Easter Special 2014
Easter Special 2014
Easter Special 2014
e n F r e e
Glut I N G
My Gluten
Free Life
Samantha Stein, aka
“The Happy Coeliac”
interviewed by Claire Tulloch
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Gluten Free Baking and Living
My Gluten Free Life
10 Samantha Stein, aka
“The Happy Coeliac” is
interviewed by Claire
9 Apple & cider cake
10 Bakewell tart
14 Easter nests
16 Focaccia
20 Simnel cake
My Gluten Free Life
Samantha Stein, aka The Happy Coeliac, makes her I had a soy or milk intolerance, and I was referred to
living as a gluten free writer. She’s a 28 year old British a dietician, who put me on an elimination diet. It was
woman currently living in Haarlem in the Netherlands. through this that we worked out that gluten was
She’s been living gluten free for around three years. causing my problems and she recommended that I get
tested for coeliac disease.
What symptoms did you experience before your
coeliac diagnosis? At the time of your diagnosis, what impact did go-
All my life I suffered from symptoms and frequent ing gluten free have on you?
illnesses unrelated to my gut: coughs, colds, tonsilitis, Sheer terror and panic about what I could and could
flu, anaemia, fatigue, depression and mouth ulcers. It not eat!
was only in the couple of years before diagnosis that I
started getting more typical coeliac symptoms: bloating, What impact does living gluten free have on you
lactose intolerance, stomach and abdomen pain, now?
diarrhea. Eating gluten free has been a blessing in disguise. I have
discovered so many new and exciting foods that I
Then in October 2010 I went to the doctor thinking never would have touched otherwise. Now I cook
chestnut gnocchi
most meals at home and enjoy all my favourite foods. used in a new interactive eBook called ‘A Gluten Free
The only downside is having to plan where I can eat Dinner Party’. The idea is that if you have to accommo-
out - or take packed lunch for impromptu trips. date someone on a gluten free diet for a party, you can
refer to the recipes in this book and serve something
How do you manage your gluten free lifestyle living that everyone can enjoy. It will be released in the next
overseas? How does it compare to following a few months - to sign up for updates, click here.
gluten free diet in the UK?
Here in the Netherlands there is a good general aware- What’s the biggest single issue for you as a coeliac?
ness of gluten free, but there is much less availability in Trying to explain to people why you’re doing some-
supermarkets. I have to really shop around for what I thing that looks totally crazy. Or refusing other people’s
need, even though I mostly eat fresh food. The quality of “gluten free” food because you don’t know how it was
some brands here is pretty awful - like they are stuck prepared. People in the Netherlands are a bit more ac-
in the 90s! But in general food is good here and since I cepting of coeliac disease than in the UK, I feel. There
cook from scratch there’s little to no difference. is less fad dieting here, so people really take gluten free
seriously. But it still gets pretty awkward sometimes,
What’s a typical evening meal for you? and sometimes you have to offend people in order to
It varies, but we do pizza, steak with homemade potato keep yourself safe.
wedges, lots of curries (Thai and Indian), risotto, tacos...
whatever takes our fancy. I try to get a lot of veg in Is there anything you miss from your pre-GF days?
most meals, and I enjoy a lot of world cuisine. Challah! I’m not Jewish but that bread is amazing. I
don’t eat much GF bread because it’s really not very
What other changes, if any, have you made to your good and I’d rather eat nutritious whole food.
life following your diagnosis?
My career! After diagnosis I started my blog The Happy What one piece of advice would you give to a new-
Coeliac as a way of coping through a pretty difficult ly diagnosed coeliac or someone new to a gluten
time, and eventually decided I enjoyed it so much I free diet?
want to do it as my job. I self-published a book in Get online, find a community, look for blogs, and ask for
November 2012, GF options everywhere. Gluten free is taking over the
‘Gluten Free Baking at Christmas’ and am currently world and you’ll never know if you don’t ask. I should
work on the next ones! really follow this advice more often myself!
