CHAPTER II. Status, Typification, and Priority of Names SECTION 3. Priority Article 11
CHAPTER II. Status, Typification, and Priority of Names SECTION 3. Priority Article 11
CHAPTER II. Status, Typification, and Priority of Names SECTION 3. Priority Article 11
SECTION 3. Priority
Article 11
11.1. Each family or taxon of lower rank with a particular circumscription, position,
and rank can bear only one correct name, special exceptions being made for nine
families and one subfamily for which alternative names are permitted (see Art. 18.5
and 19.8). However, the use of separate names is allowed for fossil-taxa that represent
different parts, life-history stages, or preservational states of what may have been a
single organismal taxon or even a single individual (Art. 1.2).
o Ex.1. The generic name Sigillaria Brongn. (in Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 8: 222.
1822) was established for fossils of “bark” fragments, but Brongniart (in Arch.
Mus. Hist. Nat. 1: 405. 1839) subsequently included stems with preserved
anatomy within his concept of Sigillaria. Cones with preserved anatomy that
may in part represent the same biological taxon are referred to as Mazocarpon
M. J. Benson (in Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 32: 569. 1918), whereas such cones
preserved as adpressions are known as Sigillariostrobus Schimp. (Traité
Paléont. Vég. 2: 105. 1870). All these generic names can be used concurrently
in spite of the fact that they may, at least in part, apply to the same organism.
11.2. A name has no priority outside the rank in which it is published (but see Art.
o Ex.2. Campanula sect. Campanopsis R. Br. (Prodr.: 561. 1810) when treated
as a genus is called Wahlenbergia Roth (1821), a name conserved against the
heterotypic (taxonomic) synonym Cervicina Delile (1813), and not
Campanopsis (R. Br.) Kuntze (1891).
o Ex.3. Solanum subg. Leptostemonum Bitter (in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 69. 1919)
is the correct name of the subgenus of Solanum L. that includes its type, S.
mammosum L., because it is the earliest available name in that rank. The
homotypic S. sect. Acanthophora Dunal (Hist. Nat. Solanum: 131, 218. 1813),
the inclusion of which caused the illegitimacy of S. sect. Leptostemonum
Dunal (in Candolle, Prodr. 13(1): 29, 183. 1852), has no priority outside its
own rank.
o Ex.4. Helichrysum stoechas subsp. barrelieri (Ten.) Nyman (Consp. Fl. Eur.:
381. 1879) when treated at specific rank is called H. conglobatum (Viv.)
Steud. (1840), based on Gnaphalium conglobatum Viv. (1824), and not H.
barrelieri (Ten.) Greuter (1967), based on G. barrelieri Ten. (1835–1838).
o Ex.5. Magnolia virginiana var. foetida L. (1753) when raised to specific rank
is called M. grandiflora L. (1759), not M. foetida (L.) Sarg. (1889).
o Note 1. The provisions of Art. 11 determine priority between different names
applicable to the same taxon; they do not concern homonymy.
11.3. For any taxon from family to genus, inclusive, the correct name is the earliest
legitimate one with the same rank, except in cases of limitation of priority by
conservation (see Art. 14) or where Art. 11.7, 15, 19.4, 56, or 57 apply.
o Ex.6. When Aesculus L. (1753), Pavia Mill. (1754), Macrothyrsus Spach
(1834), and Calothyrsus Spach (1834) are referred to a single genus, its correct
name is Aesculus.
11.4. For any taxon below the rank of genus, the correct name is the combination of
the final epithet1 of the earliest legitimate name of the taxon in the same rank, with the
correct name of the genus or species to which it is assigned, except (a) in cases of
limitation of priority under Art. 14, 15, 56, or 57, or (b) if the resulting combination
could not be validly published under Art. 32.1(c) or would be illegitimate under Art.
53, or (c) if Art. 11.7, 22.1 or 26.1 rules that a different combination be used.
o Ex.7. Primula sect. Dionysiopsis Pax (in Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterländ.
Kultur 87: 20. 1909) when transferred to Dionysia Fenzl becomes D. sect.
