English Language Teaching in India
English Language Teaching in India
English Language Teaching in India
It is a well-known fact that English is the most widely used language and the chief vehicle
of international communication in the world today. The term ‗Global English‘ is a product
of the process called globalization. Ideally and ideologically ‗globalization‘ should mean
a Global language‘ (1997) says: ―A language achieves a genuinely global status when it
In this way English language has become the lingua franca in the age of globalization.
Two-thousand year ago, the English language was quite unknown to the world. Today
there are perhaps 1.5 billion people around the world, who use the English language. They
speak English or write in English. There are three hundred and fifty million people who
use the language as their mother tongue and the rest use it as a Foreign or Second
language. It is the only language widely used from China to Peru, and more scattered than
any other language in the world. It is estimated that there are even more users of English
than of Chinese language, a language spoken in eight different verities but written in the
To quote Prof. Randolph Quirk, ―Paul Vargheese says that most people who speak English
are not English and were not born in England.‖2 The people, who speak English, fall into
three groups;
b) Those who have acquired it as a second language with in a society of state that is
some form or the other about 337 million use English as the
c) Or educational.
David Crystal‘s ‗English as a Global Language‘ gives the estimate about the users of
David Crystal says about the importance of English language that, ―it is the language on
which the sun never sets.‖4 After the information technology revolution English has
become useful and essential thing at international level. The British empire of English has
disappeared but the empire of English language has been extending through the whole
world. Now, it has become a neo-colonial empire and its influence and importance is such
In the 21st Century it has become the world‘s widely spoken language. It is estimated that
about three million users of this language are found all over the world though it is spoken
by one thousand million people, about 16% of world population. It is used as an official or
English. About 80% of the computers use English. Three- quarters of the world‘s mail are
written in English. Around 70 to 75% of advertisements are used in this language. Over
In this way we can say that English has come to stay as the language of books, newspaper,
airport, and air traffic control, international business and academic conferences, science
media and advertising. As we have a cursory glance at data which reveals its worldwide
popularity then we see that 50 million children study English as an additional language at
primary level and it is studied at secondary level by over 80 million learners, and while
using internet, the users communicate largely in English. The importance of it we can
know through the fact that some 3,000,000 scientific and technological articles, mostly in
English, are written annually throughout the world. More than 60,000 books in English are
Now we come on the learning and teaching of English language in the world. English
language is the medium of a great deal of the world‘s knowledge especially in such areas
as science and technology. And access to knowledge is the business of education when we
investigate why so many nations have in recent years made English an official language or
chosen it as their chief foreign language in schools and colleges, one of the most important
Black South African writer Harry Mashabela, writing in 1975, this, ―Learning and using
English will not only give us the much-needed unifying chord but will also land us into
the exciting world of ideas; it will enable us to keep company with king in the world of
ideas and also make it possible for us to share the experience of our own brothers in the
world ..........‖5
A 1981 study of the use of English in scientific periodical showed that 85% of papers in
biology and physics were being written in English at that time, whereas medical papers
were some 73 per cent and papers in mathematics and chemistry were 69%. All these
areas have shown a significant increase in their use of English. This can be seen in a
language- sensitive subject such as linguistics, where in 1995 nearly 90% of the 1500
Since the 1960s, English has become the normal medium of instruction in higher
education for many countries. We can take the growing development of English language
that time there were 1, 20,000 students learning English and
Due to its extensive use in all the essential fields of man‘s life and the fact that English is
foreign or second language has become an important occupation throughout the globe.
There is no country in the world where English is not studied, taught or used. The number
of new learners of English is going up day by day, resulting in a huge demand for English
‗Wanted 20,000 new teachers of English in Poland‘- says a report dated August 1992. To
meet this demand Poland is getting held from the British council, the United States
Embassy‘s English teaching office and the British Government‘s know-how fund.
Anticipating this demand Poland also started a programme in 1989 for training 1,000
teachers of EFL per year. Since 1983, English has been taught in all Austrian primary
diplomacy, science and technology shipping, sports and beauty contests, virtually the
lingua-franca of this global village, has created a world-wide demand for qualified EFL
teachers. Many British speakers of English are becoming EFL teachers in Asia and Africa
with as little as 1 to 10 weeks training. Some are allegedly doing so without even this.
In short, of all the languages in the world today English deserves to be regarded as a
different nations. The U.N.O. has given English the status of being an official language.
These days every country needs other country‘s help in political, social, economic and
cultural matters. There comes English as a rescue. English fulfills this need- this prompted
V.K. Gokak to say- ―It would be rash to cure ourselves off from the English language
which keeps us in continuous content with the latest thought in Europe, in every field of
English is being used one way or another. This fact, more than any other, make English
English is being learnt and used all over the world not out of any imposition but through
the realization that it has certain inherent advantages. Today the compulsions of learning
English are no longer nearly political but scientific and technological. And no longer is
English the language of Great Britain only; it is the language required by the world for
India inherited ‗English‘ from the Britishers who ruled our country for more than two
centuries. For over 200 years Indian intellectuals have been studying English. Today
English has entered the fabric of Indian culture. English education in India began with the
year 1765, when the East India Company became a political power. The first six decades
of English education in India did not witness any remarkable progress. Firstly Macaulay‘s
Minutes (1835) paved the way for the development of English in India by making its study
compulsory. His this famous minute on education became the ‗Manifesto of English
Education‘ in India. Macaulay‘s minute is very clear and unambiguous about the goals of
the population.9
Explaining the importance of English in his minutes Macaulay says, ―English stands pre-
eminent among the languages of the west, whoever knows that language has ready access
to all the west intellectual wealth which all the wise nations of the earth have created."10
He was of the view that the need for English education in India was even greater than that
for Sanskrit or Arabic. Indians themselves, including the patriots like Raja Ram Mohan
Roy preferred English education. Macaulay‘s plan that English should be taught in India,
was further endorsed by Lord William Bentic and Lord Auckland who diverted all funds
Anglicizing India mentally and intellectually was not fulfilled; nor did his expectation that
―Indians would renounce their past history; traditions and culture come true.‖11
This was because he had completely ignored the fact that India had an ancient culture and
her own heritage besides having her own language with their cultures. But this scheme
resulted in the adoption of English as the ‗official language‘ of education in, 1837. The
government policy was to establish English schools or Anglo- vernacular schools in each
As a result of this system of education, English became the unifying force in India because
it was used for internal communication. Besides, many English educated Indians could
Macaulay‘s role in regard to English education in India has been interpreted in various
ways. Some people have condemned him as an enemy of India and he has been admired as
a great benefactor of India by others. English was the ‗official language‘ in India and it
played a significant role in schools and college curricula as well as in daily life.
