Geometry1 ws07
Geometry1 ws07
Geometry1 ws07
It seems natural that a course entitled Geometry should begin with the question:
What is geometry?
Right now, I would like to answer this question in the form of a short historic overview of the
subject. Geometry is, after all, something that people have been doing for a very long time.
The following brief history of geometry will be incomplete, inaccurate (true history is much more
complicated) and biased (we will ignore what happened in India or China, for example). It is a
shortened, smoothed out version of history that is meant only as a rough explanation of how the
material that will be covered in this course came into being.
The word geometry comes from the Greek word γεωμετρία, which is a composite of the words
for earth and measure. Geometry began as the science of measuring the earth, or surveying, and
it began ∼2000 BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia (Babylon, in today’s Iraq). These were among
the first great civilizations and they depended on agriculture along the rivers Nile in Egypt, and
Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia. These rivers would periodically inundate and fertilize the
surrounding land, which made periodic surveying necessary to delimit the fields. The science
of geometry developed from this, with applications also in construction and astronomy. The
Egyptians and Babylonians could compute areas and volumes of simple geometric figures, they
had some approximations for π, and they already knew Pythagoras’ theorem. Strangely though,
no records of general theorems or proofs have survived from this period. Egyptian papyri and
Babylonian clay tables with their cuneiform script contain only worked exercises. Maybe they
did not state general theorems, maybe they just did not write them down, or maybe they did but
these documents did not survive. Basically we have no idea how they conducted their research.
This changed with the period of Greek geometry (Thales ∼600 BC to Euclid ∼300 BC). They
clearly stated general theorems for which they gave proofs. That is, they deduced more compli-
cated statements from simpler ones by logical reasoning. This suggests putting all statements in
order so that each statement is proved using only statements that have previously been proved.
By necessity, one must begin with a few (as few as possible) hopefully very simple statements
that are accepted without proof. In Euclid’s Elements, geometry (most or even all of what was
known at the time) is presented in this form. It begins with a few definitions and postulates
(today we say axioms) from which all theorems are deduced one by one. These postulates were
simple statements like “there is a unique straight line through two points” and “two lines in-
tersect in a unique point or they are parallel”. But one of the postulates was considered more
complicated and less obvious than the others, the parallel postulate: “Given a line and a point
not on the line, there is a unique parallel to the line through the point.” For centuries to come,
people tried to prove this one postulate using the other, simpler ones, so that it could be elim-
inated from the unproved postulates. One way people tried to prove the parallel postulate was
to assume instead that there are many parallels and derive a contradiction. But even though
some strange theorems could be deduced from this alternative parallel postulate (like that there
is an upper bound for the area of triangles) no true contradiction would appear. This finally lead
to the realization that the alternative parallel postulate did not contradict the other postulates.
Instead it leads to a logically equally valid version of geometry which is now called hyperbolic
geometry (Lobachevsky 1829, Bólyai 1831). Later it was realized that one may also assume that
there are no parallels (the other postulates also have to be changed a little for this), and the
resulting geometry is called elliptic geometry. This is simply the geometry on the sphere, where
pairs of opposite points are considered as one point, and lines are great circles. Both hyperbolic
and elliptic geometry are called non-Euclidean geometries, because their axioms are different
from Euclid’s.
Another important development in geometry was the introduction of coordinates by Descartes
and Fermat in the first half of the 17th century. One could then describe geometric figures and
prove theorems using numbers. This way of doing geometry was called analytic geometry, as
opposed to the old way beginning with geometric axioms, which was called synthetic geometry.
By the late 19th/early 20th century, it was proved that both approaches are in fact equivalent:
One can either start with axioms for numbers and use them to define the objects of geometry,
or one can start with axioms of geometry and define numbers geometrically, one gets the same
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The study of the rules of perspective in painting (da Vinci & Dürer ∼1500) lead to the devel-
opment of projective geometry (Poncelet, 1822), dealing with the question: Which properties of
geometric figures do not change under projections? For example, straight lines remain straight
lines, but parallels do not remain parallel.
Another type of geometry is Möbius geometry, which deals with properties that remain unchanged
under transformations mapping circles to circles (such as inversion on a circle). Then there is
also Lie geometry (about which I will say nothing now) and there are other types of geometry.
Klein’s Erlangen Program (1871) provided a systematic treatment of all these different kinds of
geometry and their interrelationships. It also provided a comprehensive and maybe surprising
answer to the question: What is geometry? We will come back to this.
Spherical geometry
n n+1 n+1
The n-dimensional unit sphere is S = {x ∈ R | kxk = 1} ⊂ R , where kxk = hx, xi
xi yi is the standard Euclidean scalar product. We will consider mainly S 2 ⊂ R3 .
and hx, yi =
A great circle in S 2 is the intersection of S 2 with a plane through the origin, E = {x ∈ Rn+1 |
hx, ni = 0}, knk = 1. (The intersection with a plane not through 0 is called a small circle.) The
points ±n ∈ S 2 are called the poles of the great circle. For x, y ∈ S 2 , x 6= ±y, there is a unique
great circle through x and y. (If x = ±y, there is a one parameter family.) Two great circles
intersect in two diametrically opposite points.
Theorem. The shortest continuously differentiable curve connecting two points x, y ∈ S 2 is the
shorter arc of the great circle through x and y. Its length is d(x, y) := arccoshx, yi.
Proof. The second sentence of the theorem is clear. To prove the first sentence, let γ : [t0 , t1 ] →
S 2 be a continuously differentiable curve from x to y. We have to show length(γ) ≥ d(x, y),
with equality only if γ is an arc of a great circle. We may assume that γ(t) = x only for t = t0
and γ(t) = y only for t = t1 . Let f (p) = arccoshx, pi, which is defined where |hx, pi| ≤ 1
and differentiable where strict inequality holds. For p ∈ S 2 \ {x, −x} let v(p) = grad f (p) −
hgrad f (p), pi p. A direct calculation shows that kvk = 1. Then
Z t1 Z t1 Z t1
d(x, y) = f (y)−f (x) = hgrad f (γ(t)), γ 0 (t)i dt = hv(γ(t), γ 0 (t)i dt ≤ kγ 0 (t)k dt = length(γ),
t0 t0 t0
where we have used hγ 0 , γi = 0 and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Equality only holds if γ 0
is always in the direction of v(γ). This can be used to show that γ must be an arc of a great
In fact, this proof works also if γ is only assumed piecewise C 1 .
Corollaries. (i) The shortest curves connecting two opposite points are halves of great circles.
(ii) The function d(x, y) is a metric on the sphere.
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A hemisphere is bounded by a great circle. One of its poles, n, lies inside the hemisphere, the
other, −n, outside.
A spherical digon is the intersection of two hemispheres.
The interior angle α and the exterior angle α̂ of the digon satisfy α + α̂ = π and cos α̂ = hm, ni,
so cos α = −hm, ni. The exterior angle is the spherical distance between the poles m and n.
The area of the digon is 2α.
(One could alternatively define a spherical digon as a spherical region bounded by two half great
circles. Then the interior angle α could exceed π. The formula for the area would still hold.)
Spherical triangles
There are actually several different sensible definitions for spherical triangles:
1. The intersection of three hemispheres with poles not on one great circle. Such triangles are
called Euler triangles.
2. A spherical region bounded by three great circular arcs. Such triangles are either an Euler
triangle, the outside of an Euler triangle, the union of an Euler triangle and a hemisphere, or
the difference of a hemisphere and an Euler triangle.
3. An oriented closed curve on the sphere consisting of three great circular arcs. (The arcs may
intersect each other.) Such spherical triangles were considered by Möbius. To measure the
angles of such a triangle sensibly, the sphere must be given an orientation.
4. Finally, a spherical triangle in the sense of Study consists of (i) three points A, B, C ∈ S 2 ,
(ii) the three great circles gAB , gBC , gCA through A and B, B and C, C and A, each of which
is given an arbitrary orientation, and (iii) numbers a, b, c, α̂, β̂, γ̂ ∈ R such that: (a) If one
moves from A along gAB the signed distance c, then one reaches B. Similarly for the other
points and great circles. (b) If one rotates gAB around A by the signed angle α̂, it is moved
into gCA with correct orientation. Similarly for the other points and great circles. Triangles
are considered different even if the corresponding numbers differ only by integer multiples
of π.
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We will now consider Euler triangles, and “spherical triangle” will mean “Euler triangle”, unless
stated otherwise.
In the definition above, an Euler triangle is defined in terms of hemispheres. But an Euler
triangle is also determined by its vertices:
Suppose A, B, C ∈ S 2 do not all lie on one great circle. (That is, A, B, C are linearly independent
unit vectors in R3 ). Then the intersection of S 2 with the cone
C = {λA + µB + νC ∈ R3 | λ, µ, ν ≥ 0}
The first three inequalities follow directly from the triangle inequality of the spherical metric d.
The third follows from
d(A, B) + d(B, C) + d(C, A) < d(A, B) + d(B, −A) + d(−A, C) + d(C, A) = 2π.
| {z } | {z }
π π
Applying the same reasoning to the polar triangle, we get for the exterior angles of a spherical
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(ii) Suppose A, B, C and Ã, B̃, C̃ are the vertices of two triangles with corresponding sides of
equal length. Because corresponding scalar products are equal (hA, Bi = hÃ, B̃i, etc.), the linear
map T : R3 → R3 with T (A) = Ã, T (B) = B̃, T (B) = B̃ is orthogonal.
Remarks. (i) There is ofn
an analogous theorem regarding the angles of a spherical triangle.
(ii) The region D := ∈ R3 a, b, c satisfy (∗) is the interior of the tetrahedron with
0 π π 0 αb
vertices 0 , π , 0 , π . The region of possible vectors of exterior angles βb is also D.
0 0 π π γ
By the previous theorem (and its analogue for angles), the side lengths determine the angles and
vice versa. This gives a bijection D → D. If the side lengths approach a face (vertex) of D, then
the corresponding angles approach a vertex (face) of D.
Theorem. Side lengths and exterior angles of a spherical triangle satisfy the equations
− cos a + cos b cos c
cos α̂ = , (side cosine theorem)
sin b sin c
− cos α̂ + cos β̂ cos γ̂
cos a = , (angle cosine theorem)
sin β̂ sin γ̂
and four more equations obtained by simultaneous permutations of a, b, c and α̂, β̂, γ̂.
The following proof using Gram matrices exemplifies a general method which will be useful
again later. The Gram matrix for a (finite) sequence of vectors v1 , . . . vk is the symmetric matrix
(hvi , vj i)ki,j=1 of pairwise scalar products.
Proof. Let V = (A B C) ∈ R3×3 be the matrix whose columns are the vertices of the spherical
triangle, considered as column vectors. Then the Gram matrix for A, B, C is
hA, Ai hA, Bi hA, Ci 1 cos c cos b
G = V t V = hB, Ai hB, Bi hB, Ci = cos c 1 cos a .
hC, Ai hC, Bi hC, Ci cos b cos a 1
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(Note for later that det G = (det V )2 > 0.) Similarly, let W = (A0 B 0 C 0 ) be the matrix of poles.
