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Box Culvert Design by LRFD Standard

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12.5 10'x10' This example illustrates the design of a single barrel precast concrete box
Precast Concrete culvert. After determining the load components and design load
Box Culvert combinations, the design of the flexural reinforcement is presented. The
Design Example example concludes with a shear check and an axial load capacity check.

Inside dimensions of the box culvert (Span x Rise) are 10'-0" by 10'-0"
with ” haun h s (Th). The fill height (H) above the culvert is 6'-0". A
typical section of the culvert is shown in Figure 12.5.1. Material and
design parameters are given in Table 12.5.1.

Figure 12.5.1
Table 12.5.1
Material and Design Parameters
Reinforced Concrete, c 0.150 kcf

Unit Weights Water, w 0.0624 kcf

Soil, s 0.120 kcf

Com r ssiv Str ngth, f’c 5.0 ksi

Top Slab Thickness, Tt 0.75 ft
Bottom Slab Thickness, Tb 0.83 ft
Wall Thickness, Ts 0.67 ft
Haunch Thickness, Th 12 in
Reinforcement Clear Cover 2 in
Modulus of Elasticity, Es 29,000 ksi
Yield Strength, fy 65 ksi
Maximum Wire Size W23
4 in transverse
Maximum Wire Spacing
8 in longitudinal

The approximate strip method is used for the design with the 1'-0" wide
design strip oriented parallel to the direction of traffic.

A 2-Dimensional (2D) plane frame model is used to analyze the box

culvert. Beam elements in the 2D model are assumed to be centered in
the concrete members. The model is assumed to be externally supported
by a pinned support on one end and a roller support on the other end. In
addition, the model is always assumed to be in equilibrium so external
reactions to loads applied to the structure were assumed to act equal and
opposite. A “w” dim nsion of ft is add d to th al ulations to onv rt
the units to klf for consistency with national conventions.

Figure 12.5.2
2D Plane Frame Model

A. Dead Load The self-weight of the culvert top slab is:

DCto Tt w 75 5 3 klf

The total self-weight of the culvert top slab is:

DCto Tt w (S an Ts) 75 5 ( 67) ki s

The self-weight of one culvert side wall is:

Tt Tb 75 3
DCsid Ts w ( is ) 67 5 ( )
ki s

The self-weight of one haunch is:

DChaun h 5 Th w Th 5 5 75 ki s

The top slab weight, wall weights, and all four haunch weights are
applied to the bottom slab as an upward reaction from the soil assuming
an equivalent uniform pressure. The bottom slab weight is not applied in
the model because its load is assumed to be directly resisted by the soil.

DCbottom DCto 4DChaun h DCsid ( )

S an Ts

4 75 ( ) 343 klf

B. Earth Pressure The weight of fill on top of the culvert produces vertical earth pressure
Loads (EV). The fill height is measured from the top surface of the top slab to
[12.11.2] the top of the pavement or fill. Per Table 12.5.1, the unit weight of the
fill is 0.120 kcf.

The interaction factor for embankment conditions is dependent on the

height of fill (H) and the outside width of the culvert (Bc):

[] ( ) ( )

The design vertical earth pressure at the top of the culvert is:

w 6 7 klf

[3.11.5] The lateral earth pressure (EH) on the culvert is found using the
[3.11.7] equivalent fluid method. For at-rest conditions, a maximum equivalent
fluid unit weight of 0.060 kcf and a minimum equivalent fluid unit weight
of 0.030 kcf are used.

At the top of the culvert, the lateral earth pressure is:

max max
w 6 6 36 klf

min min
w 3 6 klf

At the bottom of the culvert, the lateral earth pressure is:

max max
Tt is Tb w

6 6 75 3 5 klf

min min
Tt is Tb w

3 6 75 3 5 7 klf

Figure 12.5.3 illustrates the vertical and lateral earth pressures applied to
the box culvert.

