Inflatable Life Jackets

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Inflatable Lifejackets

The R e gu la tio ns
Gas Inflation Lifejackets are divided into the In fla ta b le Life Ja cke t Y p s illo n 150N, ISO 12402-3
categories o f 150 and 275 Newtons, depending w ith a u to m a tic in fla to r L aliza s JS1
on the buoyancy they offer. Lalizas gas inflation The Ypsilon life jacket is an ergonom ic life jacket o f­
lifejackets are approved according to ISO 12402-2 fered with soft neoprene neck and it’s available with
standard for the 275 Newton category & ISO 12402-3 autom atic inflator. It features one cham ber which can
standard for the 150 Newton category. The ISO 12402­ be inflated via Lalizas auto operation head (20260.
2 & 3 standards set the minimum buoyancy that a lifejacket should certified per ISO 12402-7) and bear oral inflation tube
have according the size o f the user. For exam ple, a 150 Nt inflatable incorporating Lalizas valves (20610, certified per ISO
lifejacket, designed for an adult o f approxim ately 70kg, should offer 12402-7). The inflatable bladder, which is m anufac­
at least 150Newtons buoyancy. Lalizas products have been tested tured from High Visibility Yellow fabric, is folded into
for their behaviour in the water, their endurance and for many more a valise with Velcro closure and is also equipped
param eters, as required by the regulations. In the case o f the au­ w ith Lalizas retro reflective tapes (70180) and whistle
tom atic jacket, the tests which are required by the regulations are (70010, certified per ISO 12402-7 & 8). The transpar­
num erous and stringent. Gas Inflation Lifejackets, with 150 & 275 e nt area allows the user to check the operating head
Newton buoyancy, are designed and tested so that, in the event you function. They are provided with lifting loop and heavy
lose consciousness and faced down in the water, they will turn your duty D-ring.
face up within 5 seconds and keep the mouth freeboard no less than
10 & 12 cm respectively above the w ater surface. This type o f product
m ust have the CE certification, as it is included in the Personal Protec­
tive Equipment (PPE) Directive (89/686/EC) o f the European Union.
According to this Directive, it is forbidden to m anufacture, distribute to
vending points and sell products that do not have the CE certification
and have not passed all the required procedures for their approval. In Code 71725
most cases, the products available in the market meet the required
specifications. Nevertheless, there is the possibility that unsuitable or
non certified products are also available. Thus, it is im perative that
the end user is always inform ed and pays attention to the products
available in each store.

In s t r u c t io n s o f U s e
D o nn in g : Gas inflation Lifejackets are worn in the same way as
conventional lifejackets. They fasten at the front with a durable, inox
buckle. The m odels with a safety harness can be com bined with a

safety line.
F u n ctio n : Depending on the type o f m echanism available in each
lifejacket, there are three ways to operate it.
- A u to m a tic In fla tio n : The autom atic device contains a special pa­
per, which dissolves when it com es in contact with w ater and releases
a com pressed spring. A fter a series o f m echanical actions, the CO 2
gas cylinder is pierced and the lifejacket is inflated.
The autom atic inflation device also allows for manual activation,
which is operated as described below.

