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Hemodialysis Prescription:

Dose Adequacy by Continuous Monitoring of Fresh and Spent

Dialysate Conductivity

A Thesis Presenteà
to the
Department of Kinesiology
Lakehead University

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the
Degree of Masters of Science
Applied Sports Science and Coaching

by -7
Car1 D. Goodwin !&
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of Canada du Canada
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Measwement of hernodialysis treatment adequacy is essential to monitor quality

assurance for today's growing dialysis population. The universally accepted measure of

hemodialysis dose is K W . K t N above 1.2 has been shown to reduce patient morbidity and

mortality. Currently, K W is calculated 6orn urea kinetic modelling using predialysis and

postdiaiysis blood sampies. This blood-based approach, as well as being costly and invasive, is

typically performed once a month providuig only periodic snapshots of dialysis adequacy.

Methods to provide more fiequent feedback to attending doctors have been developed based on

urea concentration sensors in the spent dialysate stream. More recently, monitoring of dialysate

conductivity in the spent dialysate stream has been proposed as an alternative to urea monitoring

- ionic dialysance has been found to be highly correlated to urea clearance. The subject of this

thesis is the kinetic modelling of spent dialysate conductivity.

The following single pool equation was developed to describe the kinetics of the spent

dialysate conductivity during periods of constant inlet dialysate conductivity:

where Cdiand Cd, are the inlet and outlet dialysate conductivitieç (mS/çm),

D is the ionic dialysance (ml/min),

V is the patient's effective distribution volume (ml), and

t is the session tune (min)

This equation suggests a linear relationship between In ICdi- C,,I and dialysis time with dope
equal to -DN.Evaluation of this slope permits direct calculation of DtN,an equivalent ofurea

A clinical study to test this model was conducted with 14patients treated by maintenance

dialysis in the rend unit at Thunder Bay Regional Hospital, McKellar site. Did ysate conductivity

data were collected fiom 85 dialysis sessions on an Integra hemodialysis machine (Hospal-

Gambro Canada) equipped with conductivity sensors in both the inlet and outlet dialysate

- CI, was plotted versus diaiysis time for each session, the data typically
streams. When Ln [Cd

fell dong a series of straight lines. However, the slope of the iinear segments, rather than being

relatively constant (= - D N according to the proposed model), varied significantly with the

idet dialysate conductivity setting. The rate of ultrafiltration also iduenced the In [C,- C,I

slopes. This was thought to be largely due to the convective component being improperly

accounted for in the equation describing ionic mass transfer across the dialyzer- The impact of

ultrafiltration rate on the patient's circulating blood volume may also have an effect on ionic

mass transfer. Additional confounding factors were the periodic flow checks and the dialysate

conductivity excursions associated with ionic dialysance measurernents programmed into the

Integra machine.

It was concluded that the currently proposed model was an oversimplification of

intradialytic ionic mass transfer kinetics but that further studies with more sophisticatedmodels,

better accounting for the important role of convective mass transfer, were warranted. In this

regard, a series of in vitro and in vivo studies have been suggested.


The following people çontributed greatly to the leamhg experience of this thesis and 1would

like to acknowledge their kind help. Dr. L.J. Garred has been a most patient advisor contriiuting

not oniy to the hemodialysis informationbut also my project management skills. Dr. R J. Thayer

has been an enthusiastic supporter of this project. Dr. R.T. Bauer kindly agreed to complete my

cornmitee and support this learning experience. Dr. W. McCready and Dr. P. Watson, the

nephrologists at the Thunder Bay Regional Hospital. Mr. Mark Kusnier the ever resourcefiil

Biomedical tedmologist. The renal nurses,Dawn Sanderson, SandraPetzel, Deb Smart, Joanne

Robin, Mary Wrigley, Lana Allen, Connie Sgambelluri, Susan Estey, Gad ludge, Kristin Plant,

Laura Hodgson, Sheny Fogolin, Mamie Bulmer, Mary JOCharlebois, Glenna Linquist, Margaret

Heise, Judy Reist, Anne Cyderman, Nadine Spack, the renal secretary Susan Matson and

Barbara Adams the nurse manager. Mr. Luke Desjardins who was an helpful information source

with the Integra and created the oppoaunity to 'savel to meet other researchers.
Table of Contents

Chapteil . Introduction ...................................................... 1

Chapter 2. Section 1 Background Physiology ..................................... 4

1.1 Introduction ............................................... 4

1.1.1 KidneyFunction .................................... 4

1.1.2 End Stage Rend Disease (ESRD) ....................... 5
1.1.3 Water/Na Physiology ............................... -6

2.1 -4 Protein Metabolism ................................. - 8

1.2 Choices of Therapy for End Stage Rend Disease ................. - 9

1.2.1 Transplant ......................................... 9

1.2.2 Extracorporeal Therapies ............................ - 9

1.2.3 Peritoneal dialysis .................................. 13
Section 2 Hemodialysis ............................................... 14

2.1Prescription ............................................... 14
2.1.1 Overview .......................................... 14

2.1-2 Goals of Hemodialysis ............................... 15

2.1-3 Hemodialysis Prescription ............................ 15

2.2 Dialysis Machine ........................................... 15

Section3TJreaKinetics ............................................... 17

3.1 Quantification based on Urea Kinetics .......................... 17

3.1.1 Introduction to Urea Kinetics Modeling (UKM) in Dialysis .. 1 7

3.1.2 Dialysis Prescription and K t N ........................ - 1 7

3.1.3Limitations ........................................ 18
Section 4 Quantificationbased on Conductivity Kinetics ....................- 2 0
4.1Overview .................................................20
4.2 Mixed Ion Dialysis Behaviour ................................ -20

4.3 Machine Technology ....................................... -21

4.3.1Diascan ........................................... 21
4.3 -2 Diascan Kinetic modeling ............................ - 2 3

Section 5 Quantification based on Continuous Conductivîty .................. 25

5.1 Sodium Kinetics (Garred, 1998) .............................. -25

5.1.1 Primary Mode1 ..................................... 25

5.1.2 Potential Use in Dialysis .............................. 28

Chapter 3 :Method ......................................................... 29
3.1 Study Variables ............................................ 29
3.2 Data Acquisition Systern .................................... - 2 9

3.3 Data Acquisition for a Didysis Session ......................... - 3 1

3.4StudyPatients .............................................. 31

3.5 Study Dialysis Sessions ...................................... 32

Chapter4. Resdts ......................................................... 33

4.1 Treatment of Study Data ..................................... 33

4.2 Mode1 Study Validation ...................................... 39
4.3 Treatrnent Dose Quantification ............................... -45
Chapter 5. Discussion ...................................................... 54

5.1 Study Model and Its Validation ................................ 54

5.2 Diascan and Flow Meter Disturbances ..........................55

5.3 Ultrafiltration and Vascular R e W g Effects .................... -59

Chapter 6 . Recommendations ................................................ 67

6.1FutureDirections ........................................... 67

6.2 Recomrnendations for Future Studies ........................... 67

References .. .............................................................. 69
Appendix A .Integra Data Configuration ....................................... Al

Appendix B .Data Acquisition Program ....................................... B1

Appendix C. Study Validation Data .......................................... Cl
List of Tables

Table 1.1 Body Composition ................................................ 6

Table 1.2 Foms of Peritoneal Diaiysis ................. ...................*.. 13

Table 3.1 Integra Dialysis Machine Variables Captured by the Data Acquisition System 29

Table 3.2. Patient Statistics and Treatment Summary ............................. 31

Table 4.1 Treatment dose for study dialysis sessions .............................51

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Hemodialysis Schernatic ............................. ............-11

Figure 1.2 Hemofiltration Schematic ........................................ -12
Figure 1-3 Hemodidtration Schematic

Figure 2.4.1 Hospal-Garnbro Dialysis Machine ................................. -22

Figure 2.4.2 Placement of Conductivity Meters in Integra. ........................ .22

Figure 2.4.3 Diascan Measmement - Introduction of Step Change to Inlet Conductivity. . .22

Figure 3.1 Typical inlet dialysate conductivityprofile (upper h e ) and dtrafïltration profile
(lower &me) as empmployed by the Thunder Bay Regional Hospital
Rendunit. .................................................... 33

Figure 4.1 Integra Hydraulic Flow Schematic ................................. - 35

Figure 4.2. Illustration of the measurement noise of the inlet dialysate conductivity
sensor. Study session CL051 1 98 .................................. . 3 7

Figure 4.3. Outlet dialysate conductivity sensor readings without offset (yeiiow) and
with offset (green). Inlet dialysate conductivity shown as black h e .
Study session CLL051198. ...................................... . 3 7

Figure 4.4. Measurement of hydraulic time delay between conductivity sensors during
a Diascan Gep. ................................................ . 3 9

Figure 4.5. C, (black line), Cd,( green circles), and Diascan measured patient
conductivity C, (red diamond). Study session CL051 198. .............. . 4 0

Figure 4.6. Validation of the study mode1 for the f h t period of constant inlet
diaiysate conductivity. Study session CL051198. ..................... - 4 0

Figure 4.7. C, (black h e ) , Cdoraw (open gold circles) C, study ( solid dark green
circles), including Diascan patient conductivity Cpt(red diamonds).
Study session CL051 198 ......................................... .32

Figure 4.8. Plot of In IC, .C,I data for the entire study session CL051198. .......... .42
Figure 4.9. Cdi (black line) and Cdo (green circles) durhg period when dialysate conductivity
approaches patient conductivity .................................. a

Figure 4.10. Study data when meter accuracy is insufficient- Study session NF23 1298. . .- 4 4

Figure 4.1 1. First of three consecutive sessions for patient CL......................- 4 6

Figure 4.12. Second of t h e e consecutive sessions for patient CL.....................47

Figure 4.13. Third of three consecutive sessions for patient CL- .....................48

Figure 4.14. Treatment dose DtN calculation for study session CL051 198............- 5 0

Figure 4.15. Comparison of DtN calculated fiom the study data with Diascan D W .... - 5 2

Figure 4.1 6. Comparison of D W calculated fiom the study data with Kt/V urea for 10 sessions
with monthly blood work ........................................ - 5 3

Figure 5.1. The impact of dialysate flow meter checks on the study data for session CL10 1198.
.............................................................. 57
Figure 5 .2 . Effects of Diascan measurement and dialysate flow meter checks for study session
CL051198 .....................................................58

Figure 5.3. Validation data during first constant conductivity step with ultrafiltration
rates and bIood volume. Study session CL051198 .................... - 6 0

Figure 5.4. The impact of vascular refilling on dialysate conductivity kinetics. Study session
MA061198 .................................................... 64

Figure 5.5. Comparison of In IC, .Ch[ slope to ultrafiltration induced blood volume dope.
Study sessionMA131198 ......................................... 66
Chapter 1. Introduction

The ability to instantaneously quanti@ a hemodialysis dose will have many benefits to

patient care. Session to session quality asnirance will be enhancecl and patient lifestyles would

more closely rnirnic quality of life with functioning kidneys. This study endeavours to veri@ the

validity of a mode1by Dr. L.J.Garred (1998) to instantaneous measure K W . K t N is the widely

accepted measure of delivered dialysis dose (Garred, 1998; Depner, 199 1).

More than 40,000 people nationaIly have end stage rend disease (ESRD) which has

necessitated some fonn of rend replacement therapy (Prichard, 1997). The leading causes of

ESRD in Canada are diabetes meliitus (25%), glomerulonephritis (2 1%) and vascular disease

including hypertension (16%) (Prichard, 1997). n i e patient population requiring rend

replacement therapy is increasing by 7.4 % per year (Richard, 1997 & Schaudel et al, 1999).