Figure 12.5.3
Earth Loads

C. Live Load Use an active coefficient of lateral earth pressure ka equal to 0.33.
[] The height for the live load surcharge calculation at the top of the culvert
is the distance from the top surface of the top slab to the top of the
pavement or fill.

The height is:

to of ulv rt 6 ft

The equivalent fill height, heq is dependent on the depth of fill and can be
found using AASHTO Table

By interpolation, the equivalent height for a fill depth of 6 ft is:

6 5
h 4 ( ) 4 3 3 ft
The corresponding lateral live load surcharge on the top of the culvert is
given as:

LSto ka s
h w 33 3 5 klf

The height for the live load surcharge calculation at the bottom of the
culvert is the distance from the bottom surface of the bottom slab to the
top of the pavement or fill.

Tt is Tb 6 75 3 7 5 ft

Again using interpolation and AASHTO Table, the equivalent

height is:

h 3 ( ) 3 4 ft

The lateral live load surcharge located at the bottom of the culvert is
given as:

LSbottom ka s
h w 33 4 klf

D. Water Load Designers need to consider load cases where the culvert is full of water
[3.7.1] as well as cases where the culvert is empty. A simple hydrostatic
distribution is used for the water load:

At the inside of the culvert, the lateral water pressure is:

Ato klf

Abottom w is w 6 4 6 4 klf

Using a 2D frame model there is an opposite upward reaction from the

soil caused by the water inside the culvert:

Abottom S an 6 4
Abottom r a tion 5 5 klf
S an Ts) ( 67)

The water load is illustrated in Figure 12.5.4.


Figure 12.5.4
Water Load

E. Live Load The design live loads include the HL-93 truck and tandem loads. Since
[] the span of the box culvert is less than 15 ft, no lane load is applied.

Dynamic Load Allowance

The dynamic load allowance (IM) for culverts and other buried structures
is reduced based on the depth of fill over the culvert. For strength and
service limit states:

[] 33 ( 5 D ) 33 ( 5 6 ) 3%

The dynamic load allowance may not be taken less than zero.

[] Live Load Distribution

Live loads are assumed to distribute laterally with depth. The
specifications permit designers to increase the footprint of the load with
increasing depth of fill. The load is assumed to spread laterally 1.15
times H horizontally in each direction for every foot of fill above the
culvert. The intensity of live loads at any depth is assumed to be uniform
over the entire footprint.

[] The assumed tire contact area for each wheel has a width of 20 inches
and a length of 10 inches.

Using the distances between wheel lines and axles, the live load
intensities at the top of the box culvert can be found. For truck and
tandem loadings, the influence area or footprint of the live load is found
first. Then the sum of the weights of the wheels is used to determine the
intensity of the live load.

[] To determine the live load, use multiple presence factors (MPF). A single
loaded lane with a MPF of 1.20 is used for strength and service limit

A single HL-93 truck axle configuration produces a live load intensity of:

Pw P ( ) 6 ( 3)
wLL 36 klf
L 4 57 7 73


Axl s a ing tir 5 6 67 5 6 4 57 ft

L Ltir 5 3 5 6 7 73 ft

A tandem truck axle configuration produces a live load intensity of:

4 Pw P ( ) 4 5 ( 3)
LL 3 klf
L 4 57 73


W = as previously defined
L Axl S a ing Ltir 5 4 3 5 6 73 ft

The live load intensities of the single and tandem axle configurations are
compared. Since the tandem axle configuration produces a live load
intensity slightly larger than that of the single axle configuration, the
tandem axle configuration is used for design in both the strength and
service limit states. Figure 12.5.5 illustrates the different live loads.

