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Lecture#4: Feasibility Study

(Project Blastoff)

Recap of last week:
✦Requirement: an action that the system (a.k.a.
product) is capable of doing, or an attribute/quality
that the system must have.
✦You must discover the requirements before you
start building the product.

Functional Requirements
✦Specify the actions that the system/product must
take to contribute to the goal of the project.
✦They are not qualities.
✦The Airline Passenger Service System shall
automatically assign a passenger to a seat on her
chosen flight.

Non-Functional Requirements
✦Qualities or attributes that the system/product must
✦Example: Performance (e.g., speed), Look and
Feel, Security, etc.
✦Example: The Airline Passenger Service System
shall automatically assign a passenger to a seat
on her chosen flight within 0.25 second.

✦Global issues that shape the requirements.
✦They set limitations/restrictions on the product.
✦Budgetary constrains, Design solutions, platform
choices, etc.
✦The budget available to develop the system is
$1.2 million.
✦The system has to be developed within 90 days.
✦The system shall run on Android and iOS.

✦This figure is an overview of different requirement
✦We will cover each activity in detail throughout the
✦This figure can be overwhelming, so I decided to
summarize it in text in the next two slides..

Requirement activities
1. Project Blastoff/Inception/Feasibility study: the
business analyst meets with the client and
everyone who has interest in the project.
Decide whether the project is feasible or not.
2. Trawl for Knowledge: Investigate client’s work and
his current way of doing business.
3. Prototype the business: use sketches/models to
clarify client’s work.
4. Write the Requirements: in an unambiguous

Requirement activities
5. Quality gateway: test the correctness of the
requirements. Usually done by the lead
requirement engineer and the tester.
6. Reusing Requirements: reuse similar requirements
from previous projects.
7. Reviewing the Requirements: check for missing
requirements. Check if the requirements are
consistent and resolve conflicting requirements.

Software Development


Waterfall Model

✦Useful if you want to outsource your project.

✦Usually used for development of large systems.
✦Difficult to add new changes. Does not respond
to changing customer requirements.

Evolutionary Model
✦The cost of accommodating changing customer
requirements is reduced.
✦Easy to get feedback from clients.
✦Rapid delivery and deployment
✦System’s structure tend to degrade as new
changes are added.
✦Incorporating further changes becomes
increasingly costly and difficult.

Evolutionary Model

e.g. extreme-programming, scrum

Project Blastoff
(Feasibility Study)
Chapter 3

Typical Deliverables
✦ Purpose of the project
✦ Scope of the Work
✦ Stakeholders
✦ Constraints
✦ Terminology
✦ Relevant Facts & Assumptions
Figure 3.2
✦ Estimated Cost
The blastoff activity assembles enough
✦ Risks information to ensure that the project
can proceed smoothly. It also verifies that
✦ Go/no go Decision the project is viable and worthwhile. Most
of the outputs serve as the foundation for
You can follow Appendix A in the trawling activity about to come; the
risks and costs are used by project
the textbook..
Case Study:
✦ You work for a software company, and you are
responsible for producing the requirements
✦ The client is an ice breaker company called
Saltworks Systems.

Ice Breaker
✦IceBreaker uses data from the
environment to predict when ice will
form on roads.
✦It then schedules trucks to treat the
roads with de-icing material (a salt
compound) before the roads can
become dangerous.

Ice Breaker
✦The first customer for the IceBreaker product is the
Peterborough Transportation Department.
✦The Transportation Department is responsible for
keeping the roads free of ice that is likely to cause
accidents; it has agreed to provide expertise and
information for you to build the optimally valuable
product for the department.

Scope of the Work

Figure 3.5

The work context diagram

identifies the scope of the work
to be studied. It shows the work
as a single activity, surrounded by
the adjacent systems. The named
arrows represent the data that
flows between the work and the
adjacent systems. The adjacent
systems are the activities that
you have decided not to study.

Work Context Diagram

Work Context Diagram
✦ Shows the scope of the work to be studied.
✦ Shows the activities that you choose not to study,
i.e., the adjacent systems.
✦ The arrows show the data flow between the work
and the adjacent systems.
✦ The context diagram defines the responsibilities of
the work and the responsibilities of the adjacent
✦ We will study the context diagram in more detail in
the next lecture..

Responsibilities are defined by the flow of data.
Truck Depot advises the Work of a Truck Change.
Tracking truck changes is the responsibility of Truck Depot
The Road Engineering advises the work of a new weather station.
Tracking of a new weather station is the responsibility of the Road
Scope, Stakeholders & Goals

Figure 3.6

The scope, stakeholders, and goals are

not decided in isolation from one another.
Rather, the scope of the work indicates
the stakeholders who have an interest in
the work; the stakeholders, in turn, decide
what they want the goals of the project
to be.
Stakeholders: Sponsor
✦Client (or Owner): Someone who pays for the
✦ Many products do not have direct access to the
✦ Sponsor represents owner’s interests.

