Blbliometrics and CEP

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Virtuosity - Newsletter of the ASCP - Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy - Issue 8, November 2017

Australasian Society
for Continental Philosophy

their childhood in Grenfell, near Orange in New an evocative account of this kind of contradiction in
South Wales, and Coonabarabran respectively. Pinjara in 1970, where it was indeed more palpable
Other continental philosophers come from than for most, see Ferrell 2003. Recently the
respectively: parts of Tasmania outside of La Trobe; Australasian Society of Continental Philosophy has
Yass; various old gold mining areas in the Victoria inaugurated a book series that ponders some related
in the bush surrounding Avoca and Talbot; the themes (Rowman and Littlefield International). Of
“outback” of Northern Queensland, half an hour or course, some with this regional background never
so from Townsville… This is a small sample, but I want to return, and appear to aim to expel any trace
can regale you with stories and names for a very long of it from their philosophical reflections. Others have
time. With my confirmation bias admittedly intact, I a faint nostalgia for those places (and perhaps those
have found a lot. Indeed, sufficiently many, I believe, times). Philosophy is always situated and embedded
that it cannot be dismissed as mere happenstance. in histories and cultures, yet retains a movement
And they aren’t all continental philosophers. David beyond this; it is never merely local or it ceases to
Stove, of Armstrong and Devitt’s realist/”no bull be philosophy. But it is interesting that the notional
shit” set, came from the bush. Rai Gaita’s childhood home for many Australian philosophers is on the
in Victoria is famously recounted in Romulus, My margins, always involving enculturation in cities and
Father. He later reflects on the importance of his their universities, but seemingly also always coming
“relationship to the desolate beauty of the central from outside. Something about the Australian bush,
Victorian landscape” (After Romulus). And there and other circumstances surrounding it, appears to
aren’t that many academic philosophers in Australia. be propitious for philosophy.
Maybe 2-300 in actual departments at any given Ferrell, Robyn. “Pinjarra 1970: shame and the
time, continental philosophers a much smaller group country town”. Cultural Studies Review, Vol. 9, No. 1,
again. Maybe you will indulge me in these claims. If May 2003: 23-34.
statistically a significant anomaly, as I am suggesting,
Rathbone, David. “Phenomenology”. A Companion
what should we conclude? After all, the country is
to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. Monash:
not just a home for esoteric philosophers. They are
Monash University Press, 2010.
home to a rich diversity of Australian life, which
includes many strong supporters of Pauline Hanson, --Jack Reynolds, Professor of Philosophy at Deakin Uni-
various religious groups, maybe the Australian versity
mafia, at least if one can believe some well-known
TV stories concerning Griffith. Might boredom be
a factor? Might the landscape be a factor? Even the Bibliometrics and Continental
sun, as Armstrong contended, no doubt reflecting a
long history of such evocations, taking in figures like Philosophy
Banjo Patterson, Patrick White, David Malouf, and
ASCP members will be aware that this year, a special
Tim Winton, to bring some literary figures into this
subcommittee was formed to address the issues
surrounding “bibliometrics”, and how they affect
No doubt, the harsh brown landscape also has other European philosophy. As a result of this process, the
cultural stories to tell, including about why this litany ASCP will champion a proposed list of journals of
of philosophers who come from the country remain quality in the field.
“white” to an overwhelming degree. Indeed, maybe it
even has something to do with the manner in which So, why has this course of action been undertaken?
“we” are all “home” on a land that is nonetheless not Bibliometrics is the application of mathematics
ours, even if we do not feel this as children. Whatever and statistical methods to books and journals. The
a homeland might be, and however entrenched commensurating premise is that a citation of some
we are and were in it, our non-indigeneity may chapter, article or book, any citation, represents an
imperceptibly influence our experiences. Indeed, for “endorsement” of that text. Thus, “[t]he importance

Virtuosity - Newsletter of the ASCP - Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy - Issue 8, November 2017
Australasian Society
for Continental Philosophy