Figure 12.5.5
HL-93 Truck and Tandem Live Load Distribution

F. Select Strength Limit State:

Applicable Ia. Maximum vertical load and maximum horizontal load:
Load 1.25DC + (1.30)(1.05)EV + 1.75(LL+IM) + (1.35)(1.05)EHmax+ 1.75LS
Ib. Maximum vertical load and minimum horizontal load:
1.25DC + (1.30)(1.05)EV + 1.75(LL+IM) + 1.00WA +(0.9/1.05)EHmin
Load Factors,
Ic. Minimum vertical load and maximum horizontal load:
and Load
0.90DC + (0.90/1.05)EV + (1.35)(1.05)EHmax + 1.75LS
Service Limit State:
Ia. Maximum vertical load and maximum horizontal load:
1.00DC + 1.00EV + 1.00(LL+IM) + 1.00EHmax + 1.00LS
Ib. Maximum vertical load and minimum horizontal load:
1.00DC + 1.00EV + 1.0(LL+IM) + 1.00WA + 1.00EHmin
Ic. Minimum vertical load and maximum horizontal load:
1.00DC + 1.00EV + 1.00EHmax + 1.00LS

G. Summary of A structural analysis is performed using a standard commercial matrix-

Analysis Results analysis program. The bottom slab of the box culvert is assumed rigid
compared to the subgrade. Reactions to vertical loads applied to the
culvert (earth, water, live load) are assumed to be carried by uniform,
triangular or trapezoidal distributed reactions applied to the bottom slab.
Box culverts supported on stiff or rigid subgrades (rock) would require
further investigation. The haunches are included in the analysis by
increasing the thickness of members near each corner.

The internal forces at several locations of the box are presented in Tables
12.5.2 through 12.5.6. The sign convention for moment in the tables is:
positive moment causes tension on the inside face of the culvert and
negative moment causes tension on the outside face. The sign
convention for thrust is: positive represents compression. The moments
and thrust presented at top, bottom, or end locations are at the location
where the typical section and haunch meet (Figure 12.5.6). The shear
forces presented in Tables 12.5.4 and 12.5.5 are at the critical shear
[C5.] location, which is taken as the effective depth for shear (dv) beyond the
haunch to typical section intersection. The shear forces presented are
the “governing” shear forces which are the shear with corresponding
moments that give the lowest capacity/design (c/d) ratios.

Figure 12.5.6
Structural Analysis Locations

Table 12.5.2
Structural Analysis Results: Moments (unfactored, kip-in)
DC EV EHmax EHmin LS WA (Pos) (Neg)

Sidewall Top -4.31 -44.97 -4.84 -2.42 0.36 4.13 - -21.57

Sidewall Center -11.06 -39.44 63.02 31.51 10.7 -26.77 - -18.82

Sidewall Bottom -17.73 -33.97 -4.80 -2.40 -1.93 2.32 - -16.21

Top Slab Center 17.19 89.03 -50.54 -25.27 -9.30 19.93 42.49 -

Top Slab End 6.39 12.60 -50.54 -25.27 -9.30 19.93 7.93 -2.35

Bottom Slab Center 38.43 103.87 -70.62 -35.31 -11.09 28.7 49.57 -

Bottom Slab End 5.50 27.43 -70.62 -35.31 -11.09 32.45 14.47 -

Table 12.5.3
Moment Load Combinations (kip-in)
Strength Service

Ia Ib Ic Ia Ib Ic

Sidewall Top -110.74 -102.45 -48.66 -75.33 -69.13 -53.76

Sidewall Center 40.39 -100.36 64.29 23.22 -64.58 23.22

Sidewall Bottom -107.08 -96.63 -55.26 -74.64 -67.99 -58.43

Top Slab Center 129.47 215.66 3.87 88.88 143.39 46.39

Top Slab End -66.85 37.33 -71.37 -43.20 21.58 -40.85

Bottom Slab
Center 157.05 275.01 4.09 110.16 185.27 60.58

Bottom Slab End -75.20 71.83 -91.06 -48.78 44.54 -48.78


Table 12.5.4
Structural Analysis Results: Shear (unfactored, kips)
DC EV EHmax EHmin LS WA (Pos) (Neg)

Sidewall Top* 0.14 -0.11 -2.26 -1.13 -0.42 0.9 0.01 -0.09

Sidewall Center 0.14 -0.11 -0.28 -0.14 0.02 0.23 0.01 -0.09

Sidewall Bottom* 0.14 -0.11 2.74 1.37 0.43 -1.31 0.01 -0.09

Top Slab Center 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 -0.4

Top Slab End* -0.39 -2.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - -1.35
Bottom Slab
Center 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 -0.27