Dionysiopsis (Pax) Melch. (in Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Vereins 50: 164–168.
1943); the replacement name D. sect. Ariadna Wendelbo (in Bot. Not. 112:
496. 1959) is illegitimate under Art. 52.1.
o Ex.8. Antirrhinum spurium L. (1753) when transferred to Linaria Mill. is
called L. spuria (L.) Mill. (1768).
o Ex.9. When transferring Serratula chamaepeuce L. (1753) to Ptilostemon
Cass., Cassini illegitimately (Art. 52.1) named the species P. muticus Cass.
(1826). In that genus, the correct name is P. chamaepeuce (L.) Less. (1832).
o Ex.10. The correct name for Rubus aculeatiflorus var. taitoensis (Hayata) T. S.
Liu & T. Y. Yang (in Annual Taiwan Prov. Mus. 12: 12. 1969) is R. taitoensis
Hayata var. taitoensis, because R. taitoensis Hayata (1911) has priority over R.
aculeatiflorus Hayata (1915).
o Ex.11. When transferring Spartium biflorum Desf. (1798) to Cytisus Desf.,
Ball correctly proposed the replacement name C. fontanesii Spach ex Ball
(1878) because of the previously and validly published C. biflorus L’Hér.
(1791); the combination C. biflorus based on S. biflorum would be illegitimate
under Art. 53.1.
o Ex.12. Spergula stricta Sw. (1799) when transferred to Arenaria L. is called A.
uliginosa Schleich. ex Schltdl. (1808) because of the existence of the name A.
stricta Michx. (1803), based on a different type; but on further transfer to the
genus Minuartia L. the epithet stricta is again available and the species is
called M. stricta (Sw.) Hiern (1899).
o Ex.13. Arum dracunculus L. (1753) when transferred to Dracunculus Mill. is
named D. vulgaris Schott (1832), as use of the Linnaean epithet would result
in a tautonym (Art. 23.4).
o Ex.14. Cucubalus behen L. (1753) when transferred to Behen Moench was
legitimately renamed B. vulgaris Moench (1794) to avoid the tautonym “B.
behen”. In Silene L., the epithet behen is unavailable because of the existence
of S. behen L. (1753). Therefore, the replacement name S. cucubalus Wibel
(1799) was proposed. This, however, is illegitimate (Art. 52.1) since the
specific epithet vulgaris was available. In Silene, the correct name of the
species is S. vulgaris (Moench) Garcke (1869).
o Ex.15. Helianthemum italicum var. micranthum Gren. & Godr. (Fl. France 1:
171. 1847) when transferred as a variety to H. penicillatum Thibaud ex Dunal
retains its varietal epithet and is named H. penicillatum var. micranthum
(Gren. & Godr.) Grosser (in Engler, Pflanzenr. IV. 193 (Heft 14): 115. 1903).
o Ex.16. The final epithet in the combination Thymus praecox subsp. arcticus
(Durand) Jalas (in Veröff. Geobot. Inst. ETH Stiftung Rübel Zürich 43: 190.
1970), based on T. serpyllum var. arcticus Durand (Pl. Kaneanae Groenl. 196.
1856), was first used at the rank of subspecies in the combination T. serpyllum
subsp. arcticus (Durand) Hyl. (in Uppsala Univ. Arsskr. 1945(7): 276. 1945).
However, if T. britannicus Ronniger (1924) is included in this taxon, the
correct name at subspecific rank is T. praecox subsp. britannicus (Ronniger)
Holub (in Preslia 45: 359. 1973), for which the final epithet was first used at
this rank in the combination T. serpyllum subsp. britannicus (Ronniger) P.