Their Gram matrix is
0 0
hA0 , B 0 i hA0 , C 0 i
hA , A i 1 cos γ̂ cos β̂
G0 = W t W = hB 0 , A0 i hB 0 , B 0 i hB 0 , C 0 i = cos γ̂ 1 cos α̂ .
hC 0 , A0 i hC 0 , B 0 i hC 0 , C 0 i cos β̂ cos α̂ 1
hA0 , Ai hA0 , Bi hA0 , Ci
hA , Ai 0 0
W V = hB 0 , Ai hB 0 , Bi hB 0 , Ci = 0 hB 0 , Bi 0 =: D
hC 0 , Ai hC 0 , Bi 0
hC , Ci 0 0 hC 0 , Ci
is a diagonal matrix with positive entries. So W t = DV −1 and W = (V t )−1 D, and
The inverse of G is
sin2 a
− cos c + cos a cos b − cos b + cos c cos a
G−1 = − cos c + cos a cos b sin2 b − cos a + cos b cos c .
det G
− cos b + cos c cos a − cos a + cos b cos c sin2 c
2 1 2
Substitute this into (∗∗) and consider diagonal elements: One finds 1 = D11 det G sin a, therefore
√ √ √
det G det G det G
D11 = sin a , and similarly D22 = sin b , D33 = sin c . Now consider for example element
(3, 2) in (∗∗): cos α̂ = D33 det G (− cos a + cos b cos c)D22 . This is the side cosine theorem.
The angle cosine theorem is the side cosine theorem applied to the polar triangle.
Theorem. Side lengths and interior angles of a spherical triangle satisfy
sin a sin b sin c
= = , (sine theorem)
sin α sin β sin γ
α sin( a−b+c
2 ) sin( a+b−c
2 )
tan = , (half-angle theorem)
2 sin( −a+b+c
2 ) sin( a+b+c
2 )
cos( −α+β+γ ) cos( α+β+γ
a u 2 2 )
tan = t− α−β+γ α+β−γ
. (half-side theorem)
2 cos( 2 ) cos( 2 )
Proof. In terms of the interior angle α, the side cosine theorem says cos α = cos a−cos b cos c
sin b sin c .
2 α 2 α
Using cos α = 2 cos 2 − 1 = 1 − 2 sin 2 and other trigonometric identities, one obtains the
α sin( −a+b+c
2 ) sin( a+b+c
2 )
cos = ,
2 sin b sin c
α sin( a−b+c
2 ) sin( a+b−c
2 )
sin = ,
2 sin b sin c
which are also of independent interest. Dividing one by the other, one obtains the half-angle
theorem. The half-side theorem is the half-angle theorem for the polar triangle. To prove the
sine theorem, consider
α α P
sin α = 2 sin cos = ,
2 2 sin b sin c
where r
−a + b + c a − b + c a + b − c a + b + c
P = 2 sin sin sin sin .
2 2 2 2
So sin α sin b sin c = P . But since the expression for P is symmetric in a, b, c, one has equally
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In principle, all relations between side lengths and angles of a spherical triangle can be derived
from the inequalities for the sides and the side cosine theorem (or alternatively from the inequali-
ties for the angles and the angle cosine theorem) using only algebra and analysis, without further
recourse to geometry. We have derived the half-angle theorem and the sine theorem in this way.
On the other hand, the following proof of Napier’s rule, which is due to Napier himself, uses a
remarkable geometric construction.
Theorem (Napier’s rule). Consider a right-angled spherical triangle
with γ = π2 , and let ā = π2 − a, b̄ = π2 − b. Then
That is: “The cosine of any part is equal to the product of sines of
opposite parts and to the product of cotangents of adjacent parts.” (The
“parts” are ā, b̄, α, c, β, in this cyclic order.)
Proof. The first line of equations follows directly from the cosine rules cos γ = cos sin c−cos a cos b
a sin b
and cos c = cos γ+cos α cos β
sin α sin β . To prove the remaining equations, assume first that a, b, c, α, β < π2 .
Consider the following construction. Draw the two great circles that have A and B as poles.
Together with the extended sides of the original triangle, they form 4 other right angled triangles:
(The five triangles form a right-angled pentagram called the pentagramma mirificum. In its
center there is a spherical pentagon each vertex of which is the pole of the opposite side.) Note
that a1 = π2 − c, b1 = π2 − β, α1 = π2 − a, c1 = π2 − b, β1 = α, so that
This proves the other equations of Napier’s rule under the assumption of acute angles and sides.
Now suppose that a side length a, b, c or an angle α, β is greater than π2 . (The remaining cases
where one is equal to π2 consist of doubly or triply right-angled triangles for which Napier’s rule
can easily be checked.) It can be shown that, first, for one of the neighbor triangles (into which
the sphere is separated by the same great circles) a, b, c, α, β < π2 , and, second, if Napier’s rule
holds for one of the neighbor triangles, it holds for all of them.
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Stereographic projection
Project the unit sphere S 2 ⊂ R3 from the “north pole” e3 = 0 to the plane x3 = 0. This map
2 2
σ : S \ {e3 } → R is called stereographic projection. One easily derives the following equations
for σ and its inverse:
1 x1
σ x2 = ,
1 − x3 x2
u1 1
σ −1 = 2 2u2 .
u2 u1 + u22 + 1
u21 + u22 − 1
Theorem. Stereographic projection σ maps circles in S 2 which contain e3 to lines in R2 and all
other circles in S 2 to circles in R2 . All circles and lines in R2 are images of circles in S 2 .
Remark. The fact that circles through e3 are mapped to lines is geometrically clear: A circle
through e3 is the intersection of S 2 with a plane through e3 . So all projection rays lie in this
plane, and the circle is mapped to the line in which it intersects the image plane x3 = 0.
Proof. A circle in S 2 is the intersection of S 2 with a plane
It contains e3 iff d = he3 , ni = n3 . A point u ∈ R2 in the image of the circle iff σ −1 (u) ∈ E, that
is, iff
2u1 n1 + 2u2 n2 + (u21 + u22 − 1)n3 ,
d= 2
u1 + u22 + 1
or equivalently,
0 = (n3 − d)(u21 + u22 ) + 2u1 n1 + 2u2 n2 − (n3 + d).
If n3 = d, this is the equation for a line. Otherwise, divide by n3 − d, complete the squares, and
use knk2 = 1 to obtain
n 1 2 n 2 2 1 − d2
u1 + + u2 + − = 0.
n3 − d n3 − d (n3 − d)2
n1 1−d2
This is the equation for a circle with center c = − n31−d
n2 and radius r = |n3 −d| .
To show (without further calculations) that every circle and every line in R2 is the image of a
circle in S 2 , you can make an argument using the fact that three points in R2 uniquely determine
a line or circle through them and three points in S 2 uniquely determine a circle through them.
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Theorem. Stereographic projection is conformal, that is, it preserves angles: If two curves in
S 2 \ {e3 } intersect at some angle, then their image curves in R2 intersect at the same angle.
Proof. Let γ̂, η̂ : (−ε, ε) → S 2 \ {e3 } be two curves with γ̂(0) = η̂(0) = p̂, and let γ = σ ◦ γ̂,
η = σ ◦ η̂ be their images curves in R2 . Let v̂ = γ̂ 0 (0), ŵ = η̂ 0 (0), v = γ 0 (0), w = η 0 (0), and let
p = γ(0) = η(0) = σ(p̂). The intersection angles α̂ and α between γ̂, η̂ and γ, η, are determined
hv̂, ŵi hv, wi
cos α̂ = p , cos α = p .
hv̂, v̂ihŵ, ŵi hv, vihw, wi
We want to show that α̂ = α. In fact, we will show that
4 4 4
hv̂, ŵi = (hp,pi+1)2 hv, wi, hv̂, v̂i = (hp,pi+1)2 hv, vi, hŵ, ŵi = (hp,pi+1)2 hw, wi,
2hγ,γ 0 i
γ̂ 0 = 1
2γ20 − (hγ,γi+1)2
2hγ,γ 0 i hγ,γi−1,
2 hγ,γ 0 i
= hγ,γi+1
γ20 − hγ,γi+1
2γ2 ,
hγ,γ 0 i hγ,γi−1
and hence
v1 2p1
0 2 v2 hp,vi
v̂ = γ̂ (0) = hp,pi+1 − hp,pi+1
2p2 .
hp,vi hp,pi−1
4 hp,wi
hv̂, ŵi = (hp,pi+1) 2 hv, wi + hp, vihp, wi − hp,pi+1 2hp, vi + hp, vi hp, pi − 1
| {z }
hp,vi hp,vihp,wi
− hp,pi+1 2hp, wi + hp, wi hp, pi − 1 + (hp,pi+1)2 4hp, pi + hp, pi − 1
| {z } | {z }
hp,wi(hp,pi+1) (hp,pi+1)2
= (hp,pi+1) 2 hv, wi,
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where now hx, yi = x1 y1 +. . .+xn yn −xn+1 yn+1 , and lengths of curves in H n and angles between
them are measured using this scalar product instead of the normal Euclidean scalar product. We
will need to be familiar with such indefinite scalar products, and since we will deal with general
bilinear and quadratic forms later, it may be a good idea to refresh some material from linear
Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over a field K. (We will be interested in the cases
K = R and K = C.) A bilinear form on V is a function b : V × V → K, which is linear in
each argument. If e1 , . . . , en is a basis of V , then the matrix of the bilinear form b is B ∈PK n×n
with Bij =Pb(ei , ej ). If x, y ∈ K n are the coordinate vectors for v, w ∈ V , that is v = i xi ei
and w = i y i e i , then b(v, w) = x By = ij Bij x i yj . If f1 , . . . , fn is another basis with
fj = i Tij ei , and p, q ∈ K n are the coordinate vectors of v, w in this new basis, then x = T p,
If q is a quadratic form, then there exists a unique symmetric bilinear form satisfying (◦). Hence
symmetric bilinear forms and quadratic forms are in one-to-one correspondence. Quadratic forms
are homogeneous polynomials of degree 2 in (any) coordinates.
Example. x21 + x1 x2 + x22 is a quadratic form on K 2 . For example, it comes from the bilinear
form x1 y1 + x1 y2 + x2 y2 , which is not symmetric. But it also comes from the symmetric bilinear
form x1 y1 + 21 x1 y2 + 12 x2 y1 + x2 y2 .
This is a linear subspace of V . The bilinear and quadratic forms b, q are called degenerate
if ker b 6= {0}, and non-degenerate if ker b = {0}. The form b is degenerate iff its matrix
with respect to one (hence every) basis has determinant 0. Let U0 = ker b and let U be any
complementary subspace, so that V = U ⊕ U0 . Then the restrictions b|U and q|U are non-
degenerate bilinear/quadratic forms on U .
There exist bases ê1 , . . . , ên of V such that
The basis vectors ei with b(êi , êi ) = 0 form a basis for U0 = ker b. Assume the basis is ordered so
that these come last. Then the matrix of b with respect to this basis is diagonal with diagonal
elements λ1 , . . . , λr , 0, . . . , 0, where λi 6= 0 and r = n − dim ker b. In the coordinates u1 , . . . , un
with respect to this basis, q is a sum of squares:
A basis ê1 , . . . , ên satisfying () and the corresponding coordinates u1 , . . . , un can be found using
the generalized Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure or by completing the squares.
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= u1 2 + 3
4 u2 2 + 20
12 u3 2 .
It may happen that there is no square to complete:
continue as before.
Case K = C
We can always make all λ1 , . . . , λr equal 1 by dividing ek (k = 1, . . . , r) by b(ek , ek ) (arbitrary
choice of square roots).