Bottom Slab End* 1.16 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.13 1.29 0.29
*Shear given at dv away from haunch

Table 12.5.5
Governing Shear Load Combinations (kips)
Strength Service

Ia Ib Ic Ia Ib Ic

Sidewall Top* -4.10 -0.22 -3.93 -2.76 -0.30 -2.66

Sidewall Center -0.31 0.15 -0.32 -0.22 0.13 -0.22

Sidewall Bottom* 4.48 -0.28 4.65 3.09 -0.01 3.19

Top Slab Center 0.72 0.72 0.00 0.41 0.41 0.00

Top Slab End* -6.61 -6.61 -2.71 -4.50 -4.50 -3.14

Bottom Slab
Center -0.47 -0.47 0.00 -0.27 -0.27 0.00

Bottom Slab End* 7.36 7.23 3.35 5.13 5.0 3.84

*Shear given at dv away from haunch

Table 12.5.6
Axial Thrust Load Combinations (kips)
Strength Service
Ia Ib Ic Ia Ib Ic
Sidewall Top 11.43 11.43 4.96 7.87 7.87 5.73
Sidewall Center 11.44 11.44 4.96 7.88 7.88 5.73
Sidewall Bottom 11.44 11.44 4.96 7.88 7.88 5.73
Top Slab Center 5.88 0.47 5.77 3.95 0.65 3.89
Top Slab End 5.85 0.45 5.77 3.93 0.64 3.89
Bottom Slab
Center 8.26 -0.11 8.29 5.69 0.38 5.70
Bottom Slab End 8.26 -0.11 8.29 5.69 0.38 5.70

The values in Tables 12.5.2 through 12.5.6 include dynamic load

allowance and multiple presence factors.

H. Investigate Determine the required area of flexural reinforcement to satisfy the

Strength Limit Strength I load combinations.
State for Flexure
[] The resistance factor, , for flexure is 1.0 for precast box culverts.
[12.5.5] u n As fy (d )

The depth of the compression block is:

As fy
5 f b

Substituting for “a” in th first uation:

As fy
u As fy [d ]
7 f b

Inserting values for fy b

As 65
u As 65 [d ] [ ]
7 5

Manipulate to get a quadratic equation:

3 45 As 54 As d u

54 d √ 34 d 3 u

Siz th r infor m nt assuming “d” dimensions based on an average 1
inch diameter wire, (dw = 1.00 in) and a clear cover of 2 in.

d thi kn ss – ov r – 5 5 in

Referring to Table 12.5.2, the peak moment for tension on the outside
face is 110.74 k-in (top, Strength Ia). Insert d and Mu values to compute
As. The required area of steel is 0.321 in /ft. For conservatism round up
to 0.33 in /ft.

The peak moment for tension on the inside face is 64.29 k-in (center,
Strength Ic). The required area of steel is 0.19 in /ft.

Top Slab:
or th to slab “d” is:

d – 6 5 in

The peak moment for tension on the outside face is 71.37 k-in (Strength
Ic). The required area of steel is 0.18 in /ft.

The peak moment for tension on the inside face is 215.66 k-in (Strength
Ib). The required area of steel is 0.54 in /ft.

Bottom Slab:
d – 7 5 in

The peak moment for tension on the outside face is 91.06 k-in. The
required area of steel is 0.19 in /ft.

The peak moment for tension on the inside face is 275.01 k-in. The
required area of steel is 0.60 in /ft.

I. Check Crack To ensure that the primary reinforcement is well distributed, crack control
Control equations are checked. The equations are dependent on the tensile
[] stress in steel reinforcement at the service limit state, the concrete
cover, and the geometric relationship between the crack width at the
t nsion fa v rsus th ra k width at th r infor m nt l v l (β s). The
[C5.7.3.4] exposure factor, e, is 0.75, since culverts are substructures exposed to

water (Class 2).