The leading form of renal replacement therapy is hemodialysis (hichard, 1997). Currently,

30,000 people in canada receive dialysis three times per week for 3-4 hours each session

(Prichard, 1997). This places a high dwand on resources in the renal unit, with costs of $30,000

per patient per year (Prichard, 1997). Goree et al (1 995) cite costs of $88,585 for hospitai


The text of this study has been organized to give the reader a general overview of the

motivation to complete the study in the introduction. The introduction is followed by a more

detailed explanation of the relevant theory and background material needed to fblly understand

the calculated data resultùig fiom this study and their importance for patients receiving


Researchers have detennined through the use of longitudinal and comparative studies
that small solutes resulting fkom normal body metabolism have a highly toxic effect on the body

@epner, 1991). There is some debate over the toxicity effects of large molecules but as yet the

evidence does not M y support or dismiss large molecule toxicity @epna, 1991). These small

solutes are normally removed by the kidneys. Urea is produced in the body by the urea krebs

cycle during protein catabolism. Urea is a srnail solute that is infïnitely solublein water (Depner,

1991). Urea is generdy accepted as the characteristic solute to monitor when determining

protein catabolisrn and monitoring renal replacement therapy (Gmed, 1997; Depner, 199 1). The

K W measure of delivered didysis dose is a dimensionless number quantimg the amount of

blood volume cleared of urea during the dialysis session (Garred, 1997; Depner, 1991).

Therefore, K t N characterizes the amount of toxic small solutes cleared fi-om the blood. Kt/V

values of less than 0.8 cause a precipitous nse in patient deaths (Depner, 199 1). Pnchard (1997)

has published figures which summarize KtN values of 1.2-1 -4 in 64% of renal units in Canada.

Currentlythe most common method of K t N calculation is to detenninepre&post-dialysis

blood urea concentrations and apply an equation as published in Depner (1 99 1) or Garred (1 997).

Most renal units routinely monitor K W once per month @richard, 1997). This practice only

effectively quantifies 1 in 12 dialysis sessions. The proposed method of calculating K W will

calculate K W values every dialysis session improving quality assurance practices.

instantaneous measures of calculating K W will allow future development of control system

models that will enable the nephrologist to obtain repeatable KtN values. This is very important

as there is some cIinical data that suggests any exposure to toxic concentrationsof small solutes

have a chronic effect on patient health (Depner, 1991)

A previous study by Garred, Bottos & McCready (Hospal-Gambro intemal report) had

the unexpected finding that outlet dialysate conductivity and patient conductivity approach the
inlet dialysate conductivity in an exponential fashion- Dr. Garred has applied information fiom

his hemodialysis kinetic modeling research (1997) to hypothesize that K t N can be calculated

fiom the decay curve of outlet dialysate conductivity. This study wlli use clinicd data obtained

ikom current hemodialysis patients at Thunder Bay Regional Hospital (TBRH), McKellar site

under the direction of the head nephrologist Dr. W. McCready.

Chapter 2. Section 1 Background Physiology

1.1 introduction

In îhis study an investigation of instantaneous dialysis prescription dose is tendered. The

following sections present some background information concerning the physiology of the

kidney, physiology of watedwaste movement in the body and the kinetics of dialysis. This

is presented to provide the reader with enough lcnowledge to grasp the

generdized o v e ~ e w

complexities of the dialysis session.

1.1.1 Kidney Function

The human body canies two symmetricallyplaced kidneys located in the retroperitoneal

space. The kidneys provide homeostasis (maintenance of metabolic equilbriurn) of body

composition. Roper functioning of the body systems depend on this maintenance. For example,

fluid intake changes of plasma volume must be corrected to maintain optimum cardiac output

and blood pressure. Most enzymes (controlling body metabolism) function best over rather

narrow ranges of pH a d o r ion concentration (Briggs & Schnennam, 1994). Thus, the kidneys

recognize and adjust disturbances to homeostasis that occur as a consequence of food and fluid

intake, body metabolism and exercise (sweating). The kidneys' urinary excretion of water and

solutes regulate body fluid volume, osmolarity, electrolyte concentration(Na', K', Cl; Ca' M&'

and PO,) and acidity. Of the number of products of metabolism excreted by the kidneys, urea

is of prime interest in this study. As a note, the kidneys produce enzymes and hormones, notably

renin, erythropoietin, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, (Greenberg, 1994).

1-1.2 End Stage Rend Disease (ESRD)

The human body can adapt to the loss of one kidney by increasing the size of the

remaùiing kidney. Loss of functional kidney capacity (defined as ability to make corrections to

body homeostasis) will result in the manifestation of symptomatic disorders (a disease state).

End stage rend disease a m be defÏned as any disorder that causes a reduction of fùnctional

capacity in the kidneys resulting in the need for replacement treatment. This functional capacity

is typically measured by followingthe glomerular filtrationrate (GFR). The formation of urinary

excretion in the kidneysbegins with a filtrationprocess in the glomerulus. This filtration process

is influenced by the pressure driving force across the capillary bed in the glomerulus and the

penneability of the capillary bed. The filtrate continues to change composition through the

remainder of the kidney before being excreted as urine. The GFR is expressed as a fiinction of

body surface area (normal values are approx. 125 ml/min/ 1.73m2). For those solutes which are

entirely elimuiated by the kidneys, the rate of appearance in the urine is qua1 to the generation

rate in the body. The concentration of these solutes is inversely related to GFR, and conversely

GFR, cm be assessed fiom these concentrations. In clinical terms GFR is usually estimated fiom

urea and creatinine concentrations in urine over a specified collection period, typically 24 hrs.

The creatinine clearancerate is used to indicate intervention of replacement treatment. Once this

rate falls below 10 mVminute/l .73m2 , intervention is required to prevent death (Greenberg,

The kidneys fiinction to excrete urinary water to maintain body fluid volume and

electrolyte balance such as Na (solute) concentration (expressed as osmolarity).

Water as fluid volume constitutes approximately 60% of body mass. Roughly two thirds

of that water is contained in the cells as intercellular fluid (ICF) and the renaining one third

outside of the cells as extracellular fluid (ECF). The following table illustrates the body

composition for a typical70 kg person.

Water frotein NaL

(L) 0%) (mm00
ECF 15 0.3 2250
ICF 30 5.7 300
Total ~ o d ~ 45 6.0 2550

Table 1.1 Body Composition. (Halperin and Goldstein, i 999)

In calculating body water an assumption is made of the relative proportion of fat to lean body

tissue. Females tend to have a lower body composition of water, 50% of body weight vs 60%

for males due to the ratio of lean body tissue to fat content. Older people tend to have a lower

water content due to their low lean body tissue (Halperin and Goldstien, 1999).

The ECF is made up of plasma water (20% of ECF), interstitial fluid (80% of ECF), and

Iymph circulation, which makes a negligible contribution (Halperin and Goldstien, 1999). Water

is fieely permeable across ce11 membranes. Changes in the extracellular sodium concentration

result in s h i h of water between the ECF and ICF compartments. For example, a decrease in

the sodium concentration of the extracellular cornpartment results in a shift of water into the

cells, increasing ce11 volume. Alternatively, an increase in extracellular sodium concentration

produces a shîft of water fi-omthe intracellular to the extracellular cornpartment and decreasing

cell volume (Sherwood, 1993). Of note, when there is an intake of electrolyte fi-ee water, this

water distributes proportionately in the ICF and ECF compartments. This water expands both

conpartments. Conversely when there is an intake of isotonic saline only the ECF volume

expands, there is no change in the ICF volume and sodium concentration (Halperin and

Goldstein, 1999). Water movement between interstitial and intracellular spaces is governed

primarîly by osmotic concentration gradient. Under special circumstances water movement is

governed by Starling's law. Starling's law of capillaries are govemed by two factors: (i)

hydrostatic pressure (blood pressure) and (ii) oncotic pressure. When blood pressure risa, water

moves out of the blood vessels. Oncotic pressure, which is related to the concentration of the

protein albumin, draws water through the capillary membrane against osmotic pressure(Ha1perin

and GoIdstien, 1999; Sherwood, 1993).

The body is provided with a thirst response which is govemed by two mechanisms, the

baroreceptors and the osmoreceptors. The baroreceptors respond to changes in blood pressure

(which can manifest as changes in plasma volume for dialysis patients between sessions) and the

osmoreceptors respond to plasma sodium concentration (osmolarity)(Rodriguez et al, 1981).

Both systems are connected to the thalamus which controls the level of antidiuretic hormone

(ADH). ADH levels in the kidneys have a water conserving role since water is fieely permeable

and will quickly cross into the urine if not checked by the ADH mechanisms(Briggs and

Schnjermann, 1994). Reduction in blood volume reduces blood pressure creating an increase

in the levels of ADH, similarly, an increase in sodium concentration (osmolarity) in the ECF

increases ADH(Ha1pain and Goldstien, 1999;Briggs and Schnjermann, 1994; Sherwood, 1993).

Normal sodium concentrations(natrefnia)inthe body are 140mEqL Excursions fkom the n o m

can be defined as hypohypernatremia. Hyponatrexnia is defhed as sexum (plasma) sodium

concentrations of l e s than 135 mEq/L. Hyponatremia induces symptoms of nausea, vomiting,

muscle cramps, malaise, headache, confusion and lethargy; seiLures occur at sodium

concentrations 120-12SmEq5. Hypeniatremia is defined as serum sodium concentrations

greater than 146 mEq5. Hypernatremia symptoms can manifest as dry mucous membranes,

intense thirst, flushed skin, fever and oliguria (Sherwood, 1993). The kidneys control the

concentration of electrolyte sodium. During incidents of hypo/hypernatremia, correction of

adverse semm sodium concentrationmust be done slowly. If the correctionis performed rapidly

cerebral damage due to shrinkage or edema can result (Sherwood, 1993). There is some

discussion whether this condition can occur during the short tirne of the dialysis session

(McCready, 1998). The cerebral has mechanisms to control osmolarity which should be

protective over the dialysis session. The brain barrier should protect the brain cells durùig

hemodialysis (Ganong, 1987).

1.1.4 Protein Metabolism

The process of living for organisms such as humans can be called metabolism.

Metabolism is the conversion, in a broad sense, of food stuffs into materials and energy that

h c t i o n to sustain life. Metabolism creates life-givingmetabolites as well as waste metabolites

(Sherwood, 1993). The end product of protein catabolism is urea produced through the Krebs

ornithine-urea cycle. This pathway is illustrated in Figure 1.1 (Depner, 1991). Urea

concentration is commonly expressed as mg urea nitrogen per decilitre of blood. The plasma

concentration of urea nitrogen is termed blood urea nitrogen (BUN). Nomal values for BUN

are 8- 12 mg/dl (Levey, 1994; Depner, 1991). The BUN is markedly elevated in ESRD patients.
In the dialysis patient BUN is directly related to dietary protein intake. The resulting

accumulation of waste products norrnally secreted by the kidneys, is termed uremia (elevated

urea levels). Although urea is not considered a toxic waste product, its presence is directly

quantifiable to ufemic waste products of protein rnetabolism through the Krebs ornithine-urea

cycle (Figure I.l)(levey, 1994; Depner1992 ) . Urea kinetics have been studied thoroughly and

urea is the generdly accepted solute used to monitor rend disease and dialysis treatment

(Garred, 1998).

1.2 Choices of Therapy for End Stage Renal Disease

Patients with end stage renal disease require some f o m of rend replacement therapy to

supplement or totally replace kidney h c t i o n . The treatment is chosen by the

nephrologist(kidney specialist) and the patient. The most cornmon replacement therapies are

discussed in the following section.

1.2.1 Transplant

The preferred treatment modality for end stage renal failure is kidney transplant.

Although this treatment is limited primarily by the number of donors available(reference). As

such, altemate renal replacement therapies are necessary both to make up the shortfall in

transplantable kidneys aqd to provide care until a donor kidney is available.

1.2.2 Extracorporeal Therapies

Exttaçorporeal therapies use an artificial kidney placed outside the body. The artificial

kidney is called a dialyzer. The typical dialyzer is a hollow fibre membrane filter. The
membrane is semipermeable, conceptually a thin sheet perforated by holes. There are

approximately 10,000 hollow fibers, 2-3 km in total length providing 1-2 square metres of total

surface area in the typical diaiyzer (Gmed, 1998;Daugirdas & hg71994; Cheng' 1994). BIood

is placed in intimate contact with didysis solution (dialysate) during extracorporeal therapy.