I have developed and photographed 10 recipes to be Clair Tulloch is the author of the Positively Coeliac blog 7
I do hope you enjoy making these as much as we did. Please do let us GET THE RECIPE OF THE
see your pictures of what you have made and share them with us on
facebook, twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. MONTH FROM GLUTEN
Bakewell Tart
Serves 8 Filling:
120g unsalted butter
Ingredients: 90g golden caster sugar
Pastry: 120g ground almonds
120g Doves Gluten Free Plain White Flour Blend 1 large egg, beaten
20g gram flour ½ tsp almond extract
20g ground almonds 1 tbsp ice cold water
75g unsalted butter 3 tblsps raspberry jam
1 egg 1 tblsp flaked almonds
1 tbsp ice cold water
Baking parchment Icing:
Baking beans or any dried beans 40g icing sugar
1 tsp cold water
Allow to cool fully on a wire rack.
A 23cm tart tin, with a loose bottom, lightly greased.
Make the filling: Spread the bottom of the pastry case with
Method: raspberry jam.
Sift the flour and gram flour together. Add the ground almonds.
Cut the butter into small squares and work it into the flours Melt the butter, then take off the heat and stir in the sugar. Add
using your hands until the texture resembles fine breadcrumbs. the ground almonds, the beaten egg and almond extract and
To learn how to make perfect gluten free pastry, particularly mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture over the jam and smooth it
how to line a large tin, see our ‘At Home’ course (http://www. down. Bake for 30 minutes, or until the filling is set and golden-
glutenfreebaking.co.uk/at-home-courses/pastry-course-7-50/) brown. Cover with foil for the last 10 minutes to prevent the
Break the egg into the mixture and mix in using a fork. almonds burning.
Add the ice cold water and bring the pastry together into a
ball. The pastry should be slightly sticky. Leave to cool in the tin before icing. Mix the icing sugar and
Wrap in clingfilm and put in the fridge for 20-30 minutes. water together and place in a piping bag with a fine nozzle.
Preheat oven to 180°C/Gas Mark 4. Draw a zig zag pattern over the tart.
Serve warm or cold.
Lightly flour a board (I find a laminate chopping board is very
good) and a rolling pin and gently roll out the pastry until it Nutritional Information for the whole recipe:
is about 5mm thick. Carefully lift it into the tart tin (a palette 3636 calories
knife can help). Gently ease the pastry down into the corners 256g fat
of the tin and trim any excess pastry off with a sharp knife.
Cut a circle of baking parchment and place it in the centre of
55g protein
156g sugar
Click Here
the tin. Cover with baking beans. to get more details
on our Gluten free
Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove the baking beans and baking courses
put back into the oven for 5 minutes until fully cooked. and how to get them
Easter Ginger Biscuits
12 12
This is a proper ginger dough, just like you would
use to make gingerbread men, but I thought it
would be fun to make Easter bunnies, eggs and
ducks instead. Everybody that I have tried these
on, adults or children, have wolfed them down!
They are not cloyingly sweet and the treacle gives
them a hint of bonfire toffee. It is worth keeping
the unusual blend of flours, because the gram flour
gives more protein and a slightly ‘nutty’ flavour. If
you haven’t got rice flour and tapioca flour, you
could substitute 180g Doves Farm Gluten Free
White Plain Flour Blend instead and just add the
gram flour. Silicone baking lining sheets really help
prevent the biscuits from sticking.
flour, using your hands until the texture resembles
120g rice flour
fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar and treacle.
40g gram flour
60g tapioca flour
Add the beaten egg and the lemon zest.
1 tsp ground ginger
Wrap the dough in clingfilm and place in the fridge
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
for 1 hour.
1 tsp xanthan gum or guar gum
100g butter
Lightly flour the work surface and a rolling pin and
50g light soft brown sugar
gently roll out the biscuit dough until it is about
3 tbsp black treacle
5mm thick.