The wire spacing, s, must satisfy:

[] 7
s – d
βs fs

Solve the equation above for the reinforcement stress at service, fss:

fss 6fy
βs (s d )

The strain ratio, βs, is defined as:

7 (h d )

Top Slab:
For the top slab inside face, the governing service limit state moment is
143.39 k-in. The axial thrust is 0.65 kips and is accounted for in the
crack control check per AASHTO C.12.11.3-1. Spacing of the wires is
assumed to be 4 inches and the area of flexural reinforcement is 0.54

d Cov r dw 5 in

Th n solv for βs:

d 5
βs 55
7 (h d ) 7 ( 5 )

The allowable reinforcement stress, f can then be calculated as:

7 7 75
f 37 63 ksi
βs (s d ) 55 (4 5 )

6fy 6 65 3 ksi 37 63 ksi Use 37.63 ksi

[C12.11.3] Find the actual stress provided in the steel:

s h 43 3
d 65 6
Ns 65

74 ( ) 74 ( ) 4 6
d 65

or “ ” us th small r of 4 6 or , th n

i 7
d 65


[C12.11.3-1] s Ns (d ) 43 3 65 (6 5 )
H fs
As i d 54 7 65

44 6 ksi 37 63 No Good

Increase the area of steel provided, so that fs is less than fss. The new
area of steel is given as:

fs 44 6
As ra k As 54 64 in ft
fss 37 63

For the top slab outside face crack control did not govern. See Table
12.5.6 for results.

Bottom Slab:
The area of steel for the bottom slab inside face is evaluated with a
service moment of 185.27 k-in, an axial thrust of 0.38 kips, and dc equal
to 2.50 inches. The required area of steel to satisfy crack control for the
bottom slab inside face is 0.70 in2/ft.

The area of steel for the sidewall inside face is evaluated with a service
moment of 23.22 k-in, an axial thrust of 5.73 kips, and dc equal to 2.50
inches. The required area of steel to satisfy crack control for the sidewall
inside face is 0.03 in2/ft.

J. Check Fatigue Fatigue check calculations are not required for the design of box culverts.
K. Check Minimum For precast culverts, the minimum amount of flexural reinforcement in
Reinforcement the cross section is a percentage of the gross area:
Minimum sidewall flexural reinforcement:

As b Tt in ft

Minimum top slab flexural reinforcement:

As b Ts in ft
Minimum bottom slab reinforcement:

As b Tb 4 in ft

For precast concrete box culverts, the MnDOT minimum reinforcement

requirement is 0.06 in2/ft, regardless of the size of the box culvert.

L. Check The strain in the reinforcement is checked to ensure that the section is
Maximum tension controlled. For a resistance factor of 1.0 to be used for flexure,
Reinforcement the reinforcement strain must be at least 0.005.
[] This is satisfied if:



As fy
5 f β b

f 5 ksi

65 β 5 5 (f 4 ) 5

c 0.513
Outside face c = 0.513 in   0.09 OK
d 5.5
Top Slab:
c 1.02
Inside face c = 1.02 in = = 0.16 OK
d 6.5
Bottom Slab:
c 1.11
Inside face c = 1.11 in = = 0.15 OK
d 7.5

Minnesota Concrete Pipe Association (MCPA) members also prefer to have

a maximum reinforcement ratio of 0.6ρb to limit congestion during
fabrication. The balanced reinforcement ratio is given by:

5β f 7 5 5 7
ρb [ ] [ ]
fy 7 fy 65 7 65

ρ 6 ρb 6

For the top slab b=12 in., d= 6.5 in., and As = 0.64 in2, the member
reinforcement ratio is given as:

As As 64 OK
A b d 65

For the sidewall with b=12 in., d= 5.5 in., and As = 0.20 in2
the reinforcement ratio is 0.0030 < 0.018. OK

Bottom Slab:
For the bottom slab with b=12 in., d= 7.5 in., and As = 0.70 in2
the reinforcement ratio is 0.0077 < 0.018. OK

