ST Germans Newsletter - 4 Feb 2018

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St German’s Church
4 Feb 2018 - Creation Sunday

Lent is almost upon us. Angus Ritchie, writing in this

week’s Church Times, says: “If we think of Lent as a This week:
“world-denying” season, this Sunday’s readings may
Mon 5:
seem odd passages on which to meditate. All four
readings have a focus on creation. They are an 6pm Mass (St G)
important corrective to Christian “other-worldliness”, St Agatha
reminding us that the physical world is a gift from Tues 6:
God. As Wendell Berry put it, “There are no 10am Mass (St S)
unsacred places; there are only sacred places and Sts Paul Miki &
desecrated places.” Since the Fall, violence and greed Companions
have desecrated our world and all who live in it. The Wed 7:
ascesis of Lent should help us to inhabit the world 10am Mass (St G)
anew — with reverence and generosity”. Thur 8:
5:45pm Mass (St S)
Parish Notes: Fri 9:
No Mass this week (St S)
Cardiff Churches Nightshelter Many thanks to all who continue to support our Nightshelter. Sat 10:
Please keep our guests and helpers in your prayers over the remaining winter weeks and 11am Mass (St S.)
months. The Nightshelter will continue until 12 March 2018.
St Scholastica Sun
Social & Fundraising Committee - meets today after mass to agree a programme of events.
PCC Meeting - the next meeting of the Parochial Church Council will be on Sunday 11 12: Sunday
March at 1pm. The Vestry meeting at Easter will be on Sun 15 April at 1pm. St Saviour’s:
Mass Settings - Please bear with us as this year we are expanding our mass settings from the 9:30 Sung Mass;
Murray setting (introduced mid 1980s) to a setting by Margaret Rizza (no. 955 in the St German’s:
hymnals). Today we learn and sing the doxology and Great Amen. 8:00 am Said Mass
Thank You - To all who helped prepare and promote the recent visit of Llandaff Cathedral (Nightshelter);
Choir for a service of Choral Evensong in the Church. We were delighted with how many 11:00 am Sung Mass
came to support the service and overwhelmed with how beautifully they sang.
Confirmation Classes - The next meeting will be this Thursday 8 February at 6:30pm in St
Saviour’s. This is also for those wanting to deepen their understanding of our faith. Keep in touch:
Ash Wednesday - 14 Feb 2018. Mass with Ashes at 10am in St German’s and Sung Mass
with Ashes at 7:30pm in St Saviour’s. Please return any palm crosses you may have.
Lent 2018 - Lent soup lunches each Friday for charity with a short talk beforehand. All are Parish Priest:
welcome. Also each week in Lent St Saviour’s and St German’s will celebrate the Stations of Fr Phelim O’Hare,
the Cross preceded by a talk on a Eucharistic theme. Details of days and times to follow. 02922 411229,
Lent Courses - St Martin’s, Roath will host a Lent talk by Mr John Guess on Thursdays at
7pm. Please see flyers and poster at the back of the church. Bishop June is also leading a (Day off - Friday)
Lenten course in Llandaff Cathedral on the first four Thursdays of Lent also at 7pm.
Cardiff Foodbank - Urgent items: tinned tomatoes, fruit juice (concentrate), rice pudding Churchwardens:
tins, sponge pudding, tinned fruit. Not needed: beans, cereals, tea, pasta.
Recently Departed: Jean Davis; Marilyn Soloman, Avril Fielding, Vivian Warren, Betty
Peter Lovitt
Evelyn Griffiths, Alice Lewis, Barry Brain RIP
02920 763754
Richard Hill:
02920 495326


Proverbs 8:1,22-31 Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 ‘Send forth your
Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11
Ps 104:24-35 Spirit, O Lord, and
1 Cor 10:31—11:1
Col 1:15-20 renew the face of the
Mark 1:40-45
John 1:1-14 earth.’ (3vs)


Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and made us in your own image: teach us to discern
your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who
with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things, now and for ever. Amen.

Hymns: 137 Crown him with many crowns ; 494 O God, our help; 429 Love is his word; 716 We have a
gospel to proclaim

1ST READING : These all look to you

to give them their food in due season; A reading from the Holy Gospel
A reading from the book of when you give to them, according to John.
Proverbs. they gather it up;
when you open your hand,
In the beginning was the Word, and
they are filled with good things. R/
The LORD created me at the the Word was with God, and the
beginning of his work, the first of his When you hide your face, Word was God. He was in the
acts of long ago. Ages ago I was set they are dismayed; beginning with God. All things came
up, at the first, before the beginning when you take away their breath, into being through him, and without
of the earth. When there were no they die and return to their dust. him not one thing came into being.
depths I was brought forth, when When you send forth your spirit, What has come into being in him
there were no springs abounding they are created; was life, and the life was the light of
with water. Before the mountains and you renew the face of the earth. R/ all people. The light shines in the
had been shaped, before the hills, I darkness, and the darkness did not
was brought forth - when he had not overcome it.
yet made earth and fields, or the Psalm 104
world’s first bits of soil. When he There was a man sent from God,
established the heavens, I was there, 2ND READING : whose name was John. He came as a
when he drew a circle on the face of witness to testify to the light, so that
the deep, when he made firm the A reading from St Paul’s letter to the all might believe through him. He
skies above, when he established the Colossians. himself was not the light, but he
fountains of the deep, when he came to testify to the light. The true
assigned to the sea its limit, so that He is the image of the invisible God, light, which enlightens everyone,
the waters might not transgress his the firstborn of all creation; for in was coming into the world.
command, when he marked out the him all things in heaven and on
foundations of the earth, then I was earth were created, things visible He was in the world, and the world
beside him, like a master worker; and invisible, whether thrones or came into being through him; yet
and I was daily his delight, rejoicing dominions or rulers or powers - all the world did not know him. He
before him always, rejoicing in his things have been created through came to what was his own, and his
inhabited world and delighting in him and for him. He himself is own people did not accept him. But
the human race.’ before all things, and in him all to all who received him, who
things hold together. He is the head believed in his name, he gave power
This is the word of the Lord. of the body, the church; he is the to become children of God, who
Proverbs 8 beginning, the firstborn from the were born, not of blood or of the
dead, so that he might come to have will of the flesh or of the will of
first place in everything. For in him man, but of God.
all the fullness of God was pleased
PSALM to dwell, and through him God was And the Word became flesh and
pleased to reconcile to himself all lived among us, and we have seen
Response: things, whether on earth or in his glory, the glory as of a father’s
Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, heaven, by making peace through only son, full of grace and truth.
and renew the face of the earth. the blood of his cross.
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
O LORD, how manifold are your works! This is the word of the Lord.
In wisdom you have made them all; Colossians 1 John 1
the earth is full of your creatures.
Yonder is the sea, great and wide,
creeping things innumerable are there,
living things both small and great. R/


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