Ultrasonic Radar Sytem With Liquid Crystal Display

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Blanco, Jhomel C.; Dacanay, Luis Fernando L. ; Fernandez, Mahana Lysa R.; Generalao,
Elaine F.; Juguillon, Lawrence D. ; Mislang, Kassandra Kay F. ; Rabanera, Jeramie B.;
Rosario, Francis Carl L. ; Senin, Mariella A. ; Tacadena, Karljann Edison B.

Colegio de Dagupan –School of Engineering

Adviser: Engr. Jonathan G. Lim

The MATLAB code harvests the data from the COM

port, saves it into a matrix with the angle of rotation, and then
I. Objectives converts it into Cartesian coordinates with the formula given. A
 To develop an ultrasonic radar system, Liquid Crystal display is also wired up in this project to visually
detecting obstacles with the aid of determine the exact location of the obstacle detected. In this
MATLAB software. case, the distance of the closest object is printed as
 To provide accuracy on perceiving the determined by the ultrasonic distance sensor and a warning
exact distance and location of the message was displayed in the event an object gets too close.
detected obstacle. The LCD monitor has a module at the back of it that allows it to
communicate with the Arduino via I2C.
II. Conceptual Framework
IV. Data, Results and Summary.
The requirement of an Ultrasonic Radar system is a
microcontroller circuit that is connected to an ultrasonic sensor
mounted on a servo motor for monitoring. As soon as the object
is detected, the data is processed and sent to the laptop. The
SERVO analysis of the object detection is done with the help of
MATLAB. The graph shows two regions, the shaded (blue
region) and the clear region. Hence, the clear region shows that
there is no object and the blue part shows there is an object in
that particular region and in this case we can trace the position
and the angle of the object. The LCD prints the exact distance
of the obstacle and then prints a message when the obstacle is
very near.
LAPTOP V. Conclusion and Recommendation.
Radar system presents a low cost and low power
III. Methodology system for the security of an unauthorized area by the help of
radar system. The future modification may include the addition
The Arduino Microcontroller programmed with of surveillance cameras. This radar system is better for
Arduino Software will serve as the brain of this project. The security if image recognition system will be added and so that
microcontroller will emit a radar signal in a predetermined the image of the object can be recognized.
direction as soon as the waves are in contact with the object
which the system can monitor a limited range. The Arduino
code controls the motion of data is pushed over serial to the
PC, where it is read by MATLAB. The data received from the
Arduino tells two things; the degree of rotation of the servo
motor and the distance of an obstacle in that direction. Hence,
the data that we have at this point is in the Polar coordinate
system. For it to make sense to human eyes when visualized,
it must be converted to the Cartesian or X-Y Coordinate
system. The servo motor and the readings from the ultrasonic
sensor are captured. It also pushes the sensor data to the
serial port.

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