of an idea is measured by the number of citations doing so.” Audrey Baneyx, ‘”Publish or Perish” as
received by the document(s) in which it is embedded.” Citation Metrics Used to Analyze Scientific Output
(Christine L. Borgman, “Editor’s Introduction”, in the Humanities: International Case Studies in
Scholarly Communications and Bibliometrics, ed. Economics, Geography, Social Sciences, Philosophy,
Christine L. Borgman (Newbury, Park, CA: Sage, and History,’ Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae
1990), p. 19.) Experimentalis, 56 (2008), 7.)
These premises given, the ‘prestige’ or ‘quality’ of But why does this matter specifically to CEP and to
an article, journal or researcher in any discipline the ASCP?
whatsoever—note this, for we’ll return to it below—
It matters, because the commensurating premises
can be calculated, and ranked against all others. It can
of the bibliometrics are at best, blunt and at worst,
be so ranked, by putting aside all other considerations.
meaningfully blind to the different intellectual
What alone now ‘counts’ is the number of citation-
histories, cultures, or citational norms of different
endorsements (and, in more recent measures) the
citationally-sanctioned ‘prestige’ of the journals in
which the ‘donor-citations’ are found. Generally speaking, scientific articles are cited
more quickly and more frequently than articles
The spread of this bibliometrical technology has
in the humanities. For almost all new articles
been remarkable, and shows few signs of slowing
in these disciplines focus on a specified object,
down. Automatic web-enabled citation indexing
experiment, hypothesis or issue and directly respond
was introduced in 1998 with CiteSeer, followed
to the previous literature on that object, experiment,
soon afterwards by Googlescholar. These pioneers
hypothesis or issue. So the sciences come off looking
have been followed by a host of competing citation-
better than the humanities, when bibliometrical
counting web-platforms like SCIMAGO.
measures are considered authoritative.
Then, in 2003, the Shanghai Academic Ranking of
Within the humanities, disciplines where the
World Universities (ARWU) was born, becoming
the first global university ranking system to use issues addressed are more recondite—for example,
bibliometric measures to evaluate the research the history of renaissance rhetoric, the parsing of
performance of tertiary institutions globally. This Spinoza, or the interpretation of Aristotle—are again
ranking has been duly followed in 2004, by the systematically disadvantaged against more social-
QS World University Rankings, then in 2010, by scientific disciplines that look at more contemporary
the Times Higher Education World University objects or issues.
Rankings. And so, within philosophy, analytic articles—
The result is that, whether academics like it or not— given the history of our discipline, and analytic
and there are arguably many reasons not to like it, philosophy’s closer relationship with the sciences
as we’ll see in a moment—scholars and our written and their epistemic norms—are generally cited much
productions are today being compared, counted, rated more rapidly and more frequently than almost all
and ranked by these new technologies in ways almost European philosophy articles.
unimaginable even twenty-five years ago. These In SCIMAGO, the most ‘humanistic’ of the
counts are also becoming increasingly central, via bibliometrical platforms, in terms of the journals
the global university rankings systems, to managerial it includes, there are thus only three dedicated
thinking about what academics do or should do, European philosophy journals in the top 100.
and why. (Bibliometrical citation counts, as Audrey
At a pinch, including ‘cross-over’ journals, ASCP
Baneyx notes, are “considered in grants, hiring, and
members might consider their work for 10-15%
tenure decisions by laboratories, institutions, and
of the ‘top journals’ in our own discipline, when
governments. For many reasons, researchers may
bibliometrical measures are considered authoritative.
want to demonstrate the impact of their work, and
citation analysis is one, albeit controversial way of Now, someone could look at this metrical result, and

Virtuosity - Newsletter of the ASCP - Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy - Issue 8, November 2017
Australasian Society
for Continental Philosophy

balance it against either the sheer numbers of people has been the attempt to undermine the self-
doing European philosophy (probably between 25- governance of professional “elites”—the bete noirs, of
40 percent of philosophy professionals and graduate course, of the corporate media—by subjecting them to
students in Australasia or globally), or else against forms of auditing, accounting, financial and economic
the former listing of quality journals developed by managerial imperatives. The aim is to introduce
philosophers themselves in Australia, in association forms of marketized, competitive conduct into those
with the ERA rankings. These, in 2010, nominated ‘enclaves’ of publicly-funded institutions, previously
about 70 CEP journals as A or A-star, and form the relatively insulated from ‘market imperatives’.
basis of the proposed 2017 ASCP list.
Metrics of different kinds have been and remain
Thus someone might then conclude that, clearly, the vital in this ongoing project. For they promise a way
‘bibliometrics’ are deeply unscientific and inaccurate. of rating and ranking professionals within expert
Or else, they could as it were hold the metrics specialisations which do not require managerial
constant, and infer that CEP must be a very poor knowledge of the actual work being done in those
cousin indeed to its analytic contemporaries: not professions.
producing ‘serious’ or ‘good’ or ‘quality’ research, and
Hospital managers need not be doctors or trained
in ‘serious’ need of reform or cutting back.
nurses, if the measure of a doctor is the number
The issue for the ASCP and its members is that many of patients treated, and a high ranking on patient
managers, untrained in philosophy and unaware of satisfaction forms which patients are asked to fill out.
the history of the analytic-continental divide—or They need no longer trust in the expert judgment of
else simply indifferent or uncaring about it—have doctors and health professionals about each others’
and will take the latter stance. They will be moreover work, but can as it were by-pass all such qualitative,
sanctioned in doing so by the political realities of pre-metrical measures.
the global rankings systems, increasingly vital to
And university managers today need no longer be
university advertising, and attracting international
trained academics, expert in some field or other, or
and national student cohorts.
sympathetic to academics’ work. This, to the extent
And so, the ASCP and its members will find that with the advent of bibliometrics all they now need
themselves in years to come at a massive, metrical to be able to do is log on to the various bibliometrical
disadvantage for positions, promotions, and systemic platforms to be able to instantly rank members of
recognition for the work that they do, relative to their staff across all disciplines and within all disciplines,
analytic colleagues. or indeed rank their own institution’s disciplinary
Now, much could be said in critique of the ‘teams’ against those at all other universities.
bibliometrics. They seem devised by some malign From this perspective, bibliometrics carry forwards
genie to exemplify the worst features of later three decades of well-documented initiatives in the
modernity identified across the range of theoretical tertiary sector which have aimed at undermining
perspectives we research in CEP—evincing the the collegial self-governance of academics by
thorough-going ‘commodification’ of scholarship academics, according to the endogenous measures
or its ‘reification’, from a Marxist or Lukacsian of the different disciplines: through, for example,
perspective; Technik at its most mindless, from a actually reading articles, trusting in peer review, or
Heideggerian perspective; the neoliberal, biopolitical understanding and respecting the different local
capture of university research, from a Foucaultian and national disciplinary cultures, with their often-
perspective; or indeed the colonisation of the academic centuries-old means of credentialization, and their
lifeworld by technological systems-imperatives, from long histories of specialisation and differentiated
a Habermasian angle. modes of researching, writing and citing.
Nikolas Rose, from his own Foucaultian perspective, Bibliometrics arguably represent indeed the most
has indeed highlighted how central to neoliberalism radical measure so far in this neoliberal trajectory,

