A Framework and Model For Parking Decisions

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1 A Framework and Model for Parking Decisions

3 Ofir Hilvert

4 Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

5 Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel

6 Tel: (972) 4 829-2460 Fax: (972) 4 829-5708 Email: ofirhilvert@gmail.com

8 Tomer Toledo

9 Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

10 Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel

11 Tel: (972) 4 829-3080 Fax: (972) 4 829-5708 Email: toledo@technion.ac.il


13 Shlomo Bekhor

14 Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

15 Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel

16 Tel: (972) 4 829-2460 Fax: (972) 4 829-5708 Email: sbekhor@technion.ac.il





21 Submitted for presentation and publication in the Annual Meeting of the

22 Transportation Research Board

23 Word count: 5,724 words + 250 * 7 (figures and tables) = 7,474



2 Parking choice search and availability is one of the most challenging symptoms resulting
3 from the global urbanization and motorization growth. This paper presents an overall parking
4 choice and search behavior framework, composed of three time-space phases: pre-trip static
5 decision, en-route passive search, and in-area search strategy adaptation. The empirical part of
6 the paper focuses on the first phase, and develops a parking choice model based on pooled
7 stated and revealed preference data sources. A special web-based survey was designed to
8 model the choice of parking type (on-street vs. off-street parking). The model estimation
9 results show that the parking location choice is affected by the parking cost, search time and
10 walking time to the destination, the facility type (on or off-street) and characteristics of the
11 decision-maker with significant trade-offs among these factors. The parking model was
12 applied to a case study to illustrate its capabilities in evaluating various policy measures.
13 Specifically, the effect of a change in the demand for on- and off-street parking with respect
14 to the parking pricing policy and the value of searching time for various parking durations
15 were evaluated.


17 Keywords: parking behavior, discrete choice; parking search; on-street parking; off-street
18 parking;



2 Finding a parking spot in urban centers is increasingly a difficult task as drivers spend
3 substantial time cruising for a vacant space. Shoup (1) reviewed several studies that
4 on average estimated that vehicles cruising for parking amount to 30% of the total
5 traffic in these areas. The slow moving vehicles searching for a vacant parking space
6 affect other vehicles and can add to the congestion already prevalent in many urban
7 centers. Parking search also contributes to increased pollution and higher fuel
8 consumption. It may also lead to an increased risk of car crashes. This problem is
9 likely to worsen with the continued growth in urbanization and motorization.
11 The significant disutility associated with parking search makes it a useful tool for
12 urban transportation planners and managers (2). A wide range of technology-based
13 and policy tools that address parking are used in order to control and manage both
14 transportation demand (3) and supply (4). Parking-related measures include setting the
15 number of available parking spots and their spatial distribution, setting parking prices,
16 limiting parking durations, and development of free park and ride facilities around the
17 city center. The implementation of these measures affects not only traveler's mode
18 choice (5), but also other travel decisions, such as destination, time of day, and may
19 even lead to change or cancelation of various activities (4). A successful design and
20 implementation of such policies depends on the ability to understand and to predict
21 their implications on travelers' behavior. Therefore, a wide range of studies have
22 focused on the identification of the role of various parking attributes affecting drivers’
23 choices. One of the methods that have been used in this context is the application of
24 individual-level disaggregate travel-behavior models. The development of such
25 models commonly includes administration of surveys in order to collect data
26 regarding individuals' travel preferences. The collected data is then used to identify
27 the influencing variables that will be incorporated in the model. Parking choice
28 models and parking attributes may also be used as components in broader
29 transportation models. For example, activity-based models include various sub-
30 models that may take into account the outcome of the parking model.
32 Different parking choice models have been proposed in the literature. They can be
33 classified with respect to the modeling approach, decision type, number of decisions

