LSM Grade 4 English 1st Trim Exam SY 2010 - 2011

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Lourdes School of Mandaluyong

1st Trimester Exam Reviewer

Encircle the root word in each word.

1. precaution 6. professional
2. faithful 7. lover
3. unstable 8. excited
4. international 9. acting
5. stationary 10. substation

Pair a prefix with a root word. Then, write the newly formed word beside its correct
prefixes root words

dis- stable
un- build
mis- correct
re- judge
in- obedient

______________________________ 1. Not right.

______________________________ 2. To think of wrongly.
______________________________ 3. Not firm or steady.
______________________________ 4. To form again.
______________________________ 5. Not following his elders or leaders.

Complete the following phrases to make sentences.

1. singing in the rain


2. avoid cheating

3. late in submitting

4. love for others


5. the old man


English 4 1 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011 ©
Underline the complete subject once and the complete predicate twice.

1. Michael is the artist that will design the poster.

2. My uncle is a businessman in the province.
3. Jony used his computer in writing his speech.
4. A lot of festivals are celebrated in the Philippines.
5. The boy scouts raised the flag with pride.

Arrange the words in their proper order and rewrite the sentences using capitalization
and correct punctuation.

1. vanilla-flavored favorite my dessert is ice cream


2. something to do people busy always have


3. closed is restaurant for the evening the


4. gave the actors the crowd a round of applause


5. their project the students their own designed


Rewrite the following sentences using capitalization and correct punctuation. Then,
classify the following sentences as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or

________________ 1. there is some salt in the cup


________________ 2. how much food was wasted


________________ 3. this soup tastes great


________________ 4. set the table while the chicken is in the oven


________________ 5. i admire the talents of this artist


English 4 2 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011 ©
Fill in the first blank with a common noun. Then, give a proper noun for it and write it in
the second blank.

1. I enjoyed watching a ____________________ with my parents last night.

2. This is the hardest ____________________ for me. I find the lessons too hard.
3. Every Sunday, we hear mass in the ____________________.
4. I bought a bouquet of flowers for my ____________________.
5. We cannot drink ____________________ yet because we are still young.

Write C if the underlined noun is concrete and A if the noun is abstract.

_______1. Dogs are known for their loyalty.

_______2. How much love are you willing to give for your family?
_______3. I can’t use the computer on school nights.
_______4. Did you have a happy childhood?
_______5. Let me help you in finding those files.
_______6. Do you have a spare pencil?
_______7. Happiness is found at home.
_______8. This is my favorite book.
_______9. He’s never running out of energy!
_______10. Have no fear.

Rewrite the following phrases to show the possessive form of nouns.

______________________ 1. the bone of the dog

______________________ 2. the coat of bob
______________________ 3. car of Dad
______________________ 4. nursery of the baby
______________________ 5. horses of the kings
______________________ 6. performance of Chris
______________________ 7. food of the cat
______________________ 8. pony of the rider
______________________ 9. playground of children
______________________ 10. names of my sisters

English 4 3 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011 ©
Classify the following nouns as male, female, common, or neuter.

_____________ 1. Hospital _____________ 6. Hospital

_____________ 2. Babies _____________ 7. Babies
_____________ 3. Steward _____________ 8. Steward
_____________ 4. Queen _____________ 9. Queen
_____________ 5. Host _____________ 10. Host

Identify whether the underlined nouns are count or mass.

_____________ 1. I see the books on the shelf from here.

_____________ 2. May I have some milk, Mom?
_____________ 3. I love sprinkling grated cheese on my pasta.
_____________ 4. We are allowed to bring our backpacks.
_____________ 5. The more stuff the better.
_____________ 6. Marge brought her colored pens.
_____________ 7. The kitchen counter is made of steel.
_____________ 8. I saw her walk through the door.
_____________ 9. How I wish my hair was long.
_____________ 10. Are you wearing a watch?
Fill in the blanks with the correct letters to form the name of the part of the book that is
being described.

1. It is the list of the contents of a book. They are arranged from the first to the last
page. It also includes the page number/s where these contents are found.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. On this page we find the names of the writer or writers and the publisher. We
also find on this page the date and place of printing of the book.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. It shows the name of the book.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. This is a list of difficult words with their meanings that are used in the book. It is
usually found on the last pages of a book.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5. It includes all the contents of a book.
__ __ __ __
6. This is a short message from the writer. It tells what the book is all about.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
7. It contains the sources the author used to make the book.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
8. It is found at the end of the book. It tells what is inside the book in a detailed

English 4 4 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011 ©
__ __ __ __ __
9. It is the external part of the book. It is made of hard material to protect the
pages of the book from being crumpled.
__ __ __ __ __

English 4 5 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011 ©

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