1 egg, beaten
½ tsp grated lemon zest
Cut into shapes using the biscuit cutters and place
2 tblsp icing sugar
on the baking tray.
Cut the butter into small pieces and rub into the 13
Easter Nests
These very traditional chocolate Easter nests are
something that I can remember making as a child
with my grandmother. She was not a great cook,
but at least she could melt chocolate! They are fun
to make with kids – I will be making them with my
grandsons when they come and stay this Easter.
Makes 6 - 8 Take off the heat and mix in the cereal. Dollop spoonfuls
into the muffin tin and push it up the sides a bit to make a
Ingredients: nest shape. Allow to cool fully until the nests are set.
150g gluten free milk chocolate Fill the sink with very hot water and dip the underside of
50g 70% cocoa solids gluten free dark chocolate the tin in the water for a couple of seconds to loosen the
100g Nature’s Path Mesa Sunrise cereal or gluten free nests from the tin. Remove them from the tin.
cornflakes or puffed rice Decorate with mini eggs.
1 pkt gluten free mini eggs
Nutritional Information for the whole recipe:
A muffin tin. 2020 calories
106g fat
Method: 10g protein
Break the chocolate into squares and place in a glass bowl 165g sugar
above a saucepan of simmering water until the chocolate
has melted. 14
Feta Stuffed Mushrooms
Ingredients: Add 1 dsp olive oil. Combine well until the mixture is a
4 x large Portobello mushrooms paste.
1 medium red onion, finely chopped Pour 1 dsp olive oil into the base of each mushroom.
120g feta cheese Now divide the paste evenly between the mushrooms and
5 dsp olive oil smooth out. Halve the tomatoes and place them on top of
4 cherry tomatoes the stuffed mushrooms.
A baking tray. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°/gas mark 4 Serve with salad.
Serves 4
Nutritional Information for the whole recipe:
Method: 886 calories
Remove the stalks from the mushrooms and finely chop 79 g fat
them along with the onions. Place in a mixing bowl. Chop/ 28g protein
crumble the feta finely as well and add to the bowl. 20g sugar
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to get more details
on our Gluten free
baking courses
and how to get them
Rosemary Focaccia
This is a fantastic bread. You can serve it with soup, or as Place all 3 flours in a large bowl, and add the baking fix, salt
a starter or with ham and cheese.You will barely notice and xanthan gum. Mix together until blended.
that it is gluten free. It holds together really well, tastes Beat the egg in a small bowl.
amazing and looks pretty impressive when you get it out Either in a mixer or by hand, add the yeast mixture to the
of the oven.You can vary the ingredients – olives and sun flours and stir in followed by the beaten egg and cider vin-
dried tomatoes would work well. We have also found that I egar. Still stirring, add 1 tblsp of the olive oil.
freezes well and warms up quickly in the microwave. Place the dough in the tin and press it gently into the cor-
ners using wet hands and either form the mixture into 8
Ingredients: round rolls or push it gently into the loaf tin. Gently pat
1 ½ tsp quick dried yeast down. Cover with a damp microfibre cloth to prevent a
1 ½ tsp sugar skin forming.
125ml warm water
150g Doves Farm Gluten Free White Plain Flour Blend
Put in a warm place to rise for approximately 1 hour.
40g sorghum (jowar) flour
20g cornflour
1 tsp Isabel’s Baking Fix While this is happening, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°C/
½ tsp salt gas mark 6. When dough has approximately doubled in
1 tsp xanthan gum or guar gum size, remove cloth and pour the remaining olive oil over
2 eggs, at room temperature the bread. Push down lightly with your fingers so that the
1 tsp cider vinegar oil collects in the dips. Stud with rosemary. Place tin in the
3 tblsp olive oil oven and bake for approximately 25 mins until golden. Eat
A sprig of fresh rosemary
while warm.
Lightly grease a baking tin, approx. 25cm x 15cm and line
Nutritional Information for the whole recipe:
the bottom with baking parchment.