Fourn. (Quatre Fl. France: 841. 1938, “S.-E. [Sous-Espèce] Th. Britannicus”).
o Note 2. The valid publication of a name at a rank lower than genus precludes
any simultaneous homonymous combination (Art. 53), irrespective of the
priority of other names with the same final epithet that may require transfer to
the same genus or species.
o Ex.17. Tausch included two species in his new genus Alkanna: A. tinctoria
Tausch (1824), a new species based on “Anchusa tinctoria” in the sense of
Linnaeus (1762), and A. matthioli Tausch (1824), a replacement name based
on Lithospermum tinctorium L. (1753). Both names are legitimate and take
priority from 1824.
o Ex.18. Raymond-Hamet transferred to the genus Sedum both Cotyledon
sedoides DC. (1808) and Sempervivum sedoides Decne. (1844). He combined
the epithet of the later name, Sempervivum sedoides, under Sedum, as S.
sedoides (Decne.) Raym.-Hamet (1929), and published a replacement name, S.
candollei Raym.-Hamet (1929), for the earlier name. Both of Raymond-
Hamet’s names are legitimate.
11.5. When, for any taxon of the rank of family or below, a choice is possible between
legitimate names of equal priority in the corresponding rank, or between available
final epithets of names of equal priority in the corresponding rank, the first such
choice to be effectively published (Art. 29–31) establishes the priority of the chosen
name, and of any legitimate combination with the same type and final epithet at that
rank, over the other competing name(s) (but see Art. 11.6; see also Rec. 42A.2).
o Note 3. A choice as provided for in Art. 11.5 is effected by adopting one of the
competing names, or its final epithet in the required combination, and
simultaneously rejecting or relegating to synonymy the other(s), or homotypic
(nomenclatural) synonyms thereof.
o Ex.19. When Dentaria L. (1753) and Cardamine L. (1753) are united, the
resulting genus is called Cardamine because that name was chosen by Crantz
(Cl. Crucif. Emend.: 126. 1769), who first united them.
o Ex.20. When Claudopus Gillet (1876), Eccilia (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. (1871),
Entoloma (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm. (1871), Leptonia (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm.
(1871), and Nolanea (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. (1871) are united, one of the generic
names simultaneously published by Kummer must be used for the combined
genus. Donk (in Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, ser. 3, 18(1): 157. 1949) selected
Entoloma, which is therefore treated as having priority over the other names.
o Ex.21. Brown (in Tuckey, Narr. Exped. Zaire: 484. 1818) was the first to unite
Waltheria americana L. (1753) and W. indica L. (1753). He adopted the name
W. indica for the combined species, and this name is accordingly treated as
having priority over W. americana.
o Ex.22. Baillon (in Adansonia 3: 162. 1863), when uniting for the first time
Sclerocroton integerrimus Hochst. (1845) and S. reticulatus Hochst. (1845),
adopted the name Stillingia integerrima (Hochst.) Baill. for the combined
taxon. Consequently Sclerocroton integerrimus is treated as having priority
over S. reticulatus irrespective of the genus (Sclerocroton, Stillingia, or any
other) to which the species is assigned.
o Ex.23. Linnaeus (1753) simultaneously published the names Verbesina alba
and V. prostrata. Later (1771), he published Eclipta erecta, an illegitimate
name because V. alba was cited in synonymy, and E. prostrata, based on V.
prostrata. The first author to unite these taxa was Roxburgh (Fl. Ind., ed.
1832, 3: 438. 1832), who adopted the name E. prostrata (L.) L. Therefore V.
prostrata is treated as having priority over V. alba.
o Ex.24. Donia speciosa and D. formosa, which were simultaneously published
by Don (1832), were illegitimately renamed Clianthus oxleyi and C. dampieri,
respectively, by Lindley (1835). Brown (in Sturt, Narr. Exped. C. Australia 2:
71. 1849) united both in a single species, adopting the illegitimate name C.
dampieri and citing D. speciosa and C. oxleyi as synonyms; his choice is not
of the kind provided for by Art. 11.5. Clianthus speciosus (G. Don) Asch. &
Graebn. (1909), published with D. speciosa and C. dampieri listed as
synonyms, is an illegitimate later homonym of C. speciosus (Endl.) Steud.
(1840); again, conditions for a choice under Art. 11.5 were not satisfied. Ford
& Vickery (1950) published the legitimate combination C. formosus (G. Don)
Ford & Vickery and cited D. formosa and D. speciosa as synonyms, but since
the epithet of the latter was unavailable in Clianthus a choice was not possible
and again Art. 11.5 does not apply. Thompson (1990) was the first to effect an
acceptable choice when publishing the combination Swainsona formosa (G.
