Gui Minhai - Amnesty International
Gui Minhai - Amnesty International
Gui Minhai - Amnesty International
Gui Minhai was on a train headed to Beijing with two Swedish diplomats to seek formal
diagnosis for a neurological condition when he was suddenly seized by approximately
ten plainclothes officers. His current whereabouts are unknown, further increasing the
risk of torture and other ill-treatment and concerns for his health.
Gui Minhai was on a train from Ningbo to Beijing on 20 January 2018, accompanied by two Swedish diplomats
helping him to get medical care, when he was suddenly taken away by approximately ten plainclothes officers. Gui
Minhai, a Swedish national who had once run a large Chinese language publishing business in Hong Kong known
for books exposing political scandals of Chinese leaders, has so far been denied all access to lawyers and
consular officials.
His case drew international attention after he first went missing in Thailand on 17 October 2015, about the same
time that three of his company colleagues went missing. Another associate, Lee Bo, was taken away from Hong
Kong on 30 December 2015. Gui Minhai later reappeared on Chinese state television in January 2016 to give a
choreographed televised “confession” regarding an alleged traffic incident that took place in 2003. Many believe
that the drunk driving charge was simply a pretence to detain Gui Minhai and shut down his publishing business.
In October 2017, Gui Minhai was “released” after he had, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, “completely
served the sentence imposed for a traffic offence”, however his daughter has since raised concerns that Gui Minhai
remained under state surveillance and monitoring after his supposed release.
Gui Minhai was going to Beijing to seek official diagnosis for what is believed to be ALS, a neurological condition
also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, and is in urgent need of medical care. According to his daughter, due to his
neurological condition, Gui Minhai can no longer control his fingers on his left side, his right hand is experiencing
problems, and he is now having difficulties walking.
Please write immediately in English, Chinese or your own language urging the authorities to:
Release Gui Minhai and drop the charges against him unless there is sufficient credible and admissible
evidence that he has committed an internationally recognized offence and is granted a fair trial in line with
international standards;
Grant Gui Minhai prompt, regular and unrestricted access to medical care on request or as necessary;
Ensure that Gui Minhai has unrestricted access to consular officials, a lawyer of his choice and his family.
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below:
Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date.
The Mighty Current Media and the Causeway Bay Bookstore that Gui Minhai led were known for their books on Chinese leaders
and political scandals, which are banned in mainland China but are popular with mainland Chinese tourists visiting Hong
Kong. The detention and disappearances of Gui Minhai and the other booksellers had a chilling effect on the climate for
freedom of expression and publishing in Hong Kong and the Chinese-speaking world.
The detention of Gui Minhai once again has raised serious concerns in the international community. The Swedish Minister for
Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström issued a statement that called for the “immediate release of our fellow citizen, and that he be
given the opportunity to meet Swedish diplomatic and medical staff”. The European Union’s External Action Service reiterated
Sweden’s expectation that Gui Minhai be released and called on the Chinese authorities to “…reunite with his family and to
receive consular and medical support in line with his rights”. The United States called on the Chinese authorities to “to explain
the reasons and legal basis for Mr. Gui’s arrest and detention, disclose his whereabouts, and allow him freedom of movement
and the freedom to leave China”.