Pr Thus, any symmetric bilinear form on a complex vector space is in
suitable coordinates k=1 xk yk .
Case K = R
i+ = (number of êk for which b(êk , êk ) > 0),
i− = (number of êk for which b(êk , êk ) < 0),
i0 = (number of êk for which b(êk , êk ) = 0) = dim ker b.
The numbers i+ , i− , i0 do not depend on the particular basis, but only on b. (Why?) The
numbers i+ and i− are the positive and negative index of b. The signature of b is (i+p , i− , i0 ), also
written (i+ , i− ) if i0 = 0. We can normalize the êk (k = 1, . . . , r) by dividing by |b(êk , êk )|.
Thus, one obtains a basis with b(êi , êi ) = ±1 or 0, and any symmetric bilinear form on a real
vector space is in suitable coordinates
i+ i+ +i−
xk yk − xk yk .
k=1 k=i+
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Scalar products
A scalar product is a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form. Scalar products are often written
h·, ·i or (·, ·). Vectors v, w with hv, wi = 0 are called orthogonal to each other.
Any n-dimensional complex vector space with a scalar
Pnproduct can by an appropriate choice of
basis be identified with Cn with the scalar product 1 xk yk .
Rp,q denotes the real vector space Rp+q , equipped with the scalar product
X p+q
hx, yi = xk yk − xk yk ,
k=1 k=p+1
which has signature (p, q). By an appropriate choice of basis, any real vector space with a scalar
product with signature (p, q) can be identified with Rp+q . A vector v in Rp,q (or any other real
vector space with scalar product) is called spacelike, timelike, or lightlike if hv, vi > 0, < 0, or = 0.
The set of lightlike vectors is called the light cone. A Euclidean scalar product is a scalar product
with negative index i− = 0. A Lorentz scalar product is a scalar product with negative index
i− = 1. A vector space with a Euclidean or Lorentz scalar product is a Euclidean or Lorentz
vector space, respectively. An orthonormal basis for Rp,q is a basis e1 , . . . , en with hei , ej i = 0 if
i 6= j, hei , ei i = 1 for i = 1, . . . , p and hei , ei i = −1 for i = p + 1, . . . , n.
Theorem. Let V be a real vector space with scalar product h·, ·i, let e1 , . . . , en be a basis, let
Bij = hei , ej i, and let
B11 ··· B1k
B11 B12
a0 = 1, a1 = B11 , a2 = det B21 B22 , . . . ak = det .. .. , . . . an = det B.
. .
Bk1 ··· Bkk
Suppose that none of the ak are 0. Then the negative index of the scalar product h·, ·i is equal to
the number of sign changes in the sequence a0 , a1 , . . . , an .
Orthogonal transformations
Let V be a vector space with scalar product h·, ·i. An orthogonal transformation on V is a linear
map T : V → V with hT v, T wi = hv, wi for all v, w ∈ V . The orthogonal transformations form
a group, the orthogonal group of V , h·, ·i. The orthogonal group of Cn with standard scalar
product is denoted by O(n, C). The orthogonal group of Rp,q is denoted by O(p, q), or if q = 0
also by O(p) or O(p, R). The corresponding matrix groups are also denoted by O(n, C), O(p, q).
The columns of a matrix in O(p, q) form an orthonormal basis of Rp,q . The determinant of an
orthogonal transformation is ±1. The orthogonal transformations with determinant +1 form
subgroups, the special orthogonal groups, denoted by SO(n, C) and SO(p, q).
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 7 Winter Semester 07/08
Hyperbolic geometry
Hyperbolic space of n dimensions is
where hx, yi = x1 y1 + . . . + xn yn − xn+1 yn+1 is the Lorentz scalar product of Rn,1 . Lengths of
curves and angles between them are measured using this scalar product (and not the Euclidean
scalar product of Rn+1 ): The length of a curve γ : [t1 , t2 ] → H n is
Z t2 p
length(γ) = hγ 0 (t), γ 0 (t)i dt
and the angle α between two curves γ, η : (−ε, ε) → H n intersecting in p = γ(0) = η(0) with
non-zero velocities v = γ 0 (0), w = η 0 (0) is determined by
hv, wi
cos α = p .
hv, vihw.wi
Why is this well defined? Why is hγ 0 , γ 0 i never negative and why is √ ≤ 1? For
v ∈ Rn,1 let v ⊥ = {w ∈ Rn,1 | hv, wi = 0}. If hv, vi < 0 (v is timelike) then the restriction of the
scalar product h·, ·i to v ⊥ is a Euclidean scalar product. Now hγ, γi = −1 implies hγ, γ 0 i = 0,
so γ 0 (t) ∈ γ(t)⊥ . In the formulas for lengths and angles, the Lorentz scalar product is therefore
applied to vectors in a subspace of Rn,1 on which it is Euclidean.
(Because cosh(x + y) = cosh x cosh y + sinh x sinh y.) Hence, the hyperbolic distance d(p1 , p2 ) of
two points p1 , p2 ∈ H 1 is given by
Hyperbolic lines
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 7 Winter Semester 07/08
This can be proved in the same way as we proved the corresponding theorem for the sphere.
U = {x ∈ R2,1 | hx, ni = 0}
{x ∈ R2,1 | hx, ni ≥ 0} ∩ H 2 .
Proposition. Let n1 , n2 ∈ R2,1 with hn1 , n1 i = hn2 , n2 i = 1, and let l1 , l2 be the corresponding
hyperbolic lines, li = {x ∈ H 2 | hx, ni i = 0}. Assume n1 6= ±n2 , so that l1 and l2 are different
lines. Then the following statements are equivalent.
(i) The lines l1 and l2 intersect.
(ii) The restriction of h·, ·i to span(n1 , n2 ) has signature (2, 0).
(iii) |hn1 , n2 i| < 1.
Proof. (i)⇒(ii): If l1 ∩ l2 6= ∅ then there is an x ∈ H 2 with hx, n1 i = hx, n2 i = 0. So x⊥ =
span(n1 , n2 ), and (ii) follows because any non-zero vector orthogonal to a timelike vector is
(ii)⇒(i): If the restriction of the scalar product to span(n1 , n2 ) has signature (2, 0), then its
restriction to the orthogonal complement span(n1 , n2 )⊥ must have signature (0, 1), so the com-
plement intersects H2 .
(ii)⇔(iii): The vectors n1 , n2 form a basis of span(n1 , n2 ). In this basis, the matrix of the
restriction of h·, ·i is
hn1 , n1 i hn1 , n2 i 1 hn1 , n2 i
B= = .
hn2 , n1 i hn2 , n2 i hn2 , n1 i 1
So B11 = 1 and det B = 1 − hn1 , n2 i2 . The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) follows from last lecture’s
signature theorem (and the fact that the matrix of a non-degenerate bilinear form has non-zero
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 8 Winter Semester 07/08
cos α̂ = hn1 , n2 i.
Hyperbolic triangles
Let A, B, C ∈ H 2 be three points in the hyperbolic plane. Assume that they do not all lie on one
hyperbolic line (this is equivalent to assuming A, B, C to be linearly independent). The hyperbolic
triangle with vertices A, B, C is the intersection of H 2 ⊂ R2,1 with the set of non-negative linear
{λA + µB + νC | λ, µ, ν ∈ R≥0 }.
The side lengths a = d(B, C), b = d(C, A), c = d(A, B) satisfy
Let A0 , B 0 , C 0 be the spacelike unit vectors such that the half-plane bounded by the line through
B, C and containing A is
hA0 = {x ∈ H 2 | hA0 , xi ≥ 0},
and analogously for B 0 and C 0 . Then the hyperbolic triangle with vertices A, B, C is also the
intersection hA0 ∩ hB 0 ∩ hC 0 . The interior angles α, β, γ at A, B, C satisfy
Theorem. The side lengths and interior angles of a hyperbolic triangle satisfy
− cosh a + cosh b cosh c
cos α = , (hyperbolic side cosine theorem)
sinh b sinh c
cos α + cos β cos γ
cosh a = . (hyperbolic angle cosine theorem)
sin β sin γ
Proof (sketch). This can be proved in the same way as we proved the spherical cosine theorems
using the Gram matrices G, G0 of A, B, C and A0 , B 0 , C 0 . Only now the scalar product is
1 0 0
hx, yi = xt Ey with E= 01 0 .
0 0 −1
and D = W t EV is a diagonal matrix with positive elements on the diagonal. Continue as in the
spherical case . . .
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 8 Winter Semester 07/08
Remark. The spherical cosine theorems for a sphere of radius R (instead of 1) are
cos R − cos Rb cos Rc a cos α + cos β cos γ
cos α = b c
, cos = .
sin R sin R
R sin β sin γ
One gets the hyperbolic cosine theorems by setting R = i. That’s why it is sometimes said that
hyperbolic geometry is the geometry on a sphere with imaginary radius.
From the hyperbolic cosine theorems, one can derive
sinh a sinh b sinh c
= = (hyperbolic sine theorem)
sin α sin β sin γ
in the same way in which we derived the spherical sine theorem from the spherical cosine theo-
rems. One can also derive hyperbolic versions of the half-angle and half-side theorems, and other
formulas of spherical trigonometry.
Theorem. (i) A hyperbolic triangle with side lengths a, b, c ∈ R>0 exists if and only if the triangle
inequalities are satisfied. (ii) A hyperbolic triangle with angles α, β, γ ∈ (0, π) exists if and only
α + β + γ < π.
Remark. We will see later that the area of a hyperbolic triangle is π − (α + β + γ).
Proof (sketch). 1. Show that a symmetric (3 × 3)-matrix G is the Gram matrix of 3 linearly
independent vectors in R2,1 if and only if the bilinear form xt Gy has signature (2, 1).
−1 − cosh c − cosh b
2. Consider G = − cosh c −1 − cosh a . Because
− cosh b − cosh a −1
G11 G12
= − sinh2 c < 0,
G11 = −1 < 0, det G21 G22
the signature of G is (2, 1) if and only if det G < 0 (by the theorem from Lecture 6).
3. Show the remarkable identity
−a+b+c a−b+c a+b−c a+b+c
det G = −4 sinh 2 sinh 2 sinh 2 sinh 2 ,
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 9 Winter Semester 07/08
For two hyperbolic lines l1 , l2 with unit normals n1 , n2 ∈ R2,1 , there are three possibilities:
(1) |hn1 , n2 i| < 1. (2) |hn1 , n2 i| = 1. (3) |hn1 , n2 i| > 1.
The lines intersect. The lines do not intersect and The lines do not intersect and
their images in the Klein model their images in the Klein model
intersect on the unit circle. intersect outside the unit circle.
In cases 2 and 3 the lines do not intersect, thus they are parallel. However, to distinguish the
two cases, parallel is sometimes used to mean only lines in case 2, and lines in case 3 are then
called ultra-parallel.
Angle of parallelism
If l ⊂ H 2 is a hyperbolic line and x ∈ H 2 is a point not on
l, then there exist two parallels (in the narrow sense) to l
through x and infinitely many ultra-parallels. The angle α
between one of the parallels and the perpendicular through
x is called the angle of parallelism. It depends only on the
distance b from x to l. In fact, α = 2 arctan e−b (exercise).
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 9 Winter Semester 07/08
Proposition. The distance d(x, l) from x to l satisfies |hx, ni| = sinh d(x, l).