Don) Joy Thomps. and indicating that D. speciosa was a synonym of it.
11.6. An autonym is treated as having priority over the name or names of the same
date and rank that established it.
o Note 4. When the final epithet of an autonym is used in a new combination
under the requirements of Art. 11.6, the basionym of that combination is the
name from which the autonym is derived, or its basionym if it has one.
o Ex.25. The publication of Synthyris subg. Plagiocarpus Pennell (in Proc.
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 85: 86. 1933) simultaneously established the
autonym Synthyris Benth. (1846) subg. Synthyris. If Synthyris, including subg.
Plagiocarpus, is recognized as a subgenus of Veronica L. (1753), the correct
name is V. subg. Synthyris (Benth.) M. M. Mart. Ort. & al. (in Taxon 53: 440.
2004), which has precedence over a combination in Veronica based on S.
subg. Plagiocarpus.
o Ex.26. Heracleum sibiricum L. (1753) includes H. sibiricum subsp. lecokii
(Godr. & Gren.) Nyman (Consp. Fl. Eur.: 290. 1879) and H. sibiricum subsp.
sibiricum automatically established at the same time. When H. sibiricum, so
circumscribed, is included in H. sphondylium L. (1753) as a subspecies, the
correct name of that subspecies is H. sphondylium subsp. sibiricum (L.)
Simonk. (Enum. Fl. Transsilv.: 266. 1887), not “H. sphondylium subsp.
o Ex.27. The publication of Salix tristis var. microphylla Andersson (Salices
Bor.-Amer.: 21. 1858) established the autonym S. tristis Aiton (1789) var.
tristis, dating from 1858. If S. tristis, including var. microphylla, is recognized
as a variety of S. humilis Marshall (1785), the correct name is S. humilis var.
tristis (Aiton) Griggs (in Proc. Ohio Acad. Sci. 4: 301. 1905). However, if
both varieties of S. tristis are recognized as varieties of S. humilis, then the
names S. humilis var. tristis and S. humilis var. microphylla (Andersson)
Fernald (in Rhodora 48: 46. 1946) are both used.
o Ex.28. In the classification adopted by Rollins and Shaw, Lesquerella
lasiocarpa (Hook. ex A. Gray) S. Watson (1888) is composed of two
subspecies, subsp. lasiocarpa (which includes the type of the name of the
species and is cited without an author) and subsp. berlandieri (A. Gray)
Rollins & E. A. Shaw. The latter subspecies is composed of two varieties. In
that classification the correct name of the variety that includes the type of
subsp. berlandieri is L. lasiocarpa var. berlandieri (A. Gray) Payson (1922),
not L. lasiocarpa var. berlandieri (cited without an author) or L. lasiocarpa
var. hispida (S. Watson) Rollins & E. A. Shaw (1972), based on Synthlipsis
berlandieri var. hispida S. Watson (1882), since publication of the latter name
established the autonym S. berlandieri A. Gray var. berlandieri, which, at
varietal rank, is treated as having priority over var. hispida.
11.7. For purposes of priority, names of fossil-taxa (diatom taxa excepted) compete
only with names based on a fossil type.
o Ex.29. The name Tuberculodinium D. Wall (1967) may be retained for a
fossil-genus of cysts even though cysts of the same kind are known to be part
of the life cycle of the non-fossil genus Pyrophacus F. Stein (1883).
o Ex.30. A common Jurassic leaf-compression fossil is referred to as either
Ginkgo huttonii (Sternb.) Heer or Ginkgoites huttonii (Sternb.) M. Black. Both
names are in accordance with the Code, and either name can be correct,
depending on whether this Jurassic fossil-species is regarded as rightly
assigned to the non-fossil genus Ginkgo L. or whether it is more appropriate to
assign it to the fossil-genus Ginkgoites Seward (type, G. obovata (Nath.)
Seward, a Triassic leaf compression).