1 that are modeled, and the data collection method (i.e., stated preference versus
2 revealed preferences). The majority of the parking models address travel mode choice
3 and parking characteristics (6-8) rather than choice between parking alternatives. In
4 addition, most of the previous work considered parking choice as a standalone
5 decision rather than a component in a broader behavioral framework. The following
6 paragraphs summarize selected parking type choice models studied.
8 Van der Goot (9) estimated a multinomial logit (MNL) model for the choice among
9 22 parking alternatives that included illegal parking, off-street multi-storey parking,
10 on street parking lot and off-street parking lot. The dataset was based on a revealed
11 preference (RP) survey among drivers in the center of Haarlem, The Netherlands. The
12 results showed the importance of walking time from parking stall to the destination,
13 and inherent preference to off-street parking.
15 Axhausen et al. (10) estimated an MNL model for the choice among three parking
16 types: illegal parking, on-street parking and off-street parking. The alternatives were
17 described by their access time, search time, egress time and parking cost. The dataset
18 for the model estimation consisted of a sample of 466 participants in a stated
19 preference (SP) survey in Karlsruhe, Germany. The study emphasized the importance
20 of distinguishing between different groups of individuals when setting a parking
21 policy.
23 Tekmono and Hokao (6) estimated an MNL model for the choice between on-street
24 parking, off-street parking lot, and off-street multi-storey parking facility. The model
25 was estimated based on an RP survey among 528 drivers parking in the center of
26 Surabaya, Indonesia. According to the model results, the choice among parking types
27 was related to parking search and queue time, walking time, and parking cost.
29 Golias et al. (11) estimated a binary logit model for the choice between on-street and
30 off-street parking. The model was estimated based on 3,451 observations from 317
31 drivers, who participated in an SP survey that was administered in the center of
32 Piraeus, Greece. A basic, though expected, finding of this research is that parking
33 cost has the most important impact on the choice of parking alternatives; as cheaper
34 the parking alternative is, the more attractive it becomes.

2 Hess and Polak (8) estimated a random coefficients logit model for the choice among
3 five parking types: free on-street, charged on-street, charged off-street, multi-storey
4 parking facility and illegal parking. The model was based on 1,335 observations from
5 a sample of 298 respondents in a SP survey conducted during 1989 in Birmingham,
6 Sutton, Coldfield and Coventry, UK. The model estimation results revealed
7 differences in the coefficients of the explanatory variables by location and trip
8 purpose and established the existence of random taste heterogeneity.
10 The aim of this paper is twofold: to develop a general framework for a parking
11 behavioral model that describes the entire parking choice and search process. The
12 second aim is to develop a model for the pre-trip parking location choice component
13 of the proposed framework. This model is formulated and estimated using a
14 combination of stated and revealed preference data.

17 The proposed parking behavior framework is presented in Figure 1. It consists of

18 several decisions that the driver makes in choosing and searching for parking. These
19 decisions are linked to spatial and temporal characteristics. More precisely, it is
20 assumed that there are three distinct travel related phases in the parking search
21 process:
23 Pre-Trip – The first phase includes driver's parking decisions and considerations that
24 are made prior to the actual trip. The pre-trip decisions establish the initial intentions
25 the driver has. These include choice of the parking type, parking facility or on-street
26 search area and route choice.
28 En-route – This phase occurs when the driver is on its way to the destination using the
29 route chosen pre-trip. As the driver approaches the destination, he passes a search
30 awareness point (12). This point, which may be defined by a walking distance to the
31 destination, is where the search for parking begins. From this point on, the driver
32 passively searches for parking until reaching the search area or the parking facility
33 chosen pre-trip. The passive search is a general scan of the streets the driver passes

1 through as he continues on his route towards the destination. In this scan, if the driver
2 identifies an available parking space, he will evaluate it against the alternative to give
3 it up and continue towards the destination.
5 In Search Area - The third phase is initiated as the driver enters the search area. The
6 search area is defined as the area in which the driver reduces the travel speed while
7 scanning for a vacant space near the destination. If a parking space is not found, the
8 driver chooses one of several possible parking strategies. Relevant strategies include
9 parking illegally, driving to another parking facility or an alternative search area,
10 continuing to search for parking in the same area and thus choosing the next segment
11 on the search route, or waiting at the parking lot entrance or in the street for a parking
12 space to vacate. The decision on parking strategy is dynamically made and could be
13 revised by the driver during the search.