Proof. Let V = (x xp n np ) and let E be the diagonal matrix with 1, 1, −1 on the diagonal.
hx,xi hx,xp i hx,ni hx,np i −1 − cosh d(x ,x) hx,ni 0
hxp ,xi hxp ,xp i hxp ,ni hxp ,np i − cosh d(xp ,x) −1
0 = det V t EV = det hn,xi hn,xp i hn,ni hn,np i
= det hn,xi 0
hnp ,xi hnp ,xp i hnp ,ni hnp ,np i 0 0 0 1
Hyperbolic “trilaterals”
Let us define a hyperbolic trilateral as a non-empty intersection of three half-planes, of which
none is contained in another. If we only consider the generic cases where pairs of boundary lines
intersect or are ultra-parallel then there are four types of trilaterals according to the number of
vertices. In the figures, the common perpendiculars of ultra-parallel lines are drawn in yellow.
The first case is the case of triangles. In the other cases, one can also derive trigonometric
formulas in the same way as we did for triangles. Of particular interest are trilaterals of type (4),
which correspond to right-angled hexagons. For those one obtains the cosine and sine theorems
cosh a + cosh b cosh c sinh a0 sinh b0 sinh c0
cosh a0 = and = = .
sinh b sinh c sinh a sinh b sinh c
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 10 Winter Semester 07/08
In the image of H 2 under stereographic projection, lengths appear scaled down by the variable
factor 12 (1 − p1 2 − p2 2 ). The image in D2 of an object in the hyperbolic plane gets smaller and
smaller as it moves towards the boundary circle ∂D2 .
A Riemannian metric on an open set U ⊆ Rn is a variable Euclidean scalar product. More
precisely, it is a C ∞ map g : U × Rn × Rn → R, (p, v, w) 7→ gp (v, w), such that for each
p ∈ U , gp (·, ·) is a Euclidean scalar product on Rn . (Thus, gp (v, w) = v t G(p)w with a matrix
G depending on p ∈ U .) One can then measure lengths of curves and angles in U using the
Riemannian metric, and this is called Riemannian geometry.
A Riemannian metric g on U ⊆ Rn is called conformal if
for some function λ : U → R>0 . If this is the case, angles measured using g are equal to the
Euclidean angles measured using h·, ·iRn .
Thus, gp as defined by equation (∗) is a conformal Riemannian metric on D2 . The unit disk D2
with this Riemannian metric is called the Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane.
From Klein model to Poincaré disk model via the hemisphere model
We have encountered two ways to map H 2 ∈ R2,1 to the unit disk. Central projection gives the
Klein model and stereographic projection gives the Poincaré disk model. The composition
central stereographic
D2 −−−−−−→ H 2 −−−−−−−−→ D2
projection projection
is a peculiar self-map of the unit disk D2 , which maps secants of D2 to circles orthogonal to the
boundary ∂D2 .
Projecting this point back to the unit disk (by stereographic projection of S 2 ) results in
x1 1 x3 1 x1
σ x13 x2 = x = ,
1 + x1
x3 + 1 x2
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 11 Winter Semester 07/08
Since stereographic projection is conformal and maps circles to circles and lines, hyperbolic lines
are represented in H+ by half circles meeting the u1 -axis orthogonally and vertical lines. You
can show by a direct calculation that hyperbolic lengths and angles can be measured in H+ by
using the Riemannian metric
gp (v, w) = 2 hv, wiR2 .
The half-plane H+ with this Riemannian metric is called the Poincaré half-plane model of the
hyperbolic plane. In H+ , hyperbolic lengths appear scaled by the variable factor u2 which is the
Euclidean distance to the boundary.
Two examples for length calculations in the half-plane model (and some remarks)
2 sin t
(1) Consider the curve γ : [0, α] → H+ , γ(t) = r . Its hyperbolic length is
cos t
Z αq Z αs
1 cos t cos t
gγ(t) (γ 0 (t), γ 0 (t)) dt = r , r dt
0 0 r2 cos2 t − sin t − sin t
Z α
1 1 1 + sin α α π
= dt = log = log tan + . (Check it out!)
0 cos t 2 1 − sin α 2 4
2 0
(2) Consider the curve η : [t1 , t2 ] →H+ , η(t) = . Its hyperbolic length is
Z t2 q Z t2 s Z t2
0 0
1 0 0 1
gη(t) (η (t), η (t)) dt = , dt = dt
t1 t1 t2 1 1 t1 t
= log t2 − log t1 = log .
Note that in the first example, the length does not depend on r, and in the second example, the
length depends only on the quotient t2 /t1 . In fact, scaling transformations uu12 7→ λ uu12 (with
λ > 0) of the upper half-plane represent isometries of the hyperbolic plane. For example, scaling
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 11 Winter Semester 07/08
by the factor 2 makes all objects in the upper half-plane look twice as large. At the same time,
all distances from the boundary also double. In effect, hyperbolic lengths stay the same.
Horizontal translations uu12 7→ u1u+c
of the upper half-plane also represent isometries of H 2 ,
and so do reflections on vertical lines.
Now we can calculate the area for a triangle T (α, β, γ) with angles α, β, γ:
area(T (α, β, γ)) = area(T (α, 0, 0)) − area(T (β1 , γ1 , 0)) − area(T (β2 , 0, 0)
= (π − α) − (π − β1 − γ1 ) − (π − β2 )
= π − α − (π − β1 − β2 ) − (π − γ1 ) = π − α − β − γ.
Concluding remarks
(1) All the models we have discussed exist also for higher dimensional hyperbolic space.
(2) We have defined hyperbolic space as one sheet of a hyperboloid and then derived the other
models from it. Actually, any metric space isometric to our H n is called hyperbolic space and
H n . The hyperboloid is just a model like the others, called the hyperboloid model.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 12 Winter Semester 07/08
Projective Geometry
The projection maps lines to lines. A family of parallel lines in E is mapped to a family of lines
in E 0 which intersect in a point on the vanishing line.
Idea: Introduce, in a addition to the ordinary points of E, new points which correspond to points
on the vanishing line of E 0 . In the same way, introduce new points of E 0 which are images of the
vanishing line of E. These new points are called points at infinity, and the extended planes are
called projective planes. The projection becomes a bijection between projective planes. Parallel
lines in E intersect in a point at infinity. The points at infinity of E form a line called the line
at infinity which corresponds to the vanishing line of E 0 .
Drawing a floor tiled with square tiles
Suppose you have already drawn the first tile. (I don’t want to go
into the details of how one can construct the image of the first tile,
even though that is interesting and not difficult.) The figure shows
how the other tiles can then be constructed.
Analytic treatment
−1 x1
Suppose E is the x1 x2 -plane, E 0 is the x2 x3 -plane, and P = 0 . A point A = x2 ∈ E
0 1 0
is mapped a point A0 = y1 ∈ E 0 , and by solving A0 = P + t(A − P ) for t one finds that
y1 = x1x+12
and y2 = x1x+1
. So in terms of the coordinates x1 , x2 of plane E and y1 , y2 of plane
E 0 , the projection is the function
y1 x1
1 x2
y2 = f x2 := x1 +1 x1 .
The vanishing line of E is the line x1 = −1, and the vanishing line of E 0 is the line y2 = 1.
Introduce homogeneous u1 coordinates: Instead of using two numbers x2 to describe a point in E,
use three numbers uu2 such that x1 = uu31 and x2 = uu32 . The homogeneous coordinates for a
point are not unique: x2 are homogeneous coordinates for the point xx12 , but for any λ 6= 0,
λx1 1
λx2 are also homogeneous coordinates for the same point. In the same way, use homogeneous
λ v1
coordinates vv2 with y1 = vv13 and y2 = vv23 to describe a point yy12 ∈ E 0 . Let us write the
3 u1
projection f in terms of homogeneous coordinates. Let uu2 be homogeneous coordinates for
v1 3
x1 y1
f xx12 . Then
x2 and let v
2 be homogeneous coordinates for y2 =
v1 x2 u3 u2
= y1 = = u1 = ,
v3 x1 + 1 u3 +1 u1 + u3
v2 u1
= ... = ,
v3 u1 + u3
so we may choose
v1 u2 0 1 0 u1 u1
v2 = u1 = 1 0 0 u2 =: fˆ u2 .
v3 u1 + u3 1 0 1 u3 u3
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 12 Winter Semester 07/08
Using homogeneous coordinates, the projection may thus be written as a linear map fˆ : R3 → R3 .
u1 fˆ is bijective! Points on the vanishing line x1 = −1 of E have homogeneous coordinates
u2 with u1 +u3 = 0, and fˆ maps these to vectors v2 , which are not homogeneous coordinates
u3 0
for any point in E 0 . But we can interpret them as homogeneous coordinates for a point at infinity
of the extended plane.
Thus, each non-zero vector u ∈ R3 represents a point in a projective plane (of which it is the
vector of homogeneous coordinates) and two vectors u, u0 represent the same point if and only if
u0 = λu for some λ 6= 0.
Projective geometry
Projective geometry deals with the properties of figures that remain Pappus’ theorem
unchanged under projections. An example for a theorem of projec- C0
tive geometry is Pappus’ theorem. It talks only about points, lines, 0 B0
and the incidence relation between points and lines.
C 00 B 00 A00
We will see that a curve being a conic section is a projective prop-
erty. But the distinction between circles, ellipses, parabolas and
hyperbolas is not. The photograph shows a circle being projected A
to a parabola. B C
Also the distinction between ordinary points and points at infinity
is not a projective property, because as we have seen, a projection
can map ordinary points to points at infinity and vice versa. So
from the point of view of projective geometry, points at infinity of
a projective plane are not distinguished from ordinary points and
the line at infinity is a line like any other.
Basic definitions
Let V be a vector space over a field F . The projective space of V is the set P(V ) of 1-dimensional
subspaces of V . If the dimension of V is n + 1, then the dimension of the projective space P(V ) is
n. A 1-dimensional projective space is called a projective line and a 2-dimensional one is called
a projective plane. An element of P(V ) (that is, a 1-dimensional subspace of V ) is called a point
of the projective space.
If v ∈ V \{0}, then we write [v] := span v. So [v] is a point in P(V ), and v is called a representative
vector for this point. If λ 6= 0 then [λv] = [v] and λv another representative vector for the same
Suppose we chose a basis v1 , . . . , vn+1 of V . This gives an identification of V with F n+1 and of
P (V ) with P (F n+1 ). A vector v ∈ V has a basis representation
v= xj vj
and x1 , . . . , xn+1 ∈ F are the coordinates of v with respect to the basis. These coordinates of
v ∈ V are the homogeneous coordinates of the point [v] ∈ P(V ). If λ 6= 0, then λx1 , . . . , λxn+1
are also homogeneous coordinates of [v].
Let U ⊂ P(V ) be the subset of points
for which a particular homogeneous coordinate, say xn+1 ,
does not vanish: U = [v] ∈ P(V ) v = j=1 xj vj with xn+1 6= 0 . Then the map Un+1 → F n ,
u1 x1 /xn+1 u1
u2 x2 /xn+1 u2 Xn
v 7−→ .. = is a bijection with inverse .. 7−→ uj vj + vn+1 ,
. . . j+1
un xn /xn+1 un
Basic examples
The points with homogeneous coordinateh x1xi3 6= 0 are described by two affine coordinates x1 /x3 ,
x2 /x3 . On the other hand, the points x2 form the 1-dimensional real projective space P(U ),
where U ⊂ R3 is the subspace U = { x2 ∈ R3 }. So RP2 can be thought of as R2 plus a
projective line.