Meanwhile people also began to think the English was a foreign plant transplanted in the
Indian soil and were doing immense harm to the growth of our nation. As a result in 1904,
a government resolution suggested that medium of instructions in the middle class should
be the mother tongue and English should not be taught before the age of thirteen.
English continued to dominate the curriculum of Indian schools, college and Universities.
The most efforts of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were made on the
supremacy of English language and literature. Dr. Zakir Hussain Committee of Basic
Education (1938) recommended that the proper teaching of the mother tongue is the
foundation of all education, without the capacity to speak effectively and to read and write
correctly and lucidly, no one can develop precision of thought and clarity of ideas. This
committee included a seven year course of Basic education. And this course of Basic
The constituent Assembly of 1949 indicated the significance of English in India. Hindi
was a threat to the South Indians by North Indians who supported the importance of
English in India. Although English was not listed in the schedule VIII of the constitution,
It was given the status of the associate official language for a period of 15 fifteen years.
After Independence drastic changes came regarding the place of English in India .Since it
was a language of the rulers who had exercised cruelties over Indians, the first reaction
First, Hindi in Devnagri script was declared the official language of the Union by Indian
Constitution .In order to give Hindi sufficient time to replace English as an official
years ,that is ,till 1965. Second, English did not remain the medium of instruction .Third;
compulsory subject. Fifth, the state governments started using regional languages in
administration. It is obvious that English did not have the same place after independence
which it had in days before independence. Now, there had been no clarity regarding the
goals of education in general, English education in particular and the status of English. All
the commissions and committees appointed to the study of the problem of education in
India have emphasized the importance of the mother tongue as the medium of instruction
and the study of English as a subject; these were emphasized earlier by all the committees
and commissions, starting with the wood‘s Dispatch. All the recommendations are well
entrenched in the educational system of India; English got institutionalized in India and it
got its own identity after 1947. After independence the question of language become more
emotional. The constitution of India has given Hindi in Devanagari script the status of the
official language of the country. The first national language among the fourteen was
Prime Minister Nehru declared that it was government‘s policy to shake India free of
and the decision for that; I would, leave not to Hindi- knowing
The Chief Minister‘s Conference (1961) concluded, English should be taught along with
Hindi in order to get ‗outside affairs‘ for All India Services, for engineering, medical, and
forest departments.
The Indian Education Commission of 1966 also is recognized the importance of English in
this statement, ―….The English should be the most useful ‗library language‘ in higher
Education Minister of India, expressed his opinion as, ―Far from abolishing English
University students will, in future, have to acquire an adequate command over English to
read and understand English books in their chosen subjects and use English as their library
After Nehru‘s death in 1964, two in self-immolation and sixty-six killed in madras with
the slogan, ―Hindi Never, English Ever‖, forced the government to pass 1967 Official
Language Amendment Act, assuring the continuance of English in addition to Hindi as the
official language of the union. In reality, English is still the language that examines
students in the universities, conducts foreign affairs and transacts business with the world
outside; the numbers of learners waiting to learn English is increasing day by day.
The first education commission to be appointed in free India was the ‗University
Education Commission‘ and again only the tertiary level received attention first in this
commission and for the medium of instruction for higher education English to be replaced
English. It said that English should be studied in high schools and in the Universities in
order that we might keep ourselves in touch with the living stream of ever growing
The Kunzru Committee, 1955 recommended that the teaching of English literature should
be related to the study of Indian literature so that apart from its value for linguistic
purposes, it could be an effective means of stimulating critical thinking and writing in the
Indian languages. The committee stressed the importance of the use of special methods in
English language teaching and the study of linguistics. The three language formula was
proposed by the conference of Chief Ministers, which was held in 1961, recommended in
a) The regional language, or the mother tongue when different from the regional
This formula was modified by the Kothari Commission (1964-66), which advocated
regional languages for self-identity, Hindi or Sanskrit for national identity and English for
technological and administrative purpose as well as for international identity. But in spite
of such reports the emphasis on English at the cost of Indian languages continued. In this
way after Independence, many commissions came for the improvement of the English
In the present scenario, India has two national languages for central administrative
purpose. They are Hindi and English. Hindi is the national official and main link language
in India. English is an associate language. The Indian constitution also officially approves
In present time, English serves two purposes. First, it provides a linguistic tool for the
administrative cohesiveness of the country, causing people who speak different languages
Generally, English is used among Indians as a ‗link language and virtually it is the first
language for many well educated Indians. It is the second language for many, who speak
more than one language in India. The English language is a tie that helps bind the many
segments of our society together. Also it is a linguistic bridge between the major countries
Now it has a special national status in India. It has a special place in the parliament,
judiciary, broadcasting, journalism and in the education system. One find surrounded by
English everywhere. The importance of the ability to speak or write English has recently
increased significantly because English has become the defected standard. Learning
English language has become popular for business, commerce and cultural reasons and
newspapers on the internet use English and have made ‗Knowing English‘ indispensable.
