Definition: Themes of Fiction

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Fiction: Literature in the form of

prose that describes imaginary

events and people

Realistic Fiction = Stories that Realistic Themes of

could happen/have happened to
Definition: Fiction
real people and animals.

The characters of fictional stories

are imaginary and created by the
author but their actions and
reactions are based on real-life.
Sports Animals
Some are exaggerated. Families Cultural diversity Protagonist struggles to Protagonist of the stories
Componenets in realistic fiontion
become accepted as a
cover factual, situational,  Close contact with Understanding and behave like animals and is not
member of the team and personified
emotional and social events. family. appreciation of
eventually succeed through
 Promote sibling cultural and linguistic
determination and hard Usually child is the protagonist
relationship. differences among
Moral Choices: Adventure and Survival:
 Learn how to Mysteries
cope with Special Challenges Situations of crisis
 Physical danger from an  Element of suspense = strong
peers. where a character external force
Can relate to gicvion but the  Disabilities: will need to make a
 Setting takes  Contributes to maturing
revents are exaggerated Physical; possible life-  Mostly favourite genre
place in school. process
learning changing decision  e.g. Mystery in Mt. Mole by
 Promote peers  Empathize and gain their
disability; reflect on situations Richard Jennings and Sherlock
relationships. own predicaments
Emotional; that children will Holmes
mental face in real life.
retardation. Rites of Passage
Understand difficult
decisions and the Romance and Sexuality:  Self-Discovery and
concept of cause- independence
 Friendships and relationships,
effect, suitable for  Trials and tribulations
physical attraction.
Level 2 Primary and from childhood to
 For children in preteen and teen
adolescents. adulthood

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