Christmas Novena For Kids

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Christmas Novena for Kids

During Advent we prepare to celebrate Christmas-Jesus' birth. We welcome him into

our hearts and into our lives. Share this short novena with your children, a nine-day
preparation for Christmas. The novena should begin on December 16. There is a
short reading, song, and prayer for each day until December 25th. (The short song
for each day can be sung to the melody of "On Jordan's Bank.")

First Day

December 16
We want to prepare the stable of our hearts.

To read:
Jesus came to earth because he loves us so much. He wants to live in our hearts!
Jesus said, "Live on in me as I do in you" (John 15:4).

I can prepare my heart for the coming of Jesus by treating everyone the way I would
treat Jesus, because Jesus lives in everyone.

Decide what you can do for Jesus today. Promise him you will try to do it.

To sing:
A cold dark night, a stable bare.
Our Savior-King was born in there.
O Lord, I'll build a home for you,
A heart of goodness, warm and true.

To pray:
Lord Jesus, thank you for coming to earth to save us because you love us all.
Please help me to show my love for you by being kind to other people. Amen.

Second Day

December 17
We offer Jesus the manger of our love.

To read:
Jesus' first crib was Mary's beautiful heart. When the angel asked her to be God's
mother, she said: "I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say"
(Luke 1:38).

Mary showed her love for God by always saying "yes" to him. I, too, can show my
love for God and give Jesus a comfortable manger to sleep in. Whenever I keep the
Ten Commandments, I say "yes" to God as Mary did.
Make a promise to Jesus

To sing:
A manger was your crib, dear Lord.
It's all your family could afford!
I want to give a clean soft bed
On which to lay your infant head.

To pray:
Dear Jesus, thank you for loving me. And thank you, Mary, for saying "yes" to God.
Please help me to always show my love by saying "yes" to Jesus. Amen.

Third Day

December 18
We offer Jesus the straw of sacrifice.

To read:
I want to fill the manger with a lot of clean, fluffy straw. This straw can be the good
things that I go out of my way to do for other people. I don't always have to do only
the things I like to do or have to do. Doing something extra to help at home is a
great way to tell Jesus that I like being one of his followers.

Jesus says: "If anyone wishes to be my follower, he must forget himself, take up his
cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24)

Make a promise to Jesus.

To sing:
'Twas fresh and clean the straw and hay,
On which the Infant Jesus lay.
I'll make a sacrifice and bring
My "straw" to him, our Lord and King.

To pray:
Lord Jesus, I thank and praise you for all the things you do to help other people.
Please help me to be more like you every day. Amen.

Fourth Day

December 19
We offer Jesus the swaddling clothes of purity.
To read:
"She gave birth to her firstborn son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him
in a
manger." (Luke 2:7).

When Jesus was born, his mother Mary, wrapped him in warm clothes and hugged
him to her heart. I want to try to keep my heart pure and stay close to Jesus and
Mary all my life. If I pray to Mary, she will help me to be careful about the language I
use, the kind of jokes I listen to, the pictures I look at and the TV programs I watch.

Make a promise to Jesus.

To sing:
The clothes, good Jesus, that you wore,
Were plain, and yes, were also poor.
The "clothes" I want to give today-
Good thoughts I think, good words I say.

To pray:
Dear Jesus, I want to be your friend and follower forever.

Please help me to always keep my life going in the right direction-toward heaven.

Fifth Day

December 20
With the shepherds, we offer Jesus our obedience today.

To read:
"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord"
(Luke 2:11).

The shepherds were invited by angels to Jesus' crib. They left their flocks right away
and went to find Jesus. I, too, can obey quickly and cheerfully just as the shepherds
did. They did what they knew in their hearts would please God.

Make a promise to Jesus.

To sing:
As shepherds watched their sheep by night,
The sky burst forth with radiant light.
"Your Savior's born,"-the angels sang.
The earth had waited-oh so long!

To pray:
Lord, thank you for sending your angels to tell the shepherds the good news of
Jesus' birth. Please help me to obey quickly and cheerfully-as if I, too, were invited
to the stable to adore the newborn Savior. Amen.

Sixth Day

December 21
With the angels, we offer Jesus our praise today.

To read:
Angels filled the sky with glorious praise on that first Christmas night, and sang:
"Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to those on whom his favor rests"
(Luke 2:14).

What a wonderful prayer of praise!

I, too, can praise God today by offering many short prayers of love and praise and

Make a promise to Jesus.

To sing:
The angels, Lord, your glory sing,
They praise their God; they praise their King.
O little Infant, poor and small,
You are our God, and Lord of all!

To pray:
All your creatures praise you, Lord.
All your people give you thanks.
You are loving and kind.
I will praise you forever (see Psalm 145).

Seventh Day

December 22
We want to "shine" like Bethlehem's star by offering Jesus the gift of our witness.

To read:
The large, bright star that lit the sky on that first Christmas night reminds us of
something Jesus told us: "Let your light shine before everyone, so that all will see
the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).

This means that our witness-doing good things-can help lead other people to do
good things, too, and follow Jesus.
Make a promise to Jesus.

To sing:
Our love of God and others, too,
Should show in all we say and do.
And when our deeds of love shine bright,
We each become a Christmas light.

To pray:
Dear Jesus, I thank and praise you for the light of the Bethlehem star. It reminds me
of your love for me. You are always there when I need you.

Please help me to always try to show the light of my love for you by doing good
deeds for others. Amen.

Eighth Day

December 23
With St. Joseph, we offer Jesus the gift of simplicity.

To read:
Simplicity means that we do good deeds to please the Lord and not just to show off
or to be told by everyone that we are special. We are very special! God loves us for
who we are, not for what we can do. We can learn simplicity from good St. Joseph.

Make a promise to Jesus.

To sing:
A holy, quiet man was he,
Who served God in simplicity.
O Joseph, may we be like you,
And serve the Lord our whole life through.

To pray:
O St. Joseph, help us to be like you. God trusted you to take care of his infant son,
Jesus, and Mary, his holy mother.

Please take care of us, too, and show us the way to Jesus. Amen.

Ninth Day

December 24
Together with Mary, Jesus' Mother, we offer Jesus the gift of prayer.
To read:
God chose Mary to be the mother of his Son. How much God must have loved Mary!
And how much Mary must have loved God!

Jesus made us a promise: "Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock
and the door will be opened to you" (Luke 11:9).

Like Mary, those who love God very much try to pray well. With Mary's help we too
can offer loving prayers to God and prepare our hearts for Christmas.

Make a promise to Jesus.

To sing:
A love for God filled Mary's heart.
It made her special-set apart.
She'll teach us all the secrets of
Her prayer of praise and thanks of love.

To pray:
Holy Mary. Mother of God, pray for me now, and always. Amen

Blessed Christmas!

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