In this way we can say that English language has become as an ; ‗official language‘
In 1989, one third of all the published books in India, and one fifth
literacy rate in India is 32.23 percent, and the English literacy rate
There are very few countries in the world where English is taught on such a massive scale
as in India. Unfortunately, it is equally true that in very few does the profession suffer
According to a recent report, those who speak English fluently earn up to 34% more and
those who speak a little English earn about 13% higher on average than those who don‘t.
But only 20% of Indians can speak English, and only 4% can do so fluently.
Today, in India English education is often expensive and difficult to access. In most
government –funded schools, which account for about 70% of school education, the
medium of instruction is Hindi or the local languages. No wonder poor parents willingly
opt for not –so –cheap private school education. The number of children enrolled in
English –medium schools have more than doubled since the turn of the century. English as
the medium of instruction, which was in fourth place behind Hindi, Bengali and Marathi
in 2006, is now next only to Hindi, and will soon overtake it. The government must
recognize and address this need by vastly improving the quality of English education in its
school. The benefits to society from this relatively small investment would be enormous.
The hypocrisy of some politicians who advocate vernacular education for the masses
while sending their own children to English –medium schools must be allowed to derail
this effort.
Even after knowing the Importance of English, the Indian students have no inclination
towards learning English and studying in English medium schools. There are less than
25% students studying in English medium schools in Bihar, U.P. and West Bengal along
with north –mid India whereas this data is 75% in South India.
The following pages are intended to give an idea of the growth in the number of
Table: 2.1
Table: 2.2
2. Teachers in Schools 64,94,000
India must meet the globally accepted norm of central and state government spending at
least 6% of GDP on education rather than the roughly 4% that states and center put
together spend currently. This is essential if the shocking dropout rate of about 50% by
class 10 is to be brought down, and the gross enrolment ratio in higher education rose
beyond the current 16-17%. That number compares poorly with china‘s 24%not to
mention the OECD‘s 62%. The Center must take the lead in this.
Table: 2.3
Pie Chart: 1
standard 1-5
In the field of higher education India is far behind China and Brazil. With only 1% of
India‘s student population enrolled as post –graduate researchers, the report puts India far
behind neighboring China. India also has a low rate of enrolment in higher education, at
only 18%, compared with 26% in China and 36% in Brazil. 30-40%teaching posts are
Pie Chart : 2
(Source: India way behind China in Science, Eng., PhDs, Hindustan Times Tuesday,
The chart on this page is intended to give an idea of the growth in the number of
India. The position of English as a medium of all India competitive examination continues
According to a survey conducted by a special evaluation unit of the Union Public Service
Commission in 1969 more than 85 percent of the candidates answered their compulsory
papers in English.
In spite the big expansion of higher education system, 250 years of English language
teaching, at least 150 years of English language publishing; 60 years of radio broad
casting in English and efforts made by CIEFCL and a large number of ELT centers
throughout the country the results appear to be negligible. In 1901 for example, 0.04%
Indians could speaks in English. Even today not many Indians use English. The state of
Prator holds the view that English in India is, ―Mastered by a small minority of (3%) the
Two study groups were also appointed in 1965 and 1969 respectively by the Ministry of
Education and Youth Services, Government of India to inquire into the current state of
teaching of English in India. Both the groups were headed by Prof V.K. Gokak, the first
director of the Central Institute of English and Foreign Language Hyderabad. The findings
of the first study group revealed that the standards of English in India have deteriorated
very fast in our schools and colleges where students can‘t write or speak a single correct
sentence in English. The findings of educations commission (1966) and the study group
English is studied as a second language in India and one‘s mother tongue habits are likely
to stand in one way. Robert Lado has rightly observed, ―the inference of the students‘
mother tongue accounts for a number of errors and difficulties that occurs at the time of
Keeping in view the importance of English, a deserving place should be assigned to this
language in our school –curriculum .In this connection; the recommendations of the Indian
a) Only one language which will be the regional language will be taught
b) From Vth to VII class, two languages will be taught .One of them will be
the regional language .The other can be either Hindi or English. A third
c) From class VIII to X, three languages will be taught .One of these will be
the regional. For non –Hindi speaking students, it can be Hindi .The Third
I. With the application of this formula, some student can read English for 6 years
.That is, from V classes and others can read it only for 3 years, that is, from VIII
II. This formula gives ample scope to those who are much interested in this
III. This formula recommends that English should not be taught at elementary stage,
that is, from 1st to 6th classes. This seems plausible because Michael West and
many teachers are of the view that second language should be taught after pupils
develop a good grounding in their mother –tongue. Peter Wingard has also
proportion of wasted teaching to pupils, who never get far enough really to be
IV. It gives appropriate place to both Hindi and regional languages, without
This three languages formula can be applied in order to have English at a suitable place in
school - curriculum .It should be noted that at the lower secondary stage ,English should
cease to be taught as literature because during this stage , study of English as literature
has given unhappy results .For this we can take H.Kabir‘ suggestion which is -
language for internal communication between its members as well as for external
communication with other societies and to express and record its culture. ―Language is
thus seen as a part of human psychology, a particular sort of behaviour, the behaviour
which has its principal function that of communication.‖19 Explaining the functions of a
a language is communicative.20
Language, when used for communication is a tool and the handling of any tool requires a
certain skill. When a child is born in a community, it hears the language spoken by that
community. When the child has been exposed to speech for sufficiently long time, it tries
to imitate the speech sounds that it has been listening to for a considerable time. Thus the
most important and natural language skills are listening and speaking.