In general one can think of RPn as Rn plus an additional RPn−1 .
In the same way, the complex projective line CP1 is C plus one additional point ∞. In complex
analysis, CP1 = C ∪ {∞} is called the extended complex plane and denoted by C.b
Projective subspaces
A projective subspace of the projective space P(V ) is a projective space P(U ), where U is a vector
subspace of V . If k is the dimension of P(U ) (that is, k + 1 is the dimension of U ), then P (U )
is called a k-plane in P (V ). In particular, for k = 1 it is called a line, for k = 2 a plane and for
k = n − 1 a hyperplane in P (V ).
Exercise. How many points are there in the projective plane P (Z2 3 )? How many lines? How
many points does each line contain? How many lines pass through each point?
Proposition. Through any two distinct points in a projective space there passes a projective line.
Proposition. Two distinct lines in a projective plane intersect in a unique point.
(Proofs by linear algebra.)
In general, if P(U1 ) and P(U2 ) are two projective subspaces of P (V ), then the intersection
P(U1 ) ∩ P(U2 ) is the projective subspace P(U1 ∩ U2 ). The projective span or join of P(U1 ) and
P(U2 ) is the projective subspace P (U1 + U2 ).
Exercise. Show that a point is in the join of two projective subspaces if and only if it is on a
line joining a point in one of the subspaces with a different point in the other. (Actually, there
one a very degenerate case in which this is not true.)
From the dimension formula of linear algebra,
one obtains
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 13 Winter Semester 07/08
Desargues’ theorem
Some preparation is necessary before the following proof. Let P (V ) be an n-dimensional projec-
tive space. Then n + 2 points in P (V ) are said to be in general position if one (hence both) of
the following equivalent conditions are satisfied:
(i) No n + 1 of the points are contained in an (n − 1)-dimensional projective subspace.
(ii) Any n + 1 of the points have linearly independent representative vectors.
So three points on a line are in general position if they are distinct, four points in a plane are
in general position if no three of them lie on a line, and five points in a 3-dimensional projective
space are in general position if no four of them lie in a plane.
Lemma. Let P (V ) be an n-dimensional projective space and suppose P1 , . . . Pn+2 ∈ P (V ) are
in general position. Then representative vectors v1 , . . . , vn+1 ∈ V may be chosen so that
v1 + v2 + · · · + vn+1 = vn+2 .
This choice is unique up to a common factor. That is, if ṽ1 , . . . , ṽn+1 is another choice of
representative vectors with ṽ1 + ṽ2 + · · · + ṽn+1 = ṽn+2 , then ṽk = λvk for some λ 6= 0.
Proof of the lemma. Let w1 , . . . , wn+2 be any representative vectors for the points P1 , . . . Pn+2 .
They are linearly dependent because dim V = n + 1. So
aj wj = 0
for some aj which are not all zero. In fact, no ak can be zero, because that would mean that
there are n + 1 among the wj which are linearly dependent. Hence we may choose
v1 = a1 w1 , v2 = a2 w2 , ... vn+1 = an+1 wn+1 , vn+2 = −an+1 wn+1 .
To see the uniqueness
Pn+1 claim, suppose λ1 v1 , . . . , λn+2 vn+2 is another choice of representative
vectors with 1 λk vk −λn+2 vn+2 = 0. This amounts to a system of equations of rank n+ 1 for
the n+2 variables λk . So the solution space is 1-dimensional and hence λ1 = λ2 = . . . = λn+2 .
Proof of Desargues’ theorem. If A, A0 , P are not distinct the statement of the theorem is obvious.
(Check this.) So we may assume that A, A0 , P are distinct and also B, B 0 , P and C, C 0 , P . But
then A, A0 , P are three points on a line in general position. So by the lemma we may choose
representative vectors a, a0 , p ∈ V with a + a0 = p. For the same reason we may also choose
representative vectors b, b0 and c, c0 so that b + b0 = p and c + c0 = p. Then
a + a0 = b + b0 = c + c0 .
This implies a − b = b0 − a0 . Obviously, the vector a − b = b0 − a0 is in the span of a and b and
also in the span of a0 and b0 . So the point [a − b] = [b0 − a0 ] ∈ P(V ) lies on the line AB and on
the line A0 B 0 , hence it is the point of intersection, C 00 . Similarly, A00 = [b − c] = [c0 − b0 ], and
B 00 = [c − a] = [a0 − c0 ]. But
(a − b) + (b − c) + (c − a) = 0,
which means that vectors (a − b), (b − c), (c − a) are linearly dependent and so they span a
subspace of dimension at most 2. Therefore, C 00 , A00 and B 00 lie on a line.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 14 Winter Semester 07/08
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 14 Winter Semester 07/08
The preceding proof also suggests the following 3-dimensional way to generate any planar De-
sargues configuration. This construction also reflects the high degree of combinatorial symmetry
of the configuration. Let P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 be five points in general position in a 3-dimensional
projective space, and let E be a plane that contains none of these points. Let lij = lji be the 10
lines joining Pi and Pj (i 6= j). The 10 points Pij where these lines intersect E form a Desargues
configuration. If (i, j, k, r, s) is any permutation of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), then the points Pij , Pjk , Pki al-
ways lie on a line (the intersection of the plane Pi Pj Pk with E), which we denote by grs . Any
one of the points Puv lies on the line gxy if the four indices uvxy are different. So there are three
lines through each point and three points on each line. Corresponding points of the triangles
Pir , Pjr , Pkr and Pis , Pjs , Pks are joined by the lines gjk , gki , gij , which all pass trough Prs . The
intersection points of corresponding sides all lie on the line grs .
The same Desargues figure contains therefore 5·4/2 = 10 pairs of triangles satisfying the condition
of Desargues’ theorem.
Pappus’ theorem
so the vectors are linearly dependent and hence A00 , B 00 , C 00 lie on a line.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 15 Winter Semester 07/08
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 15 Winter Semester 07/08
Projective transformations
Each wi is the quotient of two affine linear functions of the uj , where the denominator is the
same for all i.
Proposition. Two invertible linear maps f, g : V → W give rise to the same projective trans-
formation P (V ) → P (W ) if and only if g = λf for some scalar λ 6= 0.
Proof. “⇐”: If g = λf , then [g(v)] = [λf (v)] = [f (v)].
“⇒”: Suppose [g(v)] = [f (v)] for all v ∈ V \ {0}. This implies g(v) = λ(v)f (v) for some non-zero
scalar λ(v) which may a priori depend on v. We have to show that it does not. So suppose
v, w ∈ V \ {0}. If v, w are linearly dependent, then it is obvious from the definition of λ(v) that
λ(v) = λ(w). So assume v, w are linearly independent. Now
but also
g(v + w) = λ(v + w)f (v + w) = λ(v + w)(f (v) + f (w)).
Since f (v) and f (w) are also linearly independent this implies λ(v) = λ(v + w) = λ(w).
The projective transformations P (V ) → P (V ) form a group called the projective linear group
P GL(V ). It is the quotient of the general linear group GL(V ) of invertible linear maps V → V
by the normal subgroup of non-zero multiples of the identity: P GL(V ) = GL(V )/{λI}λ6=0 .
It maps the plane at infinity xn+1 = 0 to the plane at infinity. Conversely, any projective
transformation which maps the plane xn+1 = 0 to itself corresponds in the affine coordinates u
to an affine map Rn → Rn .
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 16 Winter Semester 07/08
One can consider also more general types of projections. For example let l1 and l2 be two lines
in a 3-dimensional projective space P (V ), and let l0 be a line that does not intersect l1 or l2 .
Then the projection l1 → l2 with the line l0 as center of projection is defined as follows: A point
A ∈ l1 is mapped to the intersection of l2 with the plane spanned by l0 and A. This map l1 → l2
is also a projective transformation, and the proof is the same (apart from obvious modifications).
Most generally, in an n-dimensional projective space P (V ), one can project one k-plane E1 to
another k-plane E2 from any (n − k − 1)-plane EC which does not intersect E1 or E2 as center
of projection; and this is a projective transformation E1 → E2 .
By the uniqueness part of the lemma from Lecture 13, this implies b̃i = λbi for some λ 6= 0, so
g = λf , and g and f induce the same projective transformation P (V ) → P (W ).
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 16 Winter Semester 07/08
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 17 Winter Semester 07/08
It is well defined because the expressions on the right hand side do not depend on the choice of
representative vectors (xi , yi ) but only on the points Pi .
To derive an expression for the cross ratio in terms of the affine coordinate u = xy , we assume at
first that no yi is 0 so that no ui is ∞:
y1 y2 xy11 − xy22 y3 y4 xy33 − xy44
(u − u2 )(u3 − u4 )
cr(P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 ) = = 1 =: cr(u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ).
y2 y3 xy22 − xy33 y4 y1 xy44 − xy11
(u2 − u3 )(u4 − u1 )
Even if one of the ui is ∞, one gets correct results using this formula if one “cancels infinities”.
For example, if y1 = 0 so that u1 = ∞, one has
x1 y2 y3 y4 xy33 − xy44
x1 y2 (x3 y4 − x4 y3 ) u3 − u4
cr(P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 ) = = x2 x3 = − ,
(x2 y3 − x3 y3 )(−x1 y4 ) y2 y3 (−x1 y4 ) y2 − y3 u2 − u3
(ii) Ifv, w is any basis of R2 and x̃i , ỹi are homogeneous coordinates for Pi in this basis (that is,
Pi = x̃i v + ỹi w ) and ũ = x̃ỹ is the corresponding affine coordinate, then one may just as well
use these coordinates to compute the cross-ratio:
(x̃1 ỹ2 − x̃2 ỹ1 )(x̃3 ỹ4 − x̃4 ỹ3 ) (ũ1 − ũ2 )(ũ3 − ũ4 )
cr(P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 ) = =
(x̃2 ỹ3 − x̃3 ỹ4 )(x̃4 ỹ1 − x̃1 ỹ4 ) (ũ2 − ũ3 )(ũ4 − ũ1 )
All this works not only for the real projective line RP1 but also for the complex projective line
CP1 and any other projective space P (V ) of a 2-dimensional vector space V over any field.
! If v, w is a basis of V , then the cross ratio of four points Pi with homogeneous coordinates !
x̃i , ỹi in this basis is defined defined by the equation above, and this is independent of the
choice of basis.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 17 Winter Semester 07/08
Proposition. The cross-ratio cr(P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 ) is the affine coordinate of the image of P1 under
the projective transformation that maps P2 , P3 , P4 to the points with affine coordinates 0, 1, ∞.
Corollary. The cross ratio of four distinct points can take all values except 0, 1, ∞.
Proposition. There exists a projective transformation that maps four distinct points P1 , P2 , P3 , P4
of a line to four distinct points Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 on the same or another line if and only if
cr(P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 ) = cr(Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 ).
The cross ratio depends on the order of the points. How does it change if the points are permuted?
• The cross ratio does not change if I simultaneously interchange two of the points and the
remaining two:
This is easy to see from the equation for the cross ratio in terms of the ui .
• Of the 24 permutations of u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 , I need therefore only consider the six which fix u1 and
permute u2 , u3 , u4 .