16 Figure 1. The conceptual framework for parking decisions

1 The various decisions that the drivers make depend on their own characteristics and
2 on the attributes of the trip and the intended activity, such as the trip purpose and
3 activity duration. Values for these variables may be input from an activity-based or
4 traditional demand models.
6 The remainder of this paper focuses on the pre-trip phase of the parking behavior
7 framework (i.e., choice of parking type and facility or search area), which functions as
8 the basis to dynamic parking behavior en-route and in the search area.

11 A successful design and implementation of parking policies depends on the ability to

12 predict their implications on travelers' behavior. For this purpose, an individual-level
13 disaggregate parking behavior model was developed. The model development
14 commonly involves administration of surveys in order to collect data regarding
15 individuals' preferences.
17 The data collection in this study focused on parking in the Central Area of Tel-Aviv,
18 Israel, which has severe parking problems for both residents and visitors. The Tel-
19 Aviv metropolitan area has a population of 3.2 Million, with 0.4 Million in the city
20 itself. It is the country's major economic center, especially in the business and finance
21 sectors. The average household income in the city is 14% higher than the national
22 average. The city center suffers an acute shortage of parking, with search time
23 estimated at 20-25 minutes (13).
25 Given the advantages and disadvantages of stated and RP data (14), it was decided to
26 estimate a model based on combined preference data. The combined approach allows
27 to improve the efficiency of the estimation and to maintain higher validity of the
28 results. The SP data is collected through a controlled experiment design. It is therefore
29 feasible to collect a larger dataset with varying attribute levels that support estimation
30 of trade-offs. At the same time the use of the RP data ensures that a high level of
31 validity of the estimation results will be maintained.

1 Previous studies on parking behavior used mainly face-to-face interviews at the
2 primary survey instrument, mainly because of the need to recall a specific part of the
3 trip related to parking. In this study, data was collected using a web-based survey,
4 which examined the parking habits and preferences of respondents. Web-based
5 questionnaires are an efficient tool to collect preference information at a low cost.
6 Data provided in internet surveys are at least as good in quality as those provided by
7 traditional methods (15).
9 In the RP part the respondents were first asked about their most frequent trip as
10 drivers. The next questions referred to that trip and its parking characteristics such as
11 trip origin, destination and purpose, parking search time, walking time to the
12 destination, parking costs, parking duration and trip frequency. The respondents were
13 also asked about alternative parking options they considered. If the most frequent trip
14 did not involve parking search (e.g. when drivers have a designated parking space),
15 the respondents were asked to report the most recent trip (within a month) in which
16 they needed to search for parking. For respondents that reported that they did not
17 search for parking, the RP part was skipped, and the respondent was presented with
18 the SP part only.
20 The SP experiment included nine hypothetical choice situations with three parking
21 alternatives for each respondent. The alternatives were composed of bundles of five
22 parking attributes: parking duration, type (on-street or off-street), price, search time in
23 case of on-street parking or waiting time in front of the entrance in case of off-street
24 facility, and walk time to the destination. The number of attribute levels was set to
25 three for each attribute, except parking type which has two levels.
27 The attribute levels used in the experiment were selected to allow a tradeoff between
28 using values which make sense to the respondents and are close to their own
29 experience (14), and taking into account the statistical preference for a wide range.
30 For example, the average hourly parking price for on-street parking in Tel Aviv is 5.3
31 New Israeli Shekels (NIS, approximately $1.5), and the average off-street hourly price
32 is 12 NIS (≈$3.4). These values were used as mid-points of their respective attribute levels.
33 The midpoint values for the time variables in the survey were chosen in a similar way
34 based on mid-values found in a pilot and in previous studies in the Tel Aviv Area. Table 1

1 shows the various attributes and their possible values in the experiment. Figure 2
2 shows an example choice scenario.
4 Table 1. Attributes and their levels in the choice experiment
Attribute Levels
on-street off-street
Price per hour (NIS) 0 8
3.5 NIS ≈ $1 5 12
10 16
Searching time, on-street 0 --
(minutes) 10 --
20 --
Waiting time, off-street -- 0
(minutes) -- 5
-- 10
Walking time (minutes) 0 0
10 10
15 15
Parking duration (hours) 1 1
3 3
5 5

The planned parking duration is 1 hour. Which alternative will you choose?