Blood pumped tiom an access site surgically placed in the patient, flows through the fibres of

the artificial kidney with the dialysate passing around the outside of the fibres in counter-curent

fashion. The dialysate is a saline solution of similar composition to plasma water. The

membrane's holes are of a small size that allow mal1 solutes and molecules iike water to fieely

pass through the membrane but larger molecules such as proteins carmot cross the

mernbrane(Garred, 1998; Daugirdas & Ing, 1994; Cheung, 1994).

Extracorporeal therapies make use of counter-current mass transfer kinetics. The

mechanisms for mass or solute transfer between the blood side and the dialysate side are

convection and difision. Convective transfer occurs wirh solutes that are swept through the

membrane with water. Difisive transfer is the result of osmotic concentration gradients across

the membrane. Figures 1.1 to 1.3 demonstrate how convection and diffusion methods are

combined to give distinct advantages and disadvantages for the various foms of extracorporeal

therapies (Garred, 1998).

The most common form of extracorporeal therapy is hemodialysis (Figure 2.1.1).

Hemodialysis uses difision as the primary means of mass transfer. Convective transport occurs

as a resuit of ultrafiltration but the volumes are small, 10-30 &min.

Blood flow h m patient
350 d m i n

Diffiisive mass tramfer

& obiigatory UF to =ove
excess fliud (rate = 15 mVmin)
Dialysate Flow

335 mvnun
Blood flow return to patient

Figure 2.1.1 Hemodidysis Schematic. (Garred, 1 998)

In hanofiltration al1 mass transfer is by convection. Hernofiltrationis illustrated in Figure 2.1.2.

Blood flow fkom patient
350 d m i n

Diffusive and convective mass transfer

Dialysate Flow

---+ v
Sterile repiacement fluid 135 mVmin 2 0 mi/min

335 d m i n
Blood flow rcturn to patient

Figure 2.1.2 Hemofiltration Schematic. (Garred, 1998)

Hemodiafiltration combines both convectiveand diffisive mass transfer pathways (Figure 2.1-3).

Blood flow fÏom patient

350 d m i n

150 mi/min
4- Totally convective flow
Sterile replacement fluid 135 Wmin


v 200 mürnin

335 mVmin
Blood flow rctum to patient

Figure 2.1.3 Hemodiafiltration Schematic. (Garred, 1998)

1.23 Peritoneal dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis can be thought of as analogous to hemodialysis. The peritoned

membrane is analogous to the membrane in the dialyzer providing a barrier to the large protein

molecules while allowing the waste products and excess fluids to pass. "The peritoneal

membrane is actually layering of tissue barriers beginning at the capillary endothelium through

the capiilary basement membrane to the mesothelial ce11 surface" (Daugirdas & hg, 1994). An

access (silastic catheter) is inserted into the abdominal cavity by eider a surgeon or a

nephrologist. A dialysate solution to restore acidibase and electrolytebalance and to remove the

metabolic wastes and excess fluids is introduced into the peritoneal cavity. The effectiveness

of the treatment depends on maintainhg integrity of the peritoneai membrane.

The following table summarizes modes of peritoneal dialysis.

Manual procedures
CAPD,continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis three to four hour daytime dwells plus a
long bedtime exchange
DPD, daytime peritoneaI dialysis four short day dwells, no night dwell

Automated procedures
CCPD,continuous cycling pentoneal dialysis long day dwell, multiple short night time
NIPD, noctumal intermittent peritoneal diaiysis no day dwell, multiple short night tirne
TPD, tidd peritoned dialysis similar to NIPD, except abdomen not
completely drained with each exchange
IPD, intermittent peritoneal dialysis rapid cycling on an intermittent basis
(usually uiree to four times per week), no
dialysis between treatments
Table 1.2: Fonns of Peritoneal Dialysis. (Piraino, 1994)
Section 2 Hemodialysis

Themost prevalent renal replacement therapy in use currently is hemodialysis. Unit costs

for hemodiaiysis range fiom $28,000 to $30,000 per patient depending on whether the dialysis

is delivered in the home or in a rend unit at the hospital (Prichard, 1997).

2.1 Prescription

When hemodialysis is chosen as the treatment modality most appropriate for the

circumstances of the ESRD patient, the optimum prescription is requird. According to

statistics provided by Prichard (1997) 74% of rend units use a 3hr treatment session with the

maximum treatment tune being 4hr in 52% of the units and 5hr in 41% of the units. This c m

be simplified to Say that-the majority of renal units use a 3 to 5hr treatment. K t N is used as

prescription control in 60% of the rend units. K W targets of 1.2-1.4 are achieved in 56% of

the units, 1-1.2 in 2 1% and greater than 1.4 in 2 1% (Prichard, 1997)

2.1.1 Overview

The majority of end stage renal disease patients receive hemodialysis three times weekly

for 3-5hrs. The goal of the dialysis session is to regain homeostasis for the patient. Therefore,

many variables are monitored and many rnethods used to achieve adequate dialysis for the

patients. The ESRD patient population is increasing at a rate of 7.4% per year (Prichard, 1997).

The increased load on rend units has necessitated a shortening of the dialysis session. Ten years

ago the three weekly sessions wouid typically be 8-1 0 hrs in length to ensure adequate delivered

dialysis. The use of new high flow dialyzers with high mass transfer coefficients has increased

waste removal rates (Daugirdas & hg, 1994). As such the session times have been shortened
to 3 4 hours in a typical modem rend unit with 3 shifts per day (Gmed, 1998;Daugirdas & Ing,


2.1.2 Goals of Hemodialysis

Dialysis efficiency must be high to meet the stringent time windows a d the narrow

window of delivered dialyçis dose targets. Quality assurance must be maintained using timely,

cost effective, standardized methods. This backdrop creates the desire to increase efficiency and

lower costs while trying to improve dialysis dose. This is a cornpeting process which will

require ciosely rnonitered and controlled prescription results.

2.13 Hemodialysis Prescription

The hemodiaiysis prescription is designed to return the patient to homeostasis by

removing water, waste metabolites, excess electrolytes and re-establishing the acidhase baiance.

The nephrologist approximates the patient's ideai weight and body water volume. From these

calculationsand Spica1blood flows a dialyzer can be chosen to give an appropriatedialysis dose.

KtN, BUN, clearance, dialysance, plasma natremia and ideal weight figures are some of the

current measures used for determining adequacy assurance@augirdas & h g , 1994; Depner,

199 1). For this study only K t N and natremia levels will be considered.
2.2 Dialysis Machine

The dialysis procedure can be separated into two parts for this discussion, the blood side

and the dialysate side. Patient access to an artery and vein is typically in the lower ann or

subclavian. Blood is pumped from the patient through the dialyzer and returned to the patient.

The blood lines on the dialysis machine are provided with air detector and clamp to prevent air

fiom beuig introduced into the blood. HighIy purified water is supplied to the dialysis fiom a

treatment plant. This water is heated to body temperature and run through a degassing chamber

to remove air. The water is mixed with equal portions of concentrated bicarbonate and acid

dialysate solutions and p&ped through the diaiyzerin counter-ment fashionto the blood flow.

The dialysate line is provided with a leak detector that wiii stop dialysis should a leak develop

in the dialyzer. The dialysateline contains two pumps, one pump controls the dialysate flow rate

and the other controls the ultrafiltration rate or water removal (patient weight 10s). Ali flow

rates are carefùlly monitered through redundant control systems. These safety features allow

control of the dialysate solution sodium concentration, the dialysate flow rates, the blood flow

rates and ultrafiltration (weight removal rate) rates (Daugirdas & hg, 1994; Cheung, 1994).
Section 3 Urea Kinetics

Mass transfer relationships describe the movement of mas. These relationships are

applied to hemodialysis to measure dialysis dose.

3.1 Quantification based on Urea Kinetics

This section outlines the most recent development of models to quanti@ delivered

dialysis dose. This delivered dose c m be thought of as the volume of blood cleared of waste.

Urea has been selected as the marker used in the mass transfer relationships of kuietic modeling

during dialysis (Garred, 7998; Daugirdas & hg, 1994 Cheung, 1994).

3.1.1 Introduction to Urea Kinetics Modeling (UKM) in Dialysis

The discussion of urea kinetics is started with the assumption of single pool dynamics.

The body water is considered to be a single well mixed volume due to the relatively quick

transport mechanisms between compartments (Gmed, 1998; Daugirdas & hg, 1994; Depner,

199 1). The mass balance characterizingurea concentrationduring dialysis is as follows (Garred,


where - C is urea concentration

V is body water volume
G is urea generation rate
K is urea clearance rate
3.1.2 Diaiysis Prescription and Kt/V

Dialysis prescription by the nephrotogist involves water removal and waste removal.

This study is concerned with waste removal prescription. Tirne on the dialysis machine, blood

flow rate, dialysate flow rate and dialyzer membrane area and mass transfer characteristics are

used to detemine the delivered dialysis dose. A parameter called K t N is used to quanti@

dialysis dose and prescription. K is the dialyzer urea clearance rate and t is the time spent on

dialysis. V is the body water volume of the patient (Garred, 1998; Daugirdas & hg, 1994;

Depner, 1991). For a complete description of the development of K t N refer to the refermce

Garred, 1998. Illustmed in equation 2 is the Garred formula for K t N (Garred, 1998).

Kt h(")+3(
where C&C, are the blood creatinine concentrations
BW is body weight

Results from the U.S. National Cooperative Dialysis Study(Gotch, 1985)and subsequent studies

(Hakim et al,1994 & Parker et al, 1994) have demonstrated a link between K W and patient

mortality and morbidity. These same studies have lead to the guideline values of a KtlV

prescription of 1.2 - 1.4 to minirnize patient morality and morbidity rates. Ongoing studies

funded by the National Institutes of Health will present whether îhis minimum should be changed

to 1.6 - 1.7 (Petitclerc, 1999)

3.13 Limitations

K m dialysisprescription and the use of K t N as a quality assurancemonitor carries some

limitations. K t N numbers used for prescription are based on dialyzer clearance values

determined fiom in vitro studies and estimates of the patient's body water volume. Both the

dialyzer clearance and volume values are only an estimate of the values actually realized during

the dialysis session. These values can Vary significantly among individuals and sessions. From

equation (2) to calculate KtN to validate the prescription, a pre dialysis blood sample and a post

dialysis sample (preferably 30 mins &er dialysis to correct for rebound') are analyzed for urea

concentration. As a result the session c m only be assessed at some time afler the patient has lefl

the dialysis unit. Operationally, this means K m monitoring is a periodic quality check. Blood

sampiing increases the nsks of infection and contamination.

Currently urea monitors are in development to analyze the dialysate urea levels. These

rnonitors will provide periodic measures of urea and calculate KtN, eliminating some of the

current delay with blood sarnples. Although these monitors will only provide periodic measures.

The next section will present an alternate mode1 of urea kinetics based on conductivity

measured in the dialysate entering and Ieaving the dialyzer.

1. Rebound is an effect that describes how urea levels in the blood increase imrnediately after

dialysis as urea fkom the body d i f i e s into the blood space. Typically after 30 minutes most of

this re-adjustment has occurred.

Section 4 Quantification based on Conductivity Kinetics

An instantaneous measurement of metabolic waste transfer during didysis would allow

for improved quality assurance and enable automated control systmm to be intepteci with the

dialysis machine. Conductivity technology is currently use$ to control the conductivity levels

of the dialysate solution before entering the dialyzer. The conductivity of the dialysate solution

is usually held constant for the didysis session. There is some clinid experience with varied

conductivity during the dialysate session fiom a hi& value (15.0 mS/cm) at the start to a low

value (13-5- 14mS/cm) at the end of the session. This section details the development of a mode1

to capitalize on this technology and directly calculate an instantaneous KtN.

4.1 Overview

Some studies have suggested that mal1 uremic solutes contained in the blood contribute

to toxic effects to a much larger extent than the larger solutes and waste metabolites (reference

this). Therefore, a çolute or molecule of similar properties or kinetics to urea will have the

potential of obtainingthe same results developed for urea (Depner, 1991). The following section

will examine the use of conductivity to follow the ion behaviour of the dialysis solution as an

indicator dialysis dose (Locatelli et al, 1995; Petitclerc et al; Steil et al, 1993).