The objective of teaching a language or language is not simply to make the learner learn
the major language skills but to enable the learners to play their communicative roles
effectively and to select languages, registers styles according to the roles they are playing.
the light of what we perceive our needs for English to be in a multilingual setting, at both
the national and individual levels. This is related to the following questions; what are the
roles of Hindi, English, regional languages, classical languages, foreign languages, and
languages of the minority groups in our multilingual setting? What are the topics and
situations that will necessitate the use of English? What is the kind and amount of English
that the learners will need? A functional approach to language, according to Halliday,
―means......... investigating how language is used; trying to find out what are the purposes
that language serves for us, and how we are able to achieve these purposes through
At the national level, English must serve as our ‗window on the world‘, as the language in
learning about people, especially those of other countries. English is rightly called a
Keeping in view these functions, the primary aim of teaching English as a Second
language at the secondary level should be to give the learners an effective mastery of the
(1) Ability to read easily and with understanding, books in English written with in a
prescribed range of vocabulary and sentence structure, and to read with good
understanding (if not with seep) easy un-simplified texts on familiar topics, fully
(2) The readiness to proceed to a more advanced reading stage, that of reading un-
simplified texts, particularly those bound up with personal studies and interests,
interest, clearly spoken and restricted in vocabulary and sentence structure to the
(4) Ability to write comprehensibly in English, and without gross errors, on a familiar
topic which lends itself to expression within the range of vocabulary and sentence
…………English is not a subject, English is our life.‖23 But this is not true for English in
schools .Its teaching and learning in schools is inspired by one aim – the utilitarian aim.
This aim can be achieved by acquiring practical command of English. Yet ,clear cut
objectives should be stated , so that good planning can be done and right type of methods
and techniques of teaching can be adopted ,as pointed out by P. Gurrey , ―The careful
thinking out of a detailed and well defined objectives for the lessons will do more than
i. Language Development
With the advancement of class and age of students, these two objectives will differ.
The junior level is the lower secondary stage consisting of classes V, VI, VII, and VIII.
During this level, the chief aim of English is language development. This means that
English should be taught not as literature but as language , as pointed out by P .Gurrey , ―
Our chief concern should not be about the difficulties of pronunciation ,growth of
vocabulary , grammar and structure but with language abilities‖.25 At this stage, language
development is not only the chief objective but also the only objective.
teaching can be drawn from four aspects of language. The four aspects of language are:
These four aspects indicate four objectives of English language teaching at junior level,
which are:-
These four-fold objectives have been recommended by many scholars, e.g. - P. Gurrey, ―It
is necessary that the Indian pupil should not only understand English when it is spoken or
written, but also he should himself be able to speak and write it‖.26 For the proper
Senior level is higher secondary level consisting of IX, X, XI, and XII classes. The
I. Language Development
It means that along with the four –fold objectives of language development which are
related to listening, speaking, writing and reading, the literary development is also an
important objective at higher secondary level. Studying English literature can facilitate
this development.
The objectives which come under language development will remain the same as in junior
level or lower secondary level or during higher secondary level. The literary objectives
will be:-
i. Development of a taste for English Literature by reading prose, poetry, story etc.,
In short, the main objectives of English teaching, level-wise, can be shown as follows:-
Objectives Objectives
2. 3.2 Curricular Objectives –
We do need to remind ourselves of some of the basic facts about the nature and
Every child is born with a Language Faculty that enables her to acquire as many
Languages can‘t be taught; they are acquired. They are acquired as the child‘s
inextricably linked with the social, political, gender, and power structures of
It is not possible for teachers to teach the rules of language simply because they
don‘t know them (not their fault at all; what is available in the name of school
grammar and what is taught as grammar is often inadequate and wrong). The child
has the potential to acquire the most complex rules at the levels of sounds, words,
No amount of formal teaching of grammar can promote the levels of creativity and
fluency and accuracy that a child so effortlessly displays at a very young age
without any formal intervention. In fact, most parents enjoy and celebrate the
There is no reason to believe that what works in the acquisition of first languages
in childhood will not work, with some careful effort, in the acquisition of
additional languages.
The role of the teacher is not to teach the rules of grammar or paraphrase texts but
as has often reminded us, to facilitate maximal exposure to language being used in
different domains in anxiety – free situations. The tasks that children undertake
should have the message at their center and children should feel engaged in
activities that would challenge their thinking abilities; as thought is not divorced
porous; they tend to wither away if they are isolated from languages.
‗correcting errors‘(they are not errors if seen in terms of the system a child has at
that point of time) could be more usefully spent on carefully planned language
Language is best acquired in a holistic context where a total text (it could be a
There is nothing special about teaching of English in India. The fundamental principles of
language acquisition do not change. However, the political economy of English in India is
quite a different matter. The teaching of English therefore has to be planned far more
carefully .It is on the one hand the language of opportunity , social status and upward
social mobility and on the other hand ,in glove with the processes that consistently
enlarge the distance between the elite and the marginalized .We therefore need to ensure
that every child attains a high level of proficiency in English without losing any of her
own languages; and also exploit the teaching of English as a space for generating
best to turn to the position paper on the Teaching of English of the National Curriculum
policy based on guiding principles for language teaching and acquisition, which allows
It would not take long to realize that not everything is well with the teaching of English in
India today. With all its innumerable instructional objectives like the aural-oral skills of
listening and speaking, graphic skills of reading and writing, appreciation, etc., it has
become one of the most difficult subjects to teach in the Indian situation. This is all the
more so because English is a language seldom was in the streets of India. Perhaps, the
classrooms and the libraries are the only places where the language could possibly be
learned. Leave alone the complexities of the skills involved alienation and other problems
economic status, differences in urban and rural background, paucity of teachers well-
versed in content matter as well as the methodology of teaching, lack of adequate aids and
instructional material, hamper in their own way the successful handling of English in the
indifferent students, parents and educators. Under such conditions, the teacher resorts to a
kind of ‗hit or miss‘ type of instruction which very often fails to click.