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

Parking type On-street Off-street Off-street
(5 NIS/hr) (16 NIS/hr) (8 NIS/hr)
Overall parking price (NIS) 5 16 8
On-street Parking search time (min.) 10
Off-street parking entry queue time (min.) 0 10
Walking time to destination (min.) 15 0 10
8 Figure 2. Example scenario in the stated preference questionnaire
10 The choice scenarios were constructed from a 34 2 full factorial design resulting in
11 162 alternatives. In order to reduce the number of choice combinations, an orthogonal
12 fractional factorial design was applied resulting in 27 alternatives was used (16). In
13 addition, the efficient design approach (17) was adopted to generate the combinations
14 of three alternatives in each choice set and rule out dominant choice situations. The 27
15 choice sets in the final design were too many for respondents to evaluate. Therefore,
16 they were blocked into three balanced sets of nine choice sets. Respondents were
17 randomly assigned to blocks and then presented with the nine SP choice sets within

1 this block. This number is reasonable and consistent with recommendations in the SP
2 experiments literature (18). The order of the questions within a block was randomized
3 for every respondent.
5 The last part of the survey solicited demographic and socioeconomic information
6 regarding age, marital status, household size, number of children, auto ownership,
7 number of weekly driving hours, and income.
9 The survey was conducted during the months of July and August 2010. It was
10 advertised via an e-mail message containing a web link directing to the questionnaire.
11 In addition, 500 colored postcard-size leaflets were distributed among residents of the
12 center of Tel Aviv. To encourage response to the survey, respondents were entered to
13 a draw of 20 electronic parking payment devices (worth about $40 each). The
14 resulting sample consisted of observations from 165 respondents that completed the
15 SP part, of which included 112 respondents also completed the RP part. The
16 combined dataset included a total of 1597 observations.


19 Following random utility theory, the utility of an alternative is specified by:

20 (1)
22 Where, is the utility of alternative to individual ; is a vector of attributes;
23 are the corresponding parameters; are random error terms.
25 The preference data consisted of up to ten observations for each respondent (one RP
26 and nine SP). Therefore, the the MNL assumption that the error terms are
27 independently and identically distributed (IID), which implies no correlation between
28 observations and alternatives is not realistic. Instead, it can be assumed that the error
29 component of the utility are independent across respondents but not within the choice
30 situations for the same individual (19). Neglecting these correlations may cause
31 serious estimation errors (20). In order to capture a variety of heterogeneity sources
32 among individuals, a more flexible mixed logit error structure model was adopted.
33 The error term is decomposed into two parts which are mutually independent: an
1 individual specific error term, which is independent across respondents, but does not
2 vary across the observations of the same individual; and a generic error term, which is
3 independent across both individuals and choice scenarios. The resulting utility
4 formulation is given by:
5 (2)
7 Where the error term is an IID Gumbel random variable. is the individual
8 specific random term. The individual effect is assumed to be normally distributed.
9 The resulting choice probabilities, conditional are given by:
( )
10 ( | (3)
( )

12 Where, is the choice set considered by individual . is a choice indicator (equal
13 to 1 if alternative is chosen, and 0 otherwise). is a scale parameter.
15 The motivation for combined RP-SP model estimation is the potential to gain in the
16 accuracy of parameter estimates and in avoiding biases inherent in SP responses. The
17 combined estimation consists of maximizing the joint likelihood function. The RP and
18 SP formulations for an individual n can be stated as follows:
( )
19 ( )| ( )

( )
20 ( | (5)
( )

22 Where, , and are vectors of unknown coefficients. , and are vectors of
23 explanatory variables that are common to the RP and SP data, and specific to RP and
24 to SP, respectively. and are the scale parameters of the error terms for the SP
25 and RP data, respectively.
27 The probability, conditional on the individual specific term, that an individual
28 makes the sequence of nine SP choices and a single RP observation is the product of
29 the individual probabilities:
30 ( | ∏ ( | ( | (6)