- M anual In fla tio n : The manual device is operated by pulling the In fla ta b le Life Ja cke t E p s ilo n 150N, ISO 12402-3 |
cord downwards. The CO 2 gas cylinder is pierced and the lifejacket w ith H A M M AR MA1 in fla to r
is inflated. The Epsilon life jacket provides optim al protection w hilst
- O ral tu b e : All gas inflation lifejackets have also an oral tube as a allowing maximum freedom o f m ovem ent and com fort
back up or just to top up the lifejacket. In case the manual o r auto­ with high perform ance. It features a soft neoprene
matic device does not operate (e.g. the cylinder has already been fabric for the neck and one cham ber which can be in­
used and not replaced) then you can inflate the lifejacket by blowing flated via MA1 Hydrostatic Inflator for life jacket auto I
into the oral tube. Although it may seem difficult, relevant tests have operation head and bear oral inflation tube incorporat­
shown that this can be done in just one minute. ing Lalizas valves (20610, certified per ISO 12402-7). r
The gas cylinder is located inside the Lifejacket bladder,
S e r v ic e / R e p la c e m e n t for m aximum protection against corrosion and reduced
S ervice: Lalizas recom m ends that once a year your gas inflation life­ snagging hazard. Its unique hydrostatic valve protects
jackets should be inspected at the Lalizas Service station. As with all the w ater sensitive elem ent, so there is no activation in
Lalizas products, gas inflation lifejackets are constructed to endure rain, spray, splash and humidity. Additionally there is no
harsh conditions. Nevertheless, should any o f the following occurs for service requirem ent o f the inflator for 5 years. They are
any reason, e.g. im proper use, you should contact the Lalizas Service provided with lifting loop and heavy duty D-ring.
Station as soon as possible:
- Signs o f corrosion on the CO 2 gas cylinder
- The device and/or the oral tube appear to have cracks
- Tears in the fabric or the seams
- Colour change
- The spare parts’ expiry date has passed
C ode 71724
R eplacem ent:
In the event o f your life-jacket firing for any reason - you can purchase
any required spare parts from store selling stocking Lalizas products.
W hen all green indicators are present in the manual or autom atic sys­
tem o f the lifejacket (page 8) there is no need to replace any o f the
parts. In all other cases, where there is a red indicator, as shown in
page 8, you should replace any relevant parts.
If you follow all instructions correctly and have your lifejacket inspect­
ed once a year by a Lalizas Service station, you will ensure its longev­
ity and proper operation at tim e o f an emergency.


w w w .la liza m 5

Inflatable Lifejackets

S O L A S In fla ta b le L ife ja c k e t s 1 5 0 N & 2 7 5 N

Lalizas Inflatable lifejackets Lamda 150N, Lamda 275N & Delta 150N follow the latest SOLAS specifications
for ultimate safety, while on board. They feature twin cham bers for double security and each cham ber can be
inflated via its individual Lalizas autom atic operating head (20260, certified per ISO 12402-7), which also supports
manual activation. The inflatable chamber, which is made o f High Visibility Yellow fabric, is folded into a valise with
Velcro closure and its inflation tube incorporates the new Lalizas red pressure relief valves (20611, certified per
ISO 12402-7). All m odels all are equipped with Lalizas retro reflective tapes (70180), a w histle (70010, certified
per ISO 12402-7 & 8) and a lifting loop with yellow buddy line for easier rescue. Additionally, all approved Lalizas
SOLAS lifejacket flashlights (70280, 71209, 71210) can be added. These extra user-friendly lifejackets, provide
the m aximum safety thanks to their fast inflation ability, even at very low tem peratures and are available in one
adult size, which can be easily adjusted to passengers with chest size up to 175cm o r more, with the use o f the
Lalizas w aist belt extender (71161).
A ll the models o f the Lalizas SOLAS Inflatable Lifejackets series are designed to com ply with the highest standards
and are m anufactured using top quality materials, in order to withstand the most adverse conditions in case of
emergency. They are available in two different types, standard valise and belt-p a ck and their lightweight design
makes them ideal for use on passenger boats, com m ercial vessels, yachts, fishing vessels and in all ships where
storage space is limited.
The new top-of-the-range Lalizas SOLAS Lamda 275N inflatable lifejacket offers the ultim ate sense o f security
against every situation, in any sea across the world, thanks to the great size o f its cham ber and the 275 Newton
buoyancy provided by the double 60gr CO2 cylinders.