11.8. Names of organisms (diatoms excepted) based on a non-fossil type are treated as
having priority over names of the same rank based on a fossil type.
o Ex.31. If Platycarya Siebold & Zucc. (1843), a non-fossil genus, and
Petrophiloides Bowerb. (1840), a fossil-genus, are united, the name
Platycarya is correct for the combined genus, although it is antedated by
o Ex.32. The generic name Metasequoia Miki (1941) was based on the fossil
type of M. disticha (Heer) Miki. After discovery of the non-fossil species M.
glyptostroboides Hu & W. C. Cheng, conservation of Metasequoia Hu & W.
C. Cheng (1948) as based on the non-fossil type was approved. Otherwise, any
new generic name based on M. glyptostroboides would have had to be treated
as having priority over Metasequoia Miki.
o Ex.33. Hyalodiscus Ehrenb. (1845), based on the fossil type of H. laevis
Ehrenb. (1845), is the name of a diatom genus that includes non-fossil species.
If later synonymous generic names based on a non-fossil type exist, they are
not treated as having priority over Hyalodiscus.
o Ex.34. Boalch and Guy-Ohlson (in Taxon 41: 529–531. 1992) united the two
non-diatom algal genera Pachysphaera Ostenf. (1899) and Tasmanites E. J.
Newton (1875) (Prasinophyta). Pachysphaera is based on a non-fossil type
and Tasmanites on a fossil type. Under the Code in effect in 1992, Tasmanites
had priority and was therefore adopted. Under the current Art. 11.8, which
excepts only diatoms and not algae in general, Pachysphaera is correct for the
combined genus.
o Note 5. In accordance with Art. 53, later homonyms are illegitimate whether
the type is fossil or non-fossil.
o Ex.35. Endolepis Torr. (1861), based on a non-fossil type, is an illegitimate
later homonym of Endolepis Schleid. (1846), based on a fossil type.
o Ex.36. Cornus paucinervis Hance (1881), based on a non-fossil type, is an
illegitimate later homonym of C. paucinervis Heer (Fl. Tert. Helv. 3: 289.
1859), based on a fossil type.
o Ex.37. Ficus crassipes F. M. Bailey (1889), F. tiliifolia Baker (1885), and F.
tremula Warb. (1894), each based on a non-fossil type, were illegitimate later
homonyms of, respectively, F. crassipes (Heer) Heer (1882), F. tiliifolia (A.
Braun) Heer (1856), and F. tremula Heer (1874), each based on a fossil type.
The three names with non-fossil types have been conserved against their
earlier homonyms in order to maintain their use.
11.9. For purposes of priority, names given to hybrids are subject to the same rules as
are those of non-hybrid taxa of equivalent rank (but see Art. H.8).
o Ex.38. The name ×Solidaster H. R. Wehrh. (1932) has priority over ×Asterago
Everett (1937) for the hybrids between Aster L. and Solidago L.
o Ex.39. ×Anemone ×hybrida Paxton (1848) has priority over A. ×elegans
Decne. (pro sp.) (1852). The former is correct when both are considered to
apply to the same hybrid, A. hupehensis (Lemoine & É. Lemoine) Lemoine &
É. Lemoine × A. vitifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC. (Art. H.4.1).
o Ex.40. Camus (in Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 33: 538. 1927) published the
name ×Agroelymus E. G. Camus ex A. Camus without a description or
diagnosis, mentioning only the names of the parent genera (Agropyron Gaertn.
and Elymus L.). Since this name was not validly published under the Code
then in force, Rousseau (in Mém. Jard. Bot. Montréal 29: 10–11. 1952)
published a Latin diagnosis. However, under the present Code (Art. H.9) the
date of ×Agroelymus is 1927, not 1952, so it antedates the name ×
Elymopyrum Cugnac (in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Ardennes 33: 14. 1938).
11.10. The principle of priority does not apply above the rank of family (but see Rec.
Here and elsewhere in this Code, the phrase “final epithet” refers to the last epithet in
sequence in any particular combination, whether in the rank of a subdivision of a genus, or of
a species, or of an infraspecific taxon.