2 Where, is the vector of choices made by individual .
4 The unconditional probability of the sequence of choices is given by:
5 ( ∫ ( | ( (7)
7 Where, ( .
9 Finally, the log-likelihood function is given by:
10 ∑ ( (8)

13 Sample Characteristics

14 In the RP data, 40% of the respondents reported on their frequent trip, 53% referred to
15 the last trip and only 7% indicated that they did not search for parking at all during the
16 last month (and so, did not provide an RP observation). 48% of the reported trips were
17 for work/education purpose. 52% of the respondents were students and 44% were
18 employed. Thus, students are over-represented in the sample. There may be several
19 reasons for that. First, young adults, and students in particular, constitute a large
20 proportion of the population in the Tel-Aviv city center with 33% of the adults being
21 29 years old or younger (13). Second, drivers with employer parking or other
22 designated parking that do not need to search for parking were not included in the
23 sample. Designated parking is often available to employees in the area, but not to
24 other travelers. Finally, the use of a web-based survey may have resulted in over-
25 representation of technologically-affluent populations. The potential bias introduced
26 by the over-representation of students in the sample is handled by introducing
27 interaction variables of the student status with various parking attributes in the model.
28 In the reported trips, 53% of the drivers drove alone, 30% traveled with a single
29 passenger and 17% had two or more passengers. 72% of the respondents indicated
30 that they use the car as their main transportation mode, 15% use public transportation,
31 4% use motorcycle or bicycle and 3% walk. Most of the respondents drive their car
32 more than 2 hours a week (79%). The high share of respondents who indicated car as

1 their main transportation mode, in addition to the data of the car usage was important
2 confirmation of the intended target population. In terms of parking types, 60% of the
3 respondents reported parking on-street, 27% parked off-street and 13% had reserved
4 parking. The average parking duration was 3:22 hours. The average parking price was
5 5 NIS (~$1.4). 83% of the respondents paid up to 10 NIS (~$2.8). 44% of the
6 respondents spent less than 5 minutes searching for parking, 34% spent between 5 and
7 10 minutes searching for parking, and the remaining 22% searched for more than 10
8 minutes. In off-street parking, the average waiting time in front of the parking facility
9 was 1:38 minutes. 68% of the respondents walked for less than 5 minutes from the
10 parking space to their destination, 26% walked between 5 and 10 minutes and the
11 remaining 6% walked more than 10 minutes.
13 Finally, 58% of the respondents indicated that the decision about parking type was
14 made after arriving at the destination area and 63% decided about the parking location
15 at the destination area. 30% and 16% made the decision type and location decisions,
16 respectively, pre-trip. 12% and 21% made these decisions en-route, respectively.
18 Model estimation

19 Three models were estimated for the parking choice: (1) an MNL model using the RP
20 data, (2) a panel model using the SP data, and (3) a joint RP-SP panel model using all
21 available data. Table 2 presents the estimation results for the three models and the
22 definitions of the variables included in them.

1 Table 2. Model Estimation results
Variable Description (1) (2) (3)
RP model SP model RP-SP model
estimates estimates estimates
(t-stats) (t-stat) (t-stat)

