ITC-2018Public Holiday Calendar
ITC-2018Public Holiday Calendar
ITC-2018Public Holiday Calendar
1. Holidays marked in Red are mandatory State/Central governments holidays observed in India. ITC
Bangalore office will be closed for business on these days.
2. 5 public holidays marked in black in the 2018 public holiday’s list are restricted holidays. ITC Bangalore
offices will be closed for business on these days.
a. ITC Employees can elect a restricted holiday excluded from this list and swap them with the
existing ones mentioned in this list.
c. Employees are expected to limit their floater holidays to 2 days in a calendar year.
c. Employees are expected to consult their managers in advance, in case they wish to make a
change in their personal vacation/holiday schedule. Examples of such cases could be swapping
restricted holiday, usage of 2 days floater holiday and or adding these to one’s annual PTO plan.