L ife ja c k e t L a m d a A u t o , S O L A S

Code 71107 71216

Newton 15 0 275

F ro n t Back

L ife ja c k e t B e lt- P a c k , D e lta A u t o

F ro n t
150N , S O LA S

C ode 71108

L ife ja c k e t L E D F la s h ­
in g L ig h t “ S a fe lite II”
w a te r a c tiv a te d O N -O F F , I n fla ta b le L ife ja c k e t
L .S .A .C o d e P r o te c t iv e W o r k C o v e r
W a is t B e lt E x te n d e r f o r
C ode 71211 S O L A S In fl. L ife ja c k e t s

C ode 71209
C ode 71161

6 muzasi
In fla ta b le L ife ja c k e t s O m e g a 2 7 5 N , C E IS O 1 2 4 0 2 -2
Code 71103 71104 71105 71106
The new range o f Omega inflatable lifejackets 275N com plies with ISO 12402-2. Omega gas inflation lifejackets’
Adult • • • •
slim fit, light weight design and rugged constructions are com bined to form the ultim ate in lifejacket technology.
According to each code, they feature one cham ber which can be inflated via Lalizas manual operating head Autom atic Gas • •
(20220, certified per ISO 12402-7) or via Lalizas auto operation head (20260, certified per ISO 12402-7) and bear M anual Gas • •
oral inflation tube incorporating Lalizas valves(20610,certified per ISO 12402-7). The inflatable bladder, which is
W ith Harness • •
made o f High Visibility Yellow fabric, is folded into a nylon red valise with Velcro closure and it is also equipped with
Lalizas retro reflective tapes (70180) and whistle (70010, certified per ISO 12402-7 & 8).
They are provided with lifting loop and heavy duty D-ring for easier rescue.

Twin welded air

bladder seam for
double security Oral-tube

O m ega L ife ja ck e ts fe a tu re th e fo llo w in g c h a ra c te ris tic s :
- CE ISO 12402-2 approval
- CE ISO 12401 approval on all integral black harnesses
- Twin w elded air bladder seam for double security
- Ultra reliable firing m echanism
- Com patible with all m ajor suppliers CO2 bottles
- Com mercial heavy duty w eight protective outer cover
- Easy re-packing
- Economical re-arming kits For maximum safety while on board,
- 290 Newtons o f buoyancy when fully inflated Lalizas gas inflation lifejackets can be
- Auto heads designed not to fire in heavy weather perfectly combined with Lalizas Life-
- Maintain the correct flotation position in the w ater (face-up) link’ safety lines.
- Fully adjustable straps For more information on the ‘ ’
- Heavy-Duty, Stainless D-Rings fo r attaching a safety line Safety lines turn to page 172.

In fla ta b le L ife ja c k e t s A lp h a 1 5 0 N , C E IS O 1 2 4 0 2 - 3
The Alpha gas inflation lifejacket has been designed to offer affordable safety for all. Its com pact design, low weight, high quality construction is directly attributable to our class leading Omega
lifejacket. The Alpha lifejacket offers a more rationalised design for the coastal and inshore yachtsm en. According to each code, they feature one cham ber which can be inflated via Lalizas manual
operating head (20220, certified per ISO 12402-7) or via Lalizas auto operation head (20260, certified per ISO 12402-7) and bear oral inflation tube incorporating Lalizas valves (20610, certified
per ISO 12402-7). The inflatable bladder, which is made o f High Visibility Yellow fabric, is folded into a nylon red valise w ith Velcro closure and silver ending and it is also equipped with Lalizas retro
reflective tapes (70180) and w histle (70020, certified per ISO 12402-7 & 8). They are provided with lifting loop and heavy duty D-ring for easier rescue.

Code 71098 71099 71100 71101 71102

A dult • • • •
Child •
Autom atic Gas • • •
M anual Gas • •
W ith Harness • • •

w w w .la liza m 7

Inflatable Lifejackets

I n fla ta b le L ife ja c k e t s S ig m a 1 5 0 N , C E IS O 1 2 4 0 2 -3
The Sigm a lifejacket is an econom ic lifejacket available in auto and manual version. The ultra lightweight design
m akes Sigma com fortable to w ear and its webbing system m akes it a user-friendly lifejacket. This cost effective
lifejacket is available, in red and its transparent area allows the user to check the operating head function. A ccord­
ing to each code, they feature one cham ber which can be inflated via Lalizas manual operating head (20220, certi­
fied per ISO 12402-7) or via Lalizas auto operation head (20260, certified per ISO 12402-7) and bear oral inflation
tube incorporating Lalizas valves (20610, certified per ISO 12402-7). The inflatable bladder, which is made o f High
Visibility Yellow fabric, is folded into a nylon red valise with Velcro closure and it is also equipped with Lalizas retro
reflective tapes (70180) and w histle (70010, certified per ISO 12402-7 & 8). They are provided with lifting loop and
heavy duty D-ring for easier rescue.