1310 calories
Serves 6-8
55g fat
24g protein
9g sugar
Add the sugar and the yeast to the warm water and stir
briefly. Set aside for 5 minutes for it to become foamy.
I have been working on the best possible hot cross bun ½ tsp vitamin C powder
for ages now, and this is my final version. I think the 1 tsp xanthan or guar gum
texture and flavour is just about right, but if you like a 1 egg at room temperature
less spiced bun, you can half the amount of cinnamon 30g softened unsalted butter
and mixed spice. I know there are a lot of ingredients, 45g golden caster sugar
but the addition of sorghum and teff flours makes a 30g sultanas
huge difference to the texture and makes them much, 30g currants
40g mixed peel
much closer to the wheat based version.You can buy
1 tsp cinnamon
white teff from www.pureglutenfree.co.uk and sorghum 1 tsp ground mixed spice
from Asian grocers or online. Zest of half an orange
Traditionally, the cross is always a flour and water paste ½ apple, grated
just piped on. The first time I did it with gluten free 1 tsp olive oil
flour, it was like rock! I have taken to making a very wet
paste from cornflour and piping the thinnest possible For the cross – 50g gluten free plain flour or cornflour
crosses on. The alternative would be to use thin strips For the glaze – apricot jam
of marzipan to make the crosses. Let me know if you
have any better ideas! Lightly grease and or/line a small baking sheet.
Makes 9 buns
2 1/2 tsp quick dried yeast Method:
1 tsp sugar Add the 1tsp sugar and the yeast to the warm milk and stir
200ml warm milk (body temperature) briefly. Set aside for 5 minutes for it to become foamy.
230g Doves Farm Gluten Free White Plain Flour Blend Place all the flours in a large bowl, and add the salt, vita-
40g sorghum (jowar) flour min C, xanthan or guar gum and sugar. Mix together until
40g white teff flour blended.
Pinch of salt Add the yeast mixture to the flours and stir in followed by
the egg. Still stirring, add the softened butter and caster Make a very wet paste with the gluten free plain flour and
sugar. some cold water and place it in a freezer bag. Snip the
Place in an oiled bowl and cover with oiled clingfilm. corner and quickly pipe a line across the buns. Repeat
Leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour (the dough on the others, then pipe crosses across all nine. Bake in
should have doubled in size). Add the sultanas, currants, the oven for approximately 20 mins until they are fully
mixed peel, cinnamon, mixed spice, zest of an orange and cooked, but still slightly soft. In the last 5 minutes of
the grated apple. Cover with the clingfilm again and leave cooking, warm the jam in a saucepan. If there are any
to rise for half an hour. chunks, sieve them out. When the buns come out of the
Wet your hands and form the mixture into 9 round balls oven, brush the buns with the warm apricot jam.
and place on the baking sheet approx. 1-2cm apart. Cov-
er with a damp microfibre cloth to prevent a skin form- Leave to cool on a wire rack.
Put in a warm place to rise for approximately another ½ Nutritional Information for the whole recipe:
hour. 2,145 calories
49g fat
While this is happening, preheat the oven to 200°C, gas 34g protein
mark 6. When dough has approximately doubled in size, 115g sugar
remove cloth.
Gluten Free Simnel Cake
I have to confess that I had never made or even tasted smooth the top, leaving a slight dip in the centre. This
a Simnel cake before. I don’t know why, because I ab- allows for the cake to rise.
solutely love marzipan. I also thought that it was a very Cover lightly with a piece of baking parchment.
traditional Easter cake, dating back to the Middle Ages, Bake in oven for approx 1 ½ hours, then remove the
so was surprised to discover that it probably only dates top piece of parchment. Continue baking for another 5
back to Victorian times. The eleven balls of marzipan minutes until a skewer comes out clean.
on top are supposed to represent the apostles minus Allow to cool for 5 minutes, then transfer to wire rack
Jesus. It was traditionally made by daughters for their to cool fully.
mothers for Mother’s Day, rather than Easter. When I When the cake is cooled, brush it with apricot jam.
tasted it, I was really surprised how delicious it is. Be- Roll out the marzipan until it is about 25 cm across.
cause of the marzipan, this is quite a rich cake, just right Using a plate as a guide, cut a circle that is about 1.5cm
for a special occasion such as Easter. bigger than the cake. Lift it gently over the cake and
flute the edges a little. Roll the left over marzipan into
Ingredients: 11 balls and place them evenly around the edge of the
150g softened butter Using a hot grill or a cook’s blowtorch, lightly brown
140g golden caster sugar the marzipan.