Table 12.5.7
Flexural Design Calculation Summary
Sidewall Top Slab Bottom Slab

Inside Outside Inside Outside* Inside Outside*

Moment (k-in) 64.29 110.74 215.66 - 275.01 -

Assumed d (in) 5.5 5.5 6.5 - 7.5 -

’d st l ar a
0.19 0.33 0.54 - 0.60 -
(in /ft)

Moment (k-in) 23.22 75.33 143.39 - 185.27 -

Axial Thrust (kip) 5.73 7.87 0.65 - 0.38 -

Assumed d (in) 5.5 5.5 6.5 - 7.5 -

Service Assumed dc (in) 2.5 2.5 2.5 - 2.5 -

fss (ksi) 35.37 35.37 37.64 - 39.00 -

fs (ksi) 9.13 29.49 37.64 - 39.00 -

’d st l ar a for
2 0.03 0.28 0.64 - 0.70 -
crack control (in /ft)
Min 2
Check 0.002 Ag (in /ft) 0.20 0.20 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.24

*The minimum reinforcement always governs (giv n nDOT’s r infor m nt la


M. Summary of The final amount of reinforcement is:

Required Flexural
Reinforcement Sidewall:
Outside face As1 = 0.33 in2/ft
Inside face As4 = 0.20 in /ft

Top Slab:
Outside face As7 = 0.22 in /ft
Inside face As2 = 0.64 in /ft

Bottom Slab:
Outside face As8 = 0.24 in /ft
Inside face As3 = 0.70 in /ft

N. Check Shear Sidewall

[] The critical section for shear is taken at dv from the tip of the haunch.
[12.5.5] The maximum design shear at this location is:

u 4 4 ki s with asso iat d u k in

[] The nominal shear resistance without the presence of shear

reinforcement is given as:

r n


n L ss r of 5 f bv dv or 3 6 β √f bv dv

The parameter, bv , is the assumed member width and dv is the effective

shear depth. dv is calculated as:

As fy 33 65
a 4 in
5 f b 5 5

dv max 7 h, d, d a max 7 , 5 5, 5 5 4
max 5 76, 4 5, 5 5 76 in Use dv = 5.76 in

MnDOT takes the shear resistance for box culverts to be the greater of
that computed using LRFD Article and Using the
“G n ral Procedure”, the crack spacing parameter, sx , is taken as:

[] 3 3
sx sx 5 76 5 76 in and in sx in
ag 63 75 63


sx dv 5 76 in
ag = maximum aggregate size (in) = 0.75 in

s sx in

| u| | |
( 5Nu | u| ) ( 5 |4 4 | )
dv 5 76
s AS 33

where the magnitude of the moment, u, is not to be less than:

u ≥ u dv 44 5 76 5 k-in

Because there is no shear reinforcement the value of β is taken as:

4 5 4 5
75 s 3 sx 75 3

AASHTO LRFD allows a value of 2.0 to be used since the depth
of the member is less than 16 in. and it is not subjected to axial tension.
Therefore, use β .

[] The factored shear resistance is then:

3 6 β √f b v dv 3 6 √5 5 76

7 ki s

n 7 ki s 5 f bv dv

5 5 5 76 77 ki s Use 8.79 kips

n 7 ki s u 4 4 ki s OK

Top Slab
The maximum design shear at a distance dv from the tip of the haunch is:

u 6 6 ki s with asso iat d u 6 34 k in

[] The shear resistance is:

As u d
[ 676 √f 46 ] b d
b d u

where the quantity

u d 66 65 Use 1.0
u 6 34


[ 676 √5 46 ] 65 5 ki s

The shear capacity for the top slab cast monolithically with the sidewalls
is not to be taken less than:

4 √f b d ( 4 √5 6 5)

4 ki s 5 ki s

4 ki s u 66 ki s OK

Bottom Slab
The maximum design shear at a distance dv from the tip of the haunch is:

u 7 36 ki s with asso iat d u 33 k-in

[] The shear capacity is:

