Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
436 CHAPTER 13
Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Demand Curve Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Cost Curves
Skill: Recognition Skill: Analytical
25) One important difference between monopoly and 29) For a firm in monopolistic competition, the mar-
monopolistic competition is the ginal cost curve intersects the average total cost
A) slope of the demand curve that the firms faces. curve
B) point there are no barriers to entry in monopo- A) at the minimum average total cost.
listic competition. B) to the left of the minimum average total cost.
C) greater restriction of output in monopolistic C) to the right of the minimum average total cost.
competition. D) at no point.
D) point that the marginal revenue and demand Answer: A
curves are the same for a monopoly.
Answer: B Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Price
Skill: Analytical
Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Demand Curve 30) Firms in monopolistic competition always will
Skill: Conceptual A) earn an economic profit.
26) In monopolistic competition, each firm’s mar- B) set their price equal to their marginal cost.
ginal revenue curve lies ____ its demand curve C) set their price above their marginal cost.
because of ____. D) produce at the minimum average total cost.
A) below ; barriers to entry Answer: C
B) below; product differentiation
Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Price
C) above; barriers to entry
Skill: Conceptual
D) above; product differentiation
31) Firms in monopolistic competition have rivals
Answer: B
Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Demand Curve A) match their price increases.
Skill: Conceptual B) match their price decreases.
27) In monopolistic competition, each firm’s mar- C) agree on a common price.
ginal revenue curve has D) set their prices according to the demand curves
A) a slope equal to zero, and so does its demand they face.
curve. Answer: D
B) a slope equal to zero, but its demand curve has a
Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Short-Run Profit
negative slope.
C) a negative slope, but its demand curve has zero
Skill: Conceptual
slope. 32) In the short run, a monopolistically competitive
D) a negative slope, and so does its demand curve. firm chooses
Answer: D
A) both its price and its quantity.
Topic: Monopolistic Competition; Demand Curve B) its price but not its quantity.
Skill: Analytical C) its quantity but not its price.
28) A firm in monopolistic competition has some D) neither its price nor its quantity.
degree of price-setting power because Answer: A
A) in the long run it earns a normal profit.
B) it can never earn less than normal profit.
C) the price it charges is never more than its mar-
ginal cost.
D) it must lower its price in order to sell a greater
Answer: D
Topic: Monopolistic Competition, Economic Profit Topic: Monopolistic Competition, Long-Run Excess
Skill: Analytical Capacity
76) In the above figure of a monopolistically competi- Skill: Analytical
tive firm, the area of economic profit is 79) When the monopolistically competitive firm
A) ADB. shown in the above figure is at its long-run equi-
B) ABC. librium, it will be
A) producing the efficient scale of output and is at
C) P2AD P4.
point A on the ATC curve.
D) P2FEP5. B) producing more than the efficient scale of out-
Answer: D put and is at point C on the ATC curve.
C) producing at less than the efficient scale of out-
Topic: Monopolistic Competition, Long-Run put and is at a point such as F on the ATC
Economic Profit
Skill: Conceptual
D) producing the efficient scale of output and is at
77) The above figure shows a monopolistically com-
point B on the MC curve.
petitive firm. The figure
Answer: C
A) is only a short-run illustration, because the firm
is earning an economic profit.
B) could be either a short-run or long-run illustra- Product Development and
tion because monopolistically competitive firms Marketing
can earn an economic profit in the long-run.
Topic: Innovation and Product Development
C) is only a long-run illustration because the firm is Skill: Recognition
earning only a normal profit. 80) Under monopolistic competition, product im-
D) is neither a short- nor a long-run illustration. provement and development
Answer: A
A) is valued by the consumer as the increase in
Topic: Monopolistic Competition, Long-Run price that consumers are willing to pay.
Economic Profit B) yields a marginal benefit to the producer equal
Skill: Analytical to marginal revenue.
78) In the above figure, in the long run, this monopo- C) is less than its efficient amount.
listically competitive firm will D) All of the above answers are correct.
A) produce more output at a higher price, assuming Answer: D
no change in costs of production.
Topic: Innovation and Product Development
B) produce less output at a lower price, assuming
Skill: Conceptual
no change in costs of production.
81) “It is clear from the theory of monopolistic com-
C) produce the same quantity at the same price.
petition that product development is not pushed
D) Any of the above are possible.
to its efficient level.” This statement is
Answer: B
A) false because there is so much product differen-
tiation in monopolistic competition.
B) true because there really is little incentive to in-
novate in monopolistic competition.
C) false because there are so many wasteful innova-
tions in monopolistic competition that are
merely cosmetic.
D) true because price exceeds marginal revenue in
monopolistic competition.