3 eggs, at room temperature
150g Doves Farm Gluten Free White Plain Flour Blend Nutritional Information for the whole recipe:
30g ground almonds 6145 calories
2 tsp gluten free baking powder 942g fat
Grated zest of 1 lemon 45g protein
½ tsp mixed spice 788g sugar
1 tsp xanthan gum or guar gum
350g mixed raisins, currants and sultanas
100g chopped mixed peel
3 tbsp milk or water
500g white marzipan
1-2 tbsp apricot jam
Sift the flour into a bowl and add the ground almonds.
In another bowl, cream the butter and sugar together.
Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well. If the mixture
starts to separate, add a spoonful of the flour.
Add the flour and ground almonds, along with the bak-
ing powder, lemon zest, mixed spice and the xanthan or
guar gum.
Add the dried fruit and mixed peel, followed by 3 tbsp
of milk or water. The mixture should be at dropping
consistency. If not, add a little more liquid until it is.
Pour half of the mixture into the tin, gently smooth-
ing the surface. Place the circle of marzipan over the
mixture. Now add the rest of the cake mixture and
Come Bake with Me
Find out more about courses that can help
you improve your gluten free baking skills
H e re
Click etails
o r e d
to g e t
l u t e n f r e e
u r
on o ourses
a k i n g c
b nd how to get them
We currently offer four types of You can browse course dates and
baking course: prices on our website, then book your
place online (http://www.glutenfreebak-
• An introductory course – baking ing.co.uk/gluten-free-baking-courses/
bread, pastry, scones and sponge cake
how-to-book/ ) or by emailing
• A bread course – baking baguettes,
seeded loaves, brioche and a soda bread. deborah@glutenfreebaking.co.uk
• A patisserie course – baking pain au
chocolat, frangipane tarts, and chocolate
• And a grain free baking course – run- & HOW TO BOOK
ning for the first time in summer 2014.
Dates for first half of 2014
Our baking dates are mainly at the weekend
‘Go To’ courses when most people have free time, but we London (Lloyd Williamson School,Tel-
also run the occasional midweek course. We ford Road, London W10 5SH)
They run on one day, from 9.45am to around are also happy to put on bespoke courses
3pm. The cost varies from £75 to £110 for groups of friends or local coeliac support Sunday 13th April Introductory Course £95
depending on the location and the type of groups – just get in touch and tell us what Saturday 3rd May Introductory Course £95
course, and covers all ingredients and lunch. you’d like to learn to bake. Sunday 4th May Patisserie Course £110
Best of all you get to take away with you all Saturday 7th June Introductory Course £95
that you bake to amaze your friends and fam- Sunday 8th June Bread Course £110
ily – if you don’t devour it all fresh from the Saturday 26th July Introductory Course £95
oven, that is! Sunday 27th July Grain Free Baking Course
‘At Home’ downloadable courses
Recipes in the
next issue Field to Plate Is modern
Where do vegetables our bread making
Easy Gluten Free come from?
Suppers you ill?
Flavoured Breads Why it’s getting easier to eat
out if you are coeliac
Fabulous Tray Bakes
Community The latest news from the
gluten free community
The Nutritionist Baker Replies
Your questions about baking and health answered.
Get in touch, we would love to hear from you
If you have a question or comment or even better a
great recipe to share with us, please drop us a line.
You can also connect with us on: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
and Google+, just click on the icons to visit our pages.