Code 71094 71095 71096 71097

A dult • • • •

A utom atic Gas • •

M anual Gas • •

W ith Harness • •

A lp h a a nd S ig m a L ife ja ck e ts fe a tu re th e fo llo w in g c h a ra c te ris tic s :

- CE ISO 12402-3 approval
- CE ISO 12401 approval on all integral black harnesses
- Twin w elded air bladder seam for double security (Alpha)
- Ultra reliable firing m echanism
- C om patible with all m ajor suppliers CO2 bottles
- Com m ercial heavy duty w eight protective outer cover

- Easy re-packing
- Econom ical re-arm ing kits
- 170 Newtons o f buoyancy when fully inflated
- A uto heads designed not to fire in heavy w eather
- Maintain the correct flotation position in the w ater (face-up)
- Fully adjustable straps
The transparent area allows the user to check the operating head function. - Heavy-Duty, Stainless D-Rings for attachm ent o f a safety line
The green indicator on the safety means “Ready for action”, while the red
indicator means “NOT ready for action”

In fla ta b le L ife ja c k e t s B e lt- P a c k , D e lta 1 5 0 N , C E IS O 1 2 4 0 2 -3

Lalizas ISO 12402-3, Belt pack ISO Delta 150N inflatable lifejackets, com ply with the latest ISO 12402-3 specifications for ultim ate safety while on board. They feature one cham ber which can be
inflated via a Lalizas manual (71109) o r autom atic (71201) operating head (20220,certified per ISO 12402-7) respectively and bears oral inflation tube, incorporating Lalizas black valves(20610,certified
per ISO 12402-7). The inflatable bladder, which is made o f High Visibility Yellow fabric, is folded into a nylon valise with Velcro closure and it is also equipped with Lalizas retro reflective tapes (70180)
and w histle (70010, certified per ISO 12402-7 & 8). The ISO Delta user-friendly lifejackets provide the m aximum safety, thanks to their fast inflation ability, even at very low tem peratures. Ideal for all
ships, especially the small ones w here storage space is limited. They are provided with lifting loop, for easier rescue.

Code 71109 71201

M anual Gas •

A utom atic Gas •

Manual System Lalizas Autom atic System Lalizas Manual System Lalizas Autom atic System Lalizas


W ithout green
W ith green W ithout green
W ith green “Ready for
W ithout green “Ready for ac­ “Ready for ac­
action” tag W ith green “Ready “Ready for
“Ready for action” tag tion” tag tion” tag
foraction” tag action” tag

Green Indicator Red Indicator Green Indicator Red Indicator

“Ready for action” “NOT Ready for action” “Ready for action” “NOT Ready for action”

8 ttuznsi
Inflatable Lifejackets Accessories

L A L IZ A S A u t o r e -a rm
L A L IZ A S A u t o re - a r m k it L A L IZ A S M a n u a l r e - a r m k it f o r
m e c h a n is m H a m m a r M A 1 &
f o r J S 1 a d u lt life ja c k e t a d u lt life ja c k e t & s a fe ty p in
c y lin d e r 3 3 g r
C ode 20190 C ode 71323
C ode 71741
L A L IZ A S A u t o r e - a r m k it
L A L IZ A S A u t o r e - a r m b o b in e s s e t
f o r J S 1 c h ild life ja c k e t
o f 4 f o r a d u lt & c h ild life ja c k e t
Code 20200
C ode 71324

CO2 G as
C y lin d e r , 2 2 g r.
Code 00349

C y lin d e r , 6 0 g r.
H a r n e s s & L ife ja c k e t c r o tc h W a is t B e lt E x te n d e r
C ode 02197
w s tra p
The crotch strap can be used with all
f o r S O L A S In fl.
L ife ja c k e t s
CO2 G as
Lalizas lifejackets / buoyancy aids
C y lin d e r , 3 3 g r. and harnesses. C ode 71161
C ode 00348
C ode 20210

