add its moisture to the
other sources of diffusible hydrogen. It is possible for
A8.2 Diffusible Hydrogen this extra diffusible hydrogen to significantly affect the
A8.2.1 Hydrogen induced cracking of weld metal or outcome of a diffusible hydrogen test. For this reason, it
the heat-affected zone generally is not a problem with plain is appropriate to specify a reference atmospheric condition.
carbon steels containing 0.3 percent or less carbon, nor The reference atmospheric condition of 10 grains of mois-
with lower strength alloy steels. However, the electrodes ture per pound [1.43 grams per kilogram] of dry air is
classified in this specification are sometimes used to join equivalent to 10% relative humidity at 70°F [18°C] at
higher carbon steels or low-alloy, high strength steels 29.92 in. Hg [760 mm] barometric pressure. Actual condi-
where hydrogen-induced cracking may be a serious tions, measured using a calibrated psychrometer, that equal
problem. or exceed this reference condition provide assurance that
the conditions during welding will not diminish the final
A8.2.2 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and gas
results of the test.
tungsten arc welding (GTAW) are generally considered to
be low hydrogen welding processes. However, as the weld A8.3 Aging of Tensile and Bend Specimens. Weld
metal or heat-affected zone strength or hardness increases, metals may contain significant quantities of hydrogen for
the concentration of diffusible hydrogen that will cause some time after they have been made. Most of this hydro-
cracking under given conditions of restraint and heat input gen gradually escapes over time. This may take several
becomes lower. It may be appropriate to evaluate the diffus- weeks at room temperature or several hours at elevated
ible hydrogen produced during welding with these pro- temperatures. As a result of this eventual change in hydro-
cesses. This cracking (or its detection) is usually delayed gen level. ductility of the weld metal increases towards its
some hours after cooling. It may appear as transverse weld inherent value, while yield, tensile, and impact strengths
cracks, longitudinal cracks (especially in root beads), and remain relatively unchanged. This specification permits the
toe or underbead cracks in the heat-affected zone. aging of the tensile test specimens and bend test specimens
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SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M 2007 SECTION II, PART C
Discontinued Last Discontinued Last
Classification Published Classification Published
a. These flux-cored electrode classifications were transferred to AWS A5.20-69 and continue to be included in the revisions to that specification.
b. This electrode classification was transferred to the new AWS A5.28 specification where it is classified as ER80S-D2.
c. These electrode classifications were changed to the new classification ER70S-X and remain in the current revision of the specification as such.
(from composite electrodes only) at elevated temperatures A10.2 Safety and Health Fact Sheets. The Safety and
for up to 48 hours before subjecting them to testing. The Health Fact Sheets listed below are published by the Ameri-
purpose of this treatment is to facilitate removal of hydro- can Welding Society (AWS). They may be downloaded
gen from the test specimen in order to minimize discrepan- and printed directly from the AWS website at http://
cies in testing. Aging treatments are sometimes used for www.aws.org. The Safety and Health Fact Sheets are
low-hydrogen electrode deposits, especially when testing revised and additional sheets added periodically.
high strength deposits. Note that aging may involve holding A10.3 AWS Safety and Health Fact Sheets Index
test specimens at room temperature for several days or (SHF)10
holding at a higher temperature for a shorter period of No. Title
time. Consequently, users are cautioned to employ ade-
quate preheat and interpass temperatures to avoid the dele- 1 Fumes and Gases
2 Radiation
terious effects of hydrogen in production welds. 3 Noise
4 Chromium and Nickel in Welding Fume
5 Electrical Hazards
A9. Discontinued Classifications 6 Fire and Explosion Prevention
Some classifications have been discontinued, from one 7 Burn Protection
8 Mechanical Hazards
revision of this specification to another. This results either 9 Tripping and Falling
from changes in commercial practice or changes in the 10 Falling Objects
classification system used in the specification. The classi- 11 Confined Space
fications in Table A1 have been discontinued over the life 12 Contact Lens Wear
13 Ergonomics in the Welding Envirionment
of this specification (along with the year in which they 14 Graphic Symbols for Precautionary Labels
were last included in the specification). 15 Style Guidelines for Safety and Health Documents
16 Pacemakers and Welding
17 Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF)
A10. General Safety Information 18 Lockout/Tagout
A10.1 Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond 19 Laser Welding and Cutting Safety
the scope of this standard and therefore are not fully 20 Thermal Spraying Safety
21 Resistance Spot Welding
addressed herein. Some safety and health information can 22 Cadmium Exposure from Welding & Allied Processes
be found in Section A5 and below. Safety and health infor- 23 California Proposal 65
mation is available from other sources, including but not 24 Fluxes for Arc Welding and Brazing: Safe Handling
limited to ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and and Use
25 Metal Fuyme Fever
Allied Processes,9 and applicable federal and state regula- 27 Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes
tions. 29 Grounding of Portable and Vehicle Mounted Welding
9 10
ANSI documents are available from the American National Standards AWS documents are published by the American Welding Society,
Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.