4.2 Mixed Xon Dialysis Behaviour

There have been studies that have demonstrated the validity of sodium models to predict

cIearance values in dialyzers f?om sodium kinetics (Locatelli et al, 1995; Petitclerc et al; Steil

et al, 1993). Along with this research there have been studiespredicting sodium kinetics during

a dialysis session (DiFilippo, 1997; Petitclerc, 1992, Locatelli, 1995 ). These studies provide
validity to the claim that sodium behaves like urea during a dialysis session and that conductivity

values of dialysate can be used as direct m e a d e s of sodium concentration. Conductivity has

been in use for quite some time to adjust and control dialysate in the dialysis machine (Bonomini

et ai, 1997; Ursino et al, 1996).

4 3 Machine Technoiogy

In an earlier section (section 2.2) the dialysis machine was introduced. The latest release

of dialysis machines by Hospal-Gambro (the Integra figure 4.1) contain conductivitymeters that

measure dialysate inlet and outlet conductiviîy. The Diascan feature of the Integra is used to

make periodic estimates of K W . - - "

Figure 4.1 Hospal-Gambro Dialysis Machine.

4.3.1 Diascan

The Hospai-Gambro Integra dialysis machine has incorporated a dialysate out

conductivity meter in the dialysate outlet Iine d e r the didyzer. The placements of the

conductivity meters are shown in figure 4.2.


Dialysate out


Figure 4.2 PIacernent of Condi~ctivityM e t a in Integra.

This dialysate out conductivity meter in the Integra is referred to by its' hade name Diascan. The

Diascan feature is more than just the conductivity meter. Every 30 minutes the Diascan

introduces a step change of dialysate inlet conductivity figure 4.3.

Diascm Measurement 6 minutes every 30 minutes

Conductivity 15.5 mS/cm

Outlet Conductivitv

14.5 mS/cm

3 min

Figure 4.3 Diascan MeasUrexnent - Introduction of Step Change to Inlet Conductivity.

This is a step of 1.0 mS/cm up or down fiom the current inlet dialysate conductivity values.

M e m e s of the outlet conductivity responses during the three minute step and step back to

normal conductivity values allows the use of two sets of equations to be solved for KtN,

clearance, ionic dialysance, ionic mass balance and patient plasma conductivity(Kospal-Gambro

operating manual).

4.3.2 Diascan Kinetic modeling

The conductivity of the dialysate can be related to the total ion concentration of the

solutions (Sancipriano et al, 1996; Locatelli et al, 1995). During a step change as shown in

figure 4.3 the response of the outlet mnductivity will provide a measue of concentration and

mass transfer rates. Diascan relates this to an ionic dialysance by the following equation


+ DCo

where K is the ionic dialysance

aCOi is the conductivity change of the inlet(i) and outlet(o)

Ionic Dialysance is a measure of the rate of clearance of ions fiom the blood and can be used as

K for the K t N calculation (Petitclerc et al, 1993; Stiel et al, 1993). These results assume a

patient volume based on Watson's formula (Depner, 1991) and only occur every 30 minutes.

This measure improves the availabilityof K t N information in cornparisonto conventional blood

sampling. Although, the KtN at the end of the session is not calculated unless the measure

coincides with the end of the dialysis session. Therefore, the K t N mesures are only periodic

estimations of the delivered dialysis dose, an instantanmus measure would be preferable.

Section 5 Quantification based on Continuous Conducüvity
This section presents the development of the instantanmus model of KtN using the

continuous conductivity measures of botb inlet and outlet dialysate. Modeling of sodium

kinetics for the determination of sodium transfer between the dialysate and patient plasma has

been used to control hemodynamic stability and patient natrernia. The models use conductivity

to follow sodium levels of the patient during the dialysis session (Petitcleric et al, 1993 & Ursino

et al, 1996).

5.1 Sodium Kinetics (Garred, 1998)

The development of this model is the work of Dr. L.J. Garred, Chemical Engineering

Department, Lakehead University, 1998.

5.1.1 Primary Mode1

For the development of the model the assumption is that patient conductivity(C,J will

follow a single pool model

where J is the rate of conductivity mass transfer fiom dialysate to patient

J can be expressed in terms of the d i f i i v e dialysance and ultrafiltration rate.

J = Il(&-Cpt) - &Cpt

where D is diffusive dialysance

&, is the mass transfer rate contributed by ultra filtration.
C, is the inlet conductivity of the dialysate.
This expression while commoniy used overestimates the contribution of convective mass

transfer. Howeva, key simplificationsarise from using this expressionand the error is not great

at modest rates of ultrafiltration. The left hand side of equation (1) can be broken into parts.

But - - - Lf

if fluid removal by ultrafiltration cornes entirely from the effectivedistribution for conductivity,

K.,,, is zero. Combining these two relationships with equations (1) and (2) gives:

= D(Ccii - Cpt)

Since Cpt cannot be directly measured equation (3) must be rewritten in terms of othervariables.

J can also be expressed in t m s of conductivity disappearance firom the dialysate Stream.

J = QdiCdi - QdoCh (4)

Combining equations (2) and (4):

Q d i (=di - Qdo C ~=O D(Cdi - Cpt) - IO Cpt


( D + Lf ) Cpt = Qdo Cho - ( Q d i - D)Cdi

Taking the derivative assurning constant Qdi, Qdo, D and Kuf:

= Q d o (c d i G o )

Substitutîng (6) and (7) into (3) in order to eliminate Cpt:

Re-arranging (8) to remove V fkom the Left hand side of the equation

d(Cdi - (do) -D (D+IL) dCdi

- -(cdi- Cdo) + X-
dt V (Qdi+ K u f ) dt

The situation to be andyzed is where dialysate conductivity (C,) is constant or a series of

constant steps.

When Cdi is constant over a portion of the dialysis, the last term in equation (8) is zero.

Both D and V likely Vary as dialysis precedes generally decreasing in each case; consequently,
the ratio, D N , will be ne&lyconstant. Equation (8) canbe integrated for D N constant to show:

is a straight line with slope = -DN. D N is equivalent to KN as both D and K are mass transfer

clearance rates.

5.1.2 PotentiaI Use in Dialysis

With validation of the model, instantanmus estimations of K t N will be provided during

the dialysis session. This approach will allow cornparisons of delivered dialysis dose for each

session. Separate cdculgtion of D N will provide a direct indication of V (body water volume)

as the clearance rates D or K are known for the dialyzers. V being the body water volume or the

single pool area fiom which metabolic waste is removed. Instantaneous values of K t N being

obtained, with ability to direct values for each dialysis session. Since conductivity values are

followed closeIy and predictive, body response constants to sodium will be identifiecl.
Chapter 3. Methodology

3.1 Study Variables

Al1 data gauiering of hemodidysis sessions for tbis study was performed on the Hospal-

Gambro Integra mode1 dialysis machine labeled H4, the first machine at the TBRH to be

equipped with the Diascan option providing conductivity meters on both the fiesh and spent

dialysate streams. The entire set of Integra machine parameters available for capture is listed

in tables Al-A3, Appendix A. A subset of 3 1 variables was chosen for capture in this study.

These are listed in table 3. i .

3.2 Data Acquisition System

An ACER Extensa 368D laptop cornputer was used to capture relevant data fiom the

integra via its RS232 serial port. The commercial data acquisition software, ACQ, was used for

data capture. The ACQ program listing developed for this study is provided in Appendix B. The

ACQ program captures the 3 1 Integra study variable set (table 3.1) at a specified time interval

throughout the dialysis session. In addition, at each data capture iteration, ACQ generates an

additional parameter corresponding to the t h e , in minutes, since the start of data capture. The

set of 32 values is written to an ASCII file. In a pilot study it was determined that the shortest

possible interval betsveen consecutive sets of data capture was approximately nine seconds. For

convenience, the ACQ data capture interval was set at 10 seconds.


I 2
89.3 5 Inlet Conductïvity Setting
Diaiysis T'me
Sodium Profile Setting
4 39 18 Inlet Conductivity Sodium Profile Control mS/m
- ..-.
- --
- -
89,I 42 1 Inlet Conductivity Protective 1 Inlet Conducn'vity Protective ) m~/cm

6 89.3 48 Inlet Conductivity inlet Conductivity Control mS/cm

7 1OS. 4 34 Outlet Conductiviw 3 Uncorrected Outlet Conductivity mS/m
8 89,3 46 Outlet Conductivity 3 Corrected Outlet Conductivity mS/m
9 89.3 47 Plasma Conductivity 3 Plasma Conductivity mS/cm
1 10 1 89.3 40 ( Gain 1 Diascan Gain 1
1 89-3 41 ( Offset ( Diascan Offset
1 89-1 52 1 P2 1 Dialysate & UltrafiItrate Flow 1 mVmin
13 89, 1 7 Dialysate Flow Diaiysate Flow milmin
14 39 22 Dialysate Flow Dialysate Flow Setting mumin
15 89, 1 12 Temperanue Temperature C
16 89, 1 25 Blood Flow Blood Flow milmin

17 89.3 6 Weight Loss Weight Loss g


18 89, 1 11 Weight Loss Weight Loss kg

1 89,l 10 1 Weight Loss Rate 1 Weight Loss Rate 1 W h
1 89, 3 7 1 Weight Loss Rate 1 Weight Loss Rate 1 gh

1 39 50 1 Hemoglobin 1 Hemoglobin Filtered I gNl

23 89,3 28 Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Unfiltend @dl

24 89,3 29 Hemoglobin TO Hemoglobin BV Initial Value g/dl

1 25 1 39 51 1 Blood Volume 1 Blood Volume
- - - - -
1 %
53 1 Ionic M<S Balance 1 Ionic M a s Balance
27 39 54 Dialysance Dialysance
28 39 59 KtN KtN

1 29 1 89.3 35 1 Rising Hydraulic Delay 1 Time DeIay 1 sec

1 39 44 ( Diastolic Pressure 1 Diastolic Pressure 1
I 31 1 39 45 1 Systolic Pressure 1 ~ystolicpressure

Table 3 -1 Integra Didysis Machine Variables Captured by the Data Acquisition System.
3 3 Data Acquisition for a Dialysis Session

The laptop was c o ~ e c t e dto the Integra via the RS232 port 15-30 minutes before the

patient to be studied was connected to the machine. The data acquisition program was started

immediately and ACQ sample time (parameter 32) began at this point, Data acquisition was

tenninated approximately 15-30 minutes following patient disconnection fiom the Integra. The

data captured by the ACQ program are written to an ASCII file during the didysis session.

FoIlowing the dialysis session the data were saved to an EXCEL file in which the data captured

before and after the actual period of dialysis were removed and headers added to label the data

columns. Data rernoval was facilitated by inspection of the Integra dialysis time (parameter 2).

This parameter is set to the prescnbed dialysis time in seconds at the start of dialysis (the

moment when the start button on the Integra is pressed) and counts down to zero corresponding

to the end of dialysis. The data for each study session were stored in the original ASCII format

on a single floppy disk. The EXCEL files generated for al1 study sessions were stored on a single

zip disk. A copy of this zip disk may be found in the back cover of this report

3.4 Study Patients

Only stable patients with a lower arm AV fistula capable of blood flcw rates of 300-400

d m i n were considered for this study. Patients participating in the study were informed of the

nature of the study and the cornputer data acquisition system to be attached to the RS232 port

of the dialysis machine. The patients were assured that the cornputer could in no way affect the

operation of the dialysis machine. The snidy patients were then asked to sign a consent form.

During this study no changes were made to the patients' dialysis treatrnent.
A total of 14 patients, 7 femala and 7 males, participated in the study. Patient

parameters are Iisted in table 3.2. Patients ranged in age fiom 13 to 88 and weighed between

44.3 kg and 159.2 kg. Patients had undergone an average of 33 1 dialyses or about 2.1 years of

hemodialysis before entering the study. The numt>erof study dialysis sessions per patient ranged

fiom 1 to 23. Complete data were acquired for 85 dialysis sessions with these patients over the

study penod of October to December 1998.