Answer: D
Topic: Kinked Demand Curve Model Topic: Kinked Demand Curve Model
Skill: Conceptual Skill: Analytical
98) Which of the following is a basic assumption of 101) The kinked-demand curve model predicts that
the kinked demand curve oligopoly model? A) dominant firms in oligopolistic markets will fre-
A) If a firm raises its price, other firms will not raise quently change their prices.
their prices. B) small firms will look to larger firms for price
B) If a firm raises its price, other firms will raise leadership.
their prices. C) oligopolies often show no change in price al-
C) If a firm cuts its price, other firms will raise their though costs have changed.
prices. D) the law of demand doesn’t work for oligopolies.
D) A firm always produces at an output level where Answer: C
marginal revenue is increasing.
Answer: A
Topic: Kinked Demand Curve Model Topic: Kinked Demand Curve Model
Skill: Analytical Skill: Analytical
104) In the figure above, if the firm’s marginal cost 108) A problem with the kinked demand curve model
curve is MC0 then its economic profit of oligopoly is that
A) is 0. A) firms’ beliefs about the demand curve are not
B) is $150 per day. always correct and firms can figure out that
C) is $600 per day. these beliefs are not correct.
D) cannot be determined. B) it assumes that oligopolists can price discrimi-
Answer: D nate.
C) it implies that firms ignore the actions of each
Topic: Kinked Demand Curve Model other.
Skill: Analytical D) it assumes that the largest firm has a lower aver-
105) The figure above illustrates the kinked demand age cost than the other firms.
curve model of oligopoly. In this figure, if the Answer: A
firm’s marginal cost curve shifts from MC0 to
Topic: Dominant Firm Oligopoly Model
MC1, then the firm’s output level
Skill: Conceptual
A) will increase. 109) In the dominant firm model of oligopoly
B) will decrease. A) the demand curve facing the dominant firm is
C) will not change. the same as the demand curve of the entire mar-
D) could increase, decrease, or stay the same. ket.
Answer: C B) the demand curve facing the dominant firm
Topic: Kinked Demand Curve Model equals the demand curve of the entire market
Skill: Analytical minus the supply of the smaller firms.
106) The figure above illustrates the kinked demand C) the marginal revenue curve is kinked.
curve model of oligopoly. In this figure, if the D) the marginal revenue curve has a gap.
firm’s marginal cost curve shifts from MC0 to Answer: B
Topic: Dominant Firm Oligopoly Model Topic: Dominant Firm Oligopoly Model
Skill: Analytical Skill: Conceptual
111) The table above outlines the market demand and 115) In the dominant firm model of oligopoly, the
small firm supply in the situation of a dominant smaller firms act as if they were
firm oligopoly. If there are ten identical small A) perfect competitors.
firms, then when the price is $20 per case, the B) monopolistic competitors.
quantity demanded from the dominant firm at C) oligopolists.
this price is D) monopolists.
A) 40 cases. Answer: A
B) 500 cases.
Topic: Dominant Firm Oligopoly Model
C) 860 cases.
Skill: Conceptual
D) 900 cases.
116) In the dominant firm model of oligopoly, the
Answer: B
dominant firm produces the quantity at which its
Topic: Dominant Firm Oligopoly Model marginal revenue equals
Skill: Analytical A) the price of the product.
112) In the dominant firm model of oligopoly, the B) its marginal cost.
dominant firm charges C) its average total cost.
A) a lower price than the smaller firms. D) zero.
B) the same price as the smaller firms. Answer: B
C) a higher price than the smaller firms.
D) a price equal to its marginal revenue.
Answer: B
Oligopoly Games
Topic: Game Theory
Topic: Dominant Firm Oligopoly Model Skill: Conceptual
Skill: Analytical 117) Game theory proves most useful for analyzing
113) In the dominant firm model of oligopoly, the
A) perfect competition.
dominant firm
B) monopolistic competition.
A) has lower costs than the smaller firms. C) oligopoly.
B) has higher costs than the smaller firms. D) monopoly.
C) charges a lower price than the smaller firms. Answer: C
D) charges a higher price than the smaller firms.
Answer: A Topic: What Is A Game?
Skill: Conceptual
Topic: Dominant Firm Oligopoly Model 118) Game theory is distinctive in that its elements are
Skill: Conceptual
A) costs, prices, and profits.
114) In the dominant firm model of oligopoly, the
B) revenues, elasticity, and profits.
dominant firm faces a
C) rules, strategies, payoffs, and outcomes.
A) horizontal kinked demand curve. D) patents, copyrights, and barriers to entry.
B) horizontal non-kinked demand curve. Answer: C
C) kinked demand curve with negative slope.
D) non-kinked demand curve with negative slope.
Answer: D
452 CHAPTER 13
Firm 1 Firm A
Sell Give away R&D No R&D
Sell 1: $3 1: $4 R&D A: $25 A: –$3
Firm 2 2: $3 2: –$1 Firm B B: $15 B: $60
Give 1: –$1 1: $2 No A: $60 A: $50
away 2: $4 2: $2 R&D B: –$3 B: $35
Topic: Game Theory Topic: Game Theory
Skill: Analytical Skill: Conceptual
125) Two software firms have developed an identical 127) Firms A and B can conduct research and devel-
new software application. They are debating opment (R&D) or not conduct it. R&D is costly
whether to give the new application away free and but can increase the quality of the product and
then sell add-ons or sell the application at $30 a thus possibly increase sales. The payoff matrix is
copy. The payoff matrix is above and the payoffs the economic profits of the two firms and is given
are profits in millions of dollars. What is Firm 1’s above, where the numbers are millions of dollars.
best strategy? A’s best strategy is to
A) Give away the application regardless of what A) conduct R&D regardless of what B does.
