The Earthly Path of Angel-Beings....

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I Appeal to You

... through Bertha Dudde -


6858 The earthly path of angel-beings....

Being allowed to live on earth is also the wish of non-fallen beings,

which indeed live in unimaginable happiness but were unable to reach the
highest perfection of childship to God, which necessitates the path across
earth. These beings' wish will be granted, and they will travel their path
under extremely difficult circumstances in life on earth, but generally will
attain the final goal, although as human beings they don't know their
origin. They are, however, very frequently and severely tempted, and
their earthly life, too, is particularly difficult and sorrowful, yet since their
souls came from above they are far more willing to love and therefore also
recognise the purpose of their earthly life very quickly, thus steadfastly
following their goal despite their externally difficult circumstances, ill-
health and all kinds of adversity. Attaining childship to God is the highest
goal for the beings in the spiritual realm which, however, can only be
accomplished by overcoming the abyss.... Consequently, such beings will
predominantly embody themselves particularly in times of people's
spiritually low level in order to carry a ray of light into a world of
profound darkness.... For wherever a person willing to love is working on
earth a soft light will be shining which is soothingly touching his fellow
human beings' souls. And a being of light will always bring such a soft
shining light along to earth, since love in the soul will not need not be
ignited but a small flame is already glowing when it enters into earthly
But such people will often be treated with hostility and have to
prove themselves.... hence pass the test of will as well, which this life on
earth requires. For God's adversary will tempt particularly them in the
hope of bringing them to fall, which he once failed to succeed in doing.
Nevertheless, the human being is not left defenceless against his power
since his spiritual friends will always support him and provide him with
strength, which he will at all times request from God. For a soul from
above will never relinquish its bond with God, even though it is free in its
will and actions. And thus in times of spiritual decline messengers of light
and love will arise time and again, who openly acknowledge God and
work for Him and His kingdom.... people who are permeated by His spirit
and who eagerly and with conviction proclaim the divine Redeemer and
consider it their task in life to lead their fellow human beings to the cross,
because they understand the significance of the sacrifice on the cross and
therefore also know the danger people find themselves in.... They gained
this knowledge through their life of love, and therefore they can also be
diligent representatives of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation.
Especially in times to greatest spiritual adversity the helpers will
descend from above but without knowledge of their origin. For they, too,
will have to pass the test of will, they often have to live a most difficult
earthly life for the sake of their goal and on no account are they allowed to
be spiritually so influenced that they are compelled in their thinking,
talking and behaviour.... But they can always expect help when they need
it, since they will always take the path to God, Whom they recognise as
their Father and Whom they love with all their heart.... This is why their
hearts are always open to receive a flow of strength from the spiritual
kingdom, and reaching their goal is usually assured and only at risk if the
person establishes contacts on earth which want to pull him down. The
soul will not have to fear a fall into the abyss yet there is the danger that it
will not achieve the highest degree of light, nevertheless it will keep its
former happiness.... only that it is no longer the created angel-being which
can't help but think and act in accordance with divine will, but that it has
gone through earthly life and proven its free will and its direction, so that
it thus can enter into the highest spheres of light in order to be
indescribably happy....

— Published by friends of new revelations of God —

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