Patient Sex Age Ideal Dialyzer # of Dialyses # of Study

@!?a@ Weight prior to study Sessions
CL F 13 44.3 B3 1.6 92 23
MJ F 57 46 B3 2.6 94 8
WP M 52 94.5 F80A 300 1
HF M 49 159.2 F80A 360 7

DS M 37 69.5 F80A 796 9

SM M 22 74.5 F6OA 297 9
MA F 78 83.5 BK1.6 223 5
JB M 44 9 1.5 F80A 370 5
BG M 52 64 F8 249 5
KS M 62 89 BK1.6 690 8
NF F 52 85 F8OA 780 2
DC F 54 70.5 F60A 20 1
IK F 78 80 F8OA 140 1
LA F 88 47.3 B3 1.6 230 1
Mean 52.7k20.5 78.5k28.7 33 k 2 5 2 6.5k5.8
Range 13-88 44.3-1 59.2 92-796 36547
Table 3.2. Patient Statistics and Treatment Summary.
3.5 Study Dialysis Sessions

The dialysate flow rate was 500 d m i n for al1 85 dialysis sessions of the study. Blood

flow rates between 300 and 400 d m i n were required for the study. Blood flow rate was

maintained at 400 d m i n for 70 %, at 350 d m i n for 20% and at 300 mYmin for 10% of the

sessions. Study dialysis sessions were between 3.5 and 4 hours in length. Eight of the study

patients had a treatment length of four hours and the remainder of the patients were dialyzed for

3.5 hours. Normal treatment prescription for al1 study patients included inlet dialysate

conductivity profiling and ultrafiltration profiling- Profihg of the inlet dialysate consisted of

a descending series of constant conductivity steps. A typical profile is shown in the upper &me

of figure 3.1. For the session iilustrated the inlet dialysate conductivity is fked at 15.0 mS/cm

for the finit hour of diaiysis, at 14.5 mS/cm for the following 2 hours and reduced to 14.0 mS/cm

for the final treatment hour. As a result of this descending step profile the direction of sodium

transfer is fiom the dialysate to the patient early in the treatment and fiom the patient into the

dialysate towards the end of the treatment. The purpose of the high sodium in the early stages

of the session is to dirninish extracellular to intracellular fluid movement. The ultrafiltration

profile typically employed a descending series of constant ultrafiltration rate steps of varying

lenghs separateci by 10 minute rest periods. During the rest period ultrafiltration was reduced

to the minimum value of O. 1 kg/h to facilitate vascular space refilling. A typical ultrafiltration

profile is shown in the lower Fame of figure 3.1.


I . . , , . , , , l . . , 3 . , . .

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O 240
Time (min)

Figure 3.1. Typical inlet dialysate conductivity profile (upper fr;une) and
ultrafiltration profile (lower fhme) as employed by the Thunder
Bay Regional Hospital Renal Unit.
Chapter 4. Results

4.1 Treatment of Study Data

A total of 85 dialysis sessions were studied between October and December, 1998.

There were 13 patients in the study group, 6 fernales and 7 males, ranging in age IÏom 13 to 88.

The data acquisition system, ACQ, captured 32 parameters at 10 second intervals for each of the

dialysis sessions studied- The complete data set is stored on the zip disk attached to the back


The most relevant parameters to this study are fiesh or inlet dialysate conductivity (Cd

and spent or outlet dialysate conductivity (C,). The data acquisition program captured four

different idet conductivity values (parameters 3-6). Sodium Profile Setting (parameter 3) is the

dialysate conductivity profile prescribed for the dialysis session and entered into the htegra by

the nephrologist or renal nurse prior to the start of the treatment. Sodium Profile Control

(parameter 4) is the set value for the idet dialysate conductivity control system of the Integm

The Sodium Profile Setting and the Sodium Profile Control conductivity values are identical

except the control value generates a brief ramp signal when the Sodium Profile Setting has

prescribed a step change in inlet dialysate conductivity. There are two conductivity meters in the

inlet dialysate line of the Integra dialysis machine; they are identified as 41 and 42 on the Integra

flow sheet, figure 4.1. The redundant meters are a necessary safety feature to guard against an

inappropriate inlet dialysate conductivity being generated by the dialysis machine. Inlet

Conductivity Control (parameter 6) corresponds to the dialysate conductivïty measurd by the

hrst meter (labelled as 41 on figure 4.1). This is the sensor feedback value used for idet

dialysate conductivity controi. Inlet Conductivity Protective (parameter 9, the conductivity

II-. - 6 l i 4 >acw*
II .
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11. .
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II ..liV# M A P l l ' u r i n i ~ u
* r i i i u ~ r - . t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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II . . h u r u A & C r a ~ Y mv UVd"
n . m*iL.rrrr(Rni...
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l. WW- I .*l k
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i nbkrhra-r&*,,hi- n arr.mrww*
i . . Il kY* w
h rU
i hlnl in
l w3r ~
( -. SI IWQI-~~.~.,,
41 l+lC-dIiuiir~h

Figure 4.1. lntegra Hydraulic Flow Scfiematic

measured by the second meter (42 on figure 4.1 ), provides a redundant measure of inlet dialysate

conductivity. When the two values differ by more than 0.1 mS/cm, an alarm sounds on the

dialysis machine. Sodium Profile Setting (parameter 3) and Inlet Conductivity Control

(parameter 6) have been plotted on figure 4.2 for the first 120 minutes of dialysis session

CL051 198. This figure illustrates the noise in the Inlet Conductivity Control (parameter 6)

measurement (green triangles in figure 4.2) relative to the constant Sodium Profile Setting (black

line in figure 4.2) of 15.5 mS/cm. Given the fluctuations in the conductivity meter values, it was

decided to use the Scdium Profile Setting (parameter 3) as the Cdi value for vaiidating the

mathematical model. The downward steps in conductivity of 1 mSIcm noted at 10 minutes and

each 30 minutes thereafter correspond to Diascan measurements of ionic dialysance and patient


Two different outlet conductivity values (parameters 7 & 8) were câptured by the data

acquisition systern. The Uncorrected Outlet Conductivity (parameter 7) is the conductivity

measured by the spent dialysate conductivity meter (labelled 84 on figure 4.1). For a period

during the start-up procedure, fiesh dialysate is shunted to the spent dialysate conductivity meter

bypassing the diaiyzer. The outputs of the control inlet conductivity meter (parameter 6) and

spent dialysate conductivity meter (parameter 7) are compared and the offset used to generate

a Corrected Outlet Conductivity (parameter 8). The offset between the Uncorrected Outlet

Conductivity (parameter 7) and Corrected Outlet Conductivity (parameter 8) is illustraîed in

figure 4.3, for the first 120 minutes of dialysis session CL051 198. The downward spikes at

approximately 10,40, 70 and 100 minutes reflect the outlet dialysate conductivity response to

the step change in inlet conductivity during Diascan measurements. The upward and dowward

spikes between Diascan readings (indicated by the upper arrows in figure 4.1) occur every 15


15.0 -
@ h
Diascan Step
14.6 - A
- A 4 r IGA
A ? A

14.2 l ' a . . , . , . , , . .
A , ,
Al . , . . , , , , ,

O 50 1O0 150 200 250 300

Figure 4.2. IUustration of the masurement noise of the inlet dialysate

conductivity sensor. Study session CL05 1 198

30 60 90
Time (min)

Figure 4.3. Outlet dialysate conductivity sensor readings without offset

(yellow) and with offset (green). Inlet dialysate conductivity
shown as black line. Study session CLLOS 1 198.
minutes when the Integra perfonns a calibration of the inlet and outlet dialysate flow meters (52

and 82 on figure 4.1). During the one minute didyzer bypass, the outlet conductivity rises to

equal the inlet value. The abrupt fd1 after this nse is due to the lower conductivity of the

dialysate trapped in the dialyzer during the bypass period. For study modd validation, it was

necessary to remove both of these excursions fkom the outlet conductivity data set. Further

reduction in signal noise was obtained by using a centrally Iocated seven point moving average.

In this data smoothing technique, the conductivity value at each time point was averaged with

the three proceeding and the three following conductivity values. The filtered, smoothed outlet

conductivity data (green circles on figure 4.5) were the values of Cd, used for study mode1


A fürther problem arose fiom the physical placement of the inlet conductivitysensor (41

on figure 4.1) and the outlet conductivity sensor (84 on figure 4.1) in the Integra machine. The

location of the two sensors resdts in an appreciable time lag between the moment dialysate

passes by the inlet conductivity sensor and when the same dialysate reaches the outlet

conductivity sensor. This hydraulic delay is illustrated in figure 4.4 which shows the delay in

the outlet dialysate conductivity sensor response to the step change in conductivityregistered at

the inlet sensor when a Diascan measurement is initiated. The hydraulic delay is inversely

proportional to dialysate flow rate and varies with dialyzer size. This hydraulic time lag, termed

Rising Hydraulic Delay (parameter 29), is captured by the Integra machine for each Diascan

measurement performed. The Rising Hydraulic Delay (RHD) values provided a means of

compensating the data set sarnplings for the hydraulic time delay between the two sensors. For

use in the study, the average Rising Hydrauliç Delay was rounded to the nearest 10 seconds. For
Diascan Step
-E 14.9:

0 14.3-
=0 14.1-1
O Hydraulic Delay
60 seconds
13.54 ...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...(
O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (sec)

Figure 4.4. Measurement of hydraulic t h e delay between conductivity sensors during

a Diascan step.

the study session illustrated in figure 4.4, the R H .is 60 seconds and the data set sampling

interval is 10 seconds; therefore, the outlet dialysate conductivity recorded with a particuiar data

set corresponds to the inlet conductivity value recorded 6 data sets (or 60 seconds) earlier.

Figure 4.5 shows the filtered Outlet Conductivity data (green circles) where the spikes associated

with flow bypass and Diascan procedures have been removed and the data sets have been time-

shifted to compensate for the hydraulic time delay between the inlet and outlet conductivity

sensors. The red diamonds in figure 4.5 correspond to the patient conductivity determineci fiom

each Diascan measurement.

4.2 Mode1 Study Vaüdation

According to the mode1 developed in Chapter 2 Section 5.1 the outîet dialysate

conductivity change with time during a period of constant inlet dialysateconductivityis expected
Time (min)
Figure 4.5.Cdi(black line), C&, ( green circles), and Diascan measured patient
conductivity C, (red diamond). Study session CL05 1 198.

30 60 90
lime (min)
Figure 4.6. Validation of the study mode1 for the first period of constant
inlet dialysate conductivity. Study session CLOS 1 198.
to obey the following equation,

where C
,', Cd: represent the inlet and outlet dialysate conductivities at the start of the period of

constant C, and t represents the time elapsed in this perïod.

Therefore, a plot of hicdi

- Cd,] versus time is expected to exhibit straight line behaviour.
Figure 4.6 is such a plot for the Cdi,Cd, data shown in figure 4.5. Linear regression analysis was

used to appraise the hypothesis of straight line behaviour during each period of constant Cdi.

The ln 1 C, - Cd,1 data for the first 120minutes of session CL051198 (figure4.6) appear to follow
a straight line for the fust 70 minutes, followed by a transitionperiod between 70 and 80 minutes

to a second straight line from 80 to 120 minutes. Linear regrasion was performed on each

straight line segment and the correspondhg linear equations and R2values are shown on figure

' values exceed 0.9 indicating strong linear fit of the in 1 C,

4.6. Both R - C, 1 data for each

period; however, the slope of the line segments between O and 70 (-0.00899 min-') is

significantly different fkom the best fit line dope between 80 and 120 minutes (-0.00687 min-').

While the close to linear fit over an extended time period is an encouraging kding, the

significant difference in slope between the two straight line segments was not anticipated and

would appear to invalidate the proposed model. Change in linear regression line slopes are

thought to be related to changes in ultrafiltration and vascular refilling rates. This will be

considered M e r in the Discussion section.