• If i, j, k, l is a permutation of 1, 2, 3, 4, then
(q − 1)(0 − ∞)
cr(u1 , u3 , u2 , u4 ) = cr(q, 1, 0, ∞) = = 1 − q,
(1 − 0)(∞ − q)
(q − 0)(∞ − 1) q
cr(u1 , u2 , u4 , u3 ) = cr(q, 0, ∞, 1) = = ,
(0 − ∞)(1 − q) q−1
(q − ∞)(1 − 0) 1
cr(u1 , u4 , u2 , u3 ) = cr(q, ∞, 1, 0) = = ,
(∞ − 1)(0 − q) q
(q − 1)(∞ − 0) q−1 1
cr(u1 , u3 , u4 , u2 ) = cr(q, 1, ∞, 0) = = =1− ,
(1 − ∞)(0 − q) q q
(q − ∞)(0 − 1) 1
cr(u1 , u4 , u2 , u3 ) = cr(q, ∞, 0, 1) = = .
(∞ − 0)(1 − q) 1−q
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 18 Winter Semester 07/08
The involution f has no fixed points if {A, B} separates {C, D}, otherwise it has two fixed points.
If f has two fixed points P and Q, then for all X ∈ RP1 , cr(X, P, f (X), Q) = −1.
For any two points P, Q ∈ RP1 there is a unique projective involution of RP1 that fixes P and Q.
If A, B, P, Q are four points in RP1 , then one says the pair {A, B} separates the pair {P, Q}
harmonically, if cr(A, P, B, Q) = −1.
cr(P, X, Q, Y ) = −1.
If the theorem holds for the projected figure, it holds also for the original one. It is thus enough
to verify the theorem for
h1i h −1 i h −1 i h 1 i
A = 1 , B = 1 , C = −1 , D = −1 .
1 1 1 1
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 18 Winter Semester 07/08
Proof (using a projective involution of RP2 ). Since A, B, C, D are in general position, there is
a projective transformation of the plane RP2 that maps A 7→ B, B 7→ A, C 7→ D, D 7→ C. It
is an involution of RP2 which maps the lines AB and CD onto themselves. It maps the line
AD to BC and vice versa. Hence, the points P and Q are fixed, and the line ` is mapped to
itself. Since the line AC is mapped onto BD and vice versa, X is mapped to Y and Y to X.
Thus, the restriction to ` is an involution of ` with fixed points P, Q and interchanging X, Y . So
cr(P, X, Q, Y ) = −1.
The restriction of f to the line AA0 is an involution of AA0 with a fixed point P , so it has another
fixed point Q, and this is the point such that {P, Q} separates {A, A0 } harmonically. Equally,
the restriction of f to the line BB 0 is an involution of BB 0 with fixed points P and R such that
{P, R} separates {B, B 0 } harmonically. Now f fixes every point on the line ` = QR. (Can you
see why?) Thus:
Any projective involution of RP2 has a whole line ` of fixed points and another fixed point P 6∈ `.
Conversely, if ` is a line in RP2 and P is a point not on `, then there is a unique projective
involution f that fixes P and every point on `. This is the projective reflection on ` and P .
Indeed if X, Y are any two points on `, and any representative
−1 0 0 vectors of P, X, Y are chosen as
basis of R , then the matrix of f in this basis must be 0 1 0 .
0 01
(What does this reflection look like in an affine chart in which ` is the line at infinity? What
does it look like if P is a point at infinity?)
Happy holidays!
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 19 Winter Semester 07/08
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 19 Winter Semester 07/08
Proof (of the fundamental theorem, n = 2). We will show that if f also fixes the four points
h1i h0i h0i h1i
P1 = 0 , P2 = 1 , P3 = 0 , P4 = 1 ,
0 0 1 1
it must be the identity. This implies the theorem: For general f let g : RP2 → RP2 be the pro-
jective transformation that maps f (Pi ) to Pi . Then the composition g ◦ f is bijective, maps lines
to lines and fixes the points Pi . If it is the identity, then f = g −1 is a projective transformation.
So assume that f : RP2 → RP2 is bijective, maps lines to lines and fixes P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 . Let
X ∈ RP2 be any point not on the line P1 P2 (which we consider as the line at infinity). We will
show that f (X) = X.
Let `1 = P3 P1 and `2 = P3 P2 . Since f fixes these
points, it maps `1 to `1 and `2 to `2 . By the lemmas,
the restrictions f |`i : `i → `i are projective transfor-
mations. But f |`1 fixes P1 , P3 , and E1 = P2 P4 ∩ `1 ,
so it is the identity. Equally, f |`2 fixes P2 , P3 , and
E2 = P1 P4 ∩`2 , so it is the identity. Hence f fixes also
X1 = P2 X ∩ `1 and X2 = P1 X ∩ `2 . Since f maps
lines to lines, X = X1 P2 ∩ X2 P1 implies f (X) =
f (X1 )f (P2 ) ∩ f (X2 )f (P1 ) = X1 P2 ∩ X2 P1 = X.
We have shown that f (X) = X for all X not on P1 P2 .
But then it also fixes all points on P1 P2 . (Why?)
Hence, f is the identity.
Localized version of the fundamental theorem. Let U be a subset of RPn that contains
an open ball B ⊂ Rn ⊂ RPn . Suppose an injective map f : U → RPn maps lines to lines in
the following sense: If ` is a line in RPn which intersects U , then there is a line `0 such that
f (` ∩ U ) = `0 ∩ f (U ). Then f is the restriction of a projective transformation of RPn to U .
Again, for simplicity, I will present a proof for the case n = 2 only. This already contains all the
important ideas so you can figure out for yourself how it works for n > 2.
Proof. (for n = 2) Define a map fˆ : RP2 → RP2 as follows. For X ∈ B let fˆ(X) = f (X). If
X 6∈ B, let `1 , `2 be two lines through X that intersect B and let f (X) be the intersection of the
lines `01 and `02 , the images of `1 , `2 under f (in the sense explained in the theorem). This point
is well defined because it does not depend on the choice of `1 and `2 . To see this, use Desargues’
theorem to show that if `1 , `2 , `3 are three lines that intersect B and all go through one point
outside B, then their images under f intersect in one point. You have to convince yourself that
you always have enough room in the open ball to construct (the relevant part of) a Desargues
figure. (See left figure below.)
We have defined fˆ using only information about f on B. In fact, fˆ coincides with f on U .
(Why?) Further, fˆ maps lines to lines. To see this, use (the inverse) Desargues’ theorem to
show that fˆ maps three points on a line to three points on a line. Again you have to convince
yourself that you have enough room in B to construct (the relevant part of) a Desargues figure.
(See right figure below.) Finally, by the fundamental theorem (global version), fˆ is a projective
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 20 Winter Semester 07/08
a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3 = 0,
where not all coefficients ai are zero. The coefficients a1 , a2 , a3 can be seen as homogeneous
coordinates for the line, because if we replace in the equation ai by λai for some λ 6= 0 we get
an equivalent equation for the same line. Thus, the set of lines in a projective plane is itself
a projective plane, the dual plane. Points in the dual plane correspond to lines in the original
plane. Moreover, if we consider in the above equation the xi as fixed and the ai as variables, we
get an equation for a line in the dual plane. Points on this line correspond to lines in the original
plane that contain [x]. Thus, a the points on a line in the dual plane correspond to lines in the
original plane through a point.
It makes sense to look at this phenomenon in a basis independent way and for arbitrary dimen-
sion. It boils down to the duality of vector spaces.
Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field F .
The dual vector space V ∗ of V is the vector space of linear functions V → F (linear forms on V ).
If v1 , . . . , vn is a basis of V , the dual basis of V ∗ is ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn with ϕi (vj ) = δij . In particu-
lar dim V = dim V ∗ . But there is no natural way to identify V ∗ with V . (“Natural” means
independent of any arbitrary choices. In this case: choice of a basis.)
There is, however, a natural identification of V with V ∗∗ : A vector v ∈ V is identified with the
linear form V ∗ → F , ϕ 7→ ϕ(v). With this identification, V is also the dual vector space of V ∗ .
Let f : V → W be a linear map. The dual linear map f ∗ : W ∗ → V ∗ is defined by f ∗ (ψ)(v) =
ψ(f (v)). Note that the dual map “goes in the opposite direction”. If f is invertible, then
f ∗ −1 = f −1 is a map V ∗ → W ∗ .
If U ⊆ V is a linear subspace, the annihilator of U is the linear subspace
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 20 Winter Semester 07/08
Let us take another look at duality for projective planes. (Hyperplanes in a plane are lines.) To
aid the imagination, let us focus on the real projective plane RP2 = P(R3 ) and its dual plane
P(R3 ) which we denote by RP2∗ (although everything holds in general).
So each point in RP2 corresponds to a line in RP2∗ and vice versa. The points on a line in RP2
correspond to the lines through the corresponding point in RP2∗ . Lines through a point in RP2
correspond to the points on the corresponding line in RP2∗ .
Every theorem about RP2 can also be read as a theorem about RP2∗ . This leads to the following
duality principle:
From every theorem that talks only about incidence relations between points and lines in a pro-
jective plane, one obtains another valid theorem by interchanging the words “point” and “line”
(and the phrases “goes through” and “lies on”).
For example, the theorem that is obtained from the Desargues theorem in this way (the dual
Desargues theorem) turns out to be the converse of Desargues’s theorem.
We had seen that the the converse of Desargues is equivalent to Desargues, so Desargues’s
theorem turns out to be self-dual. The same is true for Pappus’s theorem. (Check it out.)
Note that four lines through a point in RP2 correspond to four points on a line in RP2∗ . But for
four points on a line we had defined the cross ratio. Via duality this gives us a definition for the
cross ratio of four lines through a point.
Proposition. Let l1 , l2 , l3 , l4 be four lines `4
through a point P in RP2 . Let l be a line not
containing P and let P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 be the inter- P `3
sections of the four lines li with l. Then P2
cr(l1 , l2 , l3 , l4 ) = cr(P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 ).
` `1
This proposition is an immediate consequence of the following one.
Proposition. Let P be a point in RP2 and let l∗ be the corresponding line in RP2∗ , so that each
point of l∗ corresponds to a line through P . Let l be a line in RP2 that does not contain P . Then
the map l∗ → l that maps a point of l∗ to the intersection of the corresponding line with l is a
projective transformation.
Proof. Let P = [v1 ], and let [v2 ], [v3 ] be two points on l. Then v1 , v2 , v3 is a basis of R3 . Let
ϕ1 , ϕ2 , ϕ3 be the dual basis of R3 . The line l∗ is spanned by [ϕ2 ], [ϕ3 ]. Hence the points [ϕ] ∈ l∗
have representative vectors ϕ = sϕ2 + tϕ3 , and s, t are homogeneous coordinates on l∗ . The line
in RP2 corresponding to [ϕ] intersects l in a point [v] such that v = xv2 + yv3 and
0 = ϕ(v) = (sϕ2 + tϕ3 )(xv2 + yv3 ) = sx + ty.
This is the case for x = t, y = −s. So the map l∗ → l in question comes from the linear map
sϕ2 + tϕ3 7→ tv2 − sv3 .
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 21 Winter Semester 07/08
Conic sections
The Euclidean point of view
The conic sections are ellipses (including circles), parabolas, hyperbolas, and the degenerate
cases of a pair of lines, which may degenerate further to one “double” line, and a single point.
x 2 y 2
− =0 y2 = a y2 = 0
a b
The figure on the right illustrates Dandelin’s proof for the case of an ellipse.