Firm 2 does. B) not conduct R&D regardless of what B does.
B) Sell the application at $30 a copy regardless of C) conduct R&D only if B conducts R&D.
what Firm 2 does. D) conduct R&D only if B does not conduction
C) Give away the application only if Firm 2 sells R&D.
the application. Answer: A
D) Give away the application only if Firm 2 gives
Topic: Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium
away the application.
Skill: Conceptual
Answer: A
128) Firms A and B can conduct research and devel-
Topic: Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium opment (R&D) or not conduct it. R&D is costly
Skill: Analytical but can increase the quality of the product and
126) Two software firms have developed an identical thus possibly increase sales. The payoff matrix is
new software application. They are debating the economic profits of the two firms and is given
whether to give the new application away free and above, where the numbers are millions of dollars.
then sell add-ons or sell the application at $30 a The Nash equilibrium occurs when
copy. The payoff matrix is above and the payoffs A) both A and B conduct R&D.
are profits in millions of dollars. What is the Nash B) only A conducts R&D.
equilibrium of the game? C) only B conducts R&D.
A) Both Firm 1 and 2 will sell the software applica- D) neither A nor B conduct R&D.
tion at $30 a copy. Answer: A
B) Both Firm 1 and 2 will give the software appli-
cation away free.
C) Firm 1 will give the application away free and
Firm 2 will sell it at $30.
D) There is no Nash equilibrium to this game.
Answer: B
454 CHAPTER 13
Topic: Study Guide Question; Excess Capacity Topic: Study Guide Question, Colluding to
Skill: Conceptual Maximize Profits
163) A monopolistically competitive firm has excess Skill: Conceptual
capacity because in the 167) When a cartel maximizes its profit,
A) short run its MR exceeds its MC. A) each firm necessarily produces the same amount.
B) short run its ATC is less than its AVC. B) the industry level of output is efficient.
C) long run its ATC exceeds its minimum ATC. C) industry marginal revenue equals industry mar-
D) long run it earns an economic profit. ginal cost at the level of total output.
Answer: C D) total output is greater than it would be without
Topic: Study Guide Question, Monopolistic Answer: C
Competition, Long-Run Economic Profit
Skill: Conceptual Topic: Study Guide Question; Equilibrium of the
164) A monopolistically competitive firm is like a per- Duopolists’ Dilemma
fectly competitive firm insofar as both Skill: Conceptual
A) have negatively sloping demand curves. 168) In an oligopoly with a collusive agreement, the
B) can earn no economic profit in the long run. total industry profits will be smallest when
C) have horizontal MR curves. A) all firms comply with the agreement.
D) are protected by high barriers to entry. B) one firm cheats on the agreement and the other
Answer: B firms do not cheat.
C) all firms cheat on the agreement.
Topic: Study Guide Question; Oligopoly D) the firms act as a monopoly.
Skill: Conceptual Answer: C
165) Which of the following is characteristic of oligop-
oly, but NOT of monopolistic competition? Topic: Study Guide Question; Games and Price
A) The choices made by one firm have a significant Wars
effect on other firms. Skill: Conceptual
B) Each firm faces a downward-sloping demand 169) Price wars can be the result of
curve. A) a cooperative equilibrium.
C) Firms are profit-maximizers. B) a firm playing a tit-for-tat strategy in which last
D) There is more than one firm in the industry. period the competitors complied with a collusive
Answer: A agreement.
C) new firms entering the industry and immedi-
Topic: Study Guide Question; Oligopoly ately agreeing to abide by a collusive agreement.
Skill: Conceptual D) new firms entering the industry and all firms
166) A monopolistically competitive firm is like an then finding themselves in a prisoners’ dilemma.
oligopolistic firm insofar as Answer: D
A) both face perfectly elastic demand.
B) both can earn an economic profit in the long Topic: Study Guide Question, Contestable Markets
run. Skill: Conceptual
C) both have MR curves that lie beneath their de- 170) In a contestable market,
mand curves. A) the HHI is usually quite low.
D) neither is protected by high barriers to entry. B) the firm in the market usually earns a large eco-
Answer: C nomic profit.
C) the firm in the market may play an entry-
deterrence game.
D) there are high barriers to entry.
Answer: C
460 CHAPTER 13
Topic: Oligopoly
Level 1: Definitions and Concepts
175) A market structure in which a small number of
firms compete is called ____.
A) a monopoly
B) a small-number market
C) an oligopoly
D) monopolistic competition
Answer: C