For many decades teaching English whether for beginners or for the advanced learners has
been a challenging pursuit for the teachers of English especially the area that cover the
However, if we browse through the studies made on these four language skills, we find
that listening has been the most neglected area of study, due to the misconception fostered
by many of us that we imbibe this skill as we mentally mature. We take this language skill
for granted under the assumption that without any conscious efforts, facility in listening
can wholly be acquired. Proper training of teachers is of great importance in improving the
quality of English education. With the rapidly changing conditions in the life of the people
in the world, the old system of teacher training no longer seems to meet the requirements
of our schools and society. It is however difficult to reform the teacher training system
very quickly and in a direction which is not heavily based upon the mastery of the subject
matter. There is still considerable scope for research in teaching in order to discover the
specific competencies which the teacher should develop. It is equally important to develop
a training system which will not only encourage the development of such competencies in
the short run, but will also sustain it at a desirable level. Especially in the case of the
language teacher, the language skills are acquired strictly so that in future they can make
The objectives of English teaching discussed in preceding pages are seldom realized in
practice. There are some obstacles which come in the path of realization of objectives,
which are-
i. There are administrative as well as financial problems of schools which hinder the
iii. The classes are so crowded that it becomes almost impossible for the teacher to
iv. Much work load on teachers does not allow them to devote fully getting the
The Right to Education Act was enacted on April 1, 2010, to provide free and compulsory
quality elementary education for all children. Now all states have notified RTE rules.
According to Urmila Sarkar, Chief of Education, no doubt in last four years we are
progressing but despite this there are some challenges that need to be addressed:
I. In our Country there are 41% children who drop out of school before
II. There are 37% primary schools do not comply with PTR norms.(PTR: Pupil
Teacher Ratio)
Adding more to it, the fact is that in our country there is a lack of 1.50 lakh Schools and
the shortness of 12 lakh teachers. There is a big difference between government schools
and private schools. The government schools are in the poorer situation. In most of
schools there is the absence of building, labs (language lab), subject teachers, electricity,
One of the primary causes is believed the contradictory cries and slogans that are raised by
leaders and those in authority regarding the future of English in the country. While some
responsible educators lay stress frequently on the importance of retaining English for the
time being as a Lingua franca, and as the main language for university studies, as well as
the easiest way of communicating with the rest of the world, there are others who
proclaims from the housetops that the teaching of English is to be eliminated entirely from
our schools and colleges. The daily newspapers have, of late, devoted several columns
This interminable debate has been continuing for the last two years or more with
increasing zeal and fervor, and the pendulum of public opinion sways violently from side
to side. The result of all this is that the teacher of English is like a bark without an anchor,
and has grave doubts about the relative place and importance of the subject he is teaching.
Many parents get confused, similarly, and do not know whether it is worthwhile insisting
on their children acquiring proficiency in English at the cost of much time and effort. A
major result of this indecision and conflict of opinions is that three different types of
institutions with varying objectives with regard to the teaching of English continue to exist
side by side in the country. Those parents who believe that the mastery of the English
language by a child from the earlier age is absolutely essential and a passport to success in
life, send their children to the English medium schools- these are the public schools, and
some of the private as well as private –aided schools. Here the sons and daughters of the
privileged few, who can afford high fees, learn English as a first language .English is the
medium of instruction, and teachers speak English fluently themselves. Infect the selection
of the staff is based on the assumption that they have a mastery over English. Many of
these schools prepare students for the State‘s Higher Secondary, High School,
Indian Schools Certificate Examinations. It has been calculated that roughly one to two
percent of pupils in the secondary schools in various States, attend these schools.
The seconds type of schools are the Government , local body and private –aided
institutions where English is taught at the secondary stage only , commencing from the
5th or 6th year for a period of 5or 6 years. Here English is second language and is not
employed as medium of instruction. Quite a number of these schools used to have English
as a subject from the lowest classes(primary stage) before independence ,hence students of
these schools(who left school two decades or more ago , had a knowledge of and mastery
over English which the student of similar schools today lacks. It has been calculated
that roughly 90 to 95 % children of the total school going population at the secondary
The third type of institution exists in some States. Here side by side with schools of the
second category are schools where English has the status of an optional subject. In these
States 40 to 50% of students at the secondary level attend these schools, roughly 40 to 50
A glance at the above categories of schools and the attainments of the students of these
schools in English reveals the second cause of the so –called deterioration in standards.
display vast disparity , students from the second and the third type of institution cannot
speak in English fluently ; they cannot write correctly , and the examiner or inspector
gives a verdict which is most unfavorable for the latter two. The third cause of the
decline, if any, may be laid at the door of the policy of ‗education of many‘ or quantitative
expansion rather than qualitative consolidation. Our Constitution gives every child the
right to education, and hence education is not the special preserve of the privileged few,
as before. Naturally when very few went to school, the number of backward students
and under –achievers were correspondingly limited ;now that the masses go to school,
the number of the backward and the under –achievers has increased tremendously ( ten
times approximately ) and the proportion increases from day to day for the last many
years .
Arising out of the third cause, would be, I believe the fourth one – where are the teachers
of English for the vastly increased numbers of school children in the secondary schools?
Not many like to become teachers of English , knowing the precarious position of
English in the secondary schools , and those teachers who do have a mastery over
English have often been absorbed in administrative positions and are not available for
teaching . Very few, if at all, of the teachers who teach English are really qualified or
trained to teach English and there are large numbers of them in the Government, local
body and private aided schools of the category. Accordingly their approach to English
teaching is not the oral or natural one .Emphasis on translation and formal grammar is the
method adopted, and the atmosphere of the class room is not a free and happy one.