The sponsor of the project is Mack Andrews, the CEO of

Saltworks Systems. He has said that it is his goal to develop
this product to appeal to a broader range of markets in
other countries, including airports and their runways.
Stakeholders: The Customer
✦ The customer buys the product. You have to know
this person well enough to understand what he finds
valuable and, therefore, what he will buy.
✦ You must understand what appeals to your
customers, and what they value. What will they find
useful? What will they pay for? Understanding your
customer correctly makes a huge difference to the
success of your product.
The customer for the product is the Peterborough
Transportation Department, represented by director Jane
Potential customers for the product include all
cities in the North America, United Kingdom, and
northern Europe and Scandinavia. A summary of
the requirements specification will be presented
to the Transportation Department managers of
selected counties, states, and countries for the
purpose of discovering additional requirements.
Stakeholders: The Customer
✦ Sometimes Customer can be as same as the client/
owner. Example: The City of Peterborough wants to
upgrade its website. Client/Owner: City of
Peterborough. Customer: City of Peterborough.
Stakeholders: Users
✦ People who will ultimately be hands on operators of
the product
• You have to bring about a product that your users are both
able to use and want to use.
✦ When developing consumer products or mass
market software, consider using a persona
✦ Record identified users - IceBreaker:
• Qualified Road Engineers
• Clerks in Truck Department
• Managers
✦ For each category of user, describe the attributes of
the users
• Subject-matter experience: How much help do they need
• Technological experience: Can they operate the product?
Which technical terms should be used?
• Intellectual abilities: Should tasks be made simpler? Or broken
down to a lower level?
• Attitude toward the job: What are the users’ aspirations?
• Education: What can you expect your user to know?
• Linguistic skills: Not all your users will speak or read the home
• And most importantly, what is it about their work that they
most wish to improve?
✦ Also identify the particular attributes your product
must cater to
• People with disabilities: Consider all disabilities. This, in some
cases, is a legal requirement.
• Nonreaders: Consider people who cannot read and people
who do not speak the home language.
• People who need reading glasses
• People who cannot resist changing things like fonts, styles,
and so on.
• People who will probably be carrying luggage, large parcels,
or a baby.
• People who do not normally use a computer.
• People who might be angry, frustrated, under pressure, or in a
Other Stakeholders
✦ Consultants: people who have expertise you need,
e.g., security expert.
✦ Management: e.g., product/program managers.
✦ Subject Matter Experts: e.g., domain analysts,
business consultants.
✦ Core Team: developers, testers, system architects.
✦ Inspectors: safety inspectors, technical inspectors,
auditors, government inspectors.
✦ Market Forces: Marketing department representing
the marketplace.
Other Stakeholders
✦ Legal Experts
✦ Negative Stakeholders: hackers, defrauders.
✦ Industry Standard Setters: codes of conduct by
professional bodies.
✦ Public Opinion: user groups, polling data.
✦ Government: for reporting purposes.
✦ Special Interest Groups: environmental bodies,
people with disability.
Other Stakeholders
✦ Technical Experts: hardware people, usability
✦ Cultural Interests: political, ethnic, religious interests.
✦ Adjacent Systems: adjacent systems on your work
context diagram are the systems, people, or work
areas that directly interact with the work you are
studying. From the context diagram find: who are
the managers/project leaders of the adjacent
Purpose of the Project:
Problem Statement
“Roads freeze in winter, and icy conditions cause
road accidents that may potentially kill people.
Predictions at the moment rely largely on guesswork,
experience, and phoned-in reports from motorists
and the police. Trucks do not always get to the icy
roads on time to prevent accidents, or they may
arrive far too early, which results in the de-icing
material being dispersed by the time the road
freezes. Road treatment is sometimes indiscriminate,
and this wastes de-icing material and causes
environmental damage.”
Purpose of the Project: Goals

✦Purpose: What should the product do?

✦Advantage: Which business advantage does it
✦Measurement: How do you measure the

Purpose of the Project: Goals
To accurately forecast road freezing and schedule de-icing

To reduce road accidents by eliminating icy road conditions.

Accidents attributed to ice shall be no more than one
accident per 10,000 vehicle-miles traveled on all roads in the
districts covered by the product.
Aspects of Project Goal

✦ Viable: Given what you understand about the

constraints, is it possible for the product to achieve
the business advantage?
✦ Feasible: Given what you have learned from the
blastoff, is it generally possible to build a product to
achieve the measure?
✦ Achievable: Does your organization have (or can it
acquire) the skills to build the product and operate it
once built?