As u d
[ 676 √f 46 ] b d
bd u

where the quantity

d 7 36 7 5
66 Use 1.0
u 33


( 676 √5 46 ) 75 3 4 ki s

The shear capacity for the bottom slab cast monolithically with the
sidewalls is not to be taken less than:

4 √f b d ( 4 √5 7 5)

7 7 ki s 3 4 ki s

7 7 ki s u 7 36 ki s OK

O. Check Thrust The axial capacity of the culvert should be checked to ensure it satisfies
[5.7.4] the provisions of LRFD Article 5.7.4. The sidewall member will be checked
since it has the largest thrust value and least amount of thickness. The
design axial load is then:

Pu = 11.44 kips (top, Strength Ia and Ib)

[] Without stirrups in the section, the resistance factor for compression is

[] Pn f Ag 7 5 33 6 ki s 44 ki s OK

[] The axial capacity is adequate. MnDOT does not allow the consideration
of the benefit from the applied axial force in computation of bending
resistance of the sidewalls.

P. Detailing/ The concrete cover must be between 1½ inches minimum and 2 inches
Reinforcing maximum. Also, the As1 reinforcing needs to be extended in the top and
Lengths bottom slabs until the As7 or As8 reinforcing is adequate to resist the
[5.11.2] negative moment. In addition, the As7 and As8 reinforcement needs to
[5.11.6] be properly lapped to the As1 reinforcement to ensure reinforcement
continuity. In this example As1 is not needed for shear resistance, so it
does not need to be lapped past dv from the tip of the haunch. For
conservatism and simplicity of the design and construction, calculate
development lengths and lap lengths on the bottom slab and then apply
the longer computed length to both the top and bottom slabs. See Figure for more detail. A summary of these calculations follows.

For As1, the reinforcing on the outside of the sidewalls, the area of steel
required is 0.33 in2/ft. The development length, assuming the maximum,
worst case wire spacing of 4 inches, is given as:

[] 33
Aw fy 65
ld 5 5 3 6 7 in
4 √5
sw √f

Since the minimum development length for smooth wire fabric is the
embedment of two cross wires with the closer cross wire not less than 2
inches from the critical section, the minimum development length
assuming 4 inch spacing is:

ldmin 4 4 in 6 7 in Use 10 in

[] For As8, the area of steel required is 0.24 in2/ft. The required lap length
is given as the greater of 1.5 ld or 6 inches.

Then the minimum As8 lap length is

5 ld 5 5 in 6 in Use 15 in

From the structural analysis software results, the distance to the point
where the negative moment can be resisted by As8 is 0 inches. The lap
length of 15 inches is used, since it is greater than the development
length of As1 (10 in). The calculated M length is given as:

5 5 in

However, the minimum M length for the bottom slab based on MnDOT
criteria is below. Note that 6 inches is added for consistency with past

min Ts haun h max d ,dv 6 75 6 33 5 in say ”

The length of the As1 reinforcement is:

5 5 34 34 5 5 in or 6

The length of the As7 and As8 bars are then:

34 34 5 5 in or

The lengths of the As2, As3 and As4 bars are the span or rise plus 6
inches to ensure the bar is properly embedded into the member.

A summary of the reinforcing lengths is below.

Table 12.5.8
Reinforcement Length Summary
Reinforcement Length
“ ” Dim nsion ’- ”
As1 6’-9”
As2 ’-6”
As3 ’-6”
As4 ’-6”
As7 ’-2”
As8 ’-2”

Q. Summary Figure 12.5.6 illustrates the required reinforcing for the inside face and
outside face of the sidewalls, top slab, and bottom slab. Longitudinal
steel area is 0.06 in /ft.

Note that if reinforcing bars are used rather than welded wire fabric, the
required reinforcement must be increased by a factor of 65/60 = 1.08 to
account for the difference in yield strength. Also, crack control must be

Figure 12.5.7
Box Culvert Reinforcement

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