2. They are all described by quadratic equations in the two Euclidean coordinates. In fact:
Theorem. The set of solutions of any quadratic equation in two variables u, v,
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 21 Winter Semester 07/08
hγ 0 , γ − F1 i hγ 0 , γ − F2 i
cos(α1 ) = , cos(α2 ) = − .
kγ 0 k kγ − F1 k kγ 0 k kγ − F2 k
0 = (kγ − F1 k + kγ − F2 k)0
hγ 0 , γ − F1 i hγ 0 , γ − F2 i
= +
kγ 0 k kγ − F1 k kγ 0 k kγ − F2 k
= cos α1 − cos α2 .
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 22 Winter Semester 07/08
Pascal’s theorem
to be completed
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 23 Winter Semester 07/08
to be completed
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 24 Winter Semester 07/08
to be completed
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 25 Winter Semester 07/08
Quadrics are the generalization of conic sections to arbitrary dimension: They are the sets defined
by one quadratic equation in the coordinates. Conic sections are the special case of quadrics in
the plane.
( xa )2 + ( yb )2 + ( zc )2 = 1 z = ( xa )2 + ( yb )2 ( xa )2 + ( yb )2 − ( zc )2 = −1
( xa )2 + ( yb )2 − ( zc )2 = 1 z = ( xa )2 − ( yb )2
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 25 Winter Semester 07/08
Lines in a quadric
A line intersects a quadric in RPn either not at all, in two points, in one point, or it lies entirely
in the quadric. In the last two cases, the line is called a tangent. In RP3 , the only non-degenerate
quadrics that contain lines are the ones with neutral signature (+ + −−).
Proposition. Let Q be a quadric in RP3 with neutral signature. Through any point in Q there
are precisely two lines lying entirely in Q.
Proof. To see that there are no more than two lines through a point [p] ∈ Q lying entirely in
Q, show that any such line must lie in the plane q(p, · ) = 0, and note that the intersection of Q
with a plane is a conic section, so it cannot contain more that two lines.
To see that there are actually two such lines, we may assume (after a change of coordinates,
if necessary) that Q is the quadric x21 + x22 − x23 − x24 = 0. This equation is equivalent to
(x1 + x3 )(x1 − x3 ) + (x2 + x4 )(x2 − x4 ) = 0, and, after changing to new coordinates
y1 = x1 + x3 , y2 = x1 − x3 , y3 = −(x2 + x4 ), y4 = x2 − x4 ,
y1 y2 − y3 y4 = 0.
Now the map y1 s1 s2
s1 s2 y2 t1 t2
f: RP1 × RP1 −→ Q, t1 , t2 −
7 → y3 = s1 t2
y4 t1 s2
y s s1 y1
is actually a bijection RP1 × RP1 ↔ Q. Indeed, if y23 ∈ Q, then t11 is determined by t1 = y4
or by st11 = yy32 . (It can happen that one of the right hand sides is 00 , but not both. If neither
is 00 , they are equal.) Similarly, st22 is determined by st22 = yy13 or by st22 = yy42 . For any point
P = f (P1 , P2 ) ∈ Q, the images of the functions f (P1 , · ) : RP1 → Q and f ( · , P2 ) : RP1 → Q are
two lines through P lying entirely in Q.
In fact this proof also shows:
• Q contains two families of pairwise skew lines, and each line of the first family intersects each
line of the second family.
• Since RP1 is homeomorphic to the circle S 1 , Q is homeomorphic to S 1 ×S 1 , so it is topologically
a torus.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 26 Winter Semester 07/08
A non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form q on a vector space V defines a relation between the
points and hyperplanes of P(V ): To each point [v] ∈ P(V ) corresponds the polar hyperplane
and to each hyperplane there is a corresponding point, its pole. Note that
The dimension of U ⊥ is dim V − dim U = n − k, and U ⊥⊥ = U . The k-plane P(U ) and the
(n − k − 1)-plane P(U )⊥ in P(V ) are called polar to each other. Polarity (with respect to q)
is therefore a one-to-one relation between k-planes and (n − k − 1)-planes in the n-dimensional
projective space P (V ). In particular, if n = 3, polarity is a relation between points and planes
and between lines and lines.
Proposition. Let Q be a (non-empty) non-degenerate quadric in RPn (CPn ) defined by the
symmetric bilinear form q, and let X ∈ Q, Y ∈ RPn (CPn ). Then
Proof. Let X = [x], Y = [y]. Then q(x, x) = 0 because X ∈ Q. The line XY is tangent to Q
either if it intersects Q in no other point but X, or if it is contained entirely in Q. The points
on the line XY except X are parameterized by [tx + y] with t ∈ R (C). Such a point lies in Q if
This equation for t has one solution if q(x, y) 6= 0, it has no solution if q(x, y) = 0 and q(y, y) 6= 0,
and it is satisfied for all t if q(x, y) = q(y, y) = 0. So the line XY contains no other points of Q
except X or lies entirely in Q precisely if q(x, y) = 0.
This provides a simple geometric interpretation of the polarity relationship between points and
hyperplanes in the case when the polar hyperplane intersects Q: The tangents from a point to
the quadric touch the quadric in the points in which the quadric intersects the polar hyperplane.
If a quadric in RP3 is illuminated by a point light source
outside the quadric (or by parallel light), the borderline
between light and shadow on the quadric is a conic in
the polar plane; and the shadow that the quadric throws
on some other another plane is a projected image of this
What about the polarity between lines in RP3 ? If a
point moves on a line, the polar planes rotate about a
line, and these two lines are polar to each other.
Let Q be a (non-empty) non-degenerate quadric in RPn defined by the symmetric bilinear form q
with signature (k, n+1−k). If f : Rn+1 → Rn+1 is a linear map which is orthogonal with respect
to q (that is, q(x, y) = q(f (x), f (y)) for all x, y ∈ Rn+1 ), then the projective map [x] 7→ [f (x)]
clearly maps Q to Q. If the signature is not neutral (that is, if k 6= n + 1 − k), then these are all
projective maps that map Q to Q:
Proposition. If the signature is not neutral, then any projective transformation that maps Q to
Q comes from a linear map which is orthogonal with respect to q.
Hence, under the assumption of non-neutral signature, the group of projective transformations
mapping Q to Q is P O(k, n + 1 − k), the projective orthogonal group for signature (k, n + 1 − k).
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 26 Winter Semester 07/08
Proof. Suppose [x] 7→ [f (x)] maps Q to Q. This means that the symmetric bilinear forms q and
q̃ defined by q̃(x, y) = q(f (x), f (y)) define the same quadric. In the last lecture we saw that this
means q̃ = λq for some λ ∈ R \ {0}. Hence q(f (x), f (y)) = λq(x, y) for all x, y ∈ R. We will
show that λ is positive. Then √1λ f defines the same projective transformation and is orthogonal
with respect to q. Now to see that λ is positive, let e1 , . . . , en+1 be an orthonormal basis with
respect to q. Then f (e1 ), . . . , f (en+1 ) is still an orthogonal basis. If λ were negative, it would
contain n + 1 − k spacelike and k timelike vectors. This cannot be, because every orthogonal
basis contains k spacelike and n + 1 − k timelike vectors
To see that the non-neutral signature assumption is really necessary,
x1 consider
x3 the quadric Q
defined by x1 + x2 − x3 − x4 = 0. The projective transformation x3 7→ xx41 maps Q to Q,
2 2 2 2 x2
x4 x2
but it does not come from an orthogonal map in O(2, 2). Note that it also interchanges the two
connected components of RP3 \Q. The following is true in general: If a projective transformation
maps a non-degenerate quadric to itself and each connected component of the complement of
Q to itself, then it comes from an orthogonal transformation. (In the case of neutral signature,
these form only a subgroup of index 2 within the group of all projective transformations mapping
Q to Q).
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 27 Winter Semester 07/08
Proof. First convince yourself that cr(B, X, A, Y ) > 1, so that the logarithm is positive (see
Lectures 17 and 18). We will prove the proposition by showing that
|q(a, b)|
cosh( 12 log cr(B, X, A, Y )) = p .
q(a, a)q(b, b)
Suppose A = [a] and B = [b], and introduce an affine parameter on the line AB by t 7→ [a + tb].
The points A and B correspond to the parameter values t = 0 and t = ∞. The parameter values
for X and Y are the roots t1,2 of the quadratic equation
On the other hand, q(a, a) + 2q(a, b)t + q(b, b)t2 = q(b, b)(t − t1 )(t − t2 ) implies
2q(a, b) q(a, a)
t1 + t2 = − and t1 t2 = .
q(b, b) q(b, b)
Since t1 and t2 have the same sign, and so do q(a, a) and q(b, b), we get
t |t1 + t2 | |q(a, b)|
2 t1 + 1
t2 = √ =p .
2 t1 t2 q(a, a)q(b, b)
groups. Instead, one then speaks of different models for the same geometry. For example,
we have considered different models for hyperbolic geometry: The points inside a quadric of
signature (n, 1) are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the points of the upper sheet of a 2-sheeted
hyperboloid, and the projective transformations that fix the quadric correspond to the orthogonal
transformations of Rn,1 that map each sheet to itself. We have also seen the conformal Poincaré
models, and we will soon discuss what the corresponding transformation groups are.
Elliptic geometry is the geometry on the sphere but pairs of opposite points are considered as
one point. So the space is S n with opposite points identified and the group is O(n + 1)/{±I}.
(Both I and −I fix every point of this space.) Another model for elliptic geometry is RPn with
group P O(n + 1), the group of projective transformations that fix a definite symmetric bilinear
form. The advantage of elliptic geometry over spherical geometry is that two lines intersect in
one point, and there is a unique line through every two points.
Klein’s Erlangen program emphasizes the transformation projective
group rather than the space on which it acts. If the
qqqqq MMM
transformation group of one geometry is a subgroup of x q &
hyperbolic elliptic affine
the transformation group of another geometry, the first
is called a subgeometry of the second. For example, the
space Rn of Euclidean geometry can be seen as a sub- similarity
set of RPn —the complement of a particular hyperplane
xn+1 = 0 which is considered “at infinity”. The group Euclidean
of Euclidean motions then corresponds
to the group of
projective transformations A0 v1 with A ∈ O(n). Euclidean geometry is thus a subgeometry
of projective geometry. The diagram illustrates the subgeometry relationship for some familiar
The invariants of one geometry are also invariants of any of its subgeometries
(because the group is smaller). The same is true for theorems. Every theorem of
projective geometry is also a theorem of Euclidean geometry. The converse is not
true, but often one can see a Euclidean theorem as special case of a projective
theorem. For example, the theorem on the inscribed angle over a chord of a circle
is a special case of Steiner’s theorem on the projective generation of conics.
Klein’s group theoretical point of view on geometry illuminates the relationship between the
different geometries. This is not only of theoretical interest, it is a great practical help in the
day-to-day business of geometric research. When confronted with a geometric problem, it is
usually an excellent idea to ask first: In which geometry should I treat this problem?
Let me illustrate this with a real-live example. A couple of months
ago, Wolfgang Schief told me about the following striking theorem
which he had discovered. It had somehow come up in his research
on integrable systems and he had good reason to believe it was true.