For most study sessions dialysate conductivity profiling resulted in three periods of

constant Cdiand therefore, three opportunities to test the linear relationship between ln 1 C, - C, 1
and session t h e . Figure 4.7 shows the recorded inlet and outlet conductivity data for the entire

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O 240
Time (min)

Figure 4.7. Cdi(black line), C& raw (open gold circles) Cdostudy ( soiid dark
green circles), including Diascan patient conductivity q,(red
diamonds). Study session CL05 1 198

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)

Figure 4.8. Plot of in ICdi Cd,! data for the entire studv session CL05 1 198.
240 minutes of study session CL051198 and figure 4.8 shows the corresponding In 1 C, Ch 1 -
versus time plot. For the session depicted, sodium is t r a n s f e g to the patient for the first 120

minutes (C, exceeds Ch) and f?om the patient to the dialysate for the last 120 minutes (C,

exceeds C,). As a çonsequence, the Diascan measure of patient conductivity ( r d diamonds on

figure 4.7) is seen to rise for the first 2 hours of the dialysis session and to fa11 during the final

2 hours. The In]Cdi- Cd,1 data of figure 4.8 are seen to follow straight line behaviour for the

period of constant C , = 14.1 mS/cm (120-1 80minutes) as well as for C, = 13-4mS/crn (180-240

minutes). The linear regression coefficient is 0.98 for both periods of constant Cd,. However,

once again the regression line slope differs significantly between the two line segments (-0.0148

min' versus -0.0 129 min-') and fkom the regression line slopes found in the first 120 minutes of

the study session. Plots sunilar to figures 4.7 and 4.8 (Cd, Cdoand C,, versus session time and

l C , - C,
h 1 versus session time) may be found for al1 84 sessions in Appendix C. For most
sessions, the ln1C , - Cd,1 data were f o n d to f d dong one or more straight line segments for
each period of constant C,. A notable exception occurred when the inlet conductivity was set

very close to the patient conductivity as in the example of the 65-130 minute period of study

session NF23 1298 s h o w in figure 4.9. This results in little difference between the inlet and

outlet dialysate conductivitiesand therefore too much scatter to establish straight line behaviour

when the h(C, - CdoIdata are plotted versus time (figure 4.10). There was typically

considerable variability among slopes of the regression line segments for each session, similar

to the variability noted for the shidy session CL05 1198, s h o w in figure 4.8. This variability in

straight line segment slopes was not expected £iom the proposed mathematical mode1 which

predicted a constant dope equal to -DN,independent of C,. The factors related to this

variability in segment dope will be explored M e r in the Discussion section of this report.
I r
90 120 150
Time (min)

Figure 4.9. Cdi(black line) and C& (green circles) during period when
dialysate conductivity approaches patient conductivity

Tirne (min)
Figure 4.10. Study &ta when meter accuracy is insufficient. Study
session NF23 1298.
As noted above, the In1Cd,- C,,I versus time plot for an individual test session was

typically characterized by a series of straight Iùie segments with each segment having a different

slope. There was no identifiable trend in the sequence of straight line segment slopes for a

session (such as for example, the series of slopes rising or falling); however, the pattern of

straight line segments for an individual patient appeared to be repeated in subsequent sessions

with the same treatment prescription. This is illustrated in figures 4.11- 4.13 for three

consecutive dialysis sessions for patient CL. A break in the line segment is evident in each of

the three consecutive sessions at approximately 70 minutes of the k t constant C , step. The ratio

of the slopes before and afker this break is similar in each of the three sessions. Simiiar trends

are evident through the final 2 hours of each session. The h e m segments for the second and

third Cdisteps are similar in slope and significantly steeper than the line segments for the h t


4.3 Treatment Dose Quantification

According to the proposed model, Ln 1 Cdi- C, 1 plotted versus dialysis time was expected

to yield a single straight line for each period of constant Cdi,with the h e dope being equal to

- D N and independent of C,. This would then allow direct calculation of D t N by multiplication

of this slope by the dialysis session t h e . As described above the measured ln 1 Cdi- Cd,1 data

generally fell dong a sequence of straight line segments of varying dope. The proposed model

and its use to obtain D W as a direct quantification of dialysis dose was therefore not vdidated

by the study results. Nevertheless, it was thought worthwhile to attempt a d e t e d a t i o n of D W

based on the slopes of the piecewise linear fit of the In 1 C , - Cdo1 versus dialysis thne data. The

technique for this is illustrated in Figure 4.14. The linearregression line for each period in which
session CC031198

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O 240

Time (min)

Figure 4.1 1. First of three consecutive sessions for patient CL.

Session CLOS1198

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O 240

Time (min)

Figure 4.12. Second of three consecutive sessions for patient CL.

Session CL071198

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O 240

Time (min)

Figure 4.13. Third of three consecutive sessions for patient CL.

the in 1 C , - C, 1 versus t h e data fell dong as straight line was extended to obtain a sequence of

straight lines that covered the entire session time. The D W contribution for each of these

periods was calculated as the product of the Iine slope (taken as a positive) and the dialysis time

associated with this line segment. For the session ilfustrated in Figure 4.14, the k t line segment

spans the first 81 -3 minutes of this dialysis session and has a slope of -8.99 x 10;' minmin'.

D t N for the first 81.3 min of this dialysis session is therefore 0.71. The D t N contributions of

the subsequent 3 periods of linearity are 0.27,0.86 and 0.75, respectively, for a total Dt/V =2.59.

The D t N calculated by the Integra machine based on periodic measurernents of conductivity

dialysance and an assumed distribution volume of 25.3 L, was 2.17. Pre and postdialysis values

of blood m a concentration were availabie for this session permithg calculation of a urea K t N

using equation 2. The urea K t N was 2.23. The three K t N vaiues are in modest agreement;

however, D t N is approximately 18% greater than the other two K t N values.

D t N values calculated as described above together with the correspondingDiascan D W

are listed in Table 4.1 for 65 study sessions. Urea K t N values are also listed in this table for the

10 sessions which coincided with monthly blood work.

The study values of D W are plotted against the Diascan calculated DtN in Figure 4.15.

Not surprisingly, the correlation is poor (R2= 0.20), with considerable scatter about the line of

identity (broken line). The study D W values tend to somewhat lower (mean = 1.39) than the

Diascan calculated values (mean = 1.48). The study D W values are plotted against urea K W

for the 10 sessions where it could be calculated in Figure 4.16. The correIation between the two

values is unexpectedly close (IZ2 = 0.78). The good agreement between KtN urea and D W

calculated fiom the ln 1 C, - Cd,1 versus time data is encouraging but may only be fortuitous.
Table 4.1 Treatment dose for study dialysis sessions.
Chapter 5. Discussion

5.1 Study Modei and Its Validation

A key element of a quality asnuanceprogram for hemodidysis adequacy in the treatrnent

of end stage rend failure is a convenient and accurate measurement of delivered dose. The

current standard fortreatment dose assessrnentis K t N based on urea concentration in predialysis

and postdialysis blood samples; however, this blood based approach has many shortcomings.

There has, therefore, been considerable interest in finding an alternate method of dialysis dose

detennination which is accurate and capable of automation, such that it can be performed

routinely at minimal cost and without the need for blood sampling. The central objective of the

shidy reported here is the evaluation of an altemate method of quantifjing dialysis dose meeting

these criteria and basai on measurement of ionic conductivity in the dialysate strearns entering

and leaving the dialyzer.

A single body pool model governing the kinetics of ionic conductivity was developed.

This model gave rise to equation (10) for periods when the conductivity of dialysate entering the

dialyzer is constant:

The implication of this simple algebraic equation is that the natural logarithm of the absolute

value difference between the inlet and outlet dialysate conductivities should fa11 lineady with

dialysis treatment tirne. The slope of this line should equal - D N fiom which D m , an equivalent

to K W urea, may be calculated.

This proposed approach to quanti- dialysis treatment adequacy was evaluated in a

clinical study in which idet and outlet dialysate conductivïties were monitored at 10 second

intervals for 85 dialysis sessions in 14 patients treated on the Integra dialysis machine. The

collected data, which are presented graphicaily in Appendix C, were analyzed in the context of

the proposed model in the Results chapter. According to the model equation, the in 1 C , - Cd,1

data were expected to fa11dong a series of straight lines, one for each period of constant C,, with

a common slope equal to -DN. The data did generally fa11 dong a series of straight line

segments as predicted by the study model equation. However, it was commonly found that the

slopes of the Iine segments for different periods of constant C, varied significantly.

Furthermore, it was often the case that the In[C, - C,, 1 data, for a period of constant Cdi,fit a
sequence of two or more line segments of different slope. These trends suggest that, in

contradiction to the study model, the ln[Cdi- Cdo1 versus sessian tirne slope may depend on C,

and other factors. Some of the possible confounding factors include ultratiltration rate, changes

in circulation blood volume, and progrâmmed interventions ofthe Integra dialysis machine, such

as periodic flow meter checks and Diascan measurements. The impact of these factors will be

discussed in this chapter.

5.2 Diascan and Flow Meter Disturbances

In the Results chapter, spikes were noted at regular intervals in the Cd, data (see Figure

4.3). These spikes were caused by the flow meter check perfonned by the htegra machine every

15 minutes and by the step change in inlet dialysate conductivity at 30 minute intervals that is

part of the Diascan test when that option is active. The Cdodata spikes were re~no\~ed
from the

data used to test the study model (see Figures 4.5 and 4.6); however, the impact of these C,
excursions appears to extend beyond the short "spike" period. The upper panel of Figure 5.1

shows the C, data for the first 60 minutes of session CL101198 during which C , was fmed at

15.5 mS/cm. Diascan was disabled for this dialysis, so o d y Cdodisturbances due to the 60

second flow meter checks performed every 15minutes are present. The correspondingC , spikes

are shown as open gold circles. These data were rernoved for the mode1 validation, leaving the

gaps observed in the lower panel of Figure 5.1. The ln[Cdi- C, 1 data between the flow checks

appear to follow a linear decline except for a 1-2 minute period following each C, spike

(denoted by blue arrows) that is characterized by a transient of the ln 1 Cdi- Cdo1 cuve towards

the line of linear fall. The result, when the transients are ignored, is a sequence of straight lines

of similar slope but with a slight upward displacement of each lïne relative to the previous one.

This is equivalent to a decreased rate of clearance associated with each flow check period. The

net effect of this phenomenon is that a single linear regression line fitted to the ln ( Cd - C, [ for

the entire 60 minute period of constant C , has a less steep slope (smaller DN) than the slope of

the regression lines fitted to the data sets between pairs of flow checks.

The step in Cdi of a Diascan measurernent provokes a similar yet more pronounced

transient. This is illustrated for study session CLOS 1198 in Figure 5.2. The blue amows indicate

the 15 minute flow meter check. The red arrows indicate the Diascan measurements at 10,40,

70 and 100 minutes; the red diamonds in the upper fiame indicate the Diascan calculated patient

blood conductivity. Immediately following each of the Diascan gaps, where Cdodata have been

l C , - C , 1 cuve. This transient dismpts

removed, there is a clear 1-2 minute transient in the h

the nearly linear fa11 of ln( C, - C , ( between flow checks. The transients following the Diascan

measurements at 10,40 and 100 minutes have very simila. shapes; however the In1 C, - C, 1
transient at 70 minutes is much more pronounce& suggesting that some other factor must have
15.10 4
O 1O 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)

-2.0 1 I 1 1
O 1O 20 30 40 50 60
1ime (min)
Figure 5.1 The impact of dialysate flow meter checks on the study data for
session CL 10 1 198.
30 60 90
Time (min)

30 60 90
Time (min)

Figure 5.2. Effects of Diascan measurement and dialysate flow meter

checks for study session CL05 1 198.
dso impacted C, at this time. In this instance, it is the change in the ultrafiltration rate at 70

minutes which has caused much of the shifi of the C, profile.

5.3 Ultrafdtration and Vascular Refilling Effects

Ultrafiltration profiling was employed in almost al1 of the study dialysis sessions.