A fifth cause again, arises out of the rapid expansion of education for the masses. As
mentioned earlier, the tenfold or more increase in number of pupils at the secondary level
I. The burden of over-crowded classes. It is not unusual to see as many as 60 or more
students in the 9th or 10th class. In such a situation, the attention that the teacher
corrections are few; the students acquire wrong speech habits, cannot master the
structures and the idiom of the language, are perplexed by its irregularity and begin
to de-test it.
II. The level of over –crowding in the class rooms is further aggravated by the un-
suitability of desks and seating facilities – wrong poster and discomfort lead to
III. Besides this, in many states, text –books and readers are specially prepared for the
schools. It is seen that in a large number of these text-books and readers there are
many errors in spelling, syntax and grammar. Some of the essays and poems are
reproduced wrongly from the English classics and have many mistakes in them.
The type, printing, and get-up of some of these books are most unsatisfactory and
unattractive and produce a hatred for the subject in the mind of the student.
IV. Facilities for reading of extra books in English are lacking or very limited. Very
few books have easy graded story books for students, and thus the joy of reading
V. Lack of audio- visual aids for modern language teaching as well as the ignorance
among teachers concerning the importance of such aids is another cause. Teachers
do not realize that some elementary aids can be adapted and made for classroom
VI. The methods of testing used in English are out of date, instead of oral tests, and
objective methods, the old essay –type of examination predominates and holds its
VII. One of the main causes has been the uncertain and vacillating policies of the
Central and State Governments over the past few years .In the early days of
pen. In the old Bombay state for example, a directive from the Education
Department forbade the teaching of English even after school hours. Many schools
had to revert to the vernacular medium and teach English only in the last three or
four years of the secondary schools. At the end of this period when the pupils
were just getting over to the ‗Mary had a little lamb‘ stage they were expected to
listen to, understand and digest advanced professors, at the University level. This
has resulted in completed chaos; even today colleges have to hold special tutorial
VIII. The policies of the Government are not consistent or uniform. Some states had it
one way and some another. At the Centre the password for entry in the important
service was ‗English‘. One of the immediate results of these policies was an influx
of pupils from the vernacular medium schools which were at a definite advantage.
Today there has been a reversion of policies. English has been introduced in many
States from standard V and in Bombay city at any rate quite a good few of the
vernacular medium schools have; switched over to the English medium. The net
result of all this has been that at least one generation of pupils has suffered.
IX. These policies have led to a reduction of the number of periods given to the
the English. Though the textbook is not ‗all in all‘in the teaching of a language it is
a necessary tool, for the child‘s ability to read and understand can only be
XI. The content of the English textbooks is stilted and artificial. One of the reasons for
this is that the writing of these books is done by people who do not measure up to
the job.
XII. Secondly they have to adhere to the directive issued to them that all textbooks for
English must have an Indian atmosphere. This may be sound in the principle but
introduced it must be done in a normal natural way. After all, if an English child is
learning French he can only study French books with a French atmosphere. True, it
‗elm tree‘ which they will perhaps never see, but the highly artificial manner in
XIII. The most important reason for falling standards in English, viz., the teacher. There
has been a lack of teachers in English. A large number of them can neither speak
the language nor write it correctly. They have no clear idea about the aims they
have to achieve. They lack imagination and realization. Therefore it is not enough
for teachers to teach a set text book or to teach rules of grammar or paraphrases or
write a piece or essay without teaching children the effective use of words and
There are many problems of teaching English in India. While 52.9 % children of class V
could read a textbook of II in 2009, only 47% could do so in 2013. The decline in reading
abilities is even more pronounced in government schools. 50.3% children of V could read
Teaching Institute at Allahabad and Hyderabad have done a lot to improve the English
Teaching in India by producing new textbooks , gramophone records, flash cards, training
teachers, popularizing structural approach of teaching English, yet there are the following
problems which create unhealthy conditions for adequate teaching of English in our
(1) Neglecting the Aims of Teaching English: The teaching of English in India is not in
accordance with the aims of teaching English .Many times, neither the teacher nor the
student is acquainted with the aims of learning English. The teacher only wants that
his students should pass the examination .The main aim, in this way, get neglected.
(2) Place of English in School –Curriculum: The problem of giving a proper place to
English in school curriculum is still not tackled. The following questions need answers
iv. If yes, up to which class should it be a compulsory subject?
(3) Condition of Classes: The following conditions of classes hinder the smooth teaching
of English:
i. Overcrowded classes,
Due to overcrowded classes, the teacher is not able to tackle individual problems .Due to
shortage of buildings and lack of furniture, students often feel inconvenient and their
(4) Old Method of Teaching English: In Indian schools, teachers are still using the old
and faulty ‗Translation –cum –Grammar‘ method of teaching. The new approaches –
Structural and Situational are not popular with our teachers .As a consequence, our
students are facing all the demerits of Translation –cum –Grammar method and are
(5) Lack of Uniform Policy: There is no uniform policy regarding the beginning of
English teaching in our schools. At present; there are three different stages at which
Orissa, Delhi ,Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, English is introduced at the
iii. Later stage (age 0f 14 years) - In some states, e.g. Gujarat, English is taught
This hotchpotch is, obviously, confusing and as, a result, slowdown the rate of progress.
(6) Low Standards of Text-Books -The textbooks of English are needed to be of high
In fact, the standard of text-books can be improved, if they are written by teachers
(7) Less Use of Audio-Visual Aids: In our schools, there is very much less use of audio-
visual aids. Due to lack of funds, expensive aids cannot be purchased, but whatever cheap
aids, e.g. Pictures, charts models, flannel -boards are available, are not used by teacher.