^ F la m e p ro o f
1. Turn the protective work cover, so that you face its back
2. Open the cover around its V elcro tape and unfold it
3. W hile unfolded, make sure the square belt edges lie
towards the center

4. Turn the inflatable lifejacket, so that you face its back

5. Place the lifejacket on the open protective cover
6. Pass the unfolded cover side through the lifejacket’s

C ode 71211

7. Open the square 8. Place it under the 9. Then pass it around the lifejacket’s left belt
left belt edge o f the center o f the belt holder (under the belt)
In fla ta b le L ife ja c k e t P r o te c t iv e W o r k C o v e r
- Provides shielding against heat, sparks, flame, soft
chem icals
- Easy fit / S imple to use design 10. Close the cover’s 11. Repeat the procedure
- Lightweight fabric belt edge & secure the with the right square belt
- Does not affect the operation, behaviour & water lifejacket’s belt holder edge o f the cover
perform ance o f the protected lifejacket


13. Once the
protective w ork
cover is properly
adjusted, the life­
12. Close the cover
jacket is ready
S u it a b le f o r around the lifejacket, us­
for use
ing the co ve r’s peripheral
velcro tape
71096 - 71097 71107

w w w .la liza m 9

Service Inflatable Lifejackets

L a liz a s re c o m m e n d s th a t o n c e a y e a r y o u r g a s inflation life ja c k e ts a re in s p e c te d a t th e L a liz a s S e r v ic e s ta tio n . A s w ith all L a liz a s p ro d u c ts , g a s inflation life ja c k e ts a re c o n s tru c te d to e n d u re h a rsh
c o n d itio n s . N e v e rth e le s s , s h o u ld o n e o f th e fo llo w in g ta k e s p la c e fo r a n y r e a s o n , e .g . im p ro p e r u s e , y o u s h o u ld c o n ta c t th e L a liz a s S e r v ic e S ta tio n a s soon a s possib le :
- S ig n s o f c o rro sio n on th e C O 2 g a s c ylin d e r
- T h e d e v ic e a n d /o r th e o ra l tu b e a p p e a r to h a v e c ra c k s
- T e a rs in th e fa b ric o r th e s e a m s
- C o lo u r c h a n g e
- T h e s p a re p a rts ’ e x p iry d a te h a s p a s s e d
If y o u fo llo w p ro p e rly th e in s tru ctio n s o f u s e a n d h a v e y o u r life ja c k e t in s p e c te d o n c e a y e a r by L a liz a s S e rv ic e s ta tio n , y o u e n s u r e its lo n g e vity a n d p ro p e r o p e ra tio n a t tim e o f a n e m e rg e n c y .

Technical Characteristics for Gas Inflation O m ega / Alpha / S igm a / Lam da / Delta Lifejackets

Stainless b u c k le
A p p ro v a l C O 2 G a s C y lin d e r

Twin C h a m b e rs
Child L ife ja c k e t
M a n u a l S y s te m

Retro re fle c tiv e

a ir

h a rn e s s
bladder s e a m

H e a v y -D u ty ,
Twin welded
A u to m a tic


S ta in le s s

W h is tle

C o lo u r


S y s te m


D -R in g
60gr 22gr

C ode


ta p e
71094 V V V V V V V V Red
71095 V V V V V V V V Red
71096 V V V V V V V Red
71097 V V V V V V V Red
71098 V V V V V V V V V V Red
71099 V V V V V V V V V V Red
71100 V V V V V V V V V Red
71101 V V V V V V V V V Red
71102 V V V V V V V V V V V Red
71103 V V V V V V V V V V Red
71104 V V V V V V V V V V Red
71105 V V V V V V V V V Red
71106 V V V V V V V V V Red
71107 V V V V V V V V Red

71216 V V V V V V V V Red
71108 V V V V V V V V B la ck
71109 V V V V V V V Red
71201 V V V V V V V Red
71724 V V V V V V V V R e d / B la ck
71728 V V V V V V V V R e d / B la ck

10 ttuznsi

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