Typically, the ultrafiltration profiles were comprised of periods of constant ultrafiltration rate

separated by short periods of minimal ultrafiltration (O. 1L h , the minimal rate permitted by the

Integra machine). The purpose of these "rest periods" was to allow for refilling of the patients'

vascular cornpartment fkom the interstitial space. This profiling approach was illustrated in


Step changes in ultrafiltration rate were observed to have a significant impact on the Cdo

profile. This is illustrated in Figure 5.3 for session CL051198. The solid green line in the lower

panel of Figure 5.3 shows the ultrafiltration profile programmed for the f ' t 2 hours of this

session. After an initiai 15 minutes of minimal ultrafiltration, the rate was set to 1.4 Lm for the

following 55 minutes. Ultrafiltration was then tumed down for a 13minute renlling period, &er

which ultrafiltration was reset to 1.33 Lh. During the first period of constant ultrafiltration, the

ln1Cdi- Cdo1 data follow a linear decline except for the periodic offsets associated with flow

meter checks and the Diascan measurement at 40 minutes. At the 70 minute point, the

ultrafiltration rate was abruptly decreased to O. 1 L/h;a Diascan measurement occurred at about

the same tirne. These events coincide with a marked alteration in the C , profile. Prior to the

70 minute ultrafiltration step, C , rises progressively towards C,. Between 70 and 80 minutes

there is an abrupt downturn in C,. #en the ultrafiltration was reset to 1.33 L h at about the 83

minute mark, the C , profile is observed to again nse in a steady fashion towards C,. Ln1 Cdi -
Tïme (min)

lïme (min)

Figure 5.3. Validation data during tint constant conductivity step

with ultrafiltration rates and blood volume.
Study session CLOS Z 198
Cd,1 once again fdls linearly; however, the line is displaced upwards fiom the previous line and

is less steep.

There are two ways in which ultraflltration may impact on the Cd*profile. Firstly, there

is the direct effect of ultrafiltration on dialysis clearance. Mass transfer of NaCl in conventional

hemodialysis is predominately by convection. D i f i i v e mass transfer is only significant when

dialysateconductivitycliffers siguificantlyfi-omeffectivepatient conductivity;this generally o d y

occurs when dialysate conductivity profiling is employed. Therefore, significant changes in

ultrafiltration rate should have a dramatic impact on dialysance which will be reflected in the C,

l Cdi- Cd*(profiles. It is, therefore, important in any effort to model the kinetics of
and h

dialysate conductivitythat the influence of ultrafiltration be accurately accounted for in the mass

transfer equation used. This may not be the case in the model developed here, wherein

conductivity mass transfer was expressed as a simple sum of convective and diffusive

components. In reality, there is a complex interaction between difisive and convective mass

transfer and thus a more sophisticated mass transfer model may be required than the one tested

in this study.

An additional indirect effect of ultrafiltration on solute mass transfer occurs through its

impact on the circulating vascular volume of the patient. During dialysis, fluid is dtrafiltered

fiom blood as it passes through the extracorporeal circuit. Unless this fluid is replaced at an

equivalent rate fiom the interstitial space, blood volume falls. This cornmonly occurs when the

ultrafiltration rate is high. This is illustrated in Figure 5.3.

The red triangles in Figure 5.3 show the changes that occur in this patient's biood volume

(expressed as a percent change fiom the start of the session) over the first 120 minutes of

dialysis. Relative blood volume is computed by the Integra machine fiom the reciprocal of the
relative change in hemoglobin concentration detected by an inhred sensor (Hemoscan option)

located in the artenal blood Iine of the machine. ln the dialysis session s h o w in Figure 5.3, the

patient's blood voIume falls steadily over most of the fïrst period of high ultrafiltration (about

a 15 % decrease between 22 and 69 minutes). A 7% expansion ofblood volume occurs over the

13 minute period of minimal ultrafiltration (70-83minutes). The vascular volume remains fairly

stable for the first 15 minutes of the second hi& ultrafiltration period and then mostly declines

over the final 20 minutes shown.

Variations in circulating blood volume and vascular re-g may impact dialysate

conductivity kinetics in two ways. The increase in concentration of plasma protein and formed

cells when blood volume contracts results in a decreased blood water flow to the dialyzer (for

the same blood pump flow) which in turn can lead to a decrease in dialysance. Increased

concentration polarization of plasma protein adjacent to the dialyzer membrane may also cause

a decrease in dialysance as well as reduced convective mass transfer.

In addition, if the elecîrolytic composition of the refilling fluid entering the vascular

compartment ftom the interstitial space is different fiom the plasma electrolyte composition, this

would result in a transient shifk of the latter the magnitude of which would depend on the rate

of refilling relative to the current plasma volume.

These are cornplex phenornena and it is difficult to predict their impact on the Cd, and

ln ( Cdi- C, ( profiles. It may be possible to gain some Uisight fkom an examination of study data.

In study session CL05 1198 (Figure 5.3), ultrafiltration was held constant at 1.4 Wh between the

and 70" minute of dialysis. For the first few minutes of this period, the rate of refilling

exceeds ultrafiltration and the patient's blood volume is expanding. At about the 22 minute

point, there is an abrupt drop in refilling rate and blood volume begins to contract. This sudden
change in refilling rate does not appear to have an impact on the C, and ln 1 C, - Cdo1 profiles at

the 22 minute mark. The patient's blood volume continues to contract during the rest of this

ultrafiltration period with a total decrease in blood volume of about 15%. There is no apparent

change in the ln1C, - C , 1 slope over this interval. Thus significant changes in both refilling rate

and patient blood volume appear to have had negligïble impact on dialysate conductivitykinetics

in this instance.

On the other hand the data collected in study session MAO6 1 198 may indicate an impact

of vascularrenllingon didysate conductivitykinetics (see Figure 5.4). During the second period

of constant ultrafiltration (0.81 L h between 65 and 105 minutes) Cd, is seen to fa11 until about

the 90 minute mark and then nse towards the C , value of 14.5 mS/crn. This would suggest a

parallel fall and rise in the effective blood conductivity of the patient. This Cd,trend appears to

parallel an inverse trend of the patient's relative blood volume. That is, the patient's blood

volume was mostly rising to the 90 minute point, indicating that the rate of vascular refilling

exceeded dirafiltration during this period. There was then an abrupt decrease in vascular

refilling leading to a contracthg blood volume until the ultrafiltration rate was turned down at

105 minutes. These observations could be explitined by a difference in the sodium content of

plasma and the vascuIar refilling fluid crossing fkom the interstitial space. If the interstitial fluid

has a lower sodium content, plasma sodium could fa11 when the refilling rate is high. When the

refilling rate is low and both ultrafiltration rate and C, are high, the plasma sodium would be

expected to nse. Further studies wiil be needed to chri@ the impact of vascular refilling on

dialysate conductivity kinetics.

Blood volume monitoring with the Integra's Hemoscan option was conductecl in almost

al1 study sessions. The relative blood volume was commonly found to fall in a h e a r fashion
Time (min)


-3.0- - -10
b -


-4.0 3 I -14
O 30 60 90 120 150
Time (min)
Figure 5.4. The impact of vascular refilling on dialysate conductivic
kinetics. Study session MAO6 1198.
durhg periods of constant ultrafiltration. The dope (S) of the linearly deaeasing relative blood

volume is directly related to the differencebetween ultrafiltration rate (QUf)and vascularrefilling

rate (Qr):

Quf - Qr = -s*vb (12)

where V,, is the (unknown) patient's blood volume at the start of the didysis session. A

correlation was noted in many sessions between the slope of these lines of linearly falling blood

l Cdi- C,
volume and the slope of the h 1 data for the same period of constant Cd,and Q,. This

is iIlustrated for session MA13 1198 in Figure 5S.

During the fkst period (15-32 minutes) of constant C, (15.0 mS/cm) and constant Qu,

(0.989 Lm), the ln 1 C , - C , 1 slope (-0.0 101 min1)and relative blood volume slope (-0.00252
min-') are in a ratio of 4.02:l. During the second penod of constant Cdi(14.4 mS/cm) and

constant Qu,(0.989 Lm), between 75 and 108 minutes, both slopes are considerably srnalIer (-

0.00441 and -0.001 1 min-', respectively) however the ratio is unchanged, 4.00:l. The final

period of constant Cdi(13.9 mS/cm) and constant Qu,(0.839 Lh) occurs between 135 and 180

minutes. The slopes of ln(Cdi- C, 1 and relative blood volume during this period are -0.00367
and -0.00094 min', respectively, for a ratio of 3.89: 1. Thus, for this study session, there is a

close relationship between the ln 1 C, - C, 1 slope and the difference between ultrafiltration and
vascular refilling rates as characterized by the slope of the relative blood volume cuve?despite

a large variation in the slopes of both cuves. The implication of this relationship is unclear;

however, it may be another indication that the rate of vascular refilling fiom the interstitial space

has a direct impact on dialysate conductivity kinetics. Once again, M e r study to clarify these

relationships is indicated.
Blood Volume Linear Regression
y = -2.523E-01x + 2.80 + 1.96
y = -1.101E-01~ y = -9.432E-02~+ 2.36

In lCdi C*l Linear Regression
- 1.35
y = -1.O1 3E-02~ y = -3.668E-03~- 1.31

O 30 60 90 120 180
Time (min)
Figure 5.5. Cornparison of ln lCdi- Cd,I slope to ultrafiltration induced blood volume slope. Study session MA 13 1 198
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions

In this study, a simple model of didysate conductivity kinetics was developed and

expressed as equation 11. It was proposed that this model might allow direct assessrnent of

dialysis dose, Kt/V, from the outlet didysate conductivity - time profile during a period of

constant idet dialysate conductivity. The mode1 predicted that plotting ln 1 C, - Ch 1 against
dialysis time would yield a series of straight lines, each comesponding to a period of constant C,i,

with a common dope equal to -D/V f?om which D W , an equivaient of KtN, codd be

calculated. This proposition was not confirmed by the results of the clinical validation study.

Several extraneous factors impacted upon or caused deviations to the outlet dialysate

conductivity - time curve. These include: changes in ultrafiltration rate, varying circulating

blood volume and vascular refilling rate and the periodic flow checks and Diascan interventions

prografnmed into the Integra dialysis machine. In particular, it was concluded that a more

sophisticated model to describe dialysate kinetics is needed, more specificaily, one that

accurately reflects the interactions between diffiisive and convective mass transfer. Future

efforts, therefore, shodd be directed towards this end. In this regard, the following in vitro and

in vivo studies are recommended.

6.2 Recommendations for Future Studies

An in vitro single pool study is proposed in which a tank would be fZlled with either a

high conductivity (16.5 mS/cm) or a low conductivity (13 .O mSIcm) dialysate. The tank volume

would be dialyzed against a constant conductivity dialysate of sufficiently different conductivity

to provide a large gradient for d i a s i v e m a s tramfer. Flow-through conductivity cells would

monitor the conductivity in d l streams, permitting mass balance closure and accurate

determination of conductivity dialysance throughout the mock dialysis session duration. Runs

would be conducted at various constant rates of ultrafiltration, includingno ultrafiltration. These

controlled studies should permit development of a more precise equation of coupled convective

and diffusive mass transfer for incorporation in a mode1 of diaIysate conductivity kinetics. The

proposed study would be complemented by the steady state in vitro experiments cmently being

conducted to examine the impact of ultrafiltration rate on dialyzer clearance.

Additional clinical studies should be conducted with more fiequent data sampling of the

parameters most relevant to dialysate conductivity kinetic rnodelling. In particular, the

conductivity levels in the inlet and outlet dialysate streams should be captured approximately

once per second in order to provide a richer data base for evduating proposed models.

A dinical study is currently being organized in which a second dialyzer will be inserted

into the extracorporealblood circuit upstream to the principal dialyzer. The dialysate-side fluid

in the added dialyzer will be pumped in a closed loop and therefore should be in near diffisive

equilibrium with the arterial blood. A flow-through electrode in the re-cycle loop will provide

a continuous measure of this equilibrated plasma conductivity. This additional parameter will

permit a more direct evaluation of dialysate conductivity kinetic models.

It is hop& that the work reported here and the additional studies described above will

lead to a better understanding of the kinetics of electrolyte mass transfer in dialysis and that the

gained knowledge will lead to new automated methods to accurately measure the dialysis dose

delivered during a treatrnent session.

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Appendix A. Integra Data Configuration

A.l Integra Machine Variables

The data acquisition cards installed in the Integra dialysis machine are configured for

availabilityto a serial port. The variables available for capture by data acquisition software nom

the Integra machine are iisted in Tables A. 1-A.3.