Theorem (W. K. Schief). Consider three pairs a1 , a2 ; b1 , b2 ; c1 , c2
of lines in the plane. If the four intersection points ai ∩ bj lie on a
circle and the four intersection points bi ∩ cj lie on a circle, then the
four intersection points ci ∩ aj also lie on a circle.
How to prove this? It looks like a theorem of Euclidean geometry, or
more precisely, of similarity geometry. But it can also be interpreted
in terms of projective geometry and this leads to a surprisingly sim-
ple proof. Pairs of lines and circles are all conic sections. If we consider the Euclidean plane as
the complement in RP2 of the line x3 = 0, then the circles are characterized among the (non-
empty) non-degenerate quadrics a11 x21 + 2a12 x1 x2 + 2a13 x1 x3 + a22 x22 + 2a23 x2 x3 + a33 x23 = 0 by
the homogeneous linear equations in the coefficients a11 − a22 = 0 and a12 = 0. (A circle with
center (c1 , c2 ) ∈ R2 and radius r has equation x21 + x22 − 2c1 x1 x3 − 2c2 x2 x3 + (c21 + c22 − r2 )x23 = 0.)
Recall that a conic corresponds to a point in the 5-dimensional projective space of the vector
space of quadratic forms. So a non-degenerate conic is a circle if is lies in a particular 3-plane in
that projective space. Now the three pairs of lines correspond to points, and the three quadru-
ples of intersection points correspond to pencils of non-degenerate conics, that is, to three lines
connecting these points. If the 3-plane of circles intersects two of these lines, it also intersects
the third. Thus the theorem is reduced to the fact that if a line in RPn intersects two sides of a
triangle it also intersects the third.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 28 Winter Semester 07/08
Möbius geometry
Elementary model
Consider Rn with the standard Euclidean scalar product hx, yi = 1 xi yi .
Reflection in a hyperplane {x : hx − a, vi = 0} is the map
hx − a, vi
x 7−→ x0 = x − 2 v.
hv, vi
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 28 Winter Semester 07/08
From now on we will consider hyperplanes as a special cases of hyperspheres that contain ∞. So
hypersphere will mean hypersphere or hyperplane.
Proposition. Any bijective map f : Rn ∪ {∞} → Rn ∪ {∞} which maps hyperspheres to hyper-
spheres is a Möbius transformation.
Proof. (i) Suppose f (∞) = ∞. Then f maps hyperplanes to hyperplanes. Then it also maps
lines to lines, because a line is the intersection of n −1 hyperplanes. By the fundamental theorem
of projective geometry (or rather the corollary of it, see Lecture 19), the restriction f |Rn is an
affine transformation. Since it also maps spheres to spheres it must be a similarity.
(ii) Suppose f (∞) = c 6= ∞. Let g be the inversion in a sphere with center c. Then g ◦ f also
maps hyperspheres to hyperspheres and also ∞ to ∞. By (i) it is a similarity transformation,
so f = g ◦ g ◦ f is a Möbius transformation.
Proposition. The Möbius transformations are conformal.
Proof. Since the similarity transformations are conformal it remains only to show that inversion
in the unit sphere is conformal. Let t 7→ γ(t), t 7→ η(t) be two parameterized curves intersecting
in γ(t0 ) = η(t0 ). The intersection angle α is determined by
hγ 0 (t0 ), η 0 (t0 )i
cos α = .
kγ 0 (t0 )kkη 0 (t0 )k
1 1
Let γ̂ = hγ,γi γ, η̂ = hη,ηi η, be the image curves after inversion in the unit sphere. One finds
γ̂ 0 = hγ, γiγ 0 − 2hγ, γ 0 iγ ,
hγ, γi2
and similarly for η̂ 0 . From this one obtains hγ̂ 0 , γ̂ 0 i = hγ,γi
1 0 0 0
2 hγ , γ i, so kγ̂ k =
1 0
kγk2 kγ k, and in
the same way kη̂ 0 k = kηk1 0
2 kη k. Using γ(t0 ) = η(t0 ) =: p one finds that
hγ̂ 0 (t0 ), η̂ 0 (t0 )i = hγ 0 (t0 ), η 0 (t0 )i
and hence
hγ 0 (t0 ), η 0 (t0 )i hγ̂ 0 (t0 ), η̂ 0 (t0 )i
0 0
= 0
kγ (t0 )kkη (t0 )k kγ̂ (t0 )kkη̂ 0 (t0 )k
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 29 Winter Semester 07/08
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 29 Winter Semester 07/08
Möb(n) ←→ P O(n + 1, 1)
hypersphere ⊂ Rn ∪ {∞} ←→ hyperplane ⊂ RPn+1 intersecting S n ←→ point outside S n
hs1 , s2 i = λ1 λ2 (r12 + r22 − (c1 − c2 , c1 − c2 )).
hs1 ,s2 i r12 +r22 −(c1 −c2 ,c1 −c2 )
So √ =± 2r1 r2 .
hs1 ,s1 ihs2 ,s2 i
Now use (c1 − c2 , c1 − c2 ) = r12 + r22 − 2r1 r2 cos α (see Figure).
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 30 Winter Semester 07/08
(n + 1)-dimensional projective
RPn+1 , P GL(n + 2, R)
h hh
(n + 1)-dimensional hyperbolic o / n-dimensional Möbius
points inside S n , P O(n + 1, 1) S n ⊂ RPn+1 , P O(n + 1, 1)
fff f WWWWW
fff ffff WWWWW
n-dimensional hyperbolic n-dimensional spherical n-dimensional similarity
n-dimensional Euclidean
If we divide by the e∞ -coordinate to dehomogenize, this maps u to the point (u, kuk2 ) on the
paraboloid un+1 = kuk2 . So in the new coordinates, stereographic projection becomes vertical
projection to a paraboloid.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 30 Winter Semester 07/08
For the new basis vectors, the Lorentz scalar product is he0 , e0 i = he∞ , e∞ i = 0, he0 , e∞ i = − 21 .
So the matrix for the Lorentz scalar product in the new basis is
1 .
0 −1
− 21 0
Because the paraboloid model is just a different projective image of the sphere model, spheres
in Rn ∪ ∞ are mapped to the intersection of the paraboloid with a plane, which corresponds
via polarity to a point outside the the paraboloid. Let us derive an explicit formula for the
correspondence between spheres and points outside the paraboloid. Consider a sphere in Rn
with center c and radius r. A point u ∈ Rn belongs to the sphere if it satisfies the equation
kuk2 − 2(c, u) + kck2 − r2 = 0.
Let (y1 , . . . , yn , y0 , y∞ ) = λ(u1 , . . . , un , kuk2 , 1) be the homogeneous coordinates of the image
point on the paraboloid. In terms of these, the sphere equation is
−2c1 y1 − . . . − 2cn yn + y0 + (kck2 − r2 )y∞ = 0,
c1 y1 + . . . + cn yn − 12 y0 − 12 (kck2 − r2 )y∞ = 0,
and this can be written
Pn 2 2
1 ci ei + (kck − r )e0 + e∞ , 1 yi ei + y0 e0 + y∞ e∞ = 0.
So in homogeneous coordinates with respect to the basis e1 , . . . , en , e0 , e∞ , a sphere with center
c and radius r corresponds to the point
c1 , . . . , cn , kck2 − r2 , 1 .
that this is vertically below the point in the paraboloid corresponding to the center c, which
is c1 , . . . , cn , kck2 , 1 .
In the same way, a hyperplane (v, u) − d = 0 corresponds to the point [v1 , . . . , vn , −2d, 0]. Thus,
in the new coordinates, hyperspheres and hyperplanes correspond to points [s1 , . . . , sn , s0 , s∞ ]
with s21 + . . . + s2n − s0 s∞ > 0. If s∞ = 0, the point corresponds to a hyperplane, otherwise it
corresponds to a sphere with radius r determined by
1 2
r2 = (s + . . . + s2n − s0 ).
s∞ 1
Lie geometry
Suppose we distinguish between between differently oriented
spheres. An unoriented sphere corresponds to two oriented
spheres which consist of the same points but differ in their
orientation. The different orientations can be visualized by
drawing arrows pointing inwards or outwards as shown in
the figure. Let us define a signed radius for oriented spheres
by saying that the signed radius is just the radius if the
arrows point outward, and minus the radius if the arrows
point inward. We define coordinates for oriented spheres by r>0 r<0
appending the signed radius to the Möbius geometric coordinates for spheres. Thus, in the basis
of the paraboloid model, an oriented sphere with center c and signed radius r has homogeneous
c1 , . . . , cn , kck2 − r2 , 1, r .
These homogeneous coordinates are not independent anymore, because the first n + 2 already
determine r2 . A point [y1 , . . . , yn , y0 , y∞ , yn+3 ] corresponds to an oriented sphere only if
y12 + . . . + yn2 − y0 y∞ − yn+3
= 0.
This is the equation of a quadric in RPn+2 called the Lie quadric. We have thus established a
correspondence between the oriented spheres in Rn ∪ {∞} and the points in the Lie quadric.
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 31 Winter Semester 07/08
An oriented sphere in Rn ∪ {∞} with center c and signed radius r corresponds to the point
So the oriented hyperplanes correspond to the points in the Lie quadric with y∞ = 0.
A Lie transformation is a transformation of the space of oriented spheres that corresponds to a
projective transformation of RPn+2 which maps the Lie quadric to itself.
Examples. (1) A Möbius transformations (considered in the paraboloid model) is a projective
transformation y1 y1
.. ..
y.n 7−→ A · y.n
y0 y0
y∞ y∞
in the Lie quadric. These are polar to each other with respect to the Lie quadric if
that is, if |r − r̃| = kc − c̃k. This is the case if the spheres touch and
the orientations of the spheres agree in the point of contact (this means
that the arrows point in the same direction). Indeed, if the signs of the
radii are different (as in the top figure) then the condition for oriented
contact is |r| + |r̃| = kc − c̃k; if the signs are equal (as in the bottom
figure) then the condition is |r| − |r̃| = kc − c̃k. Thus:
Boris Springborn Geometry I Lecture 31 Winter Semester 07/08
Two points in the Lie quadric are polar to each other if the corresponding
oriented spheres are in oriented contact.
You may want to convince yourself that this is true also for the case
when one or both spheres are in fact hyperplanes or points. For a point
and a sphere, oriented contact means that the point is contained in the
sphere. An immediate consequence of this is:
A Lie transformation maps spheres in oriented contact to spheres in
oriented contact.
In fact, the following is true (although I will not prove this):
Any transformation of the space of spheres which maps spheres in oriented contact to spheres in
oriented contact is a Lie transformation.
So Lie geometry is the geometry in the space of oriented spheres that studies invariants under
the group of transformations that preserve oriented contact.
The Möbius transformations also map spheres to spheres and preserve oriented contact.
If [y] and [ỹ] are two points in the Lie quadric that are polar to each other, then the whole line
[sy + tỹ] is contained in the Lie quadric. It corresponds to the 1-parameter family of spheres
that are pairwise in oriented contact at one point.
What is the signature of the Lie quadric? If we use the coordinates
instead of y∞ and y0 , then y∞ = yn+1 + yn+2 and y0 = yn+2 − yn+1 and the quadratic form (∗)
y12 + . . . + yn2 + yn+1
2 2
− yn+2 2
− yn+3 ,
so the signature is (n + 1, 2).