InVehTime Waiting time + Search time (minutes) -0.0836 -0.0868 -0.0880

(-2.20) (-10.61) (-10.80)
PricePerHr Overall parking price / Parking duration -0.0707 -0.121 -0.122
(NIS) (-1.12) (-7.18) (-7.33)
PriceSqr Squared overall parking price (NIS ) -0.000397 -0.0011 -0.00111
(-0.83) (-12.88) (-12.96)
PriceAlone Price per hr. Drive alone Dummy -0.131 -- -0.168
(-1.59) (-1.02)
RP-Type Dummy for off-street parking type (RP) -1.31 -- -1.42
(-2.51) (-2.29)
SP-Type Dummy for off-street parking type (SP) -- 0.745 0.643
(3.18) (2.85)
SP-RP RP on-street parking type dummy SP -- -0.488 -0.345
Choice off-street parking type dummy (-1.90) (-1.33)
Walk Walking time to the destination -0.144 -0.0913 -0.0970
(minutes) (-2.35) (-5.09) (-5.53)
No-Walk Dummy for a short walking time (≤ 1 -0.568 0.451 0.390
minute). (-0.42) (2.19) (1.93)
TypeOld Interaction: old age (50 <) parking 1.31 -0.0263 --
type dummy (2.03) (-0.08)
Student - Interaction: student dummy overall -0.0270 -0.0154 -0.0156
Price parking price (-0.94) (-2.38) (-2.42)
SIGMA STD (σ) value for the normal -- 1.16 -1.15
distributed error term( ( )) (9.04) (-9.00)
MU SP-RP scale parameter (μ) -- -- 0.556 (2.63)
Number of observations 112 1485 1597
Number of cases 112 165 204
Number of parameters 9 10 12
L(0) -77.632 -1631.439 -1709.072
L(β) -56.001 -1281.379 -1342.004
McFadden ̅ 0.163 0.208 0.208

1 Model 1 – RP model: The model includes attributes of the various alternatives and
2 socio-demographic interaction variables. Consistent with previous parking and modal
3 choice studies and with economic theory, the coefficients of the hourly price
4 (PricePerHr) and the price squared (PriceSqr) variables are both negative. However,
5 relatively low value of the PriceSqr coefficient may suggest that drivers mainly
6 consider the hourly parking price and give less attention to the total price. The
7 coefficients of the In-Vehicle and Walk time variables are both significant and
8 negative, as expected. No-Walk is a dummy variable for parking alternatives that
9 involve little or no walking at all (under 1 minute). The coefficient of this variable is
10 insignificant, and contrary to expectations, negative. This may be explained by the
11 small number of RP observations with short walking times. Interestingly, the
12 coefficient of the off-street Type dummy variable is significantly negative, meaning
13 that drivers prefer on-street parking, ceteris paribus. For drivers over 50 years old, this
14 effect is offset by the positive coefficient of the interaction variable TypeOld.
15 StudentPrice and PriceAlone represent additional price sensitivities concerning
16 students and drivers traveling alone.
18 Model 2 – SP model: The additional parameter SIGMA is the standard deviation of
19 the normally distributed individual-specific error term . It should be noted that,
20 unlike the RP model, in this model, all parameters are statistically significant, and
21 have the expected sign, with the exception of the coefficient of the TypeOld variable.
22 While most parameter estimates align well with those obtained in the RP model, this
23 is not the case for coefficient of the off-street type dummy variable. This parameter is
24 now positive and significant. The variable SP-RPChoice aims to capture any
25 justification biases. It refers to the parking type preference of drivers that reported
26 parking on-street in the RP survey. The significant negative coefficient of this
27 parameter indicates a consistent off-street type aversion by these respondents. The
28 parameter of the No-Walk dummy variable is now significant and positive, which
29 implies that drivers prefer parking alternatives that do not involve walking. Another
30 interesting result is the additional price sensitivity of student, which is captured by the
31 coefficient of the StudentPrice interaction variable. The student status may serve here
32 as a proxy for low income.