English can be best taught by using audio –visual aids and they are neglected in our
(8) Lack of Effective Teachers: Prof .V.K. Gokak has Said ,―The fundamental years for the
teaching of English in schools are in the hands of teachers who neither know enough
English nor are familiar with the latest and far reaching development in the pedagogy of
English .‖29There are four main reasons of the lack of effective and competent teachers:
ii. Teachers who had not offered teaching of English at the B.Ed. Level.
iv. Absence of right motivation as teachers are motivated only to get their
students through examinations. Prof .R.L. Mehta observes, ―His sole aim
is to get the pupils through the examination by fair means or foul. The
(9) Traditional Examination System: The new method of examination with oral and written
test is not used by teachers. They still cling to the traditional method of examination.
They still cling to the traditional method of examination .Besides; no attempt is made to
(10) Lack of Proper Teacher Education: The teachers are not trained thoroughly. At the
B.Ed. and M.Ed. levels, more periods are given to compulsory papers than to method of
teaching. At the same time, the duration of training is very short. There are also very
(11) Lack of Suggestive Correction: The exercises books of students lack in suggestive
correction .All the exercises of students should be corrected thoroughly and the correct
forms for the mistakes must be written. These are some of the main problems of teaching
(12) Diversity in School and College Education: Diversity in origin and in control of policy
and practices is seen in different states depending on the circumstances and the time when
the institutions were established with adequate or inadequate financial provisions .Most of
the Institutions are privately controlled and publically financed. Duration of secondary
education is not uniform; in some cases it is 10, in many11 and in some 12 leading to the
same school leaving certificate qualification. The private colleges are very poor.
(13) The faulty Curriculum: It has been observed by the Secondary Education Commission
bookish. No attempt has been made in the past to provide for individual differences
amongst the learners. Perhaps the most remarkable fact about our curriculum is that it is
extremely theoretical and does not develop practical abilities in any area of living. It has
only recently been realized that the enormous percentage of failures at the School Final
Examination is due to the fact that the curriculum is not adapted to individual differences.
(14) Unawareness of Teachers Regarding Framing of Timetable: The teachers need to have
full knowledge about why the different subjects are included in the curriculum. They
should then plan and provide the experience and activities which may help the learners in
achieving the general and specific objectives of the curriculum. Very few teachers are
aware of the fact that their school time- table does not provide for a balanced curriculum
.They seldom realize that the average High School Time –Table is as follows:-
Compulsory Subjects:
Can any teacher point out any rational basis for such uneven emphasis on the school
subjects in the time- table? The teacher needs to question thoroughly the traditions around
him and bring back to his work a fresh outlook, zeal and initiative. New procedures and
techniques must be adopted and the teacher must be willing to experiment with new ideas.
(15) The Worse Situation of School Teachers: The story of school teachers is a bit more
complex and it varies from state to state. By the mid-1990s, many states had adopted the
‗Para‘ teachers‘ model of cheap appointments to meet the challenge of universal primary
education. Madhya Pradesh went the farthest — and paved the way for others — in
damaging its schools by downgrading the salary and status of all teachers. It declared the
old system of permanent teachers a ‗dying cadre‘, and shifted recruitments to village
medical and engineering colleges had demonstrated how teachers could be turned into
What will it mean to bring the war against the teacher to a close? To begin with, it must
entail an accurate valuation of teachers‘ labour. Unlike the West, both society and state in
India today seem convinced that teaching is not a serious professional activity. Who can
persuade civil servants and citizens to see a primary school teacher‘s daily life for what it
is — a struggle against all possible odds? Engaging with young children is an exhausting
activity, but this idea feels alien to the educated middle classes and education officers. In
large cities, class sizes have swollen since the promulgation of the Right to Education
(RTE), leading to great pressure on the physical infrastructure of schools. The RTE Act
has laid down a teacher-child ratio of 1:30. This ratio looks like a fantasy under today‘s
circumstances. Official estimates point to a shortfall of more than a million teachers at the
elementary level alone. Where these teachers are to come from and what sort of
individuals will they be? Given the plight and capacity of training institutions, many state
governments are flirting with the option of distance education, even though a commission
appointed by the Supreme Court has stipulated that distance education should only be used
for in-service and not initial training. The same commission has recommended that
new government at the center agrees to implement this advice, it will send a positive
Teaching is the heart of education, and that is where the crisis of education has hit India
hardest. The general cynicism towards teachers we see in our social ethos today has its
roots in a paradox. As a professional workforce, teachers have low, powerless status. The
younger the pupils you teach, the lower your status. On the contrary, ironic homilies
reminding us that the nation‘s future depends on teachers are dutifully recited each
Teacher‘s Day. In reality, teachers have no place in India‘s modern economy and urban
landscape, with their modest incomes and lack of authority even within their own
professional sphere. As for social prestige, even a lower-level civil servant enjoys more
recognition and respect, so that we easily conclude that teaching is a last option in the
hierarchy of careers. On the other hand, teachers carry the burden of a loud cultural
mythology, according to which they are transmitters of values, shapers of young minds,
and architects of a new India. This contradictory state of affairs in the public mind
highlights how hard it is for the state to restore any dignity to India‘s teachers. If the state
stops the war it started more than two decades ago, the reconstruction of education can
start, and we can look forward to saner planning for the long run. But recovery from the
damage inflicted on the education system by the state‘s war on teachers is hardly easy.