Virtuosity - Newsletter of the ASCP - Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy - Issue 8, November 2017
Australasian Society
for Continental Philosophy

claiming the quantitative authority of a scientific the series will be available in February 2018. Titled
veneer, and tied—as we have repeated—to global Deleuze and the Humanities: East and West this is a
rankings increasingly front-and-centre in universities’ collection of essays edited by Rosi Braidotti, Kin
governance and marketing strategies. Yuen Wong, and Amy K. S. Chan.
For all these reasons, it can be argued that the ASCP The volume is inspired by
as a peak body in the kind of philosophy that has a Gilles Deleuze’s philosophical
100-year history at looking critically at these kinds project, which builds on
of processes, has both an intellectual and a practical the critique of European
need to consider very carefully what can be done Humanism and opens up
in response to the continuing proliferation and inspiring new perspectives for
‘naturalisation’ of the bibliometrics. the renewal of the field. The
book gathers leading scholars
Producing the proposed 2017 list of quality CEP
in the field of Deleuze studies,
journals echoes measures taken in other threatened
while also bringing together
subdisciplines or disciplines like political science. Its
scholars from Europe and
aim is to provide a counter-measure, building on the
North America (the West), as well from Asia (the
collegially-generated 2010 ERA list and feedback
East), in order to create a lively academic debate,
by our members, in place of the algorithmically-
and contribute to the growth and expansion of the
generated metrical rankings which systematically
field.  It provides both critical and creative insights
devalue the work of CEP professionals.
into some key issues in contemporary social and
Researchers in CEP will then be able to refer to this political thought. More specifically, the volume
list as a guide as to where they might publish, and as hopes to start a critical evaluation of the reception
means to sanction the quality of their work as they and creative adaptation of Deleuze and of other
compete for positions, grants, promotions and the Continental philosophers in the Austral-Asian
like. region, with special focus on China.
The list will of course be imperfect, contestable by “A zigzagging journey across unique singularities
members and up for collegial negotiation over time, of words, flesh, art and organisms inflected within
as will whatever other measures ASCP members each other entirely newly unravelled through Asian
might propose. Its aim, with these unavoidable cartographies of sense and affect. This volume
limitations admitted, is to protect and promote the creates flowering dynamic dialogues that elucidate
kinds of philosophical research ASCP members the rhizomatic reaches of Deleuze and the gift his
continue to do, in what look like being especially philosophy brings to both understanding and creating
challenging times for our subdiscipline. new heterogeneous global connections.”— Patricia
--Matthew Sharpe, ASCP Government/Institutional MacCormack, Professor of Continental Philosophy
Liaison at Anglia Ruskin University
“A sharp and timely collection; and one like no
other. Each chapter sets up a fascinating interaction
ASCP-linked Book Series between the trio of: Deleuzian and Deleuzo-
Guattarian theory; inventive approaches to aesthetics,
Continental Philosophy in Austral-Asia is a book politics, ethics, culture and knowledge; and East
series published by Rowman and Littlefield in Asian contexts of thought and practice.”— Matthew
collaboration with the ASCP. The series is co-edited Fuller, Professor of Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths,
by Simone Bignall, Diego Bubbio, Joanne Faulkner University of London
and Paul Patton. We encourage our members to visit
Two exciting and important new titles have been
the website and consider submitting a proposal.
produced already: Joanne Faulkner’s Young and Free:
We are excited to announce that the next book of [Post]colonial Ontologies of Childhood, Memory and


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