1 Model 3 – joint RP-SP model: The signs of the coefficients of the off-street Type
2 variables (RP-Type and SP-Type) in models 1 and 2 were opposite. For this reason, in
3 the joint model, the Type parameter was separately estimated for the two data sources.
4 In this way the SP and RP data are pooled by allowing difference between data
5 sources in the Type parameter. The coefficients of the No-Walk and typeOld variables
6 were also opposite in the two models. However, the No-Walk parameter was not
7 significant in the RP data was low, and so its parameter was estimated jointly for the
8 two data sets. The resulting parameter value is positive and significant. The typeOld
9 interaction parameter was not significant in the model and therefore omitted from the
10 final model. The parameter of the SP-RPChoice variable in the SP utility specification
11 was kept in the model despite its relatively low t-stat (-1.33) due to its importance in
12 capturing justification bias. The relative scale parameter MU equals 0.556. This
13 implies that the variance of the utilities is substantially smaller in the SP data
14 compared to the RP. The likelihood ratio test statistic for testing the joint RP-SP
15 model against the two separate models is given by: -2(-1342.004 – (-1281.379 + (-
16 56.001))] = 9.3 with seven degrees of freedom. Hence, the pooled model cannot be
17 rejected at 0.05 level of significance based on test statistic value which is lower than
18 the critical value
20 The ratio between out-of-vehicle (walk) time and in-vehicle (search or wait) time in
21 the pooled model equals to 1.1. This ratio is higher than the values reported in (8) and
22 (10), which are in the range of 0.8 to 1. However, it is much lower than values of time
23 commonly found in the transportation literature, which are in the range between 1.5
24 and 2.5 (21),. The difference may be explained by the fact that drivers are more time
25 sensitive with respect to the parking search than to other parts of the trip. The parking
26 search is carried out in proximity to the destination, and may be perceived as a distinct
27 task and not part of the trip itself. The dummy variable No-Walk represents very short
28 walking times from the parking space to the destination (under one minute). The
29 positive sign of its coefficient suggests that drivers have additional preference towards
30 parking alternatives with no walking time to destination.
32 Two parking type coefficients were estimated in the model for the two data sources:
33 RP-Type and SP-Type. The estimation results revealed and opposite signs for the two

1 parameters. Both are statistically significant. The difference in the estimates may be
2 explained by the fact that respondents acted differently with respect to parking type
3 attribute in the RP and SP parts of the survey. Off-street parking is generally more
4 expansive, but involves less in-vehicle time compared to on-street parking. Thus, in
5 the hypothetical SP scenarios in which no actual costs were incurred and no time was
6 spent, respondents preferred the off-street alternatives. In contrast, the RP data, which
7 represents respondents' actual behaviors, demonstrated a preference towards on-street
8 parking alternatives. This result is similar to that found in (6), which also found
9 preference to on-street parking. In contrast, in (8) drivers tended to prefer off-street
10 parking.
12 Since the majority of the respondents were students, with relatively homogeneous
13 characteristics, the effect of the socio-demographic variables was not expected to be
14 significant. The only socio-demographic variable which was included in the final
15 model is studentPrice. The variable captures the additional sensitivity of students to
16 the overall parking price. Its coefficient is negative, which implies that students are
17 more sensitive to parking price compared to other respondents.


20 The estimated model was applied to a common parking choice scenario in order to
21 investigate the potential sensitivities of parking choice in response to various changes
22 in the parking attributes. Table 3 presents the parking scenario which was developed
23 based on the RP survey data. The values of the parking attributes in the scenario were
24 set according to their average values in the RP survey data.
26 The off-street share calculated based on the baseline scenario attributes values is 20%,
27 while the on-street share is 80%. In order to investigate the effects of possible parking
28 policies, changes were made in the attributes values of the baseline scenario. Each
29 policy measure was represented as a change of a specific attribute (i.e., shift from the
30 value that was set in the baseline scenario) while all other attributes values remain
31 constant.

1 Table 3. Model application for a parking scenario
Attribute of parking Parking A Parking B
Type Off-Street On-Street
Hourly Price (NIS), $1=3.5NIS 10 4
Duration (hours) 3 3
Walking time to destination 2 5
In-vehicle time (min) 2 10
Parking Utility -3.379 -2.01284
Parking Share 20% 80%
3 Changes in parking pricing
4 Figure 3 shows the on-street and off-street parking shares as a function of the on-
5 street hourly price.

Parking share


40% P(off-street)

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21
On-Street Price (NIS/hr.)

7 Figure 3. On-street and off-street shares as a function of the on-street parking
8 price
10 The average on-street urban parking price in Israel is around 4.5 NIS/hr (22). When
11 this price level is applied to the on-street parking alternative in the scenario, the
12 results indicate that the majority of the drivers (78%) prefer the on-street option. At
13 this price, drivers will be willing to spend more in-vehicle time (10 min) and a longer
14 walk to the destination (5 min) compared to the higher priced off-street alternative
15 (off-street share of 22%).