Indeed, the decision to bring the war to a close constitutes as major a challenge of political
(16) Problems Related with Different Students: Different students can have different
difficulties and problems in learning English. They can make different mistakes in English
between the native language of a learner and particular difficulties in learning and using
English and the kind of mistakes a learner typically makes in English pronunciation,
grammar and vocabulary as there is native language interferences in learning and using
English. Listening comprehension and speaking in English are the skills generally more
frequently used than reading and writing in daily life in an English speaking country.
Listening comprehension and speaking in English are more difficult and more important
for learners to master than reading and writing. When reading and writing a text a learner
has more time for thinking and pauses than when listening and speaking in English in daily
life. A learner can also look up unknown vocabulary in English dictionaries and use other
English reference books when reading and writing a text in English which is impossible
when listening and speaking in English. Therefore listening comprehension and speaking in
English are more difficult than reading and writing. English vocabulary for daily life
requires more time and is more difficult to master by foreign learners than English
(17) Loose Educational System: Indian Educational system lacking in co-ordination and
coherence and became worse in the period 1950-70.The government of India thought in the
early 1950‘s after the report of the Secondary Education Commission that there will be
universal pattern of Higher Secondary Schools of 11 classes all over India followed by a 3-
year –degree course; the admission standard to professional education was changed. This
pattern of Higher Secondary Schools was not accepted by their states. Earlier for Medical ,
Engineering and Agricultural colleges admission was after intermediate examination in a
pattern of 2+2 .On account of pressure from the center ,all universities ,except those of U.P.
and singularly enough Bombay University ,which opposed the change as un-academic and
undesirable ,had changed the 2+2 pattern in to 1+3 ,after the school leaving examination of
a nearly uniform standard in all states . After the change on the recommendation of the all
was made a 1+3 pattern, known as the pre- degree (P.D.) or pre –university examination
(PUC) and the 4 – year- degree course though in some universities it was a 3-year-degree
course of engineering), was turned into a 5-year –degree course, e.g., in the IIT‘s.
(18) Educating Teachers for Higher Secondary Schools: A successful teacher is marked by
number of characteristics: he is a lover of children, he gets along nicely with people, and he
has devotion to his task. He can inspire his pupils and above all he is a master of his subject.
It is difficult to assert to-day that pupil teachers who complete their training in the training
institutions. It is doubtful whether even five percent of the successful trainees will have
possessed the qualities mentioned above. One reason for this is that a graduate by the time
he arrives at the training college has formed certain attitudes and has completed his formal
education. Experiences shows that most of the graduates who join the training colleges are
poor academically and many of them do not have a proper attitude to teaching as a
profession. The training colleges also have created an impression over the years on many
people that the teacher‘s scholarly knowledge of his subject is unimportant in comparison
with his training in methods and psychology .To quote from the Secondary Education
Commission‘s report ,"only those would be admitted to training colleges who hold the
(19) Teacher Training Program: According to the secondary Education Commission, this
problem has two important aspects. One of them relates to the improvement of salary scales
and other conditions of service of Secondary teachers .The other relates to the training of the
untrained teachers and the provision of adequate refresher courses for trained teachers from
time to time .The introduction of new subjects in the Secondary curriculum has brought a
new dimension to the teacher –training problem .Some of these subjects were never taught
before and therefore suitable facilities for training teachers in the new subjects had to be
created .
One of the basic training problems has been that the syllabuses in the training institutions
and the experiences which they provided do not adequately prepare prospective teachers
Another important problem in teacher training relates to the absence of useful contacts
between the training institutions and practicing teachers .The methods propagated by the
training institutions are too theoretical and do not take into sufficient cognizance the
actual day- to –day problems which a practicing teacher has to face in his classroom.
(20) Lack of Quality Education in Government Schools: It is four years since the Right to
Free & Compulsory Education (RTE) Act for children in the age group of 6-14 Years, was
enacted by the Indian government .But despite this the drop-out from government schools
has been increasing day by day. A report by education NGO Pratham said that private
school enrolment in rural India is increasing at an annual rate of 10% and by 2020 half of
the children studying in schools would be in private sectors, thereby thereby questions the
relevance of the RTE Act, which guarantees free public school education to the children in
Around 40% of children at primary level in Maharashtra are in private schools. Even in so
called backward states such Bihar and Utter Pradesh the enrolment in private is on the
rise. ―In the election year of 2014 about 41%of India‘s primary age children will be in
private schools and by 2019 elections private schools would be major education
providers,‖ the report said, posing a question over quality of education in government run
The cost of schooling has witnessed a fivefold increase, more than that of essential food
items, in rural India between 2004 and 2013 indicating preference of villagers for schools
over the huge network of public schools created under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan. The data on
prices of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOSPI) shows that
average school fee in rural India in March 2004 was 49 rupees. For same month in 2013, it
jumped to 260 rupees, meaning an increase of 530% over a ten year period.
Press 1997)2.
Press 1997)8.
5. Ibid, 101.
6. Ibid, 102-103.
7. Abha Rani Bhist, Teaching English in India (Agra: vinodPustakMandir
Publication, 1989)3.
Publication 1989)3.
9. N. Krishna Swamy, Lalita Krishna Swamy, The story of English in India (New
11. C. Paul Vergheese, Essay on Indian Writing in English (New Delhi: N.V.
Publication, 1989) 3.
12. N. Krishna Swamy and T. Sri Raman, English Today in India (Madras: T. R.
14. Qaiser Zoha Alam, English Language Teaching in India (Problems and Issues)
Linguistic Colonialism and the expanding English Empire (New Delhi: Oxford
Company, 2002)10.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. T.C. Baruch, The English Teacher‘s handbook (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers
Book Depot,1993)34-35.
Arnold : 1973)56.
23. Abha Rani Bisht, Teaching English in India (Agra: Shrivinod Pustak Mandir,
24. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
29. Ibid.