Purpose: To save money on winter road de-icing costs.
Advantage: Reduced de-icing and road maintenance costs.
The cost of de-icing shall be reduced by 25 percent of
the current cost of road treatment, and damage to roads
from ice shall be reduced by 50 percent.
Advantage: To reduce damage to the environment by
unnecessary application of de-icing compounds

Measurement: The amount of de-icing chemicals needed to

de-ice the authority’s roads shall be reduced to 70 percent of
current usage.
Supporting Materials: Thornes, J. E. “Salt of the Earth.”
Surveyor Magazine, December 8, 1994, pp. 16–18.
✦ Solution Constraints
• Your specification should describe any mandated designs or
• Any partner or collaborative applications, such as databases,
reporting systems, or web-based systems should also be
brought to light and recorded at this time.
• Off-the-shelf and open-source applications, if they are to be
used, or interacted with, are recorded under the “Constraints”
heading as well.
✦ Project Constraints
• Project constraints describe the time and financial budgets for
the project
Naming Conventions (Terminology)
✦ Every project has names that are particular to it, and
this terminology should be recorded to make
communication easier, and future understanding
more reliable.
✦ Starting to define terminology at scoping time has a
distinct advantage: You make the words visible. The
stakeholders are able to discuss and change them to
reflect the consensus of the meaning.
✦ Later in the project, this will evolve into a data

Weather station: Hardware capable of collecting and transmitting road

temperature, air temperature, humidity, and precipitation readings.
Weather stations are installed in eight locations in Peterborough.
Relevant Facts and Assumptions
✦ Relevant facts are external factors that have an
effect on the product and may not be included in the
requirement specifications.

✦ Relevant fact provides background information for

specific readers.
✦ Example: One ton of de-icing material will treat three
miles of single-lane roadway.
✦ Example: The existing application is 10,000 lines of
C code.
Relevant Facts and Assumptions
✦ Business rules might have an impact on the work/
business/domain that is the source of the

✦ Example: The maximum length of a truck driver’s

shift is 8 hours.
✦ Example: The engineers maintain the weather
stations once a week.
Relevant Facts and Assumptions
✦ Assumptions: the intention is to make people declare
the assumptions that they are making

✦ Example: Roads that have been treated will not need

treatment again for at least 2 hours.
✦ This stage should also include an initial risk
✦ The job is to assess both those risks that are most
likely to happen and those risks that will have the
greatest impact if they do, in fact, become problems.
✦ For each identified risk, the assessor determines the
probability of it becoming a problem, along with its
cost or schedule impact
✦ Also determines the early-warning signs
The risk management
✦ Risk identification
• Identify project, product and business risks;
✦ Risk analysis
• Assess the likelihood and consequences of these risks;
✦ Risk planning
• Draw up plans to avoid or minimize the effects of the risk;
✦ Risk monitoring
• Monitor the risks throughout the project;
The risk management

Risk Risk Risk Risk

identification analysis planning monitoring

Risk avoidance
List of potential Prioritized risk Risk
and contingency
risks list assessment
The risk management
We will focus only on these two activities of risk management

Risk Risk Risk Risk

identification analysis planning monitoring

Risk avoidance
List of potential Prioritized risk Risk
and contingency
risks list assessment
The risk management
In the feasibility study, you should come up with a prioritized list
of potential risks.

Risk Risk Risk Risk

identification analysis planning monitoring

Risk avoidance
List of potential Prioritized risk Risk
and contingency
risks list assessment
Risk identification
✦ Maybe a team activity or based on the individual
project manager’s experience.
✦ A checklist of common risks may be used to identify
risks in a project. They can be categorized into the
following risk types:
• Technology risks.
• People risks.
• Organizational risks.
• Tools risks.
• Requirements risks.
• Estimation risks.
Examples of different risk types
Risk type Possible risks

Technology The database used in the system cannot process as many transactions per
second as expected. (1)
Reusable software components contain defects that mean they cannot be
reused as planned. (2)
People It is impossible to recruit staff with the skills required. (3)
Key staff are ill and unavailable at critical times. (4)
Required training for staff is not available. (5)
Organizational The organization is restructured so that different management are
responsible for the project. (6)
Organizational financial problems force reductions in the project budget.
Tools The code generated by software code generation tools is inefficient. (8)
Software tools cannot work together in an integrated way. (9)

Requirements Changes to requirements that require major design rework are proposed.
Customers fail to understand the impact of requirements changes. (11)
Estimation The time required to develop the software is underestimated. (12)
The rate of defect repair is underestimated. (13)
The size of the software is underestimated. (14)

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