2 Value of in-vehicle time

3 The value of parking search (in-vehicle) time can be estimated as (23):

5 (9)

7 The value of search time was calculated based on the baseline scenario (parking price
8 of 4 NIS/hr for 3 hours parking duration) and the model estimates. The resulting value
9 equals to 18 NIS/hr for driving alone and 26.4 NIS/hr for driving with passengers.
10 Figure 4 illustrates the monetary value of the search time as a function of the parking
11 duration with respect to the on-street alternative in the baseline scenario. These values
12 are somewhat lower than the average wage rate per hour in Israel, which is about 37
13 NIS/hr.

Value of 1 hr.

15.00 VOT-Alone
1 1.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
On-street Parking Duration (hr.)

16 Figure 4. Value of search time vs. parking duration time
18 As Figure 4 shows, the value of search time decreases as the duration of the intended
19 parking becomes longer. This result may indicate that the time drivers spend during
20 the parking search becomes less distressing as parking duration becomes longer. In
21 other words, drivers are willing to spend more time searching for parking if the

1 duration of the activity is long. Another interesting result is that when drivers are
2 alone their value of search time is lower compared to when driving with passengers.
3 This result is reasonable since when driving alone the driver spends only his own
4 time, whereas, when passengers are in the vehicle the time spent in searching is more
5 valuable since the passengers also incur the time lost.

8 In this paper, a framework for the complete parking search process was conceptually
9 specified. This framework provides important insights on parking related decisions
10 that are made prior to the trip. Analysis of the survey results regarding parking
11 decisions timing suggests that the majority of drivers make the final parking decision
12 dynamically in proximity to the destination, thus supporting the proposed approach.
13 Further research and exploration of the framework phases may provide an additional
14 insight to the choice process and the relations between the different sub-decisions
15 composing the search.
17 A model was specified and estimated for the pre-trip portion of this framework. The
18 model estimation uses both RP and SP data. The joint RP-SP estimation process and
19 the integration of heterogeneity component improved the results compared to
20 estimation of two separate models.
22 The estimation results revealed interesting drivers' parking behavior patterns. As
23 expected, the most dominant factor in parking related decisions is the price. The
24 results suggest that drivers consider parking price factor in two manners: as an overall
25 cost for the entire parking duration and as price paid per hour of parking. The in-
26 vehicle time and walking time to the destination are also important variables. Their
27 coefficients were almost identical, suggesting that in contrast to other transportation
28 decisions, when in-vehicle time is dedicated to parking search, it is valued almost as
29 highly as walking time. Another interesting result is the effect of passengers on
30 drivers' value of time (searching or walking). The parking value of time is lower for
31 drivers that drove alone compared to that of drivers that were travelling with
32 passengers. Additional factors affecting parking choices are the parking type (on-
33 street or off-street) and parking duration and student status.

2 The presented case study demonstrated the ability of the model to evaluate the effect
3 on parking decisions of various parking policies and measures, such as changes in the
4 parking pricing, and availability (that would affect search times), allowed parking
5 durations, incentives and penalties on provision on employer provision of parking
6 facilities and so on. In standalone, the parking model captures only the direct effects
7 on parking choice. A more complete evaluation would involve embedding the parking
8 choice model within wider urban transportation planning frameworks that would also
9 capture the effects of parking attributes on activity locations and timing decisions and
10 mode choices.
12 Furthermore, the estimation results presented in this paper address only the pre-trip
13 parking choice model. The proposed parking behavior framework is more
14 comprehensive and also addresses decisions made en-route and in the search phase
15 close to the destination. Follow-up research attempts to address these aspects of
16 parking behavior, and in particular the choice dynamics that stem from the view of
17 parking behavior as a series of interrelated sub-decisions (e.g., search strategy
18 adaptation, alternative evaluation, and route choice) made dynamically. This offers
19 significant challenges in useful formulation of the models, developing data collection
20 technologies and instruments and the subsequent estimation of the behavior models.

23 We thank the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF grant 908/08) for financial support of
24 this study, and also thank five anonymous referees for their constructive comments.

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