Table A. 1. Parameter Page 39 Access Code for Data Acquisition
1 1


1- t WXP 1 1 1 1 1
Table A.2. Parameter Page 89, 1 Access Code for Data Acquisition
Table A.3. Parameter Page 89,3 Access Code for Data Acquisition
Appendïx B. Dats Acquisition Program

B.l Data Acquisition Study Configuration Program

The 3 i variables chosen for capture are listed in Table 3.1 in Chapter 3. The ACQ

program written to capture these variables during the dialysis session at 10 second intervals is

listed in figure A. 1.
Figure B.1 ACQ Program. Study Parameter Capture Variables

# file Canada-ini date 01/12/98

# 1) you have to set the right serial port comenct to your Integra;
# - set SerialPort parameter in the [Custom] paragraph
# - change the name of the paragraph related to the configuration
# of the port (now [coml])
# 2) than you have to set the right machine identifier that you have
# on Integra; change the MachineId parameter in the [Custom] paragraph
# 3) to use the data acquisition board you have to put the PCLDRV-SYS
# in your CONFIG.SYS and restart the cornputer
# Note on actual setup:
# 1)the acquisition program Save data in directory named DATA (parameter
# Directory in the [Main]paragraph)
# 2) the filename is made with 4 digit fkom data and 4 from the patient name
# 3) the maximum duration of the acquisition is 10 h (parameter MinDurata
# in the [Main] paragraph)
# 4) the sampling rate is 10 sec (parameter SecAcq in the [Main] paragraph)

SenaiPort = O # O for corn 1, 1 for com2, ...
MachineId = 2 # identification number set on the integra

Presente? = Si
BaudRate = 9600
N d i t =8
NumBitStop = 1
Parita' = N
WhatSave = V-Istantaneo
WhatGraf = V.Istantaneo
ShortSignd =Tirne, Time2, ICndInS, ICndui, ICndInP, ICndS, ICndOut3, ICndOut3A, ICndPi3,
Gain, Offset, IQdl, IQd2, IQdj, T m p , IQb, TotWtL1, TotWtL2, WtRatel, WtRate2, KT, HG,
HG2, HG3, BV,Ionic, Diai, KTN, RDel, DP, SP

TextColor = 14
RectColor = 11
ChartColor = 4
Datacolor = O

Nome = Time
VdoreMin = 10
ValoreMax = 600
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SenalPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 4

Nome = Time
ValoreMin = 10
ValoreMax = 600
ParConversione = 2, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
InpuVOutput? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 15
Nome = Inlet Conductivïty Setting
VdoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
Parconversione = O. 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &CustomSerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 5

Nome = Inlet Conductivity
ValoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
Parconversione = 0.1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
InputlOutput? = input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 18

Nome = Iniet Conductivity Protective Value
ValoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
ParConversione = 0.01., O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
InputlOutput? = Input
Porta = &Lustom.SerîalPort&
CCMid = &Custorn.MachineId&
Message = 89, 1
Address = 42
Nome = Inlet Conductivity
ValoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
ParConversione = 0.01, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
AnalogidDigital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 8 9 , 3
Address = 48

Nome = Outlet Conductivity 3
ValoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
ParConversione = 0.001, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
AnalogidDigital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = lO8,4
Offset = 15
Address = 34

Nome = OutIet Conductivity 3
VdoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
ParConversione = 0.00 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 8 9 , 3
Address = 46
Nome = PI Cond T h .
ValoreMi0 = 13
ValoreMax = 17
ParConversione = 0.00 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/DigitaI? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &CustomSerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 47

Nome = Gain
ValoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
ParConversione = 0.1, O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Senale
Analogic/Di@tal? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 40

Nome = Offset
ValoreMin = 13
ValoreMax = 17
ParConversione = O. 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Seriale
,Qnalogic/Digital? = CCM
InputlOutput? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 41
Nome = Dialysate Flow rate
VaIoreMin =1
ValoreMax =4
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
hput/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SeriaPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89, 1
Address = 52

Nome = Dia1 Flow
ValoreMin =1
ValoreMac =4
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachùieId&
Message = 89, 1
Address = 7

Nome = Dia1 Flow
ValoreMîn =1
ValoreMax =4
ParConversione = 1,O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerïalPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 22
Nome = Temp
ValoreMin =36
ValoreMax = 39.5
ParConversione = 0.1, O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89, 1
Address = 12

Nome = Blood Flow
ValoreMin =O
ValoreMax =700
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCM
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custorn.MachineId&
Message = 89, 1
Address = 25

PotWtL 11
Nome = Wt Loss
ValoreMiri = 1O0
ValoreMax = 8000
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
AnalogidDigital? = CCM
Input/Output? = hput
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 6
Nome = Wt Loss
ValoreMin = O.1
ValoreMax = 8.O00
ParConversione = 0.001, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
AnalogiclDigital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89, 1
Address = 1 1

WtRatel ]
Nome = Wt Loss Rate
ValoreMin = O.1
ValoreMax =3
ParConversione = 0.001,O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SenalPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89, 1
Address = 10

Nome = Wt Loss Rate
ValoreMin = 100
ValoreMax = 3000
ParConversione = 2, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input~output?= Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custorn.MachineId&
Message = 8 9 , 3
Address = 7
Nome = KT
ValoreLMin = O
ValoreMax = 99.5
ParConversione = 0.1,O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
AnaiogidDigital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 3 0

Nome = HG
ValoreMin = 4.0
ValoreMax = 18.0
ParConversione = 0.1,O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom-SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 50

Nome = HG2
ValoreMin = 4.0
ValoreMax = 18.0
ParConversione = 0.0 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input.Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custorn.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 28
Nome = HG2
ValoreMin =O
ValoreMax = 30
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
hput/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom-MachineId&
Message = 89, 3
Address = 29

Nome = BV
ValoreMin = 40.0
ValoreMax = 40.0
Pdonversione = O.1, O
fit Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.Se&dPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 51

Nome = Ionic
VdoreMin = -500
ValoreMax = 800
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 3 9
Address = 53
Nome = Dialysance
ValoreMin =O
VaioreMax = 300
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Inpldoutput? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 54

Nome =KTN
ValoreMin =O
ValoreMax = 3 .O0
ParConversione = 0.01, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
AnalogidDigital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 59

Nome = RDel
ValoreMin =O
ValoreMax = 150
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 89,3
Address = 3 5
Nome = Dia Pres
ValoreMin = 30
ValoreMax =235
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
AnalogiclDigital? = CCM
Input/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.MachineId&
Message = 39
Address = 44

Nome = Sys Pres
ValoreMn = 50
ValoreMax = 255
ParConversione = 1, O
# Procedura ReadCCMcnd
Tipo = Seriale
Analogic/Digital? = CCM
hput/Output? = Input
Porta = &Custom.SerialPort&
CCMid = &Custom.Machineld&
Message = 39
Address = 45
Appendix C. Study Validation Data

C.1 Study session dialysate conductivity data

In this appendix, the data for each of the 85 shidy sessions perfomed in the 14 patients

are graphicallydisplayed in chronological order. Each page correspondsto one study session and

contains two fiames. The upper frame shows the dialysate conductivity values measured by the

Integra dialysis machine. The black Iine represents the inlet dialysate conductivity (C,) profile

programmeed by the rend unit staff. The open gold circles and solid green circles are the outlet

dialysate conductivity(C,) values measured by the Diascan outlet conductivity meter. The solid

green circles represent the subset of outlet conductivity values used for the study mode1

validation; the open gold circ1es are outlet conductivitiescorrespondingto calibration procedures

of the Integra machine. The red diamonds represent the patient plasma conductivity calculated

by the Integra machine at 30 minute intervals when the Diascan option is active.

In the lower frame, ln 1 C, - C , 1 (based on the solid black line C, values and solid green

circle Cd, values in the upper h e ) is plotted versus dialysis time. Linear regression lines and

equations are displayed, as appropriate, for each perïod of constant C,.

The study sessions in this appendix are presented in chronologicd order.

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
T i m (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210

7im (min)
90 120 lm 180 210 24(
Time (min)

l'lm8 (min)
Session HW141098

Tirne (min)

Tïme (min)
Session DS161098

fime (min)

90 120 150
T i m (min)
-. , . , , . . , . , , , - 1

30 60 90 120 150
Timo (min)

, , , . l . . , . . , , l .
30 60 QO 120
Timo (min)
90 120

lime (min)

O 30 60 90 120
150 180 210
Time (min)
90 120 150 180 210
Time (min)

60 80 120 150 180 21O 210

n~ (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180
21O 240
Time (min)

Time (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Tlnn (min)
Time (min)

îinu (min)

Time (min)

O 30 80 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
lïnn, (min)

90 120 150 180 210

n m (min)
O 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Time (min)

Time (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150
180 210
lime (min)

90 120 150 180 210 240

lime (min)
Session CLOH198

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210

rime (min)

O 30 80 90 120 150 180 210 240

n~ (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O 240

Time (min)

O 30 60 QO 120 150 180 21O 240

Time (min)
90 120 150 180 21O 240
Time (min)

90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
Session MA091198
Session CL101198

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Tlme (mln)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Tirne (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 100 21O 240

Tim (min)

Timo (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Tirne (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
O 30 60 80 120
T h o (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Timo (min)

Tinn (min)

Timo (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Timo (rnln)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Timo (mln)
60 90 120 150 100 210
lïnn (min)

m o (mln)

O 30 90 120 150 180 21O 240
Tinn (mln)
90 120 150 180 210 240
rinn (min)

90 120 150 180 240 240

Tkri. (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Timo (min)
Tim (min)

80 120 150
Tinn (min)
14.0 -

13.6 , , , , , , , , , a
# . i , , , , , ,

O 30 60 96 120 150 180 210 210

Tirne (min)

nrin (min)
O 30 80 80 120 150 180 210 240
lima (min)

O 30 60 80 120 150 180 210 240

Timo (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O
Ti- (min)
O 30 60 80 120 150 180 210 240
Thin (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Thrn (min)
Time (min)

Timo (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Timo (min)

r i .

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
. A , -

90 120
m o (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O

m o (min)
90 120 150 180 210 240
Timo (min)

90 120 150 180 210 240

Tïmo (min)
90 120 150 180 210 240
KI 120
ïïnn (min)

90 120 150 180 210 240

Timm (min)
K) 120 150 180 210 240
limo (min)


60 90 120 150 180 210 240

80 120 150
lime (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Tirno (mln)
O 30 60 90 120

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Timo (min)

60 90 120 150 180 210 240

T h o (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 21O 240
T h o (min)

O 30 80 90 120 150 180 210 240

Time (min)
Timm (min)

O 30 60 80 120 150 le0 . 210 240

Timo (min)
Timo (min)

90 120
Vmo (min)

90 120 150 180 210

m o (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150

Tlmm (min)

O 30 60 80 120 1SO 180 21O 240

nirn (min)
O 30 60 90 120 f 50
180 210 240
ïinn (min)

90 120 150
Timo (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Tinn (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
nirn (min)
90 120 150 180 210
Tinn (min)
Tlmo (min)

O 30 80 120 150 180 210 240

rima (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180

Tinn (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Tifno (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Time (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
m o (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 210 240
Time (min)

O 30 60 96 120 150 180 210 240

Timo (min)
O 30 80 90 120 150 180 210

Timo (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 246

Tlnn (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Tîmm (min)

60 90 120 150 180 210 240

m o (min)
llmo (min)

90 120
Ti- (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
m o (min)

O 30 60 W 120 150 180 210 240

Tirno (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Tîm (min)

thin (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Timo (min)
90 120 1SO
Tinn (min)

O 30 &O 90 120 150 180 210 240

Vimo (min)
O 30 80 Ml 120 150 180 210
Tïnn (min)
t a s , . , , , , , , ,

80 120 150 180 210 210

Tirno (min)

90 120 150 180 210 240

Tirno (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
timo (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210

90 120 150
Tlnn (min)

60 90 120 150 180 210 210

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Timo (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 160 210

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Tim (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 2t 0 240

Tim (mln)

90 120 150
m o (min)
O 30 60 80 120 1% 180 210
Tinw (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210

T h o (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 le0 210 240

Timo (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180
21O 280
T l m (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

ïïnm (min)
60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Tim (min)

60 90 120 150 180 210 240

niin (min)
O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
tlme (min)

O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

nnw (mln)
80 120 150
Tlnn (min)

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