SECUREX (PVT.) Limited: Statement of Comprehensive Income For The Year Ended 29 February 2016 2016 Notes Taka

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) Limited
Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 29 February 2016

Notes Taka

Revenue 1 451,223,308
VAT (9,047,982)
Net Revenue 442,175,326
Cost of revenue 2 (339,105,405)
Gross Profit 103,069,920

Other Income /(Expenses) 3 994,992

Administrative expenses 4 75,218,438

Selling and distribution expenses 5 590,864

EBITDA 28,255,610
Depreciation & Amortization 6 15,387,049

EBIT 12,868,561
Interest 7 9,221,277

EBT 3,647,284
Income tax expenses 1,029,500
Net profit for the year 2,617,784

The annexed notes 1 to 7 form an integral part of this Income statement

1 Revenue
Guard Service 281,531,338.00
Cash Related Service 123,554,288.39
Technical Service 37,089,699.13
Total 451,223,307.52
(-) VAT (9,047,981.89)
2 Cost of revenue

(a) Equipment and Uniform consumption :

Opening balance 20,303,199.00
(+) Purchase 24,031,491.57
(-) Closing balance 16,631,743.33
Consumpton 27,702,947.24

Fuel expense 18,548,270.00

(b) Overhead
Bonus 15,296,494.00
Burial Expenses 30,000.00
House Rent-Mess 1,243,734.00
Mess Bill-Trainee Guard 546,435.00
Recruitment Charges-Direct 49,300.00
Salaries-Direct 275,051,651.91
Service Benefit-Direct 520,173.00
Trainee Allownace 116,400.00
Total 339,105,405.15

3 Other income /(expenses)

Income from other source 185,866.60
Interest on FDR 471,125.00
Proceed from sale of vehicle 338,000.00

4 Administrative expenses
Car & Vehicle Maintenance 6,853,972.84
Compensation Against Collection 67,407.98
Discount 37,065.00
Escort Expenses 4,140.00
Fees & Fine 43,210.00
Garage Rent 448,000.00
Iftar Bill A/C 249,750.00
Insurance 3,979,875.00
Salary and allowances 36,758,945.00
Fuel-Indirect 63,954.00
AC Rent 163,000.00
Audit Fee 15,000.00
Carriage Outward 235,100.00
Car & Vehicle Registration 96,812.00
Car & Vehicle Renewal A/C 476,601.00
Compensation 65,600.00
Consultation Fee 504,400.00
Conveyance 3,583,200.00
Donation & Subscription 357,800.00
Electricity 1,320,949.50
Facilitation 1,036,700.00
Medical Expenses 90,870.00
Gas Bill 104,700.00
Telephone & Internet 2,086,657.65
Legal Expenses 916,094.00
Loss on Sales of Fixed Assets 185,400.00
Miscellenious Expenses 70,951.00
Newspaper Bill 33,233.00
Office Entertainment Expenses 2,521,771.00
Office Rent 7,650,534.00
Postage & Courier 353,316.00
Printing Expenses 543,679.00
Professional Fee 426,667.00
Renewal & Registration 312,760.00
Repair & Maintenance 1,081,019.00
Revenue Stamp 7,960.00
Stationary 1,494,318.00
Travelling Expenses 350,853.00
WASA Bill 187,661.00
Finance charge 438,512.00

5 Selling and distribution expenses:

Advertisement 408,530
Sales Promotion 89,500
Socer Expenses 48,984
Tender Cost 43,850

6 Depreciation & Amortization:

Depreciation 15,367,049.00
Amortization 20,000.00

7 Interest:
Interest on term Loan 3,151,406.24
Interest on SOD 2,955,146.73
Interest on Loan-STLN 588,169.02